What's The Best 'Help Desk' Software?

by GlenH
14 replies
I've got a number of software products, at the moment, and the product list is growing.

To help manage clients questions, I'm wanting to set up a dedicated 'Help Desk'.

My idea is the the 'Help Desk' will be set up on it's own domain ( eg www.mysoftwarehelpdesk.com) and not as a sub-domain off of one the software app. sites

I'm looking to 'buy' the software, not get involved with some monthly subscription 'Help Desk' app.

If any one is using 'Help Desk' software, I'd appreciate your thoughts on what you think is the best.

#desk #software
  • Profile picture of the author m4rx
    I always see Cerberus Help Desk, and it has always worded well for me.

    We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a HABIT. ~Aristotle
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  • Profile picture of the author jazbo
    My advice - use HESK - its totally free and just as powerful as any other helpdesk for a one-admin solution.
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  • Profile picture of the author m4rx
    Hmm... Never heard of Hesk, I must try this :]

    We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a HABIT. ~Aristotle
    Bored. Learn everything you need to know about Organic Gardening.
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  • Profile picture of the author Sumaryan85
    HESK is good for a free script, but if you want to look pro I recommend using kayako support suite.

    specially if you have many sites/products to handle kayako is the way to go.
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  • Profile picture of the author TheNightOwl
    I'm a BIG fan of Ticket Desk Pro (as the folks on my mailing list know all too well! Ha!).

    Frank (Haywood)... if you're reading this... Dude! You've gotta change that hokey header graphic. Have you? (I still can't get through to any of your sites to check!)

    Great software. Cheap, robust, unlimited site license last time I looked.

    Free is nice. But there ain't no support on free. For 60 bucks or whatever Frank's asking these days, seems like a good deal to me, at least.

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    • Profile picture of the author GlenH
      I've sent in about 10 support tickets asking questions about his Ticket Desk Pro'...and still no replies.

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  • Profile picture of the author Greg Jacobs
    I agree- for low-mid volume and non-complex operations, then HESK is better than lots of the paid stuff. Its free and your can pay $30 I think to take out their footer link
    Help Desk Software HESK

    however if you are running high-volume, you may want to look into something more robust and versatile as HESK is very basic (but works for most)

    I have heard the Support Desk software from Quality Unit is very powerful, but have not had a chance to test yet.
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    • Profile picture of the author nteetzel
      I'll have to say - from a customers view - I really like Ticket Desk Pro.

      I was working with someone and really likes the look and function of his support center...

      It wasn't until reading this that I went back to see what he was using.

      If you look at their demo shots you'll get an idea - but from a customers experience I actually
      noticed how much I liked his support system - which is not something I really get to excited about

      I haven't purchased it yet - but I'll take be taking a good look at this system - as well as the others.

      Nick Teetzel
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  • Profile picture of the author BenShaffer
    Have tried the paid solutions, but Hesk seems to win every time despite the fact that it is free.

    Ben Shaffer
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    • Profile picture of the author Bronwyn and Keith
      Although we generally don't use a help desk in favour of personal email support the best we have tried is definately HESK.

      Plus the price is a no brainer.


      Bronwyn and Keith
      Originally Posted by BenShaffer View Post

      Have tried the paid solutions, but Hesk seems to win every time despite the fact that it is free.

      Ben Shaffer
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  • Profile picture of the author Jesus Perez
    Kayako is the gold standard. I just bought a 1-domain license at LicensePal - Web Hosting Software License Reseller for $239. No monthly fees. It's a onetime purchase that's worth every penny.

    There's also an iPhone app that will let you manage tickets from your phone. The app is called "Support Desk" and costs $20.

    This combo sealed the deal for me.

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  • Profile picture of the author mbit
    For smaller businesses I would suggest: osticket.com
    It's a next step in handling tickets instead of emailing back and forth which can grow a large conversation. It also supports knowledge base and premade replies.
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