Be Careful When Buying GFX Writer V2.0 Header Creator

James Anderson
Profile picture of James Anderson
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
16 replies
I wanted to let people know how you get treated by these folks when you buy their product and it does not show up.

Tried to buy it today via paypal and after paypal confirmation was sent to an error page. So I did what anyone would do and opened up a Resolution to see what was going on. They had sent an email to me with a link to the download page so I closed the resolution dispute thinking everything is ok. Well the download link was no good either. When I had conversation with there representative or owner (don't know which) he basically accused me of trying to scam the system for a copy of a $19.97 software. He says that once the Resolution Dispute was started that the transfer of funds stopped and was returned to me. Funny thing...I'm out the software and the $20 bucks. I have asked Paypal to reopen the resolution dispute and he says the he is going to ask the affiliate to refund my money instead of giving me the software and tell you folks that I was trying to scam him. Funny that in one statement he says the money went back and now he is going to ask the affiliate to refund my money. Wonder which one is trying to scam who...??

Just thought the Forum should know. I do not blame the affiliate, I blame the vendor and as I say, I'm out both money and product.

James Anderson

P.S. Will let you know the outcome keep tuned in...hahaha
#buying #careful #creator #gfx #header #v20 #writer
  • Profile picture of the author Jim Burney
    Jim Burney
    Profile picture of Jim Burney
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

    Big Mike is ok in my opinion.

    I have had no problems with downloads from his site.

    What does he have to gain by trying to rip you off for $20? Plenty to lose though!


    I did not take you seriously in the first place because of your final comment

    P.S. Will let you know the outcome keep tuned in...hahaha
  • Profile picture of the author James Anderson
    James Anderson
    Profile picture of James Anderson
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    You must be a friend of his if so tell him to straighten out his download site. Ripping off folks not a good idea...I don't have a problem telling folks how it is..!!

    New to the group. but hoping to catch up quick.
  • Profile picture of the author remodeler
    Profile picture of remodeler
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by James Anderson View Post

    Tried to buy it today via paypal and after paypal confirmation was sent to an error page. So I did what anyone would do and opened up a Resolution to see what was going on.
    Had you thought of sending him an email and explaining the issue before immediately opening up a resolution with Paypal? If you have been a member here for any length of time you would know that Mike is not one to "scam" anyone of anything. I think there is more to this than meets the eye.
    • Profile picture of the author Janet Sawyer
      Janet Sawyer
      Profile picture of Janet Sawyer
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      Originally Posted by remodeler View Post

      Had you thought of sending him an email and explaining the issue before immediately opening up a resolution with Paypal? If you have been a member here for any length of time you would know that Mike is not one to "scam" anyone of anything. I think there is more to this than meets the eye.

      There most certaintly is, that's for sure.

      How come you and the previous poster jumped on this like "mad frogs!" and Big Mike is no where to be seen.

      Listen up peeps, this is a private matter, between number one and number two.

      No it's not!

      Comments welcome. ------- putting my head on the chopping board here ---- so to speak
      • Profile picture of the author remodeler
        Profile picture of remodeler
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by Janet Sawyer View Post

        There most certaintly is, that's for sure.

        How come you and the previous poster jumped on this like "mad frogs!" and Big Mike is no where to be seen.

        Listen up peeps, this is a private matter, between number one and number two.

        No it's not!

        Comments welcome. ------- putting my head on the chopping board here ---- so to speak
        Because I have bought from Mike for over 2 years and know him to be a man of integrity. I knew he was not trying to scam anyone. I think Mike's response says it all. Perhaps you should not be so quick to jump to conclusions.
      • Profile picture of the author Mike McBride
        Mike McBride
        Profile picture of Mike McBride
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        Originally Posted by Janet Sawyer View Post

        There most certaintly is, that's for sure.

        How come you and the previous poster jumped on this like "mad frogs!" and Big Mike is no where to be seen.

        Listen up peeps, this is a private matter, between number one and number two.

        No it's not!

        Comments welcome. ------- putting my head on the chopping board here ---- so to speak
        Why were you so quick to jump like a mad frog on remodeler and Jim Burney? Maybe there's more to your post than meets the eye?

        Big Mike is a known and respected commodity here, unlike Mr. 7 Posts (at this time) who came here and really stretched the forum's #1 rule to the limit.

        I've done business with Big Mike before and would gladly do so again. I will never knowingly do business with the OP - as either a buyer or seller - after seeing how he handled this situation.

        So, after reading Big Mike's response (after getting out of bed - hope his need for sleep isn't too big a problem for you,) what say you now?
  • Profile picture of the author Chuck Evans
    Chuck Evans
    Profile picture of Chuck Evans
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    I too have bought products from Big Mike including the GFX Writer Header Creator. Transactions ALWAYS went smoothly and the products WERE delivered immediately!

    If there was truly an issue then you should have taken the time to BREATH and work out the issues INSTEAD of flying off the handle!


    Chuck Evans - Golf Magazine Top 100 Teacher
    Learn How To Play Your Best Golf

  • Profile picture of the author John Rogers
    John Rogers
    Profile picture of John Rogers
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    I've been purchasing products from BIG Mike since the earliest days of Niche Mania. His customer service is top notch.

    'nuff said.

    • Profile picture of the author Ken Leatherman
      Ken Leatherman
      Profile picture of Ken Leatherman
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Mr James Anderson,

      Before you say anything about this post I'll tell you up front, yes I'm a long term customer of Big Mike and very proud to call him my friend as well.

      I have almost every software tool created by Big Mike and Incansoft and can tell you if and when there was a problem Big Mike solved it as quickly as possible. You have just buried yourself under a very deep pile of bull s***.

      If you had controlled your temper and took your head out of your rectum your situation would have been resolved with little or no problem.

      GFX Writer is great piece of software and you would have loved the ease of using it. But you cut your own throat on being able to buy it and I must say you are getting what I think you deserve. Nothing!

      Ken Leatherman
      The Old Geezer
  • Profile picture of the author Dana_W
    Profile picture of Dana_W
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    The idea that Big Mike is trying to scam someone out of a $19.97 product is downright laughable.

    I have found Big Mike to be absolutely outstandingly honest in all of my dealings with him. You would be hard pressed to find a warrior with a better reputation than Mike.

    Just as an example of the kind of guy he is - recently he was helping me get a WSO set up. He bought about 15 copies of my WSO with his own money, because he was trying help me work out a software bug in the ordering system and we needed to test it. He trusted me to refund him. He didn't get a dime for this, he took time away from his family and business to help me out of the goodness of his heart. (He did mention something about his cousins Vinnie and Vito from Sicily showing up if I didn't refund him...but I'm pretty sure he was kidding...weren't you, Big M? Wait, who are those two men in fedoras parked across the street from me)

    And yes, we internet marketers do sleep sometimes - considering he's overseas and on a different time zone, obviously, if someone sends a request for support and he's ASLEEP, he'll deal with it when he wakes up.

    As for "doing what anyone would do" - I would always try to deal with the product seller FIRST before complaining to Paypal.
  • Profile picture of the author Sid Kaplan
    Sid Kaplan
    Profile picture of Sid Kaplan
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    This is a ridiculous waste of time and energy...LOL I have always known BIG Mike to go the extra mile for anyone who is "reasonable". These are computers folks, and scripts can make errors or emails can get delayed.

    Take a breath, have some patience and contact the seller calmly to ask for help. Even PayPal doesn't ask you to file a dispute 5 minutes after you make a transaction!

    As for blasting Big Mike in this forum.... good luck, he has too many happy customers, business partners and forum friends for anyone to think he would try a grab your twenty bucks.

    Best line I have heard today... "fire the customer"!

  • Profile picture of the author plat.success.sys
    Profile picture of plat.success.sys
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    I must say that I have had no problems with the designer of GFX writer. I am fairly new to the internet marketing world. Only been in it for about a year but I have seen and experienced many "difficult" customers and sellers.

    As for the GFX version (I think mine is the original and not the version 2) I was extremely impressed with the smoothness of the transaction when I had bought it. It was a little bit difficult for me to understand at the time but within a week I was using it a lot. Now I am not sure as to what version 2 is all about but I am sure that if it is like the version I have then it is a great buy.
  • Profile picture of the author nvs74191
    Profile picture of nvs74191
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    Ahhhh James, you haven't made friends on the forum with your post. If you had looked around the forum and tried to understand what Big Mike is, you would have had second thoughts about making a post like this.

    You surely would have understood Big Mike does not need to scam you for 20 bucks?


    I am a Jack Duncan Fan!

  • Profile picture of the author Glenn Newsome
    Glenn Newsome
    Profile picture of Glenn Newsome
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Sorry I missed out on this one as it was happening. Big Mike is top notch! His customer service is top notch. Enough said.
    WSO Addicts Blog

    AKA "webnetincome" before the big name changes!

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