Does Incansoft's PressBot Support Jet Spinner Syntax?

by 10 replies
I know a lot of the 'bots' now do, and I'm pretty sure I remember seeing BIG Mike or John say it's universal across all of them, but I just want to make sure. I'm about to submit a press release, and it doesn't seem to say in the user guide if it supports it. Just want to make sure - many thanks
#internet marketing product reviews & ratings #incansoft #jet #pressbot #spinner #support #syntax
  • Surely someone here uses it and can tell me? :confused:
  • It doesn't yet. All of the bots are in the process of being upgraded to the current architecture (jetspinner syntax, proxy support, etc).

    • [ 1 ] Thanks
    • [1] reply
    • Thanks John How long do you think it will be until the upgrades are done?
  • Any update on this, I just bought and downloaded the app and am about to fire off a release. Wondering if it supports Jetspinner syntax?

    • [1] reply
    • Question for John.
      I note pressbot comes pre-installed with 25 press release sites.
      Can one add their own press release sites to pressbot?

      Many thanks
  • yes i'd like to know that too, also what do you have to say about this software worthe the money? Thanks..
  • Mine has 32 sites and I don't see an option to add more, only delete sites.

    It's cheap, even if it doesn't work at half the sites, it's worth it to speed things up. I haven't used it in a while, but I think it's worth it. It's a one time payment so you don't have to worry about recurring fees.
  • Because every press release site has a unique submission process, adding your own sites to PressBot will not be possible. Send your requested additional sites to, and Diego will consider hard coding them in to the next update.

  • thanks john
    • [1] reply
    • Is jet spinner free?

      I know not everything on this world is free.

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  • 14

    I know a lot of the 'bots' now do, and I'm pretty sure I remember seeing BIG Mike or John say it's universal across all of them, but I just want to make sure. I'm about to submit a press release, and it doesn't seem to say in the user guide if it supports it. Just want to make sure - many thanks