Dell Laptop .... Yes? ... No? ... Don't even Bother? ...

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37 replies
I have an old Pentium 4 IBM laptop and am thinking of getting a new Dell laptop.

I nearly completed my purchase online yesterday on their site when something told me to stop and go to Amazon and see what others have to say about Dell.

I was really surprised to see so many people complaining about their customer service and how much is sucks.

I know somebody is going to tell me to go and get a Mac. The thing is I find them really expensive and I don't want to start learning a new operating system.

What is your experience with Dell support and customer service?
#bother #dell #laptop
  • Profile picture of the author butters
    Profile picture of butters
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Not sure about customer service or support, never bothered to ring them. I personally use a mac but another member in my family (mother) she has been using a dell for 4 years now... It is getting slow but what do you expect after 4 years but it still works fine. It still does the stuff which is needed and isn't all that bad, I am sure with the newer parts in the new Dell it would last a long time, if treated correctly.

    BTW learning a new operation system isn't hard, it took me a week or 2 to adapt to Mac .
  • Profile picture of the author tritrain
    Profile picture of tritrain
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I had a Dell laptop for 9 years before it died.

    I also like Toshiba or Asus.
    Domains for sale - see
  • Profile picture of the author Jack Martin
    Jack Martin
    Profile picture of Jack Martin
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    If you go to Amazon, and sort Dell Laptops by rating, you'll find tons of them that have five stars.
  • Profile picture of the author Texas_Guns
    Profile picture of Texas_Guns
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I have 3 - no joke... 3 dead Dell laptops sitting on
    my shelf. I'm one to also agree with what others
    have to say about their customer service. I flipped
    out at them on more than 47 occasions.

    I switched to Mac a couple of years ago and haven't
    looked back since. There's no way I'm ever touching
    a Windows computer again. However, I do have
    Windows installed on my Mac as well because there
    are some software programs that are PC only that I
    need to access.

    Go Mac!!!
    Launching A New Product? Need Copywriting? Multiple services offered. 13 years of experience as a Direct Response Copywriter. Product/Company launch expert. Millions of dollars in products sold online.
    • Profile picture of the author Andy Money
      Andy Money
      Profile picture of Andy Money
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Texas_Guns View Post

      I have 3 - no joke... 3 dead Dell laptops sitting on
      my shelf. I'm one to also agree with what others
      have to say about their customer service. I flipped
      out at them on more than 47 occasions.

      I switched to Mac a couple of years ago and haven't
      looked back since. There's no way I'm ever touching
      a Windows computer again. However, I do have
      Windows installed on my Mac as well because there
      are some software programs that are PC only that I
      need to access.

      Go Mac!!!
      Dell has made some huge overhauls. I'm guessing you have very old Dell computers. Dell is creeping up on Mac quality hard ware as well, go check out the Dell Adamo. Their new stuff is way better.
      • Profile picture of the author butters
        Profile picture of butters
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by Andrew Maule View Post

        Dell has made some huge overhauls. I'm guessing you have very old Dell computers. Dell is creeping up on Mac quality hard ware as well, go check out the Dell Adamo. Their new stuff is way better.

        True I just looked at a new one for my mum and I was suprised about the quality and the price. £450 for a nice laptop by most standards, except gaming of course. Shame Dell has windows operating system tho, thats what makes Mac so much better then windows
    • Profile picture of the author tritrain
      Profile picture of tritrain
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Texas_Guns View Post

      I have 3 - no joke... 3 dead Dell laptops sitting on
      my shelf. I'm one to also agree with what others
      have to say about their customer service. I flipped
      out at them on more than 47 occasions.

      I switched to Mac a couple of years ago and haven't
      looked back since. There's no way I'm ever touching
      a Windows computer again. However, I do have
      Windows installed on my Mac as well because there
      are some software programs that are PC only that I
      need to access.

      Go Mac!!!

      So your the guy in all those YouTube videos freaking out at Tech Support!
      Domains for sale - see
  • Profile picture of the author l23bc
    Profile picture of l23bc
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    once you get A MAC you never go back

    sorry but here are some of the models i have used with dell

    dell inspiration c364 pent4 2gig...bust in 4 months with viruses support was rubbish for me,
    dell laptop in blue due core2 processor...still working okay but takes a while to load up because of vista,

    Mac book problems support is excellent and virus free unlike windows

    sorry had to rant a little,


    No Link here or Nothing to Promote Just a Old Happy Warrior User reading Topics

    • Profile picture of the author MikeAmbrosio
      Profile picture of MikeAmbrosio
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by l23bc View Post

      once you get A MAC you never go back

      sorry but here are some of the models i have used with dell

      dell inspiration c364 pent4 2gig...bust in 4 months with viruses support was rubbish for me,
      dell laptop in blue due core2 processor...still working okay but takes a while to load up because of vista,

      Mac book problems support is excellent and virus free unlike windows

      sorry had to rant a little,

      I have a Macbook Pro and think it's great. But I also have 6 active Dells (4 laptops and 2 desktops) and have ZERO problems with them. I have a 5th laptop from about 4 years ago that I wiped and reinstalled Windows then gave to my son. Still going strong.

      On the rare occasions I have had to contact their support I have gotten great responses. One time was for a DVD RW that went bad - after spending about 30 minutes on the phone troubleshooting, they simply sent me a new one and told me to throw out the old one.

      The recommendation I usually make is if you don't get into heavy duty graphics, videos, gaming, etc. then you can get like 3 good Dell laptops for the price of one Macbook Pro.

      As far as Macbooks having no problems as many loyal users profess, I know from experience that those can have issues too. I find that whether you own a Mac or a Dell, the amount of issues you have is usually directly proportional to how they are used and maintained. Not always, but usually.

      My 2c

      Are you protecting your on line business? If you have a website, blog, ecommerce store you NEED to back it up regularly. Your webhost will only protect you so much. Check out Quirkel. Protect yourself.

      • Profile picture of the author zincOnline
        Profile picture of zincOnline
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        Originally Posted by MikeAmbrosio View Post

        I have a Macbook Pro and think it's great. But I also have 6 active Dells (4 laptops and 2 desktops) and have ZERO problems with them. I have a 5th laptop from about 4 years ago that I wiped and reinstalled Windows then gave to my son. Still going strong.

        On the rare occasions I have had to contact their support I have gotten great responses. One time was for a DVD RW that went bad - after spending about 30 minutes on the phone troubleshooting, they simply sent me a new one and told me to throw out the old one.

        The recommendation I usually make is if you don't get into heavy duty graphics, videos, gaming, etc. then you can get like 3 good Dell laptops for the price of one Macbook Pro.

        As far as Macbooks having no problems as many loyal users profess, I know from experience that those can have issues too. I find that whether you own a Mac or a Dell, the amount of issues you have is usually directly proportional to how they are used and maintained. Not always, but usually.

        My 2c
        Its not the machine itself its the OS at the end of the day.

        OSX is a hundred times more stable than windows - it dont crash.
        • Profile picture of the author MikeAmbrosio
          Profile picture of MikeAmbrosio
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Originally Posted by zincOnline View Post

          OSX is a hundred times more stable than windows
          Ain't that the truth.

          Frankly though, my OS (Vista at the moment) doesn't crash enough for me to care. Every once in a while. Nothing is perfect.

          As for OSX DON'T crash? Well, I agree it's rare, but it does indeed crash. I have witnessed it

          Mac owners have been saying it don't crash for so long now that even when it does, they go into denial... LOL!

          Are you protecting your on line business? If you have a website, blog, ecommerce store you NEED to back it up regularly. Your webhost will only protect you so much. Check out Quirkel. Protect yourself.

          • Profile picture of the author Tina Golden
            Tina Golden
            Profile picture of Tina Golden
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            I will never buy another Dell product. I bought a desktop from them a few years back. The hard drive and motherboard went less than two years later. Their so-called support told me the wrong thing and had me order parts that were not needed. Then they told me that I could return the unneeded part (minus the $30 they charged me to ship it fast) and they actually charged me for the call to support (that told me the wrong thing).

            Dell has great CPUs and the rest of the parts are the cheapest, lowest quality parts they can put in. The mouse that came with mine actually SQUEAKED! And the keyboard was terrible, too. But the worst is the total lack of support on their part.

            When I went locally and had a new hard drive and motherboard (along with a new case because the Dell case would not fit anything but the Dell replacements), I needed the license number for my Windows. Dell refused to give it to me if I didn't have the parts replaced through them for double the money I paid the local shop. Microsoft support even talked to them and they refused. Thank goodness, the support person at Microsoft took pity on me and helped me out.

            Can you tell that I don't like Dell?? LOL.

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          • Profile picture of the author Lucius
            Profile picture of Lucius
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            I've had Dell Laptops and never had problems because I buy through the Dell business portals not the home consumer ones and there could be a build quality difference or it might just be luck. In all cases I've spec'd my Dells-that's custom built to to most of you- from Malaysia.
            The Dell Inspiron I have now is nearly 5 years old and a quick ram upgrade I was good to go.
            It's a brilliant tool.
            I vowed never, ever to buy a Mac again after my first Powerbook 170 which cost a small fortune back in the day and it was the most advanced available-became obsolete within 12 months. I still have it. It does the typey typey thing and in Black and White. The design that debuted 20 years ago still looks futuristic today. It's a piece of Art. Pity about the innards.
            • Profile picture of the author rainyclayday
              Profile picture of rainyclayday
              Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
              I have a Dell desktop, no problems with it for the 3 years I have had it. My laptop is a Toshiba, no problems with that the 2+ years I have had it.

              Regarding Lenovo though, I really like those computers, had a refurb ThinkPad one time that I loved. I would definitely consider one of those if I were in the market.
        • Profile picture of the author Marketstriker
          Profile picture of Marketstriker
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          I think it depends on a model. I've used Dell Inspiron 15 for 3 years and had no problems. One more reason is the age.
  • Profile picture of the author KenThompson
    Profile picture of KenThompson
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I did some research for a friend who owns a restaurant in my
    area. He knows nothing about pc's or laptops, but he wanted to
    get a new laptop for himself.

    I did a lot of reading, online, and I also came across a huge amount
    of complaints regarding Dell's customer service being so bad. I really
    don't think their laptops are bad, though.

    I ended-up recommending Panasonic or Dell if he thought he could live
    with the customer support issues. Saw him the other day, he got a
    Panasonic and is happy with it.
  • Profile picture of the author ArticleDirectory
    Profile picture of ArticleDirectory
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Toshiba is your best bet. HP and Sony come in second. I have dealt with all of them. Spend a few years in retail selling laptops, so I am speaking from experience.

    I am not a fan of Dell. Service is horrible and outsourced to outside the country, not very helpful. For the price, you are much better off going with toshiba or hp. Dell is ok if you are going to be customizing your laptop..they give you a few more options.

    now you also have the option of a mac...different story all together
  • Profile picture of the author Afaneh
    Profile picture of Afaneh
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Dell laptops are good . I had two over the last nine years . customer service? no idea never needed them
  • Profile picture of the author netraveller
    Profile picture of netraveller
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    I have a Toshiba satellite celeron powered 5 years now. And it is still running good. It is also good to have a flash drive or external drive backing up your important data and fresh re-install your OS once a while, especially if you have the habit of installing different s/w here and there. It tends to accumulate junk eating up memory some where over times regardless what OS.
  • Profile picture of the author InternetMarketingIQ
    Profile picture of InternetMarketingIQ
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    I've had a couple of Dell laptops. They are okay. I've never contacted their customer service. I have downloaded drivers from their site.

    I have a 24" LCS Flat Panel from Dell and it's been excellent.

    My first Dell Laptop had a dead motherboard after the first year. The last one has been fine.

    ALL Electronics come from Asia, they are all built to last maybe 3 years.

    Dell cheats people by using memory schemes that require you to throw out the existing chips when upgrading. Dell add ons are a waste of money. Buy 3rd party memory.

    The "Trick" with Dell is to buy the models on special as "Base" models and upgrade yourself.

    And Mac's are great.

    The Real "Cost" of ownership goes far beyond what you pay up front. All my Macs have always worked. The Only Apple product I had which sucked was a Apple Laser Printer which was really an HP with an Apple logo.

    Good luck.

    And you'll get a lot better service out of Dell than Amazon. Amazon service sucks big time.

    Something to keep in mind:

    Dell ships 10,000+ computers each day!!!

    Dell does not make the computers they pay other companies in Asia to make them for them.

    With the amount of Dell computers shipped there are going to be problems, and people with problems are the most likely to go online and complain.
  • Profile picture of the author Lloyd Buchinski
    Lloyd Buchinski
    Profile picture of Lloyd Buchinski
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    One of the things I think is most under appreciated around here is Lenovo. They don't advertise to individual consumers so most people have never heard of them. Maybe half the threads asking for a computer recommendation around here have someone mention them quietly.

    Their corporate section used to say for orders of $100,000 or more. Obviously if you are just spending $90,000 you are just getting computers for a few rooms around the house I guess.

    But you can order directly from or The choice in laptops is about 10 times as much as any other computer site I've seen, and you can customize as you go along. They do carry choices right down to the very cheap ones, but at least with the mid price range and up you can pick out solid state drive, LED back lit screen (both increase battery life) and a heavier battery, that sort of stuff.

    They have beaten Macs in customer satisfaction surveys and did it without advertising or evangelists.

    Mostly they supply Gov and big business. I do some work for the city of Calgary and their computers are left running 24/7/365 for years. (all Lenovos) A part of the reason is to let the IT guys to do remote updates at night.

    There is a lot more but visiting their site and clicking around is an eye opener.

    best wishes, lloyd
    ....( )/ ( )...

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    • Profile picture of the author Tam Chancellor
      Tam Chancellor
      Profile picture of Tam Chancellor
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      Originally Posted by Lloyd Buchinski View Post

      One of the things I think is most under appreciated around here is Lenovo. They don't advertise to individual consumers so most people have never heard of them. Maybe half the threads asking for a computer recommendation around here have someone mention them quietly.
      I can't say enough great things about Lenovo Thinkpads. I just love
      the one I have. I plan on buying a new laptop in about 6 months. I
      wouldn't consider not buying another Thinkpad.


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  • Profile picture of the author netraveller
    Profile picture of netraveller
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Check out PC world 100 Best Products of 2009.
    6. Dell Latitude Z2600
    17. HP Mini 311-1000NR
    24. Lenovo ThinkPad T400
    28. HP Envy 13

    The PC World 100: Best Products of 2009 - PC World
  • Profile picture of the author Erica Leggette
    Erica Leggette
    Profile picture of Erica Leggette
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I have a dell laptop and it gets the job done. When I first got it, I kept having alot of problems with it but other than that it is cool.
    Be easy.

  • Profile picture of the author Khal
    Profile picture of Khal
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Thank you so much guys.
    Really appreciate all your comments.
  • Profile picture of the author Arfan
    Profile picture of Arfan
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I never ever had a problem with Dell Customer service, had a few problems and they fixed them very fast compared to my sisters HP laptop oh man the dreadful customer service they have
  • Profile picture of the author nickey512
    Profile picture of nickey512
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    mac is good, but mac not compatible with software for internet marketer.. microsoft is better. acer have the battery problem. i'll pick toshiba or HP..
  • Profile picture of the author Tim_A
    Profile picture of Tim_A
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Have got a Dell XPS laptop, incredibly high spec and ran like a dream until it started getting hotter and hotter and now runs like a dog, can't even have it on my legs as it burns you!!

    have a search around... thousands more like me...

  • Profile picture of the author goginoo
    Profile picture of goginoo
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    i had a dell laptop once and its crap, i have macbook now and its a lot better
    • Profile picture of the author ztws
      Profile picture of ztws
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Currently have a Dell desktop, HP laptop for wife, and Toshiba laptop (newest one). Bought a Toshiba for my parents. Toshiba and Lenovo are two of the more reliable brands. If you can catch a Dell outlet sale at the right time, you can find some good deals.

      I've had Dell laptops before and had a pretty good experience with them.
  • Profile picture of the author Mr.Cash
    Profile picture of Mr.Cash
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I'd say no to the dell. Funny enough I just got a new laptop today and spotted this thread. I went for the toshiba satellite a500 17x. Excellent machine with the best laptop speakers that you could ever find over any other laptop in the market!
  • Profile picture of the author basefunding
    Profile picture of basefunding
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Apart from customer support I think it comes down to the model you end up with. I have a high end Asus and a Macbook Pro and am very happy with them. My dead laptop bin holds 2 Toshibas, 1 HP (lasted less than a year) and a cheap Gateway.

    Sam Mancuso
    President, RuzzMan LLC Innovative, elegant solution to glaring, annoying LEDs on electronics.

  • Profile picture of the author sodevrom
    Profile picture of sodevrom
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I am a programmer and now, starting in the internet marketing world.
    I must say that in our times every company has great laptops. In my opinion a DELL/HP/Sony Vaio laptop is really not worth it because you can purchase an Acer or Toshiba at almost half the price.

    For example I purchased an Acer 2 years ago that was worth 800 EUR and a Dell with the exact same configuration costed about 1100 EUR .

    Good luck with your decision!
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    I am using Dell Laptop for last 3 years and my office also everybody is using Dell Laptop only.As per my experience with Dell, the customer support is really good.
    seo services , website developing services contact skype anushasubash

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