Rocket Creation Product/Cash by Kevin Riley

by 7 replies
Hey Warriors,

I recently brought the Rocket Creation Product by Kevin Riley.
His product when followed properly will have you with your information product to make money from and start getting affiliates in only 3 days.

Well it happens then it doest happen check it out.

I was so eager to get going on my own product since I had one already but was clueless to getting a domain and how to use a server, which Kevin's product advertised it taught you step-by-step.

The product comes with a step-by-step manual sales letter, download, thank you, and etc pages for you to just edit and an example info book to jog you mind for ideas.

Day one was simple just your topic
Day two was to make the product.
Day three was to set up the website.

Each day made more excited as I was getting closer to finishing. So when you follow the program you will have a great simple product

The template for your sales letter is so good I wanted to buy my own product.

But when it comes to setting up your page to be online the steps start getting sketchy.

For a newbie like myself the words like domain name, dns servers, hosts tend to scare us.

Now I followed it step by step but to config my site for payment the link will be different from the manual I had to get live chat support for my link to config my site to the script.

He fails to leave out that you must upload your server to your domain name in order for your site to go live

He also dosent mention that it takes an additional 24-72 hours for the site to go live. So in actuality it takes about 5 days to create a product having it get sales.

This is an overall good product to make a great info product to sell in a week. I learned a lot from it. Now I have a good solid template for all my ebooks.
#internet marketing product reviews & ratings #creation #kevin #product or cash #riley #rocket
  • Profile picture of the author NickR06
    If you are having problems, contact Kevin his support for his products is excellent.


  • I have only heard good things about Kevin Riley. He's a good buddy of Michael Brown so I would hope that he is pretty honest when it comes to products.

    But seriously, if you ever had any problems, just contact his support team (or him) and he should be able to fix your problem, if he's anything like Michael than he's probably a pretty decent kind of guy.

    • [1] reply
  • Hi Alumni

    I guess the thing is that no matter what you do to create a website, you have to upload your site and point your domain name to your host nameservers. I found the same as you in the beginning, sometimes learning the language is tricky, it took me such a long time to figure out how to ftp.

    I agree, Kevin's product is very good indeed, and a great way to get started online. Kudos to you for taking action and getting your product up there.
    • [1] reply
    • Profile picture of the author Alumni
      Yea I see you are also a student of Kevin he is great this the first product i got from him. Yea the imaging tripped me up and making things link together. Check my site out it rocks now.
  • Numbers to me are what distinguishes a good product from a bad one. I know people can say a product is good, but that does not mean much as experience levels are always different. But numbers never lie.

    So I am just wondering, for those who have bought and implemented Kevin's product creation product, how much are you making from your newly created products?

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