Video Cash Method by Ben Shaffer?

Profile picture of topskyca
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20 replies
I am not familiar with Ben, I only noticed a link of his Video Cash Method is top 10 hot pages on alexa today. Wondering if anyone has any reviews about his course.

Sorry can't post his links here.
#ben #cash #method #shaffer #video
  • Profile picture of the author holotribe
    Profile picture of holotribe
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    videocashmethod dot com Alex Goad is sending emails on it.
    I think Ben had some quickie methods out on an inexpensive membership model back a few yrs. Some of which incl warrior special offers. So, if you search you can find his products here.

    "Logical Solutions to personal problems"
  • Profile picture of the author Brett4
    Profile picture of Brett4
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    READ THIS FIRST before buying the "Video Cash Method"

    I purchased this product and immediately requested a refund (which I really hate doing) upon reviewing it. The sales video for this product is VERY deceptive. When it says that the "Piggyback method is a way for you to get from anywhere in the top 100 results to the top 10", it fails to mention that this is ONLY the case if the searcher has Google search set up to display 100 listings per page!

    As revealed in the actual product itself, there are two "specific requirements" that must be met for this method to work:



    2) There must already be a video displaying on the first page

    If you are looking for a "cool little trick" to go from say position 10 to (possibly) position 3, then this method should work - go ahead and buy it.

    But if you are looking for a way to get your low-ranking site into the top 10 (which the sales video clearly appeals to), then this is a complete waste of time and money.

    Hope this helps,

  • Profile picture of the author Brett4
    Profile picture of Brett4
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    Just wanted to note that Ben's support responded within just a couple hours of my refund request and was very courteous. They offered me a selection of other products as a replacement, or else a full refund. Since one of the others was something I'd considered buying anyway, I went ahead and took that instead of the refund and am pleased with their customer support.

    I haven't had much experience with Ben, but he seems reasonably straight-forward and with decent products - I'm just very dissappointed in how the Video Cash Method was marketed.

    • Profile picture of the author stgga
      Profile picture of stgga
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      This is why this forum rocks. Great input! Clear information that helps other make good decisions. Thanks again.

      Originally Posted by Brett4 View Post


      Just wanted to note that Ben's support responded within just a couple hours of my refund request and was very courteous. They offered me a selection of other products as a replacement, or else a full refund. Since one of the others was something I'd considered buying anyway, I went ahead and took that instead of the refund and am pleased with their customer support.

      I haven't had much experience with Ben, but he seems reasonably straight-forward and with decent products - I'm just very dissappointed in how the Video Cash Method was marketed.

  • Profile picture of the author OB1_MoJo
    Profile picture of OB1_MoJo
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    thanks brett. you're one of the guys that makes this forum work. i was about to buy vcm and decided to search warrior for reviews first. i'm glad i did thanks to you.
  • Profile picture of the author Doiron
    Profile picture of Doiron
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    Nowadays I always check the Warrior Forum for information like this before I buy something. As in this case, I'm always glad I did.

    I wish I'd done this due diligence somewhere around $8,000 ago.
    • Profile picture of the author Brett4
      Profile picture of Brett4
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by OB1_MoJo View Post

      thanks brett. you're one of the guys that makes this forum work. i was about to buy vcm and decided to search warrior for reviews first. i'm glad i did thanks to you.

      Thanks much for the kind words. I've been helped quite a bit by the reviews in this forum - just happy to give back.

      Originally Posted by Doiron View Post

      Nowadays I always check the Warrior Forum for information like this before I buy something. As in this case, I'm always glad I did.

      I wish I'd done this due diligence somewhere around $8,000 ago.

      Boy, I hear that loud and clear!!


      • Profile picture of the author cc422
        Profile picture of cc422
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        I really am grateful for this thread - I purchased this today and immediately after watching it all had the same experience - its great if someone has their site within the top 100 sites of a particular keyword AND there are searchers who set their google setting to view more than the top 10 results.

        Thankfully it was only $27 and Ben seems to be a good guy when it comes to refunds.

        Appreciate this forum more and more - just wish I had checked it out earlier.

        Thanks so much!
  • Profile picture of the author magwoi
    Profile picture of magwoi
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    If its too good to be true....
  • Profile picture of the author BenShaffer
    Profile picture of BenShaffer
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    Just came across this thread.

    Difficult to know how to respond, as this is giving out a tactic which works and works extremely well both for myself and also customers. What Brett says in the thread above is not actually true and it saddens me that he would do so. As a marketer, I also don't want to get into a spitting contest back and forth.

    What I will say though, is that the tactic works very well and you should try it out. As mentioned above, if for any reason you aren't satisfied then be in touch and I will give you an immediate refund.

    I stand behind my product 100% and will refund you not just for the next 30 or 60 days, but for the lifetime of, me or Paypal!

    Any questions, please be in touch at my helpdesk ( - preferably not PM as I am not notified.

    Best Wishes,

    Ben Shaffer
    • Profile picture of the author patsnip
      Profile picture of patsnip
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by BenShaffer View Post

      Just came across this thread.

      Difficult to know how to respond, as this is giving out a tactic which works and works extremely well both for myself and also customers. What Brett says in the thread above is not actually true and it saddens me that he would do so...
      Hi Ben,

      I am considering your product, and would appreciate if you could give an unequivocal clarification here regarding Brett's two propositions, ie. that for your method to work:

      >>1) Your site must ALREADY BE ON THE FIRST PAGE OF GOOGLE
      >>2) There must already be a video displaying on the first page

      I am almost over the line, but just need to hear the words from you: "This is a way to get your low-ranking site into the top 10" (which as Brett says the sales video seems to appeal to).

      • Profile picture of the author Multinetting
        Profile picture of Multinetting
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        If this is a google loophole, what chance someone in Google R&D buys it to 'close' the loophole? I remember the MSN one a few years back that suddenly just stopped working.

        Ben, is this a loophole that will be closed eventually. And to re-iterate the questions...

        1/ Must your page be top 100 already?
        2/ Must user have their search set to 100 pages per search?
        3/ Must there be a video cluster at the top?

        Thanks for any reply....
        • Profile picture of the author Brett4
          Profile picture of Brett4
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Originally Posted by BenShaffer View Post

          Just came across this thread.

          Difficult to know how to respond, as this is giving out a tactic which works and works extremely well both for myself and also customers. What Brett says in the thread above is not actually true and it saddens me that he would do so...

          First and foremost, please understand that in no way did I intend any of my comments above (or below for that matter) as any sort of personal attack. In fact, in my follow up to the initial post I attempted to make it clear this was not a personal attack when I both praised your customer support and also said the following about you individually (which I still stand by):

          "I haven't had much experience with Ben, but he seems reasonably straight-forward and with decent products - I'm just very disappointed in how the Video Cash Method was marketed."

          Having said that, and also agreeing with you that it is not profitable or desirable to get into a "spitting contest", I also strongly believe that it is not in the least bit fair to accuse me of perpetrating falsehoods - thereby at least indirectly impugning my character or my competence - without providing any evidence whatsoever that what I said was not true. Or, for that matter, even giving any indication of which PART of what I said was not true (which makes it nearly impossible for me to defend my statements or my integrity).

          Along those lines, saying that my post is not true and then adding that "it saddens me that he would do so" tends to carry the implication that I was intentionally attempting to mislead people. I will operate under the assumption that this was just an unfortunate choice of words on your part and you did not mean to imply this. However, in case anyone still has any question about this, please know that the ONLY thing I was attempting to do was give accurate information and advice regarding the product in question (which I believe I did).

          Ben, if any of what I said was untrue, then I would certainly like to know about it and would be the first to publicly acknowledge the error and apologize for any harm it may have caused. If there is any substantial untruth in my posts above, PLEASE clearly identify it. I have absolutely no axe to grind and simply want to know the truth of the matter. And having a calm, rational discussion of the facts and pros/cons of the method (which is all I'm interested in) would in no way constitute a spitting contest.

          Until any errors are actually identified, however, I will stand behind my statements above. I truly hope that you do not take this personally, Ben - I honestly would much rather be your friend than to have you consider me an enemy (because I most certainly am not!).

          As I eluded to in my first post, I DO believe that this method can be of benefit to certain people in certain specific situations (and yes, I would actually recommend it to those specific people). Let's simply get the all facts straight and let everyone judge for themselves if this method is something that may be beneficial for their own businesses. I think we'd all agree that is only the fair thing to do for your prospective customers and fellow Warriors.

          Best Regards,

  • Profile picture of the author Shevd
    Profile picture of Shevd
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    I have had a lot of emails about the product in the last few days, Im glad I read this thread first.
  • Profile picture of the author BenShaffer
    Profile picture of BenShaffer
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    This is not true for a start:
    "But if you are looking for a way to get your low-ranking site into the top 10 (which the sales video clearly appeals to), then this is a complete waste of time and money."
    and the salesvideo clearly shows this to be the case.

    I could go on, but want to avoid the 'spitting contest'. I am not sure of your motives, but saying something like that which is blatantly not true shows to me that there must be some rather than just giving an honest review.

    Once can never be sure what is going to happen in Google in the future, and yes Google could close it up. However, if you see how videos have been slowly appearing in the search engines over the last few months, IMO, Google actively wants people to be doing this. It's not 'cheating' the search engines. It's actually giving them what they want.

    To answer your other questions:
    1. Yes. To go from the top 100 to go to the top 10, you must already be in the top 100
    2. It depends on where your search result is going from and to.
    3. Absolutely, yes
    • Profile picture of the author Brett4
      Profile picture of Brett4
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by BenShaffer View Post

      I am not sure of your motives, but saying something like that which is blatantly not true shows to me that there must be some rather than just giving an honest review.

      Ben, I can't tell you how dissappointed I am that you continue to attack my integrity after I went so far out of my way to say that I was ONLY attempting to post an honest review and that in NO WAY was it meant as a personal attack on you.

      If you believed I was mistaken, the honorable thing to do would just be to demonstrate it by politely pointing out the actual facts of the matter and attempting to resolve my misunderstanding. As I said above, if you were to do that then I would readily admit my error and apologize for it. But instead, you chose to continue to level personal attacks at me and completely avoid getting to any actual details about the facts. (Almost as though you are hoping to discredit me personally in the hopes that people reading this thread will then ignore the facts in my post - I certainly hope that is not the case.)

      Additionally, you should take note that I am not the only one who sees the situation this way, as shown by this quote posted by another purchaser of the product:

      Originally Posted by cc422 View Post

      I really am grateful for this thread - I purchased this today and immediately after watching it all had the same experience - its great if someone has their site within the top 100 sites of a particular keyword AND there are searchers who set their google setting to view more than the top 10 results.
      I would suggest you try seeing the sales video from your customers' point of view, and understand where the confusion/disappointment/dissatisfaction might be coming from, rather than to attack their integrity when they express it.

      Now, for everyone else that may be reading this thread and considering a purchase of the product...

      In the CONTEXT of my first post, everything stated there I believe to be substantively true and accurate. However, I will explain in better detail and clarity below, as it appears someone still needs to make the actual FACTS about this product clear (and the product owner doesn't appear to be taking the time to fully do so).

      But first, let's clear up a bit of possible confusion. I have been doing professional SEO for clients for years and have a number of friends/associates who are highly knowledgeable and proficient in the field as well. I admit I do not know what percentage of people actually have their Google search settings to display 100 results per page, but I'm guessing it may be in the range of perhaps 2% of all searchers. (If anyone has any documentable data on this, I certainly welcome it.) The default is only 10 results per page, and the VAST majority of people use this setting. It is for this very reason that the norm in the SEO world when talking about search results is that "Top 10" and "First Page" are considered synonymous. Similarly, the "100th position", unless VERY OPENLY AND CLEARLY defined differently for a particular conversation, will be naturally understood to be on the 10th page of results (not the first).

      So here is the exact quote from the product about the requirements for this method to work:

      "There are two specific requirements that you must satisfy if this Piggyback Method technique is to be effective. These are as follows:

      Be on the first page: Your site must feature on the first Google search results page already. So if someone has their search settings at 100 results, then even if you are at position 99, your video will show up on the top of the page right up there with the other videos.

      There must be videos already: If there are no videos already being shown on the results page, there will be no 'OneBox' and therefore no videos. As the basic concept of this method is that your video can 'latch onto' videos that are already shown on the results page, it follows that if there are no videos, there is nothing to latch onto."

      So, for those of you with lower-ranking sites who are looking for a way to finally break into the "Top 10" (as any normal person would understand that phrase, i.e., the first page of 10 results that ~98% of the world actually sees), this is NOT going to be an answer for you. If you buy it specifically for that purpose, then you WILL be dissappointed. (This is specifically the type of person to whom my original post was directed, and who I believe constitute the majority of people who will view the sales video.)

      However, as I have stated in two different posts above, I believe this method CAN BE BENEFICIAL for some people. In fact, I can envsion that there are some people for whom this method could be easily worth MANY times the small fee Ben is charging for it. For example, 1) someone in a large dollar volume market where picking up even that extremely small percentage of users viewing sufficiently more than the normal 10 results per page makes a big difference, or 2) someone at the bottom of page 1 (that is, the "normal" page 1 with 10 results on it) who can get a bump to the top 5 and benefit from increased traffic that way.

      So what's my recommendation? Simple: carefully read the "requirements" for this method listed above, then WATCH THE SALES VIDEO! If you believe that this method will be of benefit to your business, then BY ALL MEANS BUY IT! If you don't think it will help, then don't buy it. If you are still not sure, then I would recommend going ahead and trying it to see - you should have nothing to lose, as I've noted before that Ben's customer support was very good and I absolutely believe him when he says he will give you a prompt refund.

      So that's the bottom line.

      Ben, if we ever meet, I hope we can still be friends. I understand that you may have been upset with me for my post, but I think if you will review the sales video with fresh eyes and from the average customer's perspective, you will see how people could get the wrong impression and find it misleading. I would recommend just making the 2 requirements for the method clear in the video, then there should be no further problems or misunderstandings. Whatever you decide to do, I just hope that in the future you are willing to give the benefit of the doubt to people about their intentions, especially when they attempt to be so very clear that they have no malice toward you whatsoever. People on this board do not know me, but any of my friends or family will unequivocally tell you that I take my personal integrity VERY seriously. Regardless, I wish you the best of success in your endeavors and in life.


  • Profile picture of the author BenShaffer
    Profile picture of BenShaffer
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Once again, what you say is just not true. I feel like I must have slighted you in real life at some point for you to carry on like this.

    You asked me to be specific on what you said wasn't true and I was extremely specific in the post above, yet you chose to ignore it.

    Happy to quote it again, incase you felt that you were responding to a post that I didn't write:
    This is not true for a start:
    "But if you are looking for a way to get your low-ranking site into the top 10 (which the sales video clearly appeals to), then this is a complete waste of time and money."
    and the salesvideo clearly shows this to be the case.

    I find it amazing that you think I could ever look you in the face if we were to meet when you put blatant lies about one of my products on this forum.

    Ben Shaffer
    • Profile picture of the author Brett4
      Profile picture of Brett4
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Wow, this is truly unbelieveable.

      I have gone WAY out of my way to let you know that I AM TRYING TO BE AS HONEST AND ACCURATE AS POSSIBLE, and that I HAVE NO ILL-WILL TOWARD YOU. (Heck, I'm even saying that I believe your method will be great for some people and recommending that they take a look at the sales page and BUY IT if they think they are one of those people!)

      I have spent great deal of time and space carefully and specifically listing what I believe to be the actual facts about this product, and I've also actively invited a polite correction if I am wrong. Yet you only make the vague assertion that "This is not true for a start: ... and the salesvideo clearly shows this to be the case."

      And you claim that this was an "extremely specific" response?? Seriously??

      Look, I am absolutely NOT lying! For you to accuse me of doing so is irresponsible and is absolutely nothing more than an all-out personal attack. Lies are intentional untruths. What I have posted I completely believe to be true and accurate, and I have REPEATEDLY stated that I am willing to admit error and apologize if I'm shown to be wrong. Does this sound anything remotely like a person who feels "slighted" by you and is actively posting "blatant lies" about your product?? Not in the slightest.

      If I have the facts wrong in any significant way, then please SPECIFICALLY correct them - not for me, but for the benefit of anyone else reading this thread and considering your product. Hopelessly vague statements like "the sales video clearly shows this to be the case" are not factual CORRECTIONS, they are nothing more than broad, unsubstantiated ASSERTIONS, and are virtually worthless in providing information for the reader.

      Ben, apparently you have made the willful choice to view me as a deliberate and malicious liar, regardless of the truth. I don't know what else I can possibly say other than what I've already said to make it clear that this is absolutely the farthest thing from reality. So, I have little choice but to leave you with your belief and not say anything further on that matter. Although I am very saddened and actually somewhat hurt by the path you have chosen, I still harbor no ill-will toward you. And again (and still), I wish you the best of success.


    • Profile picture of the author brjohn1
      Profile picture of brjohn1
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      Originally Posted by BenShaffer View Post

      Once again, what you say is just not true. I feel like I must have slighted you in real life at some point for you to carry on like this.

      You asked me to be specific on what you said wasn't true and I was extremely specific in the post above, yet you chose to ignore it.

      Ben Shaffer

      I've read this thread and I've watched the video and see that it would be easy for a potential buyer to assume the default settings of Google would be used by most Google searchers, therefore, certain criteria would have to apply before this method works. Granted, if that criteria is met, it would probably work as Ben states.

      I really don't care for how evasive Ben is being about questions that are coming from multiple WarriorForum contributors. He seems bent on shutting down one review as a personal attack upon himself, and only seeming to demonstrate that he can't provide detailed responses to clarify confusion caused by his video.

      If the video is causing the problems, re-create the video, and don't spend 10% on a high-level clarification and 90% on bashing another warrior. If you feel your detailed responses are sufficient for your intellect, consider speaking down to someone slow like me with a thick skull so that I understand the product you're offering. :rolleyes:

  • Profile picture of the author BenShaffer
    Profile picture of BenShaffer
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    As far as I am aware, I havent avoided any questions. What I have avoided is deep discussion or as I put it earlier 'a spitting content' regarding Brett's statements in his original thread.

    I quite clearly pointed out one thing that wasn't true:

    "But if you are looking for a way to get your low-ranking site into the top 10 (which the sales video clearly appeals to), then this is a complete waste of time and money."

    but was told that I didn't do it in enough detail by Brett in his last post. It is not a case of talking up or talking down or turning sideways or thinking that if you roll your eyes then it automatically gives an upper hand or lower hand.

    If someone has any genuine questions about my method, then more than happy to answer at my helpdesk which I am happy to say is probably one of the most responsive and helpful in the industry.

    If you want to start analysing each of my sentences and require me to analyse each of Brett's statements in extreme detail then i am not going to do that.

    Best Wishes,

    Ben Shaffer

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