So. Which is better. Apple/Mac or PC?

34 replies
Personally I like PC's.

  • Much more flexible in terms of what they can do
  • Much more application development/support
  • Great for games/PC game development
  • 90% of the world has a PC (or did at least circa 2000, last time I checked)
  • Really pretty. I have seriously considered paying $1,000 just to have a nice expensive paperweight because it looks really pretty. Would go with the furniture. I probably wouldn't use it because I like keyboard shortcuts, and (last time I checked) seemed to really be mouse driven.
  • SUPER n00b friendly. Even your cat or dog could probably figure out how to use a Mac, make a video, and upload it to youtube simply by walking all over the keyboard and pressing random keys, some of the software is that easy.
  • But really limited. If you are any kind of power user, you'll go crazy trying to do anything useful, and instead of working, you'll make googly eyes with the warp feature in their paint/video program all day. Of course -- respect to those Mac Users who use it for graphic design/their print business/etc.
That being said... probably because of Microsoft's influence and stake in Apple from (I think it was 10 years ago), with Steve Job's marketing (aka passion for his product), and Microsoft's business/marketing acumen... Apple is actually getting kind of smart. iPhones. iPads. iTunes. iWhatever.

And again. SUPER pretty.

So I am thinking I may actually need to look into actually marketing for Mac Users (meaning also iPhone/iPad, etc) as well.

What are you thoughts? PC all the way? Or... maybe Mac is actually kind of cool, and you should get one to brighten up your room and improve the decor?
#apple or mac
  • Profile picture of the author mywebwork
    The eternal debate goes on!

    They are BOTH great platforms. And so is LINUX for that matter! None of them are "better", but for certain applications or users one platform is often more suitable.

    My solution is to have all 3!

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  • Profile picture of the author Jeff Lenney
    My Name is Jeff, I'm a PC, and windows 7 was my idea.....something like that, haha

    Anyways, Yah - i'm a PC guy myself - they're cheaper, you can build your own (For gaming, media playing/recording/internet), etc. Much more options, equal or BETTER power than comparable macs AND they're $$$ cheaper too!

    Too lazy to write something clever here, so check out my marketing blog and learn from a REAL Super Affiliate at

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  • Profile picture of the author Deepak Media
    For office use I use PC, for personal use I want to use a mac but I am still using a PC. I will be soon selling my Dell laptop and buying a white beatiful $999 mac.
    Digital Marketing Author | Speaker | Consultant

    Read my Blog:

    @ Bangalore, India.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mohsin Rasool
    I too like PC due to attractive price and vast choice of third party softwares.

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  • Profile picture of the author mywebwork
    Originally Posted by Traffic-Bug View Post

    You can run only Apple-approved Mac OS on a Mac.
    Actually you can also run Windows on an Intel-based Mac, as well as LINUX.

    One thing about Macs - if you plan on developing apps for the iPhone then you need a Mac. Which is why my next notebook will be a Mac (all my other notebooks are PC's except for an older one that runs Suse LINUX) - the only Mac I have now is a desktop.

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  • Profile picture of the author ab420
    PC's, I personally cannot stand working on Mac's, but that's more of a personal preference than anything else. I'm a not a "Mac basher" or anything like that.
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  • Profile picture of the author Tyler Jonsson
    I have never been shy to voice my disdain for Macs. In my opinion, you sacrifice substance for style, to an enormous degree. Sure there are a *FEW* choice things that Macs excel at. Graphical/Video editing being... Well about the only one!

    I routinely try to convince family and friends out of buying them, but alas, you can't save everyone!

    Being a gamer since Super Mario Brothers when I was about 3 or 4, I am passionate about computer games. Mac's absolutely laughable gaming capabilities have turned me off to them since day one. Add the fact that they are almost un-customizable and run off of completely proprietary Apple parts which seem to conveniently have a very short lifespan... You see where I am going here.

    I do my best not to openly chastise avid Mac users, but it's tough.

    I am a PC, and PROUD of it!
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    • Profile picture of the author AndrewCavanagh
      Apple is probably a much better computer...especially when it comes to things like making video etc.

      Unfortunately if you're working at teaching others how to do internet marketing the majority will be on a PC using windows so there are real advantages to using a PC yourself.

      Kindest regards,
      Andrew Cavanagh
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  • Profile picture of the author Marty S
    Originally Posted by InternetSuccess001 View Post

    • But really limited. If you are any kind of power user, you'll go crazy trying to do anything useful, and instead of working, you'll make googly eyes with the warp feature in their paint/video program all day. Of course -- respect to those Mac Users who use it for graphic design/their print business/etc.
    Only a PC user could be this ill-informed. ;-)

    I have both, and use both for different jobs, but if I HAD to choose one, I would go Mac because I am far more productive on that machine due to the iWork, other software, the general work environment, and non-existent delays as a result of crashes, viruses and VISTA glitches.
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    • Profile picture of the author Tyler Jonsson
      Originally Posted by Marty S View Post

      as a result of crashes, viruses and VISTA glitches.

      Believe me, I am the MOST hardcore PC person you will ever meet. I have never and will never own a Mac. In fact, if given one for free, I would feel bad giving it away to someone else because I would be depriving them of a real computer.

      With that being said... YES, Vista sucks!

      However, Windows 7 is what Vista should have been. All of the lame "I'm a Mac" commercials bash Vista... Rightfully so, Microsoft really screwed the pooch.

      However, Windows 7 is a truly great OS. Of course Apple still tries to bash it and claim that Microsoft has "said this before"... The flaws of Windows Vista are far, far behind the PC. So to be fair, your statement no longer holds true.
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      • Profile picture of the author Marty S
        Originally Posted by Tyler Jonsson View Post

        However, Windows 7 is a truly great OS. Of course Apple still tries to bash it and claim that Microsoft has "said this before"... The flaws of Windows Vista are far, far behind the PC. So to be fair, your statement no longer holds true.
        I hope so really, because I just bought the W7 upgrade and will install one of these nights.
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        • Profile picture of the author Tyler Jonsson
          Originally Posted by Marty S View Post

          I hope so really, because I just bought the W7 upgrade and will install one of these nights.
          Believe me, you will notice a huge difference.

          Apple has lost a huge leg to stand on, because the whole "Vista curse" has been lifted.
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  • Profile picture of the author harry12
    I personally like PC's.
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  • Profile picture of the author Karan Goel
    I am a PC and will be till this Sunday .
    I am upgrading to a SEXY iMac. It has been booked and will arrive on Sunday.

    Originally Posted by InternetSuccess001 View Post

    • Much more flexible in terms of what they can do
    • Much more application development/support
    • Great for games/PC game development
    • 90% of the world has a PC (or did at least circa 2000, last time I checked)
    Install Bootcamp/Parallels and voila! you are playing on Windows and Mac in real-time.
    Can't say about development as of now.
    It's exclusivity makes it the real player.
    From Wikipedia:
    By 1997, there were more than 20 million Mac users, compared to an installed base of around 340 million Windows PCs.[86][87] Statistics from late 2003 indicate that Apple had 2.06 percent of the desktop share in the United States, which had increased to 2.88 percent by Q4 2004.[88] As of October 2006, research firms IDC and Gartner reported that Apple's market share in the U.S. had increased to about 6 percent.[89] Figures from December 2006, showing a market share around 6 percent (IDC) and 6.1 percent (Gartner) are based on a more than 30 percent increase in unit sale from 2005 to 2006. The installed base of Mac computers is hard to determine, with numbers ranging from 5 percent (estimated in 2009)[90] to 16 percent (estimated in 2005).[91] Mac OS X's share of the OS market increased from 7.31% in December 2007 to 9.63% in December 2008, which is a 32% increase in market share during 2008, compared to a 22% increase during 2007.
    So, there is a huge population to whom you can show-off your Mac.

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  • Profile picture of the author Ernie Lo
    Always been a PC guy..cant stand using MACS. MACS are better built but you sacrifice a lot of compatibility and flexibilty with them.
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    • Profile picture of the author Tyler Jonsson
      Originally Posted by Ernie Lonardo View Post

      Always been a PC guy..cant stand using MACS. MACS are better built but you sacrifice a lot of compatibility and flexibilty with them.
      Only if you purchase a crappy prefab PC, like a Dell or Gateway or some garbage.

      Personally I hand build all my PC's, so I know exactly what parts are going into it beforehand. This way I get quality in every single aspect.

      Same cannot be said for prefab PC's OR Macs which are all proprietary parts built cheaply to save money.
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      • Profile picture of the author Platinum Matt
        Mac's are waaaay better. But it took me MONTHS of owning one and hating it to figure it out.
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  • Profile picture of the author TheRichJerksNet
    The OP is really funny Man what a laugh at 4:23AM ...

    Mis-Informed to say the least .... Macs are limited none at all, they can run all system and that even includes Google's OS. Well known fact that Macs are better for game development due to the graphics ability. The only reason why there is more software for windows is because 40% of the software for windows is anti-virus stuff which macs do not need.

    In 1999 there was well over 60 Million Macs connected online, now idea what that number is today because I do not bother to look it up as it really does not matter to me ... I think saying microsoft was 90% of the world hostage is not a 100% correct statement.

    I could go on but I see no need to do so .. I have ran my business using a mac for many many years and I have never been limited...


    P.S. I love PC users, some of my best customers are PC Users ....
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    • Profile picture of the author Tyler Jonsson
      Originally Posted by TheRichJerksNet View Post

      Well known fact that Macs are better for game development due to the graphics ability.
      Oh my...

      I don't even know where to begin with this statement.

      Macs clumsy excuse for hardware customization not only limits, but outright KILLS its possibilities as a gaming platform.

      My PC can run any high end game (Crysis for example) at max resolution, max anti-aliasing, basically max-everything at frame-rates well over anything possible on a Mac. They simply are not anywhere NEAR the capabilities of a Windows based PC in regards to gaming. Never have been and never will be. PC development on this front is so far ahead of Apple it isn't even funny.

      Take a wildly popular 90's game, EverQuest (which I played many, many years and love).

      It was not until roughly half a decade into its life-cycle that Mac users were even able to play EverQuest. Even when they WERE able to, it was a watered-down version of the game.

      PC users had received over 8 expansions to EverQuest, featuring hundreds of new quests, gameplay zones, and graphical enhancements. When the Mac-version of the game launched, it featured exactly ZERO of these enhancements... Why? Because the Mac hardware and OS was not capable of handling the game. Somewhat pathetically, the Mac version of EverQuest continued for several YEARS with ZERO game enhancements as the PC version continually received regular updates with no issues. A year or two ago, Sony (the games publisher) finally pulled the plug on the Mac-version server, since it continued to be incapable of sustaining a large playing population due to its inability to keep up to date with the Windows-version.

      As has been said in this thread by myself and others...
      Macs = Style
      PCs = Substance

      This is one example of hundreds...
      I am a pretty passionate guy when it comes to PC Vs. Mac.

      It's not my intention to ruffle any feathers, since the WF isn't really the prime place for such discourses.

      But when someone flat out states that Mac's are a better platform for gaming and development... Well that nonsense just needs to be addressed.

      Originally Posted by TheRichJerksNet View Post

      The only reason why there is more software for windows is because 40% of the software for windows is anti-virus stuff which macs do not need.
      I may also point out another "well known fact". Mac's are becoming increasingly susceptible to trojan, malware and spyware attacks. The reason for this only becoming a recent trend has very little to do with the fact that Macs have "superior protection", and more so to do with the fact that until about 2009 they only represented 4% or so of household computers.

      Now that they are (unfortunately) gaining market share, virus coders are realizing that they are "worth targeting". The problem of computer security is every bit as much a concern for Mac owners as it is for PC owners. Don't kid yourself into thinking it isn't.

      Originally Posted by TheRichJerksNet View Post

      I could go on but I see no need to do so .. I have ran my business using a mac for many many years and I have never been limited...
      This isn't surprising. Macs are perfectly capable of completing simple tasks, such as running spreadsheets or accounting programs... Browsing the web, emailing clients, etc...

      In fact, I think the reason why many businesses tend to operate with Macs is because of the (please don't take offense, but it's true) dumbed-down nature of their system. They are more "user-friendly" than PC's tend to be.

      But if you ask me, I will take less user-friendly and more functionality every day of the week and twice on Sundays.

      Ugh! I always regret getting involved in PC/Mac debates. I have no issues with folks who genuinely prefer Macs for whatever reason, even though I cannot for the life of me understand it.

      Have a nice day everyone.
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      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1875866].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Karan Goel
        The Mac Versus PC Debate Has Never Been Clearer

        "Our goal is not to build the most computers. It's to build the best."

        That was Apple COO Tim Cook two days ago during Apple's quarterly earnings call.
        Originally Posted by Tyler Jonsson View Post

        Now that they are (unfortunately) gaining market share........
        Why do you think that Mac are gaining market share? Not because they "are becoming more trojan vulnerable."

        Also, my friend, as far as graphics and development is concerned, you could load up 20 chips of RAM in a PC to make it equivalent to a sweet single chip Mac.

        2 Discussions on Pcs vs. Macs for Graphic Design : Graphic Design Blog & Graphics News Blog
        Mac vs. PC - Choosing between a Mac and a PC for Graphic Design

        You can build a high-end PC for the same price as of Mac. But, how many different companies would that be dependent on? Take for example:
        OS from Microsoft
        Cabinet from HP
        Mouse/Keyboard from Logitech

        In Apple, you have everything from just one company - and they are awesome.

        Also, as far as costumer support is concerned, Apple is way way ahead of Microsoft.
        If your PC gets defected, your retailer or a computer engineer has to fix it. In case of Apple, it's the company who fixes it.

        Some more links:
        Mac vs PC - Benchmark and Speed Tests - PC versus Mac - Apple, Windows Reviews - Popular Mechanics
        8 reasons why a Mac is better than a PC News - PC Advisor

        YouTube - "Mac or PC" Rap Music Video (HIGH QUALITY)


        PS: I am super-excited about the Mac or PC debate. I will clarify even more when my Mac arrives on 21.
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        • Profile picture of the author Tyler Jonsson
          Originally Posted by K Goel View Post

          Why do you think that Mac are gaining market share? Not because they "are becoming more trojan vulnerable."

          Also, my friend, as far as graphics and development is concerned, you could load up 20 chips of RAM in a PC to make it equivalent to a sweet single chip Mac.

          You misunderstand my statement my friend. I am telling you that Macs are now becoming a greater target to viruses BECAUSE there are now more of them in use around the world. As a virus programmer, do you focus your efforts on the platform that 96% of the world uses or 4%?

          Now that Macs are putting more of a dent in that percentage, it "becomes" worth their while to target Macs.

          Macs are not a "superior technology" when it comes to security and safety. They simply have never been actively targeted by the goons making Windows based viruses since the 90's.

          Originally Posted by K Goel View Post

          Also, my friend, as far as graphics and development is concerned, you could load up 20 chips of RAM in a PC to make it equivalent to a sweet single chip Mac.
          And you are basing this assertion on... What?

          Well first of all your hyperbole is amusing. There isn't a motherboard in existence for a PC that could accommodate 20 RAM chips. Secondly, a PC would not NEED 20 chips of RAM to easily best a Mac. Apple runs proprietary hardware in their computers. This is a huge disadvantage in my opinion. The lack of direct hardware sales competition removes the necessity to fuel innovation and improve upon performance.

          Apple knows that they do not need to constantly improve upon the core components of their computers as drastically as PC hardware manufacturers do... Why? Because they aren't in competition with them. Mac's run Apple's proprietary parts and nothing else. You tout this as a huge reason for Mac's superiority when it is, in fact, it's biggest failing.

          Originally Posted by K Goel View Post

          You can build a high-end PC for the same price as of Mac. But, how many different companies would that be dependent on? Take for example:
          OS from Microsoft
          Cabinet from HP
          Mouse/Keyboard from Logitech

          In Apple, you have everything from just one company - and they are awesome.
          Once again, I would rather depend on multiple different companies who are fueled by the fire of competition. Companies designing motherboards, hard drives, RAM etc... They all know that if they do not put out a supremely well designed product that performs very well, that I will simply go to their competition and buy their products. This = GOOD for the consumer.

          Apple's "in-house" proprietary hardware = BAD for innovation and BAD for the consumer.

          I won't even go into the absolutely laughable situation with Apple and their batteries... How many people do you know who had a perfectly functional Ipod who had to buy a replacement simply because there was no way to remove the proprietary battery (which conveniently had about a 1.5 year shelf life).

          It never ceases to amaze me the level that Apple has people brainwashed.

          They are NOT a superior platform... Period.

          With that being said, if your personal preference is to use a Mac over a PC, who am I to tell you that you are wrong for doing so? Whatever floats your boat and gets the job done for you.
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          • Profile picture of the author Karan Goel
            Originally Posted by Tyler Jonsson View Post

            How many people do you know who had a perfectly functional Ipod who had to buy a replacement simply because there was no way to remove the proprietary battery (which conveniently had about a 1.5 year shelf life).
            Oh! I myself have a FULLY functional iPod nano 2G, that I bought in 2007. I just had to replace the earpiece. And till now, there hasn't been even a single scratch on it's body, though I use it in a very rugged manner.

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            • Profile picture of the author Tyler Jonsson
              Originally Posted by K Goel View Post

              Oh! I myself have a FULLY functional iPod nano 2G, that I bought in 2007. I just had to replace the earpiece. And till now, there hasn't been even a single scratch on it's body, though I use it in a very rugged manner.

              Well, in my experience you are the exception and not the rule.

              Apple has a reputation for using proprietary UNREMOVABLE batteries which crap out after a year or two... Necessitating the need to buy a new unit.

              Could you take it into an Apple store and have them replace the battery (for a high fee?) ... Sure!

              But they are banking on the fact that you will be so enticed to buy their new fangled Ipod version 75 Elite-Deluxe-Super-Extreme-Edition that you will simply purchase a new unit altogether.

              All because of proprietary hardware and shady marketing gimmicks.

              Good marketing ploys? Yes. Ethical marketing ploys? Hardly.
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        • Profile picture of the author yourreviewer
          Originally Posted by K Goel View Post

          The Mac Versus PC Debate Has Never Been Clearer

          Also, my friend, as far as graphics and development is concerned, you could load up 20 chips of RAM in a PC to make it equivalent to a sweet single chip Mac.
          A perfect example of how consumers justify their decision of purchase. You just purchased a MAC, good for you but that doesn't mean what you say is a fact.
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  • Profile picture of the author BIG Mike
    For your own personal use, it really boils down to just one thing - which platform are you most comfortable working on? Nothing else matters...

    This discussion, which has been ongoing for years has no right or wrong answer. At their core, both platforms do the same basic job - both with their own pros and cons. I've never actually seen any legitimate technical or empirical reasons proving one platform is significantly better than the other.

    One mistake usually made in these discussions is that you're comparing a Mac as both the hardware and operating system unfairly to the PC (hardware) and Windows (the operating system). There are significant differences in how Windows performs based on the underlying hardware.

    As an individual, whatever you choose to use is just that - a personal decision. Regardless of what your personal tastes may be, as a marketer, just don't forget that Windows continues to control a significant share of the OS market.
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  • Profile picture of the author askloz
    I bought a Imac 24" the other day... I HATE IT! SH**TY PLATFORM! What;'s the bloody deal with having the menu right at the top of your monitor and not at the top of the application itself... blooming annoying.

    I'm gonna end up giving it away on one of my product launches coming up. Imac anyone?
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    • Profile picture of the author WealthWithin

      I like the control, power and flexibility of PCs.
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    • Profile picture of the author MGunn
      Originally Posted by askloz View Post

      I bought a Imac 24" the other day... I HATE IT! SH**TY PLATFORM! What;'s the bloody deal with having the menu right at the top of your monitor and not at the top of the application itself... blooming annoying.
      So that's the basis of a decision as to whether you like a certain OS or not?
      As a person who has 250 mac network that I take care of at my school I fell I can say that it comes down to this issue:

      Which machine helps you accomplish what you want?

      They both do things well and both could do things better. If you're used to a PC, a Mac will take a bit of getting used to. (doh!) If you're used to a Mac, a PC will take a bit getting used to. Both are worth the effort to learn.

      In the end, I have one of each on my desk.
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  • Profile picture of the author jasonmorgan

    why are you even asking this... this has been asked a million times and it's always the same answers.

    I'm all about that bass.

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  • Profile picture of the author jimbo63
    I use a Macbook pro, love it. Made the switch about 3 years ago.

    Guess what?? I can run all the popular software that a lot of us use, from Incansoft products to Scrapebox without a problem.

    I use VirtualBox (which is free) to run all my windows base software.

    With a mac, you can have the best of both worlds.

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  • Profile picture of the author Zabrina
    People above me have already pointed out the many advantages of Macs: fast, generally crash-free, virus-free, can run anything a PC can with Boot Camp, Crossover, or Parallels, increased productivity, etc. But I'll reiterate some of these points and add a few that I'm surprised haven't yet been mentioned.

    If it's your first Mac, it takes anywhere from a few days to few months (depending on your own computer skills) to learn about it, but then you'll probably never switch back. My most hardcore Windows-loving friends recently switched to Macs, and neither of them regret it!

    Also, Mac is most definitely not mouse-based! I use keyboard shortcuts almost constantly and only use the mouse when I absolutely need to. If I were more motivated, I could use keyboard shortcuts for just about everything.

    Another huge advantage is Spotlight. Best. Search. Utility. Ever. I routinely find documents, articles, movie clips, and songs buried deep in my hard drive in less than five seconds.

    The decor was certainly one of the last things on my list of reasons to switch to a Mac five years ago. And I'm so very glad I did.
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  • Profile picture of the author badboy_Nick
    PC's all the way for me. Granted, more problems but why would I want to work on a system hardly anyone around the world uses? The compatibility issues are frustrating enough IMO.
    Read my incredible story:
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  • Profile picture of the author Bossman34
    The Mac vs. PC argument is kind of like a heated political debate...pointless because nobody really wins, but fun nonetheless!

    However, here are some FACTS!

    The ONLY difference between Macs and PCs is on the surface which is the operating system. The guts (ie. components) are essentially the same. Macs use the same exact CPUs as PCs (Intel) and the rest of the components are found equally in Macs and PCs.

    Macs are not technologically superior from the hardware standpoint. So, Mac users are paying a premium for the Mac OS and name because it is supposedly more user friendly and less prone to viruses...both of which can be argued.

    The Mac OS is not technically less "prone" to is NOT any more secure than Windows. The reason that viruses haven't been a huge problem is because virus developers aren't going to waste their time spreading viruses for something that hold 5% market share when they could be getting the other 95%.

    I'm personally a PC guy and will always be one. I will probably buy a Mac because they are cool for sure...their marketing is brilliant!

    But still, for the price of a Mac you can buy a PC that absolutely blows a Mac out of the water pound for pound.

    Just my $0.02!
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