IMEye - the next big IM tool?

163 replies
Hi guys, how's it going?

I've just got an email from Steve Clayton and Tim Godfrey about their new product they're rolling out this week called IMEye.

It's a software that lets you search for amazing keywords for doing adsense site, promoting affiliate offers, creating ecommerce sites, etc.

The main difference from other keyword research tools is that you do not enter keywords, but you tell the software to show you for example keywords that only have more than 50.000 searches per month, less that 250.000 competing pages, higher / lower than certain CPC bids, lower than 25.000 pages that have that keyword in titles, etc.

In other words it's an opportunity seeking tool. It let's you find keywords where it's easy to create adsense sites, or ecommerce sites, or drive PPC traffic to affiliate offers, etc.

IMHO, it's more than amazing.

Here's the link to the intro video where you can see the tool in action:


What do you think about it?

Take care everybody,


PS: Of course, this is not my affiliate link, nor am I in any way affiliated with Tim and Steve. I'm just amazed how cool this tool is and wanted to share it with you guys. I'm definitely going to buy it and I'll post my reviews once it launches.
#big #imeye #tool
  • Profile picture of the author Midas3 Consulting
    Been watching the video.

    Don't really get excited by s/w

    But this..hmm, looks dam good.

    Market Sam still has features I love and wouldn't trade for blood (rank tracker) but this will suddenly make a big part of my life dramatically easier and more profitable and it looks like it beats MS and some others into a cocked hat, at least for my requirements.

    Flipping the traditional k/w research mechanism on it's head so it gives you the phrases to work with on masse rather than you having to do the research on every potential phrase, is pretty much game changing , from a time perspective.

    Time saved on finding a potentially profitable long tail reduced to zilch.

    Not cheap s/w but for me it would pay for itself in a day or less.

    I'll be grabbing it and having a play, hard to tell until I can actually use it myself but the video gives a pretty good picture of what it's capable of.

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  • Profile picture of the author Clyde
    Seems like what I'm launching in a few days time.

    Nothing more fun than a competition, :p

    Generate Unlimited Number of Micro Niche Keywords, Multi-threaded EMD Finder PLUS More!

    50% OFF WSO.
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    • Profile picture of the author Midas3 Consulting
      Originally Posted by ruch1v View Post

      he said it was subscription based right? any guesses on price?
      I see a "thanks" under my post from "claytons" which is Steve so I suspect he will drop in with pricing, you can bet he will keep an eye on the thread.
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  • Profile picture of the author ruch1v
    I doubt he'll drop in with the price, I've never seen anyone mention the price of a product before launch day, I guess that's what Jeff Walker teaches..

    my guess on price is... $47/month - if it's a standalone, if it's bundled with other stuff then maybe more

    Anyone else want to speculate?
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  • Profile picture of the author claytons
    hehe...I was going to point that out...

    I thought the whole idea behind launch formula was to get people excited BEFORE they knew the price... :-)

    But seriously...this is VERY valuable stuff...and the price reflects this. It also cost a TON to develop and costs a TON for ongoing expenses. We add 25k keywords per day into our database...the database stands at 1 million strong right this minute...and NONE of those keywords have zero search volume!

    I can assure you this. If you find just ONE opportunity with IMeye per will EASILY pay for the total cost of IMeye for that year....probably in just a month or two of running with that one opportunity. So I think the economics work.

    It is more than $47 per month though :-) for sure. The domain feature alone is probably worth what we're charging. That is ... the ability to see domains that are expiring or up for auction...that already rank in the top 10 of the SERPS for a nice keyword. This is UNREAL to see....and a nice any given time about .2% of our keywords have a domain that meets this criteria. That's a couple thousand to start out with...and more added each day.
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  • Profile picture of the author Clyde
    If only we had a Desktop Version of this with a one-time fee.. Hmm... :p

    Generate Unlimited Number of Micro Niche Keywords, Multi-threaded EMD Finder PLUS More!

    50% OFF WSO.
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  • Profile picture of the author claytons
    you have a desktop version with 1 million keywords growing at 25k per day that already has all of this data stored so it's completely searchable etc.?

    Number of searches

    Number of competing pages

    Number of intitle competing pages

    adwords bid estimates high and low with positions

    the top 10 web site in the serps

    the adwords ads that are running

    whether someone has used this or a related keyword to market categories of affiliate offers or specific Clickbank products

    Flags that identify if there is ecommerce going on for this keyword and/or if any of these are present in the top 10: Ezine, Squidoo, hubpages, blogspot, yah answers, youtube

    whether there's an exact match domain in the top 10

    AND...that tells you if any domains are up for auction or expiring that already rank in the top 10 for that keyword phrase?

    I'd be quite surprised...if you have all that already, Mate...either of you guys... many of your keywords have zero searches per month? I love how keywordspy says they look at 25 million keywords when 23 million have 10 searches or less per month! :-)

    Oh..and please come clean with the source of your can certainly buy old data from that Russian source...that has the keywords and the volumes..but none of the competition info...that's the value of this...ours is all obtained through our own efforts...the stuff you can buy is very old, and has none of the really valuable that's what's hard to come by.

    This is what I'm talking about btw:

    You can get the keywords, the volumes, and the default high bid from adwords with this anyone can use it to build one of these products.'s having all the competition data that makes IMeye powerful. Otherwise you're just sorting through millions of keywords and having to use a keyword tool or manually investigate the competitive aspects for SEO...or the bids for Adwords. That default high bid..tells you nothing about what you may really be able to get clicks for.

    BTW...there is value in that database...and if these other guys' tools give you something like that without the competition info...again, there's value in that..just seeing the most high volume keywords etc.'s different value than IMeye..and I think less valuable from a "what would you pay for it" stand point.
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  • Profile picture of the author Clyde
    I don't share a single DB with 200+ members either.

    All of the people that own my software will build their own list over time, in other words, each of them will own their own "data" stored in their own computer for their own PERSONAL use.

    They can input their own seed KW's and the software can go 1 level deep, 2 level deep, 3 - xxx level deep to extract keywords without they having to do anything... click a button and go to bed, that's it!

    Want allintitle data? allinanchor? allinurl? competing pages?
    Click a few more buttons and go to the gym.

    sick of Google returning "0" results or banning your IP for automated queries? Don't worry, you're taken care off. :p

    but if people want data shared with 100's other people they should pay a subscription fee here.

    absolutely. why not?

    i do have a connect that works for KeywordSpy but let's keep that out of the discussion.

    sorry for hijacking this thread. i won't be posting anymore.

    p/s: sure your data is huge but if you have 100's of people looking for the exact same thing "high adwords bid, low competition" then what's the use? hm..

    Generate Unlimited Number of Micro Niche Keywords, Multi-threaded EMD Finder PLUS More!

    50% OFF WSO.
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  • Profile picture of the author claytons
    "p/s: sure your data is huge but if you have 100's of people looking for the exact same thing "high adwords bid, low competition" then what's the use? hm.."

    Because there's enough to go around!

    "Click a few more buttons and go to the gym."

    That's another issue...what happens when they get a "captcha" screen while they're out? :-)

    The key difference here is this:

    "They can input their own seed KW's"

    You have to have a starting do all keyword research tools , including our own keyword blueprint...and market samurai etc.

    YOU have to stumble across the right seed keywords and pick the right resulting keywords for more analysis to find the good ones.

    IMeye finds them for you...and this is the critical difference.

    There's value in the tool you're describing for there's value in our keyword blueprint, and market samurai, and micro niche finder etc. But it's different value...

    IMeye doesn't replace those tools it's never deigned to have EVERY keyword in its database.

    It's complimentary...

    Thanks for the comment about hijacking the thread...appreciate the consideration there. I do think it's a bit unfair to be talking about products that don't even have a launch date yet as competition to something going live on Thursday. I do appreciate that.
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  • Profile picture of the author claytons didn't really answer my ?'s about your data etc.

    But..anyway....only half joking...can you get your own thread? :-) for your own product?

    You do have one here:
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    • Profile picture of the author Paul Clifford
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    • Profile picture of the author Royalking
      Originally Posted by claytons View Post didn't really answer my ?'s about your data etc.

      But..anyway....only half joking...can you get your own thread? :-) for your own product?
      Yes this imeye keyword tool really is a hard hitting tool makes money for sure.
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  • Profile picture of the author claytons
    It's not a course,'d need to know what to do with the certainly compliments pretty much ANY course out there...including our own. As ... all the courses really depend on you coming up with some kind of traffic source from some kind of keyword phrase.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jay Rhome
    Hi Steven

    In IM Advantage we can get many of the features, but have to use a lot of our time looking for the KWs and/or digging down. So I see IMeye as a HUGE time saver and opportunity finder. Does it make IMA obsolete?

    I mean there is still BlogBP, Bookmark BP and all that, but KWBP, the opportunity database, etc.

    Like an addict I do want all the tools I can get, but at the same time, cost is obviously an issue...

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  • Profile picture of the author claytons
    @lalo039 - no, discount :-( it's just too much of a capital cost for us...the development of this tool.

    @jay Rhome - I hear you and we do have you covered...IMA members are getting a HUGE discount that will make it worth your while to keep both. Since IMA is our monthly subscription program...we felt we could offer a discount to those members only.
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  • Profile picture of the author HollandsFinest
    I am bit confused, don't know if this is the right thread but here we go:

    I got your IMeye pdf from your website and I read I will have a chance to get my hands on push button tools to build e-commerce sites (Niche Blueprint 2.0?) and following instructions in the Commission Blueprint.

    Does this mean both Niche Blueprint 2.0 and Commission Blueprint 2.0 are included in the IMEye package?

    And what are the major differences between both Blueprints?

    I don't want to buy things twice, but both blueprints look pretty awesome and have research tools (Keyword Blueprint).

    The way I look at it is that IMEye is some sort of Keyword Blueprint 2.0 with more functions and is the perfect addition to either blueprint, but am I getting the blueprints with the IMEye package? If not, which one is better for what category marketers?

    And do both blueprints involve a lot of writing or is this done on autopilot/autoposting?
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    • Profile picture of the author ruch1v
      Originally Posted by HollandsFinest View Post

      Does this mean both Niche Blueprint 2.0 and Commission Blueprint 2.0 are included in the IMEye package?

      And what are the major differences between both Blueprints?

      Niche Blueprint is about selling physical products (dropshipped to customers, so you don't need to invest in anything or deal with shipping it). Steve and Tim supply different dropshippers you can use and basically teach you from start to finish how to start and manage one of these sites

      Commission Blueprint is about setting up affiliate sites, I haven't purchased this, but I've got Affiloblueprint by Mark Ling and get the gist that it's pretty similar

      hope this helps
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  • Profile picture of the author claytons
    @HollandsFinest - No, sorry for any confusion there...CB 2 and NB 2 are completely separate packages and are not coming "with" IMeye.

    IMeye is not a's a powerful tool that may be used along with any other monetization strategy like the ones taught in CB 2 or NB 2...or anything else really.

    NB 2 pretty much requires no copywriting at all....while CB 2 does require a small amount.
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  • Profile picture of the author ausslite
    this thing looks to be just insane
    i am very excited about its release.
    but i worry a bit about the monthly commitment.

    anytime someone talks about price justification over the long term it means that the thing costs an arm and leg.

    i hope not we will see.
    it is still going to be awesome and a hefty price tag will keep the tire kickers away \
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    • Profile picture of the author maverick4u
      Originally Posted by ausslite View Post

      this thing looks to be just insane
      i am very excited about its release.
      but i worry a bit about the monthly commitment.
      Steve has said that it will be more than $47/mo. I too am a little worried about the price-I have heard rumors that it will be upwards of $300/mo! Ouch!

      Probably if you used the h**l out of it and worked like a dervish for a year it would pay off for you even at that price.
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      • Profile picture of the author Midas3 Consulting
        Originally Posted by maverick4u View Post

        Steve has said that it will be more than $47/mo. I too am a little worried about the price-I have heard rumors that it will be upwards of $300/mo! Ouch!

        Probably if you used the h**l out of it and worked like a dervish for a year it would pay off for you even at that price.
        Hi Maverick4u,

        I did some digging, you don't have to be Sherlock Holmes to get the numbers.

        Pretty easy to find but Steve clearly doesn't want that displayed here at this point, so I won't, but suffice to say it's a lot less than $300 a month.

        Watching the video, I would say for many of us it's going to pay for itself in about a day or less.

        That's entirely dependent on the business model you're in of course.

        For me, to no longer have to think of keywords to then cross reference for suitability, to just be given the phrases that are pretty much gtg, I can't tell you how much of a difference that is between what's out there now and what this does.

        Only those who do this daily can understand what a significant difference there is between those two positions and what it means for us in terms of time.

        I love Market Samurai, it's pure awesomeness in a can, what it does, nobody does as well, including IMEYE, but MS can't do this , not close, it's like all the existing k/w tools in reverse and on crack.

        For anybody in the adsense market, the micro niche market, and so on, this will have them wetting their pants, it just removed hours of k/w research work.

        I've seen a few people comment it's not for newbies, I sort of agree and disagree.

        Imagine if you no longer had to understand and learn how to effectively do profitable keyword research ?

        No more, in quotes, out of quotes.
        No more allintitle etc
        No more PR checking
        No more MSN commercial viability
        No more checking Adwords potential CPC

        And so on.

        Just bung in some paramaters dependent on whether you want to play in CPA/Adsense or PPC etc and whoop - der it is.

        If that isn't for newbies, I don't know what is is.

        One of the hardest parts of this business for newbies IS finding profitable keyword phrases to monetize, this s/w pretty removed that headache.

        Of course you do need to know how to build a properly converting site to then monetize that, which moves us away from newbie territory but even if we just took say the Adsense model, how many good threads on this forum alone do we have showing even a newbie how to get a simple WP blog up with a high CTR theme ?

        Loads, check out xfactor, clickbump and anothers, that parts the easy part.

        Basically this s/w cuts out 99% of the grunt work - if there was ever a " profitable keyword on a plate " tool, this is as close as it currently gets.

        Now Steve, just build in a "top 5 placements" hyper analysis module and this thing moves into God Status.

        I still stick to the adage that the most crucial factor is who's in those money slots on page 1, so I will take my keywords from IMEYE and then just go and take a quick look at the top 5 positions, probably run them through Market Sam as it's great that that process.

        For the record, I'm glad it's got a highish price tag, more keywords and less competition for me :-)

        In fact, no more positive ra-ra from me because:

        a) I would rather Steve had less customers for this tool, more juicy keywords for me.
        b) I don't have an affiliate link anywhere plugging this.

        So I take back everything above.

        This s/w SUCKS.

        Avoid at all costs, keep grinding away manually at your k/w research.
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  • Profile picture of the author sentient
    All speculation I guess, but I've read on an affiliate site for IMeye that it's going to cost $147 per month if you get it within 1 week of the launch, and $197 per month if you sign up after that.

    Looks like a fantastic tool, but at that price I would imagine it is aimed at already successful IM'ers rather than newbies. Particularly when you compare it to the one off cost of Market Samurai (which I know doesn't do the same things, but is still an excellent keyword research tool).

    I was very excited, as it does look super cool with some amazing features, but it's not something I'm going to be getting at that price. I'm sure the people who know what they're doing can easily get their money back every month though. The same as any software, it can pay for itself if you use it right.
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  • Profile picture of the author mtnbiz
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    • Profile picture of the author ChrisG
      does the tool have the ability to display search volume in phrase or exact match?
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  • Profile picture of the author claytons
    @ChrisG - currently phrase / global. We'll be looking to expand into exact shortly. Pros and cons for both , obviously, weighing the collection effort Vs. the ability to have more keywords and keep them up to date etc.

    We wanted to make sure we proved our infrastructure...we have and now we're poised to make MANY very cool enhancements such as that.

    We'll likely stick with Global though....for foreseeable future.
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    • Profile picture of the author trader197
      Just a quick comment, I think that the discussion about similar tools is very useful (as opposed to thread hijacking) when determining whether to go with a product which has yet another monthly subscription price, or possibly something that does not.

      Thanks to all for the discussion.
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      • Profile picture of the author GlenH
        Just my response to a comment that was made about 'desktop' based apps. becoming obsolete as days go on...

        If I had a choice to buy a desktop app. that I would OWN, compared to being held to ransom having to pay other people a monthly toll to access a web based app....... it's the desktop app. for me every time.

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      • Profile picture of the author digidoodles
        Originally Posted by trader197 View Post

        Just a quick comment, I think that the discussion about similar tools is very useful (as opposed to thread hijacking) when determining whether to go with a product which has yet another monthly subscription price, or possibly something that does not.

        Thanks to all for the discussion.
        Exactly-- this is not a paid WSO thread.. it's a review thread.. which, ultimately, results in a... drumroll... review... meaning comparing it to other things out there (or going to be out there) or discussing the bad points (and good points)

        If a product is what it says it is, all the bantering is unnecessary.

        As my dad always says.. "the cream rises to the top".


        My niche is feeding my family... What's yours?
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  • Profile picture of the author claytons
    @GlenH - don't necessarily disagree...but some things HUGE databases that are updated daily really don't lend themselves to the desktop model.

    And I wouldn't look at it as Ransom :-) It's like paying get continued value for that...when you stop getting stop paying.

    "Renting" access to IMeye trades the rent payment for value. We think the value far exceeds the payment...but of course, the minute the customer doesn't think so...they simply stop paying.

    Our rule of thumb is .. if there's ongoing cost to provide the service, then it's subscription based...otherwise it's not.

    This product requires a LOT of ongoing expense on our side.
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    • Profile picture of the author Phillips Pierce
      Originally Posted by claytons View Post

      @GlenH - don't necessarily disagree...but some things HUGE databases that are updated daily really don't lend themselves to the desktop model.

      And I wouldn't look at it as Ransom :-) It's like paying get continued value for that...when you stop getting stop paying.

      "Renting" access to IMeye trades the rent payment for value. We think the value far exceeds the payment...but of course, the minute the customer doesn't think so...they simply stop paying.

      Our rule of thumb is .. if there's ongoing cost to provide the service, then it's subscription based...otherwise it's not.

      This product requires a LOT of ongoing expense on our side.
      I think most of us prefer to buy the house outright and claim ownership of it then rent a flat.

      I know I'd much rather prefer my own house with garden over a flat on the 15th floor

      I think your analogy is flawed because there's more value in owning property than there is in simply renting it. The value is not only in the property itself but in ones ownership of it as well. Otherwise the real value always remain with the tenant.
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      • Profile picture of the author Tom B
        Originally Posted by Phillips Pierce View Post

        I think your analogy is flawed because there's more value in owning property than there is in simply renting it. The value is not only in the property itself but in ones ownership of it as well. Otherwise the real value always remain with the tenant.
        I would say your analogy is flawed.

        You may purchase the property outright but will still be paying for upkeep, taxes, insurance and so on...

        This is a service that will incur monthly expenses that someone has to pay. Just like a web hosting company to whom you pay a monthly fee.
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        • Profile picture of the author TiMa
          I think you guys can use an opinion over here. I have used IMEye myself, and here's what I think..

          Before I continue though, let me make a complete disclosure - I am an affiliate of IMEye, and I do get paid if I make a sale. I've mentioned my affiliate site at the end of this post, and you have no obligation whatsoever to buy from it, heck don't even click on it if you don't want to!

          IMEye is launching tomorrow, and the price tag is heavy. $147 a month, jumping to $197 a month a week after it's launch.

          I received access to IMEye a few days back. Then, I had no idea what it was, other than that it was a "keyword research tool". The first thing that I noticed when I logged inside IMEye's Members Area is that - heck, it had NO function of doing keyword research for your own keyword! I have used tons of keyword tools before (and settled for Market Samurai in the end!), so I brushed this off thinking it as being one of those. But since there was no such function, it really got me intrigued & curious as to what it did.

          So let's break down this post into the various aspects of IM Eye.

          #1: Its Interface

          The interface is really user-friendly. The process of discovering a new market has been made extremely SIMPLE, easy & fun. It is one of the most newbie-friendly software's I've seen in a long-time. A few errors while logging in did appear, but all it took was an "Ok" to continue. Personally, I'm glad it's web-based - one less software to install, and less updates to take care of.

          #2: Its Keyword Database

          The database is huge. Everytime you'll login, pages & pages of new keywords are just waiting for you. When I made my first search, there were quite a few keywords that were indeed irrelevant. On further investigation, I realized that some of those keywords were infact in a foreign language which could be exploited for profit (One of the keywords I discovered was in German, it's English translation read "cheap hotels"). Time and again, you might encounter keywords which you'll think are just a waste of your time, but try taking a second look. Otherwise, I came across very few keywords that neither made any sense, nor were really profitable. They keyword database is well-maintained and is free from all that clutter that comes when you buy huge "keyword lists".

          #3: Its Usage

          Basically, IMEye is a standalone software, which comes with some tutorials. However, there has been no addressal as to "what to do" after a profitable keyword has been discovered. In all honesty, even though I'm an affiliate of IMEye, I had thought that if Tim & Steve are charging such a bomb for this, they might have included a step-by-step procedure as to what to do next - a feature that has been quite prevalent in their previous products. Therefore - obviously, IMEye won't make you money on it's own. You have to use it along with a monetization strategy, as Steve mentioned above. This I feel is the #1 shortcoming of IMEye. However, I've addressed this shortcoming further in this post..

          I think the main question when it comes to its usage is -

          Will it help YOU discover HOT markets with less competition (there is almost no market with "no" competition) and high profitability?

          The answer would be Yes - It will.

          IMEye will literally cut the brainstorming process (which I surely dislike to do) & wild-guessing as to which market can be profitable. Simply put, it gives you a market in which money can be made. Making money from that market is your part, if that makes sense.

          So if you would ask me, as a friend or a non-affiliate, I would recommend IMEye to you provided:

          (i) You have a money-making strategy or system which you'll be using along with it.
          (ii) You can afford it (if $150 is all that you have, this probably won't be a good idea).
          (iii) You'll act.

          I feel the above three are main pre-requisites if someone wants to have success with this tool.

          I mentioned somewhere above that I'll be addressing the first pre-requisite..

          Enter - my IM Eye Bonus (blatant promotion?).

          If you use my bonus to address the first pre-requisite, and you have a few extra hundred dollars sitting in your PayPal account, and above all you promise to ACT, IMEye will make you money.

          Now, I'm not saying that "my IM Eye Bonus will help you" just for the sake of making a sale. Visit my site, the bonus is at the bottom. You decide yourself:

          IM Eye | Review | Bonus | IM (My Review & Bonus Page For IMEye. No, you won't be redirected to IMEye's Salespage when you click the above link!)

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  • Profile picture of the author pavionjsl
    Do not worry about that desktop model, I am sure everyone got the email......he is keeping it to himself..........EXCEPT if you send him 3000.00................then your in
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    • Profile picture of the author digidoodles
      Originally Posted by pavionjsl View Post

      Do not worry about that desktop model, I am sure everyone got the email......he is keeping it to himself..........EXCEPT if you send him 3000.00................then your in


      My niche is feeding my family... What's yours?
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  • Profile picture of the author ausslite
    this thread is sweet. and IMeye is going to revolutionize the game. i will be buying into it i think
    give it 2 months and just sit for few hours each week getting ideas.
    this will be nice tool to build my adsense empire.
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    • Profile picture of the author digidoodles
      Originally Posted by ausslite View Post

      this thread is sweet. and IMeye is going to revolutionize the game. i will be buying into it i think
      give it 2 months and just sit for few hours each week getting ideas.
      this will be nice tool to build my adsense empire.
      Except that.. it's not exact searches.. which... is pretty paramount to adsense empires.

      Unless I'm missing something, it will harvest the keywords... and then you can go run those through MS or something similar to get the EXACT searches, to see if it really is a good keyword to go with.

      Don't get me wrong, I think it's an incredible idea. But, when it was said it does "global" only and probably for the foreseeable future.. I'm wondering how this is really a one-step process. What am I missing?


      My niche is feeding my family... What's yours?
      Watch Us as We Do It Or D.IE... Are you Along For The Ride
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  • Profile picture of the author Clyde
    Yes, I've promised to keep my desktop tool to myself till I reach 1k AdSense sites, should be sometime in December at a rate of 100+ new sites per month.. Heck, I might even just give it out for free then.

    Like I said, if you want to go after the same exact niches other 100+ members are after then IMeye is probably good for you, but do you?

    If you've been a member of other similar sites you should know how fast these niches go away as soon as they're made available.

    Originally Posted by claytons View Post

    This product requires a LOT of ongoing expense on our side.
    I can build my personal 100k keywords list in 2/3 days and keep updating for as long as I want. Cost? $2/day for decaptching service.

    Generate Unlimited Number of Micro Niche Keywords, Multi-threaded EMD Finder PLUS More!

    50% OFF WSO.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1961199].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author claytons
    Brandi - Just to address your first issue...totally support open conversation about competing products...just have an issue with product owners chiming in and making claims about their own stuff...especially when it's not even released yet.

    Any customers of competing products...absolutely...couldn't agree more...bring on the comparisons! :-)

    The global issue is certainly fine for adsense...and for many traffic is relevant for MANY things...and MANY global traffic goes...local traffic does as well..not always...but many times.

    As for phrase can TOTALLY make an argument for both...ABSOLUTELY...and we're going to add have's always helpful to look at that ratio.

    But here's what I do...generally.

    I like to look at phrase match as a good indicator of potential volume...because of the "coat tail" type rankings I can usually achieve kind of by accident.

    A real world example: our train horns site is only optimized for one keyword phrase "train horns"...BUT...I get traffic (long tail and low for sure!) from over 1200 different search phrases...because of LSI kind of "credit" that google gives me and ranks me for VERY low competition related terms.

    SO...I believe that phrase match is a nice way to build that in. My own way of doing things...I take phrase match and plan on getting 20% of that volume (after adding up ALL the search term traffic) if I can make into the top 3 for the phrase I'm looking at.

    I usually get pretty close....not ALL the time...but often enough.

    In addition, Phrase match is very important when evaluating an Adwords opportunity...obviously...we can't forget that IMeye also looks at click's not just an SEO opportunity finder.

    That all being said...exact match has its place, totally agree...and will be added VERY soon. In addition you can also search on # of words in the keyword phrase...obviously the higher the # of words...the less difference there will be in exact / phrase.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1961223].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author digidoodles
      Originally Posted by claytons View Post

      Brandi - Just to address your first issue...totally support open conversation about competing products...just have an issue with product owners chiming in and making claims about their own stuff...especially when it's not even released yet..
      I understand your concerns.

      But in all fairness, your software isn't released yet either. You have a launch date (and actually the other guy did too). ANYTHING can happen (God forbid!!!!!) between now and your launch date.

      The cream rises to the top. And I hope to skim some of yours off there


      My niche is feeding my family... What's yours?
      Watch Us as We Do It Or D.IE... Are you Along For The Ride
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1961774].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author claytons
    Hehe...good point Brandi...good point....but it'll be there tomorrow!

    @Phillips Pierce - I understand you'd prefer to own, but...then the price would be MUCH more expensive..

    There's value in renting property (otherwise people wouldn't ever do it! ) :-) There's more value in owning (well...except if you bought like 4 years ago in Florida!!) so that's more expensive...

    :-) I'm kinda teasing here...but...hopefully you get my point.

    We're charging a "rental" price...not a "buying" wouldn't see a rental rate and expect the owners to give you the house for it...right?

    I think I've just completely beat this dead horse now...!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1961805].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author rawoo
    Steve, how often will the data for each keyword be updated?
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  • Profile picture of the author claytons
    Our goal is for the data to never be more than 30 days old and to maintain that level as we triple the total keywords over the next 3 months or so.

    After that...we hope to stay at (somewhere anyway) around that 3-5 million keyword level ... just constantly replacing ones that get very few searches. Probably 85% of any keyword from any tool doesn't get enough searches to ever even concern yourself with ... so the challenge is to keep making sure your database is full of the good ones AND able to be updated in a reasonable time frame.

    For us...that means the database will get to 3-5 million (it's at 1 million right now) and no single keyword will have data older than 30 days at any given moment in time.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1962999].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author rawoo
      Thanks Steve.

      Additional questions. Will your service place any limits on the number of search performed for any given period of time? Also, will there be any limits in the number of results per search? What about the capacity to save search results for later review or even favorite search parameters for later use? Finally, will we be allowed to export the result for further analysis on our own? I know these are a lot of questions, but I'm just trying to determine how accessible the data will be beyond just presentation on the screen.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1963161].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author rawoo
        Just an additional thought. Would you give consideration to possibly adding a "buy per search or result" plan. My thinking is that finding a thousand or even ten thousand keyword results to act upon would be more that enough to make your fortune. (Buffet-style may be better suited for most people rather than a full course meal. ;-)

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1963186].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author chini
    Alot of the keywords and example were based on broad match traffic. When you change it to exact match, the volume drops massively.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1963184].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author TiffanyB
    This software would fit perfectly into my plan of making niche websites monetized with Adsense and Amazon. Although I do have other keyword tools and even have a membership that has an awesome keyword tool that cuts out a lot of keyword research work I would love to add to get my hands on this, but right now the $147 a month fee may be just a little too much. Although it looks like I could get it for one month, find a hundred awesome keywords and be set for quite awhile and start raking in the passive income. I think that this s/w may just require a splurge purchase.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1963468].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Negotiator74
    Personally Steve....I just can't wait for this to launch tomorrow! I do a TON of keyword research and this tool is going to allow me to focus on SEO and site building instead of uncovering appropriate keywords. Really....can't wait!

    I have never promoted an IM product but I am promoting this one. This tools is exactly what most folks in this biz need (including me!).
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1963530].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author tonyaphx
    I got Steve's email the other day about IMeye and at first I thought cool tool. Then it hit me like a ton of bricks. I had the list of keywords from IM Advantage with low compition and high searches. I have been working on getting websites for that list. I was wondering why not very many people took advantage of that list. I thought cool more for me. So here I was thinking I found gold and my sites are going to do great. Then this email dropped a bomb on me, after I relised that the keyword list I had is the same keyword list that this product will produce and more. So my low compition keywords will now have more compition, but that's okay. I hurried up and bought all the domains I wanted that had to do with the list I had. (24 domains) Now I just have to work smarter and harder after IMeye launches. I do think that instead of finding gold I know now found silver, but it's all part of the IM game. I wondered how you came up with such and awesome keyword list. I should have known you had a tool to do it for you. Time for me to stop messing around in here and start building websites since compition is headed my way.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1963929].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author ruch1v
      Originally Posted by tonyaphx View Post

      I got Steve's email the other day about IMeye and at first I thought cool tool. Then it hit me like a ton of bricks. I had the list of keywords from IM Advantage with low compition and high searches. I have been working on getting websites for that list. I was wondering why not very many people took advantage of that list. I thought cool more for me. So here I was thinking I found gold and my sites are going to do great. Then this email dropped a bomb on me, after I relised that the keyword list I had is the same keyword list that this product will produce and more. So my low compition keywords will now have more compition, but that's okay. I hurried up and bought all the domains I wanted that had to do with the list I had. (24 domains) Now I just have to work smarter and harder after IMeye launches. I do think that instead of finding gold I know now found silver, but it's all part of the IM game. I wondered how you came up with such and awesome keyword list. I should have known you had a tool to do it for you. Time for me to stop messing around in here and start building websites since compition is headed my way.

      based on this post, am I right in thinking that some keywords already exist in the keyword blueprint section of IMA? the reason I ask is because I've been considering IMA for a while so this may just push me over the edge
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1966368].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author carlo_sim
    Whoa! This tool is really huge! =) Ill surely try this! Looking at the demo am pretty sure that it can surely help me with all my new campaigns! =)
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1963964].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author claytons
    @rawoo - There are no limits at all on the searches you can do. You have the ability to save projects and searches, kind of like multiple workspaces...and you can export data into csv. This export is limited to a screen current screen and/or your "my keywords section"...reason for that should be obvious! :-) We are currently not looking at any other pricing plans.

    @chini - we don't use broad match for anything...not sure what you're talking about

    @tiffanyB - We certainly hope that people will see the long term value too. With new keywords being added every day as well as new domains that are available. It's a resource to keep coming back to!

    @Negotiator74 Thanks!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1964469].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author valdivz
      Alright Steve...go easy on us on the pricing How about charging a smaller trial fee so we can try the software and then you can increase on the second month :p
      Cut The Crap & Give Me The Goods...!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1965031].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Chris Dolan
    I am sure it will be a massive success.

    When I saw the video I could only note a few features in IMEYE that I don't have in Hot Keyword Agent, individual column filters being one, and a couple of stats. Of course I don't have IMEYE so I couldn't do a side by side test. I showed my software to the guys about 12 months ago because in part is was inspired by them, and their Commission Blueprint course.

    Be interested to see feedback to IMEYE when its out. I am sure its going to be a quality product. They always deliver that.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1965369].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Phillips Pierce
    It's supposed to be out today right? what time?
    It's not out yet....
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1965476].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author claytons
    Noon EST...9 minutes
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    • Profile picture of the author Bcrewse1
      $147 a MONTH! You gotta be KIDDIN me!
      Not for me...good luck for those who think this is worth $1600 a year....SHEEESH!

      I'll spend the extra few minutes with the Samarai, MNF and G's keywords tools...yes, it will take me a few hrs per website but I only build a few sites per week and I'll keep my $150 a month for more important beer and a movie...=) Wrong economy for this type of pricing.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1965609].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Zach Booker
        Originally Posted by Bcrewse1 View Post

        $147 a MONTH! You gotta be KIDDIN me!
        Not for me...good luck for those who think this is worth $1600 a year....SHEEESH!

        I'll spend the extra few minutes with the Samarai, MNF and G's keywords tools...yes, it will take me a few hrs per website but I only build a few sites per week and I'll keep my $150 a month for more important beer and a movie...=) Wrong economy for this type of pricing.
        This is the type of thinking that will stunt your growth online.

        Last I checked I paid $379 a month for hosting. But without it I'd make no money, right?

        Even though it's over $4,500 a year it's more than worth it.

        ...Whatever tool you buy. No matter what it does. Be prepared to stop thinking about how much it's costing you but instead how much it'll make you.

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1967227].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Bcrewse1
          I too respect your opinion Zack, my friend, but my thinking has made me a full time living online and then some. You are comparing hosting to a keyword search tool? You are right. Without hosting you wouldn't even be online. It's a service not a tool. Tools in and of themselves are completely worthless if you don't know how to use them... and they...themselves...will NEVER make you any money. It's all about what you do with the information the tool provides you, how you apply that information and keywords are but a tiny piece of the overall picture. Mis-quoting me confuses the issue.

          As far as Imeye goes it appears to be something that can be very advantageous and a real time saver on what it can provide. Even I, the great "tool" skeptic may take it for a trial spin and see what pans. I am a "fair" skeptic that's for certain and if it delivers I won't hesitate to post my results here....=)
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1967502].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author claytons
    Certainly respect your opinion, Mate.

    BUT..if you were able to just identify ONE domain from IMeye in ONE year that was already ranked #3 for a great KW Phrase...pretty sure that $1600 would see a nice ROI.

    And that's just ONE opportunity in ONE year...using ONE of its functions.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1965625].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Clyde
    1. Are your kw's separated into themes? (i.e: can i just get good kw's for "mortgage"?)

    2. Can I filter based on # of words, exact domain name availability and maybe avg bid, adwords competition?

    3. How often are these data updated?

    4. Once a member target a KW, will this KW be removed from the list?

    5. Can I select the # of searches to be exact/broad/phrase.

    6. What about geographically targetted kw's? Can i have the # of searches a KW get from specific Country, UK, EU just to name a few?

    7. Will you control on the # of members you will accept, from my experience, Niche provider services often oversell and members will be left out with left-over KW's.

    8. If you do, how are you doing it? For every 100k good keywords added you will allow 10 new members?

    Generate Unlimited Number of Micro Niche Keywords, Multi-threaded EMD Finder PLUS More!

    50% OFF WSO.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1965725].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Gale10
    I'm thinking no-one is on talking about this tool cos they are all too busy using it to find the top keywords to target!


    I am not sure that I wont be joining them too........looks great!


    Want well-written articles from a native English speaking writer? Want them written quickly with the minimum of fuss? Want one revision free?

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1965760].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author TiffanyB
      Originally Posted by Gale10 View Post

      I'm thinking no-one is on talking about this tool cos they are all too busy using it to find the top keywords to target!


      I am not sure that I wont be joining them too........looks great!

      Yep. I just picked it up and I think I may just play with all day long now!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1966073].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author claytons
    1. affiliate offer category and even clickbank product
    2. yes to all
    3. Any keyword will not be any older than 30 days
    4. No..but they will soon be able to search by "date added" as we're adding KW's every day..there is also a my keyword kind of thing that helps identify them too..hard to explain really.
    5. Just phrase right now...exact soon
    6. only
    7. Short answer - yes...medium answer - we have an excellent reputation with customers....and we will not endanger that in any way...including "overselling"
    8. It really doesn't work like that...again...we stand by our reputations which have been years in the making...and are here for all the world to see.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1965772].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Clyde
    All the best then,

    Generate Unlimited Number of Micro Niche Keywords, Multi-threaded EMD Finder PLUS More!

    50% OFF WSO.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1965795].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author HollandsFinest

      I understand from the videos and your posts I can search by affiliate offer category and even on clickbank product level, but what about categories for Adsense sites?

      It is ofcourse pretty cool to find this individual hidden gems, but it would be even better if we could find several highly related keywords which we could use to build a 5-10 page Adsense site from.

      Right now we find (as I am understandig) a single keyword where we can build a blogger blog for, launching a wp or html site for a single keyword is a bit too much imo, but maybe I am wrong and are the experiences and views on this are different.

      I am purely talking about the Adsense option here, the other functions are pretty clear to me.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1966069].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Tony Hayes
    I almost never took up the offer and was deciding between this and 9-5 anihilation.
    Even though this is more expensive and if what Kieran and J are saying is true i felt IM Eye is the best fit for me just because of Tim and Steves track record and Steves responses in this thread.
    I will cancel some other membership sites to make sure i can keep this up for a few months and work on building content sites and promoting them instead of worrying about Keyword research.
    I will review it too in a few days before the 7 day price hike is introduced in case anyone else is sitting on the fence wondering what to do.
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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1966030].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author claytons
    @TiffanyB - is a bit addictive I'm afraid! Seriously...and as the data changes everyday (especially noticeable in the domain data)...I'm afraid this may be a time sucker for everyone... :-)

    @HollandsFinest - Not QUITE sure ... well..I am sure we don't have that...I was trying to figure out how we could do it. I believe we could. We know if a keyword is "related" to another for certain. We could say, for example, give all KW phrases related to "baby" or something like that.

    We'd have to experiment a bit with that...sometimes "related" is a VERY wide net and the results are not too pretty...much like the old Keyword Tools that used to try to generate a gazillion keywords from one word...

    We're moving away from that, so we didn't really do anything with that relationship between the KW's....

    We'll have a think on this.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1966098].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author trishworks4u
    hi Steve - looks very impressive.

    Quick question. I am a Register Compass subscriber. With your partnership, do IMEye subscribers get full RC access or just access to the domains that show up in the system?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1966226].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author claytons
    @trishworks4u - Just domains that show up in doesn't replace a RC subscription.
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  • Profile picture of the author Greg Jacobs
    Trish, I have been using it for a few days to Find some very cool Domains for use with Mage.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1966258].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Clyde
    Originally Posted by Greg Jacobs View Post

    Trish, I have been using it for a few days to Find some very cool Domains for use with Mage.
    ^^ I see what you did there.

    Generate Unlimited Number of Micro Niche Keywords, Multi-threaded EMD Finder PLUS More!

    50% OFF WSO.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1966272].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author J. David Rogers
    I'm now an IMeye member and all I can say is... wow!

    My mind is swimming with the opportunities that are showing up with every click, sort, and filter.

    I think my biggest problem is going to be how to prioritize and pace myself!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1966293].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author claytons
    @ruch1v - We had been putting a few choice ones in the IMA as we were developing IMeye. We're not sure If/What we'll be doing in the future with regard to that...but it is in there now...yup...very small subset though obviously.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1966390].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author cypherslock
    A bit confused.... doesn't clickbank have a 60 day refund policy but on your site you give 7 days only? A bit short don't you think? I could reasonably see even a 30 day policy, but 7 days? I'm just curious as to why the length is so short as it hardly seems enough time to truly put IMeye to the test..
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1966419].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author claytons
    We did that because of the nature of the product...the fact that 60 days of use is a HUGE asset and we incur expenses updating this data every single day... and frankly, there are just so many serial refunders out there...that we're simply trying to protect our intellectual property and our capital investments.

    Clickbank agreed with us re: this special case...because of the incredible value of this data. This is the first time they've ever allowed this I believe.

    It's just very different than an information product where there really is no incremental cost of goods.

    7 days is MORE than enough to determine if it's worth the price...that takes about an hour...and 30 minutes of that would be spent on the tutorials.

    Obviously others can disagree...but they can vote with their dollars.

    We really feel this is something special and we're going to market and protect it as such :-)
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1966445].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author sdkWriter
    steve, picked up imeye this morning, and so far so good. with imeye, i was able to find a couple of decent keyword phrases, and fortunately was able to pick up the exact match domain as well. i was typing in namecheap real quick to make sure that no one beat me to registering the domains! anyway, here's a question: i intend to use imeye for both adsense and dropship sites. i saw the upsell/special offer but i wasn't clear if it would address the dropship topic as presented in NB2, so i didn't go for it. is there a discount for imeye subscribers who want to pick up NB2?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1966477].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author claytons
    @sdkWriter....Gald you're liking it!

    No there's no discount for NB 2...the upsell has an NB 2 "lite" kind of thing...that would address the e-commerce option and a CB 2 "lite". If you're ONLY interested in NB2 though...I'll PM something for NB 2 that you'll like :-)
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1966493].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Tony Hayes
      I have the same situation Steve.
      I have CB already more interested in NB2

      Originally Posted by claytons View Post

      @sdkWriter....Gald you're liking it!

      No there's no discount for NB 2...the upsell has an NB 2 "lite" kind of thing...that would address the e-commerce option and a CB 2 "lite". If you're ONLY interested in NB2 though...I'll PM something for NB 2 that you'll like :-)
      Your YouTube SEO Is Out Of Date Here's 5 Quick Tips To Fix It
      And Get The Latest
      YouTube SEO Checklist
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1967694].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author MikeC
      Hi Steve

      I just bought IMeye and was thinking about the upsell. However, I already have CB2 and NB2 seems to use the same tools. You mentioned a deal for another member and I was hoping you could PM it to me also as I am keen on NB2 only.

      Cheers & congrats on the launch

      Originally Posted by claytons View Post

      @sdkWriter....Gald you're liking it!

      No there's no discount for NB 2...the upsell has an NB 2 "lite" kind of thing...that would address the e-commerce option and a CB 2 "lite". If you're ONLY interested in NB2 though...I'll PM something for NB 2 that you'll like :-)
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1968614].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author sdkWriter
    steve, thank you for taking care of your customers! received the PM and already bought it! wow! i had been considering NB2 for a while, and your offer was simply outstanding that i pounced on it without hesitation.

    ok, so i now have the one-two punch (imeye+nb2) to make some significant progress in diversifying my online income, which heretofore had been strictly adsense, xfactor style. my friends won't like this because the last time i went all-out building my xfactor sites, i never left my home office and they nicknamed me geico -- after the cavemen in the insurance commercial.

    well i'm gonna go all out with this imeye+nb2, and i don't care what they call me, i'll be laughing all the way to the bank. thanks for putting together a series of quality products for those of us trying to survive full time in the IM world.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1966605].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author claytons
    You are most welcome!
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    • Profile picture of the author mikkosant
      The example for the adsense site is a little off in the video.
      I don't mean to bash, but come on. When making a sales video, atleast be a little conservative.

      az first time home buyer does not get anywhere near 500 searches a day.

      Try 50 a month

      Broad vs. exact

      Big difference...
      If you watched the video, you'll know what I'm referring to.

      I'm sure the tool is a great help, but I think that was just a rather poor example. Hopefully you can specify whether the tool gets its searches through exact, phrase, or broad match(probably does).

      But, the only reason I'm pointing this out is that the sales video example was focused about getting an exact match domain for ranking for a low competition, high searched phrase. Sorry, but good luck trying to make cash with that keyword.

      It's a nice looking tool, but maybe be a little more transparent in the examples if your targeting marketers other than newbies.


      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1966739].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author claytons
    @mikkosant - straight from google's keyword tool...phrase match , global gets

    27,100 per month...that comes out to 900 per day it's gone up .

    Please see my discussion up further in this thread where I've clearly talked about phrase match, global volumes, and why we chose them etc.

    Oh heck I'll cut/paste it for be transparent :-)

    The global issue is certainly fine for adsense...and for many traffic is relevant for MANY things...and MANY global traffic goes...local traffic does as well..not always...but many times.

    As for phrase can TOTALLY make an argument for both...ABSOLUTELY...and we're going to add have's always helpful to look at that ratio.

    But here's what I do...generally.

    I like to look at phrase match as a good indicator of potential volume...because of the "coat tail" type rankings I can usually achieve kind of by accident.

    A real world example: our train horns site is only optimized for one keyword phrase "train horns"...BUT...I get traffic (long tail and low for sure!) from over 1200 different search phrases...because of LSI kind of "credit" that google gives me and ranks me for VERY low competition related terms.

    SO...I believe that phrase match is a nice way to build that in. My own way of doing things...I take phrase match and plan on getting 20% of that volume (after adding up ALL the search term traffic) if I can make into the top 3 for the phrase I'm looking at.

    I usually get pretty close....not ALL the time...but often enough.

    In addition, Phrase match is very important when evaluating an Adwords opportunity...obviously...we can't forget that IMeye also looks at click's not just an SEO opportunity finder.

    That all being said...exact match has its place, totally agree...and will be added VERY soon. In addition you can also search on # of words in the keyword phrase...obviously the higher the # of words...the less difference there will be in exact / phrase.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1966753].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author mikkosant
    Ok, but if you're going for seo, high search exact match phrases are preferred. That's kind of the whole point of buying exact match domains. When you have an exact match domain in a competitive niche, most of your traffic will be coming from that exact phrase, but your tool looks pretty handy overall. I think most people would agree that exact match search count is most likely a closer representation to the number of actual visitors coming to your site(if your ranking on page 1 for that exact phrase) compared to phrase match search volume when using an exact match domain.

    Thanks, good luck with the launch

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1966801].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author claytons
    Yeah...that makes sense when speaking very specifically about an exact match domain...agree...but in general, that's my default thing...20% of phrase that's what I kind of fell into ... but it's a valid point there.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1966882].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author afxx
      Hi Steve, so just to get it straight....Right now the program only searches phrase match...right? Not exact or broad, or the ability to toggle between them.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1967132].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author claytons
    Correct Tony. We will be adding Exact shortly...but we're not likely to add Broad anytime soon.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1967140].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author chini
    Trying the tool now, not too impressed.

    -Firstly traffic numbers are on phrase match (don't know why they didn't just have the option for exact, but i think they said they are adding it in the future) i don't think it would be hard to implement since search volumes are coming from google.
    So everytime i find a keyword with high amount of search volume, i always had to double check with google keyword tool for exact match and most of the time it was extreamly low

    - Alot of the keywords im finding are in a different language (german??) Misspells, and don't make sense, yet come up with massive search volumes (phrase match problem again)

    - They need a better indication to determine the level of competition. Something similar to MNF competition tool. I always double check with MS anyway. I think they recommend using keyword blueprint with it, for competition analysis.

    - At its current form, its not worth the $147 per month needs some drastic adjustments

    Clayton if you want more suggestions just pm me. I can see great potential with this tool with some adjustments.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1967645].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author claytons
      @Chini - Did you see my explanation of phrase match? It's just about 6 posts above you.

      "Alot of the keywords im finding are in a different language (german??)"

      I don't know if I'd say ... "alot"...but clearly there are some...but...these keyword phrases get they're there. As for German. It is Global data...another choice we if a foreign language word gets will be there. Not sure this is "bad". There is a whole other world out there ! :-)

      "They need a better indication to determine the level of competition. Something similar to MNF competition tool. I always double check with MS anyway. I think they recommend using keyword blueprint with it, for competition analysis"

      Well...competing pages and intitle is usually a good chunk of the analysis and we also have the ability to filter out the exact match URL's etc..We wanted to strike a balance between the ability to store and maintain the data with its usefulness, and we do give our keyword blueprint tool to get that last bit of MNF type analysis.

      Thanks for giving it a try
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1968672].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author ausslite
    I will agree that there is some areas it could definitely be improved.
    you can only export 20 keywords at a time to spreadsheet.

    and the results do need ran through other tools for further evaluation but overall this is going to be a real time saver for my business. and i personally think it is for sure worth the 150 per month.if one implements then it will be self supporting very quickly.

    i believe most bugs will be worked out as we go along.
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  • Profile picture of the author claytons
    Hey Manny!

    Thanks for your interest and for being a satisfied customer!

    Did you watch the sales page video? The demos on there are really the best way I can describe it. It's essentially turning Keyword Research backwards. The idea is to not have to "stumble " across an opportunity by having to know the right seed keyword and guessing on the right resulting keywords to pick for further analysis etc. The idea is to just tell IMeye...give me great opportunities.

    It's much easier to see it I think.

    Also...towards the end of the sales video there's a demo of the domain feature...which I think has become almost as exciting , if not more, than the original purpose of IMeye.

    Tools like Keyword Blueprint, Traffic Travis, MNF, Market Samurai are all great tools and they still have their place...IMeye doesn't replace's complimentary.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1968792].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author HollandsFinest
    Hi guys,

    coming back to the Adsense possibility of the software, are there there any views or experiences about having one page sites or blogger blogs based on one keyword?

    I am also a member of Super Apprentice of Dave Kelly and there it is advised to not have Adsense on the front page, but on all the inner pages. This to prevent any redflags when the site is manually visited by a Google representative, preventing the site to look MFA.

    But when I find a great keyword in IMEye and no related keywords, is it wise to launch a 1 contentpage website (with about us, privacy policy and contact us pages ofcourse) or even a blogger blog about this one single keyword?

    Never done this before and I would love to hear experiences from others about this setup. I would hate it if my Adsense account gets closed for not following their TOS.

    Adsense won't be the only thing I will be using this tool for, but it will be one of my main tasks
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1969728].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author ben565
      Hi Steve,

      In your launch video you show us the keyword 'az first time home buyer' which had 22200 search per month but in in the google keyword tool exact match it only has 46 searches per month,

      So would you still go after this keyword now? as i was always taught that your exact match search volume is the amount of searches that you will get and is what i would go after.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1971353].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author claytons
        @ben565 This was discussed just a few short posts above you, Mate.

        @ dseiner - I don't know about you, but I make my living in a tool that will give me new data every single day and new domains to go after every single day is important to me.

        That's what our service is geared're absolutely right...the person who wants to use it once and do a few projects and be done...this is not for them.

        But...I welcome folks who are truly experienced in affiliate marketing to chime in...there's a fairly short shelf life to most campaigns...due to a million different, being able to be on the lookout for new opportunities all the time is key to being able to make a living at it.

        There was another post about the cost a few posts back...bottom line...if you just fine ONE opportunity per year with MORE than pay for that year's subscription....and obviously...we think you'll find a whole lot more.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1971796].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Stephen Crooks
        He already answered this earlier in the thread.. The more I look at that example though, the more I cant help feeling it is a bit of an anomaly on behalf of Google's keyword tool as both the broad and phrase match results are identical and the exact match is 46 like you say.

        For a 5 word phrase like this I would expect to see the phrase match result to be a lot closer to the exact match than the broad. It is difficult to see what other words people could include with this phrase for a search.

        I am not saying IMeye is wrong by the way as it obviously just reacts to the data it gets from Google keyword tool but I would suggest this example isn't quite right. It does happen!

        Originally Posted by ben565 View Post

        Hi Steve,

        In your launch video you show us the keyword 'az first time home buyer' which had 22200 search per month but in in the google keyword tool exact match it only has 46 searches per month,

        So would you still go after this keyword now? as i was always taught that your exact match search volume is the amount of searches that you will get and is what i would go after.

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  • Profile picture of the author dseisner
    Looks like an awesome product and I will certainly be notifying my list about it. But I have to be honest that the pricing does not make all that much sense to me. I don't see the sense of ongoing continuity for most keyword research tools. That's why I am a market samurai customer and advocate. For most marketers, some months you need an insane amount of research and some months you don't need any. The people who will benefit from this type of pricing are the people who need keywords on a constant basis and are interested in going into any market, i.e. sniper site builders, ppc affiliates, etc. I'm not saying they don't exist, I just think it's the corner of the market (perhaps the corner you're trying to nail). It does exclude (for the most part) anybody who's interested in specific markets, has certain offers they want to promote, etc. But I suppose that is not really the purpose of the product. I will admit, that this product can save so many hours of work, it's insane. But if I were the product creator, I'd be worried about a lot of trial and bail. Of course, I'm far less experienced than the product creators but I think I'd be more inclined to offer some kind of payment plan and/or buyout option, even if for $1k or $2k. $1764/year is a lot to pay, no matter what the software... especially if you know you're going to need to pay another $1764 to have it the next year as well. Just my 2 cents...
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1971780].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author claytons
    @Steve Crooks - yup..totally happens...I agree. But I do think common sense dictates that there's probably a LOT of searches for this term. With the tax credit in the US...we see this term with states in front and behind coming up a lot. Could be that Phrase has been "refreshed" (by Google, not us) more recently than broad.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1972667].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author abbadox
    I have spent the last couple of hours trying the program out and so far not looking very helpful, a large portion of the keyword phrases it generates are non English so I am not even sure what they mean and the monthly search totals and competing pages numbers are way off. I hope it's just a temporary glitch and it gets better because the demo video makes it look great!.

    Anyone else having trouble with it?...
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    • Profile picture of the author JohnDow
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  • Profile picture of the author dseisner
    Steve, one thing that is not mentioned on the sales page that I would like to know is....

    What platform does this software run on? And what are the system requirements? Thank you.
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  • Profile picture of the author J. David Rogers
    It's a web app.
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  • Profile picture of the author claytons
    I can tell you that our forum is filled with people having great experiences with it .. both the keyword portion and the domain head on over and see for yourselves...there's a board that's dedicated to IMeye...the forum link is in my signature.

    It's a completely different way of looking at keyword research, that takes some getting used to.

    And..'s a global tool and there are non-English words in there..because...they get searches...and there's a whole other world out there besides the US :-)
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1975022].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author dseisner
    Used it, liked it. Finds insane keywords. Works SUPER FAST. HOWEVER, would be 1000X better with a first page analysis module ala Market Samurai and Keyword Elite. 5,000 competing pages and 5,000 in title competing pages is great and all, especially if you can snag an exact match domain... but if the top 5 spots are taken by authority sites with tens of thousands of backlinks to the page and a million to the domain, it could still take years to get up there. Good thing I have Market Samurai and I suppose I can just take a keyword I find from IMeye and pop it in there and see if it's doable right now. For a tool of this cost, I could see the IMeye guys getting around to adding that feature though.

    Good work all around.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1982321].message }}
  • First a question: Are you able to use this tool to input your own keyword ideas?

    I'm sure IMeye is a great tool (like so many other tools advertised in here), but for me, $147 a month just seems too high. Great for the developers wallets, but not so great for the consumer in a tough economy.

    It seems to me the choice of IM products is become a little ridiculous now, not to mention that new products with better features are being released daily making some IM marketing products obsolete within a few months. Isn't anyone else sick of the cheesy sales pages and discount offers you know are coming when you hit the browser exit button?

    I'm no Adsense expert but is Adsense even that profitable nowadays?

    Enlighten me please.
    Financial Thing: Peer to Peer Lending Reviews
    Poker Tilt : The Dutch Boyd Story
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1985322].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author claytons
    "First a question: Are you able to use this tool to input your own keyword ideas?"

    No, you're not...sorry..plenty of other tools are able to do that...this was designed to be different.

    As for $147 per month, you're certainly entitled to your opinion...but, when all you have to do is find ONE decent opportunity that would likely pay for a whole year of access in a matter of 30-60 days...I think it's probably priced very well.

    As for adsense...our company makes thousands per month with it (which could be significantly higher if we didn't have more profitable opportunities to pursue) I guess it just depends what you think is worth your time. Our adsense income could certainly allow median income families in the US to quit their day jobs...that's fairly compelling....and, of course, adsense is only one very small usage of IMeye.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1985371].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author webtrix
      Originally Posted by claytons View Post

      As for $147 per month, you're certainly entitled to your opinion...but, when all you have to do is find ONE decent opportunity that would likely pay for a whole year of access in a matter of 30-60 days...I think it's probably priced very well.
      Steven, it's overpriced.

      What if Windows are $147 per month? Would that be OK for you?
      Whatever argument you can think of, Windows wins.

      From another stand of point, I believe you guys are loosing more with this price tag, not earning more. I'm sure it's great peace of software but...
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1985531].message }}
      • Originally Posted by webtrix View Post

        Steven, it's overpriced.

        What if Windows are $147 per month? Would that be OK for you?
        Whatever argument you can think of, Windows wins.
        Actually I'd pay $147 per month for Windows j/k
        Financial Thing: Peer to Peer Lending Reviews
        Poker Tilt : The Dutch Boyd Story
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1985680].message }}
  • Thanks for your feedback..

    So do you provide tutorials showing how to monetize these keywords ?
    Financial Thing: Peer to Peer Lending Reviews
    Poker Tilt : The Dutch Boyd Story
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1985462].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author GeorgR.
    crazy price tag. Nuff said.
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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1985594].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author cypherslock
    Personally, I'd love to try it out for 30 days before shelling out that kind of cash per month.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1985684].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Phillips Pierce
      Originally Posted by cypherslock View Post

      Personally, I'd love to try it out for 30 days before shelling out that kind of cash per month.
      I only signed up for the $5 trial and have already made back over $60 in the past 2 days. Not bad for about 3 hours of half-assery. With netfirms $1/domain sale going on I have bought about 20 domains and have only got around to monetizing 4 so far. Not a bad return of investment!

      Initially I was lamenting the monthly charge but I'm beginning to see why it's really the only way...I still don't buy that the reason for a monthly charge is the costs associated with maintaining the DB, etc, however if this wasn't a monthly subscription all the golden keywords and domains would be mined in an instant! Having a high barrier of entry prevents this from happening and keeps it out of reach of half serious marketers who'd only use it to buy domains that they'd forget about and never use again.

      This isn't a tool for the newbie, unlike their other IM products this is geared for full time Internet Marketers who have a plan of action for it. With that comes my biggest gripe with the product; It's design and functionality feels overly streamlined to provide the most intuitive interface sometimes at the cost of deeper functionality. Some of the issues have already been mentioned in this thread and I believe the most common ones will be fixed, amended, etc because that's how the market works and Clayton is no newcomer to business!

      So all in all I got to say I'm impressive with this tool. The concept is utterly brilliant and while the execution requires some improvement this is worth the $200/m (or 100/m if you act now) if you're a full time IM'er and can afford it and USE it. That, I am guessing with most certainty is the target market here. If this was any cheaper we'd all complain a week later why all the good domains and keywords have been mined already!

      TiP: Taking the high search + low competition keywords found with Imeye with the power of Senuke and the results are practically instant. I run all keywords through micro niche finder to estimate competitive levels as well.

      To be honest I've never been a fan of your previous products, but damn, you guys really hit a home run this time in my eyes!

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1986033].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author warfore
        Originally Posted by Phillips Pierce View Post

        I only signed up for the $5 trial and have already made back over $60 in the past 2 days. Not bad for about 3 hours of half-assery. With netfirms $1/domain sale going on I have bought about 20 domains and have only got around to monetizing 4 so far. Not a bad return of investment!

        Initially I was lamenting the monthly charge but I'm beginning to see why it's really the only way...I still don't buy that the reason for a monthly charge is the costs associated with maintaining the DB, etc, however if this wasn't a monthly subscription all the golden keywords and domains would be mined in an instant! Having a high barrier of entry prevents this from happening and keeps it out of reach of half serious marketers who'd only use it to buy domains that they'd forget about and never use again.

        This isn't a tool for the newbie, unlike their other IM products this is geared for full time Internet Marketers who have a plan of action for it. With that comes my biggest gripe with the product; It's design and functionality feels overly streamlined to provide the most intuitive interface sometimes at the cost of deeper functionality. Some of the issues have already been mentioned in this thread and I believe the most common ones will be fixed, amended, etc because that's how the market works and Clayton is no newcomer to business!

        So all in all I got to say I'm impressive with this tool. The concept is utterly brilliant and while the execution requires some improvement this is worth the $200/m (or 100/m if you act now) if you're a full time IM'er and can afford it and USE it. That, I am guessing with most certainty is the target market here. If this was any cheaper we'd all complain a week later why all the good domains and keywords have been mined already!

        TiP: Taking the high search + low competition keywords found with Imeye with the power of Senuke and the results are practically instant. I run all keywords through micro niche finder to estimate competitive levels as well.

        To be honest I've never been a fan of your previous products, but damn, you guys really hit a home run this time in my eyes!


        I agree with the statement above that this is a tool for the full time marketer. I cancelled my subscription after a couple of months because I didn't have the time to fully utilize the available data and continue to justify the cost. The domain tool seems to be the most effective ROI feature. I would have loved to see this tool integrated seemlessly with the Keyword Blueprint tool to get a quick rating on keywords.



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  • Profile picture of the author Negotiator74
    You all ever heard the saying you have to spend money to make money? Work smarter not harder??

    Why I feel compelled to convince you that this is a great tool is beyond me but here goes...

    In using IMEye I have already uncovered 12 keywords and will be entering these niches in the next several days. Will these niches cover the cost? about 30 days. Also, I could have found keywords on my own but it would have taken me several hours. It took only 30 minutes with IMEye. I can now build my empire in a more efficient manner than before.

    So... For those of you that don't want to pay the "high price" for this tool than that is your perogative. For me, I value my time, and my goal is to make lots of money. I'm not in this to screw around. I'm in it to win it and this tool is going to go a long way in getting me to my goal.
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  • Profile picture of the author claytons
    Plenty of people are voting with their dollars and agreeing with us on the, again...everyone's welcome to disagree of course...but it really seems ridiculous that you're saying it's unreasonable to invest in building a business that could replace your day job income to the tune of ...heck even a few hundred bucks per month...maybe even a couple thousand...

    Silly logic's not about the's about the ROI or the value you get for the price. As for's not worth $147 never mind $147 per month! :-)

    If you're just playing around in IM, then sure..why would you pay for anything? Let alone $147 per month...but if you're serious about making a business out of it...well...I give up , really...I pay about $3,000 per month in that it I don't make money.

    These blanket "it's overpriced" statements are just not factual as the market has already voted...and it is priced just right.

    We have a pretty good feel having produced about 7 or 8 IM products over the years...and they've all been best sellers...and they've all gotten excellent reviews. IMeye is no exception. You may be missing a marketing point here...we could have priced it at $57 per month or something and gotten 2x as many? Maybe ? or priced it at $397 one time and gotten tons more I guess? But...that's not what we wanted. We'd rather have it more exclusive. There's not a thing wrong with that. It's better for the folks that pay the premium, and in this case that's what we wanted to achieve.

    To each his own...! We're THRILLED with the customers we've gotten and they seem thrilled with the product...sorry to those who think it's too much won't be joining us. Perhaps you'll join us on whatever we produce next..I hope so.

    @Orlando Web Design - yes....several tutorials are included. And...we've seen some newer folks join us too (which surprised us) so we have also included our complete beginner's IM course and a our keyword blueprint software as well. In addition I'm doing weekly case study type tutorials for our members using IMeye.
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  • Profile picture of the author Alexww
    The price is 127 as I know, good software but I wouldn't pay that much money.
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  • Profile picture of the author claytons
    @Rockyv - It sounds to me as if IMeye is really not the right tool for you right now. I don't encourage stone cold beginners to join. It's a tool, not an instructional you need to have enough training in order to use the tool. I, of course, recommend any of our other courses though!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1987187].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author dotcomdesigns
      I took IMeye for the 3 day trial but didn't continue. I was a little bit disappointed with the product in the end. The concept is fantastic but I don't think it's perfect just yet. The price doesn't bother me if the product delivers.

      My gripe was that I found I had to keep going back to Market Samurai to examine the keywords and found a lot of them were just not that good because the actual competition was too high.

      Also I found a lot of domains were no longer available because auctions had finished or they had been re-registered already. Maybe I just got unlucky. One of the days I spent a solid 12 hours non stop using it.

      However I did find a couple of good keywords and yes they may pay for a year's use of IMeye, that remains to be seen. If they do I'll come back and let you know!

      The fact that the keywords, searches and domains are there and don't need to be 'found' so to speak is obviously a huge time saver if indeed the keywords are truly valuable but you have to counter in the time you have to spend going back to other products to check whether the keywords are gems or not. I found the majority weren't. No doubt the product will improve over time and I'd be happy to come back in a few months and pay $200 a month.

      BTW it's perfectly feasible to search for popular keywords without knowing which ones to look for.

      Try Amazon's hot products results
      eBay Pulse
      Google Trends
      Google Shopping Search
      The Alexa toolbar has a lot of functions too and all of these methods are free, current and throw up lots of ideas for keywords.

      And of course Micro Niche Finder has the brainstorm option which is a good place to start getting ideas.

      For me it's a great concept and almost the perfect product. But as with a lot of products it has a number of failings and this was why I couldn't justify spending $147 a month. I think us Europeans have to pay an additional 17.5% VAT too, ouch!

      With a few improvements that they have coming it could be the perfect keyword research tool and would justify it's $200 a month price tag. But not just yet for me.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1987579].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Clint Butler
    To be honest I would be all over this product and using it everyday if I was leaving for afghanistan in a couple months it would be great investment in helping with my campaigns. If i knew I would be able to access it there i would gladly pay the 147 a month.
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  • Profile picture of the author usfemail
    I signed up with the 3 day trial and I have to admit I was completely satisfied. I was able to sign up for 8 new domains to keep building my empire. Of course I had to stick the keyword in MNF to find out the exact match; since Imeye does not provide that.

    However I was happy with the product; I will be signing up next month. I do believe that with the 8 keywords that I found that alone will pay for the product in a couple months.

    I have to admit this worked a lot better than MNF because I did not have to think up of a seed word.
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  • Profile picture of the author Clint Butler
    If I had the time, I would create a video showing how to combine this tools with others to get the best bang for your buck like you did.
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  • Profile picture of the author claytons
    Great idea Clint..we'll be doing something like that for sure...already some folks are working on some case studies like that.

    Unrelated note...thank you for your service. I assume that's why you're going to Afghanistan.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1988706].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author rayray7
    signed up for the trial and i must say -- mostly all hype and not worth the prize of admission. Why hide the email to request cancellation. i have been searching for it for over 30 minutes.

    You must be insane to pay $147 monthly when market samurai does the same thing with more deadly accuracy. Well if you dress up anything pretty enough you can get plenty of dates.

    please prominently display the cancellation email, as i think most of the trial subscribers will bolt. Still need the cancellation email.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1989791].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Phillips Pierce
      Originally Posted by rayray7 View Post

      signed up for the trial and i must say -- mostly all hype and not worth the prize of admission. Why hide the email to request cancellation. i have been searching for it for over 30 minutes.

      You must be insane to pay $147 monthly when market samurai does the same thing with more deadly accuracy. Well if you dress up anything pretty enough you can get plenty of dates.

      please prominently display the cancellation email, as i think most of the trial subscribers will bolt. Still need the cancellation email.
      Lol, Market Samurai does the same thing??? They only work in the complete OPPOSITE way!

      Your post makes me wonder if you even tried the product or even knew what it was for before signing up for the trial!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1989854].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Dexx
      Originally Posted by rayray7 View Post

      signed up for the trial and i must say -- mostly all hype and not worth the prize of admission. Why hide the email to request cancellation. i have been searching for it for over 30 minutes.

      You must be insane to pay $147 monthly when market samurai does the same thing with more deadly accuracy. Well if you dress up anything pretty enough you can get plenty of dates.

      please prominently display the cancellation email, as i think most of the trial subscribers will bolt. Still need the cancellation email.
      I'm not an affiliate of the program, so I have no financial gain in defending it, and no disrepect Rayray, but just by reading through this thread this afternoon I could clearly see the difference between IMEye and MS. (I own MS)

      The sales video even clearly shows that.

      MS = YOU input a "seed keyword" get back a bunch of keyword results (some with pathetic search volume, and MAYBE a couple gems) and then you proceed to weed through those keywords to find high traffic / low comp keywords.

      IMEye = You set the filters for what you are looking for (keywords for Adsense optimized sites, keywords for affiliate marketing/PPC etc)

      Two very separate functions that WORK TOGETHER, not as competition to replace the other.

      I would assume you can submit a ticket through the support desk (mentioned at the bottom of the sales page) and they will either cancel or refund.

      Just trying to keep things fair as Clayton has been pretty detailed in his responses that cover this fact...


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  • Profile picture of the author Mike Anthony
    Unlimitedsubmissions for whatever reason raises some good points that I haven't seen really addressed. When I find a keyword through say Samurai or the others (well I don't anymore I have my own technique better than most software is programmed) I have the assurance that my ingenuity can't be replicated by just clicking a button. I have a very good chance that someon else is not at the same moment viewing my customized data.

    How do you get anything unique out of the process beyond the filters I see in the video? At the price tag if I were going to use it I'd kill it and I might jump up and down and rave how fantastic it is until I find out that ten other Imers are going after the same keywords because the software spoon feeds me and them the data.

    Yes you have keywords just handed to you but from what I see it comes at the price of having it handed out to potentially too many people. Its actually a good thing that workis required to find a profitable niche. IT KEEPS THE KEYWORD PROFITABLE.

    Unless there are some additional ways to modify the results than what I saw it looks like a step backward not forward At least for those of us already serious enough to be able to find good keywords.

    I think I saw where the keywords are changed each month? Why?

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1990138].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Dexx
    From what I understand there's something like 20-50,000 keywords added daily.

    Add to that the fact that there's multiple ways to earn money from a keyword (some will be going ecoomerce, others adsense, others PPC) and it's fair to say that not everyone is "competing" in the same way.

    Then there's the reality that only "so many" people are actually going to pay the expensive MONTHLY fee, and put it to USE (i.e. not let it sit and waste money)

    I highly doubt combined with over a million keywords (with actual results, unlike MS which returns to ME many low search / no search keywords with maybe 10 - 20 decent keywords in the list) and I think competition isn't really relevant.

    This will probably be the last post by me on the subject, since at the end of the day (like any product) those that see the value and ROI in the software will most likely be the ones using it / continuing to pay for it / making money from it.

    Those that don't buy...don't buy...those that do WILL then have less competition =)


    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1990166].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Mike Anthony
      Originally Posted by Dexx View Post

      I highly doubt combined with over a million keywords (with actual results, unlike MS which returns to ME many low search / no search keywords with maybe 10 - 20 decent keywords in the list) and I think competition isn't really relevant.

      This will probably be the last post by me on the subject, since at the end of the day (like any product) those that see the value and ROI in the software will most likely be the ones using it / continuing to pay for it / making money from it.
      Total number of keywords doesn't really matter. Thats just metrics. The video I see indicates that its pretty easy to find the creme of the crop and thats where everyone would head.

      Those that don't buy...don't buy...those that do WILL then have less competition =)
      Well if you assume that this tool is the only tool on the planet that can get you the keywords. hundreds of thousands of people with all kinds of different interests and niches will still be out there using some pretty good keyword tools and coming across all kinds of keywords.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1990447].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Mike Anthony
      Originally Posted by unlimitedsubmissions View Post

      Do you want to spend $197/month on a company that spends thousands on a professionally made hollywood-esque video? How much do you think IMeye spends on "branding"?
      To be fair unlimitedsubmissions that really has nothing to do with the product.

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  • Profile picture of the author rg0205
    I've had someone email me about this. At first glance, the $147 price tag seems a bit hefty but then again, if you're already familiar with how KW research works, I think IMEye is worth a go at.

    As for me, I currently am tinkering with a couple of softwares I recently purchased a week ago. I have to agree with Dexx in saying that IMEye doesn't replace the current software out there because it has a different function but I think it can very well complement whatever one is using at present.

    Anyway, no matter what software one has, it won't really work to ones benefit if one doesn't know how to use it. I'm keeping my eye out on this. I don't think this is a "newbie" product unless you have the money to spend for it but definitely something to consider if you're already making some money.
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  • Profile picture of the author claytons
    For the record...the "Hollywood" video cost exactly ZERO. I do everything myself...and I mean everything, camera, lighting, sound, editing....EVERYTHING. But, hey..thanks for the compliment!

    @Mike Anthony - "Its actually a good thing that work is required to find a profitable niche" - Hmm...we'll have to agree to disagree there...if we CAN make it easier...I think that's probably a good thing?? As for others getting the same keywords...there are just SO many....and there are not THAT many folks as members. That was part of the pricing scheme.

    "I think I saw where the keywords are changed each month? Why? "

    Uhm...doesn't that make sense...and speak to your first point...even if you have a small number of members....don't you want new opportunities all the time?

    I'm don't want it to be easy and you don't want new data? :-)

    Also...what about the Domain piece of IMeye?? No one is even talking about this. That data changes EVERYDAY as well. There are 20 Million domains we look at every single day because they rank in the top 10 of Google for some kind of keyword phrase.

    Don't you think it would be cool to see each day when any of these domains are expired or up for auction?

    And that is completely different every day. Each day new ones come up, and of course as we add keywords each day...we are adding new domains each day.

    I'm sure I'm now going to hear from folks with "competing" products in their signature that this is available elsewhere... me another product that currently looks at domains that rank in the top 10 for keyword phrases already and tells you each day when you may be able to obtain them. To my knowledge that product doesn't exist except IMeye.
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    • Profile picture of the author Mike Anthony
      Originally Posted by claytons View Post

      "I think I saw where the keywords are changed each month? Why? "

      Uhm...doesn't that make sense...and speak to your first point...even if you have a small number of members....don't you want new opportunities all the time?

      I'm don't want it to be easy and you don't want new data? :-)
      NO need for the smugness Clayton. I knew exactly why I asked. The only reason to change out the keywords each month is because the concerns that the existing niches might become saturated are real. I wanted you to admit and confirm that which you just did. Thanks.

      As for the easy part. yes I know thats what this is sold to and its a reoccurring theme among IMers. I think I made it perfectly clear what my hesitation is. Easy is fine up to a point but anything that happens with the click of a button becomes saturated. Its a fact of life. So do I take an opportunity that lasts over one that becomes saturated? Yeah. Argue that it won't be saturated don't try and sell that the concern is illogical. Again we can bury our selves behind the millions of keywords thing but we all know with the filters no one will be going for all the keywords. they will skim the very cream of the top low competition keywords (I know I would)

      I merely want to know what ways I can modify the results beyond the data base filters the video shows. Legitimate questions if I will be spending $1600+ with you his year.

      Doesn't that make sense to you now?

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  • Profile picture of the author usfemail
    I signed up yesterday and have been unable to access Imeye. I believe it is because I signed up with email that I canceled the 3 day trial.

    Need help signing in so I can use the KW tool again.

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  • Profile picture of the author claytons
    Don't think I was being smug...I was just playing around...things can be a bit tense here :-)

    We add new data so there can always be new opportunities! Happy to "admit" that.

    I'm not completely sure what you're asking for as far as modifying results beyond the data base filters, since we have filtering and sorting on every data element...could you give me an example?
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  • Profile picture of the author GeoffJ
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    • Profile picture of the author GiftAngel
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    • Profile picture of the author kflanagan28
      IMEye looks good, I like the sound of the aged domain feature BUT one thing this tool and the hundred other programs recommending aged domains will do, is saturate the market.

      I have been purchasing aged domains for a while now and the price of domains has near tripled (if not more in some cases). In many cases, I am not sure people understand how to value a domain. I watched 3 PR 3 domains go for $100's of dollars that had no branding value, very few back links and an obvious lack of content indexed in Google. It looks to me as if newbies are going mental buying up everything.

      It's also interesting, aged domains has become the hot topic to teach in IM, just as I see their powers dwindling, especially when it comes to link value.

      Still, I am not knocking the tool, but aged domains are not the golden ticket everyone seems to think they are, unless you are going to buy over a site in a market you want to stay in.
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  • Profile picture of the author claytons
    "Still, I am not knocking the tool, but aged domains are not the golden ticket everyone seems to think they are"

    I think it depends on why you're buying them. If just for link juice, then I am worried a bit about some of the same issue you raise...but...the focus behind IMeye is to buy domains that are already ranking for the search phrases. You don't really care about PR etc. (well...I guess you always care!), it's really all about ...can I get instant SERP penetration for this keyword. we look at 20 million domains each day (growing each day too by at least 400k) that already rank for something....there are new opportunities every day as things get picked up, new ones expire, new ones come to auction etc.
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    • Profile picture of the author kflanagan28
      Hey Clayton

      Good points and I agree with them.

      I must give IMEye a whirl
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  • Profile picture of the author Alexgrett
    Steve, I have a question about IMeye. So, Imeye has also the functionality of just searching through the database of KW's without having to input a seed keyword? Something like discover niches? Thanks.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jeremy Wilson
    I merely want to know what ways I can modify the results beyond the data base filters the video shows.
    This is actually a really good point that applies to all keyword/competitive intelligence tools. The vast majority of people will use any tool based on the videos, tutorials, reports, etc that are used to showcase the functionality of the software or service.

    So if a service is designed to eliminate the need for a user to input their own keywords and ideas and relies on a default set of filters there is definitely the possibility for there to be a bit of saturation in a market.

    For me, the best approach has always been to use multiple tools to "mash up" the data in different ways that were not originally intended like those mentioning using MS and IMEye together.

    For instance, take the expired domain functionality, you could use IMEye to get a list of expiring domains that actually rank for some keywords and then use something like SEOMoz's Linkscape to analyze the linking profiles of those domains for domain authority and really strong link profiles which might make them more "valuable" as an asset and help make decisions about which domains to buy easier.

    I don't own IMEye just have a general fascination with research tools so I can't speak of the software on a personal level just thought Mike made a good observation.
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  • Profile picture of the author adicted0980
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    • Profile picture of the author Boghead
      Has anyone else noticed that IMeye's results are often totally wrong?
      Results always change in Google but more often than not the competing pages are really off target.

      scott mountain bike competing pages 7610 actually 17,600
      programmable coffeemakers competing pages 4980 actually 47,000

      Those are just two of the current page I have open and they aren't an isolated case. I have too often thought the tool was useful only to find the results are total bunkum.

      I may have passed my 7 day refund but at the excessive price I doubt I'll keep using it unless things improve. Advertising that they now have 3 million keywords doesn't really mean much if you can't trust the data.

      I always have a suspicion that hyped tools that could be useful maybe filter any really good results to the owners first. I'm not saying this is what is going on but the average morals of internet marketers in the make money niches leave a lot to be desired.

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  • Profile picture of the author Jeremy Wilson
    scott mountain bike competing pages 7610 actually 17,600
    programmable coffeemakers competing pages 4980 actually 47,000
    Most programs like this calculate competing pages based on the keyword/phrase being wrapped in quotes.

    If you take the two phrases above and perform a search using quotes the results are much closer.
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  • Profile picture of the author claytons
    yup...pretty much 100% of the time...people are really not comparing apples to apples. I go through that in the intro addition, simply being signed into Gmail which you often don't even realize COMPLETELY changes the serps...even the # of competing pages..
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    • Profile picture of the author Boghead
      Those are the "quoted" results on the US not the unquoted results.

      Every page of results seems full of these poor results.

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  • Profile picture of the author mpbiz
    there are tools much better than this
    Signature > Offers massive savings, usually more than 75% off, on bundles of internet marketing stuff. Tools, landing pages, tracking software, courses, you name it.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2066269].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author cypherslock
      Originally Posted by mpbiz View Post

      there are tools much better than this
      Ok, name an alternative for us. I would certainly like to know as $197 a month is a bit much to my eyes. But that's me.
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  • Profile picture of the author salegurus
    Just checked out the video, looks like a pretty handy tool. It has some good features and the domain tool is going to be a winner.
    I was interested enough to click on the 'Add to Cart' button and saw $197 in the right hand corner, and thought well that's not a bad price, then i looked further down.....
    Future Payments $197 PER MONTH!! are you kidding me.

    I think i'll stick with MS thanks.
    Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.

    ― George Carlin
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  • Profile picture of the author Zeb
    With respect to claytons, i do feel that imeye is overpriced. Not saying that it's a bad tool, just saying that the cost will make me think twice from purchasing. Probably a good technique to keep the tool unsaturated but probably won't be getting much customers as well. Then again, one customer can keep on making repeat orders since it's a monthly payment.
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  • Profile picture of the author claytons
    With re: to price...I certainly respect all opinions...but the marketplace has voted...and it is not overpriced. We're thrilled with the # of members we have...and they're thrilled with the it's all good!

    This was never meant to be a mass market tool. You really need to know what to do with the opportunities once you find, we really wanted a more exclusive membership...and the price is one way to achieve that.

    All worked out great and IMeye is improving every day in some pretty dramatic ways...based on customer we're all thrilled.

    For those that make their own call re: cost....sorry you won't be joining us, hopefully something we do in the future will meet your price point/value goals.
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  • Profile picture of the author claytons
    Definitely wanted to make it a premium tool. Exactly. there are 43,000 domains that are for sale or that are expiring...that already rank for a search term..I mean they're on the first page of google for it...pretty powerful if you knew that list...right? And, this list is changing every day. We track 60 million domains (these are domains that are on the first page for a keyword that actually gets searches)...and each day...some small percentage of them become available.

    IMeye users see this data every me any other tool that can do that, and I mean specifically showing you the domains that already rank for keywords...not just showing you domains that are for sale ... and this is just the domain piece. I use it as an example because it's easy to explain. But the keyword piece of IMeye is even more powerful, IMO.

    So...we wanted it to be a premium and exclusive tool...we really don't want 10,000's really not designed for beginners. You need to know what to do with a domain that already ranks #5 for a term getting 5,000 searches per day.

    Although...having said that...I wish I had IMeye as a beginner...would have made my life a lot easier. BUT...stone cold beginners don't really "get" the potential etc.
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  • Profile picture of the author Royalking
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  • Profile picture of the author claytons
    plenty of them there, Mate...I just bought three last week...

    There are 10's of thousands of domains to check and look through everyday

    Agree on tutorials...we are working on that. I think the more of them we do the better for folks.
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  • Profile picture of the author GeorgR.
    I took at a look at the videos today and i only can say "", this is exactly what i am looking for. This tool seems to be amazing.

    HOWEVER, the price puts this 100% out of my reach i am afraid. For a one-time $197 i would probably jump the gun and buy this, simply alone from what i saw on the videos. But per month is just crazy, no matter how good the software is.
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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2165628].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Boghead
      I've just canceled my membership for this "tool".

      Over the past few weeks I have used it to download thousands of potential keywords. While many of them appear interesting once you look into them you discover the results are crazy.

      Which tool do you trust? I have passed thousands of KW's through Market Samurai with the constant opinion that the data is just plain wrong. It isn't just wrong by an acceptable percentage but way off.

      I've managed to get a few KW's that I'll look at further and if some of them work out I'll possibly get my money back but sadly this tool just isn't worth it.

      It is a shame since it seems like a great idea that could make this work a lot easier.

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      • Profile picture of the author Midas3 Consulting
        Originally Posted by GlenH View Post

        I'm sick of trying to figure out all the keyword data that all these tools spit out.

        So you'll plug your s/w instead?

        Blatant promotion in somebody else's review thread Glen.
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      • Profile picture of the author GeorgR.
        Originally Posted by Boghead View Post

        I've just canceled my membership for this "tool".

        Over the past few weeks I have used it to download thousands of potential keywords. While many of them appear interesting once you look into them you discover the results are crazy.

        Which tool do you trust? I have passed thousands of KW's through Market Samurai with the constant opinion that the data is just plain wrong. It isn't just wrong by an acceptable percentage but way off.

        I've managed to get a few KW's that I'll look at further and if some of them work out I'll possibly get my money back but sadly this tool just isn't worth it.

        It is a shame since it seems like a great idea that could make this work a lot easier.


        i think that IMEye has the same "problem" there like MS or MNF or whatever other Keyword Tool. This does not mean that the "data is off" - it simply reflects the difficulty to get "accurate" data from Google.

        This is difficult since Google is a highly dynamic system which does not return a "true" number at a given moment - but in fact can vary due to how Gogle works. Many datacenters across the globe, constantly updating data and so forth.

        So my guess is...if IMEye returns "wrong" data it simply just reflects the data it got at the time when they collected it in their database?

        Can you give a few examples of such way off data?

        When you do KW research you MUST double-check results, all the time. No keyword research tool is perfect "out of the box".
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        • Profile picture of the author Boghead
          Sorry for the delay. I've just got back online after about 10 days without internet access. Makes things a little difficult.

          I posted several examples earlier in the thread.

          Although I mentioned using Market Samurai I have also done the old fashioned "quoted" search in google, also checking for the results given on the last page of the searches.

          Very often, results from IMeye claiming to have competition of only a few thousand turn out to have millions when checked in google.

          Here's one download free mp3 I can't remember exactly what IMeye gave as the results but in was picked up on a run I did for keywords with less than 8000 competing pages.

          Doing the old "google search" with 100 results per page and moving to the last page gives a result (today) ...about 4,300,000 results (0.95 seconds)

          This is all too common when using this tool, so who do you trust? Tomorrow google may give different results but the range of the difference is so much that you cannot trust the IMeye results.

          As I said before, it's sad since the idea is a great one and would love to have this sort of data but it is just so screwy that I couldn't justify the huge monthly expense.

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          • Profile picture of the author azombay
            IMEye is an amazing tool. I got in early and I'm very glad I did. It works differently than MS, MNF, KB or any of those other keyword tools. I'm not in the black with it yet (only been like 1.5 months), but I expect to be soon. I'm actually glad it's expensive and exclusive since that means there's less competition. And, I have noticed that rarely the results for a keyword will be off by orders of magnitude, but I guess that's why they say you should check them out with a more "real time" keyword tool before you get too excited...
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        • Profile picture of the author Maestrok12
          Originally Posted by GeorgR. View Post


          i think that IMEye has the same "problem" there like MS or MNF or whatever other Keyword Tool. This does not mean that the "data is off" - it simply reflects the difficulty to get "accurate" data from Google.

          This is difficult since Google is a highly dynamic system which does not return a "true" number at a given moment - but in fact can vary due to how Gogle works. Many datacenters across the globe, constantly updating data and so forth.

          So my guess is...if IMEye returns "wrong" data it simply just reflects the data it got at the time when they collected it in their database?

          Can you give a few examples of such way off data?

          When you do KW research you MUST double-check results, all the time. No keyword research tool is perfect "out of the box".
          I have suspected MS to be wrong at times also. I know that the many data centers of Google will cause data to be different but shouldn't be by much. MS says that they get there info from one data server.(hmm?)
          If this helps, take whatever number you get for SEOC in MS and multiply it by 30.4. The result shouldn't be much different than the global searches data from GoogKeyTool.
          I've tried this as a rule of thumb for the past few hundred searches. Yea, I know. Shouldnt have to do that. But MS is just so spoiling, didn't want to give up on it. Good thing is, the data was correct 99.9% of the time. Have you read WSO Google Keyword Sabotage(Daniel Tan)?
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  • Profile picture of the author cypherslock
    Agree with you there, Simon. Post reported. Glen, its fine if that's how you feel, but skip the self promotion.
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  • Profile picture of the author claytons
    Correct google data...but, it's certainly the best we all have , it's what we all make decisions with.

    Also...everyone always forgets about the domain features some ways even easier to understand how to take advantage...AND it's pretty immune to Google data issues.

    we now track 4.5 million keywords which means we look at 90 million domains (top 10 for each exact and top 10 for each broad) each and every day to see which are expired, expiring or up for auction.

    Every day is like Christmas as you can buy or register a domain that has instant SERP penetration...very very cool.
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  • Profile picture of the author hblloyd
    ok so whats the best real time keyword tool in google, or best way to check it? just th "keyword" in google? oldschool?

    Id say when you have this info from Imeye, even if you have to recheck it saves a huge amount of if you recheck it and it actually is as it seems you have a gold nugget! Nothing is easy anymore ;>

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  • Profile picture of the author claytons
    yup..I'd say they really do go together VERY well!

    There was always so much confusion about this...IMeye was never designed to replace MS or our own Keyword Blueprint...

    MS does Keyword research the more traditional way...which absolutely still has its place...along with the fact that they have other very cool modules...and allow a deeper dive into keywords after "screening" them with Imeye.

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  • Profile picture of the author Turtlet
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    • Profile picture of the author trader197
      I am a subscriber and the domain feature hasn't even been working for me - it continually says "refresh in progress, check back later", and evidently support is not open on weekends.
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  • Profile picture of the author Seth Stewart
    While looking for a tool that just gives you an ongoing crop of profitable KWs, in any niche, based only on CPC and ease of competition and not on a pre-entered seed KW (like most KW tools,) I remembered the 2010 launch of IMEye.

    I see it's still for sale, it's now only $97/mo., and has the domain finder bonus tool, but I noticed there haven't been any replies to this thread in almost 2 years. So I found myself wondering if it's still the "go-to" tool for this kind of "reverse" keyword finding, if it ever really was the "go-to" tool, or whether there was/is something better.

    Any current feedback?
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