Backlinks Automation -- Any Reviews?

5 replies
i need review on backlink builder service at

Do you have any experience with it? is it worth to pay $67 every month?

Thanks guys.
#backlinks #backlinksautomationcom #review
  • Profile picture of the author qwqw
    One thing you should remember. never put your main money making domains in any link building services. Google may burn you if they catch the trick.
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    • Profile picture of the author Cataclysm1987
      Hey there!

      I have been using Backlinks Automation for a few months now, and I think it's a pretty effective service.

      My sites have been crawling up the rankings ever since I started.

      As far as Google catching the trick and figuring out your game, this is utter nonsense as the links are strictly one way and Google cannot punish you for sites you don't own backlinking to your sites.

      I use them on plenty of my money making sites and it hasn't caused a problem yet.

      Hope that helps.

      No signature here today!

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  • Profile picture of the author xxxJamesxxx
    I use them and they defo get the thumbs up from me. It's one of my many backlinking strategies I use with great success.

    However if do go with this service I would recommend investing in a backlinking tool such as Backlink Express as this will help get your backlinks in super fast time.

    Btw I agree with Cataclysm with the home domain thing, you've got nothing to worry about.

    Hope this helps

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  • Profile picture of the author Lost Leader
    I have been using Winsom's backlinking service since it started. I can vouch for the results.
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  • Profile picture of the author danlew
    I use they are $99 per month, but well worth the quality links they generate.
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