Lead Impact , Have Anyone used this PPV Site?

Profile picture of crankit98
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
14 replies
I want to try my hand at PPV and saw this site. The first deposit is $200 so I want do
some research before trying this.

Have any warriors tried this PPV site or is there other PPV sites anyone has
had experience with.

#impact #lead #ppv #site
  • Profile picture of the author Charles Washington
    Charles Washington
    Profile picture of Charles Washington
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Some people love them, others hate them. The way to judge the effectiveness of this type of company is to judge the amount of negative reviews you get.

    People dont like other people using their traffic source, so they will come here and make up really bad horror stories to convince you and others nnot to use them.

    The only real way to see is to test it for yourself.
  • Profile picture of the author jrafique
    Profile picture of jrafique
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    CPA offers only works with lead impact.
  • Profile picture of the author alsmith1
    Profile picture of alsmith1
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I tried Leadimpact with limited success also(didn't make the $200 back) does work decently for CPA offers, I tried some non CPA offers and they didn't work at all. You can build a list doing this, but your squeeze page must be short and have a strong call to action.
  • Profile picture of the author Mark Francis
    Mark Francis
    Profile picture of Mark Francis
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    anyone tried direct linking and profitted there?

    Have a good PPC campaign with good ROI but don't have the capital to make use of it ? PM me.

    • Profile picture of the author MISsupport
      Profile picture of MISsupport
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      I like them and making my money back.

      I used it to send targeted visitors to EPN(eBay) sites. So, I got quality clicks on sites that were even deindexed a long time ago from Google.

      I had zero success sending them directly to a CB product page. Maybe using a squeeze page is better to at least build a list.
  • Profile picture of the author g2114
    Profile picture of g2114
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I was about to use Lead Impact until I found this thread. Hmmm, not sure if I should use it now.
  • Profile picture of the author Firstrate
    Profile picture of Firstrate
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Their traffic is great quality and converts really well but they take AGES to approve campaigns.

    • Profile picture of the author da3gan
      Profile picture of da3gan
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      I've used LeadImpact since it was called MetricsDirect back in 2005, never for CPA stuff, so I can't speak on that, but what I can speak to is that I've had success in building a list of people who buy my stuff there. Far more success than any of the other PPV networks you'll hear about. I've tested many of them and LeadImpact is the best in volume and quality of traffic in my opinion so far.
  • Profile picture of the author Chris Worner
    Chris Worner
    Profile picture of Chris Worner
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I know a lot of people who use Lead Impact to great effect, as for what offers convert best, ask somebody who is using them successfully, go over to the Ad Networks forum and do a search.

    I personally spat the dummy at them due to them taking 3 days to approve a campaign and another 3 days to reply to my support ticket demanding my money back and the account to be closed.

    Not impressed by them at all.

    If you are considering using PPV advertising, join Traffic Vance, only thing is you will need a strong referal and make the $1000 minimum deposit.

    As far as designing landing pages, because it is interruption style marketing, you need to make your landing pages really eye catching so animated titles and other shiny things etc to gain their attention.


    • Profile picture of the author clickbankcsv
      Profile picture of clickbankcsv
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      I haven't used any of the others. My partner and I started to use LeadImpact since last week and we're very happy with the result. We're gradually spending more and more on it. Screen capture of our spending yesterday and we've just topped the balance: http://is.gd/hIMOi
      The paused campaign has too many unprofitable keywords (thousands of them) and it's too large to handle. We picked out the profitable ones and migrated them to the new campaign. We're going to add new ones and pause unprofitable ones daily to try our luck on getting some new profitable keywords.
      To be honest, hardly any sub-directories of even the Alexa top 10 thousand domains are worth targeted as keywords after the last few days of trial and analysis. So it makes sense for starter to simply focus on the intuitive domains. Make some assumptions of your target audience's web-browsing habit and try run with them. Don't worry about the ranking. You may rank low but you get volume still to work out your conversion rate.

      Word of advice: we've spent money and tried some of the CPV URL scraper tools. One of the larger and more expensive one is buggy and we're in the process to try to get a refund through PayPal dispute. One of the cheaper one is actually decent.
      But it so happen, all the fancy additional tools in these service sites, such as YouTube URL scrapers are worthless for their scrapped results cannot bring statistically evaluable amount of hit for us to consider the trial and miss effort worthwhile.
      The tools searching led us to find one free Google url scraper tool available online. It's not as fancy as the paid online version. (The paid one has MSN and Yahoo search with geo-targeting search result pull-down menu.) It's a client application run on your own PC. It's called "Footprint Finder Google Scraper". I don't think the software maker is still updating it but it's still very usable.

      PS: The waiting for keyword approval is long but they have come around as their FAQ promised so far: within 1 working day. They don't work on Satuday and Sunday, as we found out by experience...

      PS PS: We're in the process of trying to get into other CPV networks to try to expand our exposure further. Namely. TrafficVance. But for the lack of a qualified referrer, an endorsement as they called it, we're stuck. We're in the process of asking a sales rep Grayson Gold from FUTURE ADS LLC, whom we found on DP, to help us out. He said in a replied email saying that they're still considering our application. We heard TrafficVance had larger volume than LeadImpact. Let's hope we can find out if this is true soon enough. :>
      • Profile picture of the author gulftrotter
        Profile picture of gulftrotter
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by clickbankcsv View Post

        PS PS: We're in the process of trying to get into other CPV networks to try to expand our exposure further. Namely. TrafficVance. But for the lack of a qualified referrer, an endorsement as they called it, we're stuck. We're in the process of asking a sales rep Grayson Gold from FUTURE ADS LLC, whom we found on DP, to help us out. He said in a replied email saying that they're still considering our application. We heard TrafficVance had larger volume than LeadImpact. Let's hope we can find out if this is true soon enough. :>

        TV is for the big players as soon as you master you subject( I mean ppv): you make regularly profitable campaigns, you can enter TV.
        According to what I read the minimum bid is higher than the other ppv networks, they have a wider and international audience, It is definitively the reference.

        To our success.
  • Profile picture of the author gulftrotter
    Profile picture of gulftrotter
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

    I have been using LeadImpact and I am satisfied, it is true that at the beginning it was taking sometimes more than a day to approve your campaigns, but what I have noticed it is if I sent them an email each time I launched a campaign, added kwds, or a new landing page.. I was getting approval within one day or less, I also used to thank them for each approval email that I received, so really campaigns approval with LeadImpact is not a problem.

    The big issue is finding which offer works , and to know that the only solution is : testing and tracking, then adjusting and you need money if you want to start ppv to be able to test your campaigns.
    Obviously as soon as you put $$$ on "Leadimpact table" approval issue (as soon as you stick to their terms of use: no exit pop up on the destination url,some offers have this pop up, the solution is to do a LP)will dissapear.

    So far I loose more than I earn, I am in my learning curve and I hope to be profitable very soon.
    PPV is not easy, but don't give up, keep on working, the "bingo" campaign is right here and you will find it and make HUGE money.

    Hope it helps.

    To our success.

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