Earn 1K a Day Review From a Long Time Member

114 replies
I poke in this section a lot, just because I like to see what's new and great in Internet Marketing. It's occurred to me that there are so many products in here that come and go...it's a shame that some longer-lasting products/memberships don't get the notice they deserve.

Earn 1K a Day is definitely a site that deserves more notice. I've been a member there since I started working online in fall of 2007. They say the average amount of time someone stays a member of a site is 3 months...I've been there 3 years!

There is a BIG reason for that, and I think a lot of people can benefit from it.

It's a community full of people from all walks of life -- with different levels of marketing experience. Dennis Becker has even brought Rachel Rofe on as a partner, so the value is insane.

I've been through a lot with these people. Some of them are my best clients, close friends, and amazing people all around.

To sum it up, you'll find amazing, actionable, business models, a wonderful community, and everything you need to make it online. I don't know where I'd be with my online business if it weren't for the WF and E1KAD!

I don't get anything for writing this...but you'll hear me say time and time again that E1KAD is my favorite marketing purchase ever. Definitely check it out. I know they are doing a trial offer so we've been getting lots of new members lately
#day #earn #long #member #review #time
  • Profile picture of the author tjmiller
    I couldn't agree more, Jenn! I've been a member there for a year and a half myself, and plan to continue for as long as the site is there.

    It is a wonderfully supportive and generous community, and it seems that everyone has something to contribute, and does so on a daily basis. I've personally made some very important business connections because of my E1KaD associations.

    Very highly recommended.

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  • Profile picture of the author mario_a
    Thanks for starting this thread, Jenn.

    I have to agree with everything you said. I have been a member for over 2 and a half years now, and the value of the membership is simply amazing. Dennis recently offered a limited time lifetime membership to existing members, and I jumped on it.

    Dennis adds many products to the download section of the membership, and I make it a point to check there, before buying any products with resell/PLR rights. This in itself has more than covered the cost of the monthly membership for me. And you can even request for a product to be added to the members area, and if it is something that a majority of the members can use, Dennis buys it, and adds it to the download section for everyone to use. (as long as the product can be added to a paid membership site).

    Dennis himself is really active on the forum with over 13000 posts to his name. And the community is really supportive and helpful. Rarely have I seen a question in a post going unanswered, even if it's something very basic. You will find many members that are experts in their respective IM fields freely giving out great advice.

    This is the only paid membership site I belong to and I can't recommend it enough.

    Here's the link for anyone interested in checking it out : Earn1KADay.net

    I think there is a $2.95 trial for 10 days at the moment, so you owe it to yourself to at least check it out

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    • Profile picture of the author Leanne King
      I've been a member since 2008 one of the few places I log into each day. The value of the membership is outstanding there's always someone to get inspired by, help you with something or give you support when you need it. Truly an amazing place.
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      • Profile picture of the author ivatel42
        Much like my fellow E1KADayers above I find the value there is immense. Like Jenn said the average term that someone stays in a membership site is just a few months. Well I've been there since 2008!

        I jumped on lifetime membership too it's a no brainer! There are so many people who are on there that are TRULY successful they know what they are talking about and give away so much value!

        Being the trusted clan that we are it isn't unusual for us to get the chance to beta test software and other products.

        We don't just talk shop either there's times when the "family" gather in others hours of need !

        Off to check the overnight activity right now....

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  • Profile picture of the author GarryMSayer
    I've been a member since February 2010 and quite simply it's the best EVER decision I have made for my online business (joining the Warrior Forum is a close second).

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    • Profile picture of the author Doug Taylor
      I am kind of new over at 1 k a day having only been there about 3 months. but there is no doubt there is a lot of value there. The people are kind and helpful and the atmosphere is really positive and there are plenty of opportunities to make back your membership fees.
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      • Profile picture of the author Jason Fladlien
        Earn1k is kind of ridiculous because I swear Dennis gives wayyyyyy too much goodies for the monthly membership site cost. LOL.

        What I like the most -besides the super active forum - is that Dennis secures a lot of great PLR rights to premium products and gives them to his members for free. Case in point: Dennis has bought several PLR licenses from me, and while he could make a TON more money emailing them and selling them, he puts them in his membership site instead for members to download for free.

        Since he's partnered up with Rachel, I've noticed things have gotten even better than they've ever been. I'm not a big fan of membership sites for the most part, but this is my favorite one that I'm a part of.


        Co-creator of WP Twin. Perhaps the most expensive yet most reliable wordress cloning tool on the market. We've definitely been used more successfully than all other options :)

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        • Profile picture of the author zapseo
          If you've ever bought something from one of Dennis' Five Buck Fridays, or one of his dimesales -- you should just jump right in and become a member.

          If you think those were of value -- you ain't seen nuthin' till you've joined e1kad.

          Definitely a GREAT place.

          I've EASILY made back/saved what I've made on membership fees.

          Frustrated? Banging your head up against a problem? Just post in the forum, and one or more of the bright, active and successful members/marketers will answer with info that most likely will solve your problem. Right there that could save you tons.

          Wondering about a particular launch or course? Just ask.

          Want to know what some of the best stuff going on is ... you'll find it there!
          (One of my clients has been very successful with just one tactic that was
          shared -- granted, it was a pointer to a paid product -- but that paid product
          has easily made him hundreds more dollars.)

          But that's not to say that there isn't a lot of great money-making information
          within the forum -- because there most definitely is.

          One of the best IM business decisions I've ever made. (Seconding Garry's comment, above.)

          (And yes -- as a long, long, long time WF member -- joining the WF is up there as well...)

          Live JoyFully!


          PS -- come join the fun! And if you want to see the kind of content they provide, check out the "free reports" offer below.
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          • Profile picture of the author danmorton
            I'll add my 2 cents to this thread!

            I've been a member since July 2008 and I can tell you that everything said here about Earn1KaDay is totally, completely 100% true!

            I was as new as a green-behind-the-ears IM newbie could be a couple of years ago, and I simply could not have turned the corner to a productive and profitable IM career without Dennis and all the other fantastic folks at Earn1KaDay!

            Thomas Edison once said that opportunity is often missed because it comes dressed in overalls and looks like work. I'd like to add one little thing to Tom's thoughts - that my opportunity for a great career in Internet Marketing came in overalls with an Earn1KaDay logo on the pocket!

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  • Profile picture of the author clickbuild3
    I've been on Earn1K since mid 2007. The only thing I have been a member of longer is a marriage

    So why do people stay on E1k for years? Dennis and the members he has attracted.

    I provide a bit of tech support for the forum and I get to see just how much and how hard Dennis works on the membership - and it's a testament to his moderating and managing skills that there is no infighting, no flaming and only occasional mild disagreement. Also the level of help and support from member to member is just insane. It's kinda normal to see someone post a problem or question and have a half dozen solid answers a few hours later and sometimes a "lemme login and fix that for you" offer too.

    If you want to see really good, helpful forum interaction AND have access to an incredible set of download products go join earn1kaday

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    • Profile picture of the author Dennis Becker
      Originally Posted by clickbuild3 View Post

      I've been on Earn1K since mid 2007. The only thing I have been a member of longer is a marriage

      So why do people stay on E1k for years? Dennis and the members he has attracted.

      I provide a bit of tech support for the forum and I get to see just how much and how hard Dennis works on the membership - and it's a testament to his moderating and managing skills that there is no infighting, no flaming and only occasional mild disagreement. Also the level of help and support from member to member is just insane. It's kinda normal to see someone post a problem or question and have a half dozen solid answers a few hours later and sometimes a "lemme login and fix that for you" offer too.

      If you want to see really good, helpful forum interaction AND have access to an incredible set of download products go join earn1kaday

      Steve... a bit of tech support! I couldn't do it without you, my friend, you keep the forum up and running virtually 24/7/365 humming like a well oiled machine, and you keep the scrapers at bay so that forum response time is excellent.
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      • Profile picture of the author slowrider
        I'm still a fairly new member over at the E1KAD forum have joined this last August. However, I couldn't agree more with the above posts and recommendations. If you truly want help from people who care, that is the place to be. There is so much value in the posts that a person couldn't even package it all up and sell it in one ebook. lol

        The forum is very active and a super friendly bunch of members make it totally safe to ask even the 'dumbest' questions (if there really is such as thing as a dumb question).

        Anyone who joins would not be disappointed.
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        • Profile picture of the author MisterE
          As a FORMER member of E1KAD I feel very compelled to add to this thread.

          I joined in '07 and remained through the first few months of '09. Due to a bout of IM disillusion I reluctantly dropped my membership and stayed away from marketing for as long as I could.... The biggest mistake I think I've made during this time was the decision to leave 1K.

          Everything that can be said about Dennis and his membership site can only be positive as you've seen from the above posts.

          It's hard to fathom just how valuable this community of marketers are and how supportive they are to every member no matter their level of experience.

          As was mentioned previously, Dennis just gives and gives and gives!

          I have signed onto a couple paid membership sites in the past year but none lasted more than a month. What they had to provide paled severely in comparison to 1K. I'm absolutely positive that the site has only become better in the time I've been away. In fact after unsubscribing from every email list, Dennis' was the only one I remained on and have always looked forward to each new mailing that he sends.

          Another thing that I would like to mention that I'm sure hasn't changed is how many high profile marketers also belong to E1KAD, Names that I'm certain you have heard of and trust.

          In closing, if you have the available funds, or are considering joining a private membership then I would highly recommend you give 1K a try first, and with the 10 day trial price that Dennis is currently offering it really is a no-brainer. I'm quite certain that once you experience and participate in the forum you will be blown away!


          P.S. At some time in the future I will be re-upping my membership once again. The dollar value is just to high to pass up if your serious about any/all facets of internet marketing.

          Oh! And thanks Jenn for starting this thread.

          "Procrastination is like a credit card: it's a lot of fun until you get the bill" Christopher Parker

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          • Profile picture of the author Leron Ford
            Originally Posted by MisterE View Post

            As a FORMER member of E1KAD I feel very compelled to add to this thread.

            I joined in '07 and remained through the first few months of '09. Due to a bout of IM disillusion I reluctantly dropped my membership and stayed away from marketing for as long as I could.... The biggest mistake I think I've made during this time was the decision to leave 1K.

            Everything that can be said about Dennis and his membership site can only be positive as you've seen from the above posts.

            It's hard to fathom just how valuable this community of marketers are and how supportive they are to every member no matter their level of experience.

            As was mentioned previously, Dennis just gives and gives and gives!

            I have signed onto a couple paid membership sites in the past year but none lasted more than a month. What they had to provide paled severely in comparison to 1K. I'm absolutely positive that the site has only become better in the time I've been away. In fact after unsubscribing from every email list, Dennis' was the only one I remained on and have always looked forward to each new mailing that he sends.

            Another thing that I would like to mention that I'm sure hasn't changed is how many high profile marketers also belong to E1KAD, Names that I'm certain you have heard of and trust.

            In closing, if you have the available funds, or are considering joining a private membership then I would highly recommend you give 1K a try first, and with the 10 day trial price that Dennis is currently offering it really is a no-brainer. I'm quite certain that once you experience and participate in the forum you will be blown away!


            P.S. At some time in the future I will be re-upping my membership once again. The dollar value is just to high to pass up if your serious about any/all facets of internet marketing.

            Oh! And thanks Jenn for starting this thread.
            I'm a former member myself (July '07), and I reluctantly cancelled my membership after becoming disillusioned with I-M. Looking back, leaving the E1KAD family was not a good decision on my part, so I plan on re-upping my membership after the holidays and re-joining the E1KAD family.

            Thanks Jenn for starting this thread! I've missed you guys!

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            • Profile picture of the author Craig Beckta
              I highly recommend Earn 1K A Day.

              Before I joined the most I ever made
              in one day was $240.

              Shortly after I had my first 8K day.

              I let my membership lapse a while ago.

              But this post just reminded me to join
              up again.

              It's a great value as far as membership
              sites go.

              I can't say enough good things about it.

              Craig Beckta
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  • It's simple.

    Dennis & Rachel = Integrity

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    • Profile picture of the author DebbieB
      I'm another satisfied customer.

      No, Wait. Make that thrilled customer.

      I've been a member since 2008 and have no intention of ever leaving.


      For one thing, Dennis has forged a real community. People are active, thoughtful and ask and answer questions intelligently - no matter whether the question is from a newbie or advanced marketer (and we have plenty of those, too).

      Dennis cares about his members and it shows. And the members actually care about each other, too.

      And with the addition of Rachel as a partner, the membership can only get even better.

      My recommendation? Go see for yourself. You've got nothing to lose and an amazing amount to gain.

      Marketing Morsels Blog - Bite-size business building help from an expert marketing consultant
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      • Profile picture of the author oildrops
        I've been a member since 2007 and am always amazed at the positive support and community of this forum. Dennis keeps us supplied with fresh PLR products and opportunities to excel on the internet.

        I recently reviewed his famous 5Bucks a Day report and doubled the income from a forgotten affiliate site! This is truly an evergreen report that will always teach how to focus and bring in consistent earnings from your efforts.

        Thank you Dennis!


        Discover How a pack of Thieves Conquered the Black Plague and how You Can Use this Knowledge Today!

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        • Profile picture of the author n1gel
          I've been a member there since the end of 2007.

          Why am I still there?

          Well for the same reasons everyone else has written about above:

          As George said - the integrity of Dennis, Rachel and the other members.

          The community - friendly, helpful, supportive, generous and inspirational.

          Value For Money - business models experts, products, advice & information, JV opportunities etc.

          That's why I am & will continue to be a member there. As Leanne said - truly an amazing place!
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          • Profile picture of the author Blazon1
            I guess the obvious question for this thread would be this - are any of you actually earning 1K a day as a result of your membership in E1KAD? It sounds like it could be a great community to be a part of, but most IM-related programs sound good with only a small percentage of them actually delivering as claimed. Also, what is the focus of E1KAD - affiliate marketing, offline marketing, CPA, etc.? Os is the focus on more than one form of marketing?
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            • Profile picture of the author Dennis Becker
              Originally Posted by Blazon1 View Post

              I guess the obvious question for this thread would be this - are any of you actually earning 1K a day as a result of your membership in E1KAD? It sounds like it could be a great community to be a part of, but most IM-related programs sound good with only a small percentage of them actually delivering as claimed. Also, what is the focus of E1KAD - affiliate marketing, offline marketing, CPA, etc.? Os is the focus on more than one form of marketing?
              Let me answer that without being salesy, as best I can.

              The focus is on multiple forms of marketing, we focus on 12 different business models specifically (I think the sales page lists them if I remember right), and members freely discuss others as they wish.

              When I set up Earn1KaDay, I wanted it to be a place to encourage and coach people to earn at least $1000 profit in a single day. Not necessarily every day, but at least the first time, because I found from personal experience that when I reached $1000/day the first time, it became easier, because the mental barrier had been broken.

              Many members have reached that level, and have posted in our success section. Not all, certainly, in fact not all people care to do that well. But quite a few. Some do it regularly now, as do Rachel and I.
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              • Profile picture of the author Blazon1
                Originally Posted by Dennis Becker View Post

                Let me answer that without being salesy, as best I can.

                The focus is on multiple forms of marketing, we focus on 12 different business models specifically (I think the sales page lists them if I remember right), and members freely discuss others as they wish.

                When I set up Earn1KaDay, I wanted it to be a place to encourage and coach people to earn at least $1000 profit in a single day. Not necessarily every day, but at least the first time, because I found from personal experience that when I reached $1000/day the first time, it became easier, because the mental barrier had been broken.

                Many members have reached that level, and have posted in our success section. Not all, certainly, in fact not all people care to do that well. But quite a few. Some do it regularly now, as do Rachel and I.
                OK, Dennis. Thank you for the quick answer.
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                • Profile picture of the author Tina Golden
                  I've only been a member for a short time, maybe 3 months, so I wasn't going to chime in but I decided to add my two cents worth from the newbie member's point of view. All the posters seem to be long-term members so it might seem like it's more valuable if you've been their a long time - this is not the case.

                  Judy K (zapseo) above had talked to me of E1KaD for several months, then Caliban Darklock kept telling me what a great place it was. Since Dennis practically fathered my desire to pursue IM (I read his 5 Bucks a Day product way back when and LOVED it), I figured it must be pretty good. The only reason I waited was because I'm a tightwad and didn't want to add another paid membership to my expenses each month.

                  Well, I gotta tell ya, if you're worried about the money, don't be. What I didn't know was how much stuff Dennis has packed into that forum - real products that you can use to educate yourself and tons of products that you can resell or even have PLR too! Wow! Use one or two of the products he puts in there every month to add another income stream and you not only pay for your membership, you can actually profit. I don't pay for my membership anymore because I earn the fees easily each month and then some.

                  What struck me the most about E1KaD is that everyone was so darn friendly - it's amazing to me the community atmosphere there. I love the WF and it's been my home away from home for several years now. It's extremely rare that I feel that community spirit in other forums but it's there at E1KaD.

                  Thanks to Dennis and thank you to Judy for keeping on me about it. I'm so very glad that I joined.

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                  • Profile picture of the author Mary Greene
                    I joined Earn1KaDay a few days after it opened in 2007. Now, I’m a lifetime member. . . no brainer.

                    Where else can you find tech support, testing results, step-by-step winning tactics, valuable products with resell rights and PLR, webinars with rising stars, graphics and other membership products included in the monthly downloads, great JV opportunities, fabulous discounts on products/services from other members, real advice from fellow members who make 10K a month to well over a million each year, high energy, and old-fashioned emotional support?

                    Frankly, it’s hard to express my appreciation without sounding like a Hallmark card.

                    Earn1KaDay’s founder, Dennis Becker, is like your favorite uncle—smart, honest, hardworking, fair, and service-oriented. His new partner Rachel Rofe is a brilliant, warm-hearted creative marketer whose philosophy of life is Pay it Forward. Both Dennis and Rachel share what they’ve learned from every success and failure in enough detail that we’re all still pinching ourselves. And we applaud the success of fellow members every day, knowing success is within every member’s reach.

                    Yes, the monthly cost is ridiculously low for what we get. Still some people should stay away (please):

                    • You won’t like Earn1KaDay if you don’t like giving and receiving help.
                    • You won’t like Earn1KaDay if you’re a whiner. (Actually, you won’t like anything if you’re a whiner.)
                    • You won’t like Earn1KaDay if you have a big ego and small heart. (Big egos with big hearts are more than welcome!)
                    • You won’t like Earn1KaDay if you struggle telling the truth. Members demand the truth about succeeding online and offline.
                    • You won’t like Earn1KaDay if you just want to make a quick buck off fellow members. We want value for ourselves and our customers.
                    • You won’t like Earn1KaDay if you confuse positive attitude with wishful thinking. We’re all about dropping fear and adding profitable action to our lives.

                    Mary Greene

                    Mary Greene

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                    • Profile picture of the author ShaunAllen
                      I've been on here since 2003 and I've never heard of this site. Unfortunately, I've never heard of Dennis either and it seems like I am really missing out.

                      Going to Join right now!
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  • Profile picture of the author Aspen
    How can anything be added to the great post Mary made? She tells it like it is. I've been a member since 2007 as well and became a lifetime member too. I always told Dennis I would never give it up and now I won't have to.

    Dennis, and now Rachel, provide so many resources that there is no way you can't find the best way to make money online for you. So many people there give away for free information that can help with this as well. Of course, as with so many things, whether we take action that gets us to that 1k day are up to each of us. Dennis provides the resources. Taking action is on us.

    Beyond everything that has been mentioned above, I want to reiterate how supportive the people there are. They celebrate your successes and provide emotional support when needed. I know of only one other place that is as good as earn1kaday in this. Earn1kaday is a great place.
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    • Profile picture of the author John_Paduchak
      I've been an e1kaday member for over 2 years now too. It's like my supportive online family and knowledgebase. I think everyone has that one place where you can go to look for a product, an honest review, assistance, an answer to a problem, or just a friendly kick in the pants when you need it.
      This is where I go first.

      The support is first class, the people are family, the downloadable products and benefits just priceless. But the thing I like the most, is the ever approachable Dennis Becker. Dennis, don't get a big head over this ok. You send him an email and he answers within hours, sometimes minutes. You have a question and he has an answer. Dennis is always willing to help if he can and that is not only a customer service rarity, but the reason he's so endearing to his members. The value of his membership absolutely dwarfs the cost to us. I'd say that my membership here has saved me thousands of dollars, improved my skills dramatically, and expanded my online influence easily by a factor of ten.

      I totally agree with Mary, if you don't like giving, sharing or participating; please don't join. However, if you want a warm, caring, nurturing atmosphere and the feeling like you belong to something great you owe it to yourself to take a look. Hope to see you on the inside.

      All the Best,
      John Paduchak
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  • Profile picture of the author marcromero
    Thanks for the info on e1kad I had never heard of this site, go figure. Maybe I had heard of it and just passed it by or something, anyways I'll have to check it out. The more info we can get our hands on the more we can help those that struggle just like we did at one point.
    Passive Income Every 30 Minutes With BetterLifeMoney.com
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  • Profile picture of the author Steve Gilbert
    I have been a member of Earn 1K a Day since May, 2007 and it continues to be a tremendously valuable membership, one which I would definitly not give up. If you've ever wondered where to turn for help, advice, review or opportunity, this is IT! Use the current 1 week trial mentioned in this thread - you'll be glad you did..
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    • Profile picture of the author mrizos
      Joined the 10 day trial and cancelled after 3 days. I loved the 5bucksaday book, however the forum seemed really dated and pretty boring.

      Lot's of the strats presented were 3 years old and frankly do not work as well as they used to (mms). I struggled to find any threads that had any info that you couldn't find here.

      ...so, there's my honest review.
      Can't Rank? Find out why!
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      • Profile picture of the author AidenChong
        Originally Posted by mrizos View Post

        Joined the 10 day trial and cancelled after 3 days. I loved the 5bucksaday book, however the forum seemed really dated and pretty boring.

        Lot's of the strats presented were 3 years old and frankly do not work as well as they used to (mms). I struggled to find any threads that had any info that you couldn't find here.

        ...so, there's my honest review.
        Think about something bigger, like "networking"?

        I'm in! Thanks Jenn for letting us know about this! I have heard of this site for a few times, but I've never really get to click and read it. I get to know about Dennis for the 5 bucks a day book or something else, I forgot...

        I've even added Dennis as friend in my WF account contacts eons ago, but I've never really check out his site! But it's still not that "late" to join, isn't it?

        Thanks Dennis and Rachel!

        Off to join right now!
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      • Profile picture of the author Dennis Becker
        Originally Posted by mrizos View Post

        Joined the 10 day trial and cancelled after 3 days. I loved the 5bucksaday book, however the forum seemed really dated and pretty boring.

        Lot's of the strats presented were 3 years old and frankly do not work as well as they used to (mms). I struggled to find any threads that had any info that you couldn't find here.

        ...so, there's my honest review.
        That's why we have 12 different business models that we highlight.

        MMS is one of them, and admittedly it isn't as easy as it used to be, because of the difficulty to get into ePN, and the relative unprofitability of alternatives like Amazon, but there are many members making 4-figures a month with MMS, some making 5-figures a month, so it does work if you know what you're doing.

        Just because something was posted 3 years ago doesn't mean it doesn't still work.

        If you were only there 3 days, you didn't have a chance to fully explore what's available. But thanks for giving it a look, nothing's for everybody.
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  • Profile picture of the author AidenChong
    Just joined, all I can say is... It's WARM...

    And I can ask anything I want, without being titled as a "dumb", and being called as a negative posters, etc.

    Sometimes you just need some advise to open up your narrow-minded brain, right? But some other larger forum just don't like to see that kind of things but in E1KAD, people will over-deliver in their reply post to help you out.

    That's rare in today's world.

    Keep up the good work, member of E1KAD!

    Aiden Chong
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  • Profile picture of the author BetGeek
    - How many members does 1K a day have?
    - What % of these people actually earn 1K a day?

    The proof is in the pudding, isn't it?
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    • Profile picture of the author AidenChong
      - How many members does 1K a day have?
      - What % of these people actually earn 1K a day?

      The proof is in the pudding, isn't it?

      Hi there, take me as an example, I've just joined.

      First of all, I think the question you asked was weird, maybe it's just me.

      1K a day is $30k per month.

      Say, if I am making $200 today, $500 tomorrow, $1500 the next day, and added up to a total of $30,000, isn't that also equals to an average of $30k per month?

      And the 2nd thing, it's not the $1k a day that is important to me, it's the relationship or the networking that I can generate, within the community. When I need people to proofread for me, when I need people to check out my sales copy, etc, I saved money by doing so. If I am able to save $500 in a month, that means I am in a profit of $500 for that month.

      So it doesn't has to be earning the cold hard cash of $1k in my bank account to be qualified as "earning $1k a day", I guess.

      By leveraging the power of networking in the community (which I might not be able to do so if I haven't join it), I might get to earn my $1k a day faster. Time = money, getting to my goal closer equals to saving more money, and that equals to profit faster.

      My point is, maybe not everyone is able to make $1k a day, but since joining the community, many people who might not be able to even earn $50 a day, are now earning their $200 a day, $100 a day, $600 per day, or so.

      The positive difference or the positive results of joining such community is the thing that I would focus on, I would say.

      Of course, that's just my humble opinion.


      Aiden Chong
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    • Profile picture of the author PattiM
      Originally Posted by BetGeek View Post

      - How many members does 1K a day have?
      - What % of these people actually earn 1K a day?

      The proof is in the pudding, isn't it?
      Dennis has already posted that the goal is not so much to make $1k per day as much as to reach the point where you have at least one day when you earn $1k as it breaks down the mental barriers we often have towards how much we are capable of making.

      I'm not a member of the forum but I am a member of Dennis's mailing list. His emails are among the few of the many I receive that always get looked at and often acted on. I may very well give the trial a go.

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      • Profile picture of the author Seeking Knowledge
        I was a member quite a while back and let it lapse due to feeling overwhelmed with the amount of information.

        But, after reading all the reviews and seeing that there are 10 0r 12 different money making methods (not going back and re-reading all the posts to verify) outlined, I'll have to check it out again and see if I can utilize something specifically.

        Sounds as if I ought to be able to.
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        • Profile picture of the author Dennis Becker
          Originally Posted by Seeking Knowledge View Post

          I was a member quite a while back and let it lapse due to feeling overwhelmed with the amount of information.

          But, after reading all the reviews and seeing that there are 10 0r 12 different money making methods (not going back and re-reading all the posts to verify) outlined, I'll have to check it out again and see if I can utilize something specifically.

          Sounds as if I ought to be able to.
          Sorry that you were overwhelmed before. Not knowing how long ago that was, I think it's fair to say that there's much more information there now.

          But... I teach focus, and if you follow my encouragement you'll hone in on the one or two business models that you really want to follow, and don't let the others distract you. We do have the forum set up so that it's not difficult to avoid the others if you want to.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3566852].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author RogerAderholdt
            Hello Dennis,

            Well I have never heard of your site before.

            However, after reading this thread it sure seems like you are doing something right and that is providing VALUE to your customers and membership.

            I like working with people like that and will be checking out your membership soon.

            It's great to see all the POSITIVE comments from your members.

            That's hard to find these days on-line.
            Get entire State B2B Leads for only $20.00 or get 1,000 Surveyed MLM Leads for your business for only $20.00. Check it out at: http://www.mlmleadsbusiness.com/
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  • Profile picture of the author BetGeek

    1K a day is, of course, averaged. This is to take things like product launches into action.
    So that means 360K a year. Happy with that? If so, I'm still interested to know the answer about this membership forum on the basis of averaged yearly income.

    Second question: yes, the forum is beneficial. However, the mission and vision is 1K a day.

    It's simple, really: does the service deliver what is written on the tin? There is little point discussing the minutiae (learning / profit curve, time to reach 1K) if only a small fraction of members actually fits the promise of the service.

    Or maybe I'm missing something?

    Maybe 3-year long Jenn could share where she is income-wise. This would be a first clue.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2881048].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author dfs_dean
      Originally Posted by BetGeek View Post


      1K a day is, of course, averaged. This is to take things like product launches into action.
      So that means 360K a year. Happy with that? If so, I'm still interested to know the answer about this membership forum on the basis of averaged yearly income.

      Second question: yes, the forum is beneficial. However, the mission and vision is 1K a day.

      It's simple, really: does the service deliver what is written on the tin? There is little point discussing the minutiae (learning / profit curve, time to reach 1K) if only a small fraction of members actually fits the promise of the service.

      Or maybe I'm missing something?

      Maybe 3-year long Jenn could share where she is income-wise. This would be a first clue.
      I'm not a E1KAD member, but maybe I should be from all the posts in this thread. I'll definitely give it serious consideration.

      Now, about delivering the services advertised. It seems to me that Dennis and Rachel, et al, are providing a service. It is up to the member to take advantage of it. The question shouldn't be do all members earn $1k a day (average) but do any members earn $1k a day (average) as a result of their membership? I think Dennis answered in the affirmative.

      And I believe Dennis already pointed out that the $1k per day wasn't a minimum to achieve every day but rather a milestone/goal to break through. Big difference.

      Guess it's sorta like buying hosting. The host company can provide so much bandwidth, so much space, so many email accounts, and on and on. If everyone doesn't use all they have access to does that mean the host isn't actually delivering "what is written on the tin?" (Course, my analogies never seem to come across quite like they originate in my head )

      Find something to enjoy about reality. It's not going to go away.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3026990].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Dennis Becker
        Awesome reply, dfs_dean, thank you.

        Yes, some of our members make 1K a day sometimes. Some even make 1K a day or more every day.

        Admittedly, most don't.

        My goal at the inception was to get people their first taste of a $1000 profit day, because once you do something once (whether it's your first dollar, first Clickbank sale as an affiliate, first $100 day, first $1000 day), the 2nd becomes easier and comes faster.

        It's partly (mostly) a mindset issue, to be honest.

        John Reese has said, if you can earn a dollar, you can earn a million dollars. Some people have a heck of a time earning their first dollar.

        So we provide the structure, the information, the helpful community, the encouragement, etc. to succeed. Does everyone take advantage of what we offer? No.

        Can we force them to take advantage? No.

        Does everyone even WANT to earn $1000/day consistently? No, many are happy at lower levels, and that's cool.

        I don't know about Jenn who started this thread, but I suspect she's had some 1K days, but it doesn't matter, she's happy with what we provide and she's been a member almost since the beginning (we opened in May 2007), happily paying her monthly dues, feeling she is getting value for her money.
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        • Profile picture of the author thatgirlJ
          Originally Posted by Dennis Becker View Post

          I don't know about Jenn who started this thread, but I suspect she's had some 1K days, but it doesn't matter, she's happy with what we provide and she's been a member almost since the beginning (we opened in May 2007), happily paying her monthly dues, feeling she is getting value for her money.
          If it helps anyone at all to dare to dream, the answer is most definitely yes. Every day? That's my dream
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          • Profile picture of the author Moof
            Dennis, unfortunately I clicked the OTO for a lifetime membership away. Will I be able to sign up for a lifetime membership again once I am a regular member? Or would it work to use a different computer?


            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3039969].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Dennis Becker
              Originally Posted by Moof View Post

              Dennis, unfortunately I clicked the OTO for a lifetime membership away. Will I be able to sign up for a lifetime membership again once I am a regular member? Or would it work to use a different computer?


              Oliver, we've never offered lifetime memberships for Earn1KaDay, except to current members, not even as an OTO. Reason being that we want you to be sure that you realize the value first, and then you can make the commitment without worry.

              So yes, once you join, you'll be able to upgrade to lifetime.
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  • Profile picture of the author BetGeek
    Good for you Craig.
    All white hat?
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  • Profile picture of the author furqan
    Based on the positive reviews by long time members - I jumped in....see you guys there...
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  • Profile picture of the author BetGeek
    Reminds me of a movie that:

    Studio 54 [DVD] [1999]: Amazon.co.uk: Ryan...Studio 54 [DVD] [1999]: Amazon.co.uk: Ryan...
    ... with the saying: there's always another door.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2910830].message }}
  • I have also joined and I must say that Dennis Becker is very responsive and quick to reply to questions, even though it was thanks giving. His site is also busy (according to alexa) which is also a good sign of it's popularity.
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  • Profile picture of the author furqan
    I am really glad and Proud to be a First Pakistani, have joined this Business Forum.
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    • Profile picture of the author Rachel Rofe
      Originally Posted by furqan View Post

      I am really glad and Proud to be a First Pakistani, have joined this Business Forum.

      Dennis and I were ridiculously excited that you joined, too... especially with all our excitement in building a school there.

      Thank you for being the first... here's to many more Pakistanis!
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      • Profile picture of the author furqan
        Originally Posted by Rachel Rofe View Post

        Dennis and I were ridiculously excited that you joined, too... especially with all our excitement in building a school there.

        Thank you for being the first... here's to many more Pakistanis!
        Rachel, Thank You So Much!

        And Yes I know here are many Pakistani's already joined this WF.
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  • Profile picture of the author TheHappy4
    Looking forward to joining this membership. I had never heard of it until watching Jason Fladlien creating a mind map. I briefly saw he was a member of this site, so decided to check it out. Looks great and already has my mental juices flowing. Will be signing up Thursday. Looking forward to networking with you all.

    Sincerely, Brandy Roberts

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    • Profile picture of the author AidenChong
      Originally Posted by TheHappy4 View Post

      Will be signing up Thursday. Looking forward to networking with you all.
      You're in a correct mindset to say that out... Way to go!

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  • Profile picture of the author AidenChong
    Alright, I've been a member for a little over 3 weeks now (few more days to a month).

    Since joining E1KAD, I have got at least 4 networking partners, a 10,000 words content as my case study report (and counting), 2 future JV partners!

    Those were all done within a 3 weeks period, and no, I am not posting this out to boast about something, but to inspire EVERYONE.

    If I can do it (even though English wasn't my first language), and if I, who is staying in a remote area in my country, can do this, I believe anyone else who is determine to TAKE ACTION can do this too!

    Now I have a killer method to create content, or create report. I can finish up a 5,000 words report in matter of hours, and still consider the quality of the content as a moderate-quality report.

    Talking about value for money, nothing is better than this one, especially the networking partner + future JV partners! Monthly payment was easily being justified!

    Thanks Dennis and Rachel for running this wonderful community!


    P.S. Anyone who has any kind of problems can PM me or Jenn, or anyone else in this thread, we're more than happy to help you out with your questions before joining
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  • Profile picture of the author Abraham L
    I don't think I've ever seen such raving reviews about an IM membership site...
    I've learned a lot about IM, and I've been making websites, spending lots of money to promote them, but nothing seems to work...
    I might just take the 10 day trial and see how this goes...

    I'll see you all there!
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    • Profile picture of the author cyberws
      Sorry all you guys don't like this site. :-)

      Thanks for all the comments. Honestly, I've never heard of it before but will definitely go take a look.
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    • Profile picture of the author nikhilg

      Just bought the 5 dollars a day ebook from Dennis and was impressed.

      I was wondering if 1kaday discusses facebook generally and particularly facebook apps. I am thinking of going into that and could do with the guidance.

      I also have a host of other issues that I need help with, which I won't bore you with right now. But if I can get some guidance on the 1kaday site re facebook I would be happy to join.


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  • Profile picture of the author GFox
    Hmmmm. I've been around IM for a while and thought that I knew where the "players" were, I am obviously quite wrong, because this is the first time that I've heard of e1kad. Based on the glowing recommendations here, I just took a look at the site and will be signing up right away. Thanks for the info, guys!
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  • Profile picture of the author Caleb Spilchen
    I joined earn1kaday at the recommendation of a Warrior named Thom Lancaster {impact-productions}, and I now visit earn1kaday more then I visit Warrior Forum half the time!

    Why? Because Dennis goes above and beyond what any of us can imagine in a membership site, with an endless amount of tips, and community feeling

    Honestly, he gives you the keys to a huge business. I'm so happy I've joined, It hasn't resulted in any more 1k days {i've had them in the past}, but it has resulted in me having something to look forward to every day.

    Thanks Dennis & Rachel.


    Canadian Expat Living in Medellin, Colombia

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    • Profile picture of the author Dennis Becker
      Originally Posted by Caleb Spilchen View Post

      I joined earn1kaday at the recommendation of a Warrior named Thom Lancaster {impact-productions}, and I now visit earn1kaday more then I visit Warrior Forum half the time!

      Why? Because Dennis goes above and beyond what any of us can imagine in a membership site, with an endless amount of tips, and community feeling

      Honestly, he gives you the keys to a huge business. I'm so happy I've joined, It hasn't resulted in any more 1k days {i've had them in the past}, but it has resulted in me having something to look forward to every day.

      Thanks Dennis & Rachel.

      Thank YOU, Caleb, it's refreshing to know that an old guy like me can capture the attention of someone your age. I have no doubt that your 1K days are coming, and plenty of them.
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      • Profile picture of the author BrianTubbs
        Based on all these great reviews, I had to check it out for myself. Just signed up for the 10-day trial. Looks great!
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  • Profile picture of the author Nic Lynn
    Originally Posted by Jenn Dize View Post

    It's a community full of people from all walks of life -- with different levels of marketing experience. Dennis Becker has even brought Rachel Rofe on as a partner, so the value is insane.
    Is this the same person that started Burn Your Todo List?
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  • Profile picture of the author Dennis Becker
    Yes, Rachel started BYTDL, but is no longer involved with that site.
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  • Profile picture of the author Dennis Becker
    Hi, Nic,

    I joined BYTDL right away, and am still there. I agree that it had some startup problems, but Rachel solved them eventually, and the site matured nicely, I think.

    Still, I agree, nothing is for everybody.
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  • Profile picture of the author AidenChong
    Just check in to report that I've successfully made my first $1k day, not within 24 hours but within THREE HOURS! Yes - 3 hours!

    Got a lot of content done after joining E1KAD, because of the help and support given by fellow members in there.

    If you check this post out , you'll get to know that I'm a fairly new member, and yet I was able to make it happen.

    I won't say all that I was making the $1k day all due to joining this group of people, but I would rather say that it's an IMPORTANT PART that can't be missing from my somewhat successful product launch.

    It was because of E1KAD, I was able to get a lot more content done, within a short amount of time.

    Also, I've got a lot more JV partners after joining this closed door community, and I see that as an asset, so yea, thanks E1KAD's members, Dennis, and also Rachel!

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  • Profile picture of the author Stefan S
    This sounds almost too good to be true.
    So I really need to join and check it out myself. Can't leave this opportunity behind.

    See you there
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  • Profile picture of the author furqan
    Yes Kevin, I welcome you in advance on behalf of E1KAday members
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  • Profile picture of the author peter gibson
    First off, I stopped in here because Jenn started the topic, and although I really dug what she was saying, I expected the 1kaday thing to be just another thing I'd never get around to joining.

    However, I just saw someone posting from Halifax NS!! My hometown!! So that's it. I'm off to join this second.

    BTW Craig, Big ups from a fellow Haligonian!
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  • Profile picture of the author lillian2
    thank you for the useful information, it seems like a site to belong to - very helpful reviews
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    • Profile picture of the author how2no
      I have been a member of Earn1KaDay since May 18, 2007.

      I have not yet earned $1,000 in a single day.

      However, the value of belonging to this community month after month has vastly exceeded the cost. Consequently, I recently purchased a lifetime membership to Earn1KaDay.

      There are 2 primary reasons I love Earn1KaDay:

      It seems that every time I purchase something, Dennis purchases the same offer and includes it as a free download for members. So, I rarely spend money on other offers because the vast majority of them are available for download from Earn1KaDay. I've learned to not spend money on shiny new objects.

      The Earn1KaDay community is special. Even though I rarely post comments, I frequently read a variety of the discussions. Members have posted 126,057 articles, many of which have been very helpful to me. I suspect this community and the Warrior Forum community are both populated by a similar cross-section of Internet marketers. However, I rely on the Earn1KaDay community to provide factual advice that I can use to further my Internet endeavors.

      I consider Dennis Becker to be one the most trustworthy and credible individuals involved with Internet marketing, along with others such as Seth Godin, Paul Myers, Jonathan Leger, and Dennis Gaskill.

      While we all understand that there is no one solution that fits everyone, Earn1KaDay has proven to be an excellent resource for many of us.
      Visit ... The Insider's Circle
      34 Free Reports. Tons of Downloads.
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  • Profile picture of the author webABCs
    Two thumbs up for Earn 1 K A Day. Just became a member recently I was thoughly amazed at the quality and quantity of resources contained inside the site. Well worth the membership fee and then some.

    Making Online Business Simple!

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  • Profile picture of the author Gene Pimentel
    If I had three thumbs, they'd all be up. I've been a member for 2.5 years or so, and it's the only business-place on the internet that I visit every business day. The relationships with other members are what makes it so special. My relationships at Earn1KaDay are directly responsible for many of my 1K days. It is a RICH resource for positive support and down & dirty dig-your-heels-in business ventures.

    THANK YOU Dennis and Rachel for everything you do for us.
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  • Profile picture of the author tjmiller
    I posted my recommendation in this thread early on, but I've been watching some of the comments and I wanted to come and post here again.

    It seems that some people are getting hung up on the title "Earn1KaDay" and I keep seeing the usual challenges: Is anybody doing it?, Does this really work?, Where's the proof? But you are missing the point entirely. Do you have to join Earn1KaDay to HAVE a $1k day? No, of course not. Does every member of Earn1KaDay MAKE $1K a day? Again, of course not.

    Earn1KaDay is not a training course. It isn't an ebook to download and then move on to the next great thing. It isn't a "Join this and learn my super-underground-nobody-else-knows-this-secrets-to-making-$1000-per-day!!!!"

    Earn1KaDay is a professional membership for people who take their internet business seriously. Some are doing this full-time, some have other full-time jobs and do IM at night, on weekends and whenever they can.

    Honestly, I don't make $1k a day. But before joining the site, I never made anything on the internet. Now, I make hundreds per day, and I expect my first $1k day won't be far off. I didn't achieve that because of some course, or service or instruction inside Earn1KaDay. I did it because Earn1KaDay provided an environment where I can discuss my business with other serious people, get advice, give advice, (and yes, that is as important to your success as receiving it) and just generally flourish.

    Yes, there are great products available to you there. Lots and lots of them. Joining the membership would save you a TON of money on buying products.

    But the real value isn't in the download area. The real value is in the way this site and its members help you to find the value in yourself.
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  • Profile picture of the author Gene Pimentel
    Beautifully said Teresa. You put into words exactly what I feel.
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    • Profile picture of the author Joe Stewart
      Originally Posted by Gene Pimentel View Post

      Beautifully said Teresa. You put into words exactly what I feel.
      Me too. :-)

      I've been a member there for around 2 1/2 years too and I'm also a big fan of all the benefits mentioned above. However, there are other things that are even more important to me.

      #1. There's no such thing as a "dumb" question. There are people of all skill levels there and no one makes fun of another member or puts them down for asking questions.

      #2. As has been mentioned several times already, the networking opportunities are huge!

      #3. Like many others, I'm not a super "technically inclined" person. There were times when I'd get stuck for hours or even days trying to find an answer to a question. I'm certain there are many others that know exactly what that's like, eh? Well, that doesn't happen nearly as often now since I've been a member at Earn 1K a Day. I can post a question and it's usually answered the same day, sometimes within minutes! That alone has been huge for me.

      #4. We are a tight knit community and most members tend to give just as much or more freely than they take. It's kind of like being in a mini-mastermind. Everyone gets better at what they do because of the others. It's a "win, win" for all involved.

      Hey, and if you join you get to put up with crazy people like me! :-)

      I highly recommend it.


      My New "Share All" Blog Is Coming Soon! Online & Offline Marketing, More!


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  • Profile picture of the author Gene Pimentel
    You know when family members or friends ask you to teach them how to make money online? And you know how you dread the thought of trying to teach a total newbie about all the facets of IM and how much time they will suck out of you, wanting everything for free? And then they walk away a few weeks into it because it's too much work or their expectations are too high?

    Well now, I no longer dread this. I simply tell them they must become a member of Earn1KaDay. EVERYTHING they need to know is laid out in front of them, and they have the entire family of members to learn from at their own pace. It doesn't get any better than that. Once they've been a member and have actively learned a ton of stuff, and decide they want to pursue IM further, then I'll know they are serious enough to for me to invest my time with. Everybody wins :-)
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  • Profile picture of the author Joe Stewart
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    • Profile picture of the author Jeremy Kelsall
      E1Kaday is definitely one of the better memberships that I've belonged to, without a doubt. I canceled my subscription a few months back when I was cleaning up my paypal subscriptions, but it wasn't because I didn't like it...I just didn't have enough time to spend there.

      The thing that I probably liked about it the most was the "idea incubator" (I think that's what it was called)...people would just drop ideas in a thread, and before you knew it, other members would come through and fully work out a plan to implement a business strategy. On more than one occasion, I was able to take bits and pieces, and work them into a profitable plan of my own.

      Another thing that I found valuable was that Dennis regularly goes out and buys new products with rights for the members, so if there is anything out there that offers PLR,MRR, or any other rights, there is a good chance that Dennis has it there for the members.

      I think that the name of the site might give some people the wrong idea of what the site is about. You're not going to log in and then be slammed with hundreds of ebooks to show you how to make 1K a day. Instead, the members offer a support system of sorts to answer any questions you have, offer support, and help you further your business.

      When it comes time for me to jump into a membership again, E1Kaday is right up at the top of the list. I didn't know that there was a "lifetime option" or I probably just would have grabbed that and been done with it - I only canceled because I can't stand to pay a monthly fee when I don't have time to use something

      I would recommend E1Kaday to anyone that asked me.
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  • Clink...clink... Here's my 2 cents...

    -New product launches (sometimes at better than WF WSO prices)...
    -Products I wouldn't know about unless I saw them there...
    -Service to purchase and sell/donate...
    -Technical help to receive/give...
    -JV opportunities (at least 2 in the works)...
    -TONS of helpful downloads and more added each month...
    -Being welcomed by existing members..AND..'feeling' welcome by them...
    -Not being/feeling 'looked down upon' if you're a newbie...
    -WSOs offered before they're WSOs at pre-WSO prices...
    -Actionable ideas aplenty...

    How many more reasons do you need to join ?

    As far as 'how much each member is making' re: the name of the site - no offense meant, but would you feel comfortable telling the world how much YOU are making ? Is that 'my' business (or anybody else's) ? If not, then how could you ever expect anyone else to tell 'you' what they are making ?

    The goal of the site is to help everyone who joins to reach that 1KaD, however long it takes them.

    Progress doesn't come by 'watching the clock', especially when a little thing called 'life' happens to each of us that sidetracks us once in a while before we reach our destination.

    The world is full of 'nay sayers' and time wasters... E1KaDay ISN'T.

    It IS full of people who will go out of their way to help you on your journey - without charging you for it ! The only thing they hope is that YOU feel the same way, and will DO the same for others :-)

    From listening to Dennis and speaking with him on the phone, believe me when I say... he is "all business", BUT his heart is equally big, AND his hands are just as open to help you.

    What more do you need or want to further your IM career ?

    Hal (John3.16 in the E1KaD forum)

    Your friend in Christ on the net,
    Hal Humphries
    http://www.iwanttogetmore.info (info portal)
    http://www.i-m-discounter (store and membership site)

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  • Profile picture of the author Turpen
    I came to the WF to see what fellow warriors were saying about this site before joining. I knew I could count on you guys! Off to join now!
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  • Profile picture of the author sandman123
    E1Kaday sounds like the kind of place I need to join but being new to this IM I've got lots to learn before committing to a monthly charge.
    I seem to be spending a small fortune on WSO's and other items and haven't made a cent yet, but at least the Warrior forum is free to browse.

    I may join you one day Dennis
    Let me show you how to make hundreds of extra $'s weekly .. Click here.
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    • Profile picture of the author Dennis Becker
      Originally Posted by sandman123 View Post

      E1Kaday sounds like the kind of place I need to join but being new to this IM I've got lots to learn before committing to a monthly charge.
      I seem to be spending a small fortune on WSO's and other items and haven't made a cent yet, but at least the Warrior forum is free to browse.

      I may join you one day Dennis
      I don't want to talk you out of buying WSO's because there are sure some great ones, but maybe you need to be someplace where you get away from the shiny object syndrome and focus on your business for a while.

      I used to do the same thing, believe me, I bought just about everything, and it wasn't until I realized that I already knew enough to be successful based on my then current knowledge that I was able to focus on what I knew, and that's when it all started going uphill.
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  • Profile picture of the author RedHat39
    Wow after all of these great comments. I have to check this out. I've been looking for a good mentoring/mastermind type membership and this sounds like it just might bewhat I've been looking for.

    I was one of the original members in Lee McIntyre's Standing Start Profits mastermind membership back in 2007 and loved every minute of it. I had to drop out for a while because of financial issues back then and when I was ready to return Lee had shifted the focus of the membership.

    I've yet to find another one like it since. I've tried several and they all start off with a big bang but quickly fizzle out for one reason or another. I'll take the 10 day trial and see what happens. Hopefully from what I've seen posted here this will be the one.

    Thanks for all of the positive reviews guys.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kaitlyn Aliano
    Are all (or most) members in the IM niche?
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    • Profile picture of the author Dennis Becker
      Originally Posted by Kaitlyn Aliano View Post

      Are all (or most) members in the IM niche?
      Hi, Kaitlyn,

      It depends on how you mean the question to be asked.

      We're all technically IM'ers, but not all our members are working in the IM niche, if that makes sense.

      Many have sites in niches of all types.
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      • Profile picture of the author barryc1963
        Is the 5bucksaday ebook included in the download area of the membership site?
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      • Profile picture of the author Kaitlyn Aliano
        Originally Posted by Dennis Becker View Post

        Hi, Kaitlyn,

        It depends on how you mean the question to be asked.

        We're all technically IM'ers, but not all our members are working in the IM niche, if that makes sense.

        Many have sites in niches of all types.
        Yes, that answers my question. Thanks, Dennis!

        I see you're in Bergenfield. My dad grew up there. I'm in Waldwick (near Paramus) and have relatives in Dumont.
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        • Profile picture of the author Dennis Becker
          Originally Posted by Kaitlyn Aliano View Post

          Yes, that answers my question. Thanks, Dennis!

          I see you're in Bergenfield. My dad grew up there. I'm in Waldwick (near Paramus) and have relatives in Dumont.
          Small world, Kaitlyn. My office is in Dumont.
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          • Profile picture of the author earningmoney
            can anyone tell me what is better Chris Farrell membership site or 1K a day. i cannot sign two sites at the same time. so i have to choose one and i am confuse. because i am hearing all the positive reply to these both membership site.

            can anyone help. i am a newbie.

            Today is a great day. Make it from your heart.

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            • Profile picture of the author sanjaysharma
              Originally Posted by earningmoney View Post

              can anyone tell me what is better Chris Farrell membership site or 1K a day. i cannot sign two sites at the same time. so i have to choose one and i am confuse. because i am hearing all the positive reply to these both membership site.

              can anyone help. i am a newbie.
              i am also having the same question. can anyone answer this question.
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  • Profile picture of the author Dennis Becker
    I don't know about the other site, but on ours, we cater more so to semi-experienced IM'ers or better. Some newbies do join and thrive, but you'd have to work very hard to do so, as we don't have much in the way of specific programs for novice marketers (yet).
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    • Profile picture of the author earningmoney
      Originally Posted by Dennis Becker View Post

      I don't know about the other site, but on ours, we cater more so to semi-experienced IM'ers or better. Some newbies do join and thrive, but you'd have to work very hard to do so, as we don't have much in the way of specific programs for novice marketers (yet).
      thanks for your response. now i got the answer. i will contact you soon.

      Today is a great day. Make it from your heart.

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      • Profile picture of the author earningmoney
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        • Profile picture of the author larkykid
          Is this membership most effective if you have specific questions based on existing knowledge, rather than trying to start from scratch? I'd be looking for specific solutions on areas like SEO, things like how to go about doing link building - not just a list of link building services! like you tend to find in SEO WSOs

          So would the site be pretty effective for an IM'er with intermediate knowledge but not yet making any significant money online due to not being able to locate the information required to get to the next level.
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          • Profile picture of the author Dennis Becker
            Originally Posted by larkykid View Post

            Is this membership most effective if you have specific questions based on existing knowledge, rather than trying to start from scratch? I'd be looking for specific solutions on areas like SEO, things like how to go about doing link building - not just a list of link building services! like you tend to find in SEO WSOs

            So would the site be pretty effective for an IM'er with intermediate knowledge but not yet making any significant money online due to not being able to locate the information required to get to the next level.
            That's probably fair to say, that intermediate knowledge would produce the best and fastest results to get you to the next level, if you're willing to ask questions and accept suggestions.

            We have had many people with lesser experience join and do well, though, so it's not totally essential, if someone is ambitious.
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      • Profile picture of the author Don Luis
        So basically this is not a hold-me-by-the-hand course for newbies, but a membership site and forum where members help each other?
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  • Profile picture of the author Dennis Becker
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  • Profile picture of the author Dennis Becker
    Hi, Nikhil, members do talk a lot about Facebook, and we do have quite a few products inside that discuss it. I'm not sure if we have something specific to your needs, but most likely, between what's there, and getting answers to questions you can ask in the forum, I think you'll be able to get the guidance you're looking for.
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  • Profile picture of the author je9265
    Does Earn1KaDay cover a lot of offline marketing content or is this mostly for online marketers?

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  • Profile picture of the author jrpt
    [Just for a note: The thread starter is actually the first testimonial on Mr. Becker's 1K a Day squeeze page, not that its bad but just found it interesting]

    For those who have been members since 2008 like you say, we all want to know:

    DO YOU ACTUALLY MAKE 1K PER DAY???? If you've been there that long, I hope its yes or close to it. If not, I'll start a forum called .5K per Day that I'm going to promote. If that doesn't work, .25K per day. (All joking aside, please be more specific in your ventures and profit gains because of that forum specifically because in the end, its all about the Benjamins)

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  • Profile picture of the author Dennis Becker
    I hesitated jumping in here, because it might seem like I'm trying to market my site.

    Some people get the misconception that I'm trying to tell people that I can help them make 1K a day, everyday, that's not my goal at all.

    My goal is to help each person make $1000 in profit in a day, once. Not necessarily every day. The reason is that once someone realizes they can do it once, then they can do it many more times, and will do it again and again and again.

    Like learning how to ride a bike, swim, or my favorite story is about Roger Bannister's sub-4-minute mile when scientists said ti was impossible. After your mind realizes the possibilities and experiences what it took to reach that goal, it becomes much easier. That's what I want to achieve, and like to think we've helped quite a few people reach that level.

    So have most of our members made their FIRST 1K day yet, should be the question. I'm not sure if it's most, but it's quite a few.

    I'll bet my house and give 10 to 1 odds that it's a higher percentage than the percentage of WF members that have reached a 1K day at least once.

    The other question might be: do I make 1K a day? Yes, most days, much more, but it's not about me.
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  • Profile picture of the author TimNesbitt
    I only wish that I had known Dennis Becker when I first got started in internet marketing because his knowledge of making money online is priceless!


    For honest internet marketing product reviews as well as tips for how to make money online go to Online Internet Marketing Business
    Also make sure to check out my FREE Get High PR .Edu Backlinks Report NO SIGN UP REQUIRED!

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  • Profile picture of the author JohnWilliams
    Earn 1k a Day is a great deal.
    Dennis provides a lot of resources but, unlike many Membership sites, the carefully chosen downloads are probably one of the least important resources.
    The Members are a community that support each other with feedback, advice based on experience and there have been many cooperative ventures launched there.
    The value in this site depends on you, as always, but there is no pie-in-the-sky element with E1KaD.
    People that nit-pick about the name are missing the point and wasting time. Whether you try the Membership or go your own way, do something today that will move you forward.
    The site has been an important factor in many people's success and will be for many more.

    John Williams
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  • Profile picture of the author zapseo
    Earn1kaday -- what to say about it?
    It's amazing.
    It's a community.
    You can get to know and connect with some tremendous marketers in there.
    Get in, join, share...

    Live JoyFully!

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  • Profile picture of the author manxman
    two features of this site that really stick out for me are
    1. the community
    2. the helpfulness

    Those 2 points are solidly connected. We share knowledge, we support each other, we laugh together, and the list goes on and on.

    Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

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  • Profile picture of the author hamburglar
    Any members that are building Authority niche sites earning revenue through Adsense seen any help from this forum?

    It seem's the community is great but I would like to know how it has helped a fellow Authority site publisher.

    Online-to-offline conversion tracking... coming soon!
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  • Profile picture of the author TheCopyGirl
    I'll keep this short - because goodness knows I can go on for ever and ever about E1K if I am allowed to!

    For me, personally, belonging to E1K has been nothing short of life-changing. The heart of the membership certainly lies in the wonderful, close-knit, and eager-to-help community in E1K. There is real-world advice that folks are willing to freely share, and everyone's helping each other out in various ways. The place has emerged as a very constructive "grooming ground" for products, where they grow up from the pre-alpha/idea stages to the final product. There's the personal challenges section, a favorite of many of the members, and I have watched people who have brought immense positive changes to their lifestyle by merely posting in here!

    For those who like to hear what this can do for your business, the JV section makes for wonderful networking opportunities. There's the downloads area, which is *stuffed* with content, and it's updated regularly, often even on members' requests! If there's something that would be of interest to the community that Dennis can buy the rights for - he does! Yeah, it's just insane like that

    And the party never stops at E1K! The most recent addition to the insiders' area is the "mindset minute" series, which, if you care to listen to it, will prod you into taking action like nothing else will.

    The very balanced environment, with the right doses of excitement, fun, motivation, energy and thorough business education, makes E1K totally, totally priceless. And Dennis, Rachel, and the other moderators, do an awesome job behind the scenes to keep it this way, every single day.

    I won't talk about whether I've made 1K in a day yet or not, because - despite the name - that's the least relevant part about the E1K membership. It's not about making a thousand bucks in particular - it's really any number that is your personal challenge - could be less, could be more - but the E1K setting doesn't determine your dreams for you - you set your own goals, identify your own barriers, and E1K helps you achieve and overcome them respectively. But if the statistics interest you, a ton of members have made crazy progress and I won't go into the exact numbers here, but suffice to say that the 1K in a day has become the lower limit for people for whom making their first 100 bucks was a mystery when they joined

    I'm not even scratching the tip of the iceberg here - like I said, I can go on and on about what makes the whole E1K experience so special to me. It's hard to convey the full extent of the awesomeness in E1K, so the only way is to find out yourself, and there's a convenient trial - so there's really no reason to not get off the fence if you are still sitting on it!
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