What happened to Profit Snatcher - WSO of the Day?

Profile picture of GautamSaha
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67 replies
Hello Warrior:

Anyone knows what happened to Profit Snatcher - WSO of the Day?

I got Affiliate Links from WF IMers vouching for this product and
telling me that the magic bullet has just arrived in WF...almost...!!

Thank god that I did not get hit by that "magic bullet"...LOL!

Do you guys see a trend that after the WSO affiliate program started,
every one started promoting all kinds of WSOs good or bad to their list!

Looks like I have to unsubscribe from lots of lists, and focus on my projects!

#day #happened #profit #snatcher #wso
  • Profile picture of the author Stephen Carter
    Stephen Carter
    Profile picture of Stephen Carter
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    i think i might know what happened there, but i best not say (besides, i could be wrong). but if i am right Profit Snatcher will be back in a day or two. so for those frustrated that they appear to have missed out, i would not worry too much.
    • Profile picture of the author James Campbell
      James Campbell
      Profile picture of James Campbell
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      Originally Posted by randommouse View Post

      i think i might know what happened there, but i best not say (besides, i could be wrong). but if i am right Profit Snatcher will be back in a day or two. so for those frustrated that they appear to have missed out, i would not worry too much.
      Read the thread. You'll figure it out.

      Hint: you probably shouldn't have people post comments and positive reviews from the same IP where your posts and comments are coming from, it doesn't look....errr....right.
      • Profile picture of the author Stephen Carter
        Stephen Carter
        Profile picture of Stephen Carter
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        that's an interesting accusation. i wasn't aware of that as i had not kept up with the thread. but i was referring to something else.

        i don't see IP addresses published on any of the posts here. so i guess there's a house detective?
      • Profile picture of the author TimAtkinson
        Profile picture of TimAtkinson
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by James Campbell View Post

        Read the thread. You'll figure it out.

        Hint: you probably shouldn't have people post comments and positive reviews from the same IP where your posts and comments are coming from, it doesn't look....errr....right.

        Yea I bet your real happy about my thread being locked. Your one of the haters-

        The thread was locked because someone was using my IP to post positive comments on my WSO. Which is an easy way to try to **** some one over

        I have no reason to create fake account from my office and post on my own thread- LOL I would never do that

        It's not as hard as you think to use someone IP to do ****. I've already talked to my programmers and WF help desk and this is being worked out

        Honestly I know who I am, I know I did nothing but offer a good product to the warriors and many of you love the course. So if all you guys and gals want to have a YAY- bash Tim Atkinson party then go ahead. I know this comes with the role

        Hopefully this gets worked out soon not because I want my WSO back up (as I already hit my number for main public launch) but because the way it went down was unprofessional in my book.

        With open forums like this and just the internet in general a lot of BlueFart cats who hide behind a computer do this and it sucks- but you learn from it and move on.

        We already have all the users who were using my IP, now it's just proving that they did some hacker stuff thats the hard part.

        It makes me very concerned as what is to stop this from happening on all my WSO's or other warriors WSO's.. so that is something my team and I need to discuss- it might not be worth it- the stress etc.. but I love the WF- I was born here so I guess we'll see

        Talk soon my friends
        • Profile picture of the author zerofill
          Profile picture of zerofill
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          Originally Posted by TimAtkinson View Post

          It's not as hard as you think to use someone IP to do ****. I've already talked to my programmers and WF help desk and this is being worked out
          Actually yeah it is a Pain in the ass... so if that is the case... and what you say is true... You must have some real haters after you with more technical knowledge then the average online user.
          Serp Shaker
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          • Profile picture of the author TimAtkinson
            Profile picture of TimAtkinson
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            Originally Posted by zerofill View Post

            Actually yeah it is a Pain in the ass... so if that is the case... and what you say is true... You must have some real haters after you with more technical knowledge then the average online user.

            Yea well thats what I thought and I'm no techy guy so I can only rely on information from my programmers and the WF.. and my programmers showed me how it was done and it was pretty easy for them but their super bad ass programmers
        • Profile picture of the author James Campbell
          James Campbell
          Profile picture of James Campbell
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          Originally Posted by TimAtkinson View Post

          Yea I bet your real happy about my thread being locked. Your one of the haters-

          The thread was locked because someone was using my IP to post positive comments on my WSO. Which is an easy way to try to **** some one over

          I have no reason to create fake account from my office and post on my own thread- LOL I would never do that

          It's not as hard as you think to use someone IP to do ****. I've already talked to my programmers and WF help desk and this is being worked out

          Honestly I know who I am, I know I did nothing but offer a good product to the warriors and many of you love the course. So if all you guys and gals want to have a YAY- bash Tim Atkinson party then go ahead. I know this comes with the role

          Hopefully this gets worked out soon not because I want my WSO back up (as I already hit my number for main public launch) but because the way it went down was unprofessional in my book.

          With open forums like this and just the internet in general a lot of BlueFart cats who hide behind a computer do this and it sucks- but you learn from it and move on.

          We already have all the users who were using my IP, now it's just proving that they did some hacker stuff thats the hard part.

          It makes me very concerned as what is to stop this from happening on all my WSO's or other warriors WSO's.. so that is something my team and I need to discuss- it might not be worth it- the stress etc.. but I love the WF- I was born here so I guess we'll see

          Talk soon my friends

          Don't try to call me out man.

          If there is nothing going on, then no, I'm not happy about your thread being locked.

          I like your style of how you market yourself and your products.

          I've said a few times to quite a few people, that I suspected that this product is actually probably quite good.

          You're too quick to jump on the "if you're not with me, you're against me" bandwagon. I'm not a hater of yours, even if you want to think I am.

          Do I like everything you put out for myself? No.

          Do I think the stuff you put out is bad quality for others? No.

          You should probably take a step back before you start posting that people are haters.

          As for the bluefart people, yeah you're right, it is possible that some shadiness went down. However, I will say, I've never seen it go down where they post positive reviews and comments in a thread, but it could happen.
          • Profile picture of the author TimAtkinson
            Profile picture of TimAtkinson
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Originally Posted by James Campbell View Post

            Don't try to call me out man.

            If there is nothing going on, then no, I'm not happy about your thread being locked.

            I like your style of how you market yourself and your products.

            I've said a few times to quite a few people, that I suspected that this product is actually probably quite good.

            You're too quick to jump on the "if you're not with me, you're against me" bandwagon. I'm not a hater of yours, even if you want to think I am.

            Do I like everything you put out for myself? No.

            Do I think the stuff you put out is bad quality for others? No.

            You should probably take a step back before you start posting that people are haters.

            As for the bluefart people, yeah you're right, it is possible that some shadiness went down. However, I will say, I've never seen it go down where they post positive reviews and comments in a thread, but it could happen.
            Simple solution. Don't buy my ****, Don't go on my list- Delete me from your life.. and while you're all here in the forum doing your thang I'll continue to build my empire. I made millions way before the WF and I'll make millions after. I've only launched 2 paid WSO's ever in my life and 100k later, 100's of successful students and shattered these lil wso records -I was good with ya and I'll be good without ya. The admins are going back to post I made 2 years ago which have nothing to do with my WSO's so that just tells me they don't have ****(they aren't looking into the users we found that hacked me) and their looking for an excuse because there's not many warriors who can do over 30k in a WSO in less then 24hrs... This is my last post about this ****. I don't know one WSO that has created 100's of money making students, maybe Kenster, Tristan and a small group(forgive me if I left you out) I don't need this stress. I know who I am and I'm a good person who really cares about helping others succeed in life and in business. I will continue to do that for all my customers and future customers. I became an entrepreneur to be free and don't want to get caught up in the WF politics..

            Jeremy K. I got much respect for you my friend- you have always been a good warrior-

            Mike Lantz if you read this- Your the real definition of a warrior- I will always have your back

            For everyone else, my love and respect.. I'm sorry things didn't work out, I know many of you are upset that they couldn't get access to my WSO's. I leave in peace. Who knows what the admins will do since they aren't entertaining anything my team is saying and they are just tryin to dig dirt on me. Well keep diggin, you will hit China first:-) I have nothing to hide, never have. Ok I'm off to snatch some profits with my students- Peace
            • Profile picture of the author balara
              Profile picture of balara
              Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
              This is a very sad situation. How quickly a persons good name can be sullied without any proof of misdeeds. What has happened to "innocent until proven guilty?"
              I can't help wondering why the issue wasn't dealt with via a pm rather than on the forum.

              Regarding Tim's product, I purchased it a few days ago and so far it is excellent. I'm a bit behind with the implementation....the JOB gets in the way...darn! But it is a quality product, good for newbies and the more experienced!
              Thanks Tim for releasing it as a WSO.
              • Profile picture of the author tpw
                Profile picture of tpw
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                Originally Posted by balara View Post

                This is a very sad situation. How quickly a persons good name can be sullied without any proof of misdeeds. What has happened to "innocent until proven guilty?"

                I can't help wondering why the issue wasn't dealt with via a pm rather than on the forum.

                Regarding Tim's product, I purchased it a few days ago and so far it is excellent. I'm a bit behind with the implementation....the JOB gets in the way...darn! But it is a quality product, good for newbies and the more experienced!

                Thanks Tim for releasing it as a WSO.

                What kind of "proven guilty" do we need here?


                Tim, please contact the Help Desk and explain why there are Warriors posting from the same IP address as you posting compliments in your various WSO threads.

                If Ken Strong says it is fishy, then it is fishy.

                Originally Posted by zerofill View Post

                Originally Posted by TimAtkinson View Post

                It's not as hard as you think to use someone IP to do ****. I've already talked to my programmers and WF help desk and this is being worked out

                Actually yeah it is a Pain in the ass... so if that is the case... and what you say is true... You must have some real haters after you with more technical knowledge then the average online user.

                Don: I know you are a smart guy and a programmer.

                When you say that his "haters" have "more technical knowledge then the average online user", is that tongue-in-cheek or honest?

                Is what he is saying even possible?

                I know it is possible to proxy a connection, but doesn't a proxy require a compromised computer connection in order to work?

                I have two reservations about Tim's explanation. ( Does that make me a hater? )
                1. Is it possible to spoof ANY IP address of my choice?
                2. And, how would the people behind this sabotage know what his exact IP was, in order to spoof it?

                I tend to think I am fairly knowledgeable about Internet technology, but on this one, I am only left with questions.
                Bill Platt, Oklahoma USA, PlattPublishing.com
                Publish Coloring Books for Profit (WSOTD 7-30-2015)
                • Profile picture of the author Jake Gray
                  Jake Gray
                  Profile picture of Jake Gray
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                  Originally Posted by tpw View Post

                  I know it is possible to proxy a connection, but doesn't a proxy require a compromised computer connection in order to work?
                  Bill, solid point man. As often as it happens, a lot of proxies out there
                  are compromised computers. No, I am not saying that all of them are,
                  but a good portion of them are. If anything, you could create a list of
                  proxies using a server and squid. There are many methods you could use
                  but then again, you have to have a solid grasp of the "technical-side".

                  Is it possible to spoof ANY IP address of my choice?
                  Unless you're Tim Atkinson, of course not!

                  1. And, how would the people behind this sabotage know what his exact IP was, in order to spoof it?
                  Copied from Skype:

                  [10:17:00 PM] Jake Gray: Or SUDDENLY, someone swooped in (with wings) and took my laptop from my bare hands! They then proceeded to leave high quality testimonials which later lead me to being banned.
            • Profile picture of the author oregongal
              Profile picture of oregongal
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              I wanted to put in my two cents!I purchased the course and it is very extensive and a TON of effort went into it. I think it is high quality and I am excited about implementing it. I'm waiting for my website to install to get started.

              I really appreciate all the detail you went to, I mean it really is spelled out step-by-step.
              Keep up the good work!
            • Profile picture of the author James Campbell
              James Campbell
              Profile picture of James Campbell
              Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
              Originally Posted by TimAtkinson View Post

              Simple solution. Don't buy my ****, Don't go on my list- Delete me from your life.. and while you're all here in the forum doing your thang I'll continue to build my empire. I made millions way before the WF and I'll make millions after. I've only launched 2 paid WSO's ever in my life and 100k later, 100's of successful students and shattered these lil wso records -I was good with ya and I'll be good without ya. The admins are going back to post I made 2 years ago which have nothing to do with my WSO's so that just tells me they don't have ****(they aren't looking into the users we found that hacked me) and their looking for an excuse because there's not many warriors who can do over 30k in a WSO in less then 24hrs... This is my last post about this ****. I don't know one WSO that has created 100's of money making students, maybe Kenster, Tristan and a small group(forgive me if I left you out) I don't need this stress. I know who I am and I'm a good person who really cares about helping others succeed in life and in business. I will continue to do that for all my customers and future customers. I became an entrepreneur to be free and don't want to get caught up in the WF politics..

              Jeremy K. I got much respect for you my friend- you have always been a good warrior-

              Mike Lantz if you read this- Your the real definition of a warrior- I will always have your back

              For everyone else, my love and respect.. I'm sorry things didn't work out, I know many of you are upset that they couldn't get access to my WSO's. I leave in peace. Who knows what the admins will do since they aren't entertaining anything my team is saying and they are just tryin to dig dirt on me. Well keep diggin, you will hit China first:-) I have nothing to hide, never have. Ok I'm off to snatch some profits with my students- Peace
              What is your problem man?

              I give you credit, say your stuff is good for people and you act like that?

              Classy man. Classy.

              You're venom is pointed in the wrong direction.
        • Profile picture of the author Brenden Clerget
          Brenden Clerget
          Profile picture of Brenden Clerget
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Originally Posted by TimAtkinson View Post

          Yea I bet your real happy about my thread being locked. Your one of the haters-

          The thread was locked because someone was using my IP to post positive comments on my WSO. Which is an easy way to try to **** some one over

          I have no reason to create fake account from my office and post on my own thread- LOL I would never do that

          It's not as hard as you think to use someone IP to do ****. I've already talked to my programmers and WF help desk and this is being worked out

          Honestly I know who I am, I know I did nothing but offer a good product to the warriors and many of you love the course. So if all you guys and gals want to have a YAY- bash Tim Atkinson party then go ahead. I know this comes with the role

          Hopefully this gets worked out soon not because I want my WSO back up (as I already hit my number for main public launch) but because the way it went down was unprofessional in my book.

          With open forums like this and just the internet in general a lot of BlueFart cats who hide behind a computer do this and it sucks- but you learn from it and move on.

          We already have all the users who were using my IP, now it's just proving that they did some hacker stuff thats the hard part.

          It makes me very concerned as what is to stop this from happening on all my WSO's or other warriors WSO's.. so that is something my team and I need to discuss- it might not be worth it- the stress etc.. but I love the WF- I was born here so I guess we'll see

          Talk soon my friends

          I've had high opinions because I've seen some of your stuff.

          The fact that you think nobody on this forum is technologically skilled enough to say anything about the statements you just made. They are completely false and not true, nor possible.

          Now that you've made them, prepare to have somebody disbunk them.

          First of all IP addresses work in two ways, static and dynamic. Static IP addresses stay the same (99.8% of all broadbrand and DSL networks aka 'digital subscriber line') are ALL static IP addresses. Dynamic IP addresses are quite rare, and if it's dynamic, it changes each time you log in. The chances of multiple people buying your product, being on a dynamic address, getting a hold of that dynamic address you once had and posting in the same IP session that they make their review - statistically impossible.

          On to the next point: If your IP is static, you are on it, all the time. Even when the internet is closed or the modem is off, that IP is reserved, because it is YOUR IP and it is how your ISP tracks your useage and activities.

          For somebody to accomplish what you are describing would take EXTREME skill and technological knowledge, not to mention time. Let me preface this following section with the info that I know some of this from experience working for an internet security company as an intern in college and doing forensic computer work for almost three years.

          This is what would have had to happen in what you are describing:

          1. Somebody had a way to get a hold of your IP address. Not hard enough, embed something into an email and get it opened by you, or have you access one of their sites and take your IP, there's multiple ways, this in itself however, not TOO tough for the average computer nerd.

          2. They would have had to intercept a packet coming from you computer to figure out the header length among some other factors that are involved. A packet is also known as an IP datagram (something else you probably didn't know). This datagram is broken down into MANY different pieces, including a version, header length, total length, flag, time to live, fragment offset, header checksum, as well as originating and destination IPs, THEN followed by the data.

          This means the person would have needed all that information from one of your packets (which in and of itself extracting would take HOURS, it is NOT simple), then they would have to have the binary and hex knowledge to reconstruct the packet in a way that made it look like it was sent from your computer... once again super unlikely, but for the sake of argument let's say somebody hated you enough to do all this and figure all this out.

          3. The issue with the entire scenario is that the packets we're talking about are often sent via TCP protocol. It requires a 3 way "handshake" if you will. Sending machine sends a sequence number, receiving machine receives it and sends an acknowledgment to the MACHINE WHERE THE IP IS STATED WITHIN THE DATAGRAM. That means that when the server receives this, the IP being spoofed in this case, your machine, would get an acknowledgement, but not be in the right state to confirm the handshake since it never send the original sequence.

          This means your machine would respond to this packet with a non null reset flag, and kill the packet connection.

          4. Let's say that they could get around this. The only way to do so would be to have shut off YOUR computer while they were posting these comments, which is obviously NOT the case since you were responding to these comments, and your IP was in use by your machine. Had they done this, they could control your IP's acknowledgments and fix the non null reset flag, and use your IP address.

          This however, isn't the case.

          5. Most PHP systems and forums as this have built in keys and encryptions that require specific communications from the forum's server and keys stored in the server when posts are made and those keys can only be sent to the IP address of the computer that is detailed in the datagram to be the one making the request. This means that there's no way, even if they shut your IP down, that they could have done this, because they could not have received the key from the server as your account had been logged in that day and received a session key from the server and seems to have been logged in throughout the duration of said "spoofing"

          I could get deeper.

          All in all, your argument is invalid, and as far as I can tell, not true.

          Sorry man - but before you say things like this, there might be somebody with enough knowledge and dedication to prove you aren't telling the truth.

          Better luck in your future endeavors.

          For what it's worth: Your products were great and probably would have done VERY well without doing something like this, if it's found that you did do this.


          - Brenden Clerget
          • Profile picture of the author psresearch
            Profile picture of psresearch
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            Originally Posted by Brenden Clerget View Post


            I've had high opinions because I've seen some of your stuff.

            The fact that you think nobody on this forum is technologically skilled enough to say anything about the statements you just made. They are completely false and not true, nor possible.

            Now that you've made them, prepare to have somebody disbunk them.

            First of all IP addresses work in two ways, static and dynamic. Static IP addresses stay the same (99.8% of all broadbrand and DSL networks aka 'digital subscriber line') are ALL static IP addresses. Dynamic IP addresses are quite rare, and if it's dynamic, it changes each time you log in. The chances of multiple people buying your product, being on a dynamic address, getting a hold of that dynamic address you once had and posting in the same IP session that they make their review - statistically impossible.

            On to the next point: If your IP is static, you are on it, all the time. Even when the internet is closed or the modem is off, that IP is reserved, because it is YOUR IP and it is how your ISP tracks your useage and activities.

            For somebody to accomplish what you are describing would take EXTREME skill and technological knowledge, not to mention time. Let me preface this following section with the info that I know some of this from experience working for an internet security company as an intern in college and doing forensic computer work for almost three years.

            This is what would have had to happen in what you are describing:

            1. Somebody had a way to get a hold of your IP address. Not hard enough, embed something into an email and get it opened by you, or have you access one of their sites and take your IP, there's multiple ways, this in itself however, not TOO tough for the average computer nerd.

            2. They would have had to intercept a packet coming from you computer to figure out the header length among some other factors that are involved. A packet is also known as an IP datagram (something else you probably didn't know). This datagram is broken down into MANY different pieces, including a version, header length, total length, flag, time to live, fragment offset, header checksum, as well as originating and destination IPs, THEN followed by the data.

            This means the person would have needed all that information from one of your packets (which in and of itself extracting would take HOURS, it is NOT simple), then they would have to have the binary and hex knowledge to reconstruct the packet in a way that made it look like it was sent from your computer... once again super unlikely, but for the sake of argument let's say somebody hated you enough to do all this and figure all this out.

            3. The issue with the entire scenario is that the packets we're talking about are often sent via TCP protocol. It requires a 3 way "handshake" if you will. Sending machine sends a sequence number, receiving machine receives it and sends an acknowledgment to the MACHINE WHERE THE IP IS STATED WITHIN THE DATAGRAM. That means that when the server receives this, the IP being spoofed in this case, your machine, would get an acknowledgement, but not be in the right state to confirm the handshake since it never send the original sequence.

            This means your machine would respond to this packet with a non null reset flag, and kill the packet connection.

            4. Let's say that they could get around this. The only way to do so would be to have shut off YOUR computer while they were posting these comments, which is obviously NOT the case since you were responding to these comments, and your IP was in use by your machine. Had they done this, they could control your IP's acknowledgments and fix the non null reset flag, and use your IP address.

            This however, isn't the case.

            5. Most PHP systems and forums as this have built in keys and encryptions that require specific communications from the forum's server and keys stored in the server when posts are made and those keys can only be sent to the IP address of the computer that is detailed in the datagram to be the one making the request. This means that there's no way, even if they shut your IP down, that they could have done this, because they could not have received the key from the server as your account had been logged in that day and received a session key from the server and seems to have been logged in throughout the duration of said "spoofing"

            I could get deeper.

            All in all, your argument is invalid, and as far as I can tell, not true.

            Sorry man - but before you say things like this, there might be somebody with enough knowledge and dedication to prove you aren't telling the truth.

            Better luck in your future endeavors.

            For what it's worth: Your products were great and probably would have done VERY well without doing something like this, if it's found that you did do this.


            - Brenden Clerget
            As to points 1 - 3, would it still be able to do something such as covered in this 4/26/2011 eWeek article:
            Attackers Can Use IPv6 to Launch Man-in-the-Middle Attacks - Security - News & Reviews - eWeek.com

            Or would points 4 & 5 still be a problem?
      • Profile picture of the author Mike Anthony
        Mike Anthony
        Profile picture of Mike Anthony
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        Originally Posted by gujjuboy View Post

        so all the reviews are fake?:confused:

        Reviews are easy in WSOs to manipulate. I no longer trust any of them. Even with people I know because I have Pmed the reviewers i knew for more details about the program only to be told not to bother with the product.

        So many people are trying to work out JVs that they will testify great things about anyone they think might open the door later down the road

        • Profile picture of the author DR's Fynest
          DR's Fynest
          Profile picture of DR's Fynest
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          Originally Posted by Mike Anthony View Post

          Reviews are easy in WSOs to manipulate. I no longer trust any of them. Even with people I know because I have Pmed the reviewers i knew for more details about the program only to be told not to bother with the product.

          So many people are trying to work out JVs that they will testify great things about anyone they think might open the door later down the road
          Couldn't have said it better myself. I've noticed this in particular has escalated to a ridiculous point since the WSO affiliate program started.

          Everyone and their mother is pushing other people's WSOs so hard it's sickening!
          • Profile picture of the author James Campbell
            James Campbell
            Profile picture of James Campbell
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Originally Posted by DR's Fynest View Post

            Couldn't have said it better myself. I've noticed this in particular has escalated to a ridiculous point since the WSO affiliate program started.

            Everyone and their mother is pushing other people's WSOs so hard it's sickening!
            I don't have a problem with people pushing other people's WSOs, as long as it is an honest push because they have actually looked at and reviewed the WSO for themselves.

            Personally, I only promote things I have read/listened to/watched and found real value in them, however I do understand that this isn't the norm in how most people chose to promote things.

            Do unto others sort of thing...that is just how I like to run with things for myself.
            • Profile picture of the author DR's Fynest
              DR's Fynest
              Profile picture of DR's Fynest
              Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
              Originally Posted by James Campbell View Post

              I don't have a problem with people pushing other people's WSOs, as long as it is an honest push because they have actually looked at and reviewed the WSO for themselves.

              James, I don't have a problem with the above either. As long as that is actually what the person promoting the WSO does. Look through it, and actually REVIEW the information.

              Personally, I only promote things I have read/listened to/watched and found real value in them, however I do understand that this isn't the norm in how most people chose to promote things.

              Again, more kudos to you and you sound like the type of person I like doing business with. However, a lot of other people just aren't honest and really ARE out to just get $10 commission from a WSO without caring if what they're promoting is of actual value to their list.

              I receive a few emails almost every single day promoting WSOs to me. A lot of the time - and I do mean A LOT - it's just so easy to see through that the person is so desperate for the commission is not even funny.

              Do unto others sort of thing...that is just how I like to run with things for myself.

              Amen brother! This is what's going to differentiate you from the rest of the pack.

              I don't know why the idea of sleeping soundly at night is so important to me Funny idea that is huh?

              All that aside, with the amount of explanation from a few more technical warriors here, I think it's kind of obvious by now. All the more so since the person hasn't even tried to debunk the statements from these technical warriors.
              • Profile picture of the author Kay King
                Kay King
                Profile picture of Kay King
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                All that aside, with the amount of explanation from a few more technical warriors here, I think it's kind of obvious by now. All the more so since the person hasn't even tried to debunk the statements from these technical warriors.
                The thing is - we don't know what happened. There's no point to conjecturing and it's not necessary to post product reviews or take sides. The technical experts who posted had some interesting info - proof that you can learn something from almost any thread.

                We have some smart mods, here - they will look into the matter and take care of it one way or the other. That's good enough for me.

                Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
                One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
                what it is instead of what you think it should be.
  • Profile picture of the author amanita
    Profile picture of amanita
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    I have purchased it yesterday and will keep you guys informed about it, and whether this is worth going for or not.
    Also, I have been throughout the whole thread (5 pages long) and as James Campbell has stated, some of the reviews have been made up.
    So far I do not know what to think.
    The product might be good... or not.
    Anyone on and/or in this ??
    Thanks for HELP.
    • Profile picture of the author maveric
      Profile picture of maveric
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

      How can you tell for sure? ... or are we talking a hunch?

      To me, whether the product is good (aka makes money) or not is less important than the honesty of the creator. If he's seriously willing to go in and fake reviews here, that's a serious lack of integrity, not to mention reckless. You have to ask yourself... if he's willing to cross that line, what else will someone like that do to get you to buy? How can you trust anything a person like that says- in the product or out of it? And how can that person possibly view the members of this community, or his customers? ... certainly not with any form of respect.

      Makes my thankful for all the ethical marketers here, and whom I've met outside of this forum. Feels like I've taken their integrity for granted till now.

      PLEASE NOTE: I have NO idea if he actually did fake reviews. The comments above are directed towards anyone who would do it. I really hope Tim is not one of them.
      • Profile picture of the author StevenJones
        Profile picture of StevenJones
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        If he did, why would he? Since he could share some review copies here or hand them out to some experienced marketers before hand. Don't get it.
        • Profile picture of the author James Campbell
          James Campbell
          Profile picture of James Campbell
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          Originally Posted by StevenJones View Post

          If he did, why would he? Since he could share some review copies here or hand them out to some experienced marketers before hand. Don't get it.
          I agree with you. Nobody gets it. But a Mod called him out on it and locked his thread, so it isn't some baseless accusation by a random member.

          If it is true, he'll get banned like the others before him who have pulled this stunt.
          • Profile picture of the author garywynder
            Profile picture of garywynder
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            Originally Posted by James Campbell View Post

            I agree with you. Nobody gets it. But a Mod called him out on it and locked his thread, so it isn't some baseless accusation by a random member.

            If it is true, he'll get banned like the others before him who have pulled this stunt.
            Thanks for telling us that. I NEARLY bought this (because it was marketed to me as a 'WSO of the day' but something held me back: (Not really sure exactly what) Let's just call it a "little red warning light" that always comes on in the back of my mind about ANYTHING that gets promoted online and makes me think twice (before I take that plunge and gamble my hard-earned cash). . . It's just that I've got to the stage now with all of this stuff where I never accept any hype or 'rave review' (no matter how convincing it seems - either from a product's creator or from its 'user reviews' as being 100% indisputable or absolute truth. . . Not anymore I don't (because anyone could all too easily cook up a complete tissue of lies to make a fast buck), so now I never accept that a product is going to work or be able to make me any money like it claims, at least not before I've really checked it out much more thoroughly and much more diligently first. We would all do well to adopt this same approach when it comes to these things, then it will make things much more difficult for any would-be scammers or con-artists to profit from making false claims about their products. We all need to be much more on our guard!!
        • Profile picture of the author ShaneWilliams
          Profile picture of ShaneWilliams
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Hey Warriors:

          Ever since the whirlwind started there have been a bunch of rumors. In my personal experience with Tim I've never come across any shadiness to speak of. I would be honest if I had. This is an awesome community here of hard working people that deserve quality and honesty.

          Whatever the fluke ended up being yesterday, it should be getting quickly resolved. I would hope that as a supportive community, we would base our opinions on SOLID facts and not just the rumors. With that said I'm sure Tim will be back on in the threads soon to explain things from his end.

          As far as the product goes....it's solid. I have it, I love it, and am already seeing results. I'm not here to hype it up. If you don't care for the material that Tim puts out then you should NOT buy it.

          This whole craziness will be cleared up soon and then there will still be the ones that analyze the situation and come up with their own opinions and the ones that jump on the first negative comments. Unless the "Head Warrior" himself comes out and says that something corrupt happened, then I'd have no reason to assume otherwise.

          Stay cool and let's see what plays out.

          • Profile picture of the author James Campbell
            James Campbell
            Profile picture of James Campbell
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            Originally Posted by ShaneWilliams View Post

            Hey Warriors:

            Is it possible to post not all in bold?

            Hard on the eyes, damn.
          • Profile picture of the author James Campbell
            James Campbell
            Profile picture of James Campbell
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            Originally Posted by ShaneWilliams View Post

            Hey Warriors:


            Also, concerning your post. Mods don't lock successful WSO threads lightly.

            There is something fishy in there that wasn't a fluke, and if you look at what the mod said regarding the incident, you'll see that he mentioned that it was for not just this WSO but his previous one also.

            This isn't rumor or accusation, it happens for a reason.
  • Profile picture of the author StevenJones
    Profile picture of StevenJones
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Funny that the screenshot of the clickbank payments don't add up to the total sum of money too.

    As you guys may now, clickbank start its week on wednesday. When I recalculated from wednesday to wednesday, which is even a day more, the total sum of15.136,65 is not met. According to my calculation he has earned 15231,01. So is clickbank stealing money from him. I doubt it.

    Again he cut the screenshot in half so I could state these are from two different accounts. It just seems fishy to me. To be honest I really hope we are wrong here, as I really like him as fellow markerter.

    Anyway we will soon know what the deal is anyway.
  • Profile picture of the author cofton25
    Profile picture of cofton25
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    If there is a genuine reason for locking the WSO then the moderators or Tim should let members know what's happening. Even if the moderators or Tim are not sure then a statement should be made just saying 'under investigation' or words to that effect, just leaving the thread closed and not giving any reason is a little strange and I think members deserve more than that.

    Win some or learn some.... everyday

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    • Profile picture of the author Kuma
      Profile picture of Kuma
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      Originally Posted by cofton25 View Post

      If there is a genuine reason for locking the WSO then the moderators or Tim should let members know what's happening. Even if the moderators or Tim are not sure then a statement should be made just saying 'under investigation' or words to that effect, just leaving the thread closed and not giving any reason is a little strange and I think members deserve more than that.
      I could not agree more. It leaves a bitter taste if we are treated like this not being given any reason for shutting down the thread at a moment we were about to find out what we actually bought and what person is behind the "WSO of the day"
      • Profile picture of the author Jeremy Kelsall
        Jeremy Kelsall
        Profile picture of Jeremy Kelsall
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        Originally Posted by Kuma View Post

        I could not agree more. It leaves a bitter taste if we are treated like this not being given any reason for shutting down the thread at a moment we were about to find out what we actually bought and what person is behind the "WSO of the day"
        A moderator did post in the thread. 2nd to last post,and Tim has addressed it here...other than a personal PM to everyone on the forum, I'm not sure what else can be done?
      • Profile picture of the author TimAtkinson
        Profile picture of TimAtkinson
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        Originally Posted by Kuma View Post

        I could not agree more. It leaves a bitter taste if we are treated like this not being given any reason for shutting down the thread at a moment we were about to find out what we actually bought and what person is behind the "WSO of the day"
        Now you know how I feel. One minute I'm rockin and then BAM locked thread with a comment from the moderator with harsh accusations! I mean at least PM me! It confuses everyone and is unfair but the WF admins are the boss so it is what it is. At the end of the day unless we own the real estate at any time the higher power can shut us down- it sucks, it's like Google- I understand the WF needs to protect the forum from people breaking the rules but it just sucked how it went down. Keeping my head up(staying positive) and moving forward- Talk soon warriors
  • Profile picture of the author balara
    Profile picture of balara
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    I purchased Tim's WSO and now consider it to be one of the best marketing programs I've come across this year. (This does not mean that other WSOs are not great but the ones I've purchased have been information WSOs, rather than marketing)

    Whatever the current problem may be that involves the Moderaters, it would be disappointing if other Warriors are not able to access the WSO. Hopefully the matter will be resolved promptly.

    If I remember correctly, Tim did say (in the sales letter) that the product would be going to Clickbank.
  • Profile picture of the author billyba
    Profile picture of billyba
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Regarding #13 James Campbell's response... Where would I go to read the moderators comments. I'm very curious 'cause I was REALLY on the verge here! Yeah.... I'm a newbie. Gotta start somewhere!
    • Profile picture of the author Das Profi
      Das Profi
      Profile picture of Das Profi
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      Originally Posted by billyba View Post

      Regarding #13 James Campbell's response... Where would I go to read the moderators comments. I'm very curious 'cause I was REALLY on the verge here! Yeah.... I'm a newbie. Gotta start somewhere!
      Jame is referring to the Mod's comments on the official Profit Snatcher WSO thread. I suggest you do a quick search for the thread, look to the last page, and its the penultimate comment on the matter.
  • Profile picture of the author The Simpleton
    The Simpleton
    Profile picture of The Simpleton
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    I'm not sure about what happened with the WSO thread, and since I do not know much about Tim I can't comment on his ethics. However, I can comment on his course, which I bought around 30 hours ago if I'm right. Here is what I think about it:

    There are two major components in the course, each of which has its own modules. The first one is the Copy, Paste and Click system which is the main sales hook. This is a smart component indeed, and I'm sure it would make sales for anyone who follows it devotedly. However, theres not much new information in here, at least not for people who already know some of the basics of building a list, handling an autoresponder, etc. But the idea conveyed in this component is indeed worth the value of the course, and I would definitely want to try it out.

    So how do you say whether this is a good course or not? I'd say it is too early to predict how good the course really is. If the claims are true, then over a thousand members have purchased this course already, and I can safely bet that at least 70% of them need at least 2-3 days to start getting results from this system, even if they do everything right and copy, paste the entire system. I've watched the videos in the course and maybe I'm dumb but I cannot see how someone can start making money on the same day; it definitely needs a day or two to start bringing in results, except perhaps if you have a responsive list ready at your disposal.

    Then there is the second component, which has several modules related to traffic generation. I'll be honest and say that this is not a new technique at all. I've been silently watching the Warrior Forum since September 2010 and I can swear that I've seen this same traffic generation system in the form of a WSO by another member. I won't reveal the name though, since it would just spoil the surprise Anyway, TIm's method fine-tunes a lot of things and will certainly bring in a lot of traffic.

    There is also a recommendation for a software which is supposed to automate all of this, but that will cost you will obviously have to pay a monthly subscription fees. I haven't touched it, so I won't comment on that one.

    On the whole, this is a mixed sort of course that is satisfying and also a bit boring at times. Boring not because it doesn't have good content, but the videos tend to drag on and on at times. I wish Tim had included more PDFs to speed up the explanation process for those who already know the basics. Oh well, videos sell better and thats why they're in there.

    One aspect that I liked about this course is that Tim apparently takes a lot of interest in what his buyers do after purchasing his course. In less than 24 hours, he has started a contest wherein the top 5 winners will get an irresistible offer from Tim himself, provided that they provide him with some content. It's a clever trick to get some bonus content generated by the buyers, but the winners will get paid fair and square.

    Now that I think about it, I've given a mixed review! There seems to be a little of both good and bad in this course. But ironing out the bad part shouldn't take long, and if you put the ideas into action, especially the traffic generation part, then this is surely a great course providing good bang for the buck.

    Okay, my review's over; now I'll leave you warriors to continue arguing over why the WSO thread was locked
    • Profile picture of the author amanita
      Profile picture of amanita
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      Originally Posted by Rayaprolu View Post

      I wish Tim had included more PDFs to speed up the explanation process for those who already know the basics. Oh well, videos sell better and thats why they're in there.
      So do I, and I thought they were part of the course, but overall I will make the effort watching the vids - though I hate vids in general -.

      THanks for your honest review and hopefully we will meet in Tim's course
  • Profile picture of the author Cool Hand Luke
    Cool Hand Luke
    Profile picture of Cool Hand Luke
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    Tim, I bought the course, and I see some great potential in it, so thank you there.

    That said, I don't believe anyone chose to use your ip address to post positive reviews on your WSOs as some nefarious plan to get your WSO shut down, and its a good bet that 95% of Warriors are NOT going to believe that.

    I hope to see some real results with the course, but it is curious that you had several serious detractors in your WSO thread and now a Mod accuses you of this. I'll reserve judgement until I get through the course.
  • Profile picture of the author Jeff Lenney
    Jeff Lenney
    Profile picture of Jeff Lenney
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    Can't wait to see how this one plays out....

    Too lazy to write something clever here, so check out my marketing blog and learn from a REAL Super Affiliate at JeffLenney.com

  • Profile picture of the author Gary Pettit
    Gary Pettit
    Profile picture of Gary Pettit
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    A marketers character and reputation is always more important than what he/she sells...no matter how good a product might be...it always builds trust and long term customers. If Tim doesn't even know this or practice this as a marketer(and actually is proven of making fake testimonials)...then how much does he REALLY care about his customers anyways(even though he says he does). Personally, I think Tim got caught and now with his screw you attitude he's digging even a bigger hole and losing more customers quicker than ever.
    • Profile picture of the author TimAtkinson
      Profile picture of TimAtkinson
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      Originally Posted by sparkie2260 View Post

      A marketers character and reputation is always more important than what he/she sells...no matter how good a product might be...it always builds trust and long term customers. If Tim doesn't even know this or practice this as a marketer(and actually is proven of making fake testimonials)...then how much does he REALLY care about his customers anyways(even though he says he does). Personally, I think Tim got caught and now with his screw you attitude he's digging even a bigger hole and losing more customers quicker than ever.

      Yes I'm saying screw everyone who thinks I put fake reviews on my WSO- First off you don't know me. Why would I risk doing that- just doesn't make sense- I've been in this game long enough to know if I wanted to do some shady **** I would hire an army of outsourcers to put reviews out like a mad man- Use your heads!

      I want the mods to let everyone(warriors) know what users were fake that left reviews on my WSO's. I wish for them to openly put this here in this thread. Please- because you know what you will be surprised- Out of the 100's of comments and positive reviews at least from what my team found there were 5 or 6 fake users coming from my IP. And all of these users have less than 50 post.. like their reviews hold any weight?? My point is it doesn't add up- I would never need to create some wack ass fake accounts when I have 100's and over 99% real positive reviews from real students and buyers. My buyers come back to the thread and leave positive reviews and protect me against trolls- Thats bc of our relationship

      Thats what is so messed up here. All of you are real quick to put me in bad light when the reality is I'm changing lives in my business

      I'm digging no hole- you might not buy my stuff and I don't care

      At the end of the day the reviews are meaningless- it's the training that I sell that matters the most. It's the dedication I have to seeing my students succeed is what matters the most. So if some of you have been my students before and NOW are like **** Tim because there are accusations about fake reviews and you decide to believe it then yea screw all of you that think that!
      • Profile picture of the author Brenden Clerget
        Brenden Clerget
        Profile picture of Brenden Clerget
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        Originally Posted by TimAtkinson View Post

        Yes I'm saying screw everyone who thinks I put fake reviews on my WSO- First off you don't know me. Why would I risk doing that- just doesn't make sense- I've been in this game long enough to know if I wanted to do some shady **** I would hire an army of outsourcers to put reviews out like a mad man- Use your heads!

        I want the mods to let everyone(warriors) know what users were fake that left reviews on my WSO's. I wish for them to openly put this here in this thread. Please- because you know what you will be surprised- Out of the 100's of comments and positive reviews at least from what my team found there were 5 or 6 fake users coming from my IP. And all of these users have less than 50 post.. like their reviews hold any weight?? My point is it doesn't add up- I would never need to create some wack ass fake accounts when I have 100's and over 99% real positive reviews from real students and buyers. My buyers come back to the thread and leave positive reviews and protect me against trolls- Thats bc of our relationship

        Thats what is so messed up here. All of you are real quick to put me in bad light when the reality is I'm changing lives in my business

        I'm digging no hole- you might not buy my stuff and I don't care

        At the end of the day the reviews are meaningless- it's the training that I sell that matters the most. It's the dedication I have to seeing my students succeed is what matters the most. So if some of you have been my students before and NOW are like **** Tim because there are accusations about fake reviews and you decide to believe it then yea screw all of you that think that!

        1. If you've been in this game long enough why is your grammar still so poor?

        2. I'd like to see some of this evidence. Mod's come on out and post it here, he's requested it, full disclosure.

        - Brenden

        PS: Anything to say about the tech knowledge we posted here you obviously ignored which debunks what you're STILL trying to claim Tim?
  • Profile picture of the author DR's Fynest
    DR's Fynest
    Profile picture of DR's Fynest
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    What's sad is that according to some of the people here who Tim believes are "attacking" him, his products are good. So it's a shame if it turns out that he did do what he's been accused of, since his WSO would've went on to sell a lot of copies anyway.

    I didn't buy either one of the products because personally, to me both pitches fell in that area of "if it sounds too good to be true..."

    I also remember some people not liking the fact that although the product was good, it had some blackhat stuff which was NOT disclosed anywhere on the WSO sales page. I think this should've been mentioned, at least in passing that some of the methods/techniques were blackhat. That way people knew what they were going to be buying.

    I don't know Tim nor am I accusing him of anything. The mod felt something weird was going on so he put a stop to the WSO until further notice. I just feel that if it turns out to be true, IM is really in a downfall where people seem so desperate to make a quick buck they'll do anything to accomplish that. Even stake whatever reputation they may have.

    At least I seem to learn something new each and everyday about the proper way to run a business. Not just online but overall. Provide value and be transparent. Period.
    • Profile picture of the author Joe118
      Profile picture of Joe118
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Well, I am a techie and I agree 100% with what Brenden wrote. The chance of pulling this off once, to screw Tim over and hurt his reputation, is miniscule. The chance of doing this repeatedly over a short period of time, all the while Tim being able to successfully post answers to comments in the thread, is less than that of someone winning all the super-lotto first prizes consecutively for a century.

      Sorry, aint happening, cant happen, as far as I know of course. I'm just a lowly techie so I may be wrong, but ... laws of statistics and nature being what they are, this one is so unlikely that it boggles the mind.

      Unless presented with proof positive that some super-powerful entity is out to screw over Tim and get him banned for seemingly sock-puppeting testimonials, I'll accept the more reasonable conclusion that the same IP address was used by the same person with multiple accounts to post sock-puppet positive reviews of the WSO. The simplest answer wins.

      It's a real shame, because Tim could have had my $27, it seems that this course is at least OK, if not actually GOOD, and I'd like to see it.
  • Profile picture of the author Doiron
    Profile picture of Doiron
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Wow, Brenden.

    Impressive wealth of knowledge. Thanks for that.

    Here's hoping you only use your powers for good
  • Profile picture of the author chrise
    Profile picture of chrise
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    After several attempts to obtain a refund over the last 48hrs, very poor response’s from Tim, but not luck to date, this guy should be banned from WSO, pure SCAM FULL STOP...!
    Sorry to sound so harsh, but truth always hurts, albeit a very small SCAM with him..!
    • Profile picture of the author James Campbell
      James Campbell
      Profile picture of James Campbell
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by chrise View Post

      After several attempts to obtain a refund over the last 48hrs, very poor response's from Tim, but not luck to date, this guy should be banned from WSO, pure SCAM FULL STOP...!
      Sorry to sound so harsh, but truth always hurts, albeit a very small SCAM with him..!
      His support staff is pretty slow from what I have experienced and some of them can be rude.

      However, I wouldn't classify his products as a scam, as they do deliver what is promised and to the level that most people expect, even if you don't agree with some of the tactics in some of his products.

      The scam moniker is thrown around a little too lightly around here in my opinion.

      He is mistaken however when he tells people on the WF that in order to get a refund for his WSOs that they have to contact the affiliate they purchased through. I know for a fact that this is incorrect, because from within WSO Pro, as a vendor, you look up the purchase, go to the purchaser information and click the button to "Issue Refund", this alerts the affiliate it was purchased through and then the affiliate refunds you. It is up to the vendor to make sure it all goes smoothly.
    • Profile picture of the author Joe118
      Profile picture of Joe118
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      Originally Posted by chrise View Post

      After several attempts to obtain a refund over the last 48hrs, very poor response's from Tim, but not luck to date, this guy should be banned from WSO, pure SCAM FULL STOP...!
      Sorry to sound so harsh, but truth always hurts, albeit a very small SCAM with him..!
      Before you scream SCAM, have you tried to email Tim, have you tried to email his paypal address, have you tried to private-message Tim here, have you filed a dispute with paypal, ... If you missed any of these steps, I suggest you try that before screaming scam here. A scam would be if he scammed all 1000 of the buyers out of money, there's nothing special about you as far as I know that would make him single you out for a special scam treatment
      • Profile picture of the author chrise
        Profile picture of chrise
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        have you tried to email Tim... Yes!

        have you tried to private-message Tim here...Yes.! - His responses have been woefull to date..!

        Filed a dispute with Paypal - NO, I paid by card.!

        Have you purchased the product..?

        PS - I'd love to know out of those 1000+ how many are requesting a refund..!!!!

        Originally Posted by Joe118 View Post

        Before you scream SCAM, have you tried to email Tim, have you tried to email his paypal address, have you tried to private-message Tim here, have you filed a dispute with paypal, ... If you missed any of these steps, I suggest you try that before screaming scam here. A scam would be if he scammed all 1000 of the buyers out of money, there's nothing special about you as far as I know that would make him single you out for a special scam treatment
      • Profile picture of the author bl
        Profile picture of bl
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        I have some knowledge of computers and using someones IP address is not hard. The term IP Spoofing means to hide/conceal the identity of sender and impersonate their pc.
        • Profile picture of the author James Campbell
          James Campbell
          Profile picture of James Campbell
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          Originally Posted by bl View Post

          I have some knowledge of computers and using someones IP address is not hard. The term IP Spoofing means to hide/conceal the identity of sender and impersonate their pc.
          Spoofing a specific IP to match someone else's IP on a forum is difficult.

          Way to give details about your answer.

          Sounds like a last ditch effort to try to poke holes in REAL explanations.
    • Profile picture of the author Jeremy Kelsall
      Jeremy Kelsall
      Profile picture of Jeremy Kelsall
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by chrise View Post

      After several attempts to obtain a refund over the last 48hrs, very poor response's from Tim, but not luck to date, this guy should be banned from WSO, pure SCAM FULL STOP...!
      Sorry to sound so harsh, but truth always hurts, albeit a very small SCAM with him..!
      It's not a scam because you didn't get a refund over a 2 day period.

      I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure that our attorney told us that in most cases, legally - we could take as long as 30 days to issue a refund...

      I'm sure that he will get to you, but I can almost guarantee you that processing refunds isn't at the top of Tim's priority list while he's in the middle of a pre-launch AND trying to clear his name.

      As far as some of the other stuff...

      None of us really know what happened here except for Tim.

      Did he post fake reviews and comments? To me, it doesn't make sense, but stranger crap has happened. I'm sure that it will be resolved one way or the other...Either Tim will have his name cleared, or he will be banned (maybe?)

      Who knows...maybe some psychotic techno geek is out to do Tim in? lol...weirder **** has happened...I personally don't think that anyone would go through the trouble, but jelous people have been known to do some pretty over the top and wild stuff.

      As far as reviews in WSO threads go - Anymore, too many people have a financial interest in whether or not a WSO sells well. The product creator, as well as the large amount of affiliates.


      It's not uncommon anymore for a product creator to offer an extra bonus or some other incentive for buyers to go back to the thread to leave feedback...It's hard to believe that someone would sell everyone else out for a free 10 page report or whatever, but it obviously happens.

      If you catch someone steering you wrong in their promotion of a WSO...let them know, if they do it repeatedly though, do the smart thing and cut ties if it's obvious that the person emailing you about the latest and greatest is more interested in earning a $10 commission than promoting quality stuff to you.

      I've personally promoted 2 or 3 WSO's to my list over the last 4 or 5 months, but only after I've actually purchased the product, gone through it, and decided that the material ties in well with my list.

      It's a fine line to walk...Between being a trusting sucker and a jaded idiot...not everyones out to get you, but at the same time, not everyone really gives a **** about you one way or the other.

      Choose your friends, and the people you do business with wisely.
      • Profile picture of the author chrise
        Profile picture of chrise
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Hi Jeremy,

        Thank you for your time and trouble to respond, I'm sure I have purchased a couple of your products..

        Agreed, It's not a scam because you didn't get a refund over a 2 day period. Just woefull reponses from his Emails....!!!!!

        Did he post fake reviews and comments? To me, it doesn't make sense, but stranger crap has happened. I'm sure that it will be resolved one way or the other...Either Tim will have his name cleared, or he will be banned (maybe?) - my money is on fake reviews, all from same IP address, come on..?

        Thanks again,


        But, as I'm sure you know

        Originally Posted by Jeremy Kelsall View Post

        It's not a scam because you didn't get a refund over a 2 day period.

        I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure that our attorney told us that in most cases, legally - we could take as long as 30 days to issue a refund...

        I'm sure that he will get to you, but I can almost guarantee you that processing refunds isn't at the top of Tim's priority list while he's in the middle of a pre-launch AND trying to clear his name.

        As far as some of the other stuff...

        None of us really know what happened here except for Tim.

        Did he post fake reviews and comments? To me, it doesn't make sense, but stranger crap has happened. I'm sure that it will be resolved one way or the other...Either Tim will have his name cleared, or he will be banned (maybe?)

        Who knows...maybe some psychotic techno geek is out to do Tim in? lol...weirder **** has happened...I personally don't think that anyone would go through the trouble, but jelous people have been known to do some pretty over the top and wild stuff.

        As far as reviews in WSO threads go - Anymore, too many people have a financial interest in whether or not a WSO sells well. The product creator, as well as the large amount of affiliates.


        It's not uncommon anymore for a product creator to offer an extra bonus or some other incentive for buyers to go back to the thread to leave feedback...It's hard to believe that someone would sell everyone else out for a free 10 page report or whatever, but it obviously happens.

        If you catch someone steering you wrong in their promotion of a WSO...let them know, if they do it repeatedly though, do the smart thing and cut ties if it's obvious that the person emailing you about the latest and greatest is more interested in earning a $10 commission than promoting quality stuff to you.

        I've personally promoted 2 or 3 WSO's to my list over the last 4 or 5 months, but only after I've actually purchased the product, gone through it, and decided that the material ties in well with my list.

        It's a fine line to walk...Between being a trusting sucker and a jaded idiot...not everyones out to get you, but at the same time, not everyone really gives a **** about you one way or the other.

        Choose your friends, and the people you do business with wisely.
        • Profile picture of the author TimAtkinson
          Profile picture of TimAtkinson
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Originally Posted by chrise View Post

          Hi Jeremy,

          Thank you for your time and trouble to respond, I'm sure I have purchased a couple of your products..

          Agreed, It's not a scam because you didn't get a refund over a 2 day period. Just woefull reponses from his Emails....!!!!!

          Did he post fake reviews and comments? To me, it doesn't make sense, but stranger crap has happened. I'm sure that it will be resolved one way or the other...Either Tim will have his name cleared, or he will be banned (maybe?) - my money is on fake reviews, all from same IP address, come on..?

          Thanks again,


          But, as I'm sure you know

          You purchased through an affiliate who uses WSO Pro- The way that affiliate system is set up you have to get the refund from the affiliate. I'm sorry but I did not get paid for this sale. I have told you this. Also please email my customer support at profitsnatcherteam@gmail.com so they can continue to assist you further in getting a hold of the affiliate so the refund is given. Thanks
  • Profile picture of the author kultronik
    Profile picture of kultronik
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    As one of the satisfied Commission Overload and Profit Snatcher customers i can only says its CRAZY to believe that someone with the great honest reputation and marketing experience like Tim was faking forum comments like some newbie non-techy kid. Just ridiculous.

    I wouldn't be surprised if this sabotage was done directly by some of the Profit Snatcher members/customers to lower down the number of warriors using this mind blowing system, and to stop spreading this cutting edge information to the general public.

    Maybe some of them is one of those "evil guru's" that we are warned in every clickbank launche?

    Tim has organised an awesome contest for his members, and is ending soon, i just figured that i wasted my time on forum reading all this "lynch mob mentality BS" instead of implementing all the powerful tactics that Tim & DG teach their students.

    I'm now off to Profit Snatcher community to make some money...


    • Profile picture of the author James Campbell
      James Campbell
      Profile picture of James Campbell
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by kultronik View Post

      As one of the satisfied Commission Overload and Profit Snatcher customers i can only says its CRAZY to believe that someone with the great honest reputation and marketing experience like Tim was faking forum comments like some newbie non-techy kid. Just ridiculous.

      I wouldn't be surprised if this sabotage was done directly by some of the Profit Snatcher members/customers to lower down the number of warriors using this mind blowing system, and to stop spreading this cutting edge information to the general public.

      Maybe some of them is one of those "evil guru's" that we are warned in every clickbank launche?

      Tim has organised an awesome contest for his members, and is ending soon, i just figured that i wasted my time on forum reading all this "lynch mob mentality BS" instead of implementing all the powerful tactics that Tim & DG teach their students.

      I'm now off to Profit Snatcher community to make some money...


      You clearly didn't read the first page of this thread all the way through.

      Read it more carefully, and you'll see that "spoofing" the exact same IP address as Tim's in the forum is next to impossible for even experienced tech people.

      You can think there is a "mob mentality" going on, but you really don't have anything behind your argument other than personal opinion, and Tim's explanation was weak at best.

      His products may have been good, but that doesn't change what was done and it doesn't change the lack of merit in your argument or the lack of merit in his weak explanation.

      Why did he do it or one of his staff members do it? No idea.

      We are all open to seeing the data and the proof, which Tim himself has called to be released. Problem is, all that will likely show is that there will be positive reviews and positive comments posted from his same IP using different user names.

      Feel free to argue for him all you want, but get your facts straight so you can at least put up a legitimate argument.

      I will repeat as I did before. His products have been satisfactory to most customers from what I have heard and seen for myself. There have been some customer service issues regarding some refunds that have popped up, but that happens. However, in general everything was running smoothly and the products were well received.

      This situation puts a cloud on his reputation in this IM community (and some others from what I have seen and read), however I'm sure he'll still be popular with those who are outside the community and are newbies looking to get their start, even with this incident floating around the internet.
  • Profile picture of the author Joe118
    Profile picture of Joe118
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

    I stand by my assertion that this sabotage is technically impossible to pull off.

    The onus of proof is on Tim to show he did *not* use the same IP with different accounts to sock-puppet his own WSO. The IP spoofing explanation is ludicrous.

    All of this leaves the question why would a malicious party spend the energy, and risk the discovery of the loophole (whatever it is, IP spoofing or some other method) and its subsequent closing, just to sabotage Tim's reputation. The simpler explanation that Tim got caught with his panties in a wedgy is the one that should win out in any evaluation of probabilities.
  • Profile picture of the author Jake Gray
    Jake Gray
    Profile picture of Jake Gray
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    There is obviously some mixed feelings in this thread. Especially from
    the people who have bought his product(s) and people who haven't. I
    myself have never bought a product from Tim, but after this little shady
    stunt, I certainly wouldn't do business with someone that acts as unethical.

    As for the excuse which was: IP Spoofing (Really?). Not only has technology
    advanced, but so has the security community. Let me explain something to
    you right now (It's quick, I promise):

    Trust could have been given through .rhosts. As for Root, you can
    create the same rules in hosts.equiv. Basically what this does is give you
    address-based authentication. So, if you truly think you are a victim, this
    isn't the average skill set for an attacker. Doubt you run Linux machines, so
    don't have to worry about that...

    Uhm... RLogin...

    Won't even go into that. Should be common knowledge
    amongst all of these so-called "Techies".

    The possibility of these attacks are extremely low and I
    highly doubt anyone would try and sabotage your business
    with GREAT reviews. I could understand bad reviews, but
    GREAT reviews? Come on now. It's out, buddy.
  • Profile picture of the author Shazia Mirza
    Shazia Mirza
    Profile picture of Shazia Mirza
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hey Guys,

    I skimmed through this thread and I saw this whole argument about someone posting reviews w/the same IP as the WSO creator.

    Now I am a programmer, and I also have decent knowledge on how IP's, ports, servers and all that good stuff.

    To have someone use your IP is very hard, they would of had to "proxify" it. This is nearly impossible from the way I know how to do it... but someone may have found a way to do it more easily (still seriously doubt it).

    The other theory behind this is that your ISP is using a transparent proxy. This way, other people using the same Internet Service Provider as you might happen to be logging on to the internet with the same proxy. Although very few ISP's use transparent proxies, it is still very possible for this to happen.

    I am not accusing Tim of anything.

    Just My Two Cents
  • Profile picture of the author Lisa Gergets
    Lisa Gergets
    Profile picture of Lisa Gergets
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Wow. How about everyone simply let the mods do their job, and get back to work MAKING MONEY?
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