67 replies
I'm at it again, does anyone have experience with Mass Profit Formula?
Good - Bad - I'd like to know if it is worth it - Thanks
#formula #mass #profit
  • Profile picture of the author onemorewarrior
    This does not launch until Tues July 5th

    I have contacted the product owner to get clarification
    on what the product is and does. Awaiting reply.
    Nigel the creator seems to have a decent rep from what I
    have been able to dig up on him through some quick research.
    I do not know him or have ever done any business with him .
    That said I have to wait to see if He replies to my request for
    more info on this product. Cheers
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4185314].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Jeff Lenney
      Originally Posted by onemorewarrior View Post

      This does not launch until Tues July 5th

      I have contacted the product owner to get clarification
      on what the product is and does. Awaiting reply.
      Nigel the creator seems to have a decent rep from what I
      have been able to dig up on him through some quick research.
      I do not know him or have ever done any business with him .
      That said I have to wait to see if He replies to my request for
      more info on this product. Cheers
      LOL I can pretty much guarantee the product creator's name is not Nigel, nor is that the product creator on the video talking to us about making $4k in one day overnight with zero work...just sayin.

      Too lazy to write something clever here, so check out my marketing blog and learn from a REAL Super Affiliate at JeffLenney.com

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4187689].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author onemorewarrior
        Originally Posted by eljeffe77 View Post

        LOL I can pretty much guarantee the product creator's name is not Nigel, nor is that the product creator on the video talking to us about making $4k in one day overnight with zero work...just sayin.
        Hey Jeff
        Couldn't agree more. The business address is in the U.K and that guy
        sounds more like he could be from New York somewhere.
        Glad you chimed in was hoping you might have gotten a preview copy and made a vid before the launch. I find your reviews completely honest and
        straight up spot on. Cheers :p
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4187728].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Jeff Lenney
          Originally Posted by onemorewarrior View Post

          Hey Jeff
          Couldn't agree more. The business address is in the U.K and that guy
          sounds more like he could be from New York somewhere.
          Glad you chimed in was hoping you might have gotten a preview copy and made a vid before the launch. I find your reviews completely honest and
          straight up spot on. Cheers :p
          Yeah, well it's usually actors, and then after the purchase the actor passes off the support/instructions to the REAL person behind the launch. UK, Could be Mike Auton, but he just released cb cash code so it's hard to say.

          Oh well - will find out soon enough.

          Edit: I don't usually get preview copies of these products unfortunately, for some reason their product owners don't like me! LOL

          I usually have to buy em - but sometimes I get lucky and a friend lets me use their credentials for a quick tour....either way, we'll see

          Too lazy to write something clever here, so check out my marketing blog and learn from a REAL Super Affiliate at JeffLenney.com

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4187764].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Azlan.MY
        Originally Posted by eljeffe77 View Post

        LOL I can pretty much guarantee the product creator's name is not Nigel, nor is that the product creator on the video talking to us about making $4k in one day overnight with zero work...just sayin.
        I think the creators are the same guys behind Auto Traffic Monopoly, Easy Click Commissions - Paul and Antonio. The JV pages for Mass Profit Formula and Easy Click Commissions are very similar, things like $10 per hop, no real information about the product.

        Mass Profit Formula JV Only
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4189302].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author typhoon
    I think the real owner is mike hardy (easy click commissions, was he also an actor?). I got some early bird links for this from him almost 7-8 hrs. ago. I think THE Real people behind all these actors are Paul and Antonio (probably that's why they are usually top in jv contests...)

    Secondly, I found something suspecting in the prelaunch video while he was logging into his clickbank account which I have already saved on my laptop. I just need to find time for all this

    PS. I just noticed "Azlan" above also thinks the same regarding who is the owner. So there are two votes!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4190252].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author llott
      Notice in the pitch video the shot of the traffic graph. Huge peak in traffic in the early stages, then drifts off to virtually nothing very fast.... so whatever it is, it must not be something the search engines like or either it is not sustainable. Curious what it is though if any of you want to share your review.

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  • Profile picture of the author gez64
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    • Profile picture of the author gez64
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      • Profile picture of the author Baker2009
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4192320].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Jimspeed
          Originally Posted by Baker2009 View Post

          Hi All,

          here is a real review..

          I hope you've enjoyed your holiday
          weekend and for those in the US and
          canada, a very HAPPY 4th of July.

          I wanted to write a quick review to
          those about this recent launch I bet
          your email box is getting BOMBARDED
          So in my style, I wanted to share with you
          EXACTLY what it is..

          ..and let you make the decision if it's something
          you are interested in or pass on.

          So what is "Mass Profit Formula"?

          The main software lets you search Clickbank,
          Plmus, and other affiliate networks for products
          that are selling well using gravity as a benchmark.

          This is actually a neat tool, as it allows you to do one
          search and find offers everywhere.

          The training- entails the following:
          How to setup new keyword rich domains
          & SEO training.

          What are the upsells?

          Upsell #1 - Mentoring Program - $297

          Usually not worth it with these programs. Remember
          you get what you pay for..when it comes to coaching.

          And since this guy is an actor on screen, I find it very

          Upsell #2 - Auto Traffic Suite - $97

          Not quite sure what this is .

          Upsell #3- Cash Clone Campaign - $67 a month

          Just what it sounds like. He releases a monthly "pack"
          of a researched product that allows you to copy and paste
          those campaigns after they have done the research.

          Hope that helps you to take the right decision


          Wow- you must be on my list.. but why didn't you give me credit for MY email I sent you...and CLAIM it as your own on here? comon'.. not cool....
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4193198].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author bbstreet4
            Just an FYI...if anybody wants to purchase this there is a $10 discount at the end of the video. Makes it $39 instead of $49. btw, I did not buy this.

            Peace & Light,

            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4194059].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author onemorewarrior
              Originally Posted by bbstreet4 View Post

              Just an FYI...if anybody wants to purchase this there is a $10 discount at the end of the video. Makes it $39 instead of $49. btw, I did not buy this.
              Yea it takes 4 exit pops to get the discount. C'mon really 4 exit pops and then one of them takes you back to the sales video and the final pop takes you to the clickbank order page. You couldn't even promote this if you wanted to using ppc I believe the exit pops are against tos of some ad platforms Know for a fact face book hates exit pops and won't approve ads that redirect to pages with them.
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4228010].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author typhoon
    Originally Posted by loud1946 View Post

    Does anyone know if there is going to be upsales to this?
    Yes there are upsells to this. One is auto traffic suite, second one is a mentorship program and the third one which is common in most launches these days, the copy-paste campaigns.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4191057].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Jeff Lenney
    You guys are all wrong about who it is btw, I did some sleuthing and found out it's Paul Liburd

    I'll be buying this today and doing a video review

    Happy 4th!


    Too lazy to write something clever here, so check out my marketing blog and learn from a REAL Super Affiliate at JeffLenney.com

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4192362].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author onemorewarrior
      Originally Posted by eljeffe77 View Post

      You guys are all wrong about who it is btw, I found out....but I don't think I'll say. Regardless, it's a UK based 'guru'

      I'll be buying this today and doing a video review

      Happy 4th!

      Keep us up to date Jeff. Looking forward to your review as always
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4192389].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Jeff Lenney
        Originally Posted by onemorewarrior View Post

        Keep us up to date Jeff. Looking forward to your review as always
        OF course, and make sure you read bakers review just above my post - he gives a pretty good idea about it!


        Too lazy to write something clever here, so check out my marketing blog and learn from a REAL Super Affiliate at JeffLenney.com

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4192613].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author madberry
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4192855].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Jeff Lenney
            Yeah,Baker Nailed it - I did a video showing everything, members area, the software itself - it's kinda NEAT - but there's no way its going to make anybody $4K OVERNIGHT just like that.

            I'll put up my video shortly on my youtube channel, but I can't post it here due to affiliate links for other 'more recommended' products I speak of in the video

            Youtube link is under my avatar - video should be up within 15-20 minutes of my posting this.

            Too lazy to write something clever here, so check out my marketing blog and learn from a REAL Super Affiliate at JeffLenney.com

            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4192887].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author todd11
              Originally Posted by eljeffe77 View Post

              Yeah,Baker Nailed it - I did a video showing everything, members area, the software itself - it's kinda NEAT - but there's no way its going to make anybody $4K OVERNIGHT just like that.

              I'll put up my video shortly on my youtube channel, but I can't post it here due to affiliate links for other 'more recommended' products I speak of in the video

              Youtube link is under my avatar - video should be up within 15-20 minutes of my posting this.
              Todd Gross here. I can't tell you how much I appreciate your pointing us to the video, it is extremely helpful, because it included both the rundown on the sales process going in , and then the product itself.

              Although you point out every contradiction along the way in the sales process, you were a bit too easy on them, IMHO.

              ..I know, we're all used to it.. so we give them some leeway, but as a strong affiliate dying to promote credible products, I think it kills my list every time I send something with that kind of ridiculousness (like "ONLY 3 LEFT for $10 OFF... or in the original offer saying you'll make 4,000/day and then they contradict that later in the upsell)

              As for the product, I absolutely hate blind offers. I know why they are blind (to reduce the chance of turning-off prospective buyers) but it is insulting to the intelligence of my readers. . who happen to be a lot of Warriors as an example.

              Sooo, I'm glad that this is useful tool, but I've gotta tell you, I'm getting TONS of refunds on Clickbank products with blind offers like this

              As for your recommendations, i found them helpful, but again, you had to point out how hyped up and misleading some of those sales pages were as well, which is a shame.

              thanks again
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4194393].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author Jeff Lenney
                Originally Posted by todd11 View Post

                Todd Gross here. I can't tell you how much I appreciate your pointing us to the video, it is extremely helpful, because it included both the rundown on the sales process going in , and then the product itself.

                Although you point out every contradiction along the way in the sales process, you were a bit too easy on them, IMHO.

                ..I know, we're all used to it.. so we give them some leeway, but as a strong affiliate dying to promote credible products, I think it kills my list every time I send something with that kind of ridiculousness (like "ONLY 3 LEFT for $10 OFF... or in the original offer saying you'll make 4,000/day and then they contradict that later in the upsell)

                As for the product, I absolutely hate blind offers. I know why they are blind (to reduce the chance of turning-off prospective buyers) but it is insulting to the intelligence of my readers. . who happen to be a lot of Warriors as an example.

                Sooo, I'm glad that this is useful tool, but I've gotta tell you, I'm getting TONS of refunds on Clickbank products with blind offers like this

                As for your recommendations, i found them helpful, but again, you had to point out how hyped up and misleading some of those sales pages were as well, which is a shame.

                thanks again
                Thanks Todd,

                Much appreciated. I was trying to do more of an un-biased approach going in with this one, but I found it hard to contain my sarcasm at some points with the upsells, etc. ;-)

                But yeah, glad you found my video useful and I hope I made some good recommendations.

                Too lazy to write something clever here, so check out my marketing blog and learn from a REAL Super Affiliate at JeffLenney.com

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            • Profile picture of the author MLDerk
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              • Profile picture of the author MLDerk
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                • Profile picture of the author PolarBearAK
                  Originally Posted by MLDerk View Post

                  I'm new to all off this, but when I first asked myself why they would sell it if it makes them so much money I had these thoughts:

                  1. They have milked the program for all it's worth and it is no longer making them much money.
                  2. So now they will earn more from it by selling it to unsuspecting newbies and others who are gullible or desperate or whatever.
                  3. Any push-button program that really works and is sold "to the masses," will soon run out of steam because "everyone" will be using it and it will lose whatever power it might have had.

                  But I still have one question for Warrior Forum folks: For someone like me who is willing to work hard but needs to start earning at least a small regular income asap, is there a single program that will tell me all of the steps I need to follow, give me shortcuts that save time wherever possible -- something that will kind of lead me step-by-step through everything.

                  I'm getting to be a very senior citizen and I don't have senior moments, I just have one perpetual one and I need something that makes it plain and simple.

                  I'm picking up pieces here and there. Brain Host has a nice series of video tutorials for using WordPress. It answered a lot of questions, but led me into areas that raised up a lot more questions and so far I can't find the answers to all of those.

                  I guess I want "The Step-by-Step Encyclopedia of Affiliate Marketing with Tools."

                  Any helps for someone like me out there????

                  If you're still looking for a basic step-by-step program check out the 30Day Challenge - now known as just The Challenge The Challenge It's a free program that takes you through every step needed to start earning income. It's run by Ed Dale and Dan Raine who are very successful internet marketers.
                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5078868].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Mattie
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4192901].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Mattie
      This is a pile of * * * *.

      Its virtually impossible to break out of all the upgrades and desperate offers.

      It might start as Mass Profit Formula and rapidly deteriorates into:

      WARNING: Page About To Be Taken Down...

      Which is the old, "Affiliate X" Seems that one's been around the block a few times : (

      The only thing I saw concerning Mass Profit Formula was an attempt to get a fist-full of change for a tutoring program. Then it became a begging session of various payment plans and offers.

      Never quite seen a sale offer like this. All the "BONUSES" are sales pages. even the free website comes at a cost!

      By begging out the first round you can get the offer for $10 less and then cancel out of every offer to get the best deals! (If that's what you want) the last upgrade is:

      ************************************************** *****************


      Are you ready for a change?

      Well, hell.

      Me too.

      But here's the thing...

      I'm NOT talking about a small change.

      Not some minor spin on the crap you've failed at for the last few months. . . . . . . .etc.

      This final upgrade is Automated Website X at $47.00 monthly

      ************************************************** *****************

      HOORAY _ NO more offers.

      Purchase at your own risk.

      As an added interest:

      This domain name expired on 07/03/2011 and is pending renewal or deletion

      This appears to be re-hash of a lot of programs we've all seen before.
      __________________________________________________ __________

      Upsell #2 - Auto Traffic Suite - $97
      NO: Discount>> YES! I Want to Grab Auto Traffic Suite for ONLY $77

      Not quite sure what this is .

      Upsell #3- Cash Clone Campaign - $67 a month

      Please read the Forum Rules Affiliate links are NOT permitted.

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  • Profile picture of the author OnlineMktgByron
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    • Profile picture of the author Jeff Lenney
      Originally Posted by OnlineMktgByron View Post

      I just bought this and got the email with my login info, but the site says it does not recognize the user name and password they just sent me.

      Then I tried to email their support at the email they give info [at] massprofitformula [dot] com
      It came back as undeliverable. Same thing with the support email listed in the Clickbank receipt email customercare.cb@gmail.com.
      Again undeliverable.
      Not sure if I will even wait for a reply from them before requesting a refund. Glad I passed on all of the upsells.

      For me at first the website didnt load, lol, i had to click the link via the email they sent me. Launch Day issues I suppose. Not sure if i'll refund this one or not, it's a handy tool - but def not a 'get rich overnight' program

      Too lazy to write something clever here, so check out my marketing blog and learn from a REAL Super Affiliate at JeffLenney.com

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4193096].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author srbilles
    This industry is in a desperate need of some house cleaning. Wouldn't it be nice if the product actually did what it said it would do on the sales page.

    Get cash producing email copy written for you for cheap. Check out my Warrior For Hire offer at: http://www.warriorforum.com/showthre...1#post10514231

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4193129].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Jeff Lenney
    My FULL (25 minute) video review of this is up btw, check my youtube channel (superhomebrewer). I can't post the video in here due to commission links for other products I do recommend.

    Too lazy to write something clever here, so check out my marketing blog and learn from a REAL Super Affiliate at JeffLenney.com

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4194513].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Penbry
      Originally Posted by eljeffe77 View Post

      My FULL (25 minute) video review of this is up btw, check my youtube channel (superhomebrewer). I can't post the video in here due to commission links for other products I do recommend.
      Brilliant Video Jeff!.
      You left no stone overturned. I love your videos.

      I'll pass on this product, in fact these marketing tactics are harming the industry IMO. each to their own. I have a product that does similar anyways.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4194745].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Skycrafter
        Although you point out every contradiction along the way in the sales process, you were a bit too easy on them, IMHO.

        ..I know, we're all used to it.. so we give them some leeway, but as a strong affiliate dying to promote credible products, I think it kills my list every time I send something with that kind of ridiculousness (like "ONLY 3 LEFT for $10 OFF... or in the original offer saying you'll make 4,000/day and then they contradict that later in the upsell)
        I concur,

        In conjunction with what Todd said.....This is the sure fire way to get rid of people on your list..!!!!...I had purchased one of these hyped up-push button software apps when I first started IM.....This had left a real bad taste...

        The people whom i respected and bought and used systems from started to slip these push-button products into my inbox just to grab some easy cash...I unsubed to most all of them at once.!...

        I didn't understand how some of these straight up dudes couldn't see through the bullsh%t pitch......Of course they knew what was up..(they didn't care---they demonstrated a lower value instantly--they can't undo that either!)...... So much for that respect thing......Man, the money they lost and continue to loose from my subsequent purchases.....

        And get on the wrong list..?.....Ask for a refund for a product that is pure S%#t......Never mind the classic spam mail from the bank of Barbados....Or fed-ex has your package for pickup.....lately the IRS is needing to get a hold of me...lol..! yea right.!

        The majority of the spam comes from the UK and surrounding countries......... I can track it back to a certain group of people that had a clickbank product,and I requested a refund...It was for a product packaged a lot like this one.....

        Don't get me wrong.I'm sure there is some great software out there developed by JBL and the astronauts and it's made in conjunction with a renegade Galapagos Tortoise just for the sake of making cash on clickbank....... I'm pretty sure bout that..

        Anything is possible..!

        Be careful if your new to the game and discern wisely...

        Reputation = Everything

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4194862].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author TimNesbitt
          While the software seems helpful for a newbie to internet marketing it also does them a disjustice in my opinion one of the biggest mistakes I ever made early on was staying away from low gravity products or even those with NO GRAVITY AT ALL because to be honest some of those turned out to be my best sellers for certain niches.

          I mean honestly look at some low gravity pages or even some with no gravity on Clickbank in just about any given niche and you will see some very well put together sites that will sell your traffic on the product being offered that is not to say there isn't some crap on there either but the fact is people shouldn't be ignoring the low gravity offers.

          That is most likely why they stay low because the vendor who created it didn't know how to JV properly within their niche etc. and the product started out with little to no affiliates promoting it and then when a potential good affiliate does come along he decides that he won't promote it either because it has little to no gravity and he moves on too one with a high gravity to go compete against other affiliates within whatever niche their in to send people to the exact same high gravity offer which continues to keep that vendors gravity high.

          It becomes a vicious cycle so I would definitely recommend any affiliate in general to not over look a good sales page and product just because the gravity is low.


          For honest internet marketing product reviews as well as tips for how to make money online go to Online Internet Marketing Business
          Also make sure to check out my FREE Get High PR .Edu Backlinks Report NO SIGN UP REQUIRED!

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4195133].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author bwj292
      Originally Posted by eljeffe77 View Post

      My FULL (25 minute) video review of this is up btw, check my youtube channel (superhomebrewer). I can't post the video in here due to commission links for other products I do recommend.
      Great review there Jeff. I had no interest in buying this product but I did want to see what the heck it was all about.

      IMO Clickbank should be ashamed of themselves for once again letting such a hyped up load of crap get through .... did Clickbank actually review it!!!!

      This kind of stuff is the exact stuff giving the IM industry the bad name it has as well as confusing "newbie" IM'er into spending thousands they actually didn't want to spend!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4197524].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Jeff Lenney
    Yeah it's a bit of a bummer with all the CB Scams out there put out by the same 10 or so guys. Funny though this uk 'guru' chose such a name as 'nigel' which we NEVER see here in the states - lol. It may be common there, but it's not here.

    Too lazy to write something clever here, so check out my marketing blog and learn from a REAL Super Affiliate at JeffLenney.com

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  • Profile picture of the author jade69
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4198527].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Jeff Lenney
      Originally Posted by jade69 View Post

      If you want the email and password to enter the members area, you can send me a PM.
      I've got a better idea, buy it yourself if you want to see the members area!

      Too lazy to write something clever here, so check out my marketing blog and learn from a REAL Super Affiliate at JeffLenney.com

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4198712].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author ebiz4u
        I started promoting without buying as I liked the video without dissecting it as you guys have done but now won't be. they did say you could make something like $900+ if all oto's were bought )

        There must be sw out there for free that you can use to find gravity at aff. networks?


        I have saved tons of money by reading your reviews and opinions so here's a BIG thanks!

        FREE report on the secrets of publishing your own ebook! [/b]
        Discover How To Do It The EASY Way!

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4199146].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author bwj292
          Originally Posted by eljeffe77 View Post

          Yeah it's a bit of a bummer with all the CB Scams out there put out by the same 10 or so guys. Funny though this uk 'guru' chose such a name as 'nigel' which we NEVER see here in the states - lol. It may be common there, but it's not here.
          Not common so much but I know a few people called Nigel ... not him though lol.

          Originally Posted by jade69 View Post

          If you want the email and password to enter the members area, you can send me a PM.
          Originally Posted by eljeffe77 View Post

          I've got a better idea, buy it yourself if you want to see the members area!
          I'm far from interested in seeing any further, I had no intention of buying but I was interested to see what being peddled by another "guru" ... again it just annoys me that this stuff gets through Clickbank, it's one of the many reasons I actually don't sell through Clickbank and choose other methods. From your video Jeff the product didn't look that bad BUT the marketing of it was darn right wrong ... again something I thought Clickbank had stopped a few months ago.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4199205].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Jeff Lenney
    Yeah, CB is trying to crack down from what i heard - but now the screen shots etc are being added AFTER the approval. That's my understanding at least -

    Too lazy to write something clever here, so check out my marketing blog and learn from a REAL Super Affiliate at JeffLenney.com

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    • Profile picture of the author Tyler Huculak
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4200488].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Jeff Lenney
        Originally Posted by Tyler Huculak View Post

        If that's the word, then it's a total cop-out on CB's part because they could easily control the flagrant lying that's become the norm on these sales pages.

        The reality is that CB couldn't could care less because it translates into sales volume and that translates into money for them.

        We even had CB ads integrated into our IM social network a while back, but found it was just too problematic given the number of crappy products being tossed out there ... so we dumped them. It's a shame really.
        Yeah, again that's just speculative, HOWEVER it does make sense as well. Regardless, it is quite unfortunate.

        Too lazy to write something clever here, so check out my marketing blog and learn from a REAL Super Affiliate at JeffLenney.com

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4200678].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author TimNesbitt
    Here are some things I thought were interesting about the Sales Copy:

    1. He said he made $3,xxx.xx I don't remember the exact number within 24 hours of using the software now what I find interesting is that if you were wanting to market to someone younger you would then want to use a big number because young people tend to be less skeptical than say the 35 to 55 crowd so they would say something like "I made $90,000 dollars in the past 30 days!"

    However for the older crowd you lower the number because over time we become more skeptical after having realized it usually isn't possible to make $90,000 a month unless we inherit it or win the lottery. So a marketer will then go for a lower number such as $3,000 in one day which seems way more realistic despite that it would come out to $90,000.

    2. He very well could have used the software to make $3,000 in one day, what he most likely left out was that he had already built himself a mailing list in whatever niche he ran the software for and then found high gravity products that would sell well and then sent an email out to his list which then would have made $3,000 in sales in just 1 day.

    So there is no reason Clickbank shouldn't have approved it because he did most likely in fact make $3,000 in affiliate sales in one day after selecting what to promote with his software.

    It may certainly be a bit unethical for marketing it that way but I don't think it would be a big enough issue for them too deny him approval.


    For honest internet marketing product reviews as well as tips for how to make money online go to Online Internet Marketing Business
    Also make sure to check out my FREE Get High PR .Edu Backlinks Report NO SIGN UP REQUIRED!

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4201612].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author dtmission
      I have become very skeptical about these new launches full of promises of easy riches and no work.

      Why should one spend time on blogging, article writing, building backlinks?.

      Just spend $49 or $39 and push the button! But watch out - there are only 3 copies left!.

      I am lucky to have the possibility to access good advice from the Warrior Forum. Thank you.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4202229].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author votekick
        Whats really gonna blow your mind is the idea that all those products that are searched within that piece of software are all cookies and relating back to the original software/developer/producers hop links making that one lil software a massive website affiliate system.:p
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        • Profile picture of the author MightyWarrior
          Originally Posted by votekick View Post

          Whats really gonna blow your mind is the idea that all those products that are searched within that piece of software are all cookies and relating back to the original software/developer/producers hop links making that one lil software a massive website affiliate system.:p
          Ahhh... so I'm a programmer... and I understand what you wrote, but nobody has bothered to catch what you said -- so is this true? Does the software cookie and award an affiliate sales commission to this Nigel[LOL] guy {or someone else as was already mentioned}?

          Cookie stuffing is illegal as some people have already found out (I believe via Amazon)...

          But you are using his software to find HGrav products and then most will purchase [to try the product out andto give an honest recommendation]. Don't guess he is telling you that his software is making him $$$ for no reason.

          It's just not going to make you the same amount of money because the cookies don't have your name on them

          It's not surprising that someone would come up with this sort of tool, and if he gave it away for free ppl would be suspect! But sell the tool and viola - a lot of unsuspecting ppl are now paying this guy[whoever] huge commissions.

          Sure CB should shut this guy down, but I'm not sure whether he has to disclose how he is getting his sales even to CB. Sort of a double-whammy if you ask me:

          Not only is he selling a product which many feel is worth the $$$ [devoid of the upsells], but he is both a massive seller of their products and ALSO a creator of his own... kind of hard for CB to pounce on an account when he's stuffing cookies [?legally?] via his software and making CB a bundle IMO.
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    • Profile picture of the author bwj292
      Originally Posted by TimNesbitt View Post

      2. He very well could have used the software to make $3,000 in one day, what he most likely left out was that he had already built himself a mailing list in whatever niche he ran the software for and then found high gravity products that would sell well and then sent an email out to his list which then would have made $3,000 in sales in just 1 day.

      So there is no reason Clickbank shouldn't have approved it because he did most likely in fact make $3,000 in affiliate sales in one day after selecting what to promote with his software.

      It may certainly be a bit unethical for marketing it that way but I don't think it would be a big enough issue for them too deny him approval.

      I disagree, let's look at the Clickbank blog post from a few months back highlighting how FTC guidelines may affect Clickbank vendors:

      Important Guidelines for ClickBank Vendors | ClickBank Blog

      Let's look at the sales page and the guidelines:

      The FTC also strongly discourages false urgency/scarcity messaging (for example, "Only 3 copies left!") when there is no actual scarcity. Closing the doors to new customers after a specified amount of time and reopening later is fine.
      Look at the sales page, the number counts down each time you load the page, starts at 152 and counts down over the number of seconds .... false scarcity!

      For Internet Marketing products: Per the new FTC information, sales material shouldn't create the impression that customers can easily earn money without putting in much work, and should give specific ideas of how they'll earn the money (e.g., content marketing, video marketing, social media, etc). Sales pages should also not overstate how much can realistically be made, or imply that earnings are guaranteed.
      C'mon, if he doesn't do this then I'm Father Christmas.

      Originally Posted by TimNesbitt View Post

      2. He very well could have used the software to make $3,000 in one day, what he most likely left out was that he had already built himself a mailing list in whatever niche he ran the software for and then found high gravity products that would sell well and then sent an email out to his list which then would have made $3,000 in sales in just 1 day.
      Unethical, unfair and clearly gives the impression not much work is needed and it's what gives IM a bad name!
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  • Profile picture of the author FrozenGod
    Originally Posted by Zara Marie View Post

    It is actually my first time to hear about this. I did a research and found a website talking about it (Nigel Richards and Mass Profit Formula Storm The Internet | Digital Recording). Reading through, do you believe what it says? I mean is there anyone who can guarantee that it really does work?
    There is Affiliate links on the site you have just posted and that's against the rules. Honestly i think its your blog and you want to fool us all (we are not stupid buddy..).
    "Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune."
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  • Profile picture of the author neodarth
    Ok, so the software finds high gravity offers for you... but... how about keyword research? site building? content? link building? traffic?

    Seems that is only one part of the puzzle... unlikely to make millions with just this...

    Is like selling the engine for a car and the manual to build the entire car (chasis, seats and tires sold separately, mechanics skills required)

    just saying...
    ==> Negocios Estables en la Web Internet marketing en español.

    ==> Internet Marketing Newbie Created for IM virgins
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  • Profile picture of the author stephen de vries
    I love how they lure the newbies or the money hungry overnight millionares in with the red ferarri and the crappy cammera work.

    Ive seen better acting on America's got tallent.
    Supercharged, Cash Sucking Sales Copy. Get Yours Now!
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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4208132].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author TimNesbitt
    The software isn't bad it will certainly help save some time doing research but as I said earlier just because a product has a high gravity doesn't mean it is better than one with a low gravity.

    For honest internet marketing product reviews as well as tips for how to make money online go to Online Internet Marketing Business
    Also make sure to check out my FREE Get High PR .Edu Backlinks Report NO SIGN UP REQUIRED!

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  • Profile picture of the author JackTriggs
    Watched the video for 5 seconds and closed the tab...
    Make $1000's Every Month By "Cool Dude Marketing"? You Gotta Check This
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  • Profile picture of the author himanuzo
    What is the main traffic source for Mass Formula Profit?

    And how it works?
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  • Profile picture of the author webgenco
    I have never posted a negative review before since I usually find a buy good products and traffic systems to help my online as well as my offline consulting - but I will say I am going to get a refund for this. They take the upselling to a whole new and tacky level. Disappointing product. Can't believe I fell for the hype and I am kicking myself I fell for it.

    Also I am unsubcribing to all of the IM people who sent me pitches for this since they obviously didn't check it out. I never recommend something I haven't actually used or completely investigated. They may want to do the same.
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  • Profile picture of the author WebPen
    I just got an email in my inbox about the Mass Profit Formula from a marketer I respected a lot

    Then I went and checked it out- great sales page and video, but threw up a red flag-

    I'm SO glad I came here to check it out! The Warrior Forum is so amazing :-)

    P.S. You gotta admit the guy (not the actor, the REAL dude behind this) knows how to sell. 554 gravity....

    Seems like in the IM niche, this proves that the "push-button system" is what everyone really wants.
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    • Profile picture of the author Jeff Lenney
      Originally Posted by AYoungMillionaire View Post

      I just got an email in my inbox about the Mass Profit Formula from a marketer I respected a lot

      Then I went and checked it out- great sales page and video, but threw up a red flag-

      I'm SO glad I came here to check it out! The Warrior Forum is so amazing :-)

      P.S. You gotta admit the guy (not the actor, the REAL dude behind this) knows how to sell. 554 gravity....

      Seems like in the IM niche, this proves that the "push-button system" is what everyone really wants.
      Yeah, the guy behind this is known for these types of products and has most top marketers blasting out emails for him. Unfortunately, it seems that ALL people are looking for push button programs - and the fact is, they simply do NOT exist. I try to show this on my youtube channel and I try to make a difference, yet people keep buying em -lol.

      Oh well, I hope to put out my own LEGIT product later this year showing people what REALLY can be done with a little elbow grease and push button NOTHING.

      Too lazy to write something clever here, so check out my marketing blog and learn from a REAL Super Affiliate at JeffLenney.com

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  • Profile picture of the author Michael_Le
    i think people should start to realise that no one in there right mind that is making $3k a day at the push of a button is going to sell their software for $49!!! i mean come on guys, stick to the basics, yes there are tools out there that will automate some of the stuff, but to get a piece of software that will write you unique content, build you backlinks, index it, find you a high traffic low competition niches as well as building a website/blog for you all at the push of a button??? and all for a measly $49 bucks? stop dreaming!
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    • Profile picture of the author bwj292
      Originally Posted by Michael_Le View Post

      i think people should start to realise that no one in there right mind that is making $3k a day at the push of a button is going to sell their software for $49!!! i mean come on guys, stick to the basics, yes there are tools out there that will automate some of the stuff, but to get a piece of software that will write you unique content, build you backlinks, index it, find you a high traffic low competition niches as well as building a website/blog for you all at the push of a button??? and all for a measly $49 bucks? stop dreaming!
      The problem is though that there are people out there that don't realise that, it obviously seems too good to be true but with that type of marketing it pulls these people in.

      Just recently I was asked by an old friend work colleague of mine (from the days when I had a "day job") if I would come and give her partner (boyfriend) some advice about making money online and help him to get started. He had basically had to leave work due to ill health and was looking for something to help him pay the bills. Just after sitting down with him for 15 minutes I realised how much he'd spent on "push button" systems which promised so much and delivered so little (just like this one IMO). Yes, he'd gone for the upsells and yes he'd gone for the monthly memberships, he didn't know they weren't essential. He didn't know how/if he could get refunds, he thought many of them were "systems" which could genuinely help him make money online because that's exactly how they are marketed .... with $3,000 from nothing and similar! Now I should point out that this gentleman is not stupid, he retired as an executive of a steel company but because he's not familiar with internet marketing and all the "tactics" used, he'd obviously fallen for many of the marketing tactics which he would have ordinarily ignored.

      It's important to remember that whilst what these "systems" and products offer may be crystal clear to people like us in the Warrior Forum (i.e. marketers) there are many people who are new to this online stuff and genuinely looking to make a little extra money with the internet. They don't have the experience and knowledge that we have and so the "marketing trap" posed by many of these products is something they fall into. It's these people who don't know how Clickbank works, don't necessarily know how to get a refund and don't necessarily understand upsells/downsells/cross sells etc. Before they know it they've just spent several hundred dollars on a product and opted into a monthly membership.

      It's these people who will feel the most effect and it's why this type of un-clear, hyped up marketing SHOULD NOT be allowed.

      My two cents.
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael_Le
    just got email from frank kern saying he is hooking me up with a system that makes over $200 a day........even frank is promoting it. Im off his list as of now.
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    • Profile picture of the author jasondinner
      Originally Posted by Michael_Le View Post

      just got email from frank kern saying he is hooking me up with a system that makes over $200 a day........even frank is promoting it. Im off his list as of now.
      I would bet my lucky stars that it wasn't Frank Kern who sent that to you... only someone posing as Frank.

      I'm on all of his lists and I haven't seen him push anything that takes 1,2, 3 or zero clicks to make your millions.

      Just sayin

      "Human thoughts have the tendency to transform themselves into their physical equivalent." Earl Nightingale

      Super Affiliates Hang Out Here

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4228588].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Michael_Le
        Originally Posted by jasondinner View Post

        I would bet my lucky stars that it wasn't Frank Kern who sent that to you... only someone posing as Frank.

        I'm on all of his lists and I haven't seen him push anything that takes 1,2, 3 or zero clicks to make your millions.

        Just sayin
        really? will ive been on his email list for awhile......did you get the latest one about his cousin trey making money on iphone apps then?

        also i just the email it was from and it's definitely frank's list.......i could PM you with the emails i got and you tell me if it is or not then?
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4234823].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author MarioSotojr
          Only thing Frank promoted recently is his Trey Smiths program on creating aps for iPad,iPod stuff that is only mention that Frank kern said about making $200 a day, he wouldn't promote stuff like this he does not need to.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4235543].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Michael_Le
        Originally Posted by jasondinner View Post

        I would bet my lucky stars that it wasn't Frank Kern who sent that to you... only someone posing as Frank.

        I'm on all of his lists and I haven't seen him push anything that takes 1,2, 3 or zero clicks to make your millions.

        Just sayin
        **scrap that, you probably didnt get it because frank has loadsa email list, just depends which one your on. how do i know? cos i just counted it, im on 3 different email lists of his........
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  • Profile picture of the author MarioSotojr
    I just saw the eljeffe77 video on the software, I have one question besides searching plimus, the clickbank search can't you do the same thing on cbengine?
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    • Profile picture of the author Isaiah Jackson
      Originally Posted by MarioSotojr View Post

      I just saw the eljeffe77 video on the software, I have one question besides searching plimus, the clickbank search can't you do the same thing on cbengine?
      Yes, you can do everything it done for you on your own, and the best part you dont have to buy any type of software to do it lol
      Send Emails, Get Paid - My business summarized in four words. For the how-to go here
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  • Profile picture of the author jguy1
    I'm off of franks list now too...
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  • Profile picture of the author WebPen
    I'm really surprised so many respected marketers are promoting this thing-

    From the guys who actually purchased it, it seems like it isn't anything special.

    So it helps you with SEO and maybe find good keywords?

    Don't MNF and Market Samurai do the exact same- and probably more?

    It's probably just because its easy money. That sales page is converting like crazy.
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  • Profile picture of the author charlie39
    This is why I love WF. Because I can get honest reviews on a product before I buy it. Thanks guys!
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  • Profile picture of the author Afreidman
    From what I discovered it isn't really what they say it is.

    But it could still be a good plug in to get some clickbank stats quickly.

    Beware : Big Up sell Alert!
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  • Profile picture of the author highave1
    False, Still I never heard like this; yes will let you know and post here once after getting any update like, yes you too..
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  • Profile picture of the author jcruz
    I'm basically to the point where I'm on a buying diet. I decided that i will no longer buy anoher wso, or software, or anything until i am actually making a solid income from what i know already. There is so much crap out there that's the same rehashed stuff. Every time I buy a new IM product i feel dissapointed with my self after, i feel like a sucker because i should have known better.
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  • Profile picture of the author Isaiah Jackson
    Originally Posted by jayjay4711 View Post

    I'm at it again, does anyone have experience with Mass Profit Formula?
    Good - Bad - I'd like to know if it is worth it - Thanks
    Yeah if you bought this your crazy, the software is more like a time saver than a mass profit formula trust me that is full review of this bs product its really a time saver if your looking to save time then you could get this but you won't make money with this sorry. Paid actor on the sales page is my opinion
    Send Emails, Get Paid - My business summarized in four words. For the how-to go here
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  • Profile picture of the author robertahill
    This seemed like a lot of hype to me and I really (like many of you) hate the continued offers at a greater and greater discount. That always makes me want to throw up. Also, disappointed to see who is sending this out to their lists.

    Out of curiosity, thought I would check out any thread from Warriors Forum. Again, this place rocks for good solid advice. Always like to go here before making a decision.
    Tool Kit Digital Monthly Magazine (Free)
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  • Profile picture of the author BlairBarnes
    I love that he goes on and on about how he is sick of people selling things that do not do what they say they are going to do....all the while he is doing the same thing.
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  • Profile picture of the author stephen de vries
    There has been some reports of the mailer have horrible aftersales support. I binned the idea after he thought he was Donald trump living lavida loca! Im tired of seeing videos promising to make you rich overnight, It does not happen. If that was the case everybody would be a millionares and not worry about a thing.
    Supercharged, Cash Sucking Sales Copy. Get Yours Now!
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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4359650].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author xxxJamesxxx
    The only thing that works is is a "proven" plan and actual work.

    This push-button stuff will never work and if it did, do you think they're gonna sell for $47?

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