Mike Filasime's Evergreen Business System- Thoughts??

by 172 replies
Any reviews would be appreciated.
#internet marketing product reviews & ratings #business #evergreen #filasime #mike #system #thoughts
    • [1] reply
    • The webinar script was actually a WSO here at one time.

      The script was done nicely. I don't know what they are selling it for now though.

      The script was originally on: Internet Marketing Tools
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  • Maybe I'm just dumb, but I don't get the purpose of pre-recorded webinars vs just using a sales video.

    A pre-recorded webinar (designed to look like its currently happening) lacks the more crucial element of a webinars...speaking directly with the audience and answering their questions based on the content to motivate them to buy.

    Wouldn't people notice that their "live" webinar is not allowing for any audience involvement?

    Or...why not just record a webinar, and play it back as a sales video replay of the webinar?

    I must be missing something for this $500 investment...


    EDIT: Oh, nevermind, I scrolled down and see that you can have registrants show up on a list as if it were a live event, and they can email questions in for a later response--or the webinar hosted can have login and answer questions live...interesting concept!
    • [1] reply
    • Let me quote myself from another thread on this topic:
      The idea of a pre-recorded webinar is not to "cheat" your customers telling them it's a real-time webinar. The idea is to tell them it's an event, regardless of whether it's live or recorded.

      When someone chooses to sign up to your event at his desired date and time, he's in the right frame of mind to absorb your marketing message because he CHOSE his best suitable date/time according to his own schedule, and thus you've got his FULL ATTENTION!

      That's the strong point of pre-recorded webinars: in stead of forcing your customers to watch your video at your desired time, they do so at theirs, and that's why sales conversions are typically higher.

      Again, I must stress: this is not about "cheating" your prospects. It's about making a (pre-recorded) event out of your sales video, and make it play at your prospect's best suitable date/time... it works, and there's nothing unethical about it.
      • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Dexx -

    I view it as something more akin to buying
    a movie ticket. Show times run at various
    hours every day. And if I know I have a
    movie I want to see occurring at a specific
    date/time I'm more likely to attend than if
    I could go any time.

    There *is* a lot to be said about building
    up to an event versus on demand.

    Being pre-recorded holds the "potential"
    for improving the quality of the session,
    both for the marketer and for the

    You can certainly open up Skype or another
    IM platform and answer questions in that
    way too - real time.

    The primary thing is that this is a system -
    there is quite a bit of setup work involved
    here. However once the setup is complete
    then it should run itself on autopilot and
    that's my goal with everything I do.

    If I had to do live webinars for everything it
    just wouldn't happen -

    And I think you'll see an evolution of
    "webinars" as people will certainly get tired
    of what we've come to know them as.

    The biggest concern for me (aside from
    will this software work as advertised) is
    that this method of promotion will reach
    saturation and it's going to REQUIRE more
    to stand out and above the inevitable
    garbage that will come with it.

    When are we going to see pre-recorded
    PLR webinars? I'd bet soon. :-)

    Congrats to the programmer, Hector Yague -
    *if* this actually works then this is a cool
    tool in the right hands.

    • [ 1 ] Thanks
    • [1] reply
    • i think it's a very interesting concept but agree that we will see this being used alot. however i think it's about thinking outside of the box really.

      there are many markets and many niches where people are not familiar with this so if one was to avoid internet marketing niche they could make a killing

      my fingers is hovering over the buy button!

      just need to justify it!
  • Still no honest to goodness reviews yet, other than from the guy who made it? Hmmm... sounds like there needs to be some spin control here.
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    • David -

      Excuse me for being a little terse, but
      when did this product launch?

      As I write this, yesterday. What the
      hell do you think you're going to get in
      the way of "an honest to goodness

      I'm working on putting something together -
      have been since I paid cash for it yesterday.

      You might get a review from one of Mike's

      Or you might get a review from a JV
      partner but you're not going to get an
      "honest to goodness review" from a

      Now - I was an original Butterfly Marketing

      It sucked. It was ****. The product was
      not delivered for nearly three weeks after
      I bought it - while Mike disappeared to
      Australia to sell more copies of it speaking
      from stage.

      It loused up launch plans I had.

      It pissed me off.

      I have been one of Mike Filsaime's most
      vocal critics over the years.

      It honestly pains me to admit I bought
      a Filsaime product and I'm excited about

      It's like I just bought a Lady Gaga
      album or Justin Bieber, you know.

      That plus I just bought, and recommended
      to my list, something else very similar -
      but this looks better.

      So . . . I also proceed with caution in
      saying "yeah, this is as great as it's
      advertised to be".

      Concept: great.
      Initial look under the hood: great
      Features: great
      Ease of use: very good
      Simplicity: great considering the complexity
      Drives like a champ: we'll see

      This is a complex system with a lot of
      moving parts and that always concerns me.

      Now . . . here's the feedback I will offer

      You're never going to KNOW anything
      in life unless you get off your ass, make
      an honest effort and do something.

      If you don't have $500 to risk, then don't.

      If you don't believe you'll do what it takes
      to make the investment work, don't.

      You will get good reviews.

      You will get bad reviews.

      Some will come from people with ulterior
      motives - others will come from people
      who have trouble brewing a cup of coffee.

      And in the meantime you're going to
      sit here waiting for someone else to
      take the chance, to do the work and
      report to you so you can him-n-haw.

      It's a mentality that drives me so
      freakin' nuts I want to kick your ass -
      not because I want to do serious
      physical harm to you but because you
      have a mentality that must get
      eradicated for your own damned good.

      Do you get it?

      So man up. Buy the freakin' script
      and make your best run for 30 days
      and if it doesn't work then ask Mike
      for your money back.

      That, or move on.


      PS - My rant isn't over and what
      really ticks me off is I'm in the position
      of Filsaime apologist.

      Cheating? Is it "cheating" that the
      movie theater has play times when you
      could go watch the damned thing on
      demand right now?

      Look - we live in a land of liars and
      scumbags. We live amongst people
      who don't even realize they could
      easily tell the truth and people would
      still show and buy stuff. If you're
      seriously so mentally blocked by your
      "morality" then you have no freedom
      and there is nothing more immoral than

      Use your head. Take what's available
      and make it work. Sitting around and
      crying about how you got faked . . .

      Does it really freakin' matter if someone
      has to push a psychological button in
      order to get you up off the couch?

      That's what leaders do. That's what
      they have to do to get the herd to move.


      PSS - I've probably totally over-reacted
      here but damn, this is fun. :-)
      • [ 18 ] Thanks
      • [3] replies
  • One thing that's confusing and I've not been able to clarify before purchasing is whether or not this can be a stand-alone script or do you need to log into the membership site every time you want to create a webinar.

    Can the entire webinar creation dashboard be installed on your host and run independently?
    • [2] replies
    • The configuration dashboard is hosted in our members area: You login, configure your webinar as per your desired settings, and then either...
      • Click on "Generate Webinar", and the system gives you a ZIP file with all the files you in fact upload to your server.
      • Alternatively, you click on the "Host It In Our Servers" button, and you dont even need to upload anything because the system automatically hosts the webinar in our servers.
    • It is a standalone as far as I know.

      If it weren't, then I would be less inclined to buy.

      Our team is looking at purchasing this in the next couple of days because it fits perfectly with what we have planned.

      From the video and salespage, the impression I got is that it is a self-hosted solution, with no recurring fees.
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  • That is correct. Regardless of whether you decide to host your webinars on your own server or on our servers (the software gives you both options), there are NO recurring monthly fees of any type at all.
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    • Hector, are you saying that if we host our events on your servers, you are absorbing all the bandwidth costs for all these automated webinars everyone will now be running...at no cost to us...forever?!?!

      Explain how that works, cause I can't fathom that being possible.
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  • We picked it up. I have a student who is currently doing 15k/mth working 10 hrs a week with a modified auto webinar setup of sorts. I expect he will be at 45k and 5 hrs per week in a couple months. This is outside the IM niche and currently his webinars are not fully automated.

    So, thats part of the potential anyway, and to answer dexxs concerns.

    As for the script. It seems very very powerful and simple to use. I setup a webinar tonight in a couple hours while learning the software.

    Now, there are a couple small bugs that ive submitted to tech support. Not mission critical things but definitely would want them fixed for a real setup.

    Ill let you guys know the speed of support, but from first use it seems very powerful. Im always a bit concerned when a company doesnt charge monthly. I know that sounds weird, but its an issue of ongoing support capacity/budget.

    But if these small issues get fixed in a timely manner, i can see a lot of creative applications in it for high ticket, and even lower ticket stuff like cpa offers.

    And if ebs doesnt work out, there is always stealth seminar.... But i got faith, seems really badass so far (lol, how do i get filsaimes actual webinar reg template, its very clean).
    • [ 2 ] Thanks
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    • Hey there,

      If you dont get answer from support today, simply PM and I will review those bugs for you personally.
  • Hi Team,

    I just purchased the evergreen system and I hope it is easy to work with seamlessly...

    There was an upgrade offer for advanced training and teaching... Can anyone let me know how much this was ?

    Does it look like it is worth the money....

    Any feedback will be appreciated

    Have a great day
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    • It is $197 and it teaches you how to create the PERFECT webinar presentation according to our vast experience in the matter. The idea is to teach you what type of webinars pull out the highest conversions.
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    • Clayton, was is worth the $500? Absolutely, because there are similar products on the market that people are paying $97 per month right now and they don't even TOUCH Mike's Evergreen Business System to be honest.

      I already have 2 automated webinars completely setup! They rock!
  • Hector,

    Love the new designs. Is there a way to get more copy below the design?
    • [1] reply
    • Yes, you can add rich-text and also your own HTML code below.
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  • hum i just checked of the 4 services where you can host your webinar only one works
    eWebinars.com, StreamingWebinarService.net, WebinarMeetingRoom.com, DigitalWebinars.com

    the first one, one does not exist, the other two are giving a forbidden message, that is kind of a worry at this point
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  • ok grand as they weren't working a little while ago

  • It's simply a version 2 to "automated webinar generator," which is an amazing product, most guru's like Frank Kern used it and still does to market.
    This is way worth it because it's version 2 bundled with a sales page creator, if you pay the 497 that is.
    • [1] reply
    • Believe me, this is much more than version 2... this is simply the best in the market - in my humble opinion, of course :p
  • After going through the competitor comparison list, I definitely have a better impression of the product (the heat map tracking feature is awesome!)

    A few quick questions:

    1) Is there any plans to allow integration with Easy Video Player (and/or Amazon S3 hosting of the videos)

    2) How long would it take a reasonably tech-comfortable person to upload and install the webinar system into their own platform?

    3) Can the webinars be hosted anywhere (i.e. sub-pages of the domain) or can only one webinar be hosted on the main domain section?

    4) When it comes to the populating of names for the seminar attendees, do we have the ability to edit/add our own list of names to be used if we prefer to not use the "generic" ones which might be noticed after a while (once many people begin visiting these pre-recorded events)

    I also like the new template designs shared above, I agree my initial reaction to the first batch of templates wasn't so great, but more variety of clean-looking templates designed for optimal conversion will definitely win people over

    • [1] reply
    • Amazon S3 is already integrated, and we've already talked to the man behind EVP for a future integration.

      Absolutely no time. I dunno, let's say 20 minutes? there are tutorial videos hand-holding you all through the process. You simply mimic what the video does, and you're good to go.

      Anywhere you want. No restrictions.

      Yes, you can either display names from the real attendees, or display simulated names from the built-in list, or you can edit the built-in list to insert/delete those simulated names at will.
      • [ 1 ] Thanks
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  • Was seriously considering but to the point above (I think by Dexx) the idea of a 1 time payment for a hosted app, I'd be worried if it will still be there in 6-12 months. Yes, you get to download the php pages to self host, but not the back end (tracking, webinars creation, etc) so if you go down, what happens to us?
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    • PokerDawg, do not forget that this is a Mike Filsaime product: trust me, we're going no-where. This product is going to keep on improving over time.

      In fact, this very morning we've just implemented a new design (see attached)

      ... and we have another 3 queued up for the following days!
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  • I can't wait to see how this performs in a real world scenario within my business. Although until today I hadn't heard of Stealth Seminar either. I will likely try out both systems in the coming months!
  • Guys after a lot of thought due to the price I decided to go ahead and jump into the webinar system

    I do a lot of coaching and love doing webinars but of course it's a lot of work to try and be online when the USA are awake (being that I live in Europe). So I thought what the hey this could work for me

    Now I've had a good look around the system and set up a webinar thru my iPad and have to say wow.

    This system is really easy to use. Why?

    If I want to set up a webinar I have to (in the old days)
    Create a registration page
    Plug it into my ar
    Prepare my webinar
    Remind my subscribers of the webinar at least three times
    Stay awake and give a great webinar until two in the morning
    Then I had to remember to follow up and more
    Oh and of course the problems that come with doing a webinar ie slow screens etc

    It's a lot of work and to be honest if I only get a few people on the webinar it might not be as profitable

    Now I have a system that I set up the system and prepare my video and that's it. This means I can offer an even greater service to my customers and automate everything

    This is truly a switch on and forget

    What's it going to do for me?

    I'm going to be able to create more professional webinars serve my customers better and sell more

    The scheduling of buttons, downloads etc is amazing.

    Lol ok I'm praising this coz i see the benefits.

    If you are doing webinars at the moment you need this. Full stop.

    If you have questions let me know

  • Oh btw the publishing of the webinar is sooooo simple too

    Fab system
    • [1] reply
    • Does anyone know how long the current offer for lifetime upgrades and One time payment is going to be up?

      It sounds perfect as I do and have done lots of webinars, but there are a lot of drawbacks to doing them live as has been explained.

      Setting everything up is so time consuming and then there can be many things that go wrong. Also integrating everything and having it all run smoothly is also an issue. This product seems to address alot of the downsides of live webinars, although I enjoy them, profitability is important obvouisly and having a system like this lends to beleve that profits would ONLY go up..

      Does anyone know if facebook and social aspects will be integrated into this? I had looked at facebook webinars FB Webinars - - and it has some fabulous aspects for virally distributing videos, it would be great if this system had something simular. I know they have what appears to be the tell a friend script, but would like to see some integration with facebook somehow...any feedback on this?


      DR NET
  • From the outside looking in... this product is one of the first in a long while that I can honestly say has 'peeked' my interest, and could redeem my ability to explore some future offers. (I was starting to think they were all DUDS!)

    While, the 'silent misconception' method that it is presenting a 'live event feel', I sincerely think that can be easily over-looked by comparison to the recent product launches we've all seen being promoted lately.

    One way or another...I will be obtaining this amazing tool, and the sales page video actually educated me to some great marketing strategies I had yet to explore.

    I too think Mike just redeemed himself for some of the recent JV promo's to my mailbox...glad I opened this one, seems pretty tight!
  • The only way to be successful and attaining that six figure income is by creating your own product and doing webninars. I get invited to ten webinars a week and most of these guys rake in six figures a month from doing one webinar. If you have the right product at the right price and around 1000 attendees, you are going to hit the jackpot. Remember you'll get a large percentage of those people buying the software/product, then with the opt in list, you send out further offers all within that weeek/month. I can see the power in this.
  • Is there a maximum amount of people that can attend a webinar? (either self-hosted or hosted on your servers?)
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  • Okay honest review.. :0)

    >>>>It's simply a version 2 to "automated webinar generator," which is an amazing product, most guru's like Frank Kern used it and still does to market.

    1. I know - I just paid $297 for version 1.. and my webinars always seemed to "stick"..

    2. So I paid $497 for this Evergreen version 2 .. three months later.. and I will say this:


    >>>The bonuses for this product are worth the $497 alone.. and then, if you buy through other super affiliate links - you get way more value for that price.. that's worth it to me..

    >>>>All the bugs and the kinks are being upgraded twice a day.. they sold over 1,000 of these in one day.. and the system wasn't even working.. I can't imagine how many complaints they had on the first three days alone.. Having said that - they have fixed the majority of them..

    >>>>The thank you videos that come with it are highly professional..

    >>>>THE SMS takes your game to the next level..

    >>>>The tell-a-friend script that unlocks your bonus when someone refers a friend is REALLY cool!

    >>>> My webinars don't STICK! :0)

    >>>>And they just upgraded the templates.. they started with THE 'ugliest" templates.. now just added the premium vibrant templates that are AMAZING!

    >>>> AND I did finally get the webinar to work correctly..

    There are TWO more bugs.. and once those bugs are fixed.. then this will be a SOLID product! The TROPO SMS text message is a cool very cool feature.. (hopefully, they get that to work)

    So I have three complaints:

    1. The Tropo SMS text messaging has not worked for me.
    2. The countdown timer has not worked for me when I add the "video" to the thank you page.
    3. The support is sort of impatient and somewhat unprofessional. I'm surprised when the owner/creator asks me for my login information that they can't check a customer's webinar settings from their own admin panel. AND then sends me a nasty email AFTER I answered his email three times..

    So my advice is BUY NOW! :

    Buy through a super affiliate link who is giving away a bonus that you want.

    AND start using it for everything.. it's unlimited.

    1. You can host it on their servers..
    2. You can host it on your servers with very little tech experience because they have well-done training videos that make it a simple click click click.. very easy.

    I have no idea why Mike or Hector didn't charge a monthly fee.. Think about it?

    FREE plus $40 per month OR

    Let's look at the math:

    $40 per month = the original 1,000 buyers = $40,000 per month

    AND they probably would have gotten more than 1,000 buyers.. might be 2,000.. that's $80,000 per month..

    $497 = the original 1,000 buyers = $497,000 one time.

    So what you have is a huge split with affiliates, hector and mike..

    That means money will run out.. and support will run out.. (unless there is a backend that I don't know about)

    YES I know that the owner/creator has responded many times to this particular post in warrior forum.. It shouldn't take 2 to 3 days to get a webinar going.. like he said - 20 minutes tops. Is there only one support person - the "creator" of this product?

    I dunno.. just some food for thought.. some rant.. some rave..


    P.S. This product can be used for 100 different marketing techniques.. don't just use it for a "scheduled recording".. think outside the box.. coaching clients.. automated coaching.. drip systems..affiliate products.. membership sites.. customer support.. the list goes on and on..
    • [4] replies
    • By the way - I had this exact system built last year for $2500.. and I'm getting up to $5 EPC's using this system.. I'm hoping that the new system will increase my EPC's.. and give me more flexibility when I need to make a change/upgrade.

    • Hey Kit,

      This is Hector.

      1) Tropo: I have my coder on your account right now to make sure it's properly integrated, I need some more time.

      2) The counter does play. I sent you a screenshot of it.

      3) I was just trying to help Kit, and I still do. Like I say, I have my coder on your account as I type these lines. Sorry if I sounded harsh, I just wanted the implementation to be done ASAP for you.

      Anyway, toss me an email and I will show you how to see the counter step by step.
      • [ 1 ] Thanks
    • Nop, there are more people working here and answering support. I've been answering your emails today within minutes Launch was a frenzy (like all launches) but now we're catching up.
    • The reason as of why we don't want to charge a monthly fee is because we wanted to set ourselves apart from the competition. They're all charging monthly fees, plus a high entrance fee. Some others even ask for a set-up fee. We wanted non of that. Mike Filsaime and myself wanted this to become the industry standard for automated webinars, you know, like Aweber is to autoresponders or Wordpress is to blogging.

      And dont worry, we have PLENTY new ideas we're implementing to expand the product and to integrate it with other platforms...
      • [1] reply
  • Hi all

    I have to say I am putting myself 100% behind this software.

    I hear the concerns of people re the updates, it being a once off payment, however look at Hectors post - they say they will be adding more items, they want to be the best

    Let's do a reality check for a second

    Let's say the become the best in the industry, like i reckon they will, they could easily pull in 100 customers a month (let's be cautious here) that's what, 49,700 dollars per month.

    Now total cost of the system. Remember you host your own videos, you provide a link for the software, they host the backend etc. So from a server point of view there are not that much cost involved. Let's say they pay out affiliates to the tune of 29k, then costs of 10 k, that's still 10k a month they will get.

    I'm doing rough figures here, very rough, I can see them keeping this going for a long time, perhaps I will be proven wrong but i don't think so.

    Now to support

    I've not needed it, ok well once when I had to I pm'd hector and he got back to me in minutes.

    For me this service is a legend

    I advise to jump on right now
    • [1] reply
    • Huh? But I thought Evergreen was hosting our videos and we host the backend?


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  • i don't know we can go all around the block with this and never convince people

    look i've been there, i bought bfm, i still use it, yes the script had bugs, yes there were problems. Where they sorted yes, perhaps a bit slow

    so far as i said i've no need to talk to hector or support

    i do suggest you watch the video on the sales page, probably the first one i have watched in full twice, in quite some time

    the package does what it says and does it well!

  • Thanks. I'll get through them. It never helps to skim through tutorial videos. But I guess this is proof that you can get it to "work" without having to study for hours.
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    • Is anyone willing to point me to one of your webinar signup pages so I can see the script in action? PM me.
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  • Is the Lifetime support and all the bonuses STILL available today? (The WP theme and the other bonuses), or is that gone from the launch?
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    • Yes, all the above is STILL on the salespage. Look at the very top and the very bottom. Everything is listed.
      • [ 1 ] Thanks
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    • I have a question that is not directly related to the product but is generally about webinars.

      I have a software product (not IM related) and was planning to create videos showcasing the product. What is the difference between putting these videos up on YouTube and let users watch them at their convenience vs making them watch it via a webinar?

      Speaking for myself, when I am looking into a product and can watch videos of it while I am looking into it is much more useful than having to register for a webinar and wait for that event to find out more about the product. Since this is recorded, an on-demand video would fulfill the purpose as well as a webinar, even better as the user does not have to wait.

      Also, does EBS allow holding live events like gotowebinar, webex, etc. or is it strictly for pre-recorded webinars only?
      • [1] reply

    The new fix yesterday solved alot of issues that were happening.. like I said before, they are upgrading twice a day until all the kinks are worked out.

    Here's a sample of what I did with the Evergreen System:

    Residual Rush - Live Webinar This Week Reveals a Simple Way to Tap into a $40 Trillion Dollar Market

    If you visit the main page, you will see that my original from a year ago looks similar but I paid $2500 to get mine done custom. So I will now save $2500 by using a ready to go system that will create that same page .. on unlimited domains.

    - The bonuses are worth the $497 asking price, but if I were you - I'd go through a Super Affiliate's Link to get double the bonuses.. just saying.

    I have never seen programmers work this hard to get the kinks out.. they have to if they want to be the leaders..

    IF you have designed some "templates" for this, let me know because there are some elements that can be changed around to get higher conversions.. You should almost "widgetize" the areas to give people more flexibility when adding pictures, graphics, text... but PM me if you are a designer and can rock this.
    • [3] replies
    • Isn't saying "join us for the live webinar" a bit misleading?

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    • Hi,

      I liked the way your video is done. What tool did you use to create that video?
    • To those that purchased this.....

      what was the OTO or backend offer?
  • UPDATE: I decided to invest in the system and I am MORE than happy with the behind the scenes packages. The entire system is well setup, easy to implement, and the tutorial training videos are top-notch.

    I've never been a big fan of the "guru" products, but this is more of must-have tool than it is "re-hashed $97 ebook turned $2,000 biz-in-a-box course."

    I just put up a behind the scenes review of the system on blog for my list to checkout, I just hope they do it before the doors close.

    In terms of the one previous comment about the doors closing, I think it makes sense (given the influx of over 2,000 members in less than a week) that they temporarily close the doors--collect user feedback--and improve the system even further.

    I'm sure when they re-open it'll be on an on-going basis. But I can see how they may charge for certain things that are included now as a recurring income...it's what I'd do to.

  • I'm in. Couldn't resist anymore. Will get back to the thread and let you know once I have time to play with it.

    I guess I am not sleeping tonight!

  • Awesome Greg! AND YES - it is misleading.. I will change that after the "TROPO" issue is working then I'll be at 100%..
  • Any chance you'll consider running another wso for this in say.... A month or two..or more down the road? Looks like an awesome product and my head is swimming with ideas if how to use but first... Must get some profits rolling in.

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    • Not for the time being. This is a premium software, so at this moment we are not offering any WSO.
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    • I bought like an hour ago but haven't received any information as to how to login or access the system. Is this done manually?
      Also, does anyone know if the registration pages will work with Facebook Ads?
      • [1] reply
  • Hey all.

    Touching base again.

    I bought yesterday.

    So far...WOW!

    The over delivering is definitely there! There are videos for DAYS! Plus bonuses!

    I have not put the system to use other than uploading a theme and playing with it while I watch the videos.

    Hector goes ABOVE and BEYOND with the videos to make sure the concept is there.

    The training that is provided is a course in itself! Being a product developer and marketer myself I can see HUGE nuggets of information that is going to help me get better conversions, and affiliates!

    I already KNOW I will make my money back and then some!!!!

    So far, I am satisfied. I will come back in a few more days.

    • [1] reply
    • In fact Greg, the Sales Funnel Revolution training program was in itself a $497 program, but I decided to throw it in as an "surprise" bonus. I'm happy you like it. Those techniques have made me A LOT of money, so make sure to apply them into your own business.
    • [1] reply
    • Well, please mind that our guys at support desk are not coders, so you require tech assistance it's kind of normal that they forward you to our programmer. But rest assure that one way or another you'll get help
  • So yeah, I took the leap and pulled the trigger. I got in before Midnight last night and opted for the $1 package. I absolutely like what I see so far and I'm going through the video's and will be implementing my first webinar by Monday.
    And I know I'm stating the obvious to many of you but from my own experience, any software/course/wso is absolutely useless until you use it and take action.
    I see lots of uses for this as a real estate investor and of course within my IM business.
    I'll post things here about my experience the system as I go on.
  • My Testing so far

    35% signup to squeeze page
    7.1% attended webinar
    10% plus who saw free offer during webinar took it up

    not bad in my books
    • [2] replies
    • Not bad at all. Thanks for sharing results. I'll do the same once I get going.
      • [1] reply
    • No, those numbers are not bad.

      If you don't mind, did you watch all of Hector's videos?

      What funnel did you set-up?

      I mean is your landing page a squeeze page, right?
      Then do you go straight to the webinar registration page immediately or in the next day email?

      I am curious if you follow the suggestion of leading with 5 emails over 5 days, announce a product launch, introduce the webinar, THEN bring them to the sales page.

      I am looking to plan my strategy for 3 products currently, so I am hoping to dig a bit deeper from your stats.

      Thank you.

      • [1] reply
  • @ERPConsultants

    Go with Rich Schefren's bonus. uQast not really ready for prime time yet, IMHO.

    (and Yes, I have purchased uQast, though have not had the time to set up my stores)
  • Making my way through Hector's video's and finding them well put together.
    The funnel process is not new to me, however, I'm going to watch each video, each instruction to hopefully help me achieve maximum results from my webinars. I have 1 of my own products and 2 other affiliate products I'll be implementing this on.
  • Kit, was curious to see your EBS implementation so I signed up but there was a problem with the page. I'm PMing you the details.
    • [1] reply
  • Hey Hector (and anyone else who may know)

    Are there any case studies or stories of Automated Webinars being used with Clickbank products?

    I.e. a product in the clickbank marketplace with a webinar registration page for sign-up?

    Not sure if this would be per CB terms of service...but I'm curious if any affiliate marketers have promoted such a product if so!

    • [1] reply
    • Hey Dexx, I dont see why it'd be any different whether the webinar promotes a clickbank product, or any other product. I mean, it doesnt matter whether you sell your product through clickbank, paypal, or any other platform.
  • Purchased last night. Excited to get started, but didn't get any emails with login information. I am sure it is coming, but used to something coming immediately when signing up.

    Anyone else seeing this or just me?
    • [2] replies
    • About ready to jump on this. One of the bonuses is "free access" to the Webinar Summit in Salt Lake City on the 23rd - 24th.

      Does that mean we get tickets to the event and can go in person? Or is it online access to the event via webcam...streaming, etc.

      The former would make it a no-brainer for me since I'm relatively close...but the copy is a little ambiguous as "free access" can mean anything.

      Anybody know? I also left a ticket and left a message w/ support...but decided to ask here due to the time sensitivity...as the offer ends this evening.

    • I purchased it and got redirect to a 'page not found' page. I've not received any login details whatsoever. I was really excited but this has killed the mood
      • [2] replies

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