Maps Magic by Charles Kirkland and Michael X?

2 replies
Has anyone heard of or bought Maps Magic by Charles Kirkland and Michael X?
Is it any good? It's $497 which I honestly can't afford but if it can show me how to earn $500+ within the next week or two like it promises then I would buy it.

They had a webinar and there is a replay of it online but I made a post yesterday asking for reviews and I included the link to it and now that post is deleted. I am assuming it is because I included the link to the webinar.

The webinar was really convincing except that all the rankings and websites they were showing, when I searched for them they didn't come up. Only one of their sites came up. This concerns me, it makes me think their methods are outdated or something. Even when I changed my location to the one they had in the webinar, their websites wouldn't come up.
#charles #kirkland #magic #maps #michael
  • Profile picture of the author M1chael
    The problem with showing proof on sites like these are that people flag them and report them to Google once you start showing them.

    We have been using them since April, so they have definitely had time to remove them...which is unfortunate. That is why we have only showed a few examples.

    Discover total local search optimization and mobile search domination in a step by step course!

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  • Profile picture of the author Daniel LaRusso
    Sometimes clicking the back button on a sales page will prompt special offers.....

    I'm just saying...

    Wait just a minute - is this course the same one that's making the webinar scene now? Over a year after this initial post?

    It is unwise to trust all you read on the internet.
    - Benjamin Franklin

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