Concerns about Digital Access Pass member software
Potential DAP customers deserve to know what they are getting into before they get into it, because it is very expensive in time and money to switch later.
Hey Everyone,
Today I am beginning a thorough review of the Digital Access Pass software that I opted to use on my TAPsmarter website.
Should you purchase this software for your site? Well, it's alluring, isn't it? Promises of tremendous functionality and cost savings on other services, such as an email marketing service like Aweber and a payment processing service.
And I'll be honest with you. Given that some of the functionality really is wonderful, I wanted to be able to recommend this product to you. In fact, I thought maybe I would sell it as an affiliate.
But you see, I am quite committed to only recommending products and services that I can stand behind fully, and this one, unfortunately, does not make that list.
Having now gone through a months-long saga of endless problems with the DAP software, and having lost countless thousands of dollars whether through added tech support costs or wasted time, I think you the customer should know about just a few of the problems we encountered with this software.
1. Payment buttons would not work properly. I had hired a top tech team to help me create the original TAPsmarter website. Despite several paid support calls (meaning, costs for me above and beyond the purchase price of the product), DAP was unable to help us get the new version of DAP integrated with the website. Thus, we originally had to go with the prior version of DAP, it still required endless troubleshooting to get basic payment functionality working, and then I ended up paying another tech support person later to do the upgrade.
2. Affiliate software does not work properly. Affiliate leads that I brought in got mis-assigned after the fact to other customers, causing me to have to explain to my precious customers why they would not get paid commissions that they thought they had earned.
3. Recurring payments in PayPal did not work properly. Veena from DAP sent me on a wild goose chase, telling me it was a plug-in incompatibility, which it was not. I ended up paying a tech guy to sort this out and we had to persistently contact DAP for weeks or even months to get them to cooperate in fixing it. It did finally get fixed, though we probably lost sales from customers who did not get billed on the recurring schedule, and we absolutely lost a lot of time.
4. DAP refusal to take responsibility for errors in software. Instead of being helpful with all of this, DAP would point fingers at other people. Yet when a problem was ultimately isolated, it was a DAP problem.
5. Most recently, DAP malfunction with bulk upload of users to products. Again, wasting countless time that could have been used to help customers and clients. I followed the instructions to the tee, yet some users were uploaded and others were not. When I asked Ravi to help with some mis-assigned affiliates (DAP problem which they currently offer no solution for users to fix), he offered that if I pay for a half-hour support slot, he would fix this for me. Yet, when I asked him to fix that and fix the bulk-add of users and OFFERED TO PAY FOR A FULL SUPPORT SLOT despite the fact that these problems were caused by DAP, he refused, telling me that I am on my own fixing the problems.
This is just a partial list of the endless stream of problems we have had with DAP. Once you build your website around it, it will be very costly to transfer to another system, so I highly advise you to think twice and investigate much more deeply before you commit to this product. Customer service is provided, as far as I know, exclusively by Ravi and Veena. This means if they refuse to help you, or send you on wild goose chases, you are unfortunately in a bit of a bind.
This product has tremendous potential, and if Ravi and Veena commit to providing what they promise and taking responsibility for fixing things when their software malfunctions, you can bet I will be amending my review. For now, though, I absolutely cannot in good faith recommend this product.
Thanks for listening, I'm pretty peeved right now. Another day spent on DAP that could have been invested in building my business, and there have already been so many of these. Sigh.
- Erika
p.s. I am open to suggestions about how to deal with these issues now that my entire website is built around DAP. I really would like to go back to devoting my time to my clients and customers.
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