John Jonas from

141 replies
I have received multiple emails over the last few days about John Jonas and

You sign up for a free audio about outsourcing, which I have not yet had the time to listen to, and then he sends out an email about a second audio, which he charges $97 for and claims he will teach you how to find full-time assistants for less than $250/month. He even claims that he has gotten 2 for $100/month.

Does anyone know how good this is and if it will really teach you how to get assistants that cheap?

#john #jonas #replacemyselfcom
  • Profile picture of the author shorwood
    Ok, but does he teach you how to get really cheap, good quality, virtual assistants

    Need a sales letter? For the first time ever I'm taking on copywriting clients for a very low price.
    PM me if interested.

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  • Profile picture of the author rhab
    This is one I've seriously been considering myself. John sounds like a solid dude with the information he gives out. Plus I have reached the point now where I can move into outsourcing and in fact am heading in that direction.

    Anyone other warriors out there currently in his membership?
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    • Profile picture of the author cscarpero
      I didn't get his full membership, but the free thing is outstanding. Actually on the free call he lays out exactly where he finds the people for that cheap. The catch is if you pay that little you will need to train them which is where his site comes in.

      After listening to his call, I got the confidence to start using Odesk and I find talented people abroad at $4/hr and under all the time. It's really not that hard.

      I'm an online marketer and mortgage loan officer.

      Connect with me at

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      • Profile picture of the author DanHellman
        I watched John give a presentation at a Jeff Mills event in February. It radically changed how I am setting up my online business. The problem with internet marketing is finding the time to implement all the marketing techniques - especially if you have a full time job. I just think that spending $150 to $450 per month to have a college grad do all this for you is well worth it.

        To see what kind of talent is out there, just go to and do a resume search of those who have posted their resume in the last 30 days. Put in keywords such as "seo" and see what you will find. John gave a lot of great tips for what to do and what not to do when hiring overseas. From what I've seen he knows his stuff.

        Good luck

        Dan Hellman
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  • Profile picture of the author David Richardson
    Hey, I am a member of John Jonas group. He ins honest and give the nuts and blots of how to outsource to the phil. What have you got to lose he gives an intro price you br glad you did.

    David Richardson

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    • Profile picture of the author Robert_Rand
      John Jonas is the real deal.

      In fact, the free content is really so good that you really don't even need to buy the main product. (Although I have and would recommend it)

      Personally, I think his best free content is an interview he did with Adam Short. You can find it be going to google and searching:

      ""john jonas automated online business model" (I can't post links)

      (when you watch it... don't discount applying it to affiliate sites)

      And if you simply want to hire good people cheap... I'll tell you how to do that right now. - IMO that's the new generation of elance and hands down the best place to find people. And make sure you only hire people from the Phillipines. I just hired a guy for $1.67/hr and he's college educated and razor sharp. I think I'm gonna give him a raise
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[571415].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author DonDavis
        Originally Posted by Robert_Rand View Post

        I just hired a guy for $1.67/hr and he's college educated and razor sharp. I think I'm gonna give him a raise
        LMAO ! Thanks Robert, I got quite a chuckle out of that one.

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  • Profile picture of the author wilmontsam
    He actually sounds like the Handi-World MLMer, Karl Benson from the film Garden State LOL.
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  • Profile picture of the author wallush
    I'm seriously considering joining. You can always go to
    And find people that will work cheap. What is missing is the training that you have to do. I understand that they will give training videos that you can pass it on the person that you employ. I hope that John Jonas is the real deal.
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    • Profile picture of the author sarahstaar
      I have just joined and I must say the information provided is excellent. I am now thinking about employing two full-time people to do all my work for me.

      The website is very good and gives an excellent tutorials on how to hire people. However I don't think you need the $97 per month membership fee as you can get all the information you need in the first month.

      The one thing he does provide with the membership is free access to his myprojectplans system which is basically a project management system. This makes it very easy to train your employees and keep track of what they are doing.

      If anybody knows of a free online system or a very cheap alternative to my project plans could you please let me know.

      Once I have employed somebody I don't think I need to continue with the $97 per month membership fee to however I would like some sort of project management software if you guys know anything that I could use as an alternative it would be much appreciated.
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      • Profile picture of the author Amanda_Davis
        I have a subscription too.

        The ongoing membership provides training for your assistants - 1 topic per month. You could do this yourself if you prefer.
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        • Profile picture of the author Greg guitar
          Originally Posted by Amanda_Davis View Post

          I have a subscription too.

          The ongoing membership provides training for your assistants - 1 topic per month. You could do this yourself if you prefer.
          This site seems like dynamite, but I'm not too thrilled about the "1 topic per month" aspect. Does he archive past months so you can look through and find the thing/s you really need? If not, it seems like it might not help all that much, especially if you want to outsource a complex job, and might need to train the person in three different subjects, none of which are on that month's agenda. How do you deal with that?
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      • Profile picture of the author Anewbist
        Originally Posted by sarahstaar View Post

        I have just joined and I must say the information provided is excellent. I am now thinking about employing two full-time people to do all my work for me.

        The website is very good and gives an excellent tutorials on how to hire people. However I don't think you need the $97 per month membership fee as you can get all the information you need in the first month.

        The one thing he does provide with the membership is free access to his myprojectplans system which is basically a project management system. This makes it very easy to train your employees and keep track of what they are doing.

        If anybody knows of a free online system or a very cheap alternative to my project plans could you please let me know.

        Once I have employed somebody I don't think I need to continue with the $97 per month membership fee to however I would like some sort of project management software if you guys know anything that I could use as an alternative it would be much appreciated.
        you can use joomla and projectfolks at joomla praise for the project management
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  • Profile picture of the author magill
    I have a subscription, too. I gave up trying to hire someone -- it became too time consuming and, as soon as this product hit the market, the talent in the ph recognized quickly that they were in high demand and their asking salaries have increased.

    I use oDesk - have a project in the process right now and plan to hire a part-timer to do what I need to have done.

    That said, John has a high quality product and I consider it a wise investment for my business.

    Nancy Gomez
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    • Profile picture of the author mustard76

      I'm curious about your experience outsourcing to the ph. I'm in the process of hiring someone on How much did you want to pay? Why did it take you so long to find someone?

      On a side note, I've got a a subscription to and I'm happy with it. PM if you are thinking of buying a subscription and have questions (I promise I won't send you an affiliate link).
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      • Profile picture of the author Adbeat
        I've hired 7 people total from the Philippines. If you find good people it can work really well. I ended up letting 4 of those people go within 1 month of hiring them because they were not performing. I spent MANY hours reading resumes and interviewing on skype to find the 7 that I did hire... and then many more hours as I uncovered the ones that were not going to work out.
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        • Profile picture of the author Wonderbaum
          Originally Posted by ppclabs View Post

          I've hired 7 people total from the Philippines. If you find good people it can work really well. I ended up letting 4 of those people go within 1 month of hiring them because they were not performing. I spent MANY hours reading resumes and interviewing on skype to find the 7 that I did hire... and then many more hours as I uncovered the ones that were not going to work out.
          Did you give them a questionnaire to fill out or did you ask a series of specific questions? I'm planning on hiring people from as well and would like to hear any suggestions that you might have.

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          • Profile picture of the author Adbeat
            I did not give them a prepared list of questions or any kind of test - my guess is that would help. I interviewed by skype chat only usually for 45min to 1 hour. Just asked questions about all sorts of things related to each job. I've hired developers, writers, and site admins. The interview goes very differently for each.

            I've had the most difficulty with writers, actually the 7 that I mentioned hiring does not include 3 others that didn't make it past the 2nd day. Those were simply because they just didn't show up to work and do what was agreed upon.

            What sort of position are you trying to hire for?
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          • Profile picture of the author TPFLegionaire
            I am a member of replace myself as well as using odesk.

            The way I 've interviewed people on O desk was via a 3 stage process...

            I explained that there would a 2 stage interiews for a total of 2 positions

            My add for a data entry clerk drew 184 applicants...I sent about 20 invites for interview...based on , bid price, cover letter (did they read and relate to my job description) and contrator profile.

            12 responded , they were asked to perform a very small task (unpaid) more than an hours work , to test their abilities and willingness....and ability to meet dead lines.

            Of these , 5 completed it successfully...

            They were then given a 2 weeks paid assignment to see how they performed and communicated with me...they were competing for 2 positions...

            After 2 weeks...1 had to drop for personal reasons...1 was hired by me before the end of the trial because of outstanding performance, I then chose 1 more out of the 3 left.

            I paid all the loosing trialist for the maximum of hours possible for the trial even if they didn't do them all and gave them a great rating and reference , which they reciprocated

            The 2 chosen persons, got given a pay rise and have been working diligently (well...somebody got to put all these backlink up...thx angela! )

            I am also a member of replace myself...where I have learned a lot...but may discontinue mmbership has I seem to have gotten a handle on managing outsourced personnel (I reaaaaaly like the odesk system)

            I think people should try both the replace myself tools and knowledge base as well as the odesk system for recruiting and manging contractors.

            If anyone has any questions about this , feel free to PM or email.

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  • Hello Forum Members:

    Any payment tips from anyone who has hired people from In part 1 of the audio, John seems to allude to the fact that PayPal and other standard forms are not an option there. There are some strong programming candidates on, but all I've done is trawl there while considering monthly payment systems.


    Thanks in advance,
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[777601].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Adbeat
      I have 3 people working for me now from the Philippines and they all accept Paypal. Your other options are or
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      • Thanks ppclabs! Very helpful response and just what I needed to get started right away.
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    • Profile picture of the author localsearch1031
      Originally Posted by mobilebusinessowner View Post

      Hello Forum Members:

      Any payment tips from anyone who has hired people from In part 1 of the audio, John seems to allude to the fact that PayPal and other standard forms are not an option there. There are some strong programming candidates on, but all I've done is trawl there while considering monthly payment systems.


      Thanks in advance,

      I was a member of for about two months. Solid material IMHO if you don`t want to take the time to train your staff yourself , I suggest you sign up and learn how. I have 3 people working for me from the Philippines, and yes $100/mo is not impossible however the skills and english level will vary dramatically.

      I`ve been using for a year now with no problems.

      The Philippines is the new India.
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      • Profile picture of the author fypnlp
        Thought I would bump this thread.

        I'm a really interested in this service.

        I know you have to pay $97 to basically find out that the site he uses is

        So my quesiton is this...

        Would fee stay at $97 or would i have to pay more after the 1st month. If so how much would that be?

        If I wanted to leave after the 1st month would that be possible or would i be tied in for a specified time limit?

        What kind of information does he provide once you are a memember of

        speak soon
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1036423].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author mustard76
          Originally Posted by fypnlp View Post

          If I wanted to leave after the 1st month would that be possible or would i be tied in for a specified time limit?
          I left after one month. I thought the info was worth my one month membership. But it wasn't worth staying for more than one month.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1036677].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author mattsrinc
            Originally Posted by mustard76 View Post

            I left after one month. I thought the info was worth my one month membership. But it wasn't worth staying for more than one month.
            Hi, I'm writing an outsourcing report and like to include information about having tasks done beside usual outsourcing sites.

            John Jonas reveals some parts of his product I haven't heard/seen before on invited video at QuickVideoMarketing site's blog (I cannot post links yet, it should be easy to find, type a domain dot com slash blog, follow Fast Track to Success link). While I found some language offensive to people from Philippines I congratulate every Internet marketer who is successful and has found a way to enrich his life and spends more time with his family.

            I am asking about relations of Philippine workers with people who are not from USA. Jonas emphasizes this trust to USA citizens and I wonder if anyone other non-US marketer has good experience with smart people from Philippines.

            I hope I'm not rude to anyone, it's just a social and human nature question. Writing for international audience cannot include only data by people from US.

            BTW if the site info where (hipotheticaly) I hire people would be leaked I would stop emphasizing non disclosure of it.
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  • Profile picture of the author TelegramSam
    I'm going to look into this asap. I will let you know how I get on.

    Thanks for the data.
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    • Profile picture of the author mustard76
      I send a payment to my VA in the ph twice a month using
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Francis
    Bestjobs banned my account as i requested work at home job although they have thousands of others work at home jobs listed. Good talent there but staff are worthless. So word of the wise don't get on elena bad side... as she is a not so legit... She will ban you for something then allow the other 99 percent of ads to be allowed....

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  • Profile picture of the author Emmanuel Betinis
    I can't even register there because they say they do not allow registrations from my location.

    Does no longer accept US employer registrations?!
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    • Profile picture of the author mustard76
      Originally Posted by anapest View Post

      I can't even register there because they say they do not allow registrations from my location.

      Does no longer accept US employer registrations?!
      John Jonas sent a couple of lengthy emails to members about the situation.

      Summary: was flooded with job postings from overseas. They no longer allow sign-ups from outside the Philippines. They are blocking sign-ups by IP. members still have access though though the membership site. John Jonas is working on building a site to compete with

      PM me your email address for more info.
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  • Profile picture of the author cscarpero
    This problem is not that hard to solve...

    You could hire someone on Odesk in the Philippines to post on Best Job

    Or you could hire someone on Odesk and try to bring them over direct

    Or could could just use Odesk and keep them on Odesk.

    I'm an online marketer and mortgage loan officer.

    Connect with me at

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  • Profile picture of the author DonDavis
    Any outsourcing I have done by people I know locally, usually stay at home moms that are looking for some extra income. Of course I must pay a higher rate, but these are people I trust completely and there are no communication problems whatsoever.

    My question to those of you that are using outsourcing from these other countries at the reduced rates, is how much time are you spending verifying that the work has been completed according to your requirements, or even completed at all?

    Call me paranoid, but these folks are working from somewhat third world locations and doing so for peanuts. Maybe I just need to let down my guard and try it, but I am very skeptical about the quality of work I would receive.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[831325].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author mustard76
      Originally Posted by DonDavis View Post

      how much time are you spending verifying that the work has been completed according to your requirements, or even completed at all?
      I'm encouraged by my recent experiment with outsourcing to the ph. I've been doing it for 4 weeks now. All of the tasks I gave my VA are trackable so I don't have any problem verifying that she is working. For example, she BCCs me on every email she sends for me so I get a copy. Also, she builds spreadsheets for me using Google Docs. I get an email notification every time she makes a change.

      I have a VA in the U.S. who costs me $15/hr and a VA in the ph who costs me $2/hr. I expected the U.S. VA to be more productive, but they actually complete the tasks in the same amount of time. The U.S. VA produces a slightly higher quality result though because her English is a little better.

      The real difference is the amount of time I have to spend communicating with each VA. I spend about 4 hours a month communicating with my VA in the U.S. I spend about 12 hours per month communicating with my VA in the ph. Also, there are certain tasks I have to give to my U.S. VA because they require cultural familiarity.

      The Bottom Line: I plan to hire more people in the ph because this cost savings vastly outweighs the communication penalty for my business. And expect the communication penalty to decrease as she learns my system and I develop training materials for the new VAs.

      If you hire someone full-time overseas, remember that you are making a long-term commitment to figuring out how to make that person productive and it will be a learning process for you too.

      PM me if you want specifics.
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      • Profile picture of the author Joe2
        On the first contact with VAs do you send them a questionnaire re their experience and qualifications?

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      • Profile picture of the author Leads4Builders
        What is considered full-time in the ph? Do they work a 40 hour week like we do? Just trying to figure out how much work we would have to give a VA in ph
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        • Profile picture of the author Amanda_Davis
          Originally Posted by Leads4Builders View Post

          What is considered full-time in the ph? Do they work a 40 hour week like we do? Just trying to figure out how much work we would have to give a VA in ph
          Yes, they expect to work 40hrs per week.
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          • Profile picture of the author Leads4Builders
            How much training do they need to do good SEO? I've noticed on ODesk there seem to be a lot of good people with what seems to be a lot of good experience. Are they knowledgeable on their own, or will they need to be taught SEO?
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            • Profile picture of the author cscarpero
              Originally Posted by Leads4Builders View Post

              How much training do they need to do good SEO? I've noticed on ODesk there seem to be a lot of good people with what seems to be a lot of good experience. Are they knowledgeable on their own, or will they need to be taught SEO?
              Its no different than hiring an American. Some know it and some don't. Obviously, if they don't know as much then you pay less. You should ask those questions in the interviewing process to see what they do know. That's the reason for John's system. It's a way to train people.

              I'm an online marketer and mortgage loan officer.

              Connect with me at

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              • Profile picture of the author AlexCurtis
                I have been looking at John's replacemyself system for some time. Anyone have a good review of this system?

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                • Profile picture of the author Amanda_Davis
                  It's not a system - it's just advice about where to find people to hire.
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                  • Profile picture of the author Darrel Hawes
                    Originally Posted by Amanda_Davis View Post

                    It's not a system - it's just advice about where to find people to hire.
                    Not exactly.

                    This is what you'll find once you opt in:

                    (pay attention to the third bullet... I believe this is the core of what John is offering)

                    With your Membership, you get 3 things:

                    • The second half of the audio, PLUS numerous other audio/video trainings to help you get started hiring someone as fast as possible.
                    • Access to our "Pre-Screened" employees, so you don't have to spend time looking for someone to hire. I've done the leg-work for you.
                    • My training for your VA's. You will send the employees you hire to my site and I have all the education to train them to be your replacement. My training will turn your $300/month employee into a $5,000/month value for you. MOST OF THE CONTENT INSIDE IS NOT FOR YOU! Most of it is to train the employees you hire on how to do your work for you!

                    The goal with your ReplaceMyself membership is to Replace Yourself!!! I will show you how to hire and train competent, self directed VA's and employees that will literally replace you in your business.

                    Darrel Hawes - Blog
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                    • Profile picture of the author Amanda_Davis
                      yes, sorry, that is the core of what he's offering.

                      the training is poor, though. The info you get when you join is great... not worth sticking around though.

                      and it's definitely not a system.
                      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[951627].message }}
                      • Profile picture of the author mustard76
                        Originally Posted by Amanda_Davis View Post

                        the training is poor, though. The info you get when you join is great... not worth sticking around though.
                        I agree. I joined for one month and I'm very happy I did. I learned a lot but it wasn't worth sticking around longer. My VAs don't need the monthly training they offer.

                        My advice: join replacemyself for one month, develop your own system and create your own training materials.
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                        • Profile picture of the author johnjonas
                          A few things:

                          1. thanks for the kind words

                          2. Yes, I will really teach you how to find people for $250/month (maybe even less)

                          3. About the trainings being "poor". The trainings aren't intended to teach YOU how to be an expert at that topic. They're intended to get your Filipino implementing the technique. They're the trainings I've given to my guys. They work. They get things done. They make money.

                          I know my trainings aren't for everyone, that's fine. But, if you're going to be creating your own trainings instead of paying for mine, just be sure you do a time spent/actual cost/headache factor analysis of creating your own trainings.
                          If you can create your own trainings cost effectively, great. If not, you have another option at

                          4. Just go out and hire someone. It will change your life.

                          Creator of
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  • Profile picture of the author Raygun
    Hey John,

    I am new here and I am going to give your site a shot. I am acutally a member of the Internet Business Mastery. I look forward to checking out what you have on there.

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    • Profile picture of the author JoyPackard
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      • Profile picture of the author mustard76
        Originally Posted by JoyPackard View Post


        I have joined John Jonas site and it's the best thing that I could have done for my business. I am still trying to find the perfect employee but have hired one for $130 and it's working out really well. The info in there is amazing and John Jonas is honest, responds to your emails quickly and tells you like it is. I bought his lifetime system and it's truly amazing. I went to a $4000 seminar and his portion was probably the best thing I could have learned. I learned that you can have others do the million things that needs to be done to make online marketing work.

        John Jonas is awesome and his content is amazing. I recommend it all the way!
        Your review sounds too positive to be believable. Please tell us more detail about how you found your employee and what difficulties you had to overcome. What type of work is your employee doing?
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    • Profile picture of the author FL_Victim
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    • Profile picture of the author MexHilary
      I just hired an article writer through Craigslist.Manila. Received 30 responses so spent time going through resumes. Hired a young woman those sample articles looked good. However I found three problems. First I had to do more editing than I expected, having scrutinized her sample articles. Secondly she didn't hava PayPal account and when I checked out Xoom I discovered you have to have an account in a USA bank. I'm Canadian living in Mexico. Paying her by Western Union was a nuisance and more expensive. Thirdly, she pleaded to be paid ahead of each batch of articles because of needing money for medication for her mother and to pay her internet connection. I'm running a business and found that several emails a day asking me to send money were wearing. So when she finished the number of articles required to fulfill the contract, I discontinued her services.
      John Jonas has an upgrade to his program where his staff screen prospects for you. Also I noted he said on his webinar that outsourcing is best done on a fulltime employment basis - not a task basis, which is what I did. Another learning experience!

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  • Profile picture of the author jeffsolochek
    The Best way to hire somebody in a country like the Philipines is to use an escrow service. Never pay until you know that the work has been done according to your requirements.

    Another way would be to use Echeck through a service like Paypal that way the worker sees that you have made a payment but the actual payment will take several days.

    With one of my workers I just make a proposal as to how much the project will pay then I will make smaller payments as the worker works, usually a small payment every few days to a week.

    I am only using to hire people as of now. Reason being is because the base office is in Switzerland and I have a brother that lives over there. If I can't get assistance from the getafreelancer site I will have my brother go over there in person.

    Jeff Solochek

    I also build blogs for companies and individuals

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    • Profile picture of the author maveric
      Originally Posted by jeffsolochek View Post

      The Best way to hire somebody in a country like the Philipines is to use an escrow service. Never pay until you know that the work has been done according to your requirements.

      Another way would be to use Echeck through a service like Paypal that way the worker sees that you have made a payment but the actual payment will take several days.

      With one of my workers I just make a proposal as to how much the project will pay then I will make smaller payments as the worker works, usually a small payment every few days to a week.

      I am only using to hire people as of now. Reason being is because the base office is in Switzerland and I have a brother that lives over there. If I can't get assistance from the getafreelancer site I will have my brother go over there in person.
      Hi Jeff,

      What you're talking about here IS outsourcing, but it is NOT automation. This is what John Jonas stresses and teaches so well- that is, if you're hiring a freelancer you're still doing WORK (yes, that IS work). John teaches you to AUTOMATE your processes by hiring FULL TIME outsorcers that already know what you want, and get the job done with little or (preferably) NO work on your part, after your initial investment of time. It's all about AUTOMATION.

      I highly recommend checking out his blog at jonasblog dot com for more info. You can also find some great audio by searching his name with Jim Cockrum and Jack Humphrey. Hope this helps!

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      • Profile picture of the author csm
        I was looking at the page on with prefound freelancers who are screened and ready for hire. Has anyone hired someone via John's service?

        It states on that page to send a finder's fee of $350 in order to hire someone. Is that fee only payable by people who are not already a member of, i.e. can members hire the prescreened people without paying the finder's fee?

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          • Profile picture of the author Greg guitar
            Originally Posted by Amanda_Davis View Post

            No, the finders fee is payable by everyone.
            Amanda, do you have any information about what the screening process consists of? Do you know if the prescreened people would be way better than what you could do on your own, just a little better, or could you do just as well by having a good interview/tryout process of your own?

            I've heard some of John's advice on how to hire, so I wonder if the $350 is just a luxury for those who don't want to go to the trouble of interviewing and auditioning?

            Any insight you have on this would be appreciated.

            Also, does anyone know if it's possible to find decent telephone salespeople from there? It would be great to replace myself for cold calling!
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  • Profile picture of the author silverbax
    I hire people for $2-$4 an hour, sometimes even in the US, all the time through oDesk. Not sure why I would pay someone to tell me how to do that. It's cake.
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    • Profile picture of the author johnjonas
      Just a quick update for everyone.

      The site I hire people is

      About 5 months ago the owners of decided to close down new registrations. For now, the only way I know of to get access to the contact information there is through All members get access to both and to, which is the recruiting site I own.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1169883].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Charles Harper
        Originally Posted by johnjonas View Post

        Just a quick update for everyone.

        The site I hire people is

        About 5 months ago the owners of decided to close down new registrations. For now, the only way I know of to get access to the contact information there is through All members get access to both and to, which is the recruiting site I own.
        Hi John:

        When you were out in San Diego in late August (great presentation by the way), it was not certain as to whether or not we would get access to both sites. So as of now, you are saying that both and your site are both part of the $97 fee? Or do those who are part of your site have to pay extra for your site as well as the $97/mo replace yourself fee.

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  • Profile picture of the author krishnaGopal
    he's stuff is really good and he tells it how it is!
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  • Profile picture of the author Wonderbaum
    I know this might be a little off topic but I hope it is okay.

    I've been hiring people from the Philippines for about 6 months and I have had to go through several of them and haven't found a writer yet that is able to write article in proper English.

    I know that trying out 5 different people isn't much but I can't help but get the feeling that "good English" in the Philippines is like "good English" in India. It might work and you might be able to make yourself understood but it is definitely not for US/UK articles to be posted on serious websites.

    Has anyone else had this experience and/or does anyone have any tips on how to test these writers before wasting too much of your time?

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    • Profile picture of the author Chris Thompson
      g, Guys - this thread was started a while ago and I' replying here because I'm just listening to John's free recording right now.

      It's awesome.

      I woke up at my hotel in San Diego and I'm 3 hours behind my time zone so I woke up at 5am and just figured I'd do some work.

      John followed me on Twitter and I automatically followed him back as per the setup I have on Twitter. I bet his assistant in the Philippines followed me on his behalf, probably with the instruction of following people who might benefit from his system. A direct hit!

      Anyway, I lke the message he gives. Simple video squeeze page, AWESOME audio content for free with the opt-in and it has me seriously thinking that I'd be an idiot not to try out his $97 monthly program. Heck, if I can hire someone for a full month at $250-300 then this fee is small potatoes.

      Check it out ... I already pay for outsourcing with:

      1) Angela's and PJ's backlinking. $150 monthly for probably 10 hours of work.

      2) Elance spending ... perhaps 150 per month. total.

      These things probably get me 20 - 30 hours of actual work per month by different people, and is a management issue for me. It would be better to have a full timer doing all of this, and learning.

      So I'm already paying what it would cost to hire someone full time in PH. I'm just going to do it and see how it goes.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1254577].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author mustard76
    [edit] I removed the link because John Jonas accused me of being an affiliate. I'm not.

    I highly recommend checking out My Out Source Method (Google it).

    They take a more complete approach to teaching people about outsourcing than John Jonas. Their webinar last night was fantastic. The recorded webinar is available here: Outsourcing Secrets Video | Affilorama

    I'm not an affiliate. I just really liked their webinar.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1254620].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Jonas J
      Originally Posted by mustard76 View Post

      I'm not an affiliate. I just really liked their webinar.
      Then why link to a cloaked domain?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1256236].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author mustard76
        Originally Posted by Jonas J View Post

        Then why link to a cloaked domain?
        Why do you say it's a cloaked domain? I just posted the URL they gave in the webinar. Maybe I just don't understand what a cloaked domain is.

        I removed the link from my first post to make you happy, even though it wasn't my affiliate link.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1256260].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Ryce
    Is focused on the Philippines market only?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1264932].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author mustard76 recommends outsourcing to VAs in the Philippines. I agree with this recommendation because I've had good luck with Filipino VAs.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1265635].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Ryce
    Hi Mustard,

    I watched the outsourcemethod web seminar also a few months ago.

    It seems that they have a 10 day for $1 offer going on. (not affiliate either) and would like to know how they compare to Jonas John product.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1265837].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author mustard76
      Originally Posted by Ryce View Post

      Hi Mustard,
      I watched the outsourcemethod web seminar also a few months ago.

      It seems that they have a 10 day for $1 offer going on. (not affiliate either) and would like to know how they compare to Jonas John product.
      I'd like to know too. I haven't been inside MyOutsourceMethod. But, you can find out what's inside for a buck. Write a review here if you do.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1265853].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author spartanic
        In case anyone is wondering I just posted a review of Replacemyself at my blog site here:

        [sorry spartanic your review is with affiliate links. please post your review here]

        I've been using their service for about 6 months now and so far everything has been going great.

        Definitely read my review first and see if its for you.


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  • Profile picture of the author Amanda_Davis
    Yes, the previous months are available too.

    You can also purchase extra months for $97/month up front, so you don't have to wait.

    In my view, there's better training available elsewhere, though.
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  • Profile picture of the author Chris Thompson
    So is John drip-feeding content to us, i.e, if I was to sign up today and you were to sign up in 6 months, and then one day we both log on at the same time, would I have 6 months more "content" than you available to me?

    If so, I am not sure I like the model, but I can see how he likes it as it is a nicely automated income generator.

    Still ... the big picture here is that at $300 per month or so, for an outsourcer (or maybe 2), it's NOT a big amount of money. Not much to lose here.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1331340].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Emmanuel Betinis
      Originally Posted by Chris Thompson View Post

      So is John drip-feeding content to us, i.e, if I was to sign up today and you were to sign up in 6 months, and then one day we both log on at the same time, would I have 6 months more "content" than you available to me?

      Yes. That's why I purchased his offer of all modules in one shot for a single discounted price.

      Originally Posted by Chris Thompson View Post

      If so, I am not sure I like the model, but I can see how he likes it as it is a nicely automated income generator
      Me too. That's why I went with his Platinum package.

      Originally Posted by Chris Thompson View Post

      Still ... the big picture here is that at $300 per month or so, for an outsourcer (or maybe 2), it's NOT a big amount of money. Not much to lose here.
      That's what I thought too. I'm enjoying having a VA now.
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  • Profile picture of the author Chris Thompson
    Emmanuel - thanks so much for your reply. I didn't know he had a platinum package. Does it give you perpetual access to the sites for hiring?

    How long did it take you to hire someone start to finish, and how many did you interview?

    Guys - FYI, thumbs up on Emmanuel's voice over work. He is outstanding.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1342142].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Emmanuel Betinis
      Originally Posted by Chris Thompson View Post

      I didn't know he had a platinum package.
      Yes. I've PM'ed you.

      Originally Posted by Chris Thompson View Post

      Emmanuel - thanks so much for your reply. I didn't know he had a platinum package. Does it give you perpetual access to the sites for hiring?

      Originally Posted by Chris Thompson View Post

      How long did it take you to hire someone start to finish, and how many did you interview?
      About a week; it started out just going through a bunch of profiles in my price range (100+) by quickly glancing at them, then picked about 25 out of the bunch to contact, then ended up with like 3-5 candidates, then tested one at a time with a difficult first task before hiring, then hired the first candidate. I didn't even have to test the other 3-5 because the first one I tested passed good enough and she's been with me for about a month now.
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      • Profile picture of the author cscarpero
        I'm finally "replacing myself" with someone from the Ph. Honestly, I don't think John's service is needed. I think that Odesk is a much better option. I get reviews and screening and a transparent billing system.

        I've been outsourcing for a while now and the most important thing is to find someone who can follow directions and is TEACHABLE. You can't find this from a resume. You need to try them out and see what they can do.

        If you find someone on Odesk you really like, increase their workload. They will drop their other projects if you pay them fairly and treat them well.

        I'm an online marketer and mortgage loan officer.

        Connect with me at

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1361812].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Emmanuel Betinis
          Originally Posted by cscarpero View Post

          I've been outsourcing for a while now and the most important thing is to find someone who can follow directions and is TEACHABLE.

          Originally Posted by cscarpero View Post

          If you find someone on Odesk you really like, increase their workload. They will drop their other projects if you pay them fairly and treat them well.
          I want someone to work for me full time with no other "projects" going on for other employers without having to feel pressured into overloading them just to move me into their higher priority queue. That's what I love about that Jonas includes with any level of membership. In my opinion, having that worker loyalty is worth the price for my business.

          Originally Posted by Greg guitar View Post

          Amanda, do you have any information about what the screening process consists of? Do you know if the prescreened people would be way better than what you could do on your own, just a little better, or could you do just as well by having a good interview/tryout process of your own?
          In my opinion, you can do just as well by having your own screening/testing process.

          Originally Posted by Greg guitar View Post

          I've heard some of John's advice on how to hire, so I wonder if the $350 is just a luxury for those who don't want to go to the trouble of interviewing and auditioning?
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  • Profile picture of the author Chris Thompson
    Update from me: I joined ReplaceMyself and I just took the up-front pro outsourcing package that costs $697 with no recurring fees ever again. I'm GLAD I did this. It seems like a lot of money, but it's 2 months pay for a good employee (maybe 3 months). Small potatoes to my future.

    I am currently recruiting one person. I haven't hired because I went through ALL of John's training material for module 1 (the only module that's for you ... all others are for your employees). GREAT education.

    I emailed about 12 candidates with salary expectations ranging from $100 to $300 per month. I got 6 replies within 12 hours and the girl asking for $100/month actually had decent English. Unbelievable.

    I'm certainly hiring someone here. Then after I am confident I have full time work for them, I'm hiring another, etc. I have so much to do.

    I'm a knowledge worker. I think of idea after idea, and I need implementation help. That's why $697 up front was worth it. I will never have to create a training video to teach someone Adwords.

    So yeah, John charges a nice chunk of coin for this service but you guys all need to be thinking about opportunity cost if you create training material yourself. Those hours could be spent coming up with your next money making idea, or actually sending instructions to your employees.

    My one question for ReplaceYourself MEMBERS is this: Are you paying people in constant USD per month, or are you calculating what amount of USD to pay such that your employee gets a consistent payment in Philippine Pesos per month? In other words, who bears the foreign exchange variation?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1488339].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author csm
      Originally Posted by Chris Thompson View Post

      I will never have to create a training video to teach someone Adwords.

      So yeah, John charges a nice chunk of coin for this service but you guys all need to be thinking about opportunity cost if you create training material yourself. Those hours could be spent coming up with your next money making idea, or actually sending instructions to your employees.
      Can you give an idea of what topics are covered in the videos? I had sent a pre-sales query to ReplaceMyself a while back, because I wanted to know if they had training videos I could give my outsourced workers for various tasks and specific software and/or applications. At the time, they didn't cover what I needed, but were very vague as to exactly what was covered.

      If I want to hire someone to outsource link building with the tools I currently use, for example, it doesn't help if they don't have videos to cover those applications (eg. Linkvana, AMA/MAN, Backlink Solutions, etc.). So I was hoping to get a list of exactly what their videos do cover.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1493704].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Emmanuel Betinis
      Originally Posted by Chris Thompson View Post

      My one question for ReplaceYourself MEMBERS is this: Are you paying people in constant USD per month, or are you calculating what amount of USD to pay such that your employee gets a consistent payment in Philippine Pesos per month? In other words, who bears the foreign exchange variation?
      I pay mine in constant Peso. That way she gets exactly she expects and the amount that she agreed upon in the contract each month.
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  • Profile picture of the author Chris Thompson
    Susan - you are certainly not going to get training videos for every tool that you use. The training is to get someone up to speed on the basics of this BUSINESS. They often don't know much about this IM stuff and need to be educated on:

    - Adwords
    - Link building
    - SEO
    - Article marketing
    - Wordpress, etc

    What you get from John is a MODEL for training someone, and it all gets hosted inside your own personal installation of project management software. Each training module is a "project" and you can create your own projects and make your own training (or have it made for you by someone else, etc).

    Say you buy an ebook or video series that trains someone on Linkvana. You could link to that ebook / video in your project so your worker will see it and be able to use it.

    I like four aspects of the program.
    1) The training on how to hire and manage people
    2) The training for the WORKERS
    3) The access to resumes
    4) The project management tools.

    I hired my first guy. Just last night I got his acceptance email.
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  • Profile picture of the author mrxxg
    Hi Guys,

    Have anyone of you worried that VAs will learn what you are doing and start their own business once is ready?? Do do you avoid that or control it not to happen?

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    • Profile picture of the author Charles Harper
      Originally Posted by mrxxg View Post

      Hi Guys,

      Have anyone of you worried that VAs will learn what you are doing and start their own business once is ready?? Do do you avoid that or control it not to happen?

      You cannot worry about that, nor can you control it. The way that you keep high barriers to entry in any market is to improve your product at light speed with the things that matter to folks and then raise the price for new members.

      That means then that people are not only getting your product or membership but they have locked themselves in at a low price to something that is going to continuously improve. I think you have to make it so that they would be crazy to leave something that they bought at lets say $17/mo; where others pay $37/mo and it really worth $97/mo.

      Then nothing depends on what your outsourcer knows. If he copies you, fire him. He will not be able to re-create your continuous improvement.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1719505].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author mustard76
      Originally Posted by mrxxg View Post

      Hi Guys,

      Have anyone of you worried that VAs will learn what you are doing and start their own business once is ready?? Do do you avoid that or control it not to happen?

      I have a different perspective on this issue. I have noticed that the filipinos I have worked with are not interested in starting their own businesses. They would rather work a steady job, collect a pay check and work hard for pay increases.

      Based on my limited experience this appears to be a cultural trait and an advantage to outsourcing in the PH.

      Also, make sure that no one VA learns enough of your business to replicate your entire business.
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  • Profile picture of the author bestjr73
    great!LOL finally, it had been a blessing in disguise to arrive in this thread.: )

    Yeah! I also came from that third world country you guys have been talking about.You can absolutely outsource your work to them and they will actually work as VA of yours..

    We are like online factory workers trying to pump out mountains of work for pennies and taken advantage off..LMFAO

    IMHO, I even recommend myself.. and price is negotiable.. Job here is difficult to find. And it is inculcated in some of our minds that stepping into the world of Internet Marketing will be able to help us.

    Even $3-5 per hour is already a blessing for us..

    That's all for now.

    All the best..


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  • Profile picture of the author marklyford
    Hi Guys

    Just found this post. Im looking to hire 4 people asap. 3 web masters (link building adding content to wordpress etc etc ) and one VA. Ive got access to Replace Myself. But if any of you have systems, videos, questionnaires, flow chart etc etc that you use for your VAs it would be great to hear from you .

    Thanks all

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  • Profile picture of the author dingleigofai
    Replace Myself is awesome. I have been a member there for about 8 months, and I could not live without it... Just to give you an idea... I have negotiated a deal with a education company to get 20% f their sales, so I told one of my filipinos to build me a review site for it...

    Well. he went above and beyond... he built the site, found the competitors, wrote reviews of the competitors, AND BEST OF ALL, signed up as affiliate for the other companies for me also!!! I was so impressed with this. he could have signed up as affiliate for himself, put his link up, and I never would have known, but NO. he signed me up for them! And these are affiliate sites that pay hundreds of dollars per sale.

    I easily expect to make $5k/month from this site, and I have done NOTHING.

    Replacemyself is awesome... seriously.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1753347].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author danny12592
    how exactly does one judge how many hours a given task is supposed to take?
    if you tell someone to build a review site for example, they could spend anywhere from an hour to a few days.
    backlinking submissions can also just be an hour or a full are we to judge?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1757172].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Emmanuel Betinis
      Originally Posted by danny12592 View Post

      how exactly does one judge how many hours a given task is supposed to take?
      if you tell someone to build a review site for example, they could spend anywhere from an hour to a few days.
      backlinking submissions can also just be an hour or a full are we to judge?

      Do it yourself first. Then you'll know.

      Keep a log book with how long it takes you to do certain tasks.

      Come on, it's not that hard. Afterall, you'll only have to do it
      once. Then let them do it 234,453,246 times.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1761023].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author 1medic
        Originally Posted by Emmanuel Betinis View Post

        Keep a log book with how long it takes you to do certain tasks.

        Come on, it's not that hard. Afterall, you'll only have to do it
        once. Then let them do it 234,453,246 times.
        Hmm, now this sounds like heap plenty wisdom. Test first, measure, employ them to scale for you.

        I finally listened to the free audio on the site and was mighty impressed. The content-filled audio didn't try to manipulate me which I greatly appreciate. It explained a few valuable things also.

        I'm still not 100% sure my business model is a fully scalable one yet. I'll execute a bit on my own (with short term freelancers) before signing up to his site. I'd probably prefer the lifetime fee thing also (a bit pricey).

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      • Profile picture of the author Flierboy
        Originally Posted by Emmanuel Betinis View Post

        Do it yourself first. Then you'll know.

        Keep a log book with how long it takes you to do certain tasks.
        Yes do it yourself first. Record the how much time it took you.

        THEN multiply that by 4. That's how much time an outsourced staff will take, and the work will not nearly be same quality level as yours :-) Factor that in as well.

        Not saying outsourcing is all bad. Just watch out some caveats, plan for them, and have realistic expectations.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1798550].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author maveric
          Joined ReplaceMyself less than a month ago, and spent some time this week getting a VA... just sent a test project to them last night and it was in my box, mostly completed this morning!

          One tip: Make sure to communicate exactly what you want and what's expected... not only for the project but also regarding communication. Example: The girl I'm hiring didn't communicate to me that she was working on references, even after I asked for them twice in emails. When I pointed this out, said she had taken steps to get permission from her references, but they had not responded yet. She also sincerely apologized, and said it will never happen again... and communication has been great since.

          As far as support, Dan, John's business partner handles that (not a Philippino). I've sent several emails and he's always responded withing 24 hours, usually within an hour! He's very helpful, and if anyone was having an issue I'm sure he'd respond to help asap.

          Just my experience, hope it helps.
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  • Profile picture of the author marklyford
    Hey danny,, its a difficult thing I guess. you just have to judge how long it would take you , and add a % on accordingly ?
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  • Profile picture of the author ebent
    I joined his program for about a month and I hired an excellent programmer and VA from his referral program (I could have doen this myself). I enjoyed working with them and my productivity has increase since I hired them.

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  • Profile picture of the author marklyford
    Hi ebent

    How many people did you have to interview to find these two people ?

    best Regards

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  • Profile picture of the author Chris Thompson
    Here's another tip for you guys who are experiencing problems with outsourcers. Train them and KEEP training them !!!

    As much as you and I think a task is "simple", if someone has never done it before, it is NOT simple.

    When I hired my first guy I thought I was going to have to let him go. He wasn't communicating well with me. But after a week I recorded a message for him and delivered it to him in MP3 format ... just told him what I expected in terms of communication. With him, he was not being specific enough. He would refer to things as "it", or "that" .. instead of "the wordpress installation", or "the collection of information about the xyz product". I told him to always be really specific with me so I know what he's talking about. He listened. He improved.

    I wanted to teach him how to install and manage WordPress, which he had never done. I made a video with Jing to explain exactly how you install it with SimpleScripts inside of HostMonster. I just didn't press the "complete installation" button. I made him go back and do it all himself. I made him learn pluggins, themes, even a tiny bit of PHP. It took him a long time to get it right .. but he got it right and then I made him document each step into a "recipe" document. Now we can go and implement these sites in a couple of hours.

    TRAIN and COMMUNICATE. Then make sure to treat them with respect. They are not your own personal robots. They are people.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mountainbird
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2274441].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author JeromyS
    I have been a member for about 6 months.
    My experience is this;
    The information that John gives is really quite good. I admit it could be organized and presented a bit better, but it is all solid factual information.
    His training modules I would say are about the same. Some I didn't find all that useful, while others I thought were perfect, in their simplicity and directions.
    myprojectplans is so so. I wish these guys would update this to become a bit more user friendly. The upload limits are a pain too, you can host yourself and link to it, but it would be nice to just upload a (larger) file. There are a few leading project management programs easily identified online. Why not update to make it competitive with these others?

    I think it is all in all a great package. I would love to see it update and become even better. The beauty is John has been doing this for years and I expect he will continue to have this product for some time, so the support will remain, and the support is very good. Dan is quick and helpful.

    I have hired 2 people since joining ReplaceMyself. The first just didn't work out. More my fault than anything as I simply did not do an in depth enough review. Upon hiring, I tried for the first month to train this guy, but I needed a content writer and he just didn't have the english (although he was good on the technical). My second attempt was much better. I was very specific in what I wanted and I closely reviewed and tested the applicants. I ended up hiring a lady that has very good English and she has been producing really good content for me, so much so that I ran into the issue of not having anything for her to do a few times. She is not so good on the technical side though (she can use Wordpress).

    I think the big problem (and disappointment) comes when a person expects too much (such as a VA). It is not realistic to have one person write content, design websites, php program, graphic design, etc. What must be done is to clearly identify what strengths are needed in your business, and hire specifically for that. In my case, I felt I could continue to manage my sites myself and take care of the technical aspects of my internet business. But I realized that I need a lot of content for my campaigns and I want it to be unique and of some reasonable level of quality. I do not seem to have the capacity to manage sites, conduct research, build sites, build content, build more content to promote sites, and of course take care of my home responsibilities too. After my first employee experience, I took a step back from my business to really determine what I needed first. At some point I will hire someone that specifically looks after technical aspects of my business, and perhaps a designer, or programmer. But for now, I need more content and my employee that I chose is doing great at that. I want to streamline the function and effectiveness of my existing employee and then look at expanding. Johns program has been instrumental in getting to this point and I am thankful for my employee, she has been learning quickly and working hard.
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  • Profile picture of the author fsweet
    John's Material is Good, but you don't need to be with him for a long time to get the info.Actually he recommends you use some agency in the Phillipines to help you which charges a fee to register. I didn't follow thru with it.But hiring anyone to work for you can be a chore; I've done it several times with mixed reviews. In order to get the best you need to hire full time and be willing to train them.

    Shortcut Your Path to Internet Marketing Success

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    Click Here to get Your copy Now

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  • Profile picture of the author ASUService
    I know this is an older thread but I wanted to let you know about my experience with

    I joined last week and so far I'm VERY happy. I haven't been with them long enough to give a good review but I'll come back down the rode to do that.

    I did buy the one-off payment option & I can say that at the moment I feel very good about the money spent to get access. The available training for myself and my employees is priceless and the included resources are icing on the cake.

    I just hired two full time (40 hours/week) employees for less than $200 USD per month. I still have to see how things go but I'm feeling pretty good and think they will end up to be great workers.

    Sorry I can't give more info right now. Regardless ... I recommend everyone consider this service if your having trouble handling outsourcing.

    I hope this is helpful

    Best Regards,
    Mike Allton
    ASU Service, Inc.
    The LAST SMS Platform You'll Ever Need! Easy Money!

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2750316].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author mustard76
      $200 per month sounds unbelievably cheap to me. What type of work are they doing for that rate?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2750360].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author ASUService
        Originally Posted by mustard76 View Post

        $200 per month sounds unbelievably cheap to me. What type of work are they doing for that rate?
        One will be doing article writing/spinning and submission. The other is going to be doing traffic generation, SEO and some coding in java, CSS and php.

        Best Regards,
        Mike Allton
        ASU Service, Inc.
        The LAST SMS Platform You'll Ever Need! Easy Money!

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2755093].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Chris Thompson
        Originally Posted by mustard76 View Post

        $200 per month sounds unbelievably cheap to me. What type of work are they doing for that rate?
        Just to chime in here ... yes you definitely CAN get people for $200 or even less per month.

        They probably won't be awesome English writers but they can probably communicate just fine in English with you, and they'll understand everything. Grammar just won't be perfect. No big deal unless you need them producing a lot of web content.

        if you need SEO, article submissions, PPC campaigns, adsense, blog setup, comment moderation, graphics, etc, etc, etc ... then you do not need perfect English and you can hire these folks.

        I also recommend you give them a raise after a couple months. Let them know they are appreciated.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2977942].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author romico
    yeah 200 bucks is cheap. Did you just pick and hire, or you choose a few candidates and interviewed them?
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    • Profile picture of the author ASUService
      Originally Posted by romico View Post

      yeah 200 bucks is cheap. Did you just pick and hire, or you choose a few candidates and interviewed them?
      Initially I researched and emailed 5. Out of those I got the two that I mentioned. I am looking for one more and just emailed 12 ... I have two replies so far from that.

      In each case I sent a "are you still availabe" type of message. When they reply I look at their reply and resume closer to determine if I want to send what I call the "Interview" message.

      If the response to that message is good I send an offer email and, if they accept, I hire them with a 30 day probation period.

      Hope that's helpful.

      Best Regards,
      Mike Allton
      ASU Service, Inc.
      The LAST SMS Platform You'll Ever Need! Easy Money!

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2755447].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author candyeagle
    I watched John Jonas' video replay today and wanted to address some questions/concerns posted on this thread.

    I was very impressed with a lot of the free info he gave but seldom buy anything any longer w/out checking here first.

    There was some great info on his free video. I've wanted to outsource for awhile but didn't know how to start. John gave some good guidelines about how to interview people and how to keep them accountable. He also points out that the workers are not entrepreneurial so they aren't likely to take your info and use it for themselves. They just want a job--that's the opposite motivation of IMer's.

    One of the main reasons that I'm considering his program (or similar program) is because I'm not a techie so can't teach people on that and don't know how long something should take. At first, I will be looking for people to do what I don't know how to do and then I will outsource some things I do know how to do so I can do what I do best, be creative. John's training will really help me train people on what I don't know how to do.

    John also mentioned that is open for registrations again but they are fickle w/closing down and kicking people off.

    One last comment. The program he offers seems to be so much better than what I've seen on this thread for $97/mo. I didn't see a 1 time pay option. Here's what his program contains (from his order page):
    • Instant access to both and resumes for FREE! ($600 value)
    • Access to our Pre-Screened Employee list, which will save you time and money because we’ve already done the hunting for qualified workers. (* finders fee required)
    • Detailed instructions of the process I use to hire people ($97 value)
    • Instructions for how to pay your people the easy way
    • Employment contracts ($47 value) and how to deal with taxes

    Tools To Propel Your Business To The Next Level

    • Introduction Audio
    • Videos explaining what tools will save you hours of time ($47 value)
    • Tips, Tricks, and Pitfalls Audio to help you succeed faster ($80 value)
    • Q&A and FAQ with people who have done this before (avoid their mistakes) ($197 value)
    • Business-in-a-Box - give it to your Filipino and have them start making you money ($600 value)
    • 'Business Plans that Work with Outsourcing' strategy page ($40 value)
    • My initial keyword research training to give to the first Filipino you hire. Start them off correctly. ($50 value)
    • Two full 2-day internet marketing seminars to bring your Filipino up to speed with your business ($4000 value)
    • Learn from me, exactly how to communicate with your employees.

    Exclusive New Training Modules Every Single Month

    Every month you’ll receive at least one new training to make your Filipino worker more productive.
    Topics include …
    • Article marketing
    • AdWords
    • Video Marketing
    • Social networking & Bookmarking
    • SEO
    • Keyword research & application
    • Affiliate marketing
    • Web 2.0 marketing
    • Sales Copywriting
    • And many more!

    • Access and training for, a full-blown project management system ($400 value).
    • will allow you to manage multiple projects and employees from one easy location.
    • Deadlines, milestones, and project completion will never be overlooked again. That means organized progress! And let’s be honest, time is money in this business.
    • Discussions let you create a number of topics and discuss them with your team and clients. It works just like other online forums.
    • This site is streamlined and easy to implement. You can even use the quick add function to easily add discussion topics, files, milestones, and checklist items.


    You will also find exclusive bonuses that give you tools you could not get anywhere else. There are located under the Welcome section in module 1. They are so loaded with nuggets of powerful tips, tricks, and techniques that you will want to review them time and time again to absorb it all. These are a free gift and absolutely priceless for the profit they will help you generate!
    • Discover The Top 15 Most Common Mistake To Avoid When Outsourcing!
    • The Twixplode Super Package will get you up to date on popular new tools like Linkedin and Twitter.
    • Videos of the powerful Mastermind Seminar held in Dallas. Get all the information, motivation, and shared secrets that you missed on video.
    • Over 10 hours of video from the powerful UCP/Clickflipping Seminar held in Dallas. This conference exceeded the expectations of even the organizers and it will blow you away.
    • Learn The “Top 7 ROI Activities for your Filipino VA” so you’re more profitable in less time.
    Hope this info helps.



    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2791138].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Geoffrey Freedom
      I am sold. Signing up now.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2791940].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Chris Thompson
      Originally Posted by candyeagle View Post

      One last comment. The program he offers seems to be so much better than what I've seen on this thread for $97/mo. I didn't see a 1 time pay option.
      The one-off payment is an upsell. It is offered to everyone.
      I describe a lot more info about it here
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2977958].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author trishworks4u
    Hi Candy - Yes - that's looks about right. I signed up back in May of this year and was pretty sure that I wanted "lifetime access" because of the continuing access to the 2 job boards to find workers and the project management system.

    When you join, you will be given that OTO on the next page. I think it's worth it. You then also get full access to all of the training videos immediately instead of having to wait for them to be drip-fed monthly as if you were a monthly member.

    It's a fantastic program and the best of it's kind. I highly recommend it.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2792702].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Ryce
      Originally Posted by trishworks4u View Post

      Hi Candy - Yes - that's looks about right. I signed up back in May of this year and was pretty sure that I wanted "lifetime access" because of the continuing access to the 2 job boards to find workers and the project management system.

      When you join, you will be given that OTO on the next page. I think it's worth it. You then also get full access to all of the training videos immediately instead of having to wait for them to be drip-fed monthly as if you were a monthly member.

      It's a fantastic program and the best of it's kind. I highly recommend it.
      How much for the OTO ??
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2794459].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Chris Thompson
      Originally Posted by trishworks4u View Post

      Hi Candy - Yes - that's looks about right. I signed up back in May of this year and was pretty sure that I wanted "lifetime access" because of the continuing access to the 2 job boards to find workers and the project management system.

      When you join, you will be given that OTO on the next page. I think it's worth it. You then also get full access to all of the training videos immediately instead of having to wait for them to be drip-fed monthly as if you were a monthly member.

      It's a fantastic program and the best of it's kind. I highly recommend it.
      That's exactly the same reason I took the one time offer (up sell) also. I knew I'd want to come back over and over to hire people as I grew my business, or if I had to replace someone. It has proven to be a wise decision. It seemed expensive at the time, but looking back it was a huge bargain. Especially when you compare it against the ongoing cost to have employees, it's really small potatoes.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2977976].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author ASUService
    Hi Ryce,
    The OTO comes put to just under $800 ($97 + $697). If you intended to really put this to work and use it over the course of the drip-feed (only counting the current modules) it's a huge savings.

    I love the project manager. Sure I had to tweak it a little to match my specific business and processes but your foundation is there and easy to build on.

    If you figure you're worth $50 an hour (I would hope it's more than that but let's be conservative) the $800 comes out to 16 hours. I'm a techie and could have done it myself but not in 16 hours.

    I hope this helps!

    Best Regards,
    Mike Allton
    ASU Service, Inc.
    The LAST SMS Platform You'll Ever Need! Easy Money!

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  • Profile picture of the author sysmarketer
    My two cents worth about Outsourcing: If you don't want to get ripped off use Odesk.

    Forget all the hype about the Phillipines--people are people wherever you go.

    You may get started cheap but end up paying a lot more especially for long term projects once you become dependent on a particular outsource out.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2979998].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Mountainbird
      Originally Posted by sysmarketer View Post

      My two cents worth about Outsourcing: If you don't want to get ripped off use Odesk.

      Forget all the hype about the Phillipines--people are people wherever you go.

      You may get started cheap but end up paying a lot more especially for long term projects once you become dependent on a particular outsource out.
      You're absolutely right.



      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2980065].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author ASUService
      Originally Posted by sysmarketer View Post

      My two cents worth about Outsourcing: If you don't want to get ripped off use Odesk.

      Forget all the hype about the Phillipines--people are people wherever you go.

      You may get started cheap but end up paying a lot more especially for long term projects once you become dependent on a particular outsource out.
      With all due respect I have to disagree. I have not used Odesk but I have used several other ways to outsource single projects and long term VA's. Currently I am on two months with ReplaceMyself.

      My experience outside of ReplaceMyself hasn't been all bad but I have been ripped off by a coder in the Ukraine and the US and a couple VA's in the US.

      The Ukraine coder was paid half up front and only finished about a quarter of the project then disappeared.

      The US coder is VERY well know but I'm not naming names. This person agreed to a project at a set price and wanted full pay up front. They were highly recommended by several associates so I paid. Perhaps half way through they sent me a message stating they had done further research and the project was worth more. They wanted 4x the original agreed price. When I refused they sent me the little bit of the code and told me good luck and didn't respond to any other messages.

      One of the VA's was interviewed over the course of a week both via phone and email and I was blown away by their perceived abilities. They also wanted to be paid each week in advance. Everything was great for about a month then they just disappeared owing me most of the weeks work.

      What I'm getting at here is you can't say a specific group is always going to rip you off any more than you can say a group is always going to be the best option.

      Due diligence is always the key BUT until you actually try someone you just wont know the whole story. This is true regardless of whether you are an online business or a brick and mortar business.

      So far I have to say my experience with the Filipino's so far has not been without hurdles but none of them have been any more than I dealt with when I had a brick and mortar business and/or worked in management for someone else.

      After about two months I still give ReplaceMyself two thumbs up with five stars. I have NO regrets regarding the money, time and effort I have put into this.

      Best Regards,
      Mike Allton
      ASU Service, Inc.
      The LAST SMS Platform You'll Ever Need! Easy Money!

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2984069].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Chris Thompson
      Originally Posted by sysmarketer View Post

      My two cents worth about Outsourcing: If you don't want to get ripped off use Odesk.

      Forget all the hype about the Phillipines--people are people wherever you go.

      You may get started cheap but end up paying a lot more especially for long term projects once you become dependent on a particular outsource out.
      This is CLOSE to the most crazy thing I've ever read.

      Is the whole concept of having employees foreign to you? Do you think Home Depot hires freelancers to stock shelves? Do you think Apple hires freelancers to design iPods and Macs?

      The whole world of successful corporations is BUILD around hiring employees.

      As you said yourself. People are people. So go to a low cost country. (BTW, people are not people and people are not all the same where ever you go)

      I'm not slamming oDesk by any means. It's good for a purpose. But to tell people they will get ripped off by hiring employees is crazy. Pure crazy.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2984292].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author sysmarketer
        Originally Posted by Chris Thompson View Post

        This is CLOSE to the most crazy thing I've ever read.

        Is the whole concept of having employees foreign to you? Do you think Home Depot hires freelancers to stock shelves? Do you think Apple hires freelancers to design iPods and Macs?

        The whole world of successful corporations is BUILD around hiring employees.

        As you said yourself. People are people. So go to a low cost country. (BTW, people are not people and people are not all the same where ever you go)

        I'm not slamming oDesk by any means. It's good for a purpose. But to tell people they will get ripped off by hiring employees is crazy. Pure crazy.

        LOL O'Desk does exactly that allow you to Outsource where you have control over your outsource workers. You have the opportunity to monitor their work in real time. I guess that means hiring people also..doesn't it ?
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2985539].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Chris Thompson
          Originally Posted by sysmarketer View Post

          LOL O'Desk does exactly that allow you to Outsource where you have control over your outsource workers. You have the opportunity to monitor their work in real time. I guess that means hiring people also..doesn't it ?
          I am aware of what oDesk gives you and I agree with you that it can be a good solution. But you came here telling people to forget about the Philippines and that is what I said was close to the craziest comment I ever heard.

          More on Why:
          1) Plenty of oDeskers are actually Filippino freelancers (same country!)
          2) oDesk is not a full time permanent hire. It's project freelance. Hiring full time employees is better for long term stuff.
          3) You are assuming that oDesk tracking tools are the only way to measure performance. It's not. Know of any big american companies that do screenshots of employee computer monitors on a regular basis? Yeah, they DON'T. Measure performance by output and contribution, not by screenshots.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2989577].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Efryll
            before hiring a worker, please consider reading this thread first. Thanks!
            There are a lot of good employee in the Philippines! Btw, I'm a Tested worker from #83 on prefound list .. You can hire me without paying that much and I have friends interested in Link Building too!


            Filipino Ninjas For Hire! (VAs, Web Developers, Writers, etc) - contact me

            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3004368].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author SEOGlobal
      Originally Posted by sysmarketer View Post

      My two cents worth about Outsourcing: If you don't want to get ripped off use Odesk.

      Forget all the hype about the Phillipines--people are people wherever you go.

      You may get started cheap but end up paying a lot more especially for long term projects once you become dependent on a particular outsource out.
      You are absolutely wrong!

      Have you actually outsource before? Seems like you don't know
      what you are talking about. I outsource to the Philippines and it
      is one of the critical business decisions I have made and it made
      my work easier because I outsource it to the Philippines, that is
      the correct spelling just in case you didn't know.

      How can people believe you if you don't even know the correct spelling.
      It is how you deal with people that is important in any business. If you
      treat them right, it will pay dividends big time.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3014643].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author fypnlp
        Originally Posted by SEOGlobal View Post

        You are absolutely wrong!

        Have you actually outsource before? Seems like you don't know
        what you are talking about. I outsource to the Philippines and it
        is one of the critical business decisions I have made and it made
        my work easier because I outsource it to the Philippines, that is
        the correct spelling just in case you didn't know.

        How can people believe you if you don't even know the correct spelling.
        It is how you deal with people that is important in any business. If you
        treat them right, it will pay dividends big time.
        I second that. I've been using workers in the philippines for nearly 2 years and it has been one of the best things I've ever done. I couldn't rate my team highly enough. As long as you give clear instructions (using screen capture software) on what to do and what you expect you will get that back. It's no different from training a new person in your own office - some people it will work out some people it won't.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3015069].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Tspringer
          Originally Posted by fypnlp View Post

          I second that. I've been using workers in the philippines for nearly 2 years and it has been one of the best things I've ever done. I couldn't rate my team highly enough. As long as you give clear instructions (using screen capture software) on what to do and what you expect you will get that back. It's no different from training a new person in your own office - some people it will work out some people it won't.

          The problem I see is that I am looking to hire people to do things I do not know how to do, nor do I have the time or desire to learn how to do.

          An employee to me is a means of gaining highly skilled capabilities in an area of core competency that I do not have. I can't do it... so I pay someone else who can. Now I am moving forward quickly rather than being bogged down.

          But hiring someone were I am going to have to train them? Does not work as it requires I master whatever it is that I am hiring them to do before I hire them so I will have the skills to train them. That defeats a large part of my purpose in looking to outsource to begin with.

          Anyone have experience hiring EXPERIENCED Phillipino workers to tackle tasks they personally do not know how to do?

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3453033].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Greg guitar
            Originally Posted by Tspringer View Post

            The problem I see is that I am looking to hire people to do things I do not know how to do, nor do I have the time or desire to learn how to do.

            An employee to me is a means of gaining highly skilled capabilities in an area of core competency that I do not have. I can't do it... so I pay someone else who can. Now I am moving forward quickly rather than being bogged down.

            But hiring someone were I am going to have to train them? Does not work as it requires I master whatever it is that I am hiring them to do before I hire them so I will have the skills to train them. That defeats a large part of my purpose in looking to outsource to begin with.

            Anyone have experience hiring EXPERIENCED Phillipino workers to tackle tasks they personally do not know how to do?

            I have done that, and I love it-John's site is great for that, but not without challenges and growing pains. Still well worth it though.

            If you stick with it, you'll find great people who will become more and more valuable over time.

            $200 a month is far below a living wage, and my one problem with Jonas is promoting such a low expectation. Sure, people are desperate enough that you might be able to get away with it, but it's wrong in my opinion, and I think starting them at $300-400, and then raising it quickly if they do well is better for your biz anyway-they'll stick around, and love you for it, you'll make big profits-everybody's happy.

            Training them doesn't mean you personally have to do it-you can use John's modules, or join another membership site that provides training. Try to find people already qualified, but maybe be prepared to offer some training resources anyway, to help them improve or fill in gaps in skills and knowledge.
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  • Profile picture of the author dexterfulton
    John knows his stuff. He has been doing this for years, and he is the owner of Whether, you by his course or not, visit his website and scroll around. I think the light bulb will turn on from there.
    Simple steps for DOMINATING your local market with a "Proven Formula" from a credible Atlanta based Search Engine Marketing Company
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2980900].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author OrganicSeoGuru
    He has pushed this many times before, JJ has a track record of producing absolute crap products, for everyone that has been around the IMKT block do you remember "Keywordtopia", Nuff Said.

    Bottom line the membership program and monthly training is weak to say the least, he used to use as his secret place to find workers and than he created

    do not trust any of the pre qualified workers they are anything but, you can find staff but this is nothing new to 99% of the people on this forum, John Reese even used as his source for finding staff in outsource force.

    Anyways if anyone wants a deal on all 12 months of training, just PM me, but a warning its weak at best.

    One last thing, there basecamp copy for working with staff is a joke, many PH workers are transient, and if they have ever worked for anyone using the system before you will not be able to add their email address into the system, thats a glaring programming error...

    (Yes I understand you can and should create a new one for them, but that's beside the point, typical hack, slash and cut every corner then vomit it to the masses, ya I have a bit of an opinion... LOL.....)

    regardless stick with BaseCamp, I personally will trust the developers of ROR far above what JJ and Dan G have hacked together....
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3004950].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author George Pitts
    I use odesk for my outsourcing. Its not that hard to find people on their at very low rates per hour. You can narrow down your search and get people who have certain ratings and rates and much more. They have a panel they log into and it takes screenshots of their progress like every 5 minutes or something like that so you know what they are doing at all times while they are clocked in. Plus just read thier reviews and it helps you make a decision if they are trustworthy and know what they are doing. I love it

    Don't just follow the Pack...Lead the Pack

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  • Profile picture of the author Dillinger411
    I liked his training program and he offers a wealth of resources for communicating with your VA's. I hired a couple of Filipinos I already new on Facebook at $250 a month and they were college educated and already trained in SEO. Unfortunately, I found the project management software to be way too dated and not very intuitive. I ended up cancelling my membership and getting BaseCamp instead. Creating my own training modules is not a big deal because my business models and methodologies are different than John's so I couldn't justify paying $99 a month for training that really doesn't suit my business.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3557640].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Turtle101
    I am a fully paid up member of John Jonas and yes you can really find cheap employees...
    However I have gone through many to find the right people. I now have 6 working for me full time.

    Best to pay a little more and get some one real good, it will save you a lot of time.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3565077].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author 32paul52
    Just want to tag in here- I have done Johns training and applied if for myselp an as a systems for a marketing company I used the process and taught them how to manage/training and what to expect. The number John talks about (especially in reagard to finding) really work - I am a tester of everything....
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7429048].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author marlon

      My Filipina is doing work for me right now.

      I did EXACTLY what John teaches and believe I would NOT have
      hired a good person without his method.

      I hired my Filipina 2 years ago I believe. Now, I also hired
      some people who flat out sucked.

      They didn't work for me long.

      You only need one GREAT, fantastic hire to really help your

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7430161].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author John DeNiro
        I know this thread started in 2009. However, I'm thinking about signing up for because I need a couple of programmers full time and need a solid starting point.

        oDesk sounds good...but only for a one time deal (i'm guessing).

        BTW, I've read a few outsourcing guides with contradicting information.
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  • Profile picture of the author deckman
    Hey guys, I just wanted to revive this old thread as it has a #2 first page "G" when I Googled his name. I have a friend that has been very successful with IM and has recently moved to Panama. We stay in touch and she recently asked me to look at John Jonas as she is using his course and having very good luck hiring Filipinos.

    I had found him about three years ago but kinda pushed it aside and didnt think much about it. But now 3 years later and my friend bringing him back to my attention has me looking back and i dont see myself as far as I wanted to be. I see that a lot of it is procrastinating and also having a contracting biz that takes a lot of my time.

    I have watched a couple of vids with John talking about what his system can do for you hiring Filipinos and it looks like something that would very much help me freeing some time while I am still moving forward.

    You can hire a Filipino that is a college grad and has a lot of experience implementing what we are all trying to do and at a price that is unbelievable. This will give you no reason not to succeed while freeing your time to be (as John says) the CEO of you company.

    I have found a book by John on Amazon that explains this very well and its only $2.99 I down loaded it to my Kindle and it was a very easy and enlightening read that i really believe is going to help me get to where I want to be.

    I am not an affiliate and am not compensated for this but just wanted to share with anyone that cares to check in to it. I think this is a viable solution to a lot of problems with anyone that is just finding that this IM stuff takes a lot of time not just to learn but to also find the time to put in to action what you have learned.

    It can be found here John Jonas: Books, Biography, Blog, Audiobooks, Kindle

    Go check it out and come back here and let me know your thoughts. I think that you will be pleasantly surprised.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7810669].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author PCactive
      his 20 something training module is $997 is it worth it? does ti give the workers all the info they need?

      Also is it possible to hire a fulltime worker through odesk and convicne them to follow the system? seems like it would be easy for them to cheat.


      A FB Fan page for Support and resources for Niche Marketers

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  • Profile picture of the author jeffsolochek
    Originally Posted by shorwood View Post

    I have received multiple emails over the last few days about John Jonas and

    You sign up for a free audio about outsourcing, which I have not yet had the time to listen to, and then he sends out an email about a second audio, which he charges $97 for and claims he will teach you how to find full-time assistants for less than $250/month. He even claims that he has gotten 2 for $100/month.

    Does anyone know how good this is and if it will really teach you how to get assistants that cheap?

    This really good info. I've been reading all the replies to your post. another good site would be freelancer dot com.

    Jeff Solochek

    I also build blogs for companies and individuals

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  • Profile picture of the author razorz18
    Do we need to be member eventhough we know we only have to find good candidates in his free materials and case study are worth as guide already. Is it necessary to be member?
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