What do you know about X Factor?

77 replies
So far I know:
1. It will be a product on Adsense
2. It will be a different approach to Adsense
3. The author will be Jeff Hampton

Do you know something else?
  • Profile picture of the author wolfmmiii
    I'm not sure what you are referring to but the original X-Factor AdSense Masters course is now a bit outdated due to Panda, Penguin, and such.
    Want a REAL Online Business That's Fun to Run?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6394650].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author bummed.out
    Jeff Hampton has been dropping mentions of a new XFactor Adsense guides in his mailing list - it sounds as though it'll be a different approach than any recent guides released thus far. All I know is that it's supposed to be out "soon".
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6394792].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author wolfmmiii
      Originally Posted by bummed.out View Post

      Jeff Hampton has been dropping mentions of a new XFactor Adsense guides in his mailing list - it sounds as though it'll be a different approach than any recent guides released thus far. All I know is that it's supposed to be out "soon".
      Not to be a debbie downer but I'm not sure how you can approach an MFA site "differently". The formula is pretty simple: create a site (small or large) and place ads on it. Ad positioning can be modified and you can get involved in arbitrage but outside of that, I'd be curious to see how it can be done "differently".
      Want a REAL Online Business That's Fun to Run?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6394919].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Jeff Hampton
        I'm honored to be the subject of the speculation here, but I am not the author of the new Xfactor guide. The author is "Xfactor" himself, John James Robinson.

        I'm a huge fan of Xfactor's previous guides. But as wolfmmiii suggested, the "Made for Adsense" model is dying (or perhaps dead already.)

        Yet Google will still be paying out over $7 billion to Adsense publishers this year.

        It is still possible to get a good chunk of that money, but establishing a long-term business model is going to require a new way of thinking.

        And that's why I'm so excited about Xfactor's new course -- and why I've been mentioning it a lot to my list.

        I'm a member of Xfactor's private forum, and he has been giving us some glimpses of the new guide. It is a completely different approach -- for example, in his process for choosing a niche, you never touch a keyword tool.

        Personally, I can't wait until this course comes out. Unfortunately, I don't know exactly when that will be. But it will be worth the wait.

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  • Profile picture of the author jagthehat
    xfactor is a con. It doesn't exist and the WSO was designed to scam newbies and others of $47. Money send in May and no product or money refund. What I think of John Robinson is not worth mentioning. I am a pensioner and money is scarce, I don't need people like this robbing me and others by giving false hope.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6680257].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Carl Brown
      Money's tight for a lot of us, but I consider those books the best value I've gotten for my money and they do/did work.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6680326].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Trin
      Originally Posted by jagthehat View Post

      xfactor is a con. It doesn't exist and the WSO was designed to scam newbies and others of $47. Money send in May and no product or money refund. What I think of John Robinson is not worth mentioning. I am a pensioner and money is scarce, I don't need people like this robbing me and others by giving false hope.
      I don't think it is a con. I DO think that John needs a good swift kick for delaying his latest release for so long.

      My common sense is tingling

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6710847].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author 1byte
        Originally Posted by jagthehat View Post

        xfactor is a con. It doesn't exist and the WSO was designed to scam newbies and others of $47. Money send in May and no product or money refund. What I think of John Robinson is not worth mentioning. I am a pensioner and money is scarce, I don't need people like this robbing me and others by giving false hope.
        Originally Posted by Trin View Post

        I don't think it is a con. I DO think that John needs a good swift kick for delaying his latest release for so long.
        It's definitely a con for all of us poor suckers who paid a lot of money for the "course" or to join the so-called "Mastermind Group."

        The new "Adsense Masters Course version 3" has been promised for many months (since about Jan 2012), and here we are into August, still patiently waiting. There is always an excuse for the delay, always a reason for a missed deadline, but never a product delivered.

        I requested a refund because of non-delivery -- and it's been promised several times, but delayed repeatedly just like the course has been. I've practically begged, but still nothing. Don't know what to do at this point to get my money back as it's too late to dispute it with PayPal (over 45 days).
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6732391].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Margarida
          Originally Posted by 1byte View Post

          It's definitely a con for all of us poor suckers who paid a lot of money for the "course" or to join the so-called "Mastermind Group."

          The new "Adsense Masters Course version 3" has been promised for many months (since about Jan 2012), and here we are into August, still patiently waiting. There is always an excuse for the delay, always a reason for a missed deadline, but never a product delivered.

          I requested a refund because of non-delivery -- and it's been promised several times, but delayed repeatedly just like the course has been. I've practically begged, but still nothing. Don't know what to do at this point to get my money back as it's too late to dispute it with PayPal (over 45 days).
          First of all his sales page is too slick.

          Secondly, anyone who has a "Mastermind" group run as far as you can. That is a old Dan Kennedy BS trick to upsell you in his information marketing BS scheme.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7560496].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author kislany
            Throughout all these years, from what I've learned so far is that he delivers ebooks, which are stepping stones to selling videos that he never ends up delivering. This is where the people actually get caught on losing their money.

            The ebooks are done, he's a smooth talker, he knows his stuff and I have to say, the ebooks are good. But anything more than that - save your money because $100 is one thing but $700, or like now that he's advertising again a "100$ per day" video course that is not done, of course, for $400 something...I'd stay away from it, for no other reason but past experience. He never really delivers anything else but ebooks.
            Jewels of Cyprus - my personal blog
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            • Profile picture of the author rkup58
              Originally Posted by kislany View Post

              Throughout all these years, from what I've learned so far is that he delivers ebooks, which are stepping stones to selling videos that he never ends up delivering. This is where the people actually get caught on losing their money.

              The ebooks are done, he's a smooth talker, he knows his stuff and I have to say, the ebooks are good. But anything more than that - save your money because $100 is one thing but $700, or like now that he's advertising again a "100$ per day" video course that is not done, of course, for $400 something...I'd stay away from it, for no other reason but past experience. He never really delivers anything else but ebooks.
              You said it best...I remember you from the original private forum. I was one of the idiots who paid $700 for his "mentoring", "mastermind" group and he led me on for months. When I asked for a refund xfactor, john robinson kept playing his sorry sob stories. He never delivered on the $97 videos. He never delivered on the mentorship at all. At best he created a membership area with literally nothing in it! It looked great, but it was all smoke and mirrors.

              First sign of trouble was when he said the group was for the first 7 people who paid him - I was literally #6. Then later he said because he wanted to help so many people who didn't make it in time he took on more people - Gee, what a big heart. Below is his scape goat stories.

              1. My disabled brother needs me to move cross country for a while to help him out in his new home.
              2. My mother died.
              3. I'm having trouble in my offline venture in water filtration or water business of sort.
              4. I'm getting a divorce.

              Sick thing is this fool John Robinson aka John James Robinson aka xfactor had the nerve to add me on Google+ after all this. This originally started in 2010!

              He's a liar, a scammer, and I have no sympathies for him whether his mother died, his brother fell off a cliff. I think it's all fake.
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8341147].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author Alohatom
                This guy is such a scammer and a liar! He ripped me off just a few days ago of over $500 for a coaching and live case study of his new product which he has been delaying releasing for months....and what he has released is crap! I made an innocuus comment on his proma donna forum and he banned me and won't refund! No book, no coaching, no live case study, nothing! I am pissed, pissed, pissed!

                "Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing about." ~ Benjamin Franklin

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              • Profile picture of the author Lizk
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8841298].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author pcgirl
      Originally Posted by jagthehat View Post

      xfactor is a con. It doesn't exist and the WSO was designed to scam newbies and others of $47. Money send in May and no product or money refund. What I think of John Robinson is not worth mentioning. I am a pensioner and money is scarce, I don't need people like this robbing me and others by giving false hope.
      I completely agree with this post. I got conned into paying in May as well and he has been promising his course for 3 months now! I have requested a refund and he keeps saying that he will refund me my money on such and such a date and he never does. I am now out to tell anybody not to buy from this guy! He is just taking your money! By the way, I paid $97!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6759274].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author 1byte
        Originally Posted by pcgirl View Post

        I completely agree with this post. I got conned into paying in May as well and he has been promising his course for 3 months now! I have requested a refund and he keeps saying that he will refund me my money on such and such a date and he never does. I am now out to tell anybody not to buy from this guy! He is just taking your money! By the way, I paid $97!
        I paid $197 for access to his forum and the course. Since I asked for a refund 2 weeks ago, I have been banned from the forum, but have not been refunded my money. So now I have nothing for what I paid for - no forum access, no course, and no refund. To say I am upset about being ripped off is an understatement.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6762797].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author pcgirl
          Originally Posted by 1byte View Post

          I paid $197 for access to his forum and the course. Since I asked for a refund 2 weeks ago, I have been banned from the forum, but have not been refunded my money. So now I have nothing for what I paid for - no forum access, no course, and no refund. To say I am upset about being ripped off is an understatement.
          I am in the same boat as you and probably many others. I have been asking for a refund for over a month and I keep getting the excuses. I can't access anything in the forum now either. I told Xfactor that I wanted my refund by the end of this week or I would start telling everyone what a scam he is and he replied back that any press is good press, whether it is negative or positive. The guy must live in a dream world because I always looked at the feedback of programs and if there were negative feedback, I usually wouldn't buy it. Wish someone had posted about this guy before I purchased "nothing"!
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6762825].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Happyade
    I received 16 emails from John (xfactor) over 4 months from early February when I paid for the course (AMC), but they abruptly stopped after June 3rd.

    Just today I have emailed him to see what is happening. I will let you know what he says, if anything.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6736616].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Happyade
    Hi Jesse,

    I can't send you a PM as I don't have enough posts here.

    I'm not actually a member of John's forum. I paid $27 as an early-bird customer for his Adsense Masters Course 3.

    As I said in my post on this forum his emails stopped in early June, and I had just left it, but yesterday decided to see what was going on. I accessed his website and discovered that the course was still not published.

    I emailed him and I have actually got a reply which I will quote here:

    " Hi Adrian,

    Thanks for contacting me.

    The course is due out early next week. It's really coming!

    I think the challenge was that it started out to be intended as a 20-page document of steps. But I kept adding everything so that you know exactly what to do and how to do it.

    Right around the corner here - trust me I want to get this out too - I've put LOTS of pressure on myself, but it'll be worth it

    I'll email you later this week when the book is out (new title), called "The Happy Publisher"

    It's nearly 275 pages of literally hand-holding steps from niche selection launch topics, to daily action plans on traffic-producing tactics that do not rely on search engines or short-term marketing tricks that die out in a month.



    So there you go. Do I believe him? I don't know. I guess I've waited this long, so I'll give him a couple of weeks and see what happens. If nothing, I'll try for a refund too.

    I bought his original Adsense Niche Website course a few years ago, and although I failed to make my fortune, I learned a fair bit and I have always regarded John as one of the legitimate people in Internet marketing, but sadly now I'm not so sure.

    The upcoming course (if indeed it is upcoming) looks like just what I want at the moment, so it is pretty frustrating not really knowing if it will be a reality or not.

    Anyway, I'll keep you posted, and I hope we get some satisfaction one way or another.

    All the best,
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6741391].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author 1byte

      The course is due out early next week. It's really coming!
      Really??? I doubt it. Been hearing these very same words for months now. Many release dates have been set, but have come and gone with no course release. Still waiting...

      I'll email you later this week when the book is out (new title), called "The Happy Publisher"
      "The Happy Publisher?" Ha ha, that's really funny. Well, he may be a happy publisher, but I'm certainly not a happy customer!"

      So there you go. Do I believe him?
      No, I don't

      I don't know. I guess I've waited this long, so I'll give him a couple of weeks and see what happens.
      Hope I'm wrong, but I think it will be a long wait.

      If nothing, I'll try for a refund too.
      Good luck with that. I'm still waiting for mine...

      I bought his original Adsense Niche Website course a few years ago, and although I failed to make my fortune, I learned a fair bit and I have always regarded John as one of the legitimate people in Internet marketing, but sadly now I'm not so sure.
      I also bought his original course. As far as being legitimate, my conclusion at this time is no.

      The upcoming course (if indeed it is upcoming) looks like just what I want at the moment, so it is pretty frustrating not really knowing if it will be a reality or not.

      Anyway, I'll keep you posted, and I hope we get some satisfaction one way or another.
      I hope so too.

      Thanks for your input, and for your promise to keep us posted of developments.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6744129].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author shaunD
    looks like another big scam !
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  • Profile picture of the author Mantasmo
    Why did you all pay up front if he's done this before?
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  • Profile picture of the author mikl
    Listen up folks and take this to heart. John Robinson is a liar, a thief, and completely unethical in his business practices. FAIR WARNING: DO NOT BUY ANY THING FROM HIM.

    I asked for a refund a month ago, this jerk has lied to me at least 4 different occasions about when I'm getting my refund ( the last one was today 08/09/12).

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6765228].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author 1byte
      Originally Posted by mikl View Post

      Listen up folks and take this to heart. John Robinson is a liar, a thief, and completely unethical in his business practices. FAIR WARNING: DO NOT BUY ANY THING FROM HIM.

      I asked for a refund a month ago, this jerk has lied to me at least 4 different occasions about when I'm getting my refund ( the last one was today 08/09/12).

      Agreed 100%

      Of course, with those frank words, look for this thread to be deleted soon by WF mods...
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6765541].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author mojiden
    Thanks to all for the comments; I came specifically to see if anyone had info about the overdue release. As a result, I'll mark day 45 on my calendar to ensure I take PayPal action in time if necessary.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6780942].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author rehtheis
    Thanks to for your comment:

    I'm so sorry that you had such
    a bad experience and
    thanks for sharing it
    because warning us
    not to buy "The Happy Publisher"
    or any product of John James Robinson.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6783233].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author lovboa
    For everyone saying it's a scam...

    It's not a scam unless he takes your money and doesn't deliver what you knowingly paid for.

    As for adsense/seo/internet marketing courses in general, why can't everyone just take the time to learn this stuff on your own?

    All the information in 90% of courses you can find for free on forums and blogs.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6783846].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author 1byte
      Originally Posted by lovboa View Post

      For everyone saying it's a scam...

      It's not a scam unless he takes your money and doesn't deliver what you knowingly paid for.
      Well, apparently you haven't read the posts in this thread, because that's what we're saying here - it's a scam because we paid money for something we haven't received. Please read the previous posts in this thread to come up to speed on what we're talking about.

      Originally Posted by lovboa View Post

      As for adsense/seo/internet marketing courses in general, why can't everyone just take the time to learn this stuff on your own?

      All the information in 90% of courses you can find for free on forums and blogs.
      Maybe it's because some people like to have all the info in one step-by-step course, rather than spending hours looking for it "for free on forums and blogs." There's nothing wrong with that, as long as the information provider actually does release the book or course as promised.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6784788].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author fishman9444
        He is a thief. I bought is personal coaching for $800 2 yrs ago and he did nothing. Blamed it on his divorce. After many emails and his empty promises, no refund. I should have sued him in california court but i do not live there. To far.

        Live and learn. Do a search and you can download his stuff for free. He has pissed of so many that some post his ebooks for download just to f#$@ him.

        Don't buy anything new from him. After it comes out you should be able to find it for free.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6966948].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Dracor
    The Timeline - to put things in perspective for everyone, including John
    ================================================== ============

    04-19-2012 09:39 am

    hi guys - if it's not here, then it's not ready yet

    just about there...



    04-22-2012 01:46 pm

    hi everyone,

    as i mentioned to a few others by email and a post, i just got the course back from my
    editors and mentors, and i need to make some changes, so maybe a few more days.

    I apologize if your time is wasted on checking here. You can just wait on my email
    notification if you like.

    Thanks and i appreciate your patience!



    05-19-2012 07:51 pm

    not much longer, and i apologize for the wait period. But seriously, not much longer at all



    05-01-2012 01:57 pm

    originally posted by jesse
    hey john, is that a hint that you will be releasing the new blueprint next week?



    06-14-2012 09:24 am

    thanks everyone.

    We are all going home from the hospital today and once we settle in i'll consider releasing
    the blueprint on monday or tuesday.

    If creating business of value, desired content and ignoring what search engines are doing
    is appealing, then the true inner publisher is about to be released in all of you

    get ready.

    - john

    06-18-2012 01:43 pm

    hello all,

    i recently had to admit on an email reply that i am probably the
    worst-product-date-launch-planner-in-im-history, but i do deliver

    after 2 weeks in the hospital my baby boy is home and well, mother is recuperating
    from the surgery, and i'm focused this week on getting this course out to you all by
    over the weekend.

    07-03-2012 11:37 am

    by the end of this coming weekend for sure!

    I know i've said this a million times, but i'm inches from the end

    just running around like a chicken with its head cut off at the moment with everything else.



    07-07-2012 09:10 am

    hi all - still here and working fast.

    Soon, soon, soon



    07-07-2012 09:12 am

    hi all,

    i have a super-rough draft to 3 of you right now. I'm adding more over the next few days that is separate
    and and that total pdf will then go into the other 7-8 people.

    Soon, soon, soon


    07-17-2012 12:30 pm

    hello everyone,

    i've closed the other long blueprint release thread due to some impatient replies.

    I certainly understand everyone's excitement and lack of patience as this book has
    taken a long time to finish.

    I'm officially setting the release date for any day now

    07-21-2012 09:09 pm

    i think i may need until monday.

    Please withhold the pitchforks until then, it'll be worth it



    07-23-2012 01:56 pm

    you all are too nice, thank you

    keep the faith - any time now.

    Trust me - i need to unload all of this pressure by releasing it, more than you
    all can imagine

    lot's of work going into this thing - 300 pages and trimming...

    - john

    07-29-2012 03:17 pm

    yep, literally any day now (that's why i changed the title )



    07-31-2012 11:43 am

    just hold tight everyone, almost there.

    And i'm not just sitting and looking at my screen with a nice pdf just waiting, there
    are tasks i'm doing

    the course is due out later this week. It's really coming!

    08-05-2012 03:33 pm

    right around the corner.



    08-06-2012 07:05 pm

    hi nundo,

    until it's posted then that means i'm working on last minute touches.

    Thanks - john

    08-12-2012 04:50 pm

    i'm going to plan on releasing it this week, but do not want to give a set day as i seem to curse
    myself when i do and murphy's law absolutely loves to visit me during those times.

    Hope this has helped explain a little better, thanks.



    08-18-2012 03:08 pm

    i did not expect such positive remarks about the course so far, thank you.

    As i've always said, there is nothing new under the sun, but i think this plan can be a long-term
    course for anyone - adsense, affiliate income, products, etc.

    Also, i'm tinkering with part 2 right now and should have it all ready in a few days or less.

    08-26-2012 11:30 am

    i am truly nearly finished, the final outline and quick-steps for promotion are being

    Regards - john

    09-07-2012 03:42 pm

    hi lee,

    i am looking at tuesday morning or the evening before, monday (since you wanted a firm date then
    that is what i am looking at right now).



    09-11-2012 07:13 am

    dotting many i's & crossing many t's

    i'm breaths away



    09-12-2012 09:12 am

    hi chas08,

    inches away - less than 36 hours.

    No need to ask here, as when it's ready i'll be opening up new forums sections for each phase and
    i'll upload the pdf here too, along with fresh videos as we go along.

    Hang in there by your nails everyone



    09-16-2012 08:08 am

    it's arriving soon, you'll be the first to know here.


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  • Profile picture of the author eresource
    I know the X Factor is a singing reality show.
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  • Profile picture of the author zeroacid

    He is totally a liar and scam.... I am asking for refund for that new ebook thing which never release for stupid reasons... and now.. he keeps dragging me and replied my email as... "Yep - I'll be on this soon for you." ---- for last few months!!!

    I think I can't get my money back, but just a friendly note ...


    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7020044].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author yukon
      Originally Posted by zeroacid View Post


      He is totally a liar and scam.... I am asking for refund for that new ebook thing which never release for stupid reasons... and now.. he keeps dragging me and replied my email as... "Yep - I'll be on this soon for you." ---- for last few months!!!

      I think I can't get my money back, but just a friendly note ...


      I don't support the guy, but when you spent your money, didn't you already know that no product existed?

      If you didn't get a download right away, why wait months for trying to get a refund?

      I don't understand everyone bitching about something that never existed to begin with.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7020476].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Nelapsi
        Originally Posted by yukon View Post

        I don't support the guy, but when you spent your money, didn't you already know that no product existed?

        If you didn't get a download right away, why wait months for trying to get a refund?

        I don't understand everyone bitching about something that never existed to begin with.
        shhhh.. this thread is becoming a mailing list of people who will pay money for nothing.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7020531].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author BayAreaSteve
    Well , the course is out now, so everyone should be happy...

    Right now... This very second... You have everything you need to be successful. You have everything it takes , and more , to become everything you have ever dreamed ; and more than you can ever imagine.
    You are a success just by coming as far as you have...
    DO NOT give up five minutes before the miracle.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7330752].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author SEO Haven
    I know X Factor is a TV show, oh wait, that's Fear Factor.
    All-In-One SEO & Marketing Service
    If you want the upper hand over your competitors, here's your chance.
    SEO, SMM, Google Local Optimization & Professional Internet Marketing done-for-you.
    Never worry about Traffic & Lead Generation again! Click Here for more info.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7330867].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author aizaku
    I know the sales copy is great.
    >> 2018 Money Making Method Video Guides [NO OPTIN] <<
    80% Of These Proven Guides Are Free... ]
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7330942].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author tinknocker
      So is this course worth the money and the wait? Has anyone made any money from this method yet?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7417135].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author yukon
        Originally Posted by tinknocker View Post

        So is this course worth the money and the wait? Has anyone made any money from this method yet?

        You still want to buy after all the negative comments?
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7418006].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Andy Kobe
          He seems to have some piss poor customer service issue to learn from, but his new course is amazing. I was an "early bird" customer as he calls it.

          More like 6 months ago! I asked for a refund but changed my mind a few days ago.

          Worth the wait though. I'm only on page 270 and the stuff is changing the way I think about content.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7418855].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author csm
            Originally Posted by Andy Kobe View Post

            He seems to have some piss poor customer service issue to learn from, but his new course is amazing. I was an "early bird" customer as he calls it.

            More like 6 months ago! I asked for a refund but changed my mind a few days ago.

            Worth the wait though. I'm only on page 270 and the stuff is changing the way I think about content.
            Does it focus more on building an authority site?

            Is the hype in the sales letter accurate, e.g. no keyword mining, no link building, no social media? So build a site and focus on good content?
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7422347].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Andy Kobe
              Originally Posted by csm View Post

              Does it focus more on building an authority site?

              Is the hype in the sales letter accurate, e.g. no keyword mining, no link building, no social media? So build a site and focus on good content?
              It's hard to explain. There are actually detailed keyword plans, suggestions on promotion, light social stuff. Everything is step by step. Literally.

              He suggests very good content in list posting manner and lots of curation but no shady link stuff or anything blackhat. I'm up past page 350 now. The last section is how to promote each new article post in 33 steps. But some he suggests can be skipped.

              Kind of surprised about his magical playpens story. Kind of came out of nowhere in the blog post plan but very motivating to see how to look for opportunities for bigger income than adsense, he does not suggest to focus on adsense over anything else but to start with adsense and find your way.

              Too much more for me to post about it. The guy upset me by making me wait 6 months for a course that I paid for but now that I've got the book it was worth it. I only paid $47.
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7423159].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author tinknocker
          Originally Posted by yukon View Post

          You still want to buy after all the negative comments?

          No I'm not interested in this course at all. I was just wondering if anyone has actually made money with this method. My guess is probably not too many but what do I know.
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          • Profile picture of the author yukon
            Originally Posted by tinknocker View Post

            No I'm not interested in this course at all. I was just wondering if anyone has actually made money with this method. My guess is probably not too many but what do I know.

            I guarantee everything in the latest ebook can be found on Warrior Forum.

            I've said this before in other threads, people should be looking at traffic generation methods instead of focusing on the word "Adsense". Adsense is the monetizing method which is useless without traffic. Anyone can copy/paste Adsense code or change Ad colors/layouts, that's the easy stuff.

            My advice for everyone, do some research on traffic generation, forget the word "Adsense". IF you want to spend money, buy bestselling books on Amazon for learning about internet traffic & how customers think. Forget the money side of IM, because it will never happen without the targeted traffic.
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            • Profile picture of the author tinknocker
              Originally Posted by yukon View Post

              I guarantee everything in the latest ebook can be found on Warrior Forum.

              I've said this before in other threads, people should be looking at traffic generation methods instead of focusing on the word "Adsense". Adsense is the monetizing method which is useless without traffic. Anyone can copy/paste Adsense code or change Ad colors/layouts, that's the easy stuff.

              My advice for everyone, do some research on traffic generation, forget the word "Adsense". IF you want to spend money, buy bestselling books on Amazon for learning about internet traffic & how customers think. Forget the money side of IM, because it will never happen without the targeted traffic.

              Absolutely true.
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7419630].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author togdil
              Originally Posted by yukon View Post


              I've said this before in other threads, people should be looking at traffic generation methods instead of focusing on the word "Adsense". Adsense is the monetizing method which is useless without traffic. Anyone can copy/paste Adsense code or change Ad colors/layouts, that's the easy stuff.

              My advice for everyone, do some research on traffic generation, forget the word "Adsense". IF you want to spend money, buy bestselling books on Amazon for learning about internet traffic & how customers think. Forget the money side of IM, because it will never happen without the targeted traffic.
              The best advice I ever had!
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  • Profile picture of the author MrMonetize
    I love Simon Cowell.

    Oh wait..
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  • Profile picture of the author nawshale
    Woah, finally! I've read almost everything from this thread and I sure did learn a lot just by reading through it. I'm just a newbie here and to tell you honestly I've been learning a lot from you 'warriors' in this forum.

    Thank you everyone! esp to the one who started this thread. if not for him, discussions and other helpful information like these won't be unleashed to the public.

    Big thanks! Really!
    Thumbs up!!
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  • Profile picture of the author gabkwong
    X-Factor is really affected by panda and penguin lol.
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  • Profile picture of the author moreno
    i only know xfactor from the tv music contest ( ahah..) that's why i'm a lucky guy , i spare my money and i invest in better things than infos course or guide that you probably can find on the web for free....
    i got scammed me too even here on the wso you can find people selling old advice not working anymore or even possibly causing you damage ....just be careful about all the promise of big earning ...
    best of luck
    Frank Moreno
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  • Profile picture of the author immortelle
    I know that I have been following him since his original made for adsense course. That formula worked and made John Robinson some cash, but since Panda, Penguin, etc. that formula is defunct. And by the way so is John James Robinson. I hate to say this, but he has not been able to replicate his success in the world of internet 2.0, 3.0 and onward. He has no clue. Last year I watched him start an "authority site" that bombed immediately. He dropped it like a hot potato. I realized he has not a clue how to do an "authority site". Now he has his forum set up with a hackneyed beach theme, the oldest trick in the book. The hook, don't you want to retire on the beach somewhere while your autopilot website makes you a fortune? xfactor will not help you do this.

    I was a loyal follower for a few years, just hoping that John Robinson could keep coming up with the goods, but he cannot. He doesn't charge tons of money, probably why there are not more complaints about him, but still, steer clear. He is not capable of coaching or providing special assistance to anyone, he can barely manage to keep his own business going. I hate to say he's an out and out scam, he's not, he's just out of it, not capable of teaching anyone how to do anything, I'm afraid.

    Probably he'll kick me out of his forum if he reads this, bummer. Still I don't think he is maliciously trying to rip people off, but he is actually doing just that. It's pathetic, really. I'll let you know if I ever receive a refund for my "mini-blueprint" or the "live videos" of him making a site that will earn lots of $$ in a very short time. dont' hold your breath!!

    My advice to myself and anyone else who needs advice: just get to work and don't bother with gurus. Most of them are hollow.

    Peace and Love
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  • Profile picture of the author Lizk
    My posts in here were deleted.......... Anyone know why this would be?? Is John a WF admin?!?! Sheesh.
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  • Profile picture of the author sf1289
    Interesting. I came here a few days ago and saw a recent post describing issues with John 'xfactor' or whatever name he goes by, and now it is gone. i was actually thankful for such honesty and I could relate.

    I would think information regarding his lack of follow through for services, and not refunding customers for up to $700 worth of services/videos/coaching that he never delivered would be very important for those out there interested in this thread. I mean the question is 'what do you know about xfactor?'

    what i know about him is that he may take 8 months or more to deliver an ebook, that may have some decent info (most of which you can find right here on the WF) and he sells people on coaching and site builds and does not deliver, and does not refund their money. that's what I know about him. include me in that group. i've been waiting on a refund for 4 months.

    are we not allowed to give an honest answer to the OP's question?
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  • Profile picture of the author Lizk
    For those that have been swindled by John Robinson as well, I was recently told about this website in order to make a complaint. Apparently the FBI is a component of that complaint system and they can actually arrest people stemming from those complaints filed
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    • Profile picture of the author zebrahacker
      When did his xfactorpublishing.com & adsensemasterscourse.com sites go down? (including the forum)?

      I just barely noticed about a week ago, but I see the last post was from over 3 weeks ago?
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      • Profile picture of the author bscbscbsc
        We are all wondering all you see when you try to log in is the Hostgator sign
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      • Profile picture of the author Cosmo Demopoulos
        Originally Posted by zebrahacker View Post

        When did his xfactorpublishing.com & adsensemasterscourse.com sites go down? (including the forum)?

        I just barely noticed about a week ago, but I see the last post was from over 3 weeks ago?
        Site went down maybe 3 or 4 days ago?
        I'm imagining it'll come back up when he eventually semi gets his sh*t together, no offense to him meant here.

        My life has been out of control before. I'm guessing his is non stop out of control.

        In his last post (maybe 7 days ago?) he said something about getting back once he sorts things out in a few days, which may be more than a few days . . .
        Wine - bubbles and more
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        • Profile picture of the author Shellibelle
          He says that "Just a few more days" thing religiously while brushing off those who already paid him. Various reasons include family deaths, his side businesses burning down, "messy separation stuff", etc., etc.. Always something to tug your heart strings. Never too busy to email people privately and beg them for a job, creating their personal adsense moneymaker site though. Only three slots left, and that's it... Yeah, okay...we get it now. It was like a joke toward the end.

          We'll never see him (or our money) again. Not under that particular name, anyway.
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          • Profile picture of the author MJ Austin
            Originally Posted by Shellibelle View Post

            He says that "Just a few more days" thing religiously while brushing off those who already paid him. Various reasons include family deaths, his side businesses burning down, "messy separation stuff", etc., etc.. Always something to tug your heart strings. Never too busy to email people privately and beg them for a job, creating their personal adsense moneymaker site though. Only three slots left, and that's it... Yeah, okay...we get it now. It was like a joke toward the end.

            We'll never see him (or our money) again. Not under that particular name, anyway.
            This sums it up perfectly. I fall into the category of people who got insta-banned from the forum without a word for leaving a non-sycophantic (but still civil) comment. That was a good 7-8 months ago now, I take it the situation didn't improve much in the interim. Still, the guy did seem to have good intentions, I'd be surprised if he straight up cut and run. All those people who trusted him implicitly... sadness.
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            • Profile picture of the author gecko111
              Yes Im an idiot too got me for the site building service when I was already shakey about him $500 or $600. He keeps making excuses to hold you off filing a pay pal 45 day complaint. I didn't realise til it was too late, when its close he emails and says "I will be starting it this week if that's ok with you", we go "oh yes that's great thanks john" and off he goes, 45 days past and your money is gone like Alaskan oil. :confused:
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  • Profile picture of the author eglobalbrad
    Well, I thought I knew about John and thought he was being honest since I followed his work and projects over the years. I knew at times he had things which came up, but he eventually pulled through for his projects. I figured I'd work with him on an offer he had about building a website, promotion, etc., at the beginning of this year. After getting a few emails from him that he would have more time after the weekend, and then an emergency, and now not hearing from him, and his sites going down for 'some' reason, I had to put in a claim with PayPal the other day to see if I could get my money back.

    I think you get the 'gist' of this type of shenanigan.
    You can make a fortune generating Bitcoins, find out here...
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    • Profile picture of the author Dracor
      This is the reply I got from John today regarding my deposit for the shared income web coaching we had agreed to do together:

      I apologize for the delay in replying. I'm not online any longer because I have taken an offline marketing job traveling and doing business to business sales.

      (I lost all of my savings and cannot sustain my online work projects or ebooks).

      I owe you a deep apology and this email is to let you know that I just overloaded my work orders way too much and my team fell through to help.

      It's been one disaster after another in my life over the last 12 months and unfortunately my customers have suffered.

      ...But I don't want to give you any more excuses.

      For that I am sorry and I will be sending you a full refund as soon as I possibly can. It may take some time as I try to scrape up funds but I will be doing the best that I can.

      Bankruptcy may be my best option right now and it will help me clear up funds to send you a lot sooner if I do.

      Things are down and out here for me and I understand if you are upset, but in no way was it intentional to get behind on my projects and put you in a bind with your payment. Please accept my deepest apologies and I'll be doing the best I can to get a refund to you in the shortest time I possibly can.




      I am not expecting to see my cash again but I have opened a paypal claim. I'd say he's cleaned out the account already though. :/

      honestly, I should have seen it coming.
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      • Profile picture of the author TAZ87
        Oh dear. Sorry you got burnt out,ouch
        Though would you say his last ebook is valuable though or not worth the time to read?

        Looking for a JV partner to get my product launched. contact me here if interested!

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        • Profile picture of the author Dracor
          Originally Posted by TAZ87 View Post

          Oh dear. Sorry you got burnt out,ouch
          Though would you say his last ebook is valuable though or not worth the time to read?
          Honestly, with the sort of model he's talking about I usually just read the basic outline and focus on the traffic strategies. In my experience it's 20% putting up the page/content and 80% getting out there and making it known so you can get traffic/sales/clients etc.

          He takes a lot of pages to say something that's for sure haha!
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  • Profile picture of the author shadow619
    Well, here is my few thoughts on this. I honestly don't think he was being malicious. I do think he may have taken on too much. Most likely he had a vision of things to come and one thing may have failed after another while at the same time drowning in his lifes misfortunes. My prayers actually go out to John.
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    • Profile picture of the author flgator625
      Of course his intent was malicious! What do you call it when someone is "supposedly" in financial trouble, and consciously asks people to send them more money up until the very last day they disappear? That is a planned result. And if you never saw his health site, it never existed.

      Don't try getting into his head, just judge him based on his actions.

      Possible lesson learned: If someone asks for your money, and they don't provide a verifiable phone number and mailing address, run in the other direction. Of course, there are easy ways around this but it's a first step.
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  • Profile picture of the author sachin121
    X-Factor in very general term means the unknown factor or the unexplainable thing which adds a certain value to that object, element or a person.
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  • Profile picture of the author venusaffiliate
    I recently signed up for a new course he created, got that. Then we signed up for this whole other part of the course, where he would assist you and do personal coaching and all sorts of cool stuff and paid more money for that.
    Well, 6 months later, it was one excuse after another. Finally we got fed up and asked for a refund of over $200 and got 3 emails saying it was coming and I still haven't seen it. So basically I paid for something that I never received...
    This person is completely out of integrity and I would stay as far away as possible.
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  • Profile picture of the author BeverlyDweller
    The formula is pretty simple: create a site (small or large) and place ads on it. Ad positioning can be modified and you can get involved in arbitrage but outside of that, I'd be curious to see how it can be done "differently"
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    • Profile picture of the author kiefer
      I'm writing this post to share some of my experiences with the xFactor machine.

      Just a few days ago I attempted to log on to the Adsense Masters Course forum and saw that it no longer exists.

      Early on, I had purchased xFactor ebooks and the right to join/use the forum, after it had been closed down once before to weed out those who trolled (and those who complained too loudly).

      I did manage to make one Adsense micro site but I grew weary of writing about the subject. That site makes about $5.00 per month, not enough, obviously, to sustain a living.

      The last ebook that I paid for (that would be version 3) was quite detailed, and potentially useful for someone like me, who prefers to build authority sites.

      I knew that I wouldn't be interested in anything more substantial, such as private coaching. I did assume that he would deliver promptly on the more expensive services but I wasn't going to invest so I didn't keep track of it.

      I was a bit annoyed by the long delay in receiving the ebook that I had paid for. I was counting on reading it and making money as soon as I internalized the information. When the 3rd edition was finally ready, I knew that I would never buy another product from him, no matter how inexpensive, because he had some sort of challenges in his internal/external life that were going to prevent him from being timely.

      Because of the delays in getting the final ebook, my time (time is money) ran out. I couldn't make it (his system) work or so I thought, in the time I had left before all my funds were gone. I began to repress my anxiety.

      The thought of going back into the profession (dispensing meds) that I had worked in for over 20 years was repulsive to me. And it wasn't like I could just go back; the market had completely shifted and those jobs were scarce to non-existent. I was caught in a double-bind. My anxiety deepened. That type of chronic negative thinking apparently sealed my fate and on November 14, 2013 my good health was replaced with a myriad of bizarre symptoms, starting with an inability to sleep normally.

      Now, seven months later, I have what some people call severe Tension Myoneural Syndrome (others call it ME, CFS, or fibromyalgia). All you need to know about it is this: It so effectively fatigues my mind and body that working and socializing is nearly impossible. How is it, then, that I'm able to write this long letter, if I'm so mentally tired? I started 3 days ago...

      Clearly, there are those of you who feel angry about not getting what was promised to you. I empathize with all of you who thought you were putting a down payment on your future and got nothing. I hope that he somehow repays all of you. You deserve that.

      I'd like to make a comment about how you might feel better about your situation, even if you lost a lot of money.

      You will feel better emotionally if you just decide to believe that he never intended to harm you financially. Why? Because if you decide that he WAS deceptive, you'll trigger additional negative emotions that feed into your overall reaction of not getting something you paid for. Your health is too important to dwell on the inconsistencies of another person.

      You can debate endlessly about whether John Robinson deliberately intended to mislead you or if he was just the victim of his own personality styles. I believe that he was sincere about everything that he said, but somehow, his positive thinking philosophy regarding life jumped up and bit him on the arse. If the events he mentioned really did happen, then he would have a lot of explaining to do (to himself) about why he appeared so successful with a publishing business but so "unlucky" in his personal life. That's a heap of tragedy to confront, no matter who you are.

      My opinion is that he was an optimist who truly believed that he could deliver on his promises. From what I've read about optimists who are entrepreneurs (especially when doing something technical, like writing), they overestimate their abilities. He was no different. He may have also been a perfectionist, constantly updating/correcting his material until it was "just right". Maybe at some point he realized that his "stuff" didn't work anymore but he was driven to find a way that did. Figuring all that out takes time. It was a recipe for trouble.

      As I deal day-to-day with my illness, I think about all the negative emotions I had fed into my body. Maybe I could have dodged this bullet if I had just focused on the joy of being healthy and that maybe I could still create an income my way, in time, without John's help.

      Perhaps some of you might think that this post is actually coming from xFactor in disguise but no, I'm just somebody who (also) had a life-altering experience and I'm trying to put my world back together again.

      Before you write back with hostility (I'm really not defending John's actions, even though some of you may think I am), consider what I've said. It's not what he's done to you that is as important as what you tell yourself what it means. Despising him will have a hurtful impact on you, not him. Don't store the hate (it'll end up in your body), just let go of it.

      Was xFactor to blame for my current situation? Nah, I was the one who waited for him to deliver. And I was the one who focused on failure rather than on achievement. Now my biggest challenge is to accept what has happened to me and to focus on recovery, for as long as it takes.

      I wish all of you success. Learn from your experiences, then grow. I wish I'd done that.

      Thanks for reading.
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      • Profile picture of the author TAZ87
        Kiefer...this is a tragedy. I am really sorry.I don't know what to say. I hope your health improves and you get back on your feet.
        This is the danger of online scamming, not just the money lost but the breaking of dreams and hopes.

        Kind Regards

        Looking for a JV partner to get my product launched. contact me here if interested!

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