Keyword Country a review

Profile picture of rhj12345
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If you have ever used a company called Keyword Country, stay away!

On the surface it looks like a good product, but after you download there bloated software your will find it is kind of a pain to use. If you can get it to work most of the time the keyword research take about 3 times longer than other products and delivers about the same.

Keyword Country has other tools like PPC builder. What a joke. Most of the time it fails to build even a basic campaign, and seems to find bad keywords. If you do PPC with Yahoo or Bing you are much better of using the Microsoft free AdCenter builder.

The worst part about Keyword County is the $588 per year price. Ouch! But it gets worse, their support is half ass at best. I am glad to see Google make changes because companies like KC with there outdated tools will just go away.

Be careful if you ever have to cancel. They will start a support ticket with the response "Why are you leaving us??? We are so great! Please love us!" and then not cancel. I found out the hard way and ended up paying for another 3 months service with no refund.

I had to deal with a support tech called Gary, kind of a jerk. What is with these people??? If you send them a support ticket you just get back a response like " What's the matter? Why are you so upset?" Really??? How about the refund you owe me??

Stay away from this joke of a company. Keyword Country is not a good internet marketing tool but a waste of money.

Just my opinion.

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