Roger Langille?

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Hey Warriors, anybody have any info on this guy? Someone sent me to a pre-recorded webinar of him talking about his Amazon/Ebay arbritage system. Sounded interesting, but a simple internet search brought up some not so nice things. Is this system played out? Any experience with his membership site? I think its like 47 bucks to start. Thanks!
#langille #roger
  • Profile picture of the author Auctiondebteliminator
    Profile picture of Auctiondebteliminator
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    Roger Langille?

    He doesn't work.

    I can pick him apart in a couple of easy seconds.

    I'll even give you s sneak peak as to why signing up for him won't won't work at all.

    The guy advocates signing up for suppliers using 'their descriptions' and 'their products' and selling it for a higher price.

    Well, here's the problem with doing a 'push to eBay' system: You will be EXACTLY the same as every one else. You will not set yourself apart from anyone else and you will have no skills in undercutting any of your competition.

    He doesn't go into finding any market worth and finding any profitability off that market worth. He advocates selling items blindly from suppliers basically utilizing their prices.

    The problem is, you have to take a DATA-based approach.

    DON'T BE PUSHED AROUND WITH DROPSHIPPERS! As a retailer, YOU are in the driver's seat. You are in charge. YOU set the pricing - but you need to set the pricing based on ACTUAL market worth of the items LESS deductions - including negotiated costs to acquire.

    Roger Langille doesn't teach this.

    His is a 'push button' method that loses people lots of money in insertion fees because there is no research methodology before hand... Sad really, because that is the underlying success method I've taught hundreds of people how to exploit.

    In addition, you need to have a sales history BEFORE going into dropshipping anyway! I've taught how to bridge that gap for years - something Roger never touches upon.

    How on earth can you dropship without negotiation leverage?!

    Exactly, Roger, Exactly.

    I just smile.
    Famous for my '$1000 dollar challenge,' I've been teaching people how to DOMINATE on eBay for YEARS. Sell 100% of your items FOR A PROFIT. Rank higher, sell faster, sell more, and DESTROY your competition with a data-based approach. Quit listening to Guru's-in-training! Click now below!
    • Profile picture of the author tenaya23
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        Originally Posted by tenaya23 View Post

        I did try Roger's basic training. Here is where I had a problem. The training suggests that when you order through Amazon you must go through a link setup by Roger which he claims tells Amazon that they should ship items in a plain brown box without Amazon markings or invoice. We are not talking about Fulfillment By Amazon here; he teaches selling only actual Amazon products to take advantage of free shipping.

        Well, what you are really doing is sending items as gifts ( which you could do without the "special link" ) and I don't think the Amazon source information is completely removed. I have read conflicting reports on this. Actually, I believe the real reason for this setup is that when you go to Amazon with these links you are dropping Roger's Amazon affiliate cookie! Great for him, not so great for you if your Ebay customers catch on to what's going on and your feedback tanks.
        And here's a further issue you're going to run into -

        The RETURN of an item!

        When an item is returned in this scenario, when it's a gift - and it's not to the 'eBay seller' it looks incredibly suspicious. And when eBay/Amazon get word of it you can kiss your accounts goodbye.

        So, in a nutshell:

        Bad data + bad margins + bad marketing + bad competition breakthrough + bad policies + eBay/Amazon terms of service policy violation + bad customer service encouragement = the worst possible way to make money on eBay ever.

        -Auction Debt Eliminator-
        Famous for my '$1000 dollar challenge,' I've been teaching people how to DOMINATE on eBay for YEARS. Sell 100% of your items FOR A PROFIT. Rank higher, sell faster, sell more, and DESTROY your competition with a data-based approach. Quit listening to Guru's-in-training! Click now below!
      • Profile picture of the author acw
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        Originally Posted by tenaya23 View Post

        I did try Roger's basic training. Here is where I had a problem. The training suggests that when you order through Amazon you must go through a link setup by Roger which he claims tells Amazon that they should ship items in a plain brown box without Amazon markings or invoice. We are not talking about Fulfillment By Amazon here; he teaches selling only actual Amazon products to take advantage of free shipping.

        Well, what you are really doing is sending items as gifts ( which you could do without the "special link" ) and I don't think the Amazon source information is completely removed. I have read conflicting reports on this. Actually, I believe the real reason for this setup is that when you go to Amazon with these links you are dropping Roger's Amazon affiliate cookie! Great for him, not so great for you if your Ebay customers catch on to what's going on and your feedback tanks.
        edit...see next post
    • Profile picture of the author sybull
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      • Profile picture of the author BravoOne
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        He doesn't teach anything that is ground breaking. If you can look up items on Amazon, Walmart, K-Mart, or any other website and add a number to their price, you can do this. All the people that are making 'tons' of money with this are doing it on the MLM pyramid scheme side.

        Here's a link to their public help desk. Please note the #1 help topic. In case they make it private, I've attached a screen shot.

        Help Desk
      • Profile picture of the author Auctiondebteliminator
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        Originally Posted by sybull View Post

        I used him and made money with him and I know a lot of people who are also making money with it. Have you tried him or just going on theory?
        Luckily I have math to back me up. I can look at his method, I can look at his technique, and I can run numbers.

        And from there, I don't need to have a 'theory.'

        I see that a lot of the people in this thread are part of his MLM 'defending' his method. I get it. You need to make your investment back, that's how MLM's work.

        You're not going against WF's 'affiliate link' policy, because you've created your own domain names. So, we can't knock you for that.

        So other people can be the judge.

        In this thread already, towards the beginning, I already went through the process of the math, so I won't go through that again.

        However, I'll copy/paste some of the PM's I've received from people that had their accounts shut down because of this and/or found it didn't work for them.

        Because the fact sill remains it's against the TOS no matter how many times ''It's explained how to get around that!''

        (P.S. these are recent)

        By the way, I don't care if you sign up for my program, or another. I just want people to be successful in a legitimate program that advocates honesty in business practice.

        "Im interested in ecommerce and dropshipping. I got into ds domination, while it did make me some money, the amount of time trying to find a product that will sell is not worth what you actually make. Im about to deploy to afghanitstan and looking for something i can do while deployed."

        My name is *****. I recently opened my own eBay business online about a month and a half ago. I have been using as the main supplier of goods and also shipping for my eBay custies. Having amazon prime made it easy for me to get the orders shipped to the customers within 3-5 business days promptly however, the payments on pay pal were held unavailable/delayed due to probationary thresh holds using pay pal during the beginning phases of account activity. This eventually led to me purchasing items with my own pocket cash on Amazon for items bought by eBay custies. I then awaited the payment authorization on pay pal to reimburse me for my cash purchases. After doing this for a month it's taken a substantial toll on my personal funds and drastically slowed down my drive and persistence to post new items! I need professional mentoring on the art of eBay/amazon drop shipping. Can you help me?"


        I tried to look into DS Domination and sure enough, I got banned for no reason. I have also looked into your method of using ebay as well. I got stuck with "23984792387" in student loan bills too and I JUST need a way out"

        So. There you go. If you like DS domination, you can keep DS domination/Roger's course. That's fine. Just make an informed decision with math, data, and TOS reading. I'm sure Roger is a nice guy.
        Famous for my '$1000 dollar challenge,' I've been teaching people how to DOMINATE on eBay for YEARS. Sell 100% of your items FOR A PROFIT. Rank higher, sell faster, sell more, and DESTROY your competition with a data-based approach. Quit listening to Guru's-in-training! Click now below!
    • Profile picture of the author carlgaudet
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      Hey Man i am an unexperience ebay Amazon sellers , also a Roger Langille "ds domination Student" and i did make sales doing what he teach....i also believe you dind t buy all the products of his and also dind t watch live webinars....althought a big part of what you said his right considering that he make it as simple as possible but you can sell with the same description ofothers sellers... i know that stading out is the best way and he also teaches that but more standing out by the keyword reaserch"keyword targeting" i am an seo guys and it make sense to Me.....anyway just saying that what h teache work and now it becomes even more insane...and he his not teaching the same way selling on amazon and on Ebay!

      I Learned a lot with Ds and it s cool so My point of view his This , Ebay and Amazon Trust elimanate a lot of hassle so even if you don t have the best description if your title rocks and you target original worth it keyword, you still make money Just have to take more action " i take more time on the item that sell most that s it" should take a look at the guy a little deeper wish you the best Man !
    • Profile picture of the author dmorrow
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      Roger Langille's training works. Period. He is trustworthy, and cares about his members. If people won't put in the time to research products, list them correctly, make sure they adjust their listings for price fluctuations, out of stocks, etc, they won't be successful.

      Roger has taught us to not use Prime for filling our orders for years now. Ebay has no problem with dropshippers. They know we list with Amazon and many other websites as our sources. They are fine with it.

      Ebay also will not allow a buyer to leave negative feedback based on where we order the item from. There is training for how to handle buyer disatisfaction in the rare case when it happens, as well as how to give top notch custome service for every buyer. This keeps Ebay and the buyers happy.

      In 2.5 years as of this reply, I have never had a buyer complain because his purchase arrived in an Amazon box, with a gift receipt instead of an invoice. This business works, folks. Honestly.
  • Profile picture of the author Auctiondebteliminator
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    Has anyone else used him?

    I'm smack on the mouth with this analysis.
    Famous for my '$1000 dollar challenge,' I've been teaching people how to DOMINATE on eBay for YEARS. Sell 100% of your items FOR A PROFIT. Rank higher, sell faster, sell more, and DESTROY your competition with a data-based approach. Quit listening to Guru's-in-training! Click now below!
  • Profile picture of the author djackson
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    I havent but I heard of him, and its along the lines of what auction is saying
  • Profile picture of the author Joshster
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    I edited my comment since I didn't feel it added positively to this thread.

    My main concern is the rather sketchy advice regarding using Prime, which is completely against Amazon's TOS.

    This is a deal breaker since I am not willing to put my Amazon account in jeopardy

    It was also mentioned that there was a way to get Prime for free, I did not see this answered anywhere - unless this is referring to the various free trial's, which are well known about.
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  • Profile picture of the author seosoldier
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    Hmmm. I heard Roger's webinar just today and I read this thread, and honestly I don't see that much here that negates what he is apparently teaching. I have not signed up but may try it under the refund guarantee.

    As I see it there is easy proof you can see for yourself that people are making money on ebay selling amazon stuff for more than it sells for on amazon, and thus making money. If this is true (I will check into this shortly myself) then it is do-able and scalable.

    If Roger teaches the nuances of this system then I don't see why it would not be a good course.

    My two questions which make me wonder, and which I have to get answered for certain before signing up for Roger's training, are:

    1) Is it a violation of Amazon TOS to drop-ship stuff free to people using amazon prime? (If it is, I don't necessarily have a problem with the system - you could still theoretically make money by buying low and selling high, even with the shipping cost added in.) What I have more of a problem with is IF Roger is lying about being able to do this without violating Amazon Prime TOS.

    2) Is it true you can have stuff sent in plain brown boxes, not amazon boxes? I know you can send it as a gift and not have the price show that way; but can you have amazon send it in a plain brown box? I have never heard of it, and at least one comment on the web I found states that amazon said this is not possible.

    So to me, these are 2 issues that I need to find out about before purchasing Roger's training, as I don't want to have to refund; I'd rather find out the answers for sure, first, and then join or not join based on those answers. I have written Roger to ask him about this; we'll see if I get a response and what it is.

    But as I said, the system makes sense to me if indeed people buy stuff on ebay that is higher priced than you can get it on amazon or other sources such as Sears. If that's true then I see no reason why one could not make money by scaling this system.

    Since I just heard about this today I really don't know much about it, but it certainly sounds like it may have potential as a business.
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  • Profile picture of the author Auctiondebteliminator
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    In Amazon's TOS for Amazon Prime does explicitly say that is is against their policy to dropship items.

    Here is the direct quote:

    "Amazon Prime isn't available for customers who purchase products for the purpose of resale or use Amazon Prime to ship products to their customers or potential customers."

    You can check out the link here: Help: About Amazon Prime
    Famous for my '$1000 dollar challenge,' I've been teaching people how to DOMINATE on eBay for YEARS. Sell 100% of your items FOR A PROFIT. Rank higher, sell faster, sell more, and DESTROY your competition with a data-based approach. Quit listening to Guru's-in-training! Click now below!
  • Profile picture of the author intervine
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      Originally Posted by intervine View Post

      As you will see from my post count, I hardly ever post here unless I have something I want to say. And this topic is one of those times.

      First off, here are a few questions about this "Webinar" you were invited to:
      • When you received your email about your "Webinar", was the email titled "Reminder: Your Webinar is on XX/XX/2013..." making you feel like you already signed up, even though you hadn't?
      • In the webinar invite, did they mention "Roger Langille" by his full name, or did they leave out his last name and just mention "my friend Roger"?
      • During the webinar, did they conveniently leave our Roger's last name during the entire presentation?
      • After the webinar and when you got follow up emails, did they (again) not mention Roger's last name?
      This set off about a bazillion warning flags with me, as I had the "pleasure" of attending one of his webinar's many months ago. They are always the same: about 35 minutes, he does everything lighting fast, doesn't answer any questions, and glazes over the most important issues so you think that they are easily handled (like drop shipping). I actually had to do some digging to find the guys last name, as the affiliate marketer wouldn't tell me it on the call nor afterwards. Once I found it and did about 5 minutes of research, it was easy to see why all of these affiliates are leaving his name out of anything they send. They know that if they mention his full name, everyone will google him, see that he's as shady as they come, and their conversion rates would drop to nothing.

      While I don't want to name or completely dis the affiliates who are doing this (I can think of 4 Warriors right now), I have lost respect for them and have removed myself from their lists. Sending out a misleading webinar notification making you think you must have signed up, working with a guy like Roger Langille, and then intentionally going through great pains to leave his last name out of anything they put in writing pretty much tells you all you need to know: they know he is toxic, they have been offered a hefty commission for whomever they can get signed up, and they don't really care about the customers on their lists.

      If I'm wrong about Roger and the affiliates here trying to rope people in for him, then why have they avoided speaking up on these threads to explain why they work with him and convince us that he's legit? Or better yet, start a post prior to one of these webinars notifying the other warriors here so that we can all know about it and join in? Oh...yeah...there must be a very good reason why they don't do that....

      Just my two cents.
      I'm not here to defend Roger Langille, but I have to tell you my experience is the OPPOSITE of what you say here.

      Roger's first and last name were given at the top and later during the webinar his name was up on the screen in a graphic for a long time, yes, and even his email address with his name in it.

      I was actually sent an invitation to opt in to the webinar which I did.

      The webinar was over 2 hours and many questions were answered.

      The only questions I had that didn't get answered were about shipping in a plain brown box and about whether it violates Amazon TOS to use Prime.

      I asked those questions in an email to Roger after the webinar and he responded to me, gave me his phone number and said he'd be happy to explain by phone. I have not called yet.

      I admit this guy has a lot of bad press around the net, I also did my due diligence in researching him and frankly the bad press gives me reason to hesitate buying his training.

      But judging just on the webinar and how it was handled and his response with phone number after it, I have to say he seems pretty much on the up and up.

      Yes clearly amazon Prime says you can't drop ship using Prime.
      However, that said, tons of people are doing it and getting away with it!
      So one has to wonder if whether there is a trick to getting around it, OR if amazon really just doesn't care because they're making money.
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    • Profile picture of the author hitesh93
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      Originally Posted by intervine View Post

      As you will see from my post count, I hardly ever post here unless I have something I want to say. And this topic is one of those times.

      First off, here are a few questions about this "Webinar" you were invited to:
      • When you received your email about your "Webinar", was the email titled "Reminder: Your Webinar is on XX/XX/2013..." making you feel like you already signed up, even though you hadn't?
      • In the webinar invite, did they mention "Roger Langille" by his full name, or did they leave out his last name and just mention "my friend Roger"?
      • During the webinar, did they conveniently leave our Roger's last name during the entire presentation?
      • After the webinar and when you got follow up emails, did they (again) not mention Roger's last name?
      This set off about a bazillion warning flags with me, as I had the "pleasure" of attending one of his webinar's many months ago. They are always the same: about 35 minutes, he does everything lighting fast, doesn't answer any questions, and glazes over the most important issues so you think that they are easily handled (like drop shipping). I actually had to do some digging to find the guys last name, as the affiliate marketer wouldn't tell me it on the call nor afterwards. Once I found it and did about 5 minutes of research, it was easy to see why all of these affiliates are leaving his name out of anything they send. They know that if they mention his full name, everyone will google him, see that he's as shady as they come, and their conversion rates would drop to nothing.

      While I don't want to name or completely dis the affiliates who are doing this (I can think of 4 Warriors right now), I have lost respect for them and have removed myself from their lists. Sending out a misleading webinar notification making you think you must have signed up, working with a guy like Roger Langille, and then intentionally going through great pains to leave his last name out of anything they put in writing pretty much tells you all you need to know: they know he is toxic, they have been offered a hefty commission for whomever they can get signed up, and they don't really care about the customers on their lists.

      If I'm wrong about Roger and the affiliates here trying to rope people in for him, then why have they avoided speaking up on these threads to explain why they work with him and convince us that he's legit? Or better yet, start a post prior to one of these webinars notifying the other warriors here so that we can all know about it and join in? Oh...yeah...there must be a very good reason why they don't do that....

      Just my two cents.
      Since I held a webinar with Roger, let me clarify some things:
      1. I not only posted Roger's full name, but put his email out there, and he welcomes his buyers to call him in case of any issues.
      2. I have never sent anything misleading like claiming you are signed up for a webinar when you are not so you're clearly referring to someone else there.
      3. I have known Roger for quite a while now. I also did a lot of due diligence on the product, and Roger as a person as well. Like I mentioned above I've spoken with his students, gone through the training myself as well.
      4. My webinar with him was 2 hours long. Not sure why you said it was 35 minutes with him not answering questions.

      If you attended some other webinar, then please clarify whom it was for, because it was certainly not mine and sounds completely different from what Roger did on the webinar with me. As such, I'm inclined to believe that the 35 minute format that you're referring to was the mutual decision of the affiliate and roger, not one of a 'fixed format'.

      Just like you asked, I'm explaining why I was happy to do a webinar with Roger. In under 2 days I've received a lot of positive feedback about it including a success story of someone who has already made money using Roger's methods.
  • Profile picture of the author Drew Trainor
    Drew Trainor
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    Those are some good points Intervine... he seems desperate. You can learn a lot more from the dropshipping threads here on the Forum.
  • Profile picture of the author heatherl1809
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      • Profile picture of the author seosoldier
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        Originally Posted by Auctiondebteliminator View Post


        You do realize that by publishing these eBay user names - we can submit this thread to eBay moderators, providing proof that they're breaking eBay's TOS by using this system and they will be shut down overnight by utilizing this system?

        All it will take is one of us to report their listing(s) after looking up their usernames and reporting them - and providing the URL to this thread.


        I just looked at one of the negative feedback received for bld304... this is what it said:

        "Sellers "warehouse" is actually Amazon. Save $, buy from Amazon directly. Buyer: k*******r ( 422) Mar-15-13 09:57"

        Even the buyers figured it out - this was the issue seen in the other thread in the WF about using Amazon as a dropshipper.
        Why would anyone do that?
        You'd have to be a complete ahole to report someone for breaking ebay TOS.

        You wrote "From some recent people that have contacted me and signed up for my course, nine have indicated that they have refunded the Roger Langille course - and it was NOT within the last 12 months.


        So they got their money back, right? No harm, no foul.
        And if indeed 9 got their money back, and came to you, you should be grateful for Roger introducing them to the idea of making money on auctions.

        Again, I'm not for nor against Roger Langille, I'm just a guy investigating the idea of dropshipping as he teaches, and to me it looks do-able. With a money back guarantee, it seems reasonable to attempt to learn from someone who has made it work.
        > My Promise To You: I will never promote any offer I do not truly believe to be 100% worth buying and using!
        • Profile picture of the author NateYoung
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          If some one were to report a person for breaking Amazon TOS hardly makes them an A-hole. I say the person ruining it for other by knowingly violating Amazon TOS which could in turn cause Amazon to put tighter restrictions on people who are trying to make a living online that much harder. The person breaking the TOS is a much bigger A-hole in my book than the person doing the reporting for the shear fact that they should report it to keep A-holes from violating Amazon's TOS. Frankly if I caught someone breaking the TOS I would report them as I'm an Amazon seller I list my products on Amazon and eBay a long with a few other places and I'd hat to have tighter restriction on my business just because people like Roger care more about making a buck rather than teaching people how to properly source products.

          I'm actually disturbed by the shear fact that so many people think this is a viable option when in reality its further from the truth. I've been selling products online for the last 10 years and frankly its sad to hear so many people who are in DSD and so many people who are not have no clue on how to properly source products online. When I started I had no mentor, I taught myself I took the time to do my research before jumping in. I guess it goes to show how lazy some people really are. I spoke to other eBay sellers, I walked into stores and spoke with managers to find out where people get their products and you know what most of them said? They get their products from the manufacturer.

          I too was concerned about having to buy large quantities but I did speak with people who sourced their products from the manufacturer and had the manufacturer ship the product to their customer. Yes I did say that right manufacturers will drop ship for you. I've mentioned that on a few other posts here on the forum and I still get people messaging me thinking that I'm using Amazon or some 3rd party who has marked up the product price which is so not true as I don't use any 3rd party at all period.

          Think about it Wal-Mart doesn't carry all of their products that they sell online in their stores do they? Heck no just brows Wal-Marts website and you will quickly find products that they don't carry in their stores and those products do say shipped from the manufacturer. Thats exactly how I source my products from the manufacturer for me their is no other way to get products because I have a higher profit margin as I cut out the middle man by going straight to the manufacturer. I don't get why people just don't get this concept.

          My guess is because people like Roger totally confuse the heck out of people and brain wash them into thinking his method is viable. Sure it will make money but the question is how much more products do you have to sell to make a decent profit? A whole hell of a lot when your only making $10 or less in profit per item. And if your Amazon account gets shut down well then you quickly went to zero and having no business at all.

          I'd love to debate the viability of Roger's method with Roger I'd love for it to be recorded and played back all over the web because I'd just rip him to shred's as he would not have a valid debate and no matter what he would say I'd tear it apart.

          Please Roger lets set up a live debate for the world to see if your methods are that great then you won't mind a healthy debate to prove this fact. Doing this would finally put an end to the never ending debate of DSD being legit or not.

          Nathan Young

          Originally Posted by seosoldier View Post

          Why would anyone do that?
          You'd have to be a complete ahole to report someone for breaking ebay TOS.
          LIVE AND LET LIVE!

          You wrote "From some recent people that have contacted me and signed up for my course, nine have indicated that they have refunded the Roger Langille course - and it was NOT within the last 12 months.


          So they got their money back, right? No harm, no foul.
          And if indeed 9 got their money back, and came to you, you should be grateful for Roger introducing them to the idea of making money on auctions.

          Again, I'm not for nor against Roger Langille, I'm just a guy investigating the idea of dropshipping as he teaches, and to me it looks do-able. With a money back guarantee, it seems reasonable to attempt to learn from someone who has made it work.
          • Profile picture of the author NateYoung
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            The Irony with Roger's teachings of having products shipped in plain brown boxes is just plain crazy. The reason for this is that not all products sold on Amazon are shipped by Amazon as most of the products on Amazon are sold by individual retailers rather than Amazon. Sure Amazon does have a fulfillment program where some retailers can opt to have Amazon stock and ship their products when they sell negating the need for a warehouse. However most retailers are like me and they ship the products themselves so their is no way to get a retailer to ship it in a plain brown box as its the retailers choice on how they want to ship the product they are not required to ship them in a brown box for DSD members. They are retailers like myself who are making their living selling their products on the Amazon marketplace and they are not distributors they are retailers and I'm pretty sure that they would tell any DSD member to fly a kite if a DSD member asked them to ship a product this way. I know I would tell them what to do with themselves as I wouldn't spend the extra money to get a brown box for this purpose when I'm in it for a profit. Most Amazon retailers have shipping accounts with USPS, UPS, FedEx and DHL who supply boxes for them.

            So either one of 2 things is happening here. Either Roger is knowingly telling this big fat lie to his students or Roger is completely confused himself and maybe he should have properly learned how to source products properly. As its sad when some self-proclaimed wanna be Guru teaches newbies something they know absolutely nothing about. It confuses them and then later on they say all marketers are scam artists which in fact is not true as its those bad eggs that give us a bad name.

            However I'd bet anyone $100 bucks that Roger is too chicken to do a live debate via Google+ or some other means to defend his position on drop shipping. I'd love to debate this with him because I'm 100% sure I'd debunk his course but I know if I was in his shoes I'd want to at the very least show up and prove that I care enough to show my students that I'm a real person willing to do a friendly debate in hopes that I could shed some light on the whole issue. However I doubt that Roger will as I have a feeling he just doesn't care as long as he's raking in the money.
          • Profile picture of the author seosoldier
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            Originally Posted by NateYoung View Post


            If some one were to report a person for breaking Amazon TOS hardly makes them an A-hole. I say the person ruining it for other by knowingly violating Amazon TOS which could in turn cause Amazon to put tighter restrictions on people who are trying to make a living online that much harder. The person breaking the TOS is a much bigger A-hole in my book than the person doing the reporting for the shear fact that they should report it to keep A-holes from violating Amazon's TOS. Frankly if I caught someone breaking the TOS I would report them as I'm an Amazon seller I list my products on Amazon and eBay a long with a few other places and I'd hat to have tighter restriction on my business just because people like Roger care more about making a buck rather than teaching people how to properly source products.

            I'm actually disturbed by the shear fact that so many people think this is a viable option when in reality its further from the truth. I've been selling products online for the last 10 years and frankly its sad to hear so many people who are in DSD and so many people who are not have no clue on how to properly source products online. When I started I had no mentor, I taught myself I took the time to do my research before jumping in. I guess it goes to show how lazy some people really are. I spoke to other eBay sellers, I walked into stores and spoke with managers to find out where people get their products and you know what most of them said? They get their products from the manufacturer.

            I too was concerned about having to buy large quantities but I did speak with people who sourced their products from the manufacturer and had the manufacturer ship the product to their customer. Yes I did say that right manufacturers will drop ship for you. I've mentioned that on a few other posts here on the forum and I still get people messaging me thinking that I'm using Amazon or some 3rd party who has marked up the product price which is so not true as I don't use any 3rd party at all period.

            Think about it Wal-Mart doesn't carry all of their products that they sell online in their stores do they? Heck no just brows Wal-Marts website and you will quickly find products that they don't carry in their stores and those products do say shipped from the manufacturer. Thats exactly how I source my products from the manufacturer for me their is no other way to get products because I have a higher profit margin as I cut out the middle man by going straight to the manufacturer. I don't get why people just don't get this concept.

            My guess is because people like Roger totally confuse the heck out of people and brain wash them into thinking his method is viable. Sure it will make money but the question is how much more products do you have to sell to make a decent profit? A whole hell of a lot when your only making $10 or less in profit per item. And if your Amazon account gets shut down well then you quickly went to zero and having no business at all.

            I'd love to debate the viability of Roger's method with Roger I'd love for it to be recorded and played back all over the web because I'd just rip him to shred's as he would not have a valid debate and no matter what he would say I'd tear it apart.

            Please Roger lets set up a live debate for the world to see if your methods are that great then you won't mind a healthy debate to prove this fact. Doing this would finally put an end to the never ending debate of DSD being legit or not.

            Nathan Young
            I see your point but I still think "tattle taling" on someone is pretty low, especially if it would cause them to lose income.

            On the other hand, I think Langille is a jerk for steering people the wrong way and his course like so many others in IM seems to be a big con job more oriented towards separating people from their money than teaching them how to set up a viable business.
            > My Promise To You: I will never promote any offer I do not truly believe to be 100% worth buying and using!
    • Profile picture of the author seosoldier
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      Originally Posted by heatherl1809 View Post

      Hello guys, happy to answer any questions you may have. In over a year now we have have 22 refunds and 2 chargebacks on this training course. Unlike any other product on the internet please feel free to cruise through ebay and you will see hundreds of sellers using this system, and plenty with a lengthy ebay history. (bld304, newyorq, fundwaysltd, renato123456), and hundreds more. Refunds in this day and age are absolute as sellers are subject to credit card processors being shut down for chargebacks. As so we offer a very quick no hassle return policy. As for Amazon documents, yes that is a valid document, however there is a legal way to get around that issue. Also there are several other sites I train on besides Amazon. I would estimate I have 20-30 bad posts, videos out there, after a decade of doing ebay. I dont feel that is too bad about.

      (1) For example, an individual on this thread copied my training, sold it, then created this thread. However they dont know what to do about the amazon rule, so when they came to me after facing countless chargebacks they grew upset

      (2)Introducing Hardeen-Asked me on the phone to train him 4 years ago for 20.00, I said no, and he cut a youtube video
      (3) Video on youtube, about ebay and visalus-I young gentleman, that I kicked off of a webinar for challenging me that the webinar was live, when I was showing ebay which was severely time stamped

      I hope this clarifies things, and you understand that not only to we happily provide refunds, but we have to provide refunds, and that you you can read the stories here "stories" or you can go watch the real thing being performed on ebay everyday.

      On a positive note I have had 178 SIX FIGURE EARNERS in the last year.

      Good luck with whatever path you travel down, and keep rocking your dreams...

      Roger, thanks for coming on here and giving your side of the story.
      The bottom line is your assurance that there is a money back guarantee. Anyone can try it and if it isn't as you say they can get a refund.
      Sounds fair enough to me!
      > My Promise To You: I will never promote any offer I do not truly believe to be 100% worth buying and using!
  • Profile picture of the author Auctiondebteliminator
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    Yeah, you're right - and I'm not one to report them - I'm just a little suspicious of 'him' claiming that he's only had '2 refunds in the last 12 months' when 9 indicated that they've refunded.

    That was a red flag.

    I'm all for people doing their investigations and homework - I'm glad they do as all people should make honest, data-based, informed decisions.

    I just didn't think it was in 'Roger's' best judgement to 'out' what his sellers were selling and doing.

    Personally, I think there should be a mentor/student confidentiality and trust where you should never tell people who they are.

    That almost gets a larger 'a-hole' award than 'reporting them for what they do'.

    It also violates the 'live and let live' principle.

    In addition, a 'money back guarantee' is great and all, but that cannot get your banned eBay account back. Big harm, big foul.
    Famous for my '$1000 dollar challenge,' I've been teaching people how to DOMINATE on eBay for YEARS. Sell 100% of your items FOR A PROFIT. Rank higher, sell faster, sell more, and DESTROY your competition with a data-based approach. Quit listening to Guru's-in-training! Click now below!
    • Profile picture of the author hitesh93
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      Originally Posted by Auctiondebteliminator View Post

      Yeah, you're right - and I'm not one to report them - I'm just a little suspicious of 'him' claiming that he's only had '2 refunds in the last 12 months' when 9 indicated that they've refunded.

      That was a red flag.

      I'm all for people doing their investigations and homework - I'm glad they do as all people should make honest, data-based, informed decisions.

      I just didn't think it was in 'Roger's' best judgement to 'out' what his sellers were selling and doing.

      Personally, I think there should be a mentor/student confidentiality and trust where you should never tell people who they are.

      That almost gets a larger 'a-hole' award than 'reporting them for what they do'.

      It also violates the 'live and let live' principle.

      In addition, a 'money back guarantee' is great and all, but that cannot get your banned eBay account back. Big harm, big foul.

      A few things - I've gone through the course, seen it in action, seen it work for others and seen feedback from a TON of users. When I held the webinar with Roger, he stayed on for 1.5 hours just answering questions and clarifying things to all the users. I've also seen him hold additional free webinars for his buyers when there are any pertinent changes.

      The individual 'auctiondebteliminator' is clearly a competitor and repeatedly tries to tell people to purchase his product instead. Further, there are a lot of things he's mentioned that I know are incorrect (because I can see in the member's area that they are addressed by Roger in the training).
      It's kinda bizarre that majority of the posts on this thread are from auctiondebteliminator when he seems to not have actually gone through Roger's training (and if he has, is purposefully misrepresenting certain parts).

      I had Roger pull me into skype conversations with his students to confirm the success of his students myself too. Here's one of them, Troy that was in skype group:

      "Just wanted to give a huge THANK YOU for over delivering on your promises. At first I was a little hesitant to say "yes" to you because of the unbelievable amount of programs on the internet today that just do not work. I was also thinking, "how am I supposed to tell my wife that I'm getting into yet... another program". I mustered up the courage, said "screw it", got started, and because of that my life has drastically changed. Today I'm a power seller on eBay with almost $100K of inventory listed. I have my phone set to make a "cha-ching" sound every time an item on eBay sells. I hear that sound a lot and for some reason... It just never gets old!"

      Clearly auctiondebteliminator has his own reasons for participating in this thread as much as he has been with blatant self promotion. It's one thing to promote your product/service, quite another to put down someone else to lure buyers to oneself. I'm of half a mind to report some of posts as they are certainly misleading and incorrect if not outright slanderous.

      One more note -- while I did hold a webinar with Roger, I'm not clarifying this for the sake of any commissions. You are free to purchase it/not purchase it and you will not find any affiliates links in my post. As someone who has published products as well, I just find it disgusting and pathetic when competitors misrepresent others to try and get ahead.
      • Profile picture of the author Auctiondebteliminator
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        Originally Posted by hitesh93 View Post

        A few things - I've gone through the course, seen it in action, seen it work for others and seen feedback from a TON of users. When I held the webinar with Roger, he stayed on for 1.5 hours just answering questions and clarifying things to all the users. I've also seen him hold additional free webinars for his buyers when there are any pertinent changes.

        The individual 'auctiondebteliminator' is clearly a competitor and repeatedly tries to tell people to purchase his product instead. Further, there are a lot of things he's mentioned that I know are incorrect (because I can see in the member's area that they are addressed by Roger in the training).
        It's kinda bizarre that majority of the posts on this thread are from auctiondebteliminator when he seems to not have actually gone through Roger's training (and if he has, is purposefully misrepresenting certain parts).

        I had Roger pull me into skype conversations with his students to confirm the success of his students myself too. Here's one of them, Troy that was in skype group:

        "Just wanted to give a huge THANK YOU for over delivering on your promises. At first I was a little hesitant to say "yes" to you because of the unbelievable amount of programs on the internet today that just do not work. I was also thinking, "how am I supposed to tell my wife that I'm getting into yet... another program". I mustered up the courage, said "screw it", got started, and because of that my life has drastically changed. Today I'm a power seller on eBay with almost $100K of inventory listed. I have my phone set to make a "cha-ching" sound every time an item on eBay sells. I hear that sound a lot and for some reason... It just never gets old!"

        Clearly auctiondebteliminator has his own reasons for participating in this thread as much as he has been with blatant self promotion. It's one thing to promote your product/service, quite another to put down someone else to lure buyers to oneself. I'm of half a mind to report some of posts as they are certainly misleading and incorrect if not outright slanderous.

        One more note -- while I did hold a webinar with Roger, I'm not clarifying this for the sake of any commissions. You are free to purchase it/not purchase it and you will not find any affiliates links in my post. As someone who has published products as well, I just find it disgusting and pathetic when competitors misrepresent others to try and get ahead.
        I thank you sincerely for your comments - although I think you might be a little misguided.

        I haven't seen you around much on the Warrior Forum, which means you probably haven't seen me much around on the Warrior forum either.

        If you have, though, you might see that I am on here quite a bit, not much to self-promote, but to guide, and to give advice.

        In fact, I post a lot on non-related topics to my niche as well. However, I did (and do) post on eBay related topics, and start eBay related topics, because I do consider myself an authority on them.

        People ask my to review methods, people, WSOs, techniques, etc. So I do.

        In fact, people in the Warrior Forum come here - and a lot of people are Internet Marketers - and post on Internet Marketing related topics - should they NOT because it would be 'self promotion' to help people out because they have knowledge (or claim to have knowledge) of it?

        All I'm saying is that I am here mostly to offer my advice, help out those in need, and to promote using eBay the RIGHT way, for lasting, long-term success. Not with 'black hat' or 'grey-hat' methods.
        Famous for my '$1000 dollar challenge,' I've been teaching people how to DOMINATE on eBay for YEARS. Sell 100% of your items FOR A PROFIT. Rank higher, sell faster, sell more, and DESTROY your competition with a data-based approach. Quit listening to Guru's-in-training! Click now below!
  • Profile picture of the author Rob Casavant
    Rob Casavant
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    I will say I bought Roger Langille's basic training a few months ago. So I will say a few things. Yes, the "link" to go to Amazon is an affiliate cookie. You can actually see who the affiliate is if you try hard enough. I believe it is one of his family members that he mentions in one of the videos. It is almost like putting affiliate links in a free eBook. The person is going to Amazon anyhow...why not go through an affiliate link that does not affect you one bit. Once I found out it was an affiliate link gateway, I still continued to use it cause that's how I roll. Now I use a friends Amazon affiliate gateway since he lost his job and his wife is terminally ill.

    But the fact is that the method actually does work. Works pretty well too. But with me, I am trying to focus on other things right now. I found one product that sells about once or twice a month, I would make around $11 profit each time and the listing would cost $0.50. So that's not bad I think. The 2 months I did it, I only did around 20 listings. Half were 30 day ads which cost $0.50 a piece. The other half were free 7 day ads. (You get 50 free 7 day ads each month from ebay). A few times the 30 day ads would sell and would have to relist the item.

    I made around $80 profit after around $5.00 for listing fees and several more dollars for ebay fees.

    So, I did in fact make money and it was super easy. This alone puts it ahead of many trashy WSOs I have seen around. As to doing this long term.... ehhh not sure if that's a great idea. as people have mentioned about losing their amazon and ebay accounts, but at least I got a return on my investment and more and could set it back in motion by even just relisting the few sellers I did have.

    Character or methods aside, I made money. Just now I am focused on other projects.

    I don't need no stinkin' signature.

    • Profile picture of the author heatherl1809
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      • Profile picture of the author Rob Casavant
        Rob Casavant
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        Yeah, that's actually true Heather/Roger. I noticed there was no longer an affiliate banner anywhere, I emailed your support to let you know it was gone but that's fine if you took it away.

        Bottom line is it works and is simple to follow along. I kind of liked how I didn't have to have tons of excel sheets, hours of research, or nothing like that... just get out there and do it. Made some easy cash and in my eyes that puts it way ahead of some of these horrible products out there now.

        I don't need no stinkin' signature.

    • Profile picture of the author triplethemoney
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    • Profile picture of the author Fraggler
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      Originally Posted by Rob Casavant View Post

      Yes, the "link" to go to Amazon is an affiliate cookie. You can actually see who the affiliate is if you try hard enough. I believe it is one of his family members that he mentions in one of the videos. It is almost like putting affiliate links in a free eBook. The person is going to Amazon anyhow...why not go through an affiliate link that does not affect you one bit.
      Because that's against Amazon's Associates Program Operating Agreement?
      • Profile picture of the author lbaldwin09
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          • Profile picture of the author seosoldier
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            Originally Posted by Auctiondebteliminator View Post

            I thank you for the comments,

            However - let me remind you exactly HOW significant that issue is. It's not the 99 percent feedback that's the issue - It's the DSRs that are the bigger issue.

            That particular seller is not a Top-Rated powerseller, which means that they do not qualify for a 20 percent discount on their final value fees.

            Now, I'm just running a VERY rough estimate here - but they have a feedback score of 40772 as of this posting.

            Let's assume that they sold 1000 items this month (a number derived from their feedback - since not everyone left them feedback but the number they DID receive is 873- with 12 of that neutral, and 12 of that negative.)

            From their completed listings research, it looks as though the average-ish price of their items sold is about 80 dollars.

            That means, that with the disqualification of the Top-Rated powerseller badge from their customer service incapacity they are losing around (on a 80 dollar sale) $1.46.

            When you sell 1000 items, that is $1460 - which is quite significant.

            If you multiply that with JUST the feedback they've received, that's a loss of $59,527.12

            Not everyone has left them feedback - so their loss is much higher.

            However, on his higher market items which they have sold - they're losing almost 6 dollars a sale.

            Given that feedback isn't left by a large number of people, it is likely that the estimation is much higher in the lost income.

            In short - it is a VERY big deal if you cannot sell items and qualify for the final value fee discount. It means a loss in revenue, rankings, and credibility.

            To this day, I still haven't received a negative feedback.

            Well, that's not fair to say - I HAVE, but it hasn't been anything I have't been able to work with the buyer and have them modify. You can always turn a negative feedback into a positive experience for the buyer to where they come back over and over.

            (Here's a great article on it

            Forget blame game: Free returns can increase online purchases 357% - Business on

            Additionally, you need to know the market worths of your items - the deductions, and the profitability of them so that you can MAXIMIZE your profits, sell 100% of your items and rank higher than your competition.

            There is no reason to ever take a loss or to 'guess' on how much you'll make - and there is certainly no reason to not qualify for great discounts on items while you're burying your competition in rankings.

            That's why eBay rewards you with discounts and rankings when you can deliver on great customer service.
            Since you have looked into this account very closely, can you please tell us how much the seller "probably" MADE in profit (ballpark figure of course)?

            Seems to me that is the real issue here.

            Also, am I correct that with the system you advocate a person has to buy and store a lot of items, and so not only is there the storage issue (not everyone has a big space to store items), but there is also RISK in terms of getting stuck with items that never sell or sell very slowly or don't sell for the price you hope, in order to make a good profit?

            I say this not to put your system down, but rather to point out that Roger's system is completely different, does not require the risk of buying and storing items, and does not include the cost of setting up shipping, boxing, and mailing.
            > My Promise To You: I will never promote any offer I do not truly believe to be 100% worth buying and using!
  • Profile picture of the author Auctiondebteliminator
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    And there in was one of my issues.

    He doesn't go into finding any market worth and finding any profitability off that market worth. He advocates selling items blindly from suppliers basically utilizing their prices without going into a deductions versus actual market worth of the items using basic economic principles that are VITAL to any business.

    It's dangerous to look at an item and say: "This is selling on eBay for higher than it's selling on Amazon - I must make a profit off of it, then". Because it's not as simple as that.

    A lot of people sell on eBay, only to realize that they took a loss on the item AFTER they sold it.

    In fact, on poster above us indicated:

    "I also bought Roger's basic training. Honestly, I did make some money, but not enough to make it worth it.
    Half of the time the amazon price would go up and I would end up losing."

    This constant vigilance on a 'moving cost to acquire' wouldn't be an attractive business model for me, at all.

    I prefer to know EXACTLY what my profit is BEFORE I acquire, list, sell, ship, or even approach an item. Data and numbers don't lie, and 'stick-a-finger-in-the-wind' approaches can be fatal to businesses.
    Famous for my '$1000 dollar challenge,' I've been teaching people how to DOMINATE on eBay for YEARS. Sell 100% of your items FOR A PROFIT. Rank higher, sell faster, sell more, and DESTROY your competition with a data-based approach. Quit listening to Guru's-in-training! Click now below!
    • Profile picture of the author seosoldier
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      Originally Posted by Auctiondebteliminator View Post

      And there in was one of my issues.

      He doesn't go into finding any market worth and finding any profitability off that market worth. He advocates selling items blindly from suppliers basically utilizing their prices without going into a deductions versus actual market worth of the items using basic economic principles that are VITAL to any business.

      It's dangerous to look at an item and say: "This is selling on eBay for higher than it's selling on Amazon - I must make a profit off of it, then". Because it's not as simple as that.

      A lot of people sell on eBay, only to realize that they took a loss on the item AFTER they sold it.

      In fact, on poster above us indicated:

      "I also bought Roger's basic training. Honestly, I did make some money, but not enough to make it worth it.
      Half of the time the amazon price would go up and I would end up losing."

      This constant vigilance on a 'moving cost to acquire' wouldn't be an attractive business model for me, at all.

      I prefer to know EXACTLY what my profit is BEFORE I acquire, list, sell, ship, or even approach an item. Data and numbers don't lie, and 'stick-a-finger-in-the-wind' approaches can be fatal to businesses.
      But if, as I said, the product being sold is being sold at a much higher price - say there is a $30-40+ gap - then wouldn't one be very likely to make money off it and not lose? And what if one seeks out products that a) often sell on ebay for a certain price and b) are available always at a cheaper price ?

      Seems to me this can work, and I suspect there is one of 2 (or more) reasons if it doesn't work:
      1) people are not doing the research to find those high-profit items that don't tend to fluctuate in price
      2) it is extremely (near impossible?) to find such items.

      Roger did show some examples on his webinar of such items. I would not be surprised if those were hand picked ahead of time, but it did prove that such items do exist. I guess the thing to do would be to search diligently for such items and if you can't find them, then don't do this business.
      > My Promise To You: I will never promote any offer I do not truly believe to be 100% worth buying and using!
      • Profile picture of the author SerpSlayer
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        I have used Rogers method and i have made money. There are quite a few people selling Amazon items on Ebay and finding products to sell is fairly easy. The biggest problem I see with the method is the sales tax.

        Shipping to a state that charges sales tax can turn your $10 profit into a loss. As more cash strapped states look for new sources of revenue, I can definitely see more of them trying to collect tax on Amazon purchases.
  • Profile picture of the author Jeff Burritt
    Jeff Burritt
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    Here's a different perspective:

    I have spoken with Roger on several occasions. He is not a newbie. He knows something about marketing. He is not afraid to be successful.

    Unfortunately, a lot of people on this forum are just too afraid to ever stick their neck out for anything. Whether or not Roger is the dropshipping guru is irrelevant. He's got a good track record of helping people believe in a system and take action. This is the most important thing you must do to have any success in anything. Believe in it enough to actually go do it.

    I personally recommended a lady to Roger's course. She was desperately seeking a way to make extra income. She asked me if I thought his $47 course was worth it, and I told her 'yes, if she actually took action.' Well a few weeks later she personally called and told me that she was selling a few items and making money. Not a lot of money, but so what. She was so excited to be having some success in IM.

    So, while I wasn't personally excited about the potential amounts she was aspiring to with the techniques Roger teaches, it certainly gave her realistic hope based upon her profits thus far.
  • Profile picture of the author jsanmiguel
    Profile picture of jsanmiguel
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    I rarely post here, only when I have problems (like my sniper/EMD sites)... due to my very limited time to do IM, I'm getting impatient with sniping and SEO (although I'm making money already but not enough to quit my day job)

    That is why today, I'm really thinking of buying the basic&advance training of Roger. He was endorsed by Hitesh whom I recently bought a good SEO training. So I thought Roger's training is also good but I was surprised that there are negative feedback against Roger... now I'm having second thoughts... still weighing both positive and negative feedbacks.
  • Profile picture of the author jsanmiguel
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    For those who already bought the system, does it contain tips or address the issue of having a new ebay account (i.e. good number of positive feedback)? Especially an international account (outside U.S.)?

  • Profile picture of the author Bobby Guerilla
    Bobby Guerilla
    Profile picture of Bobby Guerilla
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    Roger Langille is very talented....... At SCAMMING PEOPLE!

    I signed up for his eBay training program about 2 years ago. At the time, my eBay store was doing pretty well generating at least $800 profit a month, but I wanted to take it to the next level and landed on Roger's site and took the plunge.

    Basically, he teaches you how to take products from amazon to list on eBay for a profit.
    What he is really doing, he has a site set up called "secretbrownbox" that supposedly will tell amazon to send this package in a box WITHOUT THE AMAZON LOGO.

    He is just an amazon affiliate who makes a profit of 4 - 7% every single time you buy an item through his link. Genius plan but a pure scam artist BUT WAIT!! That's not all.

    Once you are a member of his eBay profit site, he will try to upsell you into this thing called "Visalus" and the minimum purchase to join is $500 & something like $200 a month.

    He tells you by joining Visalus with him, you will have full access to all of his tools on how to make a killing on eBay and he will be there to coach you and walk you through everything.
    Once you join Visalus, Roger tries to completely steer you off of eBay ( I guess this is so you don't find out that the truth about this plain box) & advices you to stick with Visalus instead you will make so much more money.

    Genius again, when you use his amazon link he might make as much as $25 a month on your behalf but with Visalus, he WILL MAKE at least $150 a month on you.

    So after a while my eBay store suffered tremendously, i went from 100% feedback score to 80% within 2 months. I was issuing refunds for 1 of every 3 products sold.
    eBay clients complained because they would order from eBay, receive an amazon box and go to amazon and see that the item they bought from me on ebay was selling for $35 less on amazon.

    They called me a scam artist & went to town on the feedbacks.

    The war between me & Roger now, I tried to get at least my $500 Visalus refund but no reply, I tried calling, emailing and never got a reply the minute I told him I wanted out.

    Roger Langille officially made at least $3000 on me alone! Between his amazon scam which I was ordering at least $10 items a day from, His visalus $500 sign up $150 a month for like 5 months & being a member of his coaching program which was something like $57 a month.

    And he must of had at least 10000 people doing the same

    Sorry for the looonng post I just don't want any of you out there to get sucked in by this money hungry Vampire.

    Anyway, you live and you learn I'm back on eBay now and things are going very well no thanks to Roger.

    Take care warriors and I hope this review was helpful & by the way as far as Visalus, I don't know how legit they are I'm just sharing my personal experience with Roger.

    But I wouldn't join them anyway.

    Bobby Guerrilla
  • Profile picture of the author WeavingThoughts
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    Not heard of they guy.
  • Profile picture of the author seosoldier
    Profile picture of seosoldier
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    Hey Auctiondebteliminator, where'd you go? I am waiting for your reply to #38.I'd really like to know the figures you came up with on that.
    > My Promise To You: I will never promote any offer I do not truly believe to be 100% worth buying and using!
  • Profile picture of the author Auctiondebteliminator
    Profile picture of Auctiondebteliminator
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    It's a fair question to ask -

    But impossible to answer - because I do not know certain variables-- one VERY important one is 'cost to acquire'.

    I can't venture a guess on how much they MADE without that deduction.

    However, calculating opportunity cost lost IS easy to calculate based on the 20% lost discount based on the average sold price.

    This is because the eBay and Paypal fees are derived from the sold price of the item - and the acquired price isn't a factor in this.

    You essentially take the difference in what the discount would have been in the 2 sales and multiply it by implied sales derived from feedback - those are based on ACTUAL numbers.
    Famous for my '$1000 dollar challenge,' I've been teaching people how to DOMINATE on eBay for YEARS. Sell 100% of your items FOR A PROFIT. Rank higher, sell faster, sell more, and DESTROY your competition with a data-based approach. Quit listening to Guru's-in-training! Click now below!
    • Profile picture of the author seosoldier
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      Originally Posted by Auctiondebteliminator View Post

      It's a fair question to ask -

      But impossible to answer - because I do not know certain variables-- one VERY important one is 'cost to acquire'.

      I can't venture a guess on how much they MADE without that deduction.

      However, calculating opportunity cost lost IS easy to calculate based on the 20% lost discount based on the average sold price.

      This is because the eBay and Paypal fees are derived from the sold price of the item - and the acquired price isn't a factor in this.

      You essentially take the difference in what the discount would have been in the 2 sales and multiply it by implied sales derived from feedback - those are based on ACTUAL numbers.
      Right. I see now why you can more accurately gauge the other factors.
      > My Promise To You: I will never promote any offer I do not truly believe to be 100% worth buying and using!
      • Profile picture of the author heatherl1809
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        • Profile picture of the author Bobby Guerilla
          Bobby Guerilla
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          Originally Posted by heatherl1809 View Post

          @Bobby Guerilla Vislaus is a billion dollar company, and I taught that you should do a business like ebay, along with a residual income based business such as Visalus. It should speak volumes to you that you paid VISALUS not me when you joined of which I did make money not $500.00. Visalus also features a 30 day refund policy, and again they are a billion dollar company backed by Blyth which is a publicaly traded billion dollar company. Also Visalus has bred more 6 figure income earners in the last 18 months then any company in the world (700 of them).

          Now as for the silly other comments, I will happily put any person on here on any private webinar with me, let them choose the starting item, and will find them products with significant profit. In fact I am fully willing to drop any wager on it if you like, lets say $5000.00 for fun, if you are not willing to escrow money and enter into this webinar, then kindly do not post anymore

          I will also happily open dated posts, emails etc, detailing where the designer of my training site had the link up for affiliate money from amazon(no affiliate program available in North Carolina), as an added bonus, we can look at my training center, where I explain this, and removed the secretbrownbox link. Now lets recap

          (1) $5000.00 wager to escrow money, we hop on a webinar, you give me a starting place on amazon, and within 60 minutes I will show you at least 1000.00 in profits on items the previous week sold on amazon

          (2) We can check dated emails on the mystery of "the secretbrown box"

          (3) We can look at Visalus' return policy, and check several ebay sellers accounts I have trained (they will all have the same notations in their descriptions ) and check to see their feedback scores are glowing.

          Best I can do, have a great day.
          As I said in the post I wasn't putting Visalus down Roger.

          It's really sad because you're actually talented and could have a loyal following if you were honest.

          secretbrownbox was a pure scam and almost tanked my ebay account be honest you made a killing with amazon associates program.

          Now you mentioned $5000 test BS to save face on here, I have no interest in doing anything with you.

          Practice ethical business Roger someone like you can last years in this IM world if you do so I don't care how much money you're making at the moment but trust me it will come to an end if you don't start doing so.

          Just my 2 cents, on another note I can't diss you and I acknowledge the hustle and I wish you well.
  • Profile picture of the author ATL
    Profile picture of ATL
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    Warning on Langille. He's just an overall shady dude. I bought his course last year. Actually he had it listed on his website as a free ebay course. There was a contact form but you had to leave your phone number. Out of desperation I left my number and he did call. He asked how much money I had to invest which is an ok question. He then said that he only wanted to work with a limited number of people and also I would need to sign up under him in the Visalus MLM company that he is a member of before getting access to the ebay training. A little different approach but I thought it was ok since it would be the same thing as me buying the ebay course for the price of the Visalus MLM opportunity which was around $500. Langille said he would have to call me back because he had meetings or something to go to and didn't let me know on the spot if I could get on with the Visalus which would give me the ebay training. I decided to test Langille and had my girlfriend submit her name and number into his contact form on his website. How about he called in a few minutes and gave her the same spill. Here I was desperate and broke and Langille decides to run some time delay game on me. I still ended up getting the course eventually by signing up to his Visalus MLM. Turned out the EBay course by Langille was not white hat. It was gray hat which is black hat to me because I don't lie to people. Langille states that when someone wants a refund to make up a story about you've been checking into the issue with the postal service for them and everything will be ok. Then he said to tell them the box is all damaged and send them a picture of some google image of a damaged product box. I don't roll like that and don't lie to people so that turned me off. To add to it, Langille ebay program is against Amazons TOS. They clearly state that you can't use the images of there products to sell them elsewhere. Langille wants you to steal the photo from Amazon and put it on EBAY. Looks like a lot of people are stealing images but I want everything I do to be on the up and up. Long story short proceed with caution and I wouldn't do it unless you like lying and light weight theft….I want to know from this guy with the auction eliminator if his system is WHITE HAT or not. Where are you getting you ITems to sell? Are you stealing images? Are you breaking anyones TOS? Let me know before I by and I would suggest everyone else on here to demand these answers before dropping the $47 bucks on Debt Eliminators course….#We Are Waiting!
  • Profile picture of the author Fraggler
    Profile picture of Fraggler
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    Yeah, AuctionDebtEliminator's course provides a good entry into how eBay works and their ranking works. It shows you how to pre-qualify a product to maximise your chance of selling it at an expected/desired profit. It also shows you that you don't have to compete against the stupidly priced products. It isn't a product/niche discovery course but what it does it does well.
  • Profile picture of the author ScrooG
    Profile picture of ScrooG
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    I am curious as to whether those of you who are having success with ebay using auctioneliminator's course have to have a storage space of some sort in order to make it work and whether you have to devote a lot of time to boxing, packing and shipping.

    I am not against work, it's just that I worked as a shipping/ receiving guy before and that's not my thing, and also I don't have ANY room to store products.

    Also, how much money are you making on ebay?

    "Live and let live".

    • Profile picture of the author Auctiondebteliminator
      Profile picture of Auctiondebteliminator
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      Originally Posted by ScrooG View Post

      I am curious as to whether those of you who are having success with ebay using auctioneliminator's course have to have a storage space of some sort in order to make it work and whether you have to devote a lot of time to boxing, packing and shipping.

      I am not against work, it's just that I worked as a shipping/ receiving guy before and that's not my thing, and also I don't have ANY room to store products.

      Also, how much money are you making on ebay?

      One thing you'll notice with my system is that I emphasize GREATLY that you NEVER do anything unless 'numbers make the decisions for you'.

      For example, if you researched that IF you needed to drive 40 miles to pick up and item for a 10 dollar profit, you wouldn't do it.

      However, if you researched you'd have to drive 40 miles for a 420 dollar profit, then of COURSE you'd do it.

      Now, if that required you to go to the post office just once? Would that disqualify the profit potential?

      One thing people forget a lot of the time is that the post man comes to your house every day.

      However, there are a LOT of other ways to make money on eBay. And for some reason, people think that dropshipping for 'convenience' is the way to go.

      However, if you're selling 200 items, for a 10 dollar profit - where it takes 5 minutes to process, and 5 minutes for accounting and invoicing, that is a total of 30 dollars an hour.

      However, if you can sell 3-5 items for 1000 dollars in profit - that is a LOT more attractive to me. With a lot less time investment.
      Famous for my '$1000 dollar challenge,' I've been teaching people how to DOMINATE on eBay for YEARS. Sell 100% of your items FOR A PROFIT. Rank higher, sell faster, sell more, and DESTROY your competition with a data-based approach. Quit listening to Guru's-in-training! Click now below!
    • Profile picture of the author lkcheng
      Profile picture of lkcheng
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      I have tried the DS Domination course of Roger.

      The method that Roger taught is working but it is time consuming to find profitable Amazon products to sell on eBay. The profit is low i.e. for a 59.99 items sold, you get $3 profit after fees. But you can find high price items for higher profit margin.

      Another drawback is that Amazon and third party sellers (fullfilled by Amazon) were raising price often. Like in this December month many items prices have increased $10 or $15. If you sold any items that prices have increased, you will lose $5 - $10 on the transaction.

      The course is best for US experienced ebay sellers. It is not really for new International eBay sellers. I have experienced it and read a lot of other international seller experiences (not DS domination sellers). Whether your account is new or passed 90 days, you will be limited to 5 or 10 items per month if you list in US ebay.

      But for UK eBay sellers, I think they can just list in UK ebay, since there were Amazon UK they can drop ship.

      Roger did say you can contact eBay to increase limit but if you are an international eBay seller that list an item location in US and ship to US only, it will be risky to contact them. They will actually look into your account and ask for proof of ownership of merchandise. If you show them your Amazon invoice as proof, you probably stay in the selling limit forever or worst they will suspend you.

      Finally I think it will be saturated in few year time since more and more sellers are going to drop ship from Amazon and sell on eBay. Roger doesn't bother to close his course to limited membership.
  • Profile picture of the author ScrooG
    Profile picture of ScrooG
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    As for Langille, I knew nothing about him and heard about him on Hitesh's webinar and from that I was interested and so did some research. I was totally open minded and as I read criticisms of him and his method I challenged them. I even defended him against some people on other forums who seemed to just be out to bad-mouth him for very flimsy reasons.

    I have done quite a bit of research on him and his methods and I have found very little here and elsewhere to recommend him.

    The BEST I have found is someone saying basically, "yeah I used his method and made a LITTLE money but not enough to warrant the amount of work". It appears that a few people did or do make good money using his methods but they are a small minority as near as I can tell.

    And there seems to be no doubt that it does violate Amazon's TOS - that's a certainty and you can read that above in this thread. And from what I hear it also violate's ebay's policies and I have read testimony that people have had their accounts closed for drop shipping at ebay.

    So all in all this does indeed seem to be a black hat method AND not very profitable for most of those who have tried it - the combination of which makes it not worth learning and not worth doing, as far as I am concerned.

    For me, the "Should I take Roger Langille's training" case is CLOSED and honestly, based on feedback I've read, I would not buy any of his products and I am unsubscribing from this thread for that reason.

    "Live and let live".

  • Profile picture of the author todawg_not
    Profile picture of todawg_not
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    Drop shipping is like playing roulette at the casino. You spin the wheel and hope for the best.

    The drop shipper will eventually run out of stock at some point, and you will have egg on your face bwhaaah

    Now you have to call the customer informing them you have run out of stock, could they either pick another item or you will have to refund them.

    Do you have the balls to tell them the truth !!, that your just a Doushe bag, with just a ecommerce site, with no control over your stock, and your just riding the coat-tails of someone elses inventory.

    Come on people.....




    So how do you do that?


    1, YOU IMPORT..
    5. YOU BANK

    Guys listen up I've been doing this for a decade if you want to make chump change then drop ship, if you want to make Baller cash then start a real business and start importing.

  • Profile picture of the author desjay
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    • Profile picture of the author hitesh93
      Profile picture of hitesh93
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      Originally Posted by desjay View Post

      I watched a replay of Roger's webinar with Hitesh and was very interested in the whole system and was, and still am considering buying it. Roger spent over two hours on that webinar and answered all the questions fired at him.

      I still have an open mind here, but would certainly be happier if Roger could answer the question on the "brown box delivery" and the question of going against Amazon's TOS.

      I had a look at his e-Bay forum and noticed a couple of people asking for refunds- however, without me being in the program, their reasons for doing so seemed very weak - but I could be wrong. There were also a few people with gripes about their customers' receiving their product in Amazon boxes and this causing real problems for them.

      I really would be grateful if these points could be clarified. I remain open minded and this is not a criticism, but a genuine inquiry. Thank you in advance for some clarification.

      I can answer this for you
      First off, I've done PLENTY of research - the only 2 main complaints I've found against Roger are:
      1. He promotes MLMs like Visalus - I don't understand why this is considered a problem. Don't join one if you don't want to (I'm not personally involved in the MLM side either!). Roger also answered this in quite some detail earlier in this forum.
      2. He teaches Amazon to eBay dropshipping which is against amazon TOS/causes problems with customers.
      Let me answer the 'problems with customers' part first - I've personally looked over multiple profiles of his students and also spoken to/listened to a few of them. Almost NO ONE has reported a problem with this en masse. A very small % of customers have a problem with this, especially if you include a note in your listing stating that you might use Amazon to fulfill an order in some cases.
      Overall, I think the customer side of this is a super minor issue if that.

      Now about this being against Amazon TOS. I 100% agree with you on that and I've discussed with Roger on this as well. Now let me explain how I see this:
      1. There a TON of people doing this with Amazon > ebay. And a LOT of them are seeing great success. If this was a huge deal for Amazon, they would've dealt with it severely (it's very easy to do so). So in that regard, I see this as Google saying that any form of SEO is against their TOS (yes, they literally say that any attempts to help increase a site's ranking via backlinking/optimization is against TOS). It's against the TOS, but not really enforced and I know lots of people doing very well with this.
      HOWEVER, I personally still do not do this, which brings me to the second point.

      2. Amazon is simply the best and the easiest example of a dropshipping source. There are at least 7 others in the course itself, but on top of that, there is an EXCLUSIVE deal that Roger is cutting with one of the largest suppliers in US (I helped make this connection so all thankyous can be sent via PM lol). So you can skip everything and simply dropship using the new source he'll have set up over the next month or so.

      Now, with all that aside, Roger's method of using ebay is the 'convenience method'. It is designed for beginners with limited money and limited time. If you want to do everything on a bigger scale, then you simply have to put in the money/time to get an inventory, manage it, and bear that risk. That is not a bad thing, but it's not for everyone.

      I am VERY VERY cautious about what I promote, who I work with, and how it is presented. I don't make any money by defending Roger's system here, but my reputation is important to me. Further, I know how much a lot of people have been helped by this, and I want to make sure other people are not misled away from this based on a few misguided negative reviews.
  • Profile picture of the author desjay
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    • Profile picture of the author TheAdsenseGuy
      Profile picture of TheAdsenseGuy
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      Originally Posted by desjay View Post

      Thank you Hitesh for the partial answer. You have not answere the "brown box" delivery part where people on the forum are defintitely complaining that they are getting flack from their customers.

      How does one ensure that goods are delivered in this way and not in an Amazon box?
      Since buying Rogers course i've made about 18 sales. Mostly dropshipping from Amazon. No one has complained about receiving their product in an amazon box.

      The "brown box" delivery part is a complete scam. I called Amazon and told them i am buying an item and shipping it to a friend but i don't want the Amazon logo on the box. Is there a way to ship in a plain box? Amazon told me there is NO way to do this.

      The brown box thing is a scam Rogers running to make affiliate commission off of you. That's all it is.
  • Profile picture of the author TheAdsenseGuy
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    I've been using this so i'd thought i'd give it a review.

    He actually has 2 courses. The Basic course is $47 and is Ebay- Amazon arbitrage. In the advanced course he shows you how to do arbitrage using i think 7 other stores. I think the advanced course costs around $200. I got both.

    The good part about this course is that it got me into Ebay for the first time. Learned a lot.

    Here are some drawbacks. When listing items you find on Amazon the profit margins are razor thin. He says you want to price your items so you make at least a $3 profit. Bad idea. There are about 9 states where Amazon collects sales tax but i seem to sell to those people around 50% of the time. It depends on the price, but everytime i get hit with tax it's like $5-$6. So i lose money on the sale.

    Another problem is that Amazon's sales prices fluctuate on a daily basis. So you might think you're going to make a profit but then Amazon increases the price by $8 and now you lost money again. This happens all the time.

    So if you list stuff from Amazon i would price in at least an $8 profit. Problem is that there are very few products that fit that criteria where you can compete. It literally would take me 2 hours just to find 1 product that fit that criteria. Bad return on investment - I have better things to do.

    Another problem is when the store runs out of product. One of the sites he uses in the advanced course is Overstock. I found a product with a nice $18 profit margin and listed it on Ebay. 2 weeks later i sold it. Went to Overstock to buy it and it was sold out. And that product was nowhere else online so i had to refund the buyer.

    His method seems to be to spray Ebay with a thousand products. Of course that's a problem too. Ebay limits your account to 100 items when you first start out. And it's pulling teeth getting them to up your limits.

    I had about 10 items listed but only 1 would sell. It sold about once a week and made a profit of $8 everytime. I would just relist it. None of my other items sell. Not sure why. I followed his course.

    Since i bought this course i bought other courses and did a lot more research. There is another course i won't mention that tells you to find deals on Craigslist. That's crap too. I looked for deals on Craigslist for a week straight. Everyone wants to sell at full retail or close to it. Then you have to run around town trying to buy stuff to sell on ebay. Then you have to buy a box and package it. Then go to the post office. Well, that reduces yourself to a minumum wage job. Forget that.

    After doing lots of research here's how i believe people make money on Ebay. They find a product that sells well on Ebay. Then they find the manufacturer and set up a dropshipping agreement and sell it on Ebay. You will get the absolute lowest price from the manufacturer/wholesaler. So you should be able to price your stuff at the lowest price possible and still make some kind of profit. That seems to be what most powersellers are doing.
  • Profile picture of the author acw
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    good thread...thanks
  • Profile picture of the author acw
    Profile picture of acw
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    One thing i don't understand is how you can offer a 14 days return and be drop shipping from Amazon? Hmmm...That doesn't make sense.

    Can someone from Roger's Camp explain that too me?

    Me thinks that certain items you can drop ship...and others you can't *maybe?
  • Profile picture of the author linda75
    Profile picture of linda75
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    Ok i'm adding to the discussion here, I am based in the UK and bought the first part of roger langilles course ds domination. I was pitched that they have lots of international sellers so i thought i would give it a try. Firstly after going through the process and opening a shop I learned that ebay requires 90 days after the first sale and at least 10 customer reviews to let you start selling internationally. When i approached roger about that and asked if the next leg of the course which is $97 (a month !!!) would solve that he replied it would, but I waited days to get that answer and by that time Ijust cancelled my pro account as I didn't think a monthly payment for something I couldn't do was worth it. However in the beginning of the process I had found a few items here in the uk which fit rogers criteria and I had listed them.

    The result of this was an email from ebay threatening to suspend my account indefinately unless i provided ID and proof of ownership!

    After a long conversation today with customer service i found out that this is because they don't allow drop shipping from a new account. Now not everyone may have this experience but at this point in time I'm pretty pissed off. I had also requested a refund and my email was ignored but I'm more concerned that I would lose my account.

    My advice with this course !Tread with care!
  • Profile picture of the author trader909
    Profile picture of trader909
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    O.M.G. phone the net police....$97 per MONTH!!!!! About sattelite tv costs? People expect everything handed to them free on the net.

    When i approached roger about that and asked if the next leg of the course which is $97 (a month !!!
    no i have not bought it..nor will I. I hate dealing with freebie seekers.
    • Profile picture of the author linda75
      Profile picture of linda75
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      Originally Posted by trader909 View Post

      O.M.G. phone the net police....$97 per MONTH!!!!! About sattelite tv costs? People expect everything handed to them free on the net.

      no i have not bought it..nor will I. I hate dealing with freebie seekers.
      When i am paying monthly for something, i expect something monthly. This course is designed as a multilevel marketing/cum affiate scheme but the content is structured like a course you would buy as a membership site wso. The are running an active affiate scheme so I am just informing warriors so they don't lose their ebay account!
      • Profile picture of the author hitesh93
        Profile picture of hitesh93
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        Originally Posted by linda75 View Post

        When i am paying monthly for something, i expect something monthly. This course is designed as a multilevel marketing/cum affiate scheme but the content is structured like a course you would buy as a membership site wso. The are running an active affiate scheme so I am just informing warriors so they don't lose their ebay account!
        I'm involved with DS Domination at a pretty base level so let me clarify a few things:
        1. Elite users get access to one-click software that auto-locates profitable deals.
        2. All Pro and Elite users get access to Live training with LIVE q/A sessions with multiple 6-figure earners.
        3. All Pro and Elite get regularly updated videos and changes. In the past 12 days, 9 new videos have been released or updated to accommodate for any changes occurring.
        4. All users also get access to make money with the Cash Out offers within the first 15 minutes of joining DSD.

        And having an affiliate program is now an affiliate 'scheme'? It's obvious that Linda you did something very wrong and are trying to pin the blame on DSD. First off, take a look at this:

        Originally Posted by linda75 View Post

        Ok i'm adding to the discussion here, I am based in the UK and bought the first part of roger langilles course ds domination. I was pitched that they have lots of international sellers so i thought i would give it a try. Firstly after going through the process and opening a shop I learned that ebay requires 90 days after the first sale and at least 10 customer reviews to let you start selling internationally. When i approached roger about that and asked if the next leg of the course which is $97 (a month !!!) would solve that he replied it would, but I waited days to get that answer and by that time Ijust cancelled my pro account as I didn't think a monthly payment for something I couldn't do was worth it. However in the beginning of the process I had found a few items here in the uk which fit rogers criteria and I had listed them.

        The result of this was an email from ebay threatening to suspend my account indefinately unless i provided ID and proof of ownership!

        After a long conversation today with customer service i found out that this is because they don't allow drop shipping from a new account. Now not everyone may have this experience but at this point in time I'm pretty pissed off.
        So you explicitly didn't follow the directions taught, canceled so you couldn't attend the live webinars to get clarified answers, asked if Elite covered the questions you need help with but didn't want to pay for it, and then finally you turn around and try to put it all on DSD. I'm all about helping anyone who needs help but it's ridiculous to expect any success with such an attitude.

        Here is eBay's OWN rule on dropshipping:
        About product sourcing (drop shipping)

        There are literally thousands of people doing this successfully, including such a large number from UK that we're doing special training just for UK users (in addition to an Italian and Irish version too).

        As of this writing there are over 3000 users in DSD, with a VAST majority of them reporting exceptional results. You can see quite a few of them here:

        In addition to this, there are people doing over $1k/day with DS Domination right now.

        The fact is that if you had just followed the directions, attended the webinars and asked for clarifications on your specific situation and just persevered you'd be getting awesome results. Instead you chose to make false statements and negative comments which helps no one (least of all you!). I want to help, but you'll need to help me with that

        Here's a 2.5 hour detailed webinar that explains the process with Q/A and also explains why there is an affiliate program too:
        > D$ DOMINATION
        • Profile picture of the author linda75
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          eBay eBay sent this message to xxxx
          Your registered name is included to help confirm this message originated from eBay. Learn more.

          MC124 Notice: eBay Account Limited - Verify Identity - bringinupbaby

          Dear bringinupbaby (lxxxxxxx),

          We're happy you've chosen to sell your product(s) on eBay.

          In order to provide buyers with a pleasant and safe environment, the Safety Regulation Team at eBay conducts certain routine checks to confirm the information provided by the seller(s) or /and buyer(s). You are kindly requested to send the following documents within the next 72 hours:

          - Front and back copy of your ID or passport.
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          If you are a business user please send us a copy of the certificate of incorporation.

          In addition, we ask you to provide a proof of ownership of the items you have posted on eBay. These may consist of:

          - Copies of invoices or proof of delivery (pro-forma invoices are not counted as evidence of ownership) OR
          - Customs documents, if you have purchased your goods abroad OR
          - Availability of supplier confirmations OR
          - Receipts for items purchased from a retailer

          How can you send the documentation to us?

          Please use the below fax number or document upload link:
          0044 207 153 0987
          • Profile picture of the author linda75
            Profile picture of linda75
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Hitesh, I am not going to argue with you here on the forum, the fact is that I did follow the instructions. It is for others to make up their mind about this course.
            Ebay did not have a problem with me dropshipping , what they told me was that as a NEW SELLER I was not allowed to dropship! I have to build up my seller ratings first over time. All I know is that after having 100% good buyer feedback since 2004, within one week of buying your course I stand to lose my account. Of course I'm pissed!
            The reason I didn't buy the elite course is that I waited for days to get the answer to this question from Roger and did not get the answer back until the day I unsubscribed from your service.
            • Profile picture of the author hitesh93
              Profile picture of hitesh93
              Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
              Originally Posted by linda75 View Post

              Hitesh, I am not going to argue with you here on the forum, the fact is that I did follow the instructions. It is for others to make up their mind about this course.
              Ebay did not have a problem with me dropshipping , what they told me was that as a NEW SELLER I was not allowed to dropship! I have to build up my seller ratings first over time. All I know is that after having 100% good buyer feedback since 2004, within one week of buying your course I stand to lose my account. Of course I'm pissed!
              The reason I didn't buy the elite course is that I waited for days to get the answer to this question from Roger and did not get the answer back until the day I unsubscribed from your service.
              Hi Linda,

              I think you definitely skipped or missed the video since it very specifically defines exactly what to do with international accounts before you do the first dropship. After I saw your message I also contacted Roger personally and there is indeed very clear directive on this.
              If you want to come back in and confirm yourself you're more than welcome to do so!

              Of course ebay will want to re-verify your account and will want to make sure that you are in possession of the products you are selling with a new international account because they want to make sure you are legitimate and they want to protect their buyers. All of this is discussed in the 'first listings' module in DSD with very specific instructions for international sellers. We have a ton of users from Ireland, UK, Japan, Thailand and many other locations doing extremely well (4 figures or more per month) with this, so it is just a little disappointing to see your post.
              Please let me know how I can help
              • Profile picture of the author linda75
                Profile picture of linda75
                Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                Originally Posted by hitesh93 View Post

                Hi Linda,

                I think you definitely skipped or missed the video since it very specifically defines exactly what to do with international accounts before you do the first dropship. After I saw your message I also contacted Roger personally and there is indeed very clear directive on this.
                If you want to come back in and confirm yourself you're more than welcome to do so!

                Of course ebay will want to re-verify your account and will want to make sure that you are in possession of the products you are selling with a new international account because they want to make sure you are legitimate and they want to protect their buyers. All of this is discussed in the 'first listings' module in DSD with very specific instructions for international sellers. We have a ton of users from Ireland, UK, Japan, Thailand and many other locations doing extremely well (4 figures or more per month) with this, so it is just a little disappointing to see your post.
                Please let me know how I can help
                Hitesh, this wasn't with an international account, Ebay told me that I couldn't sell internationally for 90 days and that I needed 10 seller feedbacks before i could apply to sell overseas, whereas Roger in his course said just get a few feedbacks.

                The reason i contacted roger was to ask if elite solved that problem which he said it did.
                However while I was waiting for his reply Ebay then limited my account for doing Rogers' method here in the UK. That's why I unsubscribed!
                • Profile picture of the author PhilHenderson
                  Profile picture of PhilHenderson
                  Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                  The video clearly tells you to list three or more personal items on your ebay account 'before' listing any 'drop shipping' products... You've skipped the course and like many in this thread become hyper negative trying to justify the fact you haven't gone through the course in detail or you're looking for an excuse to refund...
                • Profile picture of the author PhilHenderson
                  Profile picture of PhilHenderson
                  Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                  The video clearly tells you to list three or more personal items on your ebay account 'before' listing any 'drop shipping' products... You've skipped the course and like many in this thread become hyper negative trying to justify the fact you haven't gone through the course in detail or you're looking for an excuse to refund...

                  QUOTE=linda75;8533624]Hitesh, this wasn't with an international account, Ebay told me that I couldn't sell internationally for 90 days and that I needed 10 seller feedbacks before i could apply to sell overseas, whereas Roger in his course said just get a few feedbacks.

                  The reason i contacted roger was to ask if elite solved that problem which he said it did.
                  However while I was waiting for his reply Ebay then limited my account for doing Rogers' method here in the UK. That's why I unsubscribed![/QUOTE]
  • Profile picture of the author Joshster
    Profile picture of Joshster
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    One piece of advice for any eBayer's out there is to always have backup eBay accounts ready to go at a moments notice.

    As far as I am aware you can have many accounts and eBay do not care. I have many, so if one get's negative feedback I can switch to another account quickly and painlessly.

    That's right my main selling account sold over $250,000 sales in a year and had 100% positive feedback.

    All you need to do is buy/ or sell a few things to get past the 10 feedback (or is it transactions?) and you are good to go.
    Looking to form an LLC or C/S Corporation?
    See my review of online co's here
  • Profile picture of the author Djohn
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  • Profile picture of the author trader909
    Profile picture of trader909
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    i hate this about the Net.

    some guy puts his course together tries his best...then on a forum is "victims name" is it a scam? It's very fair is it? whilst you are at it..why not ask if he's a rapist or something as ludricous? But on the net, anything is allowed.

    Only on the net..and sadly trolls seem to attract other trolls. Like a secret troll battle cry and out they come...'re he scam and the joke, anonymous competitor probably.
    • Profile picture of the author Bobby Guerilla
      Bobby Guerilla
      Profile picture of Bobby Guerilla
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      Originally Posted by trader909 View Post

      i hate this about the Net.

      some guy puts his course together tries his best...then on a forum is "victims name" is it a scam? It's very fair is it? whilst you are at it..why not ask if he's a rapist or something as ludricous? But on the net, anything is allowed.

      Only on the net..and sadly trolls seem to attract other trolls. Like a secret troll battle cry and out they come...'re he scam and the joke, anonymous competitor probably.
      Roger Langille is really good at what he does!
      He doesn't steal money and you will learn more about selling on ebay with him.

      But the big picture here is he is a scam artist in my opinion because he offers you a secret service where amazon will ship your items in a plain brown box only if you order through his link which is only an amazon affilate link for him. No plain box nada!

      Roger Langille if you're reading this, since you are really good at teaching people how to make money on ebay, why don't you just be honest, don't charge your visalus thing for your tutorial videos and ask your followers to give back by shopping through your affiliate link.

      The simple honesty will go a long way my friend but for now your reputation is being tarnished online.

      Back to this post
      so does that make him a scam artist?

      you decide!
    • Profile picture of the author Bobby Guerilla
      Bobby Guerilla
      Profile picture of Bobby Guerilla
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Roger Langille is really good at what he does!
      He doesn't steal money and you will learn more about selling on ebay with him.

      But the big picture here is he is a scam artist in my opinion because he offers you a secret service where amazon will ship your items in a plain brown box only if you order through his link which is only an amazon affilate link for him. No plain box nada!

      OH! And not only that, to join his videos section you have to sign up with VISALUS for $500.

      Roger Langille if you're reading this, since you are really good at teaching people how to make money on ebay, why don't you just be honest, don't charge the $500 visalus thing for your tutorial videos and ask your followers to give back by shopping through your affiliate link.

      The simple honesty will go a long way my friend but for now your reputation is being tarnished online.

      Back to this post
      so does that make him a scam artist?

      you decide!
  • Profile picture of the author Jimp1
    Profile picture of Jimp1
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    So how do you handle people getting their product in an Amazon box, checking it out and finding it on Amazon for $20 less than they paid? Seems like a sure formula for poor feedback ratings at least.
    • Profile picture of the author RobertoM
      Profile picture of RobertoM
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      After reading this entire thread carefully, with that lot of contradictory comments and all the risks related to these methods, should be crazy if I get into this kind of business. But it's just my thought. Good luck to all of you. Thank you Warrior Forum!
      • Profile picture of the author Importexport
        Profile picture of Importexport
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        Originally Posted by mfg32400 View Post

        1. I own an eBay business where I import products from Asia, and I can tell you this method SUCKS! Having to deal with the Asian's is terrible. They wake up when Americans go to bed, so unless you don't have a job, and stay up all hours of the night.. good luck in talking with them. Not to mention all of the other headaches: time in finding the products, negotiating the prices, shipping the items..(mail/sea), dealing with forwarders, import duties, taking the time to post eBay ads, dealing with customers, returns, shipping, packaging.. etc..
        2.. Obviously drop shipping doesn't work

        So I'm back where I started...

        @ mfg Importing from Asia only sucks if you are buying from the wrong sources that you found on the wrong sourcing websites. See what I wrote above.

        I have people in 20 countries successfully and happily importing from Asia and making substantial profits.

        I ran an importing business for 22 years until health enforced retirement and I franchised it in four countries. Most of the imports were from Asia, and my franchisees could not have been happier. Barest minimum profit was 60%, but often it was a lot more.

        My best sale was a single order for $21,000 and my total cost was $3,000. One of my franchisees beat that by a long way.

        It seems to me that you did your importing the hard way that is so often taught by "experts" who sell how to books based on research but not experience.
        Use emotions and perceptions to build a great brand. Ask me about my book LabelsThatExploit. For safe sourcing and easy importing from 41 countries globally, see
    • Profile picture of the author hitesh93
      Profile picture of hitesh93
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      Originally Posted by Jimp1 View Post

      So how do you handle people getting their product in an Amazon box, checking it out and finding it on Amazon for $20 less than they paid? Seems like a sure formula for poor feedback ratings at least.
      You don't. You can't avoid that, and after looking at over 100,000+ feedbacks left, only about 1% ever say anything negative about that.
      The problem is that most people don't seem to realize at first that Amazon > eBay is a stepping stone. you do that to get your feet wet and then go grow out from there into many other suppliers and marketplaces.
      Finally, at the final steps you can source products directly from a manufacturer or just a step away from the manufacturer himself.

      Anyone can 'teach' the idea behind ecommerce. Find a good product, get it made cheap, buy it in bulk, sell it at a higher price.
      The problem is that this it carries significant upfront investment and massive risk along with technical training. If you are one of the .5% of the people that possess the ability to do this, go for it. For the rest, you need a pathway to start generating small profits immediately, then use those to fund better margins, and eventually turn it into a mega-business if you so will.
      That's the idea behind DS Domination and the process is set up to take a person through these steps. If you're hung up on just the Amazon > eBay part, you're missing the big picture.
      • Profile picture of the author Importexport
        Profile picture of Importexport
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        Originally Posted by hitesh93 View Post

        Anyone can 'teach' the idea behind ecommerce. Find a good product, get it made cheap, buy it in bulk, sell it at a higher price.
        The problem is that this it carries significant upfront investment and massive risk along with technical training. If you are one of the .5% of the people that possess the ability to do this, go for it. For the rest, you need a pathway to start generating small profits immediately, then use those to fund better margins, and eventually turn it into a mega-business if you so will.
        The idea that starting off requires a significant investment is contrary to the experience of many of the people who follow my system.

        They have started off with very small funds and having researched the product they want to sell, particularly the key factors of saleability, and selling costs, they put their profits back into increasing order sizes.

        If by technical training you mean the importing process, I can confidently state that anyone can do it with a very small amount of instruction. Not only my current book buyers, but I have based my system on what I taught my franchisees in 4 countries and for 22 years until I retired that system proved itself.

        Choosing the product to sell is the hard part. Safely sourcing that product direct from real manufacturers is easy if you know how, and where to look. The importing process is the really easy part.
        Use emotions and perceptions to build a great brand. Ask me about my book LabelsThatExploit. For safe sourcing and easy importing from 41 countries globally, see
        • Profile picture of the author hitesh93
          Profile picture of hitesh93
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          Originally Posted by Importexport View Post

          The idea that starting off requires a significant investment is contrary to the experience of many of the people who follow my system.

          They have started off with very small funds and having researched the product they want to sell, particularly the key factors of saleability, and selling costs, they put their profits back into increasing order sizes.

          If by technical training you mean the importing process, I can confidently state that anyone can do it with a very small amount of instruction. Not only my current book buyers, but I have based my system on what I taught my franchisees in 4 countries and for 22 years until I retired that system proved itself.

          Choosing the product to sell is the hard part. Safely sourcing that product direct from real manufacturers is easy if you know how, and where to look. The importing process is the really easy part.
          Ah so you're selling a 'system' for importing goods and selling them, THAT's why you have issues you're airing on this thread

          That's all we needed. Thanks for stopping by.
          • Profile picture of the author Importexport
            Profile picture of Importexport
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            Originally Posted by hitesh93 View Post

            Ah so you're selling a 'system' for importing goods and selling them, THAT's why you have issues you're airing on this thread

            That's all we needed. Thanks for stopping by.
            No Hitesh,

            I don't have a system for importing and selling goods. I have a system based on real experience that teaches how to safely source any product after a person has carefully chosen what product they intend selling.

            I teach how to buy small quantities if they want to, even if the manufacturer quotes a big MOQ.

            I teach how to be sure they are getting the best possible price. On 23rd, one Warrior posted on this thread about having bought a product from China for an all up cost of $2 and is selling those items for $25. That is what is possible if you buy direct from real manufacturers.

            I teach how to import the easy way.

            I have never claimed to teach how to sell. I leave that to others.

            You are selling a system to teach people how to buy and sell, and many people have posted responses covering a wide range of subjects. My posts have been in response to people with questions like bighooters: "I just need to know how I can go about getting more". Of course I can show people where to get more and how to do it safely and with huge profit margins.

            I have also responded to people like mfg who wrote: I own an eBay business where I import products from Asia, and I can tell you this method SUCKS! I could not let that pass because I and a very large number of people have proven over a long period of time that importing from Asia can work very easily and smoothly and generate massive profits, provided as Ecommerce Advice wrote: "You need to know how to do it properly to make it successful.", and those who follow the methods I explain in my book do know how to do it properly.

            Use emotions and perceptions to build a great brand. Ask me about my book LabelsThatExploit. For safe sourcing and easy importing from 41 countries globally, see
  • Profile picture of the author Ecommerce Advice
    Ecommerce Advice
    Profile picture of Ecommerce Advice
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    I've purchased products from China that cost me just over $1 (with packaging it was close to $2) but I sold them retail for £16 (about $25)

    You need to know how to do it properly to make it successful.
    Signature - Increase Your Conversion Rate Guranteed
    • Profile picture of the author Importexport
      Profile picture of Importexport
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      Originally Posted by Ecommerce Advice View Post

      I've purchased products from China that cost me just over $1 (with packaging it was close to $2) but I sold them retail for £16 (about $25)

      You need to know how to do it properly to make it successful.
      Thanks Ecommerce Advice. It is good to hear from someone with real experience who can verify that what I say about immense profit margins by direct importing is true.

      Now that you have told of your experience I feel bold enough to report the deal that one of my franchisees made that far outshone my $21,000 sale with a total cost of $3,000 .

      He made a single sale of $57,000 and his total cost in round figures, was $7,000. He wrote to me saying "It's nice to make that occasional $50,000 for half a days work." Yes I have his letter on file, sent to me by snail mail and with his signature on it. He actually got a repeat order for the same amount.

      I would never suggest everyone can make that sort of money, but it does prove the point that importing direct from the manufacturer can produce massive profits beyond the wildest dreams of resellers who buy from dropshippers and wholesalers or who work their butts off in arbitrage.
      Use emotions and perceptions to build a great brand. Ask me about my book LabelsThatExploit. For safe sourcing and easy importing from 41 countries globally, see
  • Profile picture of the author cjshu99
    Profile picture of cjshu99
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    You dont need a MLM program to sell amazon products on ebay. And if you are waiting for real help from Roger Langille, good luck.
  • Profile picture of the author GTC1187
    Profile picture of GTC1187
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    It was clear from the beginning of this thread that AuctionDebtEliminator had Roger Langille correctly pegged as a fraud.
  • Profile picture of the author Auctiondebteliminator
    Profile picture of Auctiondebteliminator
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    I'm not out here to peg anyone as a fraud, cheat, nor anything like that. I don't think that's right.

    All I am here to do is teach correct principles, and do math.

    People can make their own conclusions from there.
    Famous for my '$1000 dollar challenge,' I've been teaching people how to DOMINATE on eBay for YEARS. Sell 100% of your items FOR A PROFIT. Rank higher, sell faster, sell more, and DESTROY your competition with a data-based approach. Quit listening to Guru's-in-training! Click now below!
    • Profile picture of the author jpawlik
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      • Profile picture of the author SteveParma
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        • Profile picture of the author scottyhouge
          Profile picture of scottyhouge
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          Originally Posted by SteveParma View Post

          I've spent 15 years trying to make money online and if you want to make money online, you have to overcome any temptation to say to yourself "No, that would be too hard for me." i.e. "No, I can't write articles, contact blogs, ask jv partners, build a site, run a newsletter, talk to local businesses."

          I have noticed that most of the money is in selling how to make money. Every launch is on how to make money and it's always dated. It's past due and is no longer effective. Every product telling you to stop chasing shiny objects is a product that is a shiny object.

          The problem with most launches also is that they are sold to the work force individual, but require a staff, a substantial budget, and you working 16 hours a day to implement it, learn it. If you don't, it'll become ineffective by the time you can implement it.

          If you ever pitch a product and don't keep that in mind, you're a scam artist, unless you make it perfectly clear what type of budget, time table, work amount and what you specifically have to add to make it work, is required.

          So is Roger a scam artist? Not yet. It's working for me and it's actually fun. It's scaleable, it doesn't require traffic generation, recruiting people, designing anything, sales funnels, web design, content creation, email collecting, it doesn't even require you to buy the product until you've sold it. This is why it's working for so many people, at least to some degree.

          It takes a lot of hours, but you see the immediate reward for those hours put in. I think he should be more honest as to it being a stepping stone to your own specific ecommerce business and I've returned to this forum to do exactly that. You always need another stream of income and I want to branch out into discovering what "auctiondebteliminator" and "importexport" have to offer for my business.

          If anyone wants to message me or find me on facebook, I will give you the 100% honest rundown.
          I couldn't agree more The new pricing fluctuation software is coming out around xmas time,and it has alot of extras besides letting you know if something goes up or down in price..It can go down to every 2 minutes to inform you,or you can set it for every hour,or whatever you want..As well,the sourcing goods and other things in place for 2014 is great

          Roger is really genuine and helping members all the time.The video was good on the software,but getting us goods to use(what he is currently working on) will be a heaven sent if we choose to use this for our product.

          im in his facebook group,and everyday I see people going full steam ahead,and one quit her job on her b-day,and told her boss where to

          So its changing lives.And if you take the time to get into this full time,you will see that as well.

          But to each there own.................
          Its bee na heaven send for me
  • Profile picture of the author lkcheng
    Profile picture of lkcheng
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    The problem is Roger promoted the course to people outside US. eBayers international are different than eBayers US. eBay had very strict rules to people who are outside US and list on

    Another thing is the exchange losses that the international eBayers have to bear. i.e, If you sell an item at USD 59.99 and net USD 3 profit. Your Paypal receives payment but you need to use your credit card to place the order from Amazon. Amazon charges you on USD and your local credit card company or bank will convert it to your currency, they will set higher exchange rate plus 1 - 2% admin fee usually. And then if you withdraw from PayPal to your local bank account, it is free but Paypal gives lower exchange rate which is another loss to you. The whole process will wipe out almost all your profit.
    • Profile picture of the author TheDreamSt
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      • Profile picture of the author lkcheng
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        • Profile picture of the author TheDreamSt
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          • Profile picture of the author Silas Hart
            Silas Hart
            Profile picture of Silas Hart
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            I'll just say this, if I was selling a couple $100+ items on eBay with a profit margin of 15%, things are going to get really ugly after the first fraudulent purchase.
            • Profile picture of the author Importexport
              Profile picture of Importexport
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              Originally Posted by Silas Hart View Post

              I'll just say this, if I was selling a couple $100+ items on eBay with a profit margin of 15%, things are going to get really ugly after the first fraudulent purchase.
              I completely agree with you Silas. I cannot understand why people are willing to waste their time and risk their money on selling items with such pathetic profit margins as we see quoted in this thread (and others).

              The barest minimum I ever tolerated was 60%, but margins in my importing business often greatly exceed that. It is not hard to achieve when you buy direct from the manufacturers.
              Use emotions and perceptions to build a great brand. Ask me about my book LabelsThatExploit. For safe sourcing and easy importing from 41 countries globally, see
  • Profile picture of the author cjshu99
    Profile picture of cjshu99
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    Using Amazon Prime to ship items you are reselling is against Amazons TOS and will get your account closed.

    It is really tough to find items that you can make a profit on and compete on eBay but it can be done. Setting a price $5 above cost will probably lose you money because quite a few states charge tax.

    Plus the recurring monthly fees at the pro level is not worth it in my opinion.

    This method takes a lot of time and effort, but is still easier than recruiting people and faster than SEO.

    Oh and for what its worth, I searched around online and this Rogers 3rd run with an Mlm from what I can gather.
    • Profile picture of the author lkcheng
      Profile picture of lkcheng
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by cjshu99 View Post

      Using Amazon Prime to ship items you are reselling is against Amazons TOS and will get your account closed.

      It is really tough to find items that you can make a profit on and compete on eBay but it can be done. Setting a price $5 above cost will probably lose you money because quite a few states charge tax.

      Plus the recurring monthly fees at the pro level is not worth it in my opinion.

      This method takes a lot of time and effort, but is still easier than recruiting people and faster than SEO.
      They were using it. I saw some of them had item below $25 listed, they also got some 'super fast shipping' feebacks from buyers.

      I read some eBay sellers sharing their experiences about Amazon prime, when Amazon got them, usually they will receive a warning first, and later a life-time ban on using Amazon prime if continue to against the TOS. The ones who get their a/c closed are due to too much returned. These are the info I got from reading some eBay related forums.

      I think Roger was teaching Elite members to sell expensive items (i.e. above $100) for higher profit ($10 - $30). You might want to try listing some especially when you have gained good buyer feedbacks.

      I was outside US, now limited to sell 5 items only. I have contacted eBay via live chat, they looked into my account and asked for one invoice proof of ownership of the items I listed. I'm not going to show them my Amazon invoice.
  • Profile picture of the author trader909
    Profile picture of trader909
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    i haven't bought it....and he seems a genuine guy.

    BUT the problem i see is saturation. Any "system" having thousands of people doing the exact same thing does eventually die
  • Profile picture of the author Silas Hart
    Silas Hart
    Profile picture of Silas Hart
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    I call it "Numbertitis" - it's a sickness caused by big numbers and facilitates delusions of grandeur. People see big numbers being processed through their PayPal account and start to assume they have stuff figured out, meanwhile they are taking a 5% loss on each item they sell because they didn't properly account for fees by selling a $83.00 Clock from Amazon on eBay for $100.00.

    Then when they get scammed, which has a higher risk of happening the higher priced your item is, they realize they dug themselves into a hole.
    • Profile picture of the author sozolake
      Profile picture of sozolake
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      "I call it "Numbertitis" - it's a sickness caused by big numbers and facilitates delusions of grandeur. People see big numbers being processed through their PayPal account and start to assume they have stuff figured out, meanwhile they are taking a 5% loss on each item they sell because they didn't properly account for fees by selling a $83.00 Clock from Amazon on eBay for $100.00.

      Then when they get scammed, which has a higher risk of happening the higher priced your item is, they realize they dug themselves into a hole."

      Actually if you sold that clock you'd make about $3. Not lose 5%. Program works. Some people just don't follow instructions well. I have had people sell items for a loss b/c they didn't understand simple math. Yes DSD is not set up to run on its own p, you have to work it. It's an ongoing process that takes some time, but it does work. Some people just aren't willing to put in the time. I am new to internet marketing and this program is netting me about $2k a month. 50% from ebay 50% affiliate.
      • Profile picture of the author usixly
        Profile picture of usixly
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        I bought Roger's course about 45 days ago, have kept things simple, done exactly as instructed, been diligent (part time), and have profited over $5500 so far.

        Something worth noting I think is that Roger's Ebay/Amazon course is the tip of the's the "kiddie pool" for the education on drop shipping offered there. I've made maybe $1500 total from the basic course, used profit to buy his next installment and within a day or two had just about doubled all of my margins and began selling more, faster.

        Personally, I'm a fan.

        Regular days and EPIC days...all blogged about here:

      • Profile picture of the author Importexport
        Profile picture of Importexport
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by sozolake View Post

        "I call it "Numbertitis" - it's a sickness caused by big numbers and facilitates delusions of grandeur. People see big numbers being processed through their PayPal account and start to assume they have stuff figured out, meanwhile they are taking a 5% loss on each item they sell because they didn't properly account for fees by selling a $83.00 Clock from Amazon on eBay for $100.00.

        Then when they get scammed, which has a higher risk of happening the higher priced your item is, they realize they dug themselves into a hole."

        Actually if you sold that clock you'd make about $3. Not lose 5%. Program works. Some people just don't follow instructions well. I have had people sell items for a loss b/c they didn't understand simple math. Yes DSD is not set up to run on its own p, you have to work it. It's an ongoing process that takes some time, but it does work. Some people just aren't willing to put in the time. I am new to internet marketing and this program is netting me about $2k a month. 50% from ebay 50% affiliate.
        If only one person scams you on a $100 sale of a product that cost you $83 and you made the princely sum of $5 on it, it would take many more of those $5 profit sales to cover the loss. You will have lost a lot more than $83 because of all the fees involved.

        Assuming only $7 in fees (I am being generous), you have to recover a loss of $90. That means all the profit from 18 sales at a measly profit of $5 per sale will be eaten up in recovering your loss. Meanwhile you are risking another $1494 outlay. Any one of those 18 extra sales could be a scam.

        One other consideration that barely gets any attention is the loss of your time.
        When running my importing business I would not chase any order unless I could make at least $150 per hour. By direct importing I was able to ensure such returns for franchisees in 4 countries.
        Use emotions and perceptions to build a great brand. Ask me about my book LabelsThatExploit. For safe sourcing and easy importing from 41 countries globally, see
  • Profile picture of the author Chefboyrd
    Profile picture of Chefboyrd
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Would anyone be able to guide me in the right direction for support , my upline has given me none and a facebook request for help has produced zero results.
    I am considering up grading to elite as I don,t have time for the smaller profit pro.
    I just have a couple of questions regarding it.
    Thanks in advance
    • Profile picture of the author usixly
      Profile picture of usixly
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hey Chef - I've found all the answers I need between the facebook group and the helpdesk archive of Q/A. Whatever you're having an issue with, watch the tutorial video that addresses that specific area again...that's what I've done and it's been pretty straightforward!

      Regular days and EPIC days...all blogged about here:

  • Profile picture of the author BravoOne
    Profile picture of BravoOne
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I would like to hear Roger explain the plain brown box thing. I don't believe that any individual ever had a deal with amazon to ship in a special box.
  • Profile picture of the author Bosco
    Profile picture of Bosco
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Auctiondebteliminator: I see your product is $47 a month, but I didn't see anything about a money back guarantee. Did I miss it, or is there not one?

    I"m curious as to your rebill percentage. From what I'm reading here about DSD, there is motivation to keep paying the $20 a month to make affiliate (maybe MLM?) money. Is there anything like that with your product?

    I hear you regarding the possibility of getting accounts banned with the DSD method, but not with what you teach. Since I make no money with either ebay or amazon, it doesn't seem like a big loss if that were to happen, from my current perspective... but still, I'm wondering if you've heard complaints from people who got banned as a result of choosing that method. And if so, did they bring it on themselves by not following the work-around directions, etc?

    One reason I'm leaning toward trying DSD, is it looks like you can start getting fairly quick cash flow without much need of a significant budget. I get the feeling that what you teach are methods that require more money to get rolling. Is that feeling correct?

    I am considering checking out what you have to offer, but to be blunt, $47 with what looks like no guarantee or affiliate potential, vs $20 with a guarantee and affiliate potential, doesn't seem like a fair fight.

    While I do give you points about being safe and not risking bans, I give you huge demerits for basically trying to get some of Roger's students accounts banned. That was just nasty, dude.

    I know you said you would never do it, but you put it out there for a purpose. I don't mean to judge you too harshly, but as Jesse Pinkman might say... Why'd you have to go and do that yo?
    Have you started ANY prepping yet? Got some back up food and water at least? (Just askin')
    • Profile picture of the author BravoOne
      Profile picture of BravoOne
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Bosco View Post

      Auctiondebteliminator: I see your product is $47 a month, but I didn't see anything about a money back guarantee. Did I miss it, or is there not one?

      I"m curious as to your rebill percentage. From what I'm reading here about DSD, there is motivation to keep paying the $20 a month to make affiliate (maybe MLM?) money. Is there anything like that with your product?

      I hear you regarding the possibility of getting accounts banned with the DSD method, but not with what you teach. Since I make no money with either ebay or amazon, it doesn't seem like a big loss if that were to happen, from my current perspective... but still, I'm wondering if you've heard complaints from people who got banned as a result of choosing that method. And if so, did they bring it on themselves by not following the work-around directions, etc?

      One reason I'm leaning toward trying DSD, is it looks like you can start getting fairly quick cash flow without much need of a significant budget. I get the feeling that what you teach are methods that require more money to get rolling. Is that feeling correct?

      I am considering checking out what you have to offer, but to be blunt, $47 with what looks like no guarantee or affiliate potential, vs $20 with a guarantee and affiliate potential, doesn't seem like a fair fight.

      While I do give you points about being safe and not risking bans, I give you huge demerits for basically trying to get some of Roger's students accounts banned. That was just nasty, dude.

      I know you said you would never do it, but you put it out there for a purpose. I don't mean to judge you too harshly, but as Jesse Pinkman might say... Why'd you have to go and do that yo?
      There is not a money back guarantee with DSD, and there is a no refund policy as well.
      • Profile picture of the author usixly
        Profile picture of usixly
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        I've seen 6 people get refunds out of my group (don't know any of the 6 people, they never said anything to me. Just know they got refunds).

        For me, the refund rate so far is less than .005% FYI

        Regular days and EPIC days...all blogged about here:

        • Profile picture of the author BravoOne
          Profile picture of BravoOne
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Originally Posted by usixly View Post

          I've seen 6 people get refunds out of my group (don't know any of the 6 people, they never said anything to me. Just know they got refunds).

          For me, the refund rate so far is less than .005% FYI
          Get refunds, or do charge backs with their credit card company? It specifically states in the 'terms' linked at the bottom of the dsd page that there are no refunds.
  • Profile picture of the author usixly
    Profile picture of usixly
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Argue against it all ya want, but 6 of my 8 siblings are making money within their first 3 days with DSD, and on the affiliate side, it's a dream to promote. I've made over $27k with the affiliate side alone in the last 50 days.

    Regular days and EPIC days...all blogged about here:

    • Profile picture of the author darbok
      Profile picture of darbok
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by usixly View Post

      Argue against it all ya want, but 6 of my 8 siblings are making money within their first 3 days with DSD, and on the affiliate side, it's a dream to promote. I've made over $27k with the affiliate side alone in the last 50 days.

      I believe your probably making money, but skeptical your making this kind of money.
  • Profile picture of the author Andrew Neumann
    Andrew Neumann
    Profile picture of Andrew Neumann
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  • Profile picture of the author edbrogden
    Profile picture of edbrogden
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    • Profile picture of the author Bobby Guerilla
      Bobby Guerilla
      Profile picture of Bobby Guerilla
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      Originally Posted by edbrogden View Post

      Hey guys,Rog is okay.Lets be nice and leave hime alone.
      He is okay not bashing the man I applaud him to be able to provide for his family in this tough economy.

      I just think he shouldn't lie about the secretbrownbox thing it's 100000% BS and it's hurting peoples ebay feedback score which some of us had spent years building.

      Other than that, he has a lot of valuable information to offer, if you read my last post you'll see what I had to say about him.

  • Profile picture of the author Dsdomination
    Profile picture of Dsdomination
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    Well, i heard that people are doing good money by using his techniques. Is not that complicated at the end.. but he has some training and experience behind!
  • Profile picture of the author robo916
    Profile picture of robo916
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    It works plain and simple. But you have to follow the training. The people losing money on every sale are the morons not following simple instructions on proper technique. And then they wonder why it's not working for them. Duh......

    Internet business where someone else does all of the set-up, selling, and follow-up FOR YOU! ==> Click Here

  • Profile picture of the author Auctiondebteliminator
    Profile picture of Auctiondebteliminator
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    ^ Another DS Domination MLM Affiliate.
    Famous for my '$1000 dollar challenge,' I've been teaching people how to DOMINATE on eBay for YEARS. Sell 100% of your items FOR A PROFIT. Rank higher, sell faster, sell more, and DESTROY your competition with a data-based approach. Quit listening to Guru's-in-training! Click now below!
  • Profile picture of the author fretai03
    Profile picture of fretai03
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    • Profile picture of the author ASG1123
      Profile picture of ASG1123
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by fretai03 View Post

      Having no job, a wife and 2 sons to support, I took the proverbial bullet to the face and joined DS Domination.

      This was roughly 1.5 months ago and it has not been a great experience.

      I have made NO sales, have not been able to get ebay limits lifted (lack of sales) and while the videos have been fine, they seem to be lacking... A lot of things are assumed, like we should just know things, certainly a struggle for those who are new like myself.

      I can't speak about Roger as I've not had the opportunity to meet/talk with him but I'm assuming that I am one of the many sad cases who have had a bad sponsor. My sponsor added me to a facebook group that he's not even active in and the only form of help he gives is telling me to ask for help in the facebook group.

      In hindsight I realise now he only cares for the affiliate side but it still hurts when your own sponsor can't even answer basic questions regarding the drop shipping side of DS Domination.

      On top of this I am an "International", the videos are okay. There are a 2-3 specific to Internationals, but there are a lot of unanswered "International" questions which I feel would be better answered, in depth, in the video training. The facebook group that I'm part of gets International queries, DAILY... At the very least I think they need more than 2-3 videos specific to International trouble shooting.

      I've started looking into other online strategies as well to try and offset the lossses from this but I'm resigned to the fact that I'm stuck with it cause of the money I have already lost to DS Domination monthly subscriptions.
      I have not used DS domination. I don't know who Mr.Roger is, but I've read enough on the internet to ever not go for his programs. But I have used other training programs which teach you how to make money online.

      The problem with "making money online" programs is that there is no agency/industry/organization accreditation these programs require before they start certifying or training members. Most of the only way to check for a user if the program is legitimate or "worth its salt" is AFTER you've put money into it.

      You see how it works in the real world? If you were getting certified on software engineering you would have organisations such as Microsoft accrediting the certification, hence MSCSE. There are several such examples, you could be Cisco certified, Sun Java certified. Why go this far, even in basic education you would have University degree behind a college course, and usually a national board regulating the University. Hence, you could be rest assured that what you are being taught is at par with others, at least in terms of literature and course materials.

      Where is all this in the Internet Marketing world? We have a gazillion self-proclaimed gurus who would shamelessly rip others off their hard-earned scarce money. No offenses meant, there are some gurus/coaches who are absolutely worth their salt, but these guys are few and far between. And these guys usually suffer as well, because people would be unable to distinguish at first look between genuine and shady programs - because you't really judge a book by its cover.
    • Profile picture of the author Silas Hart
      Silas Hart
      Profile picture of Silas Hart
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by fretai03 View Post

      Having no job, a wife and 2 sons to support, I took the proverbial bullet to the face and joined DS Domination.

      This was roughly 1.5 months ago and it has not been a great experience.

      I have made NO sales, have not been able to get ebay limits lifted (lack of sales) and while the videos have been fine, they seem to be lacking... A lot of things are assumed, like we should just know things, certainly a struggle for those who are new like myself.

      I can't speak about Roger as I've not had the opportunity to meet/talk with him but I'm assuming that I am one of the many sad cases who have had a bad sponsor. My sponsor added me to a facebook group that he's not even active in and the only form of help he gives is telling me to ask for help in the facebook group.

      In hindsight I realise now he only cares for the affiliate side but it still hurts when your own sponsor can't even answer basic questions regarding the drop shipping side of DS Domination.

      On top of this I am an "International", the videos are okay. There are a 2-3 specific to Internationals, but there are a lot of unanswered "International" questions which I feel would be better answered, in depth, in the video training. The facebook group that I'm part of gets International queries, DAILY... At the very least I think they need more than 2-3 videos specific to International trouble shooting.

      I've started looking into other online strategies as well to try and offset the lossses from this but I'm resigned to the fact that I'm stuck with it cause of the money I have already lost to DS Domination monthly subscriptions.
      Your case is actually very common. A lot of the people that have asked me for assistance with ebay, amazon, fba, etc are people that lost a couple hundred or thousand from ds domination. Unfortunately a lot of the people looking for help have already lost their ebay accounts.

      Hit me up on facebook and Ill see if I can help.

  • Profile picture of the author usixly
    Profile picture of usixly
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  • Profile picture of the author saralees
    Profile picture of saralees
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I really like the program that Roger has put together. DS Domination is easy to follow and you can scale it up as you see fit.
    Got great listings in Google? , this can help!
    • Profile picture of the author Powder_Skier
      Profile picture of Powder_Skier
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      I don't know Roger, but he posted his phone number back on page two (?) of this thread for all interested..

      I have read ALL the posts (yes, all four pages) and while I appreciate everyone's comments, a few things seem apparent.

      1) The "brown box" thing - those posting lately have NOT read all the posts, as that was addressed on page two or three.

      2) Not everyone who signed up got the right support from whoever they signed up with, or they charged ahead without following directions.

      3) There is a learning curve. Really - is that a surprise to anyone? I, like many others who get any new program, want to know "all about it" in ten minutes or less (common, be honest!) That's not how it works with "anything" business related. Sorry, sex and going to the bathroom don't count.

      4) Taking action is necessary! Take massive or minimal action gets you the same results. Buying any program and then letting it sit on your hard drive is not going to make you any money (I know from experience). There is no easy button in the real world.

      5) It seems that many people have made money, many others have not. That could be attributed to many factors, but PROOF has been offered here that money CAN be made with this program.

      6) Some have complained about "risking" a few dollars on a program? Really? Try ANY franchise "opportunity," you'll WISH they were only $49, or $499, or even $4,999! And guess what - they do NOT "guarantee" success OR offer any "money back" if your new business heads "south." I know because I used to be an auctioneer and specalized in business liquidation. Many on the WF expect the world for just a few bucks - and gripe and complain when things don't work exactly as they expect. I've seen it all on the WF.

      My conclusion (I have NOT bought this, but am leaning that way) is that this program will work if a person will be open minded enough to admit that they do not know everything within 10 minutes of signing up, and they are teachable enough to follow directions.



      P.S. One more thing: I buy a lot of items related to WordPress, and I can tell you through sad experience that only a "handful" of sellers on the WF support their products. In fact, many "WF sellers" no longer do WF special offers, because they know they will be blasted by those who have bought from them and who have been left high and dry because their WP plugins or themes no longer work (web product and support domain names for sale, etc.).

      A word of caution! If you buy anything related to WP and there isn't any monthly fee OR the seller does NOT have a long history of supporting customers, BEWARE!

      On the other hand, If you see a product that's been for sale for a while, and you go to the last page of all the posts FIRST, AND the product is still getting positive reviews, then you can have confidence that the seller is going to offer support.

      The fact that Roger is still around and is answering questions tells me a lot - not a fly-by-night type of guy.

      Again, JMO.
      Don't Be A Hackers Victim - Secure Your Wordpress Website Now!
      Not sure the best path to take? Which security plugins are best that won't break your site? Confused about configuring the plugins properly? Don't want to DIY? I'll secure it for you @ a reasonable rate, including backups. Click Here!
      • Profile picture of the author usixly
        Profile picture of usixly
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Good stuff Powder Skier - seeing your post made me wanna come in here and do an update.

        Here's what a $40,000/month organization looks like in DSD:

        (Along with a couple other interesting points)

        Regular days and EPIC days...all blogged about here:

      • Profile picture of the author seosoldier
        Profile picture of seosoldier
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by Powder_Skier View Post

        I don't know Roger, but he posted his phone number back on page two (?) of this thread for all interested..

        I have read ALL the posts (yes, all four pages) and while I appreciate everyone's comments, a few things seem apparent.

        1) The "brown box" thing - those posting lately have NOT read all the posts, as that was addressed on page two or three.

        2) Not everyone who signed up got the right support from whoever they signed up with, or they charged ahead without following directions.

        3) There is a learning curve. Really - is that a surprise to anyone? I, like many others who get any new program, want to know "all about it" in ten minutes or less (common, be honest!) That's not how it works with "anything" business related. Sorry, sex and going to the bathroom don't count.

        4) Taking action is necessary! Take massive or minimal action gets you the same results. Buying any program and then letting it sit on your hard drive is not going to make you any money (I know from experience). There is no easy button in the real world.

        5) It seems that many people have made money, many others have not. That could be attributed to many factors, but PROOF has been offered here that money CAN be made with this program.

        6) Some have complained about "risking" a few dollars on a program? Really? Try ANY franchise "opportunity," you'll WISH they were only $49, or $499, or even $4,999! And guess what - they do NOT "guarantee" success OR offer any "money back" if your new business heads "south." I know because I used to be an auctioneer and specalized in business liquidation. Many on the WF expect the world for just a few bucks - and gripe and complain when things don't work exactly as they expect. I've seen it all on the WF.

        My conclusion (I have NOT bought this, but am leaning that way) is that this program will work if a person will be open minded enough to admit that they do not know everything within 10 minutes of signing up, and they are teachable enough to follow directions.



        P.S. One more thing: I buy a lot of items related to WordPress, and I can tell you through sad experience that only a "handful" of sellers on the WF support their products. In fact, many "WF sellers" no longer do WF special offers, because they know they will be blasted by those who have bought from them and who have been left high and dry because their WP plugins or themes no longer work (web product and support domain names for sale, etc.).

        A word of caution! If you buy anything related to WP and there isn't any monthly fee OR the seller does NOT have a long history of supporting customers, BEWARE!

        On the other hand, If you see a product that's been for sale for a while, and you go to the last page of all the posts FIRST, AND the product is still getting positive reviews, then you can have confidence that the seller is going to offer support.

        The fact that Roger is still around and is answering questions tells me a lot - not a fly-by-night type of guy.

        Again, JMO.
        I don't know how you read this thread and decided that this might be a good thing, but more power to you.
        I hope you will post back here after you've bought this and made some good money with it (with proof).
        > My Promise To You: I will never promote any offer I do not truly believe to be 100% worth buying and using!
  • Profile picture of the author Hrdchris3
    Profile picture of Hrdchris3
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    Originally Posted by schnisz View Post

    Hey Warriors, anybody have any info on this guy? Someone sent me to a pre-recorded webinar of him talking about his Amazon/Ebay arbritage system. Sounded interesting, but a simple internet search brought up some not so nice things. Is this system played out? Any experience with his membership site? I think its like 47 bucks to start. Thanks!
    Yes I have experience with this site. It works and it is growing very quickly.
    • Profile picture of the author robo916
      Profile picture of robo916
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      I love how everyone on WF thinks they are an "expert" and their way of doing things is the ONLY way. I've been in DSD for 8 months now and I am a Genesis member. Countless people including myself make great money using Rogers teaching he is still doing weekly webinars for members as well as so many extras I can't even list them all. This is a totally different program than it was 10 months ago. WF can be a blessing or a curse people. Be careful listening to people talking out of their "you know what" who don't even own the program.

      Internet business where someone else does all of the set-up, selling, and follow-up FOR YOU! ==> Click Here

  • Profile picture of the author Jimp1
    Profile picture of Jimp1
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Am I correct that "PRO" no includes the software programs to help find produts and track price fluctuations?

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