Submission Works

by 261 replies
Has anyone tried this? Does it work?

#internet marketing product reviews & ratings #submission #works
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    • I plan on doing the same thing with any sales I make with each new member to build some rapport and try to find out where exactly they found my site.

      I'm hoping for fast results but will be patient if necessary. Its comforting to know they research your offers before sending traffic because the more targeted the hits are the better.
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  • I have noticed this program being promoted heavily on safelists and traffic exchanges over the past, say 6 weeks. As with most traffic sites, I joined with minimal expectations. Thought it couldn't be any worse than the response I get from some of the pricey solo ads I've been testing.

    They let you add 7 links at a time. I have a few Empower Network capture pages in there as well as some lists I'm building and a high converting CB offer. Very good response from the traffic. People are opting in at a impressive rate and I've even made a few sales.

    This is really a nice additional to my ad campaign for the price.
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    • I would like to hear any updates you have on your results as I have heard so many good things about this ad site and am strongly considering joining up. Thanks
    • any other results regarding sw? follow ups etc?

    • Good luck! I might want to try this for myself.
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  • I had actually wondered about it as well as I've seen it on various links for safelist emails. However, I guess with my niche, I'm not sure how effective it would be as most of these tools seem geared at internet marketing and what not. Usually, most of these types of tools don't fair as well in the hip hop community, not to say they all don't, but just like with safelists for example, it seems most so far are geared only at those looking to become internet marketers and to make quick money. May have to try a month to see if I can promote something else on it and if it helps convert a bit as well. Curious as to anyone else's thoughts or views on this program.
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    • I also like the no "OTO" idea. These days it seems like everything has additional charges that we have to decide whether to accept or pass on in literally minutes.

      I join Submission Works from a recommendation from my Empower Network sponsor as it seems to be really gaining steam by promoting EN affiliate links. My optins rates are definitely higher than other ad sources I'm using and I've even netted a couple paid upgrades from them.

      I'm using, budurl and to test the traffic and so far I'm pumped about this service.

      Back before Adwords canned all my listings I was paying around $1500 per month in PPC's. So a $60/month service that delivers even break-even results definitely has my attention.
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    • I joined Brandon Wheeler's "Submission Works" on Valentines day actually Was rushing to create my account as we had dinner reservations at 8:00pm lol

      Thanks for sharing your results.

      I am curious what offers you are promoting? I added in 7 of my top converting cloacked + tracked Empower Network capture pages and have got 34 responsive leads so far. I'd say pretty good for 5 days in. No paid sales yet from the traffic but I don't think its the traffic's fault as the leads are responsive.

      I have no doubts that I'll make more than my $60 back before the months over but as you have done, I'll surely post my results and ROI.

      I was half expecting a One Time Offer after forking out my $60 as well but to my surprise there was none!
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  • What is the product?
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    • It is Submission Works. It is a software that promotes your links all over the internet to get you more traffic.
  • I have to say I have my doubts about this product. Reading member posts, I can't help thinking that it more than likely doesn't work. After reading quite a few reviews it's hard to make the call adn personally speaking I don't think its worth spending £59 per month to find out. What I can't get my head around is, if anyone had a unique piece of code that was generating mega amounts of sales and profits, why would anyone sell it :confused:

    ...because I cetainly wouldn't!
  • I can't find it, I would like to try it.
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  • I am slightly suspicious against a few basis comments here. Most of comments have only created their account this month of feb.

    Spam Alarm bells!!!

    Do your research first don't follow some of these bog commentors.

    I am testing it right now, I have been using it for 2 weeks. If you have seen my video part one, the results are not too impressive if you ask me. I have 4 different landing pages non of which are nothing to do with EN.

    I am still going to either run it for 4 weeks or 8 weeks. I will let you know my results.
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    • You got it.. This is what going on here... I feel it same. $60 will be good enough of for 200 clicks solo and result will be in one day rather than waiting for one month...
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    • Personally following up with your leads is a great idea to find out how they found you online.

      They way I'm confirming that my leads are coming from Submission Works is by isolating certain capture pages too "only" Submission Works. So basically I don't promote these pages via any other mediums, so when leads come in I know that Submission Works was responsible.
  • Hadn't heard of this program before, but from the positive reviews that it is getting on this thread, I am going to have to check it out!
  • So far - 24hrs - no hits whatsoever on any of the 7 URL's I am promoting - will keep you updated
  • I actually decided to take the plunge last night given I had a couple of beats sold so I figured, take that money to invest to see how it works out.

    So far, on one of the links, I already have 42 hits, and on another, I have a few as well. I'll be playing around with some links and testing it out to see how it works out. Hopefully I generate some sales from it that exceed the $60 and will look forward to using it again next month as well. Have to take a chance sometimes... so crossing my fingers that this chance I took will net me at least $120 from it. Will post back on here again...
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  • Thanks for your update Vishalicious. Definitely appreciated. I'm guessing this program works best with using opt in pages versus pages that have direct buy to them, correct? I'm wondering the impact it has on both ends of it.

    I've been only using it for 2 days so far though, although I've already seen well over 100 visitors from it to the training program I'm promoting, as well as several hits to another product I'm promoting as well. I'll continue seeing how it goes as well though.

    Wondered though if this program was best geared towards biz opp type internet marketing more so than affiliate marketing or so forth, and if it's best served only to squeeze page opt ins rather than actual direct sales or purchases sorta like people say about safelist marketing.

    Thanks again for your feedback though. Looking forward to seeing what it does for me this month with hopes I'm choosing the best links to build money from it, at least more than $60 to see a profit with it. lol.
  • I think this program is bogus, and it reminds me too much of another bogus traffic program called All Inclusive Ads.

    Funny thing about the two programs...

    As soon as I started seeing Submission-works being promoted on some email lists that I use, I stopped seeing ads for All Inclusive Ads.

    Even the ads themselves were formatted the same, but the names of the promoters curiously changed.

    Also, take notice of the dates that those giving glowing reviews joined this forum.

    And if you do a search on google for this program, you will see they were well prepared in advance for anyone looking for a review of it.

    It is unlikely you will EVER find an honest review, except from a couple of long-time warriors who bought into it and will post their results here on this thread.

    I almost bought it myself. Not because I believe it will work...I don't. I only wanted to test it and give a review, but I really don't feel like wasting $60, so I will simply keep an eye on this thread for those who WILL post and HONEST review.
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    • I'm hoping to see some good results with it myself but completely understand where you're coming from. I had hesitated to try it and finally gave in. I don't know if I'll try it longer than 30 days unless I see a sale or two or three come my way. I am honestly seeing a bit more traffic to my sites from it so that's good, though safelists bring me traffic too, I just haven't converted a thing from them as well so I don't know what kind of traffic is generated from this program exactly. However, if I do make a sale or two from it, I'll be sure to post onto this thread about it. I hope I do, but we shall see.
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  • I actually have two links for the same product on a split test and the program I'm promoting has a built in tracking to it. I actually just got a sale from one of the two links I'm split testing and this is the 2nd or 3rd day that I've been using the Submission Works program right now. I'm not jumping the gun to think it's a cure all, and I do agree with you Arif in what you said. I actually joined it more to see how it works in terms of building more and more traffic to my sites from different sources, I don't believe there's anything wrong with that. I decided to take a chance as there's nothing wrong with doing so. But so far it's not a bad piece, and if I can manage to get a few more conversions before my 30 days is up from it that builds me more than enough from it, I'll be writing up my own review of it and screen shots and going from there. I agree with what you said though, the days are long gone in terms of just trying to get sales. You do have to build networking and trust. I've been doing that for some years though with my hip hop beats biz and some other minor things here and there, so I just thought to give Submission Works a spin to see what it would do. Crossing my fingers on it... and pushing forward with the testing.

    Tom tom, you said it right there... invest $60, make even $61 or preferably at least $120 from it. I'll continue posting my results as well... I have two links on one product split testing them both, and then a link or two to my blog that I started, and going forward from there to see what it may do. Stay tuned...
  • @ Cowloc, thanks a lot. I'm very close to break even point so far and it's been from a CB product, and another program that I had joined and am promoting as an affiliate now that I got conversions on. Looking forward to seeing what else it does. It has me eager now to see what other products I could promote with it. I do have my music website on there as a test though I don't anticipate it doing anything at all... still, have to test it out to see if maybe I do get a few sales from it as well in time. But so far so good.

    @Marshall, I can believe that as I was surprised to see the CB sale I made from it today and the other product affiliate sale as well, both products of which are of no relation to each other whatsoever. Wish there were 2 more link slots, 9 would be great. LOL!
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  • just signed up today for my biz...we will see....some people say wait 2 months so i will, other than that, i have to admit that the recommended advertising links that's in the website are poor quality, such as rainbow marketing, all inclusive ads, and and just click 6; which all seem to be equivelant to safelist blasting or traffic exchanges or "list jumpers"... not sure if i should look at this as a reflection of the actual product. i have put up 7 squeeze pages that direct towards my biz so i will let you know
  • quick follow up on submission works:

    already getting a few visitors on all my sites within a few hours...however one thing that concerns me is that based on my tracking, 80% are coming from one ip. address. should i be nervous? also the actual referring website my tracker provides are from other IM/MMO sales pages....i'm a bit confused how this is actually working? any help would be much appreciated.
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    • Nevermind, I figured out how the traffic is driven...traffic exchanges and list basically if i were to follow that strategy...they do the clicking and exchanging for me in return for my website to be an automated way to get visitors from list and traffic exchanges.... not sure how i feel about that but we shall see with the results...because by the refunds unless within the first 24 hours without adding links to the service.......YEA!
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    • Let us know how your higher ticket items do in the system, thanks.

      As for my results, its only been a few days since I signed on but the traffic has began to flow and I have a few free optins to report but no paid sales as of yet :p
  • Definitely keep us posted on your results Vishalicious... sounds good. I'll be doing the same as well on my end. Testing a few non internet marketing related links and what not as well to see how it goes. I had wondered if All Inclusive Ads was also worth giving a chance to given the format sounds very similar to Submission Works but at less a month. Not sure of what people think of that one though. Hoping to have more conversions to post a new blog posting about. Will keep you posted.
  • 2 weeks in with tracking i'm averaging 20-30 hits per link, anyone else confirm?
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  • anyone else? more data like this then we can see if they basically just serve 150 to 200 hits per account per day, or even if ppl choose to use less links, do then those links get more hits?

    i mean of course it wouldn't really make much of a difference, if they went on an account basis, then you could just have one link (if you only wanted to promote one campaign)

    but if they segregate hits to by url, i guess you could just have all 7urls pointing to the same link too
  • So far my traffic as of late has dipped down a bit from what I've been noticing. No other commissions or sales as of yet so I'm still waiting to see what it does. Hoping to see at least one or two more before my 30 days ends. Crossing fingers, will keep you posted.
  • im going to give it a try and post my results here later.
  • Well, just wanted to give a brief update. I had another commission come through on another Clickbank product I'm promoting with Submission Works. So that makes so far, 2 commissions (that I'm crossing fingers won't be reversed later on), and a biz opp commission that I had made and a hip hop beat sale that I'm still not sure may have come from Submission Works or not, but even without that one, that's the 3 sales so far that I've made from it and I have roughly 21 days left before considering renewal for one more month or ending it. Will keep you posted.
  • damn, lots of new accounts praising the product. ppl that just joined in Feb. I bet its teh same person for each account, just like in the safelist blast promoting about this product, looks like from different users, but same email swipe, even the same link (in the body).

    Mod, might need to investigate these accounts.
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    • Lol, well I'm definitely not a new account on the forum here. I'm roughly halfway through my first month of it now. I've had a few conversions so far but now waiting to see if any more come through. I'll continue with my update on it and whether or not I'll renew a month. I'm going to also test out All Inclusive Ads which I just opted for a moment ago and will also provide insight on that as well.
  • 3weeks in, i get nothing.
  • I still have some time left before hitting my 1st month with it, but so far not so bad, though I'm noticing with some links, that the traffic is generating a bit less with some days as they pass. Not sure what to make of that exactly.

    That said, I'm trying All Inclusive Ads right now and I actually had to email Support as it seems that I'm not even getting close to half the traffic that I'm getting from Submission Works. It's barely generating me hits at all so far, some of which are the same products that I'm promoting in Submission Works and All Inclusive Ads. I'm not sure if All Inclusive Ads is just failing now or what, but I guess time will tell on that one. Will keep you all posted as I continue gaining more findings.
  • OK - so I have been using SW for 2 weeks now, and getting lots of hits, BUT NOT 1 SINGLE PERSON HAS FILLED IN AN OPTIN FORM - nada, nothing , zilch. - and that includes Empower Network Optin pages - Now if I did not get sales, Ok !

    But not a single optin - give me a break !

    This in my opinion is a whole load of horse manure.

    I have way better results (anything is better than nothing) from plain old safe-lists (free)

    No wonder they do not have a useable refund policy.
  • I think it may vary with each person, though I know many seem to be promoting every kind of EN blog post they've ever created on Submission Works too so I'm sure that one may be a bit more saturated. I just promote a few links every few days so far. I've not made any more sales so far as of late, but I'm still testing them out and seeing what happens... I'm still getting traffic to the links that I do put up with it though. As far as AIA, I'm getting some hits but they said their traffic is done via frames and so not all trackers and stat counters pick up every single trace of traffic from them. Hmmm... not sure, but I'm seeing some hits here and there though with Submission Works, the traffic is more. They are both bringing me traffic to my internet marketing blog and I'm definitely seeing that people are clicking on my affiliate links from my blog too, so that's a plus for me since I'm really only putting the main URL for the blog on my Submission Works and AIA now and I'm seeing the traffic spread out to different posts on my blog. Will keep you all posted still as to what things look like the closer i get to the end of my 30 days.
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    • Hi Genycis, I am wondering if you have any new updates to report. You're results are very encouraging to newbies such as myself
  • I'm getting quite a few leads and even a few sales this month with Submission Works. Overall my ROI is amazing vs other comparable ad services/programs. Worth every penny in my opinion.

    Earlier this month I bought a $398 Bronze package from CPC broker (search the forum for reviews, decent enough feedback from warriors) My results were very disappointing and I will not be using them again. Barely any leads and 0 sales. That price could have bought me almost 7 months of a Submission Works account.

    Will update as the month of March progresses.
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    • I unfortunately wasted $$$ on CPC Broker as well. Its heavily recommended within the EN community. I imagine because it does work on "some" level and if enough people use it EN does certainly grow but the individual members do foot the bill of the high CPC prices. Thankfully I opted for the $200 package instead of anything higher.

      My Submission Works account renews in 2 days and I will be surely using it for another month.

      I'm still getting quite a few leads for EN and I've converted enough sales to pay for my fee and turn a profit. I've also changed out 3 of my EN capture pages for Pure Leverage pages and this seems to be converting very well with the traffic.

      I was on Skype last night with my EN sponsor and he did a screenshare of his results from SW and they are even more impressive than mine. Mind you he has created his own capture pages which he may (hopefully) be sharing with me.

      Also the traffic still is coming in from primarily USA/Canada which I like to see from a variety of sources.

      I may considering promoting my SW affiliate link next month now that I have verified the service is legit. At the moment I only have referred 2 people that are in EN under me and it sure keeps them motivated to see some leads coming in that they can work and don't have to pay an arm and a leg for.
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    • I am glad I put off spending money ,the Basic Package for $197,on promoting
      EN with CPCBroker . I bought a MasterResell Rights package for 3 financial trading courses instead. I think that if you use either SubmissionWorks or CPCBroker for something other than EN you can get half-way decent results. But I have seen many absolutely bad results posted by other people on Facebook and review sites for SubmissionWorks, so I am reluctant to use that.
  • I have spoken to a number of marketers on different forums, and all who have tried "SUBMISSION WORKS" have all had the same results as me - NOTHING !

    I personally am a little dubious about the glowing reports (only on this forum) from a handful of marketers.

    None of the marketers that I have been in contact with have received any leads whatsoever.

    Keep in mind that WF rates high in the serps, so it would be in the owners of SW's interests to have these great reviews on the first page of Google.

    Also - take note of the join dates, and the dates of the first posts of some of these great reviews.

    My personal opinion is that SW is a scam - "another Instant Cash Plugin"

    What burns me the most, is that I wasted my money on this "submission works scam " after reading the first few posts.
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    • I just joined yesterday and all of my links have like 5 unique visits but 60+ hits. Has anyone else experienced this?


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    • I joined Submission Works 3 days ago and no sales yet but am hopeful. I believe the programs I'm promoting through them are in a prime position for growth right now and include 2 click bank offers that are in the top 10.
  • done testing, it's junk traffic, not renewing. too bad you can't get a refund for a junky program.
  • Hi everyone, quick update for you all here. I'm 2 weeks in and I just today received my "first" paid upgrade into my program from submission works traffic earning me just over the cost of my membership YAY!
  • I need to write up another blog post for the 3rd week or so into Submission Works. It's been good so far to me... not making me thousands or anything, but it's actually helped me get a few clickbank commissions on some products that I promoted in it, some Internet Marketing related, and some self help or weight loss and so on.

    That said, I also got a commission frorm All Inclusive Ads oddly enough, though the results with Submission Works has been better to me than AIA. I need to get my auto responder set up on my internet marketing blog though so I can see how it works with getting sign ups and leads. I may try them both for another month after and see if it replicates what I've seen so far with them.

    Will keep you posted. And trust and believe, I'm not a "glowing report" for it... if it sucked, I'd be posting up here to mention that. I don't want to promote it if it didn't work for me. I've not earned a commission for the program itself yet, but I am focused more on seeing what it does and posting the blog posts on my blog. I would post the link here for my blog posts so far, but I'm not trying to get in trouble for advertising something that's simply a blog post for me on the results I'm seeing with it. Will keep you posted on the results.

    So far, from what I've seen with it, I can't say it's junk traffic in that I made some sales from it. And honestly not sure if it did or not but I've had an additional sale or two to my hip hop beats site too from new prospects I've not dealt with before. AIA made me a commission of roughly $22 bucks so it's near break even point. Submission works made me two $25 commissions, and a few clickbank sales that total nearly $100 in itself.. not too bad so far. Hoping to get a few more before the month officially comes to an end.
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    • You should totally do a youtube video showing your results Genycis

      I've been signed up to Submission Works for just over two weeks myself and just got my second paid sale which pumps me up :p

      I've also been hearing a heck of a lot of good things about Pure Leverage, so I think I might join that one and start promoting it with one of my seven SW add slots (I will remove one of the blogs I am currently promoting with SW as it is not capable of generating any income directly)
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    • After reading your commends about Submission Works I decided to join to check it out myself. After seeing results I'll let you know.
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  • I have numerous email blast about SW and just deleted it..but now that you fellow WF are having success with it, tonight I decided to give it a shot...let's see how it goes...
  • Wish you the best with it Foenyxly, so far I'm okay with it. I think the bigger test for me will be if I see it work well on my 2nd month into it, or if it's going to then not measure up. But we shall see. Hoping it continues to generate me random commissions and more the more I go into testing it. Best of luck!
  • I find this site here. It good for improve the traffic of website. I will try to purchase it.
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    • almost the same persons here are giving good reviews, but someone mentioned about the source of traffic is junk. I was thinking it might not be a target traffic. Did the SW mentioned what sort of traffic they are dealing with? For example are they using Youtube, article directories, traffic exchange, social bookmark, forum, blog comment, social media like facebook and twitter and pinterest? etc. I am just asking because the monthly fee is quite high. Someone mentioned that you just input 7 links and that's it. Is it? You don't need to input discription, keywords, content etc.? How will it affect your website as a whole, will it affect Google ranking?
  • You know Peoney, I really wish I knew as well. All I know is that I got some conversions from different products that I was promoting. I assume from the commissions that I have made from it so far, that it's mainly marketing people, but, I did get a commission from a weight loss product as well from Sub Works, so it's hard to really say.

    And what's more, I had a sale or two for my hip hop instrumentals, though I don't know if that was from Sub Works out of coincidence, or just from word of mouth to someone else, but they were newer clients I had never done business with before. There's nothing I'm trying to hide, and I don't work for the company either. I'm actually wanting to see if I can replicate or exceed the same results for month 2, or if at that point, it starts to flop. I won't know though as I'm only nearing the end of this first month as a trial. I took a chance to try it after seeing it advertised on a bunch of safelist emails. So far I'm cool with it as I'm already over the point of my investment of $59.95, so anything else I earn afterwards for me is cool by me. lol.
  • I've been using Submission Work for 3 months now using EZMF capture page used by top EN leader. Result is zero. Submission is not getting me any results. This is similar to All Inclusive Ads in which I have given it 6 months with ZERO results.
    So, in conclusion are all these low cost traffic worth it? And does it really work? People are just promoting it all over the net just to make commissions with it. I bet they are not really getting any paid signups to their programs.
    P.S. My link tracker shows me more clicks are coming from the same IP addresses.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Hey cldon, sorry to hear your frustrations with it. I can agree that I've noticed the same few IP addresses but they had also mentioned a reason as to why that is, though I can't remember.

    As far as trying to earn commissions for Submission Works, trust me, I don't really worry about that, and it's not like I can promote my link here for it anyway. I'm just giving my honest feedback with it so far and I'll really know more as I try one more month with it.. I've only done one month so far. So I'm writing honest blog posts about my experiences with it as I continue trying it. So far so good though as I actually made another commission yesterday after adding a new Clickbank affiliate link to it.

    With Empower Network, I've heard that lots of people are promoting their EN links everywhere with it, and this may be why you're not seeing results with EN itself. I'm not sure. I don't use EN at all. I'm using it mainly to promote Clickbank links and a few other things here and there.

    I've been also trying All Inclusive Ads and I've only made one commission with it so far, so it nearly matches my investment with it. I've not yet tried either to build a list though so I couldn't vouch for how that works.

    Sorry you're frustrated with how it's going. I could see why you're upset with it having not seen the results you were looking for with it. Best of success.
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    • Well I just got my first enroller today into Pure Leverage thanks to Submission-Works traffic.

      After I got my new member notification, I sent them a welcome message and also asked how they found my site as I am not using any tracking links. They messaged me back saying they found my page within a Submission Works advertising frame and they really liked what they saw.

      That is pretty awesome I would say and feels pretty darn good as well.

      What Clickbank program did you get a commission for if you don't mind me asking, as I'm advertising a couple myself, thanks.
  • Hey Buildyourbiz, of the products from Clickbank that I promoted, I promoted a few weight loss products to which one gained the conversion, I promoted a few traffic building software or courses to which one gained a conversion as well (Auto Mass Traffic), and I also promoted Persuasion Profits, a copywriting course, to which it generated a conversion. I've had a couple of other conversions as well in the program so far and still looking to see what else it does for me.

    So far, I've been grateful that Submission Works has already recouped my $59.95, and also earned me enough to cover another $59.95 for the next month along with some profit from it even still. Hoping month 2 will be even greater than month 1.
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    • Wow a weight loss product, traffic building software, and a copywriting course. I also read that you're promoting a hip-hop site (rap music has never been my cup of tea but to each their own right That's a pretty diverse group of programs you're involved in.
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  • Signed up a week ago. Not working at all. I added 7 urls. Got few visitors for one site, but no use no signups... and those were really simple opt-in pages..

    I did played with the links, changed them but still its not working for any offers.

    Don't know if it used to work or working for someone, but its definitely not working for me.

    I would better move on to traditional source of traffics where I am better at.

    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • So far, from what I'm noticing, most of the people that posted here that said it hasn't worked for them have been trying opt in pages. I can't say I've made a fortune from it, but so far, not too bad, but then again, if I spend X amount of dollars and am able to make X back along with some extra funds, then it's cool with me. I'm not using it as my do all be all of making money online, but I did want to test it out to see how it's done. My 2nd month officially started today as they automatically withdrew the 2nd month. So now I'll see what else I can promote between now and before I either opt for a 3rd month if I make a good amount again like this first month, or, if I cancel it before 2nd month's end. Will keep you posted...
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    • I've been researching SW. Sounds interesting but my question is what are the best type of links to place with this service. Affiliate links, blog site, capture page, signup page? Would an Amazon associate link be acceptable?
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    • Can you put a screen shot if you don't mind..

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  • Okay, so I just signed up for Submission Works, too. I'll update with my results (when I have some, or lack thereof).
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    • Traffic Swarm isn't what it used to be in my opinion. I know they have a pretty good anti-cheat system in place but I can't help to think the traffic is somehow bot driven.

      Safe-Swaps was a nightmare for me. I tried promoting direct links to programs as well as an aweber list. I used to think Google Adwords (when they allowed affiliate link promotion) was the quickest way to blow $500 but safeswaps comes in a close 2nd! I think people may be scared to leave negative reviews on the solos they buy in fear of retaliatory negative reviews.. A kind of "I leave a good review for you and you do the same for me" type of thing. It's just strange how you can buy solos from amazingly reviewed sellers yet the response just doesn't come. I know alot depends on what you are promoting etc. but anyways.. Not my cup of tea.. Might as well head down to the casino!

      I'm still happy with Submission Works thought.. I like the fixed cost of $60/mo and no upsells or even options to pay anything more than that.. I like that it really only works out to $2 per day.. no way that type of spending is going to get out of control.. Also like that it only takes me 1-2 sales to break even and be in the black with it.. I change my links every few days as I really do believe in doing my part to insure the traffic is going to the best possible link.. the perfect offer for the type of traffic. I'm making more than enough to cover the fee and a nice profit so it stays on my list of ad sites to keep.

      Keep us posted with your results from those 200/year safelists like listjoe/bweeb/listbonus I'm a free member on 2 of those and have debated upgrading a new account with the OTO.. I understand what I'm getting with safelist traffic in terms of clicks from people that had incentives to do so, but I still believe its a great way to brand yourself and eventually get them to respond to your offers.
    • Never thought to do that. Just did.

      Now on to my results. About 6 weeks in and have seen 0 leads. Yes zero. This second month has seen a no unique visitors on my links. At about 10 impressions per person. I find it odd that the unique visitors have completely dropped off. Still getting impressions though.

      I've switched up some of the links but left a couple to see how they perform long term.

      Hopefully I can add some SW commissions into the mix to offset the cost and I'll continue split testing some other offers.
  • i re-examined my traffic sources and i'm giving submission works one more try, it was actually pretty easy to cancel the next payment, and even to resign up again, so i didn't mind doing that.

    spent hundreds on safe-swaps... so far worst investment.
  • here's why i decided to give it a second month, i got the 2 sources where all this traffic comes from...

    there's a TON of EN, ads (the EN ads are just so spammy anyone can recognize them) so... it's either it's not working or follow the money.
  • I have 4 websites and none of them made any sales through
    I have been logging in every day for the past 2 weeks. Not sure what is going on there.
  • Lol, I don't know if I'd pay that much for it just yet, but, I could see paying $69.95 instead of $59.95 if they give us the ability to do 10 URLs instead of only 7, or charging us $5.00 more for each extra URL space we want after the initial 7. I could get down with that one. lol
  • I actually did submit a ticket and they told me they were getting responses from others about this as well and that they were looking into doing something like that in the near future. So we'll see.

    That said, what did customer support advise that you do in terms of suggestions if I may ask? I seem to be averaging a sale or two every few days it seems like but also depends on the product I'm promoting. So far, the highest commission earned was for over $100.00 so that impressed me as well to see.

    I feel ya on the excitement as well.. hoping to see what else I can make commissions on using it. I wonder how many people they have that view the links we post up... and how the people were chosen that get to view the links we put up. lol
  • Cool, sounds good.. so is it earning you a sale every single day? Or a sale every couple or few days or so? And are you just plugging in direct links from CB or are you converting them with a shortener? I've been using IBOToolbox to shorten the links with IBOurl, but was curious as to whether you were plugging in direct links or not.

    I've plugged in a few CB products but I've never tried plugging in the same product twice. May be interesting to try out though. And you're right, cutoff started today so it's from Wednesday to Tuesday. I've not tried to buy another membership as of yet.. I'm still wondering.
  • Time to stop following this thread silently... And time to take action!

    We have some very unique systems we are working with that are a breath of fresh air compared to Empower Network and some of the over-hyped 100% commission opportunities...

    Time to see if I can communicate this effectively through Submission Works....

    Wish us luck!
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    • a third of the offers are for EN tho...

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  • I really wish I could say I'm as happy with this as some of the others here. I have 7 of my own product urls listed on SW for the past 3 days and not one sale has come from SW. Maybe it's to soon to draw a conclusion but I see a lot of posts where people are claiming to get sales with 20 minutes or at least 1 day of adding a url...and yes....these are good IM products that sell pretty well aside from SW.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
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    • Gary, have you noticed an increase in traffic volume through Analytics?
    • I was one of those that claimed (I actually did get) a sale almost immediately after posting all 7 of my links into the system. I wish I could say that I continued to get sales, but so far I haven't. One sale day 1, no sales day 2. But, I have half of my cost of Submission Works covered, and still have 28 days to make another sale and the rest will be covered.

      I hope by making my earlier post I didn't give the impression that this is a pot of gold, just enter your 7 links. I really think that the jury is still out and there are people who sound like they are doing very well, and others who aren't making any sales. Time will tell.
  • I joined 5 days ago. I have had about 150 visitors per link but only about 3-5% show as unique.
    5 of the 7 links go to free items (squeeze page) that normally convert at least 35%. One goes to a CB product and one to my Empower Network sign up page.
    No sales, no optins so far.
    I will update again in a week (or sooner if something positive happens).
    • [1] reply
    • Well I joined 2 days ago and i am exactly in the same situation. clicks yes.. unique click..a very low percentage. when checking where the traffic comes is weird i click the ling and opens an empower network page?? I am Big Idea Mastermind and do no promote any empower page. also pure leverage and click bank. No sales, no opt ins, zero...

      will wait, exchange links and try, but so far I am not impresses.. Lets see
  • Traffic seems a bit off, and I also identified the source.

    Bit coin stuff.
    • [1] reply
    • What is "bit coin stuff"?
  • I think as I've stated before, it does vary and depend with the products that you are promoting. That said, I've promoted mainly CB products with it, though I've tried a few other things as well. I've seen many an Empower Network and Pure Leverage person say lately that it's not working for them, but then, I believe that there are so many people promoting EN and PL in Submission Works that it's probably saturated right now.

    That said, with the CB products I've promoted and made sales from, it didn't happen as soon as I joined. It was a few days out that I had the same links set up and then I noticed the sale come through. Sometimes, when I changed the links, I noticed a sale the very same day or next day, so again, I believe it boils down to the product and who really likes what they want.

    I've not yet tried an opt in form or my own lead / sales page, so I couldn't vouch as for what it's doing with that. But so far with CB it's been decent to me, to the point that I've more than made up for the $59.95 per month payment. I'm waiting for a sale for these last links I put in but if they don't generate a sale, I'll change them out and try something else. Luck of the draw with the products I believe, but EN and PL, yeah, those seem to be having more and more people I see online saying that Submission Works doesn't work, but I believe they are saturated... hell, I see those products promoted most on Safelists, on FB groups online, and so on, so I could definitely believe oversaturation with Submission Works as well... everyone's hoping for those heavy commissions with EN that it's bombarded everywhere now. lol
  • Anyone still making sales with this...been with it for a week and haven't made any sales yet.
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  • Friday I got a $29 sale from a Clickbank offer, Saturday a $49.95 sale and later Saturday night I surprisingly got a $195 sale from a Clickbank offer. Commission %'s varied of those 3 sales but overall the profit was approx $140. I agree, testing is definitely key.

    I haven't gotten any sales yet so far today but the day is still early. I have my eye on some decent looking solo ad buys that I'm putting that $140 profit towards in hopes of netting even more sales. I'm really surprised how well this converts. The extra few hundred per month I'm making with this is great funds to use to test other ad sources. It doesn't sting as bad when you lose it because it was really profits instead of hard earned credit card cash. Anyways, I have a couple ClickBank links switched out today I have high hopes for. I think I'm getting a feel for what type of offers this traffic can't resist.
    • [1] reply
    • I changed out 3 of my links this morning and I am trying 2 different niches. I tried to get myself into the mindset of what someone would be interested in if I am sending non-targeted traffic.

      Interestingly, I made another sale today, and it was one of the new products that I added this morning. Another interesting thing is that 2 of my 3 sales have come very quickly (within a few hours) after adding new products, don't really know why this is.

      So now I am in profit after 8 days, anxious to see if I can keep this up. Again, I don't think that I can get rich with SW, but it can fund some other projects that I am working on, or give me test money. Right now I am really happy as I have spent a total of about 1 hour, with almost all of that time spent researching products that I want to promote.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Really wish I had not bought this...just doesn't seem worth it as far as sells.'s interesting that it's credit card payments only. Usually products like this with subscriptions are with paypal or clickbank....sounds like they might have been expecting a high refund or cancellation rate. Wouldn't surprise me if peoples credit cards continue to get charged if they decide to cancel.
    • [1] reply
    • I made another sale today, that makes 4 sales in about 11 days. I know that there are some people who haven't made any sales and are really disappointed with the program, while others are having success. I consider myself pretty lucky to be making as many sales as I have, but I think I am getting a good handle on what kind of products sell with the SW traffic.

      I have said before, and I will repeat it again, I don't think I am going to get rich through using SW. I do think that I can make some good testing/seed money. If I continue at the pace I am on, I should have a net profit of about $300 this month. I actually believe that there is a good chance that my sales will go up as I continue to tweak which products I enter into SW.

      As it stands right now, I will definitely continuing my subscription when it renews. One thing I didn't mention is that 2 of my sales are monthly subscriptions and if the buyer continues next month, my SW payment is covered.
  • We've been running SW for 12 days now and have received one lead and zero sales.

    No plans to continue with the program at this point... But, I will be tweaking things a bit this week, to see if I can at least get one sale to earn our up-front cost back.
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    • I started using this two weeks ago. I've rotated various Clickbank programs through mainly from weight loss, make money online stuff, and gambling/betting/lottery products.

      See screenshot. Lots of impressions but zero order form hits. I'm glad others are having some success but Submission Works has been a total loss for me so far.
  • Don't get duped by the hype.

    I tried to submit my links and they were all rejected. They were all tracking links. I tried variuos tracking sources including, & clickmeter...

    How can I advertise without tracking?

    No sales no conversions.

    Don't get caught by all the people posting testimonies. I have yet to see ONE screenshot with proof of a conversion that can be tracked to submissionworks. And I mean all over the internet.

    BTW if you want worthless traffic that doesn't convert go to fiverr...

    At least it's cheaper

    Don't bother responding with words. SHOW PROOF
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
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    • As far as those trackers, were you getting that it was "Rejected" or that it's saturated? I think a lot of people are using those. I had tried IBOToolbox and used and converted the link using their shortener and it worked fine to me. As far as Clickbank, you can plug the affiliate link directly into Sub Works so that will already track for you based on the backend of Clickbank. As far as your own products or other products not related to Clickbank, not sure but I'd search around for other shorteners with tracking to gauge your stats. Just a thought.

      As far as the testimonials and what not, I'm not even promoting my affiliate link for it here and honestly, I've not even pushed hard on trying to promote Sub Works like others tend to do. I'm just posting my own honest results from it and so far I've gained some Clickbank affiliate sales as a result. I've tried some Commission Junction products but while I got clicks from there, I didn't get anything. I think it's all just in who may see your link and whether they are interested in getting it at that time personally. I'm not posting "testimonials" in a way that's like "YOOOO, you GOTTA join Submission Works", I'm simply stating what has been working for me thus far. But hey, to each their own. I'm near my 2 month mark with it now and I'm going to renew for one more month to see what it does for me. So far I'm still in the positive even after deducting what I'll invest for a 3rd month, so I'll give it one more go to see, and if it does well for the 3rd month, I'll keep going until I start to see that it's not doing anything for me anymore.
      • [ 1 ] Thanks
    • Obviously I am just making up every sale that I say that I have made with SW:confused:. I'm not really sure why since I have nothing to gain from having success using their system, not even promoting SW inside of their own system and never posted anything close to an affiliate link in this thread. Why is it so hard to believe that there are people who are having success?

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    • [DELETED]
  • Thanks for the screenshots and the laser quick response...
    • [1] reply
    • You're welcome, stay positive.......

  • Wow, sorry to hear your frustrations now Ray. I had a bit of a hiatus with mine as well for several days, but I took that as well as trying products that maybe people weren't interested in. I had another sale populate a couple of days ago and I'm thinking I may change up the links again soon or let them ride out through the weekend. So far so good though, and today makes the end of my 2nd month. I'm going to go in for one more month to see if I have good results with it as well for the next month. So far, for both months, I've been able to well exceed the $59.95 investment for each month. Hoping this next month will be just as well.

    AIA on the other hand, I've not done so well with this 2nd month. Still waiting to see if something else comes out of it. I can see an increase in traffic with it in the 2nd month, but still no extra sales so far. So far with products I've promoted with Submission Works so far (mostly Clickbank), I've earned over $500.00 just with Submission Works in what will be 2 months today, which I think is pretty good so far, versus the All Inclusive Ads to which I've only earned $40.70 which is also almost 2 months into having used it.

    Given what I've earned with Sub Works so far, I'm going to use some of that profit to try All Inclusive Ads one more month to see what it does, as well as Sub Works. Given what I've made with Sub Works, I figure I've earned enough to pay for it for several months of testing. Hoping it continues on this path though, as I did worry a bit about the timeframe of several days that i didn't make a sale. I think it is a game of luck to a degree and testing different links. So far, I've not yet seen a link I've tested that gained me repeated sales within a few days. But we'll see how it continues. I'll be making another screenshot of it soon for my blog post. Will keep you posted...
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • A little over two weeks in and really nothing to speak of. One CB sale the 4th day but nothing at all since, not even a sales page impression. Not a single sign up to any of my squeeze pages (giving free IM type products). I have switched most of my links over to CB products now to try to make some money. Still a couple of more weeks before I have to decide whether to renew.
    Just an aside, I also signed up for Allinclusiveads. That was a complete waste of money. Over two weeks and I am averaging less than 25 clicks per link there---about 2-3 clicks a day per link and, of course, no signups or sales or even an email address for a CPA offer..
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Well after two months I saw zero sales. I tried all different types of offers and let them run at least a week each time. I even threw the SW affiliate link in like others said they did. On a positive note. When I cancelled they threw $20 in my affiliate account to encourage me to keep promoting as an affiliate (which I will) since payout threshold is $30.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • I signed up for SW about 2 weeks ago, I have tried various Clickbank offers in the IM niche, most have fairly high gravity and are popular, also tried some CPA offers in the biz op category. I even tried some programs that were free to join. So far zero sales or opt-ins. I might try some lesser know offers with less gravity...

    I am getting 100's clicks but ZERO order form impressions at Clickbank. Same is basically true for other products I promoted with SW. Seem like I am getting a lot of exit traffic from cheesy make money offers. I submitted a few of my blog posts so I could track where the traffic was coming from.

    So, for me, Submission Works is a scam. I wonder if they promote differently to some accounts so they can get a few good reviews or something, IDK.

    I sent a support ticket asking for some guidance. Got something like a form letter. I had asked for guidance on how long I should keep a link up before moving on to another offer. They did not answer the question even though I sent multiple support tickets. They don't seemed too concerned about retaining customers.

    I have cancelled my subscription, they did put $20 bucks in my "affiliate" account but there is no way I am going to promote SW!

    My advice is to beware of Submission Works.
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    • As a followup to my post of a few days ago - I now show nearly 5000 impressions on a wide variety of Clickbank offers, with NO order form impressions, and obviously no sales attributable to Submission Works.

      I have no idea what kind of traffic this is. I also have no idea how these folks who say they've made sales with SW have done it. I'm not disputing anyone's word, just saying.....ya know?
      • [ 1 ] Thanks
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    • It's been exactly the same for me been in almost a month now. I tried all different types of links IM, weight loss, even free stuff. All I got was a lot of hops but very very few order form impressions. I'm sure I can find something better to invest in at this point.
  • 10 days left on month 1. I've had this focused all in on 1 direction for about 20 days and have generated 2 leads.

    Just reconfigured for the last 10 day stretch of month 1. Added 5 additional landing pages promoting the same thing. Only takes 1 for a go at month #2 lol.
  • I wanted to post a screenshot of what I saw earlier when I logged into my Clickbank today. I had two sales come through, two different products and one from Canada and one from US, both through Sub Works.

    So with today's two sales that came from the links I had running through the weekend, today would almost have paid for this 3rd month. One more sale for this month and the $59.95 will be paid for. Crossing fingers.. hopefully I'll be able to get another $250 or $300 month if not more. I'll keep you posted as I continue seeing what occurs with Sub Works.
  • I made 2 sales today that can only be attributed to SW totaling $57.47 in commission and increasing my first month commission to just under $200.

    I understand that there are people who aren't having success with SW, but I am happy to have had some success. I had gone about 1 week without having any sales and was getting concerned that I wasn't going to get any more. But, I now have more than 3 months of the cost covered, so there is no doubt I will continue for at least 1 more month.

    This will be my last post on this thread as there is nothing more for me to say, and I prefer to stay away from the negativity and doubts.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • It seems very mixed as far as the submission works reviews on this forum, which is kind of making me unsure as whether to invest or not. I really want to give it a try but as others have said a lot of it is saturated I believe since there are lots of people promoting it on list builders and the like. I also think that most people will try and promote the mainstream programs on it, so of course if you're trying to promote mainstream programs, you won't succeed as well, but maybe that's just my thought.
    • [1] reply
    • Exactly right Jess, mixed is how it is right now, and you're right in that if you're promoting the same mainstream programs that everyone else seems to be pushing, such as Empower Network, Pure Leverage, and so forth, that you probably won't get anywhere near the results. And that's why I aimed to promote things that I thought would have a chance but not as likely to be something everyone else was promoting.

      In the end, I say it's up to the individual to try it out if they want to or not, but to say that it's scam, I don't know. So far, I cross my fingers that in all three months so far, the third month of which I just recently started, I've seen some sales from each month. I'm not even promoting it on here at all so it's not like I'm trying to make affiliate commissions with it. I'm simply sharing my posts and my experience with it so far. And so far, it's done decently well for me. I figured that if nothing else, I'd try at least one month of it, given I've invested more in things in the past, some of which helped, some of which didn't. So it's all up to your curiosity to take the chance. I'd recommend that if you DO, that you use different links, and change them out every 3 - 7 days. But even that is up to the individual.

      Best of luck to you whatever direction you do opt for.
      • [ 1 ] Thanks
    • [DELETED]
  • Oh definitely. I think we all want to keep a secret if we find a way to make money simply due to the fact if everyone were to find out the way money was being made it would simply no longer work, or work less.
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    • Well I guess we may be hanging this one up soon. I am now getting tones of emails so-called claiming that CB+ SW= being filthy rich. I knew it would happen sooner or later. More folks have been watching this thread than you think. It's sad now people going to be going crazy over this. I am a part of a safelist I have gotten about and I kid you not 15 or more emails from some you know what who has been watching this thread with the subject line. CB+SW will make you rich. lol
  • After 28 days, zero return on investment for us.

    Emailed them to cancel and got this funny response trying to keep us going...
    Not sure why I found this funny... But I'm curious what they can do other than keep feeding us the kool-aid. I mean there are no variables to adjust.

    Seems like it either works or it doesnt.... For us, it was by far more of a waste of time and money than anything... Although this thread has been entertaining to say the least.
  • I think that maybe when program first started site worked great, but now it is to crowded with same offers, and some of the heavy hitters have 4 and 5 accounts, hugging all the traffic, I joined and have not made a dime, switched campaigns multiple times and all types of products not one sale but maybe choose wrong products to promote, not planning to renew after this month will cut my losses.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • I invested in this at the beginning of the month, and I've used 14 different links. No sales on any link at all. So I'm starting to think this is a big big waste of money for me.
  • I suspect other people might a bit squeamish (is that even a word lol) when it comes to reporting their results as well as what programs are converting for them with their Submission Works traffic, but personally I don't mind sharing that information at all The program I have been doing the best with so far as been Pure Leverage (I am just promoting my raw Pure Leverage affiliate link in my third SW software slot. I would like to mention to everyone that I am experience a decent amount of one week $1 trial optins with roughly half of them carrying over to the next upgrade option up. I am actually quite surprised this program is converting so well considering it has been promoted rather heavily through a handful of safe lists I'm subscribed to.

    I "was" doing really well in the beginning promoting the click bank program Persuasion Profit Secrets but that one hasn't converted in ages (program saturation perhaps?) Anyway, I think I am going to drop that one and try my hand at another click bank program and hopefully find another winner until that one too eventually saturates.

    If anyone wants to pm me or post a program or two on here that is converting for them, I am all ears and would be very grateful.
  • I had a pl link in there as well and it didn't convert for me. odd. Anyway, yeah, I have tried several clickbank links and still nothing. I'll probably mess around with it as I have like half a month to go till I need to cancel.
  • it seemed that just about every link does that on the sales page, I don't know if you saw that. Yeah I found that out as well when I was putting easy tracker pro links as well, it wouldnt' let me track my clicks. at least clickbank clicks can be somewhat tracked but I was pretty annoyed that I wouldn't be able to track my pure leverage clicks because it didn't allow tracking links.
  • Banned
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    • After reporting no results with Submission Works earlier in this thread, I finally cancelled last week. Total waste of money. Over the month, I put in several high converting Clickbank offers across a variety of popular niches (make money online, weight loss, couple others).

      I set up a Clickbank campaign just for Submission Works promotions in the beginning. In the end, it reported over 5000 sales page impressions and ZERO order form impressions.

      If Submission Works was legit, I believe I could have put any Clickbank offer at all and let it run for a month on all seven slots, and get at least ONE order form view don't ya think?
  • Hi Warriors,

    I've read through this thread because I have seen promotions for Submission Works and wanted to find out what my fellow warriors had to say about it.

    Naturally I found both positive and negative comments, which is great because I wanted to see 'both sides'.

    However, I find it disturbing that some people will call something a scam simply because they didn't get the desired results. Come on people, lets be real here. If you don't see results, look to yourself first. You could have a product people don't want, a page that doesn't convert or just another 'me too' campaign (or page) that thousands of other people are promoting.

    Heck, using that philosophy you could say that blogging doesn't work because I didn't make any money, video marketing, article marketing, media buys... take your pick. Just because something doesn't work for you doesn't mean it doesn't work at all. People have and do make money using all those methods.

    Even more disturbing are the negative comments by people who haven't even tried the product, especially those who call it a scam without having any firsthand knowledge whatsoever.

    Let's face it, as with anything in the world of internet marketing what works today may not work tonight. There are all kinds of reasons for this (so many variables) but that doesn't mean the tool has ceased to work, it simply means you need to adapt to the market.

    Everyone here claims to understand that there is no 'push button magic bullet' that is going to make one rich, but yet there remains certain people armed and ready to fling arrows at anything that doesn't produce straight away.

    I see Submission Works as just another marketing tool, nothing more, nothing less. It appears to be pretty effective for those who understand its purpose and have found which products/services convert best with it.

    Will it work for me? Who can say. But I do know should I choose to try it I won't bale until I have at least 2 months of data and have taken the time and attention to try to get it 'dialed in'.

    Thanks to all those who have given their honest results (good and not so good). It is your valuable comments that make the Warrior Forum the quality resource it is.

    Keep the faith!

    Ernie G

    (haters: go ahead and throw your rocks at me, I can take it)
  • 'Scam' is definitely a harsh word... Maybe 'not quite finished' or 'incomplete' is a better way of putting it. They are simply mining the miners.

    It is interesting that all of the common URL tracking services like, for example are blocked from working within this system because they are over saturated and SWdoesn't offer any built in tracking... After spending $125,000 on a tool, you'd think they would add a component that allowed paid users to track the effectiveness (or ineffectiveness) of the tool.

    The fact that tracking is not built in is a huge red flag... Don't you think they'd want you to know how well their system was working for paid users? Or would that data allow users to quickly quantify the fact that the traffic they are delivering is indeed rubbish?

    As a marketer... If you can't track the effectiveness of a tool, what good is that tool, really? How can you test and tune anything without tracking?

    Its not a scam... But it is a crapshoot.
  • I too agree that it is pretty dumb if you can't put tracking links in the submission works rotator. I want to know where my tracking comes from on my links, and if I can't track them then what is the use?
    It's almost like they don't want us to know where their traffic is coming from, or that it is coming at all. With clickbank offers, you can at least see traffic anyway as well as JVZoo offers, but you can't with affiliate programs like empower network, pure leverage, and the like.
    I still find it a waste of time and this is after almost a month of trying it out and switching out URLs, but I'm glad some people at least found use for it.
    If people are willing to give me some possible URLs I definitely wouldn't mind the help via pm.
  • hi.
    I used links but I also use easy tracker pro links and those were considered to be saturated as well according to the saturation checker.
    • [ 4 ] Thanks
  • I was on a marketing webinar last night and was surprised to see them run quite an elaborate 4 week trial on Submission Works. The results were very impressive. A total of 24 links were conversion tested, swapped out every few days based on price point, optins and sales.

    The host profited around $800 after his $60 fee in 4 weeks which is very impressive. It has really shown me that I can do a lot more then let my links sit in there hoping for conversions.

    I will be adopting some of those conversion testing strategies over the next few weeks and I'll let you know how my sales improve. I will also see if SW traffic can net me some GDI sales as its a program I've been involved with for years but have never quite made enough weekly sales to qualify for the $100 bonuses.
  • I was signed up for a month, but I didn't get any results. Since I quit a week ago, my traffic hasn't changed a bit.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • I am going to check this out ,
  • So far, I'm still making money with it, though the last couple of weeks I've been so busy with family things that I haven't been able to update the links with it til recently. So I'll continue to monitor to see how it does for me.

    So far to date with it, I've made $50 on a biz opp that I was promoting at that time (I've not made anymore with the biz opp on it since then), and I've made a total of $648.15 using it. I started on Feb 26th, 2013 so this past May 26th officially made 3 months so far, and I'm now going into my 4th month. Hoping to see more so far, but you figure, I've paid $239.80 counting the 4th month now so far, and I've made a total of $698.15 using it, so I'm still in the profit of $458.35 so far.

    The most recent sale I made using it was $16.67 for rebill promoting Bring the Fresh which was on 6/4, along with the official purchase of Bring the Fresh on 5/28 along with another product that netted me $10.10 for that 5/28 date. So all in all, so far, I've made $26.77 for this month so far after the 5/26 date. So far, every month I've paid for Submission Works so far has made more money back, so I'm confident and hopeful that I'll exceed the $59.95 for this month as well.

    As for All Inclusive Ads however, I've tried it for now going in at 4 months as well. I've only made two sales so far and the traffic doesn't seem to increase much at all after their claimed "Shares" situation. I'm hoping I make some more money with it this last month to recoup, but this will indeed be the last month I bill for it. It's a disappointment. First month was okay with it but any month after has been a flop. You'd think with 10 links vs 7, that it'd at least do decently well, but Nope. Not for me. lol.

    I'll continue to post any other results I see with Submission Works and AIA in it's last month I use it. Best of success.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
    • [1] reply
    • [DELETED]
    • I appreciate those who pm'd me with programs that have been converting well for them within the Submission Works software. My own upgrades are now substantially up since joining a few of the sites some of you recommended, and then inputting them into the SW software.

      Hi Genycis, thanks for sharing your honest experiences with us all. Glad to hear from someone else making good sales from SW month after month.
  • I tried to cancel my membership with submission works and can't seem to do so. They charged me again for their service and I contacted customer service twice. I'm going to try again soon as the month is ending soonish and hoping they answer me, otherwise I might have some issues to talk with my bank about. Their program was major no go for me, I got absolutely nothing in sales, though plenty of hops according to clickbank
    • [1] reply
    • It seems like the reports of those seeing results and those seeing nothing are about even. I wonder if there's some variable that's making the difference?

      When you guys are promoting things like CB offers are you directing the link to your own landing page first or are you just sending them straight to the vendors sales page?

      (Just trying to think of what the differences may be, taking all reported experiences at face value)

      I decided the only way to determine it's effectiveness for me is to spend the $60 and find out. So, we shall see. I'll report back on my experience.
  • I am very curious about this program. I have seen it being promoted heavily on safelists for a few months now. Safelist Ads promoting it seem to be targeted towards Empower Network, Pure Leverage and Big Idea Mastermind. There are two affiliates promoting it heavily. They might be really two different people but for some reason I think its really the same person promoting it under different pen names.
  • Yeah! i am also curious about it, that is why i will stick to it for 2 month, all i am doing is switching CB offers every 7 days and i am getting only a lot of hits/visitors with no conversions...My only concern is, am i promoting the right CB offers or SW doesn't work as it is expected to be...
  • I finally got an email from customer service and they canceled my account. I know it has worked for some but for me it just didn't work, and I put all sorts of links to different programs I was involved in and different cb offers. I got lots of hits but not a single sale. I've seen it a lot on safelists as well and I too wonder if it's the same person promoting the account lol. Anyway, good luck to those who decide to use it.
  • Okay, I don't know what I've been doing all my life on IM. I didn't know that awesome services like this one really exist. Thank you so much guys for your words of review. Now, I am ready to dig in..

    I am promoting a high ticket product, a great product for business owners. If I get at least 1 or 2 sales, that would be life changing.

    I will update you soon once I get my hands on them and see actual results like you guys here are experiencing!

    heads up!
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Is submission Works still good can anyone tell me please? :confused:
    • [1] reply
    • It all depends on your sales funnel. But Yes, it works, because they do have an in house saturation checker.Which will help you a lot.
      • [1] reply
  • Hey all, Just started with these guys today, and have posted my seven links. I am just curious as to how long it was before you guys started seeing results? I have pretty intricate tracking and I haven't seen any traffic from these guys as of today, but it's only been one day, so I am just wondering when the results actually started? I mean I paid for the month so I will wait the month for sure, but just want to know when you guys started seeing conversions?
    • [1] reply
    • I guess it depends on what you mean by results. If you mean traffic, that happened within 24 hours for us. If you mean conversions, well... That never happened with SW for us.
      • [ 1 ] Thanks
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  • Hey all, so I just signed up with SW today. I haven't seen much as far as extra traffic, but that doesn't mean much. If they are using paid traffic to obtain hits, then I am guessing they have to take some time to set up the links on their system. I am going to guess they are using a rotator of some kind, so I will see how the hits go. I am promoting some affordable CB offers, and RapBank offers which I have actually just recently discovered. They have an instant commission pay out, so that's cool. Anyway, I will see how things go over the next little while and let you know how it goes. I am also a member of all inclusive ads, and have not seen much there at all. Which is disappointing because I joined based on recommendations I saw here in the forum.
  • Although the rumor hasn't been confirmed as far as we know... They are simply re-selling other popunder traffic

    Check this post for his opinion on the specific source of that popunder traffic as you could save a lot of money going straight to the source, if you wanted to :
    • [1] reply
    • Yeah, I am not sure what to think. Like I said been only a couple days, but have not seen an increase in traffic at all. I think my sites are decent and let people get to know me, I just wonder how many people are taking the time to actually read what is in front of them? I might change out a few of my links to high gravity CB items and see how that goes too. Just to change it up.
  • Alright, here we go. This is a time stamp, I have just added three high gravity, and high converting CB pages to see how many hops i get and see if I get any sales, oh WITHOUT refunds. I will report back in a couple of days with results.
    • [1] reply
  • Banned
  • Has anyone tried this , I put my link in the saturation checker but missed the .com part and it said a few spots available , This alarmed me, so then I tried just putting a phrase ( warrior forum rocks) and same message, and tried again this time I entered (batman) still said spots avialable.
    This concerns me and makes me think it doesn't do what it says.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
    • [1] reply
    • Hey Guys,

      So I have been trialing this system for the last 3 weeks, I have tried multiple products, high converting products by the way usually, and I have made exactly $0.00 from this system. I have decided if I am going to get pop under advertising I will go pay massive traffic hits a fraction of the cost to get MORE impressions. The problem that I am facing is getting that consistent, targeted traffic that converts and gives me a return on my investment, I am tired of having to spend money to make none.

      The point with Submission works my friend is that some people get lucky, and get sales, and most people do NOT. I am one of the DO NOT's, does this mean I think that submission works doesn't work? No, they sent me a ton of hits to my links, and they are consistent hits, so when it comes to generating traffic, yes they definitely do that. But at 60 bux a month when I am making NO returns, isn't worth it to me!
    • [DELETED]
  • Hey all, so as an adjunct to my last comment, which seems to have mysteriously disappeared, I did make a sale using submission works, so I have streamlined for this product that made the sale so that all traffic goes only to it. I think diluting your traffic with all 7 links might be part of the problem, but I have been getting many many hits, just no conversions.

    This is a system for the lucky few who get the right hit, at the right time from the right person with the right credit card, lol! It's definitely not for everyone, but more updates to follow. I made 66 dollars, on my 59.95 investment, so it's a very small profit, but a profit nonetheless. take care warriors, til next time!
  • Said well my friends, but the curious in all of us is what they target, and it is maddening. I know that when I take the time I can get traffic, Nd my sites rank in google, for the right key phrases; but what I want is a truly successful person to look me in the eye and share what they do, because I do all of the things suggested in many, many, many reports and education seminars and the only way I get over a hundred visitors a day on some of my sites is to pay for them through CPV, well that is ineffective and a waste of money... So anyone who wants to show me something, I am ready to listen.
  • Regardless if you received an order or not, its no different than a ponzy scam. check their WHOIS and do your due diligence. There are "other" free programs like this that get your views and clicks, even real visitors.

    Let my mistake prevent you from the same. I initially ordered and tried to enter a shortened URL. Was given a message stating that the site had reached the "saturation Limit" for these type links. I start looking for site information, of course there isnt any....The Kicker is that their refund policy is that you must request and be approved for a refund with 24 hours of ordering. of COURSE you will never get your first email response until AFTER 24 hours....So shaddy.

    Please let my loss assist in your decision making.

    Take Care Warriors!
    "This message is to notify you that your ticket has been updated.

    Ticket ID: $$$$$$$-$$$$$$$$$$

    Last Post:

    Welcome to Submission Works 24/7 Tech Support. We appreciate your
    business and will do our best to help you with any questions or concerns
    you may have with your account.

    If a certain type of link is triggering the saturation checker it is
    because we are currently promoting the maximum amount of that type of
    link. We limit the amount of certain types of links we promote to
    insure the best response for all customers. If you get a saturation
    error when trying to add a link this means we have reached the maximum
    amount of that type of link. You can always try again at another time
    as spots are always opining up as people change their links.

    You can run your links below through the saturation checker on the sales

    Thank you again for joining our service and we look forwarding to a
    prosperous business relationship with you now
    and in the future!

    Terms of Service Refund Policy
    Customers are free to cancel their accounts at any time by requesting
    cancellation via a support ticket at
    Support - Submission Works Refunds will only be issued
    within the first 24 hours of the initial charge if the customer has not
    added any links on the "add URL's" page. The membership fee of $59.95
    bill every 30 days from the customers join date. Cancellation is
    required at least 24 hours before the time of the members account
    renewal to avoid being charged for the next months fees."
  • Hey Sstefanov, thank you for doing this case study, I was just watching your videos on your blogs, and I commented there as well! I know exactly what you mean by how it seems pretty fishy. Ah well... I don't use them anymore, I jumped back into PPC, just trying to limit my spending. I also hit a site that gives you 2500 page views per month for 20 bux a month. I think that organic traffic is still the thing you need to try and find.
  • Yea, I made 3 sales with submission works, but they were on day 27. The whole system seems flawed, but I've bn article marketing for a year now with very little increase in organic traffic, so maybe I'm just unlucky lol!
  • Still seein mixed results with this system. If someone that is having really good succes could let me know just one of the click bank offers that is converting for them that would be great, u can PM me, I have tried many different types of links, usually with really fast squeeze pages, and I have been using pages that convert very well on other sources, but maybe I am just not promoting the RIGHT stuff for submission works. I'm just asking that one person who has claimed success with SW share with me one item that converts well. It would be deeply appreciated.
  • Actually as a strong believer in the forum, I believe that this is a place to help each other and if I found something that worked I would share that information with some people if asked. I understand where you are coming from, but unfortunately I'm finding people are far less helpful here than I originally thought, Kudos to the many many many people here who are helpful though! The Forum still rocks!!
  • Ok, so, I just made a sale last night with submission works on a fat loss product, I'm very torn by this program. Why? Well because I have spent A LOT of money on other advertising platforms, and made nothing, yet in two months with SW I have made 4 sales, now the profit margin lacks, So far, but there are recurring payments with one of the products. So I believe both sides are right on this. I don't think the traffic is targeted, but I believe the traffic is real. Meaning, you have a probability factor of making sales, just like dropping a kiosk on a street, eventually someone will want what you have. I think the real secret to this is finding the RIGHT impulse items for the largest average of people and potentially you could see some decent profit with SW.
    I've spent the same amount with google advertising and got 0 sales too, lots of clicks, targeted ads, micro niche keywords and still no sales. So why not just fire random traffic at a squeeze page right? Most of the clicks on my ads with google were most likely competitors anyway just racking up my bill or "researching" their niche.. I'm going to start a new thread on planet-traffic too. Trying them out with something as well, it's a thirty day experiment.
  • Well, this is becoming interesting. I have made yet another sale through SW. I am almost into a profit for this month again, and this means that two months in a row I have made more than I have spent. I am starting to see some benefits of SW. I am also using planet-traffic, but you can see that thread elsewhere. Only on day three so stay tuned for more.
    • [ 2 ] Thanks
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    • Hey Ed, I really like the approach you are talking about here, I think I could do with a little less respending, and a little more tracking. I track a lot of stuff, and have found that MOST of the sites like Planet-traffic, and etraffic 911 are pretty junk traffic. I am not having quite the same success you mention with submission works, but I am on a test link phase right now. I have made several sales with it and I am pretty sure I have earned many leads from it as well, and for that reason I am continuing to use it. I do recommend testing your links frequently. The popularity shows in two ways once you submit them, I just figured this out recently too. If a product is getting enough search results you will see that the link is getting traffic. That is the first clue. The second clue is of course sales.

      I recommend to people that they do the search for themselves and prove things on their own, and to that end I do say submission works is a viable traffic source, but you have to be patient and find the links that work.
      • [ 1 ] Thanks
    • I totally agree with your marketing philosophy. I too have been very fortunate to have earned, on average $200+ per month in affiliate commissions since first signing up to Submission Works near the beginning of 2013.

      I have tested a variety of internet marketing links with the software over the past year, including the programs Pure Leverage and Empower Network plus a few other MLM's, but I have consistently generated my highest returns promoting Click Bank programs, go figure lol.

      I think the shelf life to receiving sales and signups for any single program, at least with Submission Works traffic, is no more than 2 months...The good news and one way I've worked around this is that there is always a fresh, unsaturated new program you can get great results promoting right off the bat.

      One website I like to use to help me decide which CB program to test with Submission Works is Make Money with ClickBank | ClickBank Affiliate Marketing | Click Bank Trends and Analytics They offer a lot of good stats as well as show you the top Click Bank programs, plus some of the less exposed ones that definitely will NOT be saturated when inputted into the Submission Works software.

      I am by no means a guru, but I have found a way to profit a couple hundred bucks a month using Submission Works, so hopefully people reading this post will take my tip and run with it
      • [ 2 ] Thanks
  • I finally quit using it after awhile. For me, the first few months were good, but the last couple of months showed a crazy drop in traffic for some reason with different CB things I was promoting so not sure what happened to cause that drop. I've not made anything at all with it the last couple of months so I filed for a cancellation finally. I think just as was feared, there were several people promoting CB products and so it may have gotten saturated too. I tried to promote things with low gravity and even some products I wouldn't think anyone to promote, but the hops, where they used to reflect roughly 30 to 40 something hops a day if not more, started to reflect 30 hops a week IF that! So I finally pulled the plug. My links end in a week or so and still no change of traffic whatsoever, only up to 5 or 6 hops a day at the very most if I'm lucky. lol!
  • This is total TRASH! I filled in seven offers, four of which were 100% free and didn't even get one optin! I come to find out that a LOT Of people were having the same experience with this. In fact, other than this forum I have never seen even one person say that they have even gotten a lead from SW, let alone a sale! Being these reviews are old, I'm left to assume that this used to work and probably changed hands or something, because it's a straight out scam now! You can't have that many people, all running seven links for a full month and not one of them get an optin, and say that it's actually sending out ads, it's literally impossible!

    On top of that. I contacted the owner to tell him to cancel it and asked him exactly which sites that SW submitted to... he refused to tell me and just said, "Well, results will vary!" He did however offer me a $20 credit. It takes $30 to actually get a pay out, so you can see the scam that is being ran there. I'm not about to promote scamware, so I soaked the loss and took it as a valuable lesson.

    One last warning on this...if you are promoting Empower Network, then there are two fools that are plastering ads everywhere stating that they are getting daily sign ups for EN with SW. They run a nice little scam too, as they even take it as far as to say which landing pages to use for success, etc... I actually contacted this scammer the other day and asked her how she could live with herself when she was knowingly scamming people. She didn't respond, which just proves my point even more.

    You'd have more of a chance of getting traffic yelling your offer out your car window then you would with this piece of trash! DO NOT USE SUBMISSION've been warned!
  • Good to see some of you are still doing well with Submission Works. I was for the first few months but even after changing out my links towards the last month or two, for some reason, the traffic to different hops or any site I had used that I didn't use before, were pulling much less stats. Like for instance, I had tried a fat loss program when I started that pulled in at least 30 hops or more a DAY. As of recent though, with the last month I have on it before it cancels, I'll put in a different eye-catching convincing CB product, and that product itself may only net 3 or 4 views a day regardless of what products I've put in, and I'm putting in stuff with lower gravity that people probably didn't tackle much on in terms of promoting.

    So I'm not sure why the traffic for me drastically slowed down but with that said, I don't know if I'll renew, though I'm curious as to what may have prompted me to lower status for any product I promote. weird... wish I could get it back to where it started off for me in terms of investing the $59.95 for a month and netting at least $100+ a month with it from different promotions. Hmmm...
  • I quit submission works after the first month when I tracked my links and found out their "secret code" was submitting my links to traffic exchanges, list builders and

    I canceled just before my first month ended.

    I found it to be useless and a complete waste of time.
  • Wow! I guess for the first few months I had it, those "secrets" were working well for me, not to mention the traffic was showing clearly to hit. But the last couple of months it wound up fading out and traffic became nearly non-existent. At that point, I had to cancel it. I can honestly say it worked well for me and those first few months of sales to more than make up the cost was great. But I had a feeling that it would eventually get saturated and those days would end. I never knew that it was part of traffic exchanges and though. Interesting to know. Someone else had posted as well about them in this same thread in that they found out something similar to what you said too. Wonder what traffic exchange was helping me get those sales earlier on then, it'd be interesting to pursue a much cheaper option that had that kind of impact the first few months had for me.
    • [1] reply
    • Hey Genicys,

      I've been following all your post along this all this (looooooong) thread because I felt you as an honest guy wanting to help people around SW.

      I saw you making some tiny net profits during the first few months, which was enough for you to keep on trying one more month, and then one more month and so on. Until you thought it was enough.

      During all your trip with SW I guess you learnt a lot about SW, direct linking vs optins to your squeeze pages, different CB offers with high and low gravity, and similar stuff.

      And at the end (I think after some 7 months) you just preferred to quit from SW. And I think you must had reasons to do so.

      And that's enough info for me to take my decision. Maybe it's a wrong conclusion but it seems to me that in the long term SW is a kind of $60/mo lottery just to make a couple of few bucks at the most if you are lucky.

      Thank you man!
  • It is a weird system. I know that their support network is a complete robot, but I can't help but admit the fact that I do keep coming out ahead each month that I am in it. I do have a system in place though, It works in two week cycles it seems. I keep an eye on the traffic and if after x amount of hits with no order form hops I switch out the link. I am also trying to keep all of the links in similar niches.. So if they are just rotating your link as a rotator then your traffic is a little more targeted.

    However that being said, traffic exchanges USED to be a fabulous way to get traffic and sales, but with all of the surf bars that allow you to surf without EVER looking at an ad, it completely defeats the purpose now, which would explain the decline in the effectiveness of submission works.. I am still using it for now, and will keep using it as long as I keep coming out a head.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
    • [1] reply
    • Its been awhile now since I've updated everyone here as to how things have been going for me and my marketing efforts. Well, I'm still using Submission Works about 7 months so far . I think I first signed up with them near the end of March, earlier this year.

      As far as my results with these guys. I have been in profit every single month using them, in the area of $150-$250. Some of my marketing friends are also still using one has dropped out as far as I know, so I suppose that speaks quite a bit in and of itself.

      I keep a fairly close eye on the links I'm promoting with their software, and swap one or more links 2-3 times per month I would say. Submission Works, at least from my experience is solid and is as close to effective hands off advertising as you can get. But you do need to give it time to start working when you first join, allowing the software to thoroughly circulate your links online, and also test/swap your different program urls when necessary.
      • [ 1 ] Thanks
      • [1] reply
  • Banned
  • Hmmm.

    Its really true - marshall and cowloc.
    Big implementation.

    But competitors are also very useful in that case.

    Recently, Google updated with penguin 2.1 which decreases the scale of off page optimization with new looks.
    And I recover 5 websites, with the latest process. And give amazing results with a good research on it.

    Well Thanks for your posts. Its really appreciable.

    Cheers !

    Denish Verma
    SEO Manager
  • i signed up for this a couple weeks ago. i've tested several different links...nothing yet. im thinking of cancelling it.
  • I made sales using SW, mostly with Cb products, but i will not recommend it to everybody, to me it is a personal choice.. now i'm trying to see if i can get leads from it..
  • Banned
  • Does anyone know how to cancel this program ? I have tried doing this repeatedly on their website with 0 results. Thanks
  • I have used this for about month now and I get on average of 150 clicks per day, but zero opt-ins or sales. Has anyone else had that same results? I use very high converting landing pages in the advertising - IM niches. Any thoughts or advice. Thanks
  • This is a great post about newbies.
  • Submission Works? What is it about? Never heard of it.
  • Submission works? I have heard it a few times.
  • That was the problem I had towards the very end of it Jkmg, that was why I wound up ending it. It started off phenomenally at first overall, but yeah, I don't know what to make of what happened the last month or two. I wondered if anyone else was still having great success with it, but I see some people still are and a lot of others are struggling.
  • I wish I knew what works with it now, but I hadn't used it in a few months now since the decline happened on it. That said, from what I remember, I had tested a variety of things, some clickbank weight loss products, some language learning programs, a few internet marketing programs, and I had some results. But I mainly used it for Clickbank promotions, not other things such as Pure Leverage or Empower Network which I know a lot of people tried to use it for.
  • For the comments made earlier in the thread about how Sub Works may get its traffic from Massive Traffic Hits, has anyone found out that this may be the case? I wonder how that actually would work though given Massive Traffic Hits has $59.00 prices for only one URL.. unless they have some special way of doing it, not sure.

    If that IS the case though and they DO use Massive Traffic Hits, then that would mean that in essence, that site's traffic works to a degree to get conversions, at least I'd assume. One thing's for certain, whatever Submission Works was using early on in the year, it sure did help me to get some Clickbank conversions to where I was getting more than paying. I wish I knew if they were using another source to feed their own site, but either way you slice it, something worked and for some, is still working, though I tend to hear that sites like Massive Traffic Hits, MaxVisits, and others like it are flops at best, so how Sub Works gets its traffic to where I was surprised to see conversions from them, that's a mystery I'd like to solve. AIA, not so much at all. I only had one conversion with them in the two or three months I tried. They're a bust, though it is weird that AIA and Submission Works look the exact same... they gotta be the same company, I wouldn't be at all surprised.

    Anyone else still having great conversions and sales with Sub Works still? Or is it starting to dwindle for those of you that were as well?
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
    • [1] reply
    • I found this youtube video on a review from some guy that said he used it:

      Submission Works Doesn't Work - YouTube
      He made some valid points but at the same time I think it didn't work out for him because he joined so late.

      I remember it work great for me back in march, then in april 1 sale only and then nothing!
      • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Banned
  • What is this submission works? I can't follow the thread? How do you do that?
  • I used it and found it didn`t increase my traffic at all all it did was wast my money.I do not recommend this product.

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