Brad Gosse 10 million visitors .com

by 52 replies
I was wondering if anyone has purchased this or has any review on it?

Any information on the tracking analytics too?
#internet marketing product reviews & ratings #brad #gosse
  • I wasn't able to make it to the webinar... Do you have any information on the traffic source and how the tracking and analytics work?
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    • Any results from text links or banner advertisers?

    • [ 6 ] Thanks
  • They are probably fiverr comments/reviews.
  • A lot of the cheerleaders are affiliates of the program. Just like the WSOs here with all the inane, "this is a no-brainer" comments. No-brainer is right.
  • That's why I LOVE the warrior forum
  • check this link and you will understand much better :

    Login Required - StatCounter
  • So funny this is a product review thread with no actual buyers just speculators.

    You guys must all be really successful.
    • [ 7 ] Thanks
  • Here is a real picture of the traffic we are currently sending our buyers…

    Summary - - StatCounter
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    • **EDIT** PLEASE SEE MY UPDATED POSTS ON THIS #25 ONWARDS This is a VERY VIABLE source of good targeted traffic - PROVIDING it is implemented correctly

      I purchased the silver package as I didn't believe that Warriors would ever attempt anything this bad.
      In the 10 days since it's been live, i've had 25 GIG of bandwidth swallowed on the domain from the hits loading and exactly 1 visitor in terms of traffic!
      For info - that 1 was me, checking it worked.
      Total GARBAGE
      • [ 3 ] Thanks
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    • Yea visits to that website, not visits to any ad on your site that your customers
      are paying for.
  • Glad I didn't spend any money buying this product and I will no not buy anything Anthony Aries promotes either.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • You know every time I lose money buying media from Facebook I don't call them a scam I look at my marketing and shift gears.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • YES We're def here to help. Brad thanks for taking the brunt of this....Yes the offer is closed, and yes we have nothing to gain by helping now, and of course we want you to have success.

    Sadly we cannot control what our partners say in their emails. Our promise has been to deliver 10 Million Visitors to the offer wall and that's what we're doing.

    There's plenty of time to optimize your ad, and your offer. Some folks are getting high CTR as high as 8% to their offer (I've yet to run a FB campaign that has 8% CTR)

    Please hit us up we're here to help.


    Anthony Aires
  • Interesting stuff - since I spoke with Brad yesterday and changed both my banner and landing page in line with his suggestions, my 10 mill stats have improved somewhat.

    According to yesterdays figures, I have now had 28 clicks purely from the 10 mill campaign and 1 signup.

    So it would appear that this is a viable source of traffic, providing you meet the criteria of advertising to cold traffic. I can now see other banners on the 10 million wall and know which ones are converting and also which are not.

    Sure, there is work to do on further optimizing my campaign to improve CTR and conversions, but there is no denying that the principle is effective if implemented correctly.

    Actually, Brad did cover this in a webinar before the campaign went live, which I missed (and judging by the other banners, so did many others), so I would suggest that if anyone is wondering why their campaign is not converting that they a) take a look at the wall and their banners b) watch the replay HERE

    Right - now I have been made to look a p**c, I'm off to hang my head in shame.....
    • [ 8 ] Thanks
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    • Jon thank you for taking the time to be open minded about the changes necessary to succeed. I hope this and other campaigns you partake in are successful.
    • Glad to hear that you are now getting traffic. Since your attitude has changed, perhaps you should edit or delete some of your previous posts. You used the "sc*m" word and others that certainly don't reflect how you now feel. This is a long thread and many folks might not scroll down to where you had a change of heart. I think it would be the fair thing to do.
      • [ 1 ] Thanks
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  • Jon you are a BIG man for coming on here and letting every one know about your update...and that's why you'll have massive success ... in what you do in the future.

    Yours Prosperity,

    Anthony Aires
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    • Wow Jon - it's not often people are willing to admit when they are wrong. I'm glad you gave Brad and Anthony a chance to prove you wrong - they are the real deal. Respect to you!!

      Both guys have helped me in the past when they had no economic reason to do so.

      • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • There is no doubt these 2 cats, are the real deal and willing to bend over backwards to help people if they actually accept the help, they know what they are doing and willing to help even after the offer is closed that goes a long way in my book.

    Great job guys keep up that awesome customer service.

    Gaz Cooper
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • I remember when I first got into paid traffic several years ago. I paid $700 for a course on PPC and I soon lost $3000 in the first month.

    Like Brad, the seller was honest and helpful, and I re-reviewed his training and looked for his advice on common mistakes.

    Then following the advice I found a winning campaign making me $2000 on autopilot. I was absolutely thrilled.

    That could have gone completely the other way! I could have shouted scam, played the victim and blamed others, like so many do.

    A trait I have seen in so many successful entrepreneurs is they look to fix their own actions first before blaming others, and admit when they are wrong.

    Congrats Jon for being a good person and apologizing to Brad. I wish you success! Brad's webinar on converting untargetted traffic is worth the $200 on its own, Google or Facebook has never helped me like Brad is helping his customers and I've spent a lot lot more with them.

    What Jon did is very characteristic of many people. Its human nature to skim material, or in Jon's case not even review it, and just dive right in with excitement.

    Unfortunately when doing so you can make some serious mistakes, and like me, you might lose $3000 by flying blind until you take the time to review the training thoroughly.

    Too often people are quick to accuse others, when the reality is they are the ones doing wrong.

    It's a shame all those people who jumped on the 'he's a scammer' wagon who had never seen the product have not come back to apologize.

    I hope they think twice next time they give their uneducated and incorrect opinion. Hopefully putting their efforts into growing their business, instead of wasting time on an internet forum giving opinions on things they have not studied or implemented.
    • [ 6 ] Thanks
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    • This speaks volumes to everyone who buys ads. Everywhere
  • Jon,

    Way to stand up and own the situation - big respect for that.

    It's rare and it's also a quality that leads directly to the results you're after.


    Great post - how'd you get so smart, so young? DAMN YOU!

    Kiss that beautiful baby of yours (who's probably already running around now)


    Brian McLeod
    • [ 3 ] Thanks
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    • WTG Jon!

      Takes big balls to do that.

      You will reap rewards unseen in return for that kind of thing.

      Good luck.
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  • Jon, I'm real excited for the results you're getting on your changes...

    BECAUSE you now have 9 Million MORE visitors coming!

    NOW you're NEXT goal needs to be to beat that banner's and landing page's results

    Have at haus, you need to keep going with your testing.

    I know you'll be pleased with your efforts.

    ESPECIALLY when you leverage the results of your data onto other traffic sources and do a ROLLOUT!

    Chaaa Ching!

    Let me know if you're following what I'm saying because this is when the floodgates to cash will come tumbling into your life, and I want that for you.

    Yours For Prosperity,

    Anthony Aires
    • [1] reply
    • I'm listening and hearing what you are saying - BOOM!
      • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Hi guys

    All I can do is re quote what Chris Munch has said:

    "Too often people are quick to accuse others, when the reality is they are the ones doing wrong.

    It's a shame all those people who jumped on the 'he's a scammer' wagon who had never seen the product have not come back to apologize."

    At the end of the day.... are these guys running successful businesses ??? If they were, would they be on here taking pot shots at people like Brad and Anthony who are out to help and support others.

    As soon as I've got some capital I'm jumping strait on this offer. WITH the right banner ad as well

    Keep up the good work Brad and Anthony


    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • I am amazed at the level of hate that comes from non buyers. If you guys focused half the time you do hating things, on your own success you would already be doing well.

    Instead you stay broke, commenting on products you couldn't afford.
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  • Btw, Brad you know each and Every warriors can post their honest "general" feedback here, But only " real Buyers" can say something about the product quality! Looks like john issue has been shorted, that's really good sign for best seller

    Warriors know who you are, Way to go man
    • [ 2 ] Thanks
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    • Yes there are buyers and then there are speculators.

      Buyers make up the group of entrepreneurs who are willing to take risks on their business.

      Speculators well they speculate. And we know the value of that.

      I can help my buyers fix their campaigns but I can't help a speculator because they don't want help. They want to be angry.
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  • We are selling a successful business with verified sales, and customers who are asking to renew

    Oh yeah and a few speculators in this thread who have more hours than dollars
  • I can't help myself. Since a man who didn't buy our product is our biggest critic I had my cartoonist whip this up to lighten things up a bit here

    Come on now. If this was a scam we would have taken off with the money and NOT delivered traffic.

    I think we have proven that neither of those things happened.

    If you are a customer. We will help you.

    If you are a speculator. You need help.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks

  • Summary...

    A few people who never bought came in with some napkin math speculation and tried to make the case for not buying ad space.

    A customer came in frustrated with his results.

    That customer got the support he needed and turned his numbers around and continues to see increases.

    Conclusion. 10 Million Visitors is a viable source of traffic when used as directed

    You can't review a product you didn't buy.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Hey Brad you know your stuff, why don't you monetize this traffic yourself then you won't have to deal with the moaners I love your stuff man
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    • I do that too

      And I agree. I am done with moaners
      • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Hi guys,

    I just wanted to provide a quick update on the customer
    service for the website. I have purchased their silver deal
    and had some trouble with uploading the banner urls due
    to software bug or something.

    However, these guys not only provided me screenshots and
    video how to fix but, in addition to that, they also offered to
    fix it manually for me in case of further problems.

    A responsive and helpful support. Thanks guys.

    P.S. So far no own traffic statistics to share. I hope this goes
    off the roof soon.

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