Any experience with Amazon Selling Machine by Matt Clark?

750 replies
I am considering trying Amazon Selling Machine by Matt Clark. It looks very good from everything I have been able to find online but is quite pricey around $1000. I have seen an older post on it but nothing new.

Has anyone out there tried this? Have you made money? Does it deliver as promised?

I have 2 affiliate websites for over a year now and have poured a lot of time and money in and have had dismal sales success and want to try something new.

If anyone has tried Amazon Selling Machine I would love to know your thoughts on this, thanks
#amazon #clark #experiance #machine #matt #selling
  • Profile picture of the author milla04
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  • Profile picture of the author cjshu99
    I always wonder if these guys are making so much money doing this why would they want to let others in on it? And when do they have the time to put this together? Maybe its just a way to make a quick buck? And if they are making multi thousands a month, why dont they just price it at 50 bucks and let everyone in on it?

    btw, I have Jim Cockrums proven amazon course also. My first suggestion is to search youtube. There are lots of good videos on selling on amazon and sourcing products.
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    • Profile picture of the author teelions
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    • Profile picture of the author varsrad
      Originally Posted by cjshu99 View Post

      I always wonder if these guys are making so much money doing this why would they want to let others in on it? And when do they have the time to put this together? Maybe its just a way to make a quick buck? And if they are making multi thousands a month, why dont they just price it at 50 bucks and let everyone in on it?

      btw, I have Jim Cockrums proven amazon course also. My first suggestion is to search youtube. There are lots of good videos on selling on amazon and sourcing products.
      I certainly agree, thats true. I too really wonder why does people who claim to make 1000s a month need to sell it here? If they are really earning 1000s from the method they are teaching then why do they charge a huge for the guide?
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      • Profile picture of the author MagicD
        Originally Posted by varsrad View Post

        I certainly agree, thats true. I too really wonder why does people who claim to make 1000s a month need to sell it here? If they are really earning 1000s from the method they are teaching then why do they charge a huge for the guide?
        Let me ask you this.. Does it MATTER?? Really??

        If you are making million dollars a year and someone comes to you and say, you wanna make another million dollars in your account in 30 days doing xyz. Would you say no? I know those numbers are over the top, but just to make you realise, we are all entrepreneurs. As Richard Branson once said ""Business opportunities are like buses, there's always another one coming." meaning, If you close yourself off to new opportunities out of ignorance or fear, you might miss your next big idea or concept. When one project you start doesn't work out, guess what - there are always plenty more to try. So get cracking!

        Nuff said!!
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      • Profile picture of the author wizbiz
        Originally Posted by varsrad View Post

        I certainly agree, thats true. I too really wonder why does people who claim to make 1000s a month need to sell it here? If they are really earning 1000s from the method they are teaching then why do they charge a huge for the guide?
        I didn't say that course is too expensive or I will ever buy it either.

        Here is the REALITY

        1) Globalization = More transparency=Less Profit

        2) Retail (/internet) Hardest biz Structure/Module of All

        Reality is After All Shipping/Customs/Amazon near15-18% fees

        Profit Margin selling on Amazon is anywhere between 8% to 15%

        Do the Math, You need to sell $1 Million worth of Product to clear $10,000 in profit.

        You maybe making 200% in profit I don't know, I'm telling you what is there what is

        More likely real. 90% of amazon sellers will be lucky to have 10% ROI.

        And if You get some Amazing niche and temporarily making 30-50% profit

        Margins, THEN competition will show up in Few days and Sell Same product

        20% cheaper, That's the Reality, Everything else is Smoke And Mirrors.

        Just Open Alibaba on 1 Screen and Amazon on the Other, Double Click on

        Calculator and start Calculation,

        Alibaba already Middle man %%. =>>> Shipping ===> Amazon 18% fees, + Taxes on Profit

        Good Luck, DO you have $10 million available to make $100k?

        Also keep in Mind that Stocking up Product Actually increasing Profit but

        Also increasing the Risk, such as Some % of the product Demaged and Also you can stock with unsold inventory which you will have to either Liquidate at pennies
        on the Dollar or Stock in your Garage.

        Market Capitalism paradigm, More Profit=More Risk

        I don't know, maybe ASM Amazon Buyers have their own tactics, but I personally

        buying product based on the Brand And Price, not based on Pictures, Subjects, Fonts,

        Feedbacks or Bonuses.. Cause when you buying Knowing Brand Product

        You already know what you are getting. Now tell me, who's Profit Margin is Higher

        Those who are selling the Course or Amazon Sellers? That's you answer on Why would

        those guys even bother to Sell the course if So much money can be made "secretly"

        On Amazon, Selling Psychical goods.
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    • Profile picture of the author Mark Mazza
      Originally Posted by cjshu99 View Post

      I always wonder if these guys are making so much money doing this why would they want to let others in on it? And when do they have the time to put this together? Maybe its just a way to make a quick buck? And if they are making multi thousands a month, why dont they just price it at 50 bucks and let everyone in on it?

      btw, I have Jim Cockrums proven amazon course also. My first suggestion is to search youtube. There are lots of good videos on selling on amazon and sourcing products.
      Some excellent points.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10034284].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author panorama
        Originally Posted by Mark Mazza View Post

        Some excellent points.
        I used to wonder the same thing, and if you read very early on in this thread, you'll see that I was critical of the course for that reason. I changed my mind pretty quickly when money started to roll in.

        They could have made a lot of money by not launching a course, but they've generated tens of millions of dollars in sales with ASM, so it's hard to fault them for the decision.

        I also disagree with the point that they should have charged $50 for the course. In fact, I think they should have charged more because of how valuable the information is. I personally emailed Matt after ASM 2 and actually asked him to raise the price to $10,000.

        You're right that there are other good courses as well, but free resources (and even PAC) can't compare. You'll learn the basics, but you'll miss out on a lot of information if you're serious about this business.
        Comparison of Amazing Selling Machine & Other Private Label Alternatives (Updated April 2015)
        Copy Meets Design - Copywriting and design services exclusively for Amazon listings
        Phone/Text: 917-338-9644
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  • Profile picture of the author kokester
    I purchased and refunded. It is about selling ecommerce through amazon. When I purchased he broke the payments up but I wasn't impressed with what he offered for the price. No problem getting a refund from him.
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  • Profile picture of the author 1lov1
    I'm sort of curious about this. I didn't think it has been sold yet as it so not sure if people are mixing it up with their last product ? I believe this new product Amazon Selling Machine is the final version/revamped methods to what they did in their product last year that was called Amazon Money Machines(which they call their beta product).

    Only reason I looked at it was because a IM person I respect whose list I am and NEVER recommends anything is endorsing it and they are big time ecommerce players.
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  • Profile picture of the author jmk909er
    Yeah there has been a lot of confusion about it including my own, the official name is "Amazing Selling Machine" and I don't believe it it available yet other than beta testers
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  • Profile picture of the author Tomas Lodén
    Just did a little research and found this: ASM is going for $3,497 and the official launch date is tuesday, march 12th, 2013 and cart closes at midnight March 18th...(Just google and you´ll see this everywhere)..
    6-fig affiliate marketer since 2003
    Free coaching to your first $100 dollars. DM me now..
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  • Profile picture of the author milla04
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    • Profile picture of the author lindasdd
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      • Profile picture of the author Agoge Warrior
        Originally Posted by lindasdd View Post

        I haven't been given access to the course, but as someone who uses Amazon as one of many sales avenues (>$300K in Amazon sales last year), I'm considering buying the course just to prove to myself that it is BS.

        Either that, or as a long time seller via both FBA and in house fulfillment, I've really missed some important aspects of selling on Amazon because in my experience only sellers with deep pockets willing to live on crumbs generate any sales.

        The video claims of massive sales volume and 50% margins are ridiculous. Any product that actually moves well normally already has 10 other sellers willing to sell barely over cost - or it will have that many sellers once the volume becomes anywhere worth bothering with.

        Then again - as with everything - I'm not a wizard. There is a lot of stuff I don't know about or am not good at. Maybe they actually have found a loophole........nah.

        EDIT: I took another couple seconds to watch their second video. Apparently they are promoting the idea of creating private label products. In that case, high margins are possible. Problem is most people want the known item / brand.

        Guess I'll keep watching the videos as they appear. Maybe there is something worthwhile in there. ...maybe.
        I sell Amazon FBA on a daily basis and have tons of products I sell for 100%+ ROI. They are easy to find, so your basis is big time unfounded. Private Label is a great way to sell FBA without the competition. I know plenty of sellers who have great success with that. As far as I'm concerned with actual experience, FBA is a great way to have a profitable online ecommerce business that actually makes $ if you do it right and be smart about it. Better than any affiliate mess I've tried with blogs, websites or whatever. Google has and will continue to do whatever it takes to make SEO as hard as possible. In my opinion, the small time SEO entrepreneur is wasting their time. FBA is a viable business model. The seller of this product might be selling worthless goods and is obviously making his $ selling his product rather than doing full time FBA. But as far as I'm concerned, FBA is a legit business, you do have to work at it, it's not hard to find products and there are ways to beat out other sellers who sell at a lower price. Your statements are not based on actual and factual knowledge of the FBA business model and you should learn more before making unfounded comments.

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        • Profile picture of the author Tooledyou
          Great post Agoge warrior!
          I look at it this way. I drop ship items. I can sell them on a site along with my supplier that has a lower price. Also along with multiple other sellers. I sold a mattress pad at about a $10 profit 37 times last month along with about 20 other sellers, including the supplier that has a much lower price.
          There are literally BILLIONS of products out there!
          IMO half of the battle is not the product. It's the listing and whats in it. Title, keywords, photos, etc.
          If I put all my time into one product (starting out) doing FBA, I can assure WILL sell.
          I don't care who else is selling it or at what price. By the time I am done setting up that listing, it is going to sell, and sell well!
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  • Profile picture of the author aaron_nimocks
    The key behind this program is finding the right product which you can brand that will produce good margins. Then secondary is just writing good sales copy and properly promoting the product to rank high.

    Obviously the hard part which will require multiple attempts at losing money to find the perfect product, if you ever do find it.

    But if you do find a great product where you can brand it and then get it ranked high, of course you can make that kind of money. Just good luck finding this product. If it wasn't about that, then they would freely tell you which products they use.

    My free PSD logs can be downloaded at PSD Bum. Enjoy!

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    • Profile picture of the author Sayed
      Originally Posted by aaron_nimocks View Post

      The key behind this program is finding the right product which you can brand that will produce good margins. Then secondary is just writing good sales copy and properly promoting the product to rank high.

      Obviously the hard part which will require multiple attempts at losing money to find the perfect product, if you ever do find it.

      But if you do find a great product where you can brand it and then get it ranked high, of course you can make that kind of money. Just good luck finding this product. If it wasn't about that, then they would freely tell you which products they use.
      I don't think it is luck here... They put specific criteria to pick a product.. These criteria are in the free videos (also they supply a list of 17 hot products at the moment). I guess people with such free information will deliver huge value for this high price.
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    • Profile picture of the author Rmbion
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      • Profile picture of the author jkatzenback
        Originally Posted by Rmbion View Post

        Exactly. It's still about competition. If they found something that brings in the $, they don't want others on the bandwagon! And after hundreds or thousands of "clients" out trying to duplicate the success, most will end up at the dead end and give up when the money runs out and disillusionment sets in.
        Ask yourself this: if it's so easy to do, and if the money is so big, why wouldn't all the folks on their support team do it, too? Why waste your time selling something, if you can do so much better selling it to somebody else?
        It's a lot less hassle to charge big bucks telling other people how to do it!
        Hmmm... you are stating something as if it is fact and yet why is it you don't hear these stories but the opposite since the last time the doors where open?

        As for why our support team is not doing it, it rhymes with "Non Compete Agreement" and "Non Disclosure Agreement". Each of the employees in our offices, on the first day of the job, sign each of these. And they clearly know what they are signing. Im not going to reveal all of my business to anyone like that without protecting myself.

        I never understand responses like yours. You have zero experience with this system but yet you come in here and complain about it like you know for a fact as to the outcome.

        This is asking for any experience with the program and it sure sounds like you do not fit that, so why are you shooting it down?

        It may not work for you, that is fine, but you never even tried it.
        100%FREE Backlinks -->
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  • Profile picture of the author Eyetrap
    The hardest part is going to be finding the right products that have lots of buyers and low competition.
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  • Profile picture of the author Paycheck Rebel
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  • Profile picture of the author JGK
    I may be being naive but their seller central accounts really look like they are doing well? If you buy 1000 dog nail trimmers is the price cheap enough to make 50%? They must be doing something right if the numbers are true!
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  • Profile picture of the author DWaters
    This thread is a perfect example of why I love the WF. Lots of good information, including the potential price range. Thanks to those you who expressed their opinion and their insight about Amazon selling. I have watched the first three videos and read their PDFs and I feel like I have learned a lot and now I have learned more from this thread.
    How I really Make Money With Amazon

    Want to get rich with top rated FREE Super Affiliate Training?
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    • Profile picture of the author ChrisWF
      We have the New Overhyped One:
      Amazing Selling Machine for $3497

      and we have the Old Proven One:
      Proven Amazon Course for $347

      The second one has a lot of Testimonials of Successful Students.

      For me the choice is clear


      Great Thread

      WAIT! Don't Buy The Expensive Amazon Course "Amazing Selling Machine" for $4K.
      Start With The Proven Amazon Course First!

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7834592].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author BoJon
        Originally Posted by ChrisWF View Post

        We have the New Overhyped One:
        Amazing Selling Machine for $3497

        and we have the Old Proven One:
        Proven Amazon Course for $347

        The second one has a lot of Testimonials of Successful Students.

        For me the choice is clear
        What was the clear choice then? :rolleyes:
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        • Profile picture of the author Jim Cockrum
          PAC isn't $347 any longer - it's on sale for $97 through November.
 aka the "PAC" now includes the #1 "Private Label" training on the web (! We've been teaching "physical product" sales online since 2002 & we've accumulated over 1,000 success testimonials!
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          • Profile picture of the author planetgourmet
            I was originally going with the $4k course; However I noted that they did not reply if ( 2 ) people in one could join as the cost of prohibitive. That means no.

            Then I thought about it, Jim Cockrum has the courtesy to come on to these forums and represent his product and reputation. I do not see ASM coming on these forums. Thank you Jim ! Nothing in life is guaranteed but your course is a small cost for educating me in what might be a life changer. THANK YOU JIM !
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            • Profile picture of the author cyberguru
              Originally Posted by planetgourmet View Post

              Then I thought about it, Jim Cockrum has the courtesy to come on to these forums and represent his product and reputation. I do not see ASM coming on these forums.
              I too ended up buying PAC because of the many recommendations from forum members and Jim coming across as genuine and honest with his comments in this thread. The discount price of $97 is a steal for all the information and lifelong membership you receive. Thank you Jim!

              Jason Katzenback, one of the founders of ASM did chime in here back in post #362, but we have not heard from him again.

              If the $4k was not an issue for me at this point, I would have joined. With all the promotional videos and pdf's they did, it gave out alot of information and outlined the approach to their success. I decided to test the waters without the course and use the information already freely available in this forum and their promotional videos. Giving myself a deadline of choosing a product and finding a supplier by end of the month. Whether I have success or not using their Private Labeling method on my own, I will still join their next ASM course (if available); which hopefully by then, the $4k would not be an issue for me. Nothing ventured, nothing gained...

              I just joined this forum and will be hanging around here more often.
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              • Profile picture of the author Ryan David
                Originally Posted by cyberguru View Post

                I too ended up buying PAC because of the many recommendations from forum members and Jim coming across as genuine and honest with his comments in this thread. The discount price of $97 is a steal for all the information and lifelong membership you receive. Thank you Jim!

                Jason Katzenback, one of the founders of ASM did chime in here back in post #362, but we have not heard from him again.

                If the $4k was not an issue for me at this point, I would have joined. With all the promotional videos and pdf's they did, it gave out alot of information and outlined the approach to their success. I decided to test the waters without the course and use the information already freely available in this forum and their promotional videos. Giving myself a deadline of choosing a product and finding a supplier by end of the month. Whether I have success or not using their Private Labeling method on my own, I will still join their next ASM course (if available); which hopefully by then, the $4k would not be an issue for me. Nothing ventured, nothing gained...

                I just joined this forum and will be hanging around here more often.
                I emailed an affiliate (that I trust and that was raving about ASM) if someone like me would benefit from the course. He said, very quickly, that it's not necessary for people that have "seen the light". He went onto say that the benefit is helping shape people's ability to evaluate the opportunity to sell something and, later on, white label a product. He said that value in the course is the support to help you get to that point and not necessarily the tools available.

                So my suspicious is that once you get to that point, you might realize you don't need additional training. And in fact, it's usually FAR FAR FAR more valuable to actually purchase products from successful sellers and take note of what they are doing.
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                • Profile picture of the author cyberguru
                  Originally Posted by Ryan David View Post

                  I emailed an affiliate (that I trust and that was raving about ASM) if someone like me would benefit from the course. He said, very quickly, that it's not necessary for people that have "seen the light". He went onto say that the benefit is helping shape people's ability to evaluate the opportunity to sell something and, later on, white label a product. He said that value in the course is the support to help you get to that point and not necessarily the tools available.

                  So my suspicious is that once you get to that point, you might realize you don’t need additional training. And in fact, it’s usually FAR FAR FAR more valuable to actually purchase products from successful sellers and take note of what they are doing.
                  I absolutely agree with you. If you are savy enough to "see the light" then an 8 week step by step course may not be necessary.

                  I would also lean towards going with an experienced affiliate who has been successful with the course over joining since I have been reading that a "one on one" question/answer from Matt and Jason is harder to come by with the amount of students in the course.

                  I did read in this thread that someone that was already successful in Amazon sales and had about 95% of the knowledge before joining ASM claim that the remaining 5% info he gained made a huge difference in his sales. So its all about what you are looking for at present time and whether it is financially doable for you.

                  We all have different situations and it may or may not be the right time, but from what I've been seeing, the course has benefited more than less. It's a matter of whether your $4k is more or less valuable than the course. I think for the majority $4k is hard to give up...
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                • Profile picture of the author cyberguru
                  Originally Posted by Ryan David View Post

                  He went onto say that the benefit is helping shape people's ability to evaluate the opportunity to sell something and, later on, white label a product.
                  I think this is probably the biggest key along with marketing and keywords to a product being successful.

                  Thanks for the info.
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                  • Profile picture of the author Josh Belanger
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                    • Profile picture of the author Jim Cockrum
                      Originally Posted by Josh Belanger View Post

                      Like I taught in my free presentation, finding the product and supplier is not that hard. The toughest part and where specific training from a proven seller can help is getting your product ranked on page 1 and top 3.

                      That's separation from the other million sellers on Amazon that don't have a clue.
                      I have a slightly different take on the topic of "getting ranked" on amazon. While I value the skill set you are willing to teach, I'm hearing from numerous sources that Amazon (much like google) is doing everything it can to avoid the manipulation of search results by sellers...and they are getting aggressive about it.

                      these steps include things like:

                      -displaying different ranking results for different shoppers depending on product availability in different warehouses near the shoppers location
                      -displaying different results based on the shoppers search history and region
                      -punishing products that show signs of feedback manipulation (i.e. a bunch of feedback reviews left by non-buyers in a short period of time soon after product hits the market etc.)

                      What direction do I propose you go as a result of this?

                      Go a mile wide and an inch deep in your product selection b/c just like we all learned on eBay 10 years ago...there may not be competition today or tomorrow for your "hot niche", but the competition IS coming and eBay (now amazon) WILL not protect you from being the easy target that you are if you are making a killing...if anything it's in Amazon's best interest to keep you guessing and send new competitors your way.
             aka the "PAC" now includes the #1 "Private Label" training on the web (! We've been teaching "physical product" sales online since 2002 & we've accumulated over 1,000 success testimonials!
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  • Profile picture of the author CTRTheme
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    • Profile picture of the author Educe127
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      • Profile picture of the author 1lov1
        I did talk to a well known IMer who is friends with product creators of this and no one has seen this product except for their beta testers. He said they have had beta testers achieve very big numbers(I wont give the exact numbers) but it seems they have developed an approach to be successful with amazon FBA rather than many stories you read about people trying FBA without much profit . This product comes with software too I guess.
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        • Profile picture of the author prospectsmine
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  • Profile picture of the author Jerry Nielsen
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    • Profile picture of the author ChrisWF
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  • Profile picture of the author webguycanada
    Crikey!!! For $3500
    I could take Amazon's Vice President, Marketing Manager and their buddies
    out for a round of golf, cocktails and a steak dinner and probably end up with some
    quality, current, "useable" information on how to build a successful business on Amazon.

    $3500.... get real.
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    • Profile picture of the author papeter
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      • Profile picture of the author scout99
        Originally Posted by papeter View Post

        There are plenty of schmucks out there who'll pay this price.
        Indeed, there are.

        In the what-seemed-like-forever ramp up leading to the big reveal of its outrageous price, I followed the Facebook comments on it. I've come to the conclusion that most people really are stupid, just based on the questions people asked. One thing I must give the guys selling it credit for is how patient and polite they were with most of them.

        I'd have been willing to pay up to $500 for it. $3,500? They're out of their freaking minds.
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  • Profile picture of the author jmk909er
    Wow! I'm shocked with the $3500 price tag. I really wanted to do this but I'm priced out. Plus I'm getting hit with a 34% cut in take home pay in about 3 weeks because of the sequestration budget battle by the clowns in Washington. With a family of 5 and a price tag of $3500 there's no way.

    Earlier in this thread Jim Cockrum's Proven Amazon Course (PAC). Price - $347.00 one time payment. was mentioned and I looked into it a little. Can anyone out there recommend if this is a good one or not or has tried it? Thanks.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7846947].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author ChrisWF
      Read post #28 for a way to get that PAC course for $97.

      You can get into the Amazing Selling Machine course for $997 and take a refund after 30 days.
      That way you can get 2-3 weeks of the 8 weeks content.

      Anyway, they have 3 PDFs with a lot of great Information:
      Here are the 3 direct download links for the pdfs:


      WAIT! Don't Buy The Expensive Amazon Course "Amazing Selling Machine" for $4K.
      Start With The Proven Amazon Course First!

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7846975].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author jmk909er
        Originally Posted by ChrisWF View Post

        Read post #28 for a way to get that PAC course for $97.

        You can get into the Amazing Selling Machine course for $997 and take a refund after 30 days.
        That way you can get 2-3 weeks of the 8 weeks content.

        Anyway, they have 3 PDFs with a lot of great Information:
        Here are the 3 direct download links for the pdfs:

        Thanks Chris, do have experience with PAC?
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      • Profile picture of the author bethann
        Originally Posted by ChrisWF View Post

        Read post #28 for a way to get that PAC course for $97.

        You can get into the Amazing Selling Machine course for $997 and take a refund after 30 days.
        That way you can get 2-3 weeks of the 8 weeks content.

        Anyway, they have 3 PDFs with a lot of great Information:
        Here are the 3 direct download links for the pdfs:

        Do you still have those old pdfs and would be willing to share on the Amazon Selling Machine. I tried to get into it but balked at the 4000K dollar price tag.

        Kind Regards,

        Beth Ann
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      • Profile picture of the author takeaction24
        Originally Posted by ChrisWF View Post

        Read post #28 for a way to get that PAC course for $97.

        You can get into the Amazing Selling Machine course for $997 and take a refund after 30 days.
        That way you can get 2-3 weeks of the 8 weeks content.

        Anyway, they have 3 PDFs with a lot of great Information:
        Here are the 3 direct download links for the pdfs:

        Thanks Chris for the PDF's

        Wow 4 payments of $997.00 and the creators are making millions.

        It seems to me they don't want to help normal people that is why they put it beyond many peoples reach.

        If they are so successful why do they need the money. It beggars belief why they would charge so much when they are already successful.

        I guess it comes down to greed at the end of the day and from what I have seen from all my time online this is now becoming the norm.

        what happened to the kind hearted people who just wants to help another. I guess those days are gone.

        Anyway sounds a good course with all the tools and software and everything but way out of my price range so I am out on this one.

        I have always wondered why marketers have never offered a deal like this... You Pay a small fee today and as soon as you are making good money with the system then you pay the rest.

        Now to me that would be far fairer and far more effective plus would cut down on refunds. Maybe one day someone may create a system like that.

        Anyway thanks again for the PDF's

        This has made me realise what I need to do next..

        I need to unsubscribe from all the lists I keep getting offers from and focus and then maybe I wont be so tempted by the next shiny object lol
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        • Profile picture of the author Niteprowler
          Originally Posted by takeaction24 View Post

          Thanks Chris for the PDF's

          I have always wondered why marketers have never offered a deal like this... You Pay a small fee today and as soon as you are making good money with the system then you pay the rest.

          Now to me that would be far fairer and far more effective plus would cut down on refunds. Maybe one day someone may create a system like that.

          I need to unsubscribe from all the lists I keep getting offers from and focus and then maybe I wont be so tempted by the next shiny object lol

          As to that first suggestion, the answer is easy. Only a small portion of buyers take action and an even smaller percentage achieve results. Just like most books bought are never completely read. So there would be a lot of starving marketers if their income depended on the results of what they sell achieving results by buyers.

          A part of the reason is the very reason you mention.... and the solution is in your comment. Forget bright shiny objects and focus on efforts... the answers you need can be found without spending a fortune if you spend the time.

          With ASM as with most everything else... it is a matter of trading money for time to shorten the learning curve to improve the earning curve.

          So it comes down to which you have more of and which has a higher value for you... time or money.

          $ 3,500 would go a long way toward buying inventory and starting your actual FBA business....

          "The simple secret of the universe is that you create your own reality" - Edgar D. Mitchell

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9115841].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author takeaction24
            Every body who is selling something says " only some buyers would take action "

            I wonder why that is....

            Maybe if the people that create the products made them simple so anyone could follow and went into intricate detail then more people would finish the course. Instead of spending more time on creating a hyped up sales Page or Video that states it is so simple a child could do it, Just click this button copy paste and you are done or look over my shoulder and I will show you how.

            I Believe the problem is the people that develop the software and the courses do not explain things well enough and miss out vital pieces of information. Then when you contact their support, either their support is not qualified enough or they just gloss over everything instead of reading the question and giving you the missing piece that is on your mind. Or worse they just don't reply.

            If the creators made their course, training etc.. abc or set out to create it like a well laid out manual then there would be little or no questions.

            I could be wrong but I believe that is why people give up and then see the next shiny object hoping that it is easily doable and they can do it. If things were simplified then I believe many more would finish the course and get results. Granted not everyone will get the same results because it is all about the products you choose and whether you get lucky with one that works for you etc..

            The ones that make me laugh are the ones that say, you don't need a website, you don't need hosting, you don't need a list etc.. then when you get into the training it teaches you how to create a website and suggests Hostgator for hosting and conveniently here is the link which is an affiliate link lol. Also you see some that say this is the only tool you will ever need and in the pdf they are promoting other products which they claim they use.

            My opinion is The creators of any course or digital product should make it simple like they are teaching their child and should be honest.

            Just my opinion

            Granted though there is some truth in what you have stated.

            Please note: I cannot comment on any of the Amazon courses mentioned as I have not bought any of them yet. My comments are general and in reply to Niteprowler.

            Originally Posted by Niteprowler View Post

            As to that first suggestion, the answer is easy. Only a small portion of buyers take action and an even smaller percentage achieve results. Just like most books bought are never completely read. So there would be a lot of starving marketers if their income depended on the results of what they sell achieving results by buyers.

            A part of the reason is the very reason you mention.... and the solution is in your comment. Forget bright shiny objects and focus on efforts... the answers you need can be found without spending a fortune if you spend the time.

            With ASM as with most everything else... it is a matter of trading money for time to shorten the learning curve to improve the earning curve.

            So it comes down to which you have more of and which has a higher value for you... time or money.

            $ 3,500 would go a long way toward buying inventory and starting your actual FBA business....
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9116144].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author BusyMum_2010
      I looked at PAC but I am not impressed because they are all theories, all talking on videos, no step by step process, sorry to say, way overpriced for $347 or $99. But I am impressed on the information of free PDF of Amazon Selling Machine because it's like you do it step by step. I can do things "step by step" and get bored quickly with just watching videos full of talks.

      I like Amazon Selling Machine but way overpriced as well for $3,497, I cannot afford.

      Originally Posted by jmk909er View Post

      Wow! I'm shocked with the $3500 price tag. I really wanted to do this but I'm priced out. Plus I'm getting hit with a 34% cut in take home pay in about 3 weeks because of the sequestration budget battle by the clowns in Washington. With a family of 5 and a price tag of $3500 there's no way.

      Earlier in this thread Jim Cockrum's Proven Amazon Course (PAC). Price - $347.00 one time payment. was mentioned and I looked into it a little. Can anyone out there recommend if this is a good one or not or has tried it? Thanks.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7872134].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author ChrisWF
        Originally Posted by BusyMum_2010 View Post

        I looked at PAC but I am not impressed because they are all theories, all talking on videos, no step by step process, sorry to say, way overpriced for $347 or $99. But I am impressed on the information of free PDF of Amazon Selling Machine because it's like you do it step by step. I can do things "step by step" and get bored quickly with just watching videos full of talks.

        I like Amazon Selling Machine but way overpriced as well for $3,497, I cannot afford.
        That is exactly what I was thinking.
        The Pac Course is good, but could need a fresh up. The Information there is not that clearly laid out as it is in the ASM PDFs.
        The ASM Videos and PDFs make it very clear what the big picture is and how this business work.

        After all it all comes down to one question:
        "Where do I find hot in demand Products that can be Private Labeled and offer a huge margin?"

        If that question is answered, the rest will come natural:
        Do some SEO
        Write a Press Release
        Do some Backlinking (SEnuke)
        Create a Video
        Get Reviews
        Write a good Product Sales Page

        That's all basic Internet Marketers stuff that most of us do every day.

        My main Problem is and thats what I read out of the forum for the most people there is "Finding my HOT HOT Private Label Product".

        WAIT! Don't Buy The Expensive Amazon Course "Amazing Selling Machine" for $4K.
        Start With The Proven Amazon Course First!

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7872671].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author affmanager
          Originally Posted by ChrisWF View Post

          That is exactly what I was thinking.
          The Pac Course is good, but could need a fresh up. The Information there is not that clearly laid out as it is in the ASM PDFs.
          The ASM Videos and PDFs make it very clear what the big picture is and how this business work.

          After all it all comes down to one question:
          "Where do I find hot in demand Products that can be Private Labeled and offer a huge margin?"

          If that question is answered, the rest will come natural:
          Do some SEO
          Write a Press Release
          Do some Backlinking (SEnuke)
          Create a Video
          Get Reviews
          Write a good Product Sales Page

          That's all basic Internet Marketers stuff that most of us do every day.

          My main Problem is and thats what I read out of the forum for the most people there is "Finding my HOT HOT Private Label Product".

          I agree. For me, anyway, it all comes down to one question. "Where do I find hot in demand Products that can be Private Labeled and offer a huge margin?"

          Among all the Amazon Seller courses mentioned in this wonderful thread, aside from ASM (too expensive for $3500), which course is dynamite at not only TEACHING how to private label products but ALSO assists sellers in locating and sourcing such products? I am VERY interested in buying such a course.
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      • Profile picture of the author Jessica007
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  • Profile picture of the author SheraLee
    I see Mark Ling & his sidekick Matt Carter are peddling the ASM FBA course, as if it's the best thing they've ever seen online.

    The Amazon FBA has been around for a while now. If I was looking to purchase this knowledge, I would go with Jim Cockrum's Proven Amazon Course. If you are on his list, you will remember the special he had at Christmas for $99. He will likely still honor it if you ask. There is absolutely no need to pay $1000 or more for such knowledge.

    Jim Cockrum is the most respected online and doesn't push stuff just to make a quick buck like most others do. He actually wants to give his readers VALUE, as well. If all the other IM marketers truly wanted to help their readers in this area, they would be affiliates for Jim Cockrum. But money seems to play a huge part in what is promoted.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7847363].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author panorama
      I'd be very hesitant to pay $3,500 for this course as well. I look at their motivation for selling this course, and it just doesn't make economic sense if the strategy is as profitable as they say it is.

      It seems to be a good business model, but if you crunch some numbers, it would be more profitable for them to keep this information to themselves, rather than selling it - even at $3,500.

      Let's look at a couple of facts:
      • Jason Katzenback says he makes over $100k profit per month with just 3 or 4 products.
      • Matt Clark says he makes much more than this, with 80% of his revenue coming from just 5 products.
      So, with this info, let's say one *good* product can earn $20,000 per month in profit. That's $240,000 in profit PER YEAR for every good product. Now, let's assume each member of Amazing Selling Machine provides $1,000 in (one-time) profit to them after affiliate commissions and other costs.

      Keep that in mind for a moment. Now think about how many memberships they can sell at this price. 1,000? 2,000? I think those are high estimates, but let's say 2,000 memberships, with $1,000 profit each. That's $2.0 million dollars total one-time profit, right?

      It would only take 9 *good* products to exceed that (9 x $240,000 = $2.16 million), and that would be ANNUALLY, not a one-time profit.

      In fact, if it were me, I'd personally rather make $1.0 million every year, rather than $2.0 million once.

      So, what's the conclusion here?
      • Do they think they will be selling more than 2,000 memberships? I doubt it?
      • Do they think finding 9 more *good* products will be too difficult? That's my guess.
      What does this mean for the members paying $3,500 with the expectation of outsized profits? Remember, now you'll have hundreds/thousands of members pursuing the EXACT same strategy. There may be millions of products available on Amazon, but how many will this business model work with?

      My guess is that the opportunity is much smaller than they are making it out to be - and that's without all these new members. That's why it makes sense for them to sell this course rather than keep the business model to themselves.
      Comparison of Amazing Selling Machine & Other Private Label Alternatives (Updated April 2015)
      Copy Meets Design - Copywriting and design services exclusively for Amazon listings
      Phone/Text: 917-338-9644
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7847475].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Phillip M King
        I agree with your analysis. I ran the numbers on what they were telling us to do and came up with 20,000 Amazon products at most to make the first two criteria cuts. Then there are several other important factors which will knock that 20,000 down again. Now add a course with possibly 2,000 highly motivated people (having spent $3497) who are all looking for the ONE big money product, and how many of the 2000 will come up with one? Sure, out of 2000 starters, a few will land a big one, "proving" the course. But I doubt that even 20 will land a big one, and that's less than 1%. A post above mentioned that some beta testers did very well. I've not seen one single mention about the percentage of people in the beta test who even made back their investment. If it were my course, I would be recognizing the success of those who performed well. Sometimes the lack of evidence is evidence itself.

        Originally Posted by panorama View Post

        I'd be very hesitant to pay $3,500 for this course as well. I look at their motivation for selling this course, and it just doesn't make economic sense if the strategy is as profitable as they say it is.

        It seems to be a good business model, but if you crunch some numbers, it would be more profitable for them to keep this information to themselves, rather than selling it - even at $3,500.

        Let's look at a couple of facts:
        • Jason Katzenback says he makes over $100k profit per month with just 3 or 4 products.
        • Matt Clark says he makes much more than this, with 80% of his revenue coming from just 5 products.
        So, with this info, let's say one *good* product can earn $20,000 per month in profit. That's $240,000 in profit PER YEAR for every good product. Now, let's assume each member of Amazing Selling Machine provides $1,000 in (one-time) profit to them after affiliate commissions and other costs.

        Keep that in mind for a moment. Now think about how many memberships they can sell at this price. 1,000? 2,000? I think those are high estimates, but let's say 2,000 memberships, with $1,000 profit each. That's $2.0 million dollars total one-time profit, right?

        It would only take 9 *good* products to exceed that (9 x $240,000 = $2.16 million), and that would be ANNUALLY, not a one-time profit.

        In fact, if it were me, I'd personally rather make $1.0 million every year, rather than $2.0 million once.

        So, what's the conclusion here?
        • Do they think they will be selling more than 2,000 memberships? I doubt it?
        • Do they think finding 9 more *good* products will be too difficult? That's my guess.
        What does this mean for the members paying $3,500 with the expectation of outsized profits? Remember, now you'll have hundreds/thousands of members pursuing the EXACT same strategy. There may be millions of products available on Amazon, but how many will this business model work with?

        My guess is that the opportunity is much smaller than they are making it out to be - and that's without all these new members. That's why it makes sense for them to sell this course rather than keep the business model to themselves.
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    • Profile picture of the author CanuckWarrior
      Originally Posted by SheraLee View Post

      I see Mark Ling & his sidekick Matt Carter are peddling the ASM FBA course, as if it's the best thing they've ever seen online.
      LOL ... and that's on top of their own "this is all you'll ever need to make it on the net" membership sites.

      Originally Posted by SheraLee View Post

      The Amazon FBA has been around for a while now. If I was looking to purchase this knowledge, I would go with Jim Cockrum's Proven Amazon Course. If you are on his list, you will remember the special he had at Christmas for $99. He will likely still honor it if you ask. There is absolutely no need to pay $1000 or more for such knowledge.
      I have to agree with the quality of Jim's PAC course. It's one of the few courses I'd feel comfortable recommending. I bought it at the sale price and have been slowly working through the ton of information that comes with it. My main business is offline so I bought it as a possible way for me to diversify. I was pleasantly surprised, it really opened my eyes to how to solve the shipping issue that plagued me when I used to run myself ragged on ebay years ago.

      Now that my eyes have been opened on the correct way to streamline shipping, I can have a second look at that business model.

      Originally Posted by SheraLee View Post

      Jim Cockrum is the most respected online and doesn't push stuff just to make a quick buck like most others do. He actually wants to give his readers VALUE, as well.
      Yeah, he's literally one of only four internet marketers that don't spam by inbox with useless offers of the day, etc. Information actually worth reading (so far).

      Maybe he can even post his thoughts on the hoopla over this new $3,500 shiny object course in his silent membership area.

      Originally Posted by SheraLee View Post

      But money seems to play a huge part in what is promoted.
      Sadly, money is the only thing that drives the majority of IM offers. Most are looking looking for patsies to churn and burn and more than a few are coming from fake it until you make it wannabes.

      Internet marketing is not rocket science ... unsubscribe from every guru spam list you're currently on ... they just want to rape your wallet and make you co-dependent.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7850690].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Jim Cockrum
        What $3500 course? I have no idea what you are talking about and I'm certain I have no opinions on the matter.

        Originally Posted by CanuckWarrior View Post

        I have to agree with the quality of Jim's PAC course...he's literally one of only four internet marketers that don't spam by inbox with useless offers of the day, etc. Information actually worth reading (so far).

        Maybe he can even post his thoughts on the hoopla over this new $3,500 shiny object course in his silent membership area.
        Signature aka the "PAC" now includes the #1 "Private Label" training on the web (! We've been teaching "physical product" sales online since 2002 & we've accumulated over 1,000 success testimonials!
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7853202].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Jim Cockrum
          The "theory" behind the PAC (Proven Amazon Course) is one that should be modeled for ANY legitimate course or training offered in the "online entrepreneur" niche. It's time to raise the standards of what we expect from the courses we buy.

          The PAC's standard that I think we need for the entire industry:

          1) Make it affordable - always
          2) no bright shiny objects allowed (cut the graphics crap. As buyers we don't care - or at least we SHOULDN'T!)
          3) Start small, grow slow (no big launches - PROVE it first...we'll buy later once you have REAL testimonials)
          4) Recruit early successful students to present their ideas to the rest of us as it grows. Let the content GROW as new creative ideas and people come on board.
          5) Hire successful students to monitor the MANDATORY INCLUDED discussion forums and let everyone hang out and learn there
          6) No time limits on refunds. NONE.
          7) End guru worship (again, we really shouldn't care should we?)
          8) Your "expert testimonials" are crap. Show us real people giving their FIRST EVER testimonial. Those are the only ones that matter.

          Am I forgetting anything?

          How can YOU help make this a reality? STOP BUYING STUFF THAT YOU KNOW IS GARBAGE.

          Lesson for my "expert" colleagues: If you aim your marketing at idiots you'll soon have an audience of the same.

          NOTE: NONE of these comments are directed at the creators of ASM because I've spent exactly ZERO minutes looking at their course, offer, content or website.

          Thanks for all the support here guys.
 aka the "PAC" now includes the #1 "Private Label" training on the web (! We've been teaching "physical product" sales online since 2002 & we've accumulated over 1,000 success testimonials!
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7853244].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author SheraLee
            Originally Posted by Jim Cockrum View Post

            Am I forgetting anything?

            How can YOU help make this a reality? STOP BUYING STUFF THAT YOU KNOW IS GARBAGE.

            Lesson for my "expert" colleagues: If you aim your marketing at idiots you'll soon have an audience of the same.

            Thanks for all the support here guys.

            Well, that sums it up nicely....... good tips for all people; both on the selling and buying side.

            No Jim, THANK YOU, for being the lighthouse on a rough sea of IM waters filled with low morals and greed.

            And yes, people have to have enough sense to walk away from things that don't "feel" right, even if they can't put their finger on exactly what bothers them.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7853510].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Phillip M King
            Dear Jim,

            In the movie It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World, Jonathan Winters made an observation about businessmen. Being a young tyke when I first saw that, I believed it to be pretty much true. Now you come along and break the mold with your attitude and ethics. Kudos to you, but now what happens to my view of how the world operates?

            Originally Posted by Jim Cockrum View Post

            The "theory" behind the PAC course is one that should be modeled for ANY legitimate course or training offered in the "online entrepreneur" niche. It's time to raise the standards of what we expect from the courses we buy.

            The PAC's standard that I think we need for the entire industry:

            1) Make it affordable - always
            2) no bright shiny objects allowed (cut the graphics crap. As buyers we don't care - or at least we SHOULDN'T!)
            3) Start small, grow slow (no big launches - PROVE it first...we'll buy later once you have REAL testimonials)
            4) Recruit early successful students to present their ideas to the rest of us as it grows. Let the content GROW as new creative ideas and people come on board.
            5) Hire successful students to monitor the MANDATORY INCLUDED discussion forums and let everyone hang out and learn there
            6) No time limits on refunds. NONE.
            7) End guru worship (again, we really shouldn't care should we?)
            8) Your "expert testimonials" are crap. Show us real people giving their FIRST EVER testimonial. Those are the only ones that matter.

            Am I forgetting anything?

            How can YOU help make this a reality? STOP BUYING STUFF THAT YOU KNOW IS GARBAGE.

            Lesson for my "expert" colleagues: If you aim your marketing at idiots you'll soon have an audience of the same.

            NOTE: NONE of these comments are directed at the creators of ASM because I've spent exactly ZERO minutes looking at their course, offer, content or website.

            Thanks for all the support here guys.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7955437].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author bullseyemarketing
    Actually the price is about $4000 since I am sure most people that do buy this will take the payment option. $997 X 4 payments......

    Please do not use affiliate templates in signatures

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  • Profile picture of the author WhiteStarlight
    It is the most expensive online marketing product I have ever seen. I thought it's price would be around 500-1000$, but actually it was a shock for me when I saw the price. I don't know whether the product is good, but the price of 3500$ seems like too much for me.

    I also see additional costs here - like trip to Austin (where they will hold a live event), I guess after paying that much for the course you absolutely have to attend their live training.

    What I don't like about the payment is that they don't have an integrated Paypal payment option (you have to contact support in order to do that).

    Also I think that 30-day refund period might be a bit too low for that program (I think it should be 60 days), cause it will take some time to find a right supplier, ship the item to the Amazon and finally start selling.

    Panorama actually got a great point in his post. There always should be a good reason for the price and for the time the offer is available.

    But in overall I think that Amazon Fullfilment is a great idea.
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  • Profile picture of the author Brantley
    $3500 What a joke !!!

    I can be trained by two mentors that everyone here knows that have an AWESOME reputation, for a month of 1 on 1, side by side coaching for less than that, and I could guarantee myself to be making money within 30 days.

    And if not, I would gain enough skills,wisdom and knowledge that if I applied it, and I would, I could build a seven figure business
    within a year.

    Problem is, I don't have that kind of money.....yet
    Keeping It Real ><>
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  • Profile picture of the author AllanWard
    I've just had a quick read of the pdfs that were posted here earlier which provide a pretty good overview of the system. My impression is that it all revolves around white-labelling your own product and then selling lots of them via Amazon. This can work well for products with a high demand and where you're able to white label them. By white labelling the product they believe you're able to achieve higher profit margins.

    Of course, you need to ensure the quality of the product that you're selling so perhaps some types of products are more suited to this model. For example, there's not much that can go wrong with a spatula when compared to an electronic item. And I'd steer clear of any health-related product where you run the risk of being sued because you didn't know what ingredients where in the product you were selling.

    The concern I have is that as long as you're selling a product that's easily replicable, you run the risk of competitors undercutting your price, eroding your high margins. And as long as the model involves you just sourcing the products from a wholesaler and then selling them through Amazon, there's nothing unique about your product.

    To be fair the product creators suggest that you can gain an advantage if you promote the product well via Amazon and You Tube and they're right - this will enable you to stand out from competitors. However, there's nothing to stop other people from doing the same thing.

    The overall strategy makes sense, but it really has little to do with the traditional IM product. This is all about selling a physical product via an online marketplace. I think the reason it's being promoted to the IM space is because people are looking for the magic way to make millions and this product promises that.

    I still don't understand why these guys need to make a course about it and sell it. If they're making so much money, and want to make more, surely they're better off finding some more product opportunities on Amazon that they can white-label?
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    • Profile picture of the author ScottLindsay
      Great thread! Thank you everyone for all of the input.

      I have been trying to decide if I should buy the course since it does have a 30 day money back guarantee. So really not much to risk especially if the info proves to be valuable.

      However, I did have a concern that the course is an 8 week course. Does this mean it can only be accessed as they release it? I really don't like that. I would rather be able to see the course in its entirety and work it at my own pace.

      I just spoke to their support staff and they said "Yes, it can only be accessed as we release the modules per week"

      I really don't like that set up.

      Can anyone tell me how Jim Cockrum's Proven Amazon Course is set up? Does it provide the same type of info and does it offer software to help run the business?

      Thank you for the feedback!
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      • Profile picture of the author Brian Hewitt
        I had been meaning to unsub from a lot of lists and I will give this course credit for one has given me the kick in the pants needed to do so. I have unsubbed from everyone who mailed for this and let them know why. I would have thought that one of them would have at least offered a reach-around as a bonus.
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        • Profile picture of the author mahetze2123
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7848439].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author rmoore

            Agree with you that people who tend to hop from one thing to the next should avoid this.

            It isn't really fair to label this product in the category of "shiny objects".

            This is a major business model being taught here.

            I've been a full-time info product marketer for years and have always wanted to get into the physical product market. I never really saw a course that covered this in the detail I desired...until now.

            I really doubt that Jason and Matt are trying to get one over on people. There is a large group of successful people in the info product space jumping on board here. We simply want to learn how to use some of our marketing skills to give us an advantage in the Amazon marketplace.

            Both Jason and Matt come from the info product world and have successfully transitioned into doing well on Amazon. So for info marketers who have had some success...these are the right people to learn from.

            This probably isn't the best thing for people who have not earned their first dollar online.

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            • Profile picture of the author mahetze2123
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              • Profile picture of the author PeterFinch
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                • Profile picture of the author sammystin
                  Every WSO that I bought in my life was my fault and so was everything else.
                  Please guys, no sour grapes.

                  Last night I had a friend who seriously asked,

                  "Who is your trusted one?"
                  I replied, "Jim Cockrum" ... funny never ever know him

                  Guys, it's not about the money
                  Don't make excuses.
                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7859569].message }}
                  • Profile picture of the author Jim Cockrum
                    I'm humbled and honored by that. Seriously.

                    If I ever do anything to lose that trust please kick my butt. I pledge to keep on earning your trust every day.

                    My approach is simple - I don't promote launches or fads. I grow my own business, and if something legit and sustainable is working for me THEN I tell my friends about it & charge a fair price to train those who want training. This way I can hire good people & pay my staff well to train those who want it - all the while we run my businesses DOING what we teach BEFORE we teach it. It's really not complicated to do the right thing.

                    Originally Posted by sammystin View Post

                    Last night I had a friend who seriously asked,

                    "Who is your trusted one?"
                    I replied, "Jim Cockrum"

                    UPDATE 2015: For those wondering - my PAC course is all new and updated for 2015...and we continue to update it constantly. It's "evergreen". We've been teaching online sales since 2002, and we'll still be doing it a decade from now Lord willing.
           aka the "PAC" now includes the #1 "Private Label" training on the web (! We've been teaching "physical product" sales online since 2002 & we've accumulated over 1,000 success testimonials!
                    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7859890].message }}
                    • Profile picture of the author sammystin
                      What I mean is this whole thread turned out to be something different.

                      And if anyone is into offline, that's what Jim teaches day in and day out... take action. Please don't be fearful, thinking you cannot do, because you really can. Guys, I got my first $3,500 set-up client with $597 for 2 years and the two years is up now.

                      If Jim teaches you anything, he's genuine while most are not!!! But with or without him, please do it. No WSO will EVER do it for you, $7 or $4,000.- what I'm saying is if you want to leave it to a chance, your chance is better with him than anyone else... Just saying...
                      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7860210].message }}
                    • Profile picture of the author jmk909er
                      Hi Jim, I bought your Proven Amazon Course yesterday and am almost through the Silent Sales Machine book already. I echo the same sentiments. I am very impressed with your sound techniques and integrity and I'm very excited about your course. Thanks, Joe

                      Originally Posted by sammystin

                      Last night I had a friend who seriously asked,

                      "Who is your trusted one?"
                      I replied, "Jim Cockrum"
                      Originally Posted by Jim Cockrum View Post

                      I'm humbled and honored by that. Seriously.

                      If I ever do anything to lose that trust please kick my butt. I pledge to keep on earning your trust every day.

                      My approach is simple - I don't promote launches or fads. I grow my own business, and if something legit and sustainable is working for me THEN I tell my friends about it & charge a fair price to train those who want training. This way I can hire good people & pay my staff well to train those who want it - all the while we run my businesses DOING what we teach BEFORE we teach it. It's really not complicated to do the right thing.
                      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7860283].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author topcaller
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7848644].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author ScottLindsay
                Originally Posted by topcaller View Post

                Some of the modules were never even completed and that course was $1,000

                There are some really upset customers in that course and a ton of unanswered questions in their forum. And just so you know it isn't just sour grapes, they are both doing very well on Amazon, but they had to learn most of it elsewhere as there was A GREAT DEAL OF INFO that was left out of the original course.
                Is this really true that they didn't even complete the previous course? Is this verified?
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7848806].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author topcaller
                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7849866].message }}
                  • Profile picture of the author isee
                    It has certainly been a very slick launch and to be fair some of the free content has been informative. That said, the price tag is extremely high.

                    I'd be interested to see what results and benefits purchasers will find a few months down the line once the hype has died off.
                    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7850016].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author ChrisWF
              Hi Rusty

              the first webinar will start on Mar. 27th and then go til week 8 on May. 15th

              What stuff do you have access to now? Do you have to wait two weeks without nothing in your hands?


              WAIT! Don't Buy The Expensive Amazon Course "Amazing Selling Machine" for $4K.
              Start With The Proven Amazon Course First!

              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7849394].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Lisa Suttora
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7853748].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author topcaller
                Originally Posted by Lisa Suttora View Post

                I've been hesitant to chime in....
                - Lisa
                Thanks Lisa for a very informative post.

                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7854281].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author ironwood
                  As an Amazon FBA, (Fullfillment By Amazon), seller I have
                  always been interested in the private branding of products
                  as a means of offering products to which you have added
                  your private brand and thereby pretty much eliminate much
                  competition from other sellers.

                  I know that bundling of products is a very effective sales
                  method. This is where you add a number of branded products
                  together, purchase your own barcode and then create a sales
                  page on Amazon for the product. This is not private branding
                  where you are offering a product with your company name but
                  merely combining some major brand products to make a special

                  It would appear that "private branding" is a profitable sales
                  tactic as I have read a number of success stories from people
                  who claim to be doing just that. From the little I know about
                  the course being discussed in this thread it appears that this
                  is the exact tactic they propose.

                  Buy a wholesale product, get some art work for a logo and then
                  package that product under your company name. Buyers might be
                  convinced that you are the only distributor of said products or
                  might even think you manufacture the products.

                  This is what has always concerned me about this process. Do you
                  recall all the problems with the Chinese drywall following the
                  Katrina disaster. Or all the many problems with lead tainted
                  toys from China.

                  With the society we live in where there are attorneys hiding
                  behind every tree looking for a reason, valid or not, to file a
                  class action suit, could you be in jeopardy if one of the
                  products you private labeled developed some sort of issue.

                  Tainted with some unknown substance, choking hazard, sharp
                  edges or possibly you did not warn all of your customers with
                  a six page document of things they should not do with this

                  Of course liability insurance could be considered. However I
                  wonder how expensive a policy would be for a small seller
                  once you explained to the insurance company that you intended
                  to purchase unknown products and advertise them as your companies
                  personal products?

                  Additionally once you are tagged with a law suit whether you are
                  guilty of wrongdoing or not you will have to defend yourself with
                  expensive legal advice.

                  Having said all of this it could be that those that have been
                  using this tactic have considered this risk and have methods in
                  place to protect themselves. Or possibly they use great care to
                  choose only products that limit the potential problems.

                  All I am suggesting here is that some consideration be given to
                  this issue before undertaking private branding. Perhaps for those
                  of you who are considering purchasing the course under discussion
                  here might ask that questions of the sellers and see what response
                  you receive.

                  On another note for those wondering if it is possible to earn a
                  profitable income through selling physical products on Amazon let
                  me just add that my wife and I have been able to fullfill a life's
                  dream of traveling at will and paying for the travel through sales
                  on Amazon.

                  Hands off? Not really. We do spend time while traveling sourcing
                  products to sell. But thanks to the Amazon FBA program we simply
                  box them up from where ever we are, drop the boxes off at a UPS
                  store. They go into an amazon warehouse and when they sell Amazon
                  does all the shipping and handling and sends a deposit every two
                  weeks into our checking account.

                  As I write this post I am sitting in a motel in Ocala Florida and
                  smiling as I check my email for the sales that have come in over
                  night and realize that we are able to escape Michigan winters
                  because of Amazon.

                  Don't look for any affiliate product provided by me with all the
                  secret stuff we use to accomplish this. A little research on Google,
                  and perhaps the purchase of a few "reasonably priced" Amazon
                  courses would give you all the information you need to decide if
                  Amazon or private branding is right for you.

                  All the best.

                  Chet Hastings
                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7854303].message }}
                  • Profile picture of the author Phillip M King
                    Thanks for your post. It reminded me of a discussion about "xcensoredx" I heard in the course - my jaw hit the floor, as I had already thought about your points from paragraph 5 on.

                    Originally Posted by ironwood View Post

                    As an Amazon FBA, (Fullfillment By Amazon), seller I have
                    always been interested in the private branding of products
                    as a means of offering products to which you have added
                    your private brand and thereby pretty much eliminate much
                    competition from other sellers.

                    I know that bundling of products is a very effective sales
                    method. This is where you add a number of branded products
                    together, purchase your own barcode and then create a sales
                    page on Amazon for the product. This is not private branding
                    where you are offering a product with your company name but
                    merely combining some major brand products to make a special

                    It would appear that "private branding" is a profitable sales
                    tactic as I have read a number of success stories from people
                    who claim to be doing just that. From the little I know about
                    the course being discussed in this thread it appears that this
                    is the exact tactic they propose.

                    Buy a wholesale product, get some art work for a logo and then
                    package that product under your company name. Buyers might be
                    convinced that you are the only distributor of said products or
                    might even think you manufacture the products.

                    This is what has always concerned me about this process. Do you
                    recall all the problems with the Chinese drywall following the
                    Katrina disaster. Or all the many problems with lead tainted
                    toys from China.

                    With the society we live in where there are attorneys hiding
                    behind every tree looking for a reason, valid or not, to file a
                    class action suit, could you be in jeopardy if one of the
                    products you private labeled developed some sort of issue.

                    Tainted with some unknown substance, choking hazard, sharp
                    edges or possibly you did not warn all of your customers with
                    a six page document of things they should not do with this

                    Of course liability insurance could be considered. However I
                    wonder how expensive a policy would be for a small seller
                    once you explained to the insurance company that you intended
                    to purchase unknown products and advertise them as your companies
                    personal products?

                    Additionally once you are tagged with a law suit whether you are
                    guilty of wrongdoing or not you will have to defend yourself with
                    expensive legal advice.

                    Having said all of this it could be that those that have been
                    using this tactic have considered this risk and have methods in
                    place to protect themselves. Or possibly they use great care to
                    choose only products that limit the potential problems.

                    All I am suggesting here is that some consideration be given to
                    this issue before undertaking private branding. Perhaps for those
                    of you who are considering purchasing the course under discussion
                    here might ask that questions of the sellers and see what response
                    you receive.

                    On another note for those wondering if it is possible to earn a
                    profitable income through selling physical products on Amazon let
                    me just add that my wife and I have been able to fullfill a life's
                    dream of traveling at will and paying for the travel through sales
                    on Amazon.

                    Hands off? Not really. We do spend time while traveling sourcing
                    products to sell. But thanks to the Amazon FBA program we simply
                    box them up from where ever we are, drop the boxes off at a UPS
                    store. They go into an amazon warehouse and when they sell Amazon
                    does all the shipping and handling and sends a deposit every two
                    weeks into our checking account.

                    As I write this post I am sitting in a motel in Ocala Florida and
                    smiling as I check my email for the sales that have come in over
                    night and realize that we are able to escape Michigan winters
                    because of Amazon.

                    Don't look for any affiliate product provided by me with all the
                    secret stuff we use to accomplish this. A little research on Google,
                    and perhaps the purchase of a few "reasonably priced" Amazon
                    courses would give you all the information you need to decide if
                    Amazon or private branding is right for you.

                    All the best.

                    Chet Hastings
                    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7955476].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author mariarise
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7857077].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author Lisa Suttora
                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7861029].message }}
                  • Profile picture of the author TimothyW
                    Sorry if this is a dumb question...

                    Which product are you talking about here?...

                    Originally Posted by Lisa Suttora View Post

                    Hi Maria,
                    Thanks for asking.

                    Yes, the core Sourcing the RIGHT Products Wholesale to sell on Amazon course is all current material. The core course is 10 hours+ of step-by-step materials and I designed it so that people can start with the fundamentals and used the advanced materials as their business/skills grow.

                    I periodically add updates on new ways to do market research, as well as consumer trends (in fact, I'm in the process of adding some new videos now). All students get the updates included.

                    Students also have lifetime access to the course and all updates. I also do a monthly Q&A coaching call so that students can get their specific questions answered about sourcing products for their Amazon sales channel.

                    This course is strictly focused on wholesale sourcing, different ways to do market research to determine what products to source for Amazon, as well as how to spot pockets of opportunity, and consumer trends.

                    We don't cover any Amazon product page optimization or marketing in the course or nuts and bolts of Amazon selling. (Sourcing is such a big topic, I wanted to really keep the course focused on this core skill.)

                    I do teach marketing strategies for Amazon separately in my Strategic Biz Marketing program.

                    That being said, if our sourcing students ask a marketing question on one of our sourcing calls, I answer them.

                    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7861134].message }}
                    • Profile picture of the author Lisa Suttora
                      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7861273].message }}
                      • Profile picture of the author TimothyW
                        Originally Posted by Lisa Suttora View Post

                        Hi Tim,
                        This is an ecommerce course that I teach on wholesale sourcing specifically desgined for 3rd party merchants selling in the Amazon marketplace.

                        (I've been working with online merchants who sell on Amazon, eBay, or an ecommerce website, since 2004.)

                        Not sure if it's OK to post a link, but you can find out more about me at Lisa Suttora DOT com.

                        The information about the sourcing course is at Lisa Suttora DOT com/amazonsourcing (or just click the products tab).

                        Thanks -- the reason I asked is because I see the AMM + that other ebook being discussed here -- so yours is a 3rd option then.

                        Easily Confused
                        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7861413].message }}
                      • Profile picture of the author Jim Cockrum
                        Originally Posted by Lisa Suttora View Post

                        (I've been working with online merchants who sell on Amazon, eBay, or an ecommerce website, since 2004.)
                        Lisa has a great reputation and has been a creative source of reliable information for years in the eBay/Amazon sourcing niche and many others. Glad to see her chime in here!
               aka the "PAC" now includes the #1 "Private Label" training on the web (! We've been teaching "physical product" sales online since 2002 & we've accumulated over 1,000 success testimonials!
                        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7861825].message }}
                        • Profile picture of the author Lisa Suttora
                          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7864560].message }}
                          • Profile picture of the author ironwood
                            I received a private message from this gentleman and am posting his question and answer here. I won't answer any more questions in the thread because I am taking the thread away from it's original intent. But if the information I provided for Sajid helps him maybe it will help others also.

                            Originally Posted by buzzpoint

                            Dear Mr. Chet,

                            I am impressed by your posts that you have on Amazon FBA and also you recommend highly Jim for his Amazon Proven Course. If you don't mind, would you let me know, if his course offers FBA and how to select products? What criteria do you use to select products? I hope my questions don't sound too stupid.
                            If we really do full time, do you think, we can replace day job? I am sure you may have answered and also, if you like, you can make a public reply so that everybody can know too.

                            Hi Sajid. Yes Jim's PAC course is all about Amazon and FBA. I purchased his course just about 2 months ago even though I have been selling on Amazon for years but selling through FBA just since last April.

                            I have purchased other courses from him and for a number of years belonged to his paid membership.

                            I currently belong to Lisa's paid membership and have purchased a number of books from Skip McGrath including his wholesale buying guide just recently. I buy from others also and although a lot of material I get I already know and use I always seem to pick up one of two good tips that I was not familiar with and would never have known to search for them without purchasing various products.

                            My belief is that in any business you need to keep learning to keep growing. So I am happy to invest a portion of my Amazon earnings in new and updated courses and books.

                            My criteria for purchasing any product on Amazon basically is to try to buy products that I can list for 3 times the price I pay for it. Because Amazon takes about 40 percent of any sale using this method guarantees I can make a profit.

                            About replacing your full time job, yes I think it is possible but it will take a while and some investment. Don't believe the claims you see that state you can invest $100 and make a full time living on Amazon. It will take much more than that.

                            I also believe that to find good products at a good price you will need some tools. I use a couple of barcode scanners to find my products and so do almost every other serious Amazon seller.

                            I think if you are just starting out and if you want to get a good start you will need to spend a few hundred dollars on good solid Amazon training courses, join a few good free forums. One of the best in my opinion is the FBA forum on Yahoo groups.

                            Sign up for Skip; McGraths newsletter and also Jims and LIsa's. The more you know before you start the better your chances of success.

                            Please don't make the mistake of using your credit card to run out and buy a lot of product to sell on Amazon before you learn how to pick good selling products based on seller competition, price, product ranking and other variables.

                            Many of the ridiculous low prices you find on Amazon are from sellers who spend a ton of money and then when they don't get sales they beginning lowballing their prices to get their money back.

                            Amazon is different than eBay and you will be dealing with a different class of buyers. Learn all you can before making expensive product purchases. Many Amazon sellers start out with stuff from their own home or with books because they can be purchased for pennies and sold at very good markups. Amazon can be started very easily and inexpensively.

                            There are folks who can give you much better answers that I can. I only posted in this thread originally to give a different perspective to Amazon selling and the course the thread represented.

                            I am posting your question because of the way you asked your question but I do not want to distract from the original thread or try to pass myself off as some kind of expert which I am not.

                            Learn a lot, spend a little and over time I believe you can do very well. As you asked I will post your question and my answer in the thread.

                            Chet Hastings
                            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7864780].message }}
                      • Profile picture of the author ChrisWF
                        Originally Posted by Lisa Suttora View Post

                        ...The information about the sourcing course is at Lisa Suttora DOT com/amazonsourcing (or just click the products tab).

                        Hi Lisa

                        do you have a coupon code for your course?


                        WAIT! Don't Buy The Expensive Amazon Course "Amazing Selling Machine" for $4K.
                        Start With The Proven Amazon Course First!

                        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7862418].message }}
                        • Profile picture of the author ironwood
                          Of course there are many marketers who are searching for that
                          "hands Free", check into Starbucks a few days a week and see
                          how my magic business is running, type of business.

                          The course being discussed here may be it. But my thoughts, run
                          along the lines of an Amazon business where you have to do some
                          work just like any other "real business", learn how to purchase
                          good product and market it on Amazon.

                          $3500, if used to purchase product to resell and a few courses
                          from folks like Jim Cockrum, Lisa Suttora, Skip McGrath and a
                          few others, along with a litle Google searching and some honest
                          study, could be the basis of an honest to goodness Amazon

                          I am just an old guy in my 70s how would I know anything about
                          any of this? Well as I write this post I am sitting in a motel
                          in Ocala, Fla. Been here for a few days and came here from
                          Jacksonville, Fla, where my wife and I spent 7 days.

                          We are from Michigan and if you check the weather reports from
                          Mi and Fla it will be easy to figure out why we are here. Our poor
                          Ford Escape is loaded to the roof with product we have purchased
                          from thrift stores in the last 10 days.

                          (We made a mistake on this trip. We usually carry the printers
                          and other stuff needed to send products off to Amazon from
                          where ever we happen to be. That way the stuff gets to the
                          Amazon warehouse and starts to earn for us while we are
                          still enjoying our travels. We did not do that this trip).

                          Those products, which allow us to travel where ever and whenever
                          we choose, were purchased with a little labor and lots of
                          knowledge gained from the folks I mentioned above who I still
                          listen to and gladly continue to purchase their training and

                          Although we have been selling on eBay and Amazon for over 10 years
                          the real change in our lives began last April when we began using
                          the Amazon FBA system. My goal in the last few years has been to
                          build a sustainable business that would allow my wife to live
                          comfortably if I should pass away before her.

                          I did Amazon affiliate marketing for a number of years but came to
                          realize that keeping up with all the Google changes and other work
                          necessary to maintain a series of those types of sites would not be
                          possible for her.

                          Amazon FBA on the other hand is the answer. She could grab a sister
                          or one of our grown children or even a grandchild and continue on
                          with this business. I try not to remind her of this too often in
                          case she decided that if somehow I was gone a little earlier her
                          life might be even more enjoyable.

                          While this business model is allowing us to really enjoy life,
                          (stopped at a country gift shop in the middle of nowhere yesterday,
                          nothing but a four corner type of location, and bought a bunch of
                          CDs and Pez dispensers to send off to Amazon), our age and health
                          will not allow us to travel forever.

                          That's why I continue to purchase training products and follow the
                          advice from the trusted folks I mentioned above to gain the
                          knowledge of wholesale purchase so we can expand our business when
                          our bodies began to remind us that we ain't in our 50s any longer.

                          If I was 20 years younger the ideas that the guys selling the course
                          that began this thread in the first place might appeal to me. However
                          when you began to realize that you no long have the time to experiment
                          and try new things it is comforting to know there is a business model
                          that has been successful and will most likely continue to be
                          successful for many years. And being enjoyable doe's not hurt either.

                          Sorry for taking up so much space but I thought it might be helpful to
                          some to know that the Amazon system can in fact work. There will always
                          be those forward thinkers who devise methods to improve on it and these
                          two guys may have done just that. I on the other hand am living a great
                          life based on old fashioned principles of business, old fashioned in
                          internet years, that just seem to keep working.

                          What ever system any of you choose to practice I wish you the same

                          Chet Hastings
                          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7862709].message }}
                        • Profile picture of the author Lisa Suttora
                          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7864543].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author zemog630
                Thanks Lisa! Your post on sourcing products was very helpful.
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8598764].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author NEseO
            Here is what I know...I purchased the course they came out with last year that they sold for $1k...was it worth $1k? Certainly not! I guess if you were complete newbie it would be helpful but still i think it was overpriced. It had a few gems but for the most part it was basic information most IM'ers know or know where to get it..especially for less than $1k. In addition the forum was super weak, I found it extremely difficult to find a product that you could make any margin on. Its like someone said above...its probably harder to find these "opportunities" then it is to put together and sell a high priced course.

            Fast forward to this year and their new product...well a friend of mine asked Jason what categories are best to find these great products..after all he said there are thousands of opportunities and and it will NEVER get saturated. Now keep in mind my bud was asking for a primary category like Beauty or Electronics and there are only like 20-30 main categories in amazon. Well Jason wouldnt even say what category he has seen work well or ones that dont...I am sorry if there are so many opportunities why are you worried about saying here are a few that might be worth a go??? I mean these primary categories have thousand upon thousands of products...

            So back to last time, it was 60 day refund policy and my guess is they got enough refunds so this time around they said hey we have to grab as much money as possible so lets make the refund policy less time then what it takes to really get the entire product this way by the time people see the entire course and come to the conclusion that its not worth $4k its to late for a refund.

            Heck i could be wrong, maybe this is the greatest product ever made (but I swear I see that once every couple months lol) but experiencing what I got for $1k last time this is a definitely a no brainer...dont buy!
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7848553].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Trevorjc
              Originally Posted by NEseO View Post

              Here is what I know...I purchased the course they came out with last year that they sold for $1k...was it worth $1k? Certainly not! I guess if you were complete newbie it would be helpful but still i think it was overpriced. It had a few gems but for the most part it was basic information most IM'ers know or know where to get it..especially for less than $1k. In addition the forum was super weak, I found it extremely difficult to find a product that you could make any margin on. Its like someone said above...its probably harder to find these "opportunities" then it is to put together and sell a high priced course.

              Fast forward to this year and their new product...well a friend of mine asked Jason what categories are best to find these great products..after all he said there are thousands of opportunities and and it will NEVER get saturated. Now keep in mind my bud was asking for a primary category like Beauty or Electronics and there are only like 20-30 main categories in amazon. Well Jason wouldnt even say what category he has seen work well or ones that dont...I am sorry if there are so many opportunities why are you worried about saying here are a few that might be worth a go??? I mean these primary categories have thousand upon thousands of products...

              So back to last time, it was 60 day refund policy and my guess is they got enough refunds so this time around they said hey we have to grab as much money as possible so lets make the refund policy less time then what it takes to really get the entire product this way by the time people see the entire course and come to the conclusion that its not worth $4k its to late for a refund.

              Heck i could be wrong, maybe this is the greatest product ever made (but I swear I see that once every couple months lol) but experiencing what I got for $1k last time this is a definitely a no brainer...dont buy!
              What set my alarm bells of was that Jason claims to have only been selling on Amazon since October 2012 yet the previous course they did was out before this........

              Maybe he was only involved in a marketing capacity before but still seems a little dodgy.
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7849148].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author novac
        Originally Posted by ScottLindsay View Post

        Great thread! Thank you everyone for all of the input.

        I have been trying to decide if I should buy the course since it does have a 30 day money back guarantee. So really not much to risk especially if the info proves to be valuable.

        However, I did have a concern that the course is an 8 week course. Does this mean it can only be accessed as they release it? I really don't like that. I would rather be able to see the course in its entirety and work it at my own pace.

        I just spoke to their support staff and they said "Yes, it can only be accessed as we release the modules per week"

        I really don't like that set up.

        Can anyone tell me how Jim Cockrum's Proven Amazon Course is set up? Does it provide the same type of info and does it offer software to help run the business?

        Thank you for the feedback!
        Thanks for that info, Scott. I've been down that road before, and I'd swear that they had degrees in psychology to know just the precise amount of information/training to provide before the refund date. Curiosity and those dollar signs dancing in your head, plus if the training was effectively given to that point - well, it all makes it a very difficult decision. (My decision truly backfired once.) I wouldn't be surprised if you continually hear that 'that's coming later in the course'.

        I was on a webinar with them 3/14/13. They had written that it was to be about the great software we would be using, and once it got started they mentioned 7 softwares, but then went on to only (sort of) cover, I'm pretty sure - 3 of them. I kept asking what about the other software, but they were having too much FUN giving away Amazon gift certificates. If you'd like to Hear & Watch how Honest they are, this is a link to the very same webinar, I believe. No way I'm going to watch it again to verify Webinar Replay | The Amazing Selling Machine
        Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying they aren't - but it certainly did take up a great deal of the webinar time in two different spots. I've purchased from Jason Katzenback (w/Jason Potash) before and he did excellent video tutorials and I believe he has a very good reputation. I do not know Matt Clark.

        But, is that what's happening lately? Like Jon Shugart / Mailer Millionaire?
        That's another thread that I just haven't had the oomph to comment on yet. Maybe I will if I hear that they reopen.

        Take care all...

        Hard to believe I forgot about being a member for so long.

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7862371].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author rmoore
    I bought it as soon as it was released.

    I plan on building a 7+ figure physical product business and was looking for what I considered to be the best Amazon course.

    Jason and Matt are stand up guys...and not only have they created significant incomes...they have a quite a few beta testers who have created a full-time income.

    Honestly...some of the other courses sound good. I was just looking for the most direct path to hitting my goals.

    So far have already met several other successful online marketers in the community forum. This mastermind is a great bonus.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7848328].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author ScottLindsay
      Originally Posted by rmoore View Post

      I bought it as soon as it was released.

      I plan on building a 7+ figure physical product business and was looking for what I considered to be the best Amazon course.

      Jason and Matt are stand up guys...and not only have they created significant incomes...they have a quite a few beta testers who have created a full-time income.

      Honestly...some of the other courses sound good. I was just looking for the most direct path to hitting my goals.

      So far have already met several other successful online marketers in the community forum. This mastermind is a great bonus.

      Thank you for letting is know Rusty. What do you think of how they release the course gradually over 8 weeks? I would rather work at my own pace rather than stretch it out that long. Why are they doing this?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7848395].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author rmoore

        I think they are doing so to stop people from downloading everything and sharing on various sites, then requesting a refund, etc.

        To be honest...I kind of like this pace anyway. I tend to jump the gun too quickly with big decisions. This way I will give my product and market ideas some time to incubate before dropping cash on suppliers, etc.

        I think the price is absolutely fair for the product being offered. It certainly isn't for everybody, but for people who already know a few things about IM and have had some success...this is a no-brainer.

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7848413].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author ScottLindsay
          Originally Posted by rmoore View Post


          I think the price is absolutely fair for the product being offered. It certainly isn't for everybody, but for people who already know a few things about IM and have had some success...this is a no-brainer.

          I have had very good success over the years in IM and have been full time for over 10 years. However, I rarely buy courses but the ones I have bought never live up to what they say. It just never makes sense to me why someone who is making this kind of income would share their "secrets" or even take the time to do this. I usually feel that they have done well at the opportunity but that things have died off and they can't grow beyond where they are. So, they look for another way to make money outside of the actual opportunity. I may be wrong but I have seen this done many times by internet marketers.
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        • Profile picture of the author tjaysen70
          Originally Posted by rmoore View Post

          I think they are doing so to stop people from downloading everything and sharing on various sites, then requesting a refund, etc.

          I think the price is absolutely fair for the product being offered. It certainly isn't for everybody, but for people who already know a few things about IM and have had some success...this is a no-brainer.
          yeah I read these posts and it makes me laugh. Most people want to spend as little as possible, and then turn around and expect to make $100k per month like Matt.

          You have to look at it like this. If you could shorten the learning curve, and make even $10k per month with this system, then wouldn't it be worth $4k to purchase? I would say absolutely, but that is just me.

          How many of you guys on this forum went to college and got a bachelors degree? Cost was like $20k per year, so $100k is once you finish, and thise has to be paid back in student loans.

          And how many of you then were able to, after 4years of college, go out and make $10k per month right out of the gate? Ha, didn't think so.

          And if you were able to get a job that pays that, well you gotta work 60+ hours a week and then pay taxes and stress on your commute etc.

          Versus, spend the $4k, don't be a wussy, and use that knowledge that they show you and get to work man. And then have a viable business that has customers all over the world, where you can work at home.

          So it's all in the way you look at it. For me, I'd rather opt for the $4k and start making money in a month, and make my investment back in a month and start to rock n roll and generate sales.

          Tired of the grind? Wait. PM me to see a better way.

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8549248].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author heffweizen
            Very good post tjaysen70, but...

            In regards to a student loan...

            You pay it back AFTER you get a decent job...not while you're in school, lol.

            Anyhow...curious to see how this stacks up against Cockrum's course...
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  • Profile picture of the author amuro
    The price of over $3K is way too expensive and out of budget.

    The minute I received an email from Greg Jacobs of his bonus to anyone buying through his affiliate link, I knew rightaway it is going to be a high-end product since he only endorses products of those category. I may be wrong but that is the impression he gave me based on his past promo emails.

    From $997 and above.

    I already have 2 Amazon courses. One is Affiliate Cash Snipers by Michael Rasmuseen and Mike Mograbi while the other is Ama Suite by Chris Guthrie and Dave Guindon released in this forum special offers - both last year.

    So I don't see the point of investing in another Amazon course.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7848614].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author sidneyng
      The next launch wave is on.

      And they seemed to have gotten quite a lot of prominent IM guru's on board.
      Which can only mean - a high ticket product and generous affiliate commissions! :-)
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8553769].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Ryan David
        I'm a coach for my son's soccer team and the league has a saying that "the best teacher is the game itself". In other words, you can study and do drills, but the way you get better is by just playing.

        The same goes for Amazon FBA. I've been selling on Amazon for about 3 years and have been on FBA for 8 months or so. I did $90K in sales on Amazon in 2012 just by doing merchant-fulfilled. I've done $270K so far this year and I couldn't keep my products stocked for half the year because the volume was so high (something I'm remedying as we speak). I'll probably finish the year close to $400K. And I'm confident that next year I'll be darn close to $1M if I can get my act together.

        The best progression for a future Amazon hopeful is to:

        1) Play around with selling "New" stuff that you have thru merchant-fulfilled.
        2) Play around with finding products you buy new and turn around and sell on FBA. This'll get you comfortable with the process and the rate at which the products turn (FAST).
        3) When you get comfortable with that, cherry pick products you can pickup thru normal wholesale channels. Pick a handful, send them in, and watch them sell.
        4) When you are good there, you go to private label and let the good times roll.

        If you've been around IM for any length of time, then you simply have to apply what you know to the process.

        Can't say that I am a customer of ASM, but most of what they are teaching is stuff that you should inherently know if you've studied marketing at all. The other piece is the technical know-how in dealing with Amazon. I picked most of that up by doing it, reading their FBA forums, and talking with my sales rep.

        The final piece is the critical "6th sense" that you either have or develop by doing some trial/error and picking up some tips.

        I know from personal experience that product owners will latch onto your success to use you as a "success story". The success stories always have some little tidbit that is always missing that you will never know about. Examples are somebody who was already selling on amazon or they already owned a business that was perfectly suited for FBA. Still though, if the program propelled them to success then hat tip to them. But in my estimation, the bulk of the success is due to the right circumstances and the inherent ability of the student.
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        • Profile picture of the author bethann
          Thank you so much for your insights. I have been selling just books on Amazon for some time and doing some affiliate marketing, getting exhausted with every change in Google and wanted to take another step in Amazon.
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  • Profile picture of the author kharrison
    I hope no one throws away the last of their savings on this.
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  • Profile picture of the author milla04
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    • Profile picture of the author dezroye
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      • Profile picture of the author Loridori4
        I'm a seasoned ebay and Amazon seller. Sold over 300k in 2012 on the river, and 200k last year.

        Here's my course in a nutshell:
        • Find a lightweight small product in the top sellers list in any category.
        • Read the reviews for the flaws/cons of the product
        • Bid for a dupe of the product with an improvement on Alibaba
        • Be prepared to lay out thousands of dollars for the end product
        • Get a sample before approving - test it
        • Place your order after arranging payment terms and shipping
        • Send only 50 or so to Amazon FBA
        • Offer a coupon to at least 3 friends, up to however many you want.
        • Coupon should make product at or below your cost.
        • Require that they submit a review - this will show up as an Amazon verified purchaser review - very important
        • Site back and watch it rank and get more sales!
        • Send in more stock when it gets low.

        Rinse and repeat

        You're send me $300 via paypal

        Lorraine Pierce, CEO & Founder
        LA Minerals

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9449831].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Importexport
          Originally Posted by Loridori4 View Post

          I'm a seasoned ebay and Amazon seller. Sold over 300k in 2012 on the river, and 200k last year.

          Here's my course in a nutshell:
          1. Find a lightweight small product in the top sellers list in any category.
          2. Read the reviews for the flaws/cons of the product
          3. Bid for a dupe of the product with an improvement on Alibaba
          4. Be prepared to lay out thousands of dollars for the end product
          5. Get a sample before approving - test it
          6. Place your order after arranging payment terms and shipping
          7. Send only 50 or so to Amazon FBA
          8. Offer a coupon to at least 3 friends, up to however many you want.
          9. Coupon should make product at or below your cost.
          10. Require that they submit a review - this will show up as an Amazon verified purchaser review - very important
          11. Site back and watch it rank and get more sales!
          12. Send in more stock when it gets low.
          Rinse and repeat

          You're send me $300 via paypal
          @Loridori4, I have taken the liberty of changing your dots to numbers to make my response easier to follow.

          1. Good idea.
          2. Reviews are not always what they seem to be. See you own suggestion in 10 below.
          3. Beware of copies, knockoffs, counterfeits. Also, if you source on Alibaba, chances are you will most likely be dealing with one of the wholesalers or traders masquerading as a manufacturer. For best prices you must go direct to the manufacturer and you are unlikely to find them on Alibaba or the other popular B2B sourcing sites.
          4. Not necessary. I teach how to get the real manufacturers to supply small orders even if they quote huge MOQs.
          5. Essential.
          6. Yes. Make sure you understand shipping terminology. Many suppliers in China quote FOB when they mean EXW. There is a very big difference that could cost you $$$$$$$.
          7. Good idea.
          8. Yes, but will the reviews be ones that you would rely on as in 2 above?
          9. I have ethical reservations about this common practice.
          10. See 8,9.
          11. See 8,9.
          12. Or use my "Just In Time" ordering system and have your supplier ship them by air courier. Don't panic about the cost. If (as my students do) you know how to buy at the very lowest possible prices, you can easily absorb the courier cost and still make higher margins than the great majority of warriors who have been willing to disclose their margins on the forum.
          Walter Hay
          Use emotions and perceptions to build a great brand. Ask me about my book LabelsThatExploit. For safe sourcing and easy importing from 41 countries globally, see
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  • Profile picture of the author milla04
    I am not here to promote anything as it would be uncool, I am sure you would appreciate that. With that being said, if you look back to my second comment, you will see my detailed review.
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  • Profile picture of the author Steadyon
    What I found rather amazing was that you are only allowed to use the software for 2 years.

    After that they will figure something out! Maybe charge a nominal fee or something.

    I think this sleight of hand was easily missed.

    Do they think most will have fallen by the wayside or something?

    These mega priced courses rarely fulfil all the hype. It is never as easy as they say. Nothing ever is.

    So if you do buy then have your eyes wide open.

    I'd hazard a guess that the refund rate for this will be over 50%....
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  • Profile picture of the author Daniel J
    As someone making a full time living doing what they teach, I thought I'd chime in. First, I need to say I haven't bought the product and I think it's overpriced. I watched the free videos, the webinar with Matt Carter) and read all of the comments on the free videos and see that they are doing exactly what I've done (without the course). They find a product that is hot, they "make their own version" (basically brand it with a logo and in my case, a trademark) and sell it for higher prices than competing "brands" through FBA (fulfillment by Amazon) allowing their fulfillment process to be automated. This DOES work and it works well. However, I make around $10,000- $15,000 profit a month, NOT $100,000 (though I only have 2 branded products and they are not in the "best sellers"- they have 5-30 that ARE in the best sellers so it IS possible.)

    With this said, here is my recommendation. If you don't know much about FBA, where to find inventory, how to sell, etc, check out Jim Cockrum's course. This course is really just a lot of products that previously sold separately all rolled into one. I had already purchased most of the material, ebooks etc separately before the "course" came out and this is how I got started. It WORKS! All the material that is included in this course is a steal even at full price!). I have ACTUALLY MADE MONEY putting this into practice

    If you don't want to spend money, pick up the first e-book I ever read on the subject:
    Selling on Amazon's FBA Program
    (I actually paid money for this one back in the day and it was WORTH it!)

    All of this to say, these guys are NOT lying that this opportunity is HUGE. If you purchase the course and put it into action, you WILL make your money back in a short time. However, what really rubbed me the wrong way was how everything is presented as "easy" and "anyone can do this." The truth is, there are headaches, blood, sweat and tears put into this kind of business. It's not "easy" and you have a lot of roadblocks and failures before finding something that will be successful, but it IS worth it and judging from the free videos and PDFs, these guys DO have some GREAT strategies for doing what I've done- and they do it a lot quicker and better! If the price was under $500, I would probably buy, but since I've already been through the process, the free information was enough to get some ideas rolling... Hope this helps anyone who is considering this.
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  • Profile picture of the author jmk909er
    This thread has been a great source if information. After doing much evaluation and research it looks to me like Jim Cockrum's Proven Amazon Course has a solid reputation and track record and is updated with new things all the time and has a huge private online community with a lot of stuff to help you out.

    I just purchased it! Hopefully I will have some good news to report back in a few weeks. Warrior Forum is great for filtering through the BS, thanks for all the input!
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    • Profile picture of the author kapo
      I rarely write on the forum, but I had to say something..

      Looks like thanks to Amazon Selling Machine a lot of people bought Jim Cockrum's Proven Amazon Course.. I bought Jim's course too!

      Now my critism about ASM:

      - Like many of you said, the "8 week course" is not ready.. AND for such higher product I want to get access to all the material from day 1.
      - 30 Day policy? a joke! you still have 2 weeks to see the first class, another 3-4 to get a product on FBA.. 30 day policy is gone by now. And most probably they wont talk about ordering your porduct until week 2 or 3..
      - and last, no software screenshots? no videos? the software claims to do a lot but nobody knows how it looks or works...

      No thanks, I'm more than happy with Jim's course.

      And this why a lots of "guru" promoted ASM:

      Our “Standard Commission” is 40% which earns you $1,398.80 PER SALE. *BUT*…
      We’re offering a “Bonus Commission” of an additional 10% if you mail for all 3 pre-launch videos and the cart open.
      You will then earn you a 50% commission or $1,748.50 PER SALE.
      go look the prices for the jv, Amazing Selling Machine JV Center

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    • Profile picture of the author scout99
      Originally Posted by TimothyW View Post

      Like I said... We've seen this movie before (less than 1 year ago)...

      -- TW
      I think the most noticeable difference between the two is the new one is all about private labeling with wider profit margins rather than the former one which was dropshipping? There, I just saved everyone $3,400+
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  • Profile picture of the author DWaters
    I read through their pdfs which I though were pretty good but one red flag went up when they said that have already taught over 2000 people how to follow this business model.
    They also kept saying that Jason just recently started selling physical products a few short months ago. Plus the course was just released yesterday.
    These things all seem to contidict each other. - than a stop sign went up when I heard the price.
    How I really Make Money With Amazon

    Want to get rich with top rated FREE Super Affiliate Training?
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  • Profile picture of the author Tamer
    Did you guys notice that Jim Cockrum is following this thread?

    I know this because he thanked someone who was saying good words about him personally (not necessary about the course).

    Refraining from participating into a thread that's discussing a competitor's product.

    Not that anything is wrong if he participate...
    But this by itself is a good sign that he's a good online businessman
    and gives more credibility for his PAC course (I really have no affiliation with him what so ever).

    Jim Cockrum... you have my respect

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  • Profile picture of the author TimothyW
    So they are saying the old $1,000 course doesn't work, but the new $3,500 course does?

    I predict next year's course, "Double Extra Secret Selling Machine"* (DESSM) will sell for $7K, and will really, really, really (no really!) work.

    I hope the "hands on" training they're offering now, doesn't take the form of pulling my leg.

    -- TW

    * Y'just KNOW that domain name will be taken within the hour.
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  • Profile picture of the author adcnet
    I need to add my bit.

    I have 10 years Ecommerce experience and uses to sell $80k per month on eBay back in the hay-days of easy eBay - Amazon we used to sell around $40k, anyway I digress...

    You don't need the course - what they have given away as freebies / PDFs and Videos is enough, you don't need anything else.

    I was surprised they gave so much away.

    The number one part and most important key to all of this is the White Labelling of a Best Selling Product.

    It's so easy to do with overseas suppliers and the rest is all handled by Amazon. Stay in bed and handle it all on your iPad/Nexus haha!

    The clueless will pay $3k for the course and do nothing but that's what happens in the 80/20 rule of selling courses online.

    If anyone wants training and has $500 per month I'd be happy to show you how to do this stuff
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7851876].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author TimothyW
      Originally Posted by adcnet View Post

      I need to add my bit.

      I have 10 years Ecommerce experience and uses to sell $80k per month on eBay back in the hay-days of easy eBay - Amazon we used to sell around $40k, anyway I digress...

      You don't need the course - what they have given away as freebies / PDFs and Videos is enough, you don't need anything else.

      I was surprised they gave so much away.

      The number one part and most important key to all of this is the White Labelling of a Best Selling Product.

      It's so easy to do with overseas suppliers and the rest is all handled by Amazon. Say and bed and handle it all on your iPad/Nexus haha!

      The clueless will pay $3k for the course and do nothing but that's what happens in the 80/20 rule of selling courses online.

      If anyone wants training and has $500 per month I'd be happy to show you how to do this stuff
      How possible is (profit)?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7851895].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author adcnet
        Originally Posted by TimothyW View Post

        How possible is (profit)?
        Where is $30k?
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      • Profile picture of the author Kicky Boss
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9971932].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author panorama
          PAC gives you a lot of content regarding different Amazon business models, so it's great value from that perspective, but you should know what model you want to follow before you start going through it, otherwise you'll just become overwhelmed.

          I'm assuming anyone reading this thread is interested in private label, and PAC did just add what had been a separate course (Proven Private Label) into the larger PAC course.

          So, the next logical question is how does Proven Private Label (PPL) compare to ASM or other alternatives. I've been through both and PPL isn't bad value for the price, but there are a lot of gaps in the training for a beginner. It's better than buying nothing, but you're not getting what you get with ASM for just a few hundred dollars. Now, you can supplement PPL with information that you can find free online, but then it becomes a question about the value of your time and how much you can trust the information you come across (including how outdated it might be).
          Comparison of Amazing Selling Machine & Other Private Label Alternatives (Updated April 2015)
          Copy Meets Design - Copywriting and design services exclusively for Amazon listings
          Phone/Text: 917-338-9644
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9972184].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author 1lov1
      Ok, I looked through the Proven Amazon Course mentioned above and it does cover the FBA basics and seems good. Much of the content was done in a couple years ago. It covers a lot about selling books through Amazon FBA and the strategy of finding cheap clearance items at local Walmart/target that you buy and then sell it for more on Amazon FBA for pricing arbitrage. Both strategies involve getting your products put together, packaging, printing your own labels out and shipping everything yourself to Amazon FBA. It also involved selling lots of products at the same time through Amazon FBA. I have zero interest in selling books or boxing/labeling my own stuff so not sure now much this helped me

      It briefly mentioned on a video presentation slide that you could do "Advanced" strategies with Amazon FBA by having your supplier ship directly to Amazon and have then send the labels to amazon. I didn't see anywhere where it shows you how to remove yourself from the process of having to package,label, and ship your products to Amazon FBA. The training seemed more along the lines of Ebay sellers now selling on Amazon FBA instead. Overall the course seems like good information but was looking for the info about automating the supply process and never having to box/ship my own stuff.

      I didn't buy Amazon Selling Machine but it seems the Amazon Selling machine product is more about removing yourself as much as you can from the process such as focusing on the "Advanced" FBA concepts of using suppliers that ship/label for you and send to the Amazon FBA warehouse.

      Amazon selling machine seemed more oriented around limiting the products you sell but going deep with a specific product like different models/sizes so you limit your FBA storage costs and shipping costs......or private labeling the product so other sellers can't piggyback on your product and depress margins. The Amazon Selling Machine software was about automating the customer feedback process for you using Amazon API's get reviews and manage the customer feedback loop for you ? (would have been helpful if they showed an actual inside look at the software being provided)

      Amazon Selling Machine seems more about scaling large with specific limited number products and trying to automate the supply process ?

      Just seemed to be some differences in the approach between the 2 products and not sure if Proven Amazon Course provides the same info except the core FBA basics ?

      I did find it strange that Amazon Selling Machine didn't have any testimonials and results shown from their "Beta" testers ? (They said it was legal stuff but any product owner can just have the standard disclaimers to take care of that like "These results are not guaranteed and are not typical" and show testimonials of their success stories.) The price is certainly steep but I guess people pay those numbers easily for high level mentoring and masterminds so if the quality of people in it are high then there is value there. I guess the big question if if it really is "exclusive" and won't reopen again.

      I will say though that Rusty Moore above recommending this Amazing Selling Machine product was interesting as he doesn't recommend much (if anything) and even told his list(which is one of the few I am on) that he isn't going to email his list anymore as he doesn't care for recommending IM products to people and would rather focus on his own business. He very easily could just keep recommending the latest and greatest products but doesn't want to.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7852103].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author ScottLindsay
        Originally Posted by 1lov1 View Post

        Ok, I looked through the Proven Amazon Course mentioned above and it does cover the FBA basics and seems good. Much of the content was done in a couple years ago. It covers a lot about selling books through Amazon FBA and the strategy of finding cheap clearance items at local Walmart/target that you buy and then sell it for more on Amazon FBA for pricing arbitrage. Both strategies involve getting your products put together, packaging, printing your own labels out and shipping everything yourself to Amazon FBA. It also involved selling lots of products at the same time through Amazon FBA. I have zero interest in selling books or boxing/labeling my own stuff so not sure now much this helped me

        It briefly mentioned on a video presentation slide that you could do "Advanced" strategies with Amazon FBA by having your supplier ship directly to Amazon and have then send the labels to amazon. I didn't see anywhere where it shows you how to remove yourself from the process of having to package,label, and ship your products to Amazon FBA. The training seemed more along the lines of Ebay sellers now selling on Amazon FBA instead. Overall the course seems like good information but was looking for the info about automating the supply process and never having to box/ship my own stuff.

        I didn't buy Amazon Selling Machine but it seems the Amazon Selling machine product is more about removing yourself as much as you can from the process such as focusing on the "Advanced" FBA concepts of using suppliers that ship/label for you and send to the Amazon FBA warehouse.

        Amazon selling machine seemed more oriented around limiting the products you sell but going deep with a specific product like different models/sizes so you limit your FBA storage costs and shipping costs......or private labeling the product so other sellers can't piggyback on your product and depress margins. The Amazon Selling Machine software was about automating the customer feedback process for you using Amazon API's get reviews and manage the customer feedback loop for you ? (would have been helpful if they showed an actual inside look at the software being provided)

        Amazon Selling Machine seems more about scaling large with specific limited number products and trying to automate the supply process ?

        Just seemed to be some differences in the approach between the 2 products and not sure if Proven Amazon Course provides the same info except the core FBA basics ?

        I did find it strange that Amazon Selling Machine didn't have any testimonials and results shown from their "Beta" testers ? (They said it was legal stuff but any product owner can just have the standard disclaimers to take care of that like "These results are not guaranteed and are not typical" and show testimonials of their success stories.) The price is certainly steep but I guess people pay those numbers easily for high level mentoring and masterminds so if the quality of people in it are high then there is value there. I guess the big question if if it really is "exclusive" and won't reopen again.

        I will say though that Rusty Moore above recommending this Amazing Selling Machine product was interesting as he doesn't recommend much (if anything) and even told his list(which is one of the few I am on) that he isn't going to email his list anymore as he doesn't care for recommending IM products to people and would rather focus on his own business. He very easily could just keep recommending the latest and greatest products but doesn't want to.
        This is the issue. I was in touch with Jim Cockrum for the Proven Amazon Course and it does appear that it is not as complete. Maybe this is wrong but it doesn't appear the Proven Amazon Course goes into any detail about how to take yourself out of the process and have products shipped directly to Amazon FBA. Has this course been updated with this information? Does anyone know?
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      • Profile picture of the author rmoore
        Originally Posted by 1lov1 View Post

        I will say though that Rusty Moore above recommending this Amazing Selling Machine product was interesting as he doesn't recommend much (if anything) and even told his list(which is one of the few I am on) that he isn't going to email his list anymore as he doesn't care for recommending IM products to people and would rather focus on his own business. He very easily could just keep recommending the latest and greatest products but doesn't want to.

        Yeah...I'm not promoting this one either...I'm just pretty jazzed about the course.

        Just thought I would come in here and make a counterpoint. I knew as soon as the priced was announced, that things would get a bit nutty on the Warrior Forum.

        I don't make my income promoting I.M. products, I think in the past 3 years I've promoted Andre Chaperon's courses, Cover Social Press, and Profits Theme.

        This Amazon product isn't for everyone, that is for sure.

        ...but for someone who makes at least a decent income online & wants to work in a community of people learning how to sell private label on Amazon...this is a great product.

        I don't want to talk anyone into purchasing this.

        I just don't believe it is fair to call it a scam.

        Expensive (yes)...but that doesn't make it a scam.


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        • Profile picture of the author sammystin
          Andre is very quiet just like Jim Cockram. And I respect them the most. I haven't gone through the whole course but they're about being good people, not quick IM people.

          I've done my share of comments for 3 (or seven, LOL!) years now.
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          • Profile picture of the author sammystin
            Yes, it's a lot of money, but.. in the defense of ASM, I said... no actually, to say you and I need to take action, I said:

            Who was the the course for? Hopefully, it was to help people like you and me find quick and better answers to take care of our family, but how did we treat it (because we couldn't afford it.. maybe)? Another shiny object at a department of addicts (like down the old 42nd street where I used to take the bus to Jersey).

            Guys, $4,000 course is not bad, even $40,000 course is awesome if you focus NOW! Why are you hanging out here whining? Go get clients! The $7 WSO you bought 2 days ago is just as good!

            If and when you can put a course together for $3,500, let me know and I'll buy. Let's all wake up, okay? Many Loves!

            Now, I've really "used" up my posts.

            Why does everything I say sound "not-so-right"... no wonder I have less than 30 posts!
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            • Profile picture of the author morphers
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7860799].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author sammystin
                Oh f***k, there there goes my final post.

                Yes, it's expensive. Yes, I would NEVER buy it... actually not sure if I'd even take it for free (I'm busy too).

                Who do I respect the most? Yes Jim Cockram and (the email King) Andrew (two people who hardly ever promote).

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        • Profile picture of the author Dave Espino
          Originally Posted by rmoore View Post

          This Amazon product isn't for everyone, that is for sure.

          ...but for someone who makes at least a decent income online & wants to work in a community of people learning how to sell private label on Amazon...this is a great product.


          Rusty is right on.

          If you want to learn how to "manufacture your own" or white label products and sell them through Amazon FBA, this is the course - and for that business model, it does not appear to be priced too badly.

          If you want to learn how to sell all kinds of existing products (found at retail stores and other local buying outlets) on Amazon using FBA, then Jim Cockrum's Proven Amazon Course (PAC) fits the bill to a T.

          It's a matter of which business model you are able to do right now and are ready and able to do right now.

          Unfortunately, there will be a lot of people who bought the former course (ASM) that should've bought the latter course. (PAC)

          I'm just glad to see that this is opening a lot of eyes toward the more realistic business models of selling physical products via ecommerce, (eBay / Amazon) which never really went away...

          I make several $1000s a month (passive income) on Udemy and here's how YOU can, too...

          Get your FREE UDEMY MINI-COURSE here:

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          • Profile picture of the author Jim Cockrum
            Originally Posted by Dave Espino View Post

            If you want to learn how to "manufacture your own" or white label products and sell them through Amazon FBA, this is the course - and for that business model, it does not appear to be priced too badly.

            Thanks for the vote of support Dave!

            For the public record though -the PAC course has (and is adding more soon) content re: creating "white label", bundles, your own bar codes etc.

            The PAC course is a living, growing course that gains new content continually as successful students are tapped to teach the rest of us what they are doing that's working.
   aka the "PAC" now includes the #1 "Private Label" training on the web (! We've been teaching "physical product" sales online since 2002 & we've accumulated over 1,000 success testimonials!
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            • Profile picture of the author Dave Espino
              I stand corrected, Jim - thanks for reminding me about the bundle concepts and the bar code examples - good stuff! And I like that it is constantly being updated and added-to.

              Even though I'm known as an eBay expert, I actually started selling on Amazon (and Yahoo) back in 2000, when they offered online auctions right alongside eBay...

              But once I really dug into the Proven Amazon Course, and saw some of the Amazon FBA success stories that Jim Cockrum highlighted, I realized that it's now time to take my product-sourcing knowledge and apply it to Amazon FBA.

              And, although I will always do eBay because it's an awesome source of buyer traffic, (especially for high-demand products, which is my niche) this Amazon FBA thing is a whole 'nother animal that allows for scaling your business FAST. (like nothing I've seen so far)

              It's very exciting!

              I make several $1000s a month (passive income) on Udemy and here's how YOU can, too...

              Get your FREE UDEMY MINI-COURSE here:


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              • Profile picture of the author morphers
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                • Profile picture of the author ChrisWF
                  I've signed up for tha 4 x $997 payment plan today.


                  The Pre Sales Material was very high quality and I'm curious to see, if they can stand up to their promises.

                  The 30 Day Refund period starts with the first seminar on 03/21/2013.
                  From there I can watch 4 Modules and decide if I want to continue or take a refund.
                  The questions that I have should be answered in Week 1 and Week 2.

                  I've signed up to their Userforum and so have done 657 others already.
                  That's a pretty impressive number.
                  I've read a few of the Introductions and I must say I'm also very impressed with the Quality of the Users too.

                  There are a lot of offline Business Owners (like me) who wants to get a foot into the Online selling of Physical Products.

                  Will update this thread how it goes.

                  WAIT! Don't Buy The Expensive Amazon Course "Amazing Selling Machine" for $4K.
                  Start With The Proven Amazon Course First!

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      • Profile picture of the author Rhodesian
        Originally Posted by 1lov1 View Post

        Ok, I looked through the Proven Amazon Course mentioned above and it does cover the FBA basics and seems good. Much of the content was done in a couple years ago. It covers a lot about selling books through Amazon FBA and the strategy of finding cheap clearance items at local Walmart/target ...I didn't see anywhere where it shows you how to remove yourself from the process of having to package,label, and ship your products to Amazon FBA. to.
        Does anyone who has done the PAC course know whether it is worth buying the PAC course in lieu of Amazing Selling MAchine if you don't live in The States? I want to find wholesalers in the STates whom I can send private lables to of products found on Amazon that meet the criteria-or even better, ask them to create the labels for these products. Then create a sellercentral account etc and have the products shipped there by the wholesaler. If I don't have a U.S bank account is this a difficult thing to do?

        Lastly,do you- or someone else who has done PAC- know whether you can "remove yourself from the process of having to package,label, and ship your products to Amazon FBA"?

        I agree with comments that ASM is way too pricey
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8599719].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author MagicD
          Originally Posted by Rhodesian View Post

          Does anyone who has done the PAC course know whether it is worth buying the PAC course in lieu of Amazing Selling MAchine if you don't live in The States? I want to find wholesalers in the STates whom I can send private lables to of products found on Amazon that meet the criteria-or even better, ask them to create the labels for these products. Then create a sellercentral account etc and have the products shipped there by the wholesaler. If I don't have a U.S bank account is this a difficult thing to do?

          Lastly,do you- or someone else who has done PAC- know whether you can "remove yourself from the process of having to package,label, and ship your products to Amazon FBA"?

          I agree with comments that ASM is way too pricey
          I have both courses, I bought PAC last year and I recently took a second look at the course to see what has changed. Yes he has added a few things on private label but not at the extent of ASM. The courses are two different animals, one (PAC) teaches about arbitrage (buying generic brands at low costs and selling for a higher price) this does require visiting shops, charity shops, car boot sales etc, box them up add the labels on and ship to Amazon. I consider this as a starter business, you can make money from this business, but in my opinion you can not automate the PAC business or hire scouters for your business as you run the risk of losing your worker.

          There are ways to get around this, someone did mention it in the PAC forum sometime ago, but to me it seemed complicated. My thoughts are, this is a very good starter course, however you are not creating a brand for yourself you are selling other businesses brands.

          ASM is more about your brand, the supplier/manufacturer does the work for you and sends your products to amazon, so all you need to do is market it or not, I recommend marketing your brand and at the sometime market your product.

          TBH, if you were to read the rest of the thread, you would have seen this answer many times.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8599795].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Jim Cockrum
            Originally Posted by MagicD View Post

            ... (PAC) teaches about arbitrage (buying generic brands at low costs and selling for a higher price) this does require visiting shops, charity shops, car boot sales etc, box them up add the labels on and ship to Amazon. can not automate the PAC business or hire scouters for your business as you run the risk of losing your worker.

            There are ways to get around this, someone did mention it in the PAC forum sometime ago, but to me it seemed complicated. My thoughts are, this is a very good starter course, however you are not creating a brand for yourself you are selling other businesses brands.
            Two quick points:
            1. There are numerous sourcing strategies in the 'Proven Amazon Course'. We have multiple students who are doing thousands in sales daily using a variety of strategies. Originally the PAC course was primarily about "arbitrage", but now we have students buying crates from China, buying huge liquidation lots, importing globally, partnering with large corporations for inventory, finding hot sellers at trade shows (that they don't even have to attend), white labeling successfully using our course etc. I could go on.

            To say the PAC is about "retail arbitrage" is partly true...but it's about much more all the time as we continue to pay our huge & very creative student base to reveal their profitable inventory strategies.

            2. RE: outsourcing work
            There's nothing complicated about hiring help and having them sign a non-disclosure in order to grow your business! I haven't had a problem at all in my business doing it that way nor have I heard of others having trouble. Plenty of people are looking for work and are willing to run your system w/out the threat of creating a competitor. You'll have this same challenge with any business model unless you do it all yourself right?
   aka the "PAC" now includes the #1 "Private Label" training on the web (! We've been teaching "physical product" sales online since 2002 & we've accumulated over 1,000 success testimonials!
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            • Profile picture of the author kevmik
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              • Profile picture of the author Josh Belanger
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                • Profile picture of the author panorama
                  Originally Posted by Josh Belanger View Post

                  Panorama - No issues with your opinion. I provided my thoughts and reasons from my perspective with the exact steps on getting started with a product with a real example for someone. I also provided an alternative if people were interested, but left that last and provided 30 minutes of valuable information.

                  Explain what you mean about his guarantee? I noticed some others were doing the same. However, I was not explained well enough for me to even understand.

                  My thought is that they would just purchase the listing from the person because they would have done most of the work and they would just take it over and market it. Not sure though, because I didn't go through the TOS. They were the #1 affiliate again. I just looked at the leader board.
                  I can't comment on what others were offering, but Fladlien's guarantee was basically that he would guarantee to purchase a refunding member's inventory at a premium so they would have zero risk if the course wasn't for them.

                  Sounds great, right? You can get a 100% refund on the cost of the course, plus sell all your inventory back to them.

                  Well, if you read through the details, you'll see that one of the terms is that it's ONLY available to those who refund. So, having been through ASM 1.0, I can tell you that very few people will have inventory in-hand within the first 30 days (when the refund period expires). In the unlikely event that someone does have inventory within the first 30 days, they aren't likely to refund because they wouldn't really have had a chance to see if it sells.

                  So, basically, it's almost a zero-risk offer for Fladlien, which makes it worth very little in my opinion. Now, some of his other stuff sounded interesting, but it's so vague you really don't know what you're getting.

                  Yes, he was the #1 affiliate because I'm sure a lot of people were impressed by his bonus. He may be a great guy who knows what he's doing and I know he's not the only guy who does this stuff, but it's just an example of why people need to really be aware of the details.
                  Comparison of Amazing Selling Machine & Other Private Label Alternatives (Updated April 2015)
                  Copy Meets Design - Copywriting and design services exclusively for Amazon listings
                  Phone/Text: 917-338-9644
                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8601236].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Ryan David
            Originally Posted by MagicD View Post

            I have both courses, I bought PAC last year and I recently took a second look at the course to see what has changed. Yes he has added a few things on private label but not at the extent of ASM. The courses are two different animals, one (PAC) teaches about arbitrage (buying generic brands at low costs and selling for a higher price) this does require visiting shops, charity shops, car boot sales etc, box them up add the labels on and ship to Amazon. I consider this as a starter business, you can make money from this business, but in my opinion you can not automate the PAC business or hire scouters for your business as you run the risk of losing your worker.

            There are ways to get around this, someone did mention it in the PAC forum sometime ago, but to me it seemed complicated. My thoughts are, this is a very good starter course, however you are not creating a brand for yourself you are selling other businesses brands.

            ASM is more about your brand, the supplier/manufacturer does the work for you and sends your products to amazon, so all you need to do is market it or not, I recommend marketing your brand and at the sometime market your product.

            TBH, if you were to read the rest of the thread, you would have seen this answer many times.
            I think that's a good summary and, personally, I've followed more of a style similar to the ASM approach. I think the content within ASM will probably be very good, but I'm not a fan of the extra "margin adders" that are thrown into these packages; notably the seminar and tools. Those things just unnecessarily pump the prices and probably provide little value.

            Like I've said elsewhere in the thread, finding the right product is trial/error so that's why I think a good bit of your learning will be "on the job". If you spend your whole budget on the course, then you're missing out on a big part of the total education.

            You can still make good money by focusing on other people's products, but the real money is when you own the ASIN (listing within AMazon).
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    • Profile picture of the author TimothyW
      I dunno where 30K is, but 40K is in the 2nd sentence of your post...

      How doable is that?

      Originally Posted by adcnet View Post

      I need to add my bit.

      I have 10 years Ecommerce experience and uses to sell $80k per month on eBay back in the hay-days of easy eBay - Amazon we used to sell around $40k, anyway I digress...

      You don't need the course - what they have given away as freebies / PDFs and Videos is enough, you don't need anything else.

      I was surprised they gave so much away.

      The number one part and most important key to all of this is the White Labelling of a Best Selling Product.

      It's so easy to do with overseas suppliers and the rest is all handled by Amazon. Stay in bed and handle it all on your iPad/Nexus haha!

      The clueless will pay $3k for the course and do nothing but that's what happens in the 80/20 rule of selling courses online.

      If anyone wants training and has $500 per month I'd be happy to show you how to do this stuff
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7852260].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Phillip M King
      I may call you. Obviously $3500 would be 7 months of tuition, and by then even someone as thick as me should be able to learn it. Does that $500 include room and board?

      Originally Posted by adcnet View Post

      I need to add my bit.

      I have 10 years Ecommerce experience and uses to sell $80k per month on eBay back in the hay-days of easy eBay - Amazon we used to sell around $40k, anyway I digress...

      You don't need the course - what they have given away as freebies / PDFs and Videos is enough, you don't need anything else.

      I was surprised they gave so much away.

      The number one part and most important key to all of this is the White Labelling of a Best Selling Product.

      It's so easy to do with overseas suppliers and the rest is all handled by Amazon. Stay in bed and handle it all on your iPad/Nexus haha!

      The clueless will pay $3k for the course and do nothing but that's what happens in the 80/20 rule of selling courses online.

      If anyone wants training and has $500 per month I'd be happy to show you how to do this stuff
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  • Profile picture of the author susb8383
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    • Profile picture of the author mahetze2123
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      • Profile picture of the author SheraLee
        Originally Posted by mahetze2123 View Post

        Good job doing your homework. Now take that $3500 and reinvest that back into your current biz.
        No Kidding! I can't believe anyone would even consider paying that much for knowledge that can be found (better) elsewhere. There really is a "sucker born every minute" but there are a few who are smart and do their homework first before rushing in.......

        Originally Posted by Brian Hewitt View Post

        I had been meaning to unsub from a lot of lists and I will give this course credit for one has given me the kick in the pants needed to do so. I have unsubbed from everyone who mailed for this and let them know why. I would have thought that one of them would have at least offered a reach-around as a bonus.
        Yes, me as well. Gone from my inbox is Mark Ling, Matt Carter, Gauher Chaudhry, and a couple of others. They have lost all credibility. It's plain to see that money is their main objective. I used to buy into the "I'm here to help you because I too, have been burned before" routine, but my eyes are opened now.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7853014].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author DWaters
    As an Amazon FBA, (Fullfillment By Amazon), seller I have
    always been interested in the private branding of products
    as a means of offering products to which you have added
    your private brand and thereby pretty much eliminate much
    competition from other sellers.
    So is private branding something you have been doing yourself? or is it just something you have considered?

    Thanks for pointing out some of the potential legal issues.
    How I really Make Money With Amazon

    Want to get rich with top rated FREE Super Affiliate Training?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7854554].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author ironwood
      I have not done any private branding mainly for the reasons I have mentioned above. Please remember my post is just my opinion and may be worth what you have paid for it.

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  • Profile picture of the author Mark Dulisse
    i was asked to promote it, but decided not to. My bullshit radar in on high alert. In my early days, I used to quote how much money I made to try and desperately get people to open up their wallets so I can pay my bills. Today, I would not dare do that. When you reach a certain level. You don't have to. Nor would I share it.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7854928].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author SheraLee
      Originally Posted by Mark Dulisse View Post

      i was asked to promote it, but decided not to. My bullshit radar in on high alert. In my early days, I used to quote how much money I made to try and desperately get people to open up their wallets so I can pay my bills. Today, I would not dare do that. When you reach a certain level. You don't have to. Nor would I share it.
      Good for you, Mark; you have risen above the others. My inbox was full of promos for this from marketers (at a certain level) that are now deleted. Its almost as if they are getting desperate, or something.

      Or is it just plain greed? Maybe they don't care if long-time subscribers unsub from them since so many more newbies will sign up.

      But really - no ethics, whatsoever from those that pretend to be such ethical marketers. What a crock. I guess by the time people figure out what they're really about and have moved on, they have a whole new set of unsuspecting people to fool and extract money from.

      Whatever happened to helping people and giving good value? :confused:
      I always thought that was the best way to do business, but what do I know......... It's like they have forgotten who they are and now only see $$ signs.

      As my own business grows, I will have to keep this in mind. I don't ever want to forget that helping others comes first. Well, it seems to have worked well for Oprah, anyway LOL
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7856553].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author essmeier
    I know squat about this product, but here's what I'm thinking:

    1. They're selling the product because it's likely to make more money for them than the process the product describes.


    2. The process works, but only to a limited degree and they've tapped it out. There's no more money to be made with the process...except by selling it.

    Could be wrong; that's a daily occurrence.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7855058].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author kharrison
    OK...59 ASM emails and counting. Bonuses over 6000.00; iPads; emergency webinars. Warms my heart to see how much they care.

    Someone mentioned a certain guru being involved...maybe hired to dress up AMM from last year and trot it out again?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7856986].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Mark Dulisse
      Originally Posted by kharrison View Post

      OK...59 ASM emails and counting. Bonuses over 6000.00; iPads; emergency webinars. Warms my heart to see how much they care.

      Someone mentioned a certain guru being involved...maybe hired to dress up AMM from last year and trot it out again?
      This would be John Reese.
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      • Profile picture of the author mahetze2123
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        • Profile picture of the author twilight2
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          • Profile picture of the author Herschel-W
            Is there any Non-US citizen here in WF that's selling products on Amazon using the Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) program?
            Any South African perhaps?

            I watched a video of Matt Carter ("7 steps to selling products on Amazon"), and is interested in giving it a try.

            Need information on how to get started as a Non-US citizen.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8964455].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Andreo
              Hi Herschel I am In South Africa. The problem is that South Africa is not one of the countries listed to sell on Amazon. You may get away with a US bank account, US address but if they find out that you actually selling for a non listed country - you can be in trouble and your selling business suspended on Amazon.

              Originally Posted by Herschel-W View Post

              Is there any Non-US citizen here in WF that's selling products on Amazon using the Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) program?
              Any South African perhaps?

              I watched a video of Matt Carter ("7 steps to selling products on Amazon"), and is interested in giving it a try.

              Need information on how to get started as a Non-US citizen.
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8967471].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author HarrisAndrea
                I have been following this thread since last year when I was interested to sell on Amazon FBA. I'm from a country in Europe which is allowed to sell on Amazon. I was wondering if someone who bought the ASM course could give me some tips how to start selling on Amazon FBA from a country outside US. Do I have to register a company in US or not? Can I buy products from China and have them sent to Amazon FBA (while I'm personally located in Europe) ?

                I would appreciate any feedback on the above.
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8970811].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author Jim Cockrum
                  Originally Posted by HarrisAndrea View Post

                  I have been following this thread since last year when I was interested to sell on Amazon FBA. I'm from a country in Europe which is allowed to sell on Amazon. I was wondering if someone who bought the ASM course could give me some tips how to start selling on Amazon FBA from a country outside US. Do I have to register a company in US or not? Can I buy products from China and have them sent to Amazon FBA (while I'm personally located in Europe) ?

                  I would appreciate any feedback on the above.
                  In our Amazon course we show you how to work with an FBA prep service who can receive your goods, label them for you, and send them to FBA. Where you live has nothing to do with it. WHere the goods are coming from has nothing to do with it. This is a global opportunity. Sourcing from China can be pretty complex, but your scenarios is very doable.
         aka the "PAC" now includes the #1 "Private Label" training on the web (! We've been teaching "physical product" sales online since 2002 & we've accumulated over 1,000 success testimonials!
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      • Profile picture of the author justthejob
        The ASM promo email I received from John Reese was just a link, without even a hint of a bonus as far as I could see. ( Not that I'm too bothered about bonuses as they usually just divert your attention )
        I also received ASM promos from other respected IMers, who were convinced it was the best path to follow. ( the 50% commission aside).
        Having been tipped off about ASM by people whose views I had respected up to that point, I had a look and was impressed.
        All I then needed to do was check out the WF. Well, I reckon there is enough info in this thread alone to get you going.
        Certainly saved me some money.
        Thanks guys!
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7857215].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author WhiteStarlight
    SheraLee, I have also had a lot of promos for this offer from different marketers I have respected that's why I thought that this offer has to be legit. I haven't unsubscribed from their list so far as you did, but definitely I cannot trust them anymore. I am glad that I decided to check this forum first before making any decisions, that's what the experience has taught me to do and that saved me a lot of money.

    And I agree with you that there should be the ethics in this business, not greed.

    Jim Cockrum also did bring a great points about internet marketing, I appreciate that.
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  • Profile picture of the author malia
    Here is what I know...I purchased the course they came out with last year that they sold for $1k...was it worth $1k? Certainly not! I guess if you were complete newbie it would be helpful but still i think it was overpriced.
    I did too, and refunded. Wrote about it on WF.

    With this said, here is my recommendation. If you don't know much about FBA, where to find inventory, how to sell, etc, check out Jim Cockrum's course.
    Jim Cockrum's course is great. The only downside is he focuses on a retail arbitrage process and that can be difficult to scale and sustain, and for some people it's just not doable. However, all the basic building blocks are there. Where Amazing Selling Machine improves is by focusing on manufacturing, branding and marketing. Or private labeling, branding and marketing. But you don't need the course to do that. However, you do need to understand how to purchase from manufacturers and/or distributors, the basics of branding and product promotion and marketing.

    The easiest way to start, though, is regular purchasing just to get a feel for what is involved. I don't think it makes sense for someone who has never done it to invest in private label products off the bat. IMO, you need a little experience working with the system and dealing with the kinks, possibly getting UPC exemptions or special category approval and that can take time.

    The training seemed more along the lines of Ebay sellers now selling on Amazon FBA instead. Overall the course seems like good information but was looking for the info about automating the supply process and never having to box/ship my own stuff.
    Agreed. However, if someone is new to selling on Amazon, this probably has the best value for getting started even if you cannot or will not follow the process.

    I think the most noticeable difference between the two is the new one is all about private labeling with wider profit margins rather than the former one which was dropshipping?
    YES! The first one skipped over FBA which was vital to really making Amazon work. This one goes into private labeling, which just makes them seem like they intentionally hold back good stuff because how could they have launched that course last year and NOT have gone into detail about FBA or private labeling? It's not like that just NOW became a competitive advantage.

    They also seem to have software tools that are rolled in, which give the impression that they are spammy backlinking tools that they are throwing at Amazon because it's really hard to have a negative SEO effect on Amazon.

    Having said that, all the information above is freely available.

    Amazon is also very strict with their rules. Ignore the policies and it's easy to end up with a suspended/cancelled account.
    And breaking amazon rules can even mean not doing something bad. For instance, not submitting data feeds to your sandbox account. Ask me how I know. Account cancelled for months, inventory sitting in the warehouse. You have to be able to deal with the unexpected whenever you're in an inventory based business/

    Of course liability insurance could be considered. However I wonder how expensive a policy would be for a small seller
    once you explained to the insurance company that you intended to purchase unknown products and advertise them as your companies
    personal products?
    Once your business gets to a certain point, you should have liability insurance just because. Importing from China means fewer insurers will cover you, and at a higher cost, but it is affordable, and there are specialized insurers for niches that commonly import, to help prevent overpaying for a policy. It's great selling online without some of the traditional business risks, but you can't escape everything all the time and sometimes you just have to suck it up and protect yourself and your business. In my personal experience without the importing the liability policy can be acquired for around $500, with the importing, around $1500-3000 (or more, depending, and that's for a low risk category).

    And also, that would mean there are categories you want to avoid if you want to reduce your liability. For example, I won't touch items that plug into sockets. Don't want the liability.

    This is not specific to Amazon, because I acquired my liability insurance for other reasons, prior to selling on Amazon. It's great solely selling online with very few requirements, but when you want to get into other opportunities these things are required (for example, selling wholesale TO retailers) so it's nothing that someone should be afraid of if they intend to build a sustainable and thriving business.

    But going back to the topic:

    $3500 is a lot of money and you could probably pay a really really smart college kid to research everything about selling on amazon, write a custom report and buy more training material and still come out less expensive than that. I look at is what I learned worth what i paid and with this one, I'm not sure. With their last launch, it was not worth $997 (even though their software was fantastic it was missing critical features), and there's no reason to believe this one is any different.

    One last thing about selling on Amazon

    You need to have money to get started. Amazon pays out twice a month. It takes 3-4 days to hit your bank account. If you wait for your deposit to re-order/stock up, it's around 2-3 weeks to get things over to fulfillment and into your inventory. Therefore, you need to be able to purchase at least 30 days of inventory to really make it through otherwise you're dropping momentum with stock outs. I don't feel they are entirely clear with that. Yes you get paid like clockwork, however, if your inventory is getting low, you need to be able to re-order without waiting for a disbursement because Amazon's inbound fulfillment (getting your items into their inventory system) is just not the fastest thing.
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  • Profile picture of the author georgearthur
    If it sounds too good to be true then it is. Take a look at Scamworld: 'Get rich quick' mutates into an unstoppable monster

    I will not tell you whose face you will see if you watch the video, but you can probably guess. I will add some of these people have taken my money and I have nothing to show for it except a receipt. Wouldn't that be an interesting product!
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    • Profile picture of the author sammystin
      I don't have a lot of posts, but I wanted to add my humble two cents this time.

      During this whole fiasco, I've unsubscribed from 98% of email marketers. Why? I've learned to discern.

      This is a relatively new product, right? Are you sure your own promoter has completed the program?

      Many are complaining about the two guys in the program, but they have at least done it and are making the money.

      Shouldn't we be more concerned about the integrity of the JV partnerships so prevalent in the IM marketplace and our "guru friends" promoting programs without having tried them?

      I've done amazon FBA.. yes, it works, and yes, it even works to the tune of those two guys if you know what to do. But why are all these people promoting this when they've NEVER done it? This is what we need to ask of ourselves first... the promoters are the "best in the industry" and they haven't done it, so why are they telling YOU & ME to give it a go... for $3,500???

      It's probably a good program (as I was able to make good money without the program) but that isn't the point!

      Feel a bit sad about this whole thing.

      Note: This is not to say that anyone is bad. But when I recommend something as little as a $2 cup of coffee, I do so after I've tried and only when I absolutely love it. Don't you? The same promoters will ironically sell you on "reputation management" next week!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7858355].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Kona77
      You get the Hero of the day award. That is a fantastic video link.

      Originally Posted by georgearthur View Post

      If it sounds too good to be true then it is. Take a look at Scamworld: 'Get rich quick' mutates into an unstoppable monster

      Scamworld: 'Get rich quick' mutates into an unstoppable monster - YouTube

      I will not tell you whose face you will see if you watch the video, but you can probably guess. I will add some of these people have taken my money and I have nothing to show for it except a receipt. Wouldn't that be an interesting product!
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  • Profile picture of the author malia
    Also people buy products by brand, because of trust which is earned. If you check most categories in Amazon, you will see that most of the best sellers are branded products like Brita, Philips, Morphy Richards, etc etc. How do we compete against global players like these?
    It's easier to compete in categories where there's more brand diversification. You have to think: in what areas are people more likely to try a niche or unknown brand? In certain categories niche brands make up a sizable portion of the market share.

    Or in what categories will people give a chance to a less expensive alternative? Me personally (Philips) I have shelled out enough money on Sonicare and Clarisonic that I'd roll the dice on a less expensive competitor, if it was just as good.

    There are also categories where big brands don't dominate because the market is too small for them, but still big enough for a smaller company.

    This is where I think having general business experience really helps. if all you're into is internet marketing, you can develop tunnel vision. Go to a few trade shows for products and broaden your scope.
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  • Profile picture of the author kapo
    so they did a webinar and still no software demo? wow..
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  • Profile picture of the author jordanmalik
    I am a contributor to Jim Cockrum's PAC course.

    I also was approved to be a JV for the AmazingSellingMachine course (which I refused to sell, even though I have a list of 3,000+ tuned-in Amazon/ebay merchants and I could have made a small fortune from them).

    If you're interested, I did a full review here (there is not an affiliate link to that Selling Machines course in there, as I said I refused to sell it): You'll see why I didn't recommend it (the high price tag wasn't the only reason).

    Jim's PAC course ( is legit (and I'm one of his sometimes-critics, too. I'm also an affiliate of that course, but that's not my affiliate link.)

    Also legit (and $249) is the premium membership at (that's not my affiliate link, even though I am an affiliate of that course too).

    -Jordan Malik

    -Jordan 'J.B' Malik /
    > Learn Importing for FREE on our live webinar (We're giving away prizes)
    > FREE Private Label Workshop - LIVE

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7871700].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author ScottLindsay
      Originally Posted by jordanmalik View Post

      I am a contributor to Jim Cockrum's PAC course.

      I also was approved to be a JV for the AmazingSellingMachine course (which I refused to sell, even though I have a list of 3,000+ tuned-in Amazon/ebay merchants and I could have made a small fortune from them).

      If you're interested, I did a full review here (there is not an affiliate link to that Selling Machines course in there, as I said I refused to sell it): Don't Do This (From Jordan) - YouTube
      You'll see why I didn't recommend it (the high price tag wasn't the only reason).

      Jim's PAC course (Proven Amazon Course - brought to you by Jim Cockrum of is legit (and I'm one of his sometimes-critics, too. I'm also an affiliate of that course, but that's not my affiliate link.)

      Also legit (and $249) is the premium membership at (that's not my affiliate link, even though I am an affiliate of that course too).

      -Jordan Malik
      I have never head of the Dewable course. Is it any good? Do they show you how to private label products?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7871765].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author jordanmalik
        They do not show you how to private label products. It is an excellent course, it teaches you exactly how to sell on Amazon, exactly how to source items online, and exactly how to automate (outsource) the grunt work so you can maximize your time.


        -Jordan 'J.B' Malik /
        > Learn Importing for FREE on our live webinar (We're giving away prizes)
        > FREE Private Label Workshop - LIVE

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7871870].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author BusyMum_2010
        Originally Posted by ScottLindsay View Post

        I have never head of the Dewable course. Is it any good? Do they show you how to private label products?
        You can ask directly the wholesale supplier if they can put your own brand or "Private Label" on the product. That's what I did when I asked one and they said yes depending on the quantity I will order.
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  • Profile picture of the author yohan
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    • Profile picture of the author Jassa
      Thanks, Yohan, for your input and yes, you are of course right. I don't really have a problem with that though because all marketers are doing that sort of research the whole time if they have the know-how ...aren't we?!! I don't begrudge them that because I do trust that they are basically 'ethical' guys and whatever they are learning I think will mostly be funnelled back into the strategies that they will be sharing with us.

      I bought their program last year and although it was very good I just did not have the ability to implement it then. Hopefully this time around I will be able to

      I know Jason from buying a product of his several years ago and he is a 'good guy' and Matt is definitely a brilliant entrepreneur

      "Life is a lot like jazz... it's best when you improvise" - George Gershwin
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    • Profile picture of the author alistair
      Originally Posted by yohan View Post

      Im suprised no-one is commenting on the real story here...

      The reason ASM is so expensive is the software which automates all your seo, backlinks, press releases e.t.c. to promote the product listing. This backend software is plugged right into your account.

      This means you are paying ASM for the training/software, but in return they have complete access to see what you are doing, your listings, your failures, what products rank and for what keywords e.t.c

      They have all your data and everyone elses in the program. When the hype has died down you can be assured they will use this data to rank their own new products. It will be a goldmine for them.
      I pretty much agree with this if what you say about them having all their members data etc is correct. I don't blame anybody for buying this course though as it sounds ok but peronally I would no way spend that kind of money on what really sounds like a lot of hype.

      I don't honestly believe that anybody with a real business on Amazon who is raking in the kind of money suggested would spend their time putting a course together like this and give away their secrets to any tom, dick or harry who can afford it. Wouldn't you just escalate what you've been doing if you're making so much money and hope to chr!st that it's a while before the inevitable happens and somebody else discovers your goldmine? But then again I might be completely wrong and wouldn't mind admitting it.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7873469].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author ChrisWF
      Thanks for making that point.
      I don't think they will do that but I will certainly have an eye on that.

      Also after setting up my first money making products I will try to replicate that without using their software.


      P.S. Not every one out there is a Bad Apple

      Originally Posted by yohan View Post

      Im suprised no-one is commenting on the real story here...

      The reason ASM is so expensive is the software which automates all your seo, backlinks, press releases e.t.c. to promote the product listing. This backend software is plugged right into your account.

      This means you are paying ASM for the training/software, but in return they have complete access to see what you are doing, your listings, your failures, what products rank and for what keywords e.t.c

      They have all your data and everyone elses in the program. When the hype has died down you can be assured they will use this data to rank their own new products. It will be a goldmine for them.

      WAIT! Don't Buy The Expensive Amazon Course "Amazing Selling Machine" for $4K.
      Start With The Proven Amazon Course First!

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7873490].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author annaire
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      • Profile picture of the author yohan
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        • Profile picture of the author Phillip M King
          You don't even have to use the tools. There is a glossy "merit" badge program, and to qualify for each step (so far - products and suppliers), you have to give them the information that you have found to "prove" that you have done the work. So, whether they intend to use it or not, the ASM creators get access to research done by many hundreds of people. Now - as those people are mostly newbies - is their research of any value? That's another question.

          Originally Posted by yohan View Post

          Yes this is exactly what I'm getting at.

          This is not to say the ASM program is no good, or that they guys running it are unethical. But be aware they are getting very critical marketing data from all their members. And there is no doubt they will use this data to rank their own products in the future.

          If you buy into ASM I would learn from their program but not use any of the automated tools.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7955547].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Phillip M King
            I want to thank everyone who has posted on this thread. Reading through all these posts has been very cathartic for me, and has helped bring some of my thoughts and experiences into sharper focus. Perhaps I may return shortly to share some of those thoughts and experiences here.
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      • Profile picture of the author iTechSolutions
        Originally Posted by annaire View Post

        So what you are saying is that you have just paid to be their research lab. You will prove what is hot and what is not. They can then use their bigger machine to come in and undercut you.
        In 2001, the now-defunct electronics chain Circuit City began selling through Amazon's marketplace. But it severed ties in 2005 to concentrate on its own website.
        "As soon as we could get out of the deal, we did. The marketplace is an R&D facility for Amazon, where they look to see what's selling and then sell it directly," said former Circuit City executive Fiona Dias.

        Full story:

        If Amazon can do that, why not others?
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  • Profile picture of the author tiger1
    I am not an affiliate for this program and bought into it on Sunday after several days of being on the fence. Here are my reasons why:

    1. 30 day refund policy beginning from the first day of training which begins March 21. After asking Jason, the co-creator of the training a question about how long it takes to start selling product, his answer was that if I apply the techniques taught, within 4 weeks I should be selling product daily. If this happens, I should be able to get a realistic picture of what type of monthly net profits to expect from each product and determine if it warrants continuing and the investment of the training. If not, then I am within the 30 days and can get a refund. It would seem that after only 4 weeks, I should have a worst case scenario of what my monthly sales will be, as I should be able to vastly improve my results through more personal experience, adding more products and the advanced trainings during the final 4 weeks.

    2. It makes sense to me. I own two brick and mortar businesses in two small towns in Florida, not major cities. Our primary business is personal services but we also sell about $15,000 a month in retail products combined between the two locations. If I am targeting the entire U.S. with my product line instead of two small cities and my current client base, it makes sense that I should be able to make at least twice that per month and not have to pay the overhead I have to pay with my locations such as employee wages, rent, utilities, etc. It will be almost all profit.

    3. We carry some private label products in our locations now and the profit margin is much higher on those. With this strategy, we are creating our own brand and don't have to compete with other sellers carrying the same exact brand of product. Of course everything hinges on being able to get the products ranked in Amazon but after 4 weeks of training, I will see if it really does work.

    4. I have done some affiliate marketing on the side and the biggest obstacle has always been trying to compete with Amazon. It seems for most products they always come up first. So why not use that leverage and ranking power combined with some basic SEO and keyword research skills to sell my own products on Amazon and dominate the search engine listings. Why should I continue earning only 6% as an Amazon affiliate when I can make 25-50%?

    5. I spent over $200,000 per retail location to open my brick and mortar stores. If this works, $3500 is nothing. Any real business you try to start is going to have some type of investment. Yes, there is also the investment of product and even though I already knew this, they recommend starting with a small number of products to test the market first, so you don't go all in with a huge inventory of products that will take you months to sell.

    5. I have already used some of the methods that they taught in the initial videos that were free to everyone to identify product opportunities. I used a method that someone else taught me to see how much of that product is being sold daily. If I did half the volume that these products are doing, I will make back the investment in this course within 1 month.

    6. Although the doors are officially closed now to new members, I would imagine that once this first group has completed the training, they will open it up to a second round of new members. If the majority of us are not successful, we will certainly post that and it will hinder those who do their due diligence and research from buying in.

    As long as they truly honor their 30 day refund policy, it seems as though there is nothing to lose since after 4 weeks, I should be moving product daily if I have implemented the training correctly and can bow out if that doesn't happen.

    I can't say I'm not a little nervous dropping such a big chunk on a training program. I am used to buying $10 and $20 WSO's. But I also know that with most programs, people aren't successful because they didn't fully apply themselves or didn't stick with it long enough, if the training program wasn't junk. If they said it would take 60 days or longer to start selling product daily, I would never have purchased it knowing I would be outside of the refund period before I knew if it was successful. And as I mentioned earlier, if it works which it certainly makes sense to me that it will, $3500 is a drop in the bucket.

    I will post again after the 30 days to let you guys know how it went and if I stayed with it.
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  • Profile picture of the author malia
    I don't honestly believe that anybody with a real business on Amazon who is raking in the kind of money suggested would spend their time putting a course together like this and give away their secrets to any tom, dick or harry who can afford it. Wouldn't you just escalate what you've been doing if you're making so much money and hope to chr!st that it's a while before the inevitable happens and somebody else discovers your goldmine? But then again I might be completely wrong and wouldn't mind admitting it
    Well based on what some people have written, this is a multi million dollar launch and they seem to be positioned to clear at least seven figures after paying out affiliates. So yeah, cashing out that kind of money is a good motivator. Selling information doesn't have cost of goods sold like selling tangible products so I'd do it too!

    I agree with you on white labelling. It is a bit of a liability minefield. Easy to get wrong.
    It really depends on what you sell. Having said that, a lot of you are assuming you have ZERO liability in whatever you do. Just because you aren't aware of the liability of what you're doing doesn't mean you don't have liability. Product liability is a whole different beast, but there are product categories where liability is not that much of an issue, and there is insurance.

    Sale $18
    COGS 8

    Amazon referral fee (15%) $2.7
    Order Handling $1
    Pick and Pack $1
    Weight Handling $0.46
    30 day storage $0.02

    Total FBA Costs $5.18

    Net Profit $4.82
    Let's see... My experience is not in the categories they covered in their examples. My ecommerce experience is based off small, lightweight, expensive for it's size and weight. Therefore a tumbler would not be a product I would want to sell because it's heavy and inexpensive for it's size.

    I will tell you some things I sell on Amazon:

    I have 1 product that I buy for 0.50 landed from china (meaning shipping and everything factored in) that I clear $1.85 (after all fees and COGS). The ONLY reason I sell it is because it sells reliably and consistently and why not? it's an extra few hundred a month and it costs nothing. I would not go LOOKING for another product like this, but it was something I already knew about.

    It's not private label but it doesn't matter (for now).

    I have 5 products I private label that I manufacture (not label an existing design but are made to my spec) therefore they truly really are exclusive (because of the nature of the design are copyright protected-- registered). I pay $5 landed and sell for $20 on Amazon. They are consistent sellers and I will be back up after replenishing inventory.

    Fees are 5.42 including FBA.

    I think the key is, and always will be, finding the right product opportunity.

    These particular price points, though, are the lowest. My normal selling price on amazon ranges from $36-$140. I could only go into selling something with a low profit if the cost was really really low.


    When they sold the course last year, it had research software as part of it. Does this new course include that research software (it was adobe air based and called Amazon Money Finder)

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7879414].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author tiger1

      Thanks for that info. It was helpful to get input from someone who is already actively selling on Amazon.

      As far as the software goes, we don't have access to the software yet as they don't want us jumping ahead of schedule and not using it when we are supposed to for its intended purpose.

      We won't have access until halfway through the training after we have already set up our store, picked a product to sell, found a supplier and have it in our inventory, so the product selection software is obviously not going to be one of the tools. They are teaching us how to do that manually. I almost bought in to Matt's program last year and I do remember that product selection tool. Not sure what happened to it but since everything hinges first on choosing the right product, doing it manually with their guidance and instruction is definitely the way to go.

      As far as the mention of them using their tools to steal your information and promote your products themselves, I don't see that happening. The reason is because their tools only allow you to promote a specific product on Amazon and get it ranked well. They have no idea if that product is actually selling well as that information is not recorded or tracked in the tools. They would be taking a huge risk by just randomly selecting products that are in the system being promoted not knowing if they are selling at all. It would be like throwing darts at a board of products. They obviously are doing well choosing their own products to promote.
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      • Profile picture of the author Mike Remer
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        • Profile picture of the author milla04
          Originally Posted by Mike Remer View Post

          I am tempted to get into this whole FBA thing, as I have access to some products that might be a good fit.

          I keep getting hung up all the sellercentral forum posts about people getting their accounts frozen, with all the inventory sitting in amazon, and amazon holding all their collected funds for 90 days in case of refunds.

          They have rules about ever contacting a "customer" about any kind of offer outside of Amazon. What is the point of gaining a customer that you can not contact for future sales?
          And if you try to do so are liable to get your account frozen.

          And, at least at Paypal there are human beings you can contact, at Amazon everything is done by emails, and mysterious appeal processes to try to regain your account.

          My fear is really succeeding in Amazon and then losing it all at a whim of one of their algorithms.

          Amazon sellers complain of tied-up payments, account shutdowns | Business & Technology | The Seattle Times
          Most of what you have said is far from the truth. I have UK and USA FBA account, and only last week I had a problem with an inventory sending in, I requested FBA to call me back and within 5sec I was called back. So I do not know what department you are trying to contact. If you require help your FBA account I recommend speaking with someone on the phone where you can access in your back office of your FBA account.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7883769].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author joolkano
    I saw the promotion for this too and was quite intrigued. But to ask $3,500 for just a few videos they presented, I found that to be ridiculous. So I went on Amazon and searched for a book that teaches FBA. I found 2 good books on kindle each costing under $5. One is "Amazing Amazon FBA Work From Home The Easy Way" and the other "Making a Great Living with Fulfillment by Amazon". The books are very informative and will give FBA a go.
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  • Profile picture of the author malia
    I keep getting hung up all the sellercentral forum posts about people getting their accounts frozen, with all the inventory sitting in amazon, and amazon holding all their collected funds for 90 days in case of refunds.
    This is true. My money wasn't held, but my account was suspended and I had inventory sitting in Amazon's warehouse. It took me from May until November of 2012 to sort it out.

    And it was all over a technicality not a violation (not submitting a data feed for product import because I had decided to just enter the products manually as over 90% of them were existing ASINs). Amazon's support is horrible. They do have phone support, mostly incompetent. I still sell on Amazon but it is not, and has never been, my only online sales channel.

    I still champion selling on Amazon, however caveat emptor
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  • Profile picture of the author benmuijaz
    This was an affiliate link by Jim Cockrum awhile back about this guy selling this course:



    Anyone has experience with this?
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    • Profile picture of the author Jim Cockrum
      You are referring to Brett B. - one of our top students and now trainers! He has an entire outsourced operation going where he pays others to do extreme couponing for him and they send all the goods into Amazon FBA for insane profits virtually hands free.

      Google the phrase "brett $5000 bet jim cockrum interview" to find the interview I recently did with him on this topic. He actually won a $5,000 bet on my blog as well - it's a great story. I would give you the direct link to the interview, but I'm not sure if I'm allowed to link to stuff off of WF or not so I won't. You'll hear our recorded interview and learn more about his course etc. once you look it up.

      Originally Posted by benmuijaz View Post

      Signature aka the "PAC" now includes the #1 "Private Label" training on the web (! We've been teaching "physical product" sales online since 2002 & we've accumulated over 1,000 success testimonials!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7907531].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Nick Sharp
    So does anyone have any idea if this does cover how to get your private label products ranked highly in Amazon to compete with well known brands in the same category? Otherwise it would be tough.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7914229].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author affmanager
      Originally Posted by Nick Sharp View Post

      So does anyone have any idea if this does cover how to get your private label products ranked highly in Amazon to compete with well known brands in the same category? Otherwise it would be tough.
      That is the main goal of the Amazing Selling Machine course: 1. finding product opportunities 2. working with suppliers to private label a product and 3. ranking high in Amazon
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  • Profile picture of the author Richard Cheah
    To all,

    Looking through all the comments posted so far, I would chose to see things in a different perspective.

    If what Matt and Jadon offered is overpriced and not worth any investment at all, and suppose it does not work, why do we not see all the previously purchased members (with the exception of 1 or 2) posting their negative feedback here?

    My thoughts: maybe most of the members are accustomed to buying lesser value products in the forum here. Hence, when a better or high value ticket product come along, the tendency to judge or degrade the products become second nature.

    Anyway, I am in no way affiliated to Matt and Jason. Just like to point out, if you really do have a product, concept or idea that are proven to earn US$300k, how much do you think is a fair price to offer to the market?

    Let's have an abundance mentality. Whether this product is overpriced or not, after the course of 8 weeks, believe all the purchased members will be the better people to judge. Till then, they will the best person to comment and leave any negative feedback here, if any.


    Richard Cheah
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    • Profile picture of the author ChrisWF

      I've got two PM's the last days about my progress and how the course is going.
      So here is my reply:

      The course is great so far. Both guys are great teachers and straight to the point.
      The community is really rocking. I've been with other great and paid for communities like the SEnuke Forum or the PPVplaybook Forum.
      This one is different and tops them all.
      They have system of giving Badges to us when we reach a certain milestone. Cool thing and really helps to keep everyone motivated.
      I can't really describe this and will let others chime in here.

      The Course:

      Week 1 was all about setting up the Amazon Account. It's very simple for US people to do but for the rest of us can be very tricky. They have a detailed video on how to setup up everything if you are from an non us country.

      Week 2 was all about "Picking your Profit-Making-Products".
      All 10 Videos are only 68 minutes to watch.
      They all have pretty good audio and are really making sense even for aliens like me.
      They suggest we go to the videos one by one, replicate what the show us and filter down to one product.
      That one product will be our main money maker. No need to pick 5, 10 or hundreds of products like other fba courses are teaching.

      Success and Motivation
      Here is a snippet from one thread I copied from the ASM Forum:

      ...I love reading Success Stories.
      They really inspire me and keep me motivated to getting things done.
      Regular people (often a lot younger than me) are crushing it.
      Here are a few Success Stories I found here in the forum.
      Mine is coming soon...

      03.25.2013-09.55.02 - ChristophK's library

      03.25.2013-10.01.37 - ChristophK's library

      03.25.2013-10.03.01 - ChristophK's library

      The thread has more success stories but I don't want to disclose them all here.


      If you missed the boat there may be a small chance to jump on board.
      I have a buddy who has done this a few days ago. Maybe it will work for you too.
      Goto the official site and send them an Mail that you missed the boat because of a vacation you had and had a huge backlog of mails to go through... yada yada

      WAIT! Don't Buy The Expensive Amazon Course "Amazing Selling Machine" for $4K.
      Start With The Proven Amazon Course First!

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      • Profile picture of the author TerrySilver
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        • Profile picture of the author scout99
          The testimonials certainly sound nice, but I know from experience that private labeling anything is not an inexpensive venture. Vitamin white labelers are a dime a dozen, and their heyday has passed (I'm not implying that that's all they are suggesting you private label, they are just the most commonplace).

          Buying other items direct from manufacturers in China? Possible, yes, but most have minimum orders and I've never had anything less than a couple thousand $. And they take about 30 days to reach you.

          Please continue to share as you deem appropriate.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7922905].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Nick Sharp
    Anyone know how to estimate sales if you get a product ranked in top 1k, top 100, top 10k, etc. for a category outside of books? Or anyone have any sample data? Thank you!
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    • Profile picture of the author ChrisWF
      One Warrior contacted me via PM.

      Hi Chris,

      I know you must be receiving a lot of emails from people since you posted in the forum that you purchased Amazon Selling Machine. I hope you don't mind one more

      I would like to ask you, in your honest opinion, is the course worth it? Does it really spell things out for you and help you select the right kind of products to sell and tell you exactly how to rank them so they sell?

      Would you spend your last $3500 on it?

      I'm at my wits end with being broke and will have to pull some strings to afford the course but I am so worried that this is another course that gives you everything at surface value and doesn't really help you make the money they claim.

      Wondering if I'm better off figuring things out for myself rather and invest my last dollars in buying some products that I think might sell well and then go from there.

      Your opinion and advice is much appreciated.

      Thanks also for keeping the thread up to date with your posts on how it's going.

      xxx (deleted for privacy)

      Hi xxx

      >I would like to ask you, in your honest opinion, is the course worth it?

      Yes, but we are only at week 3 of 8.
      There are some questions left unanswered right now.

      >Does it really spell things out for you and help you select the right kind of products to
      >sell and tell you exactly how to rank them so they sell?

      I've picked a product. Now I've contacted a few suppliers and also ordered my labels. In a few weeks we will see how it goes.

      >Would you spend your last $3500 on it?
      Probably not. You need a few hundreds or even thousands more to buy products. My first batch will cost around 3000+ shipping + customs.

      >Wondering if I'm better off figuring things out for myself rather and invest my last
      >dollars in buying some products that I think might sell well and then go from there.

      That might be a better Idea. You can start with selling things like books on Amazon.
      There is a course called PAC = The Proven Amazon Course that explains how to source cheap books and other things and sell them with Amazon FBA.

      If you are from the US that might be a good/better start. You only need limited funds for that method.

      I know of a guy who even sourced that course from a blackhat site and paid for the course after going through it. The Quality is really good to get your feed wet.

      All the best

      Amazing Selling Machine Week 3

      In Module 3, you learn how to find suppliers for ANY product you want to create your own brand of. Then, you learn the key principles of label & packaging design that will set your product apart from your competition. Lastly, you do a quick setup of your Amazon product listing (you'll fully optimize it in Module 4) and you place your first small inventory order

      This week is pretty hard core stuff and the most difficult thing for me in this course til now.
      You have to source suppliers and then send an eMail to them. They are giving us no swipe file and for a foreigner like me it's not that easy to write a professional sounding contact letter.
      Anyway, done that with some helpful people from the ASM forum, contacted a few suppliers and 50% of them have already replied. Two of them send me really good Information.
      You can source via google search or my personal tip: Use A lot of the suppliers I've found with the google search are way easier to find on Alibaba.

      More next week.

      WAIT! Don't Buy The Expensive Amazon Course "Amazing Selling Machine" for $4K.
      Start With The Proven Amazon Course First!

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7954224].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Jim Cockrum
        Originally Posted by ChrisWF View Post

        One Warrior contacted me via PM.

        RE: "The Proven Amazon Course"

        If you are from the US that might be a good/better start. You only need limited funds for that method.

        I know of a guy who even sourced that course from a blackhat site and paid for the course after going through it. The Quality is really good to get your feed wet.

        All the best

        Thanks for the great laugh...I'll take that as the ultimate compliment that you know someone who illegally got a copy of my PAC course and then felt so bad that they PAID for it after the fact! That's fantastic on so many levels... Thanks for posting that.

        Signature aka the "PAC" now includes the #1 "Private Label" training on the web (! We've been teaching "physical product" sales online since 2002 & we've accumulated over 1,000 success testimonials!
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7956098].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author ChrisWF
          HI All

          There will be a paid upgrade for the Proven Amazon Course from Jim Cockrum.

          It's only for Members of the PAC and only available for a few days for a massive discount.
          If you ever thought of buying the PAC, then NOW is the time.

          Here is only one snippet of the promotion:

          You get access to:
          How to grow your selling on Amazon business from $5,000 a month to $50,000 a month - a complete system of outsourcing the work, finding profitable inventory & managing cash flow

          Looks like Jim has enhanced his course by adding some stuff out of what ASM teaches us.

          WAIT! Don't Buy The Expensive Amazon Course "Amazing Selling Machine" for $4K.
          Start With The Proven Amazon Course First!

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7962327].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author kenwarrior
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7978416].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author ChrisWF
      Originally Posted by kenwarrior View Post

      The ASM course sucks big time.... enough said!
      What an in-depth review.


      WAIT! Don't Buy The Expensive Amazon Course "Amazing Selling Machine" for $4K.
      Start With The Proven Amazon Course First!

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7978461].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author kenwarrior
        Originally Posted by ChrisWF View Post

        What an in-depth review.

        I refunded from ASM this weekend, content was thin, I had a number of concerns about the course that I won't go into but I feel very glad that I refunded, I'm still going 100% on the business model but won't be paying $3497 for a course which does not even cover all the main points in detail
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7995110].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author l23bc
          Originally Posted by kenwarrior View Post

          I refunded from ASM this weekend, content was horrible, I had a number of concerns about the course that I won't go into but I feel very glad that I refunded, I'm still going 100% on the business model but won't be paying $3497 for a course which does not even cover all the main points in detail
          Have heard reviews of this system But to be fair there is a warrior member who has a ebook on amazon that has 5 times cheaper which has worked for me...I dont make 50k from amazon but on a good month a few 100 from sales of book sales, Think his name was Colin and it was the kindle lazer course, Would reccomend that then some system.

          hope that helps

          No Link here or Nothing to Promote Just a Old Happy Warrior User reading Topics

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7995152].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author BoJon
          Originally Posted by JamesBoyd View Post

          I refunded from ASM this weekend, content was thin, I had a number of concerns about the course that I won't go into but I feel very glad that I refunded, I'm still going 100% on the business model but won't be paying $3497 for a course which does not even cover all the main points in detail
          When you say "does not even cover all the main points in detail" I guess you refering to the video's and PDFs, but what about the Community and the Tools?

          Aren't they a valuable asset and increases the chance of success with this business model?
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8605195].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author panorama
            Originally Posted by BoJon View Post

            When you say "does not even cover all the main points in detail" I guess you refering to the video's and PDFs, but what about the Community and the Tools?

            Aren't they a valuable asset and increases the chance of success with this business model?
            In my opinion, most of the value of the course was in the Community.
            Comparison of Amazing Selling Machine & Other Private Label Alternatives (Updated April 2015)
            Copy Meets Design - Copywriting and design services exclusively for Amazon listings
            Phone/Text: 917-338-9644
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8605581].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author JamesBoyd
            Originally Posted by BoJon View Post

            When you say "does not even cover all the main points in detail" I guess you refering to the video's and PDFs, but what about the Community and the Tools?

            Aren't they a valuable asset and increases the chance of success with this business model?
            Community - there's a few good people who provide substantially better support and answers than the founders, but is this why you paid $4,000 ?

            Tools and Software - I'd say that only 1 of the tools was worth bothering with, the rest were very spammy and out of date, or just plain time wasters
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8605761].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author panorama
              Originally Posted by JamesBoyd View Post

              Community - there's a few good people who provide substantially better support and answers than the founders, but is this why you paid $4,000 ?

              Tools and Software - I'd say that only 1 of the tools was worth bothering with, the rest were very spammy and out of date, or just plain time wasters
              No - the community isn't WHY I joined the course, but it's where I found the most value in the end. I didn't expect to learn so much from others, but it was absolutely worth the cost for me.

              Remember, Amazon is a HUGE marketplace - just a few good tips that improve your business can pay dividends worth well more than a few thousand dollars.
              Comparison of Amazing Selling Machine & Other Private Label Alternatives (Updated April 2015)
              Copy Meets Design - Copywriting and design services exclusively for Amazon listings
              Phone/Text: 917-338-9644
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8605800].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author JamesBoyd
                Originally Posted by panorama View Post

                No - the community isn't WHY I joined the course, but it's where I found the most value in the end. I didn't expect to learn so much from others, but it was absolutely worth the cost for me.

                Remember, Amazon is a HUGE marketplace - just a few good tips that improve your business can pay dividends worth well more than a few thousand dollars.

                well I guess we can debate this forever LOL

                in my opinion the bottom line is that you don't need to pay pay $4000 to learn the bits of useful info they provide in the course as it's hardly a sure thing, as many people have discovered
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8605815].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Ryan David
              Originally Posted by JamesBoyd View Post

              Community - there's a few good people who provide substantially better support and answers than the founders, but is this why you paid $4,000 ?

              Tools and Software - I'd say that only 1 of the tools was worth bothering with, the rest were very spammy and out of date, or just plain time wasters
              Just out of curiosity, what are the tools that are offered?
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8605828].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author BoJon
                Originally Posted by Ryan David View Post

                Just out of curiosity, what are the tools that are offered?
                That's a good question. This is something that I would like to know as well.
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8606615].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author ChrisWF
                Originally Posted by Ryan David View Post

                Just out of curiosity, what are the tools that are offered?
                The Tools right now are

                Email - Sends kind of Autoresponder eMails to your Amazon Customers
                Tracking - Shows your Product Rankings
                Alliance - Get likes and links from different platforms. Very good.
                Promotion - Auto Backlink Tools for your Amazon Listings
                Press Release - Powerful PR Distribution System. Very good.
                Video - Powerful Video Upload Tool. Also very good.
                URL-Boost - Pinger? Tool for your Links and Backlinks
                Traffic Robot - Complete AutoBacklink System = Senukes little brother
                YouTube Mastery - Complete Course on how to do YouTube Videos and how to rank them

                They are always improving on these tools.
                For almost every Tool you can find something standalone that will do the same or maybe a better job, but you will have to pay for everything.
                The Alliance Tool isn't something that is available outside ASM.
                Overall it's very good compilation of useful Tools and they are all very good integrated.


                WAIT! Don't Buy The Expensive Amazon Course "Amazing Selling Machine" for $4K.
                Start With The Proven Amazon Course First!

                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8606796].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author Ryan David
                  Originally Posted by ChrisWF View Post

                  The Tools right now are

                  Email - Sends kind of Autoresponder eMails to your Amazon Customers
                  Tracking - Shows your Product Rankings
                  Alliance - Get likes and links from different platforms. Very good.
                  Promotion - Auto Backlink Tools for your Amazon Listings
                  Press Release - Powerful PR Distribution System. Very good.
                  Video - Powerful Video Upload Tool. Also very good.
                  URL-Boost - Pinger? Tool for your Links and Backlinks
                  Traffic Robot - Complete AutoBacklink System = Senukes little brother
                  YouTube Mastery - Complete Course on how to do YouTube Videos and how to rank them

                  They are always improving on these tools.
                  For almost every Tool you can find something standalone that will do the same or maybe a better job, but you will have to pay for everything.
                  The Alliance Tool isn't something that is available outside ASM.
                  Overall it's very good compilation of useful Tools and they are all very good integrated.

                  Interesting....I would say the only vital thing out of that list is the auto-responded. I have a solution now that I use that is around $25/month or so depending on volume. Alliance sounds interesting, but the rest of the stuff sounds like filler and cheap SEO tools.

                  I just wonder if these product creators really give you EVERYTHING when they are doing their training. Amazon is such a lucrative opportunity and there is so much upside there that I'm surprised they would trade their competitive advantage for $3500/student.

                  I have some stuff that I would share here and there with people, but I have a handful of tips/tricks that I would never give away for any amount of money. Even if I collected a large sum of money upfront, it wouldn't be worth it if the tactics became more common knowledge.
                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8607198].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author BoJon
              Originally Posted by JamesBoyd View Post

              Community - there's a few good people who provide substantially better support and answers than the founders, but is this why you paid $4,000 ?

              Tools and Software - I'd say that only 1 of the tools was worth bothering with, the rest were very spammy and out of date, or just plain time wasters
              No, I'm not in this course. I just wanted to hear your thoughts about this so I could make a judgment on whether I missed something or not. It seems like it's possible to achieve some success even without this course.
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8606609].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author sharitchritin
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7999086].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author ChrisWF

      I don't have the AMM course.
      Matt says, that in the AMM he teaches a few strategies including Kindle ebooks.
      Now he concentrates on one successful strategy only. That new strategy has nothing (almost) to do with the Kindle anymore.

      Did you read this post:
      There is a link to Daniels Success story. Daniel is a former AMM Member and he just gave us an update on his story last Thursday.
      He has 11 products online now.
      He's selling around $10.000 a Day, the best Day last week was $12.000+
      His net is around 60% from that.


      P.S. I will not give you anymore updates in this thread in the next weeks.
      Have to work hard on my business

      Originally Posted by sharitchritin View Post

      Hi ChrisWF,

      Just read your comments about ASM with couple of testimonial links. It looks good.

      I already have AMM from Matt Clark. Do you think it is worth to get the ASM after having AMM? How much difference between AMM and ASM?


      WAIT! Don't Buy The Expensive Amazon Course "Amazing Selling Machine" for $4K.
      Start With The Proven Amazon Course First!

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7999111].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author tiger1
        Ok, so as promised, here is my review after 30 days in the program:

        The training, content and support have been outstanding in my opinion. They were very detailed and actually moved a little slower than I would have preferred, but I understand some people are brand new to business and need that.

        I have set up my store, chosen my first 3 products to launch, found a supplier and have placed my first inventory order for my first product. It honestly takes about a month to get to this point so it's not really feasible to say that the 30 day refund policy covers you long enough to see if it really is going to work for you. However, there have been a few students that have product in inventory and are already making daily sales on Amazon. But we have just started on the promotion and ranking sections of the training and won't see the fruits of those efforts for a few weeks most likely.

        With that said, I do see a lot of potential here based on the data and the facts that I have been able to obtain as well as my experience in retail and IM. The program just makes sense from a business standpoint and if you follow the training, your product listing is far superior to 95% of all the other products on Amazon, which in turn will be more attractive to the buyer and convert higher.

        I have been tracking the daily sales volume of the 3 products I will be selling on Amazon. Based on the volume they are selling, and I'm not using top ranked products, just average ones, if I just get them ranked equally as the final 30 days promises to show us, my projections have me profiting around $9000 per month. If I achieve a top ranking for each, this number would be significantly higher.

        The only catch so far is you do need some capital to really be successful at this. Not a fortune but I would say you need at least $1-2K on top of the training cost and I'm sure that leaves a lot of people out. The old saying that it takes money to make money really does apply here.

        Of course, all of this is mostly my opinion and speculation at this point so I'm not sure what that is worth, although I have been in retail for over 15 years. I will post again at the end of the 30 days and let you guys know how it worked out.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8001989].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author sharitchritin
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8002113].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author tiger1
      Originally Posted by sharitchritin View Post

      Hi Tiger1,

      Thanks for sharing. Do you drop shipping or private labeling?

      What I am concerned is whether the method can be saturated fast due to lots of people going out to source and promote products?
      I only do private labeling. I am sure there are many ways to make money on Amazon as well as some other fine courses as mentioned throughout this thread using other methods. However private labeling is the focus of this course.

      The market saturation issue was my primary concern for quite some time as well. But after seeing how many opportunities there are on Amazon, I can't see how it would ever be an issue. If you are in the top 1000-2000 in a product category, you are doing ok. So with dozens of categories, I don't see the market saturation issue coming into play.

      I would shy away from the product you mentioned. It sounds like it is difficult to ship, very fragile with a high potential for damage (hence customer complaints in the form of bad reviews) and there is no demand for it.

      Chris WF was spot on. Don't try to reinvent the wheel. It is a lot like IM or SEO, try to find something that already has demand and little competition and go after it. You have to spend some time looking but the product opportunities are definitely out there.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8003814].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author tiger1
        One more clarification on something I mentioned in my 30 day review. I said that in my opinion you need at least 1-2K on top of the cost of the course to really be successful.

        What I meant was to be successful quickly you need that kind of cash. You could probably get started with around $200-$300 and still make it work but it would just take you much longer because you would have to wait until the product sells, reinvest and keep doing that over and over until you had enough capital to carry a larger inventory that would make serious profits. But you would eventually get there. It would just take some time and patience.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8003863].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author sharitchritin
    In fact, I have my own physical product. It is one of kind handcrafted art (not drawing, it is physical product). I just have 2 concerns:

    1. My product is unique. Don't have popular keywords associated the product. So keywords become issues to rank the product

    2. It need to be dedicate shipping. Just want to be shipped, then customers complain broken or twisted or whatever, then bad outcomes.

    Hope I can get over these concerns and start to sell my items in Amazon.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8002123].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author ChrisWF

      It's the one mistake a lot of people make, taking their product and try to rank and sell.

      Do it the other way around.

      Look what is selling well on Amazon, find a product with Private Label Potential.
      (Hint you can't clone the Kindle or iPhone but find your own yoga mat)
      Get that product under your own label and promote and sell that.



      WAIT! Don't Buy The Expensive Amazon Course "Amazing Selling Machine" for $4K.
      Start With The Proven Amazon Course First!

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8002984].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author TerrySilver
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8004325].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author ChrisWF
          Originally Posted by TerrySilver View Post


          Did you go with domestic suppliers or overseas?

          Were they very difficult to find?
          I'm from Germany so for me it is all "overseas"

          Yup, you need more than 30 minutes to find a good one.


          WAIT! Don't Buy The Expensive Amazon Course "Amazing Selling Machine" for $4K.
          Start With The Proven Amazon Course First!

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8006933].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Oliver Williams
    Thanks to everyone who has contributed their reviews on this thread based on actual experience and verified facts.

    What I find is that all to often certain opportunities can become misrepresented on threads by (well meaning) people posting their personal opinions and beliefs about a new opportunity rather then posting what they actually know from their experience.
    Don't believe everything you think
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8030229].message }}
  • I've thought about trying this before but have had concerns about 'creating my own product' and the support / liability part of it with my own brand. I would probably try to pick products where liability was not as much of an issue but what about some type of warranty or is this a non issue for basic products?
    Signature - Money Making Tips, Tricks, and Case Studies
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8045902].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author tiger1
      Ok, so as promised, here is my 60 day review. I will apologize in advance because this won't be very exciting as I am a few weeks behind.

      The product I decided to start with has many sellers on Amazon claiming to be organic but none are certified organic. I decided to get my product certified organic in order to be the only seller on Amazon with that certification. I believe it will give me an edge over all of them and will certainly give me a great unique selling point.

      Anyway, that process took me 4 weeks and I am just now sending my inventory to Amazon to start selling. I could have been selling weeks ago if I didn't go that route so it is my choice, not because of the program or anything else.

      I am launching a second product as well and Amazon flagged it for review for being a possible restricted or hazardous product. Kind of funny as it is a basic cosmetic product. I guess something in the description flagged them and it is standard procedure. However, that put me almost 2 weeks behind.

      So I have no product in inventory and it looks like it will be another week before I am up and running. I will go ahead and post another review in 30 days that should be more helpful with some real stats and figures, but here are a couple more things I have learned since the last review.

      This is a lot of work and you must have a lot of patience but it does seem that most of the work is on the front end getting everything set up for the first time. After that, it is simply reordering.

      The liability issue is not that big of a deal. I got a commercial policy that covers me for liability issues for less than $1000 a year. I also read a post on the members forum that someone got a policy for $500 a year.

      I'll keep you updated sooner if things change before the 30 days.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8097683].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Penn86
        Originally Posted by tiger1 View Post

        So I have no product in inventory and it looks like it will be another week before I am up and running. I will go ahead and post another review in 30 days that should be more helpful with some real stats and figures, but here are a couple more things I have learned since the last review....I'll keep you updated sooner if things change before the 30 days.
        Wishing you great success Tiger1 in another product launch and looking forward to hearing about your results here. Are you doing relabeling or just reselling? Thanks.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8107936].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author zakizarifah
        Originally Posted by tiger1 View Post

        The liability issue is not that big of a deal. I got a commercial policy that covers me for liability issues for less than $1000 a year. I also read a post on the members forum that someone got a policy for $500 a year.
        Thank you for the tip. How do I get the liability policy from? :confused:

        Originally Posted by tiger1 View Post

        I'll keep you updated sooner if things change before the 30 days.
        Thanks you for the review.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8109215].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author mcdc2000
    I don't recall where I heard about "rank higher" in the Amazon listing, if you used FBA (fulfillment-by-amazon) instead of self fulfillment.

    Is it true?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8057268].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author kenwarrior
    There are so many red flags about this program it's like independence day in Moscow
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8058977].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author mcdc2000
      Originally Posted by kenwarrior View Post

      There are so many red flags about this program it's like independence day in Moscow
      Can you elaborate on what the red flags about this program?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8059403].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author kenwarrior
        Originally Posted by mcdc2000 View Post

        Can you elaborate on what the red flags about this program?
        While the basic principals are sound these guys sold this like it was shooting fish in a barrel with an AK47, more like catching a 10ft shark with a 5ft fishing pole

        Don't expect to be successful doing this unless you are prepared to put a lot of time and effort into it, and you really need a couple of extra $thousand to have any real chance of getting started, although some have claimed they started with less and have done well

        In my opinion at least 75% of the real value in this course was given away in the free pre-sales material, a lot of the course was just fluff and filler and things you could pretty much work out for yourself with a little bit of effort
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8062011].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author yohan
    I think the real question we have to be asking is this..... not everyone is going to be lucky and rank a product on the first position or even page of amazon's results.

    So if you finally do the work and get your product into Amazons FBA system, what sort of sales can you expect?

    The ASM guys claimed in the webinars that even having one item way down the results list would equate to profits of around $70,000 per year.

    When you consider the average profit on these sorts of items is between $10-20 then by calculation you would have to be selling 15-20 items a day to make 70k.

    So the question is, how realistic is it to sell 15-20 items per day of a product that is way down the list in Amazon search results?

    We all know that being in position 30+ in Google means you are dead. Is it different with Amazon?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8068600].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author fatboyfat
    Had a few pm about selling my membership to asm thanks but no thanks. Yes the course is not very good and fails to exsplain extra costs ect but the reasen i wont sell is that the forum they have is fantastic way better than the 8 modules
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8075189].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author kenwarrior
      Originally Posted by fatboyfat View Post

      the forum they have is fantastic
      The blind leading the blind for the most part
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8075297].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author ChrisWF
        Some Info from the ASM course:

        - Over 1600 members signed up
        - 87% stayed til the end
        - First success stories coming in
        - Finally UPS is delivering my products to an Amazon Warehouse. Tracking says Today
        - There is a live event in two weeks. Only course members are allowed. 700+ will come

        This model works.
        Forget the negative People here in the forum. They are probably from the 13% refunders group.

        Back to work. Have some promotions to do.


        If you are from the US, then go with Jim Cockrums PAC (Proven Amazon Course) for now. You will learn the FBA part very well and will be ready when the ASM course (or a follow up) will come along in the future (next year?).

        WAIT! Don't Buy The Expensive Amazon Course "Amazing Selling Machine" for $4K.
        Start With The Proven Amazon Course First!

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8080191].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author milla04
        Originally Posted by kenwarrior View Post

        The blind leading the blind for the most part
        I tend to avoid negative people but on this occasion I wanted to say something. I dont know if you are dead against the business model or the course.

        One thing made me laugh though when you said "this is hard work." well, dur, any business worth making money from SHOULD BE HARD WORK.

        Unless you have found a push button method, if that were the case I am sure you would be rich selling it to everyone. (maybe you are):p

        The facts are, yes this business model is "HARD WORK" damn hard, that is why I love it, because the return is massive.

        Let me point out, when I say hard work, its the initial setting up process getting your products, either scouting or private labeling. Once that is completed, amazon will do everything for you.

        One last thing, its people like you who really gives this business model i.e FBA a bad name, which in my opinion and I am sure others say its a fantastic money earner.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8080588].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author kenwarrior
    There's really not anything to talk about, if you think $3500 was good value for this course good for you, I did not, I took Jason's and Matt's advice which was try the course for 30 days and if you don't like it ask for a refund, which I did.

    Matt and Jason are fine fellows but quite frankly they have not been very upfront about a few things, I guess sooner or later you will figure it out for yourself

    Amazon FBA - great business model, as I have already posted!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8080801].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author panorama
      Originally Posted by kenwarrior View Post

      Matt and Jason are fine fellows but quite frankly they have not been very upfront about a few things, I guess sooner or later you will figure it out for yourself

      Amazon FBA - great business model, as I have already posted!
      I'm on the same page as you. Even though the business model is solid, you're right that they haven't been upfront about things.

      I'm in the loop with a couple of members and it's disappointing to see that Matt and Jason haven't been more forthcoming about what they are doing.

      It wasn't that hard to find their Amazon seller accounts and, although I could be wrong, it looks like they might both be in the process of cashing out right now.
      Comparison of Amazing Selling Machine & Other Private Label Alternatives (Updated April 2015)
      Copy Meets Design - Copywriting and design services exclusively for Amazon listings
      Phone/Text: 917-338-9644
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8080963].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author kenwarrior
    Lets see where this turkey is by thanksgiving, it could soar like an eagle but for most people I think it will land in the oven
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  • Profile picture of the author klo2383
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8138323].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author benmuijaz
      Originally Posted by klo2383 View Post

      I have been following this post since the beginning. I feel like I made the right choice by staying away from this service. Thanks to everyone for their insight and advice.

      I have decided that buying low and selling high on amazon is the best way to go (for me at least). There are descent services that help you find products. I use FBAMyLife dot com, but FBAfinds is also good. These services find products for you to buy and resell (for a price of course). But they are helpful.

      Thanks again.

      Hey Kevin,

      Are you the same Kevin that is on FBA My Life - Home
      If so, you could have come out and said just that instead saying it like you are giving a testimonial.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8138460].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author klo2383
        Originally Posted by benmuijaz View Post

        Hey Kevin,

        Are you the same Kevin that is on FBA My Life - Home
        If so, you could have come out and said just that instead saying it like you are giving a testimonial.

        Sorry to make it sound like that. I am the same Kevin but I do use my own service, and I think it is great. And I did get turned on to it because of this thread.

        Sorry if I offended anyone.

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8139414].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author vbox
    Here's my reply to someone in another thread, thought I'd post it here too...


    As someone lived in China and quite familiar with samping and shipping processes, I'd like to chim in a little,

    1. Sampling does have cost, at least for first time customers who orders smaller quantity and cares 'minimum quantity' a lot. But in most cases, it's not big cost because all suppliers willing to sample for you expect to make money on the following orders, not the sample itself.

    2. As for shipping. Courier is mostly used for samples, both for time reason and difficulty you will get yourself into to ship anything less then 1 cubic meter by sea, let alone all the custom clearence documents you need to cover. It's simply not worthwhile to ship sample by sea, or any smaller quantity products(considerring AMS covers mostly smaller products, 1 cubic meter could be thousands).

    3. I'd recommend everyone consider the shipping factor in sourcing products. Personally I would strongly tend to look into smallest and lightest products which could still make a profit by courier shipping, it'll save tons of trouble to everything.

    Lastly, since I'm very much interested in this program and I have missed the time to join, if anyone in the course is interested in JV with me, feel free to let me know. Since I'm in China, I could get you anything in a better term as a local. I could even do it free, if you let me understand how you sell it well throgh AMS so we help each other to succeed.

    PM me if anyone is interested.
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  • Profile picture of the author JamesBoyd
    Less than 2 weeks after their course has ended I can't believe these guys are now promoting a big ticket drop shipping course to their members after telling them at the start of ASM that drop shipping was a stupid idea, it's quite hard to believe anything these guys say
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    • Profile picture of the author fatboyfat
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8167575].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author sagbee
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    • Profile picture of the author JamesBoyd
      Originally Posted by sagbee View Post

      can you show me where you see this ?
      You are obviously not on any of their mailing lists or you would have been hit several times by now

      If you want to see what is being promoted just Google something like

      big brown box Ezra Firestone
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8166059].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author perswealth
        Well these guru types do that a lot. They take a stand on a certain issue/strategy, then do a complete 360 when it suits them (product launch, selling an affiliate product, etc.,). It's almost like they forget what they tell there readers, or think they won't remember.

        Remember Ryan Deiss with the SEO thing? Bashes it to the hilt, then comes out with his own SEO product (i forget the name of it). I can name 4 others right off the top of my head that did the same thing, but you get the point. I don't hate them when i see them do it, I just think it's funny.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8167294].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author JamesBoyd
          Originally Posted by perswealth View Post

          Remember Ryan Deiss with the SEO thing?
          This guy would try and sell a big ticket course on how to suck eggs to his grandmother if he though he could get away with it, he's the king of the u turn, I agree you have to laugh!
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8167345].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author jimzimm
      Originally Posted by sagbee View Post

      seriously ?? Now that was a turning point.... I thought Matt was a serious guy... can you show me where you see this ?
      Here is the email I received:

      Matt Clark via
      6:00 AM (1 hour ago)

      to me
      Wow! The webinar we're doing with Ezra Firestone
      about his Brown Box Formula program is about 93%
      full already.

      Today (Wednesday), you'll likely start getting
      hammered by people promoting Ezra's course.

      Trust me, you want to WAIT until you hear what we
      have to say (and offer) on the webinar first.

      Remember, I just sold an ecommerce business
      for 6 figures a few months ago.

      I know what it takes to get results FAST with this model.

      I HIGHLY recommend you go register for it right now...

      ==> Click here to secure your spot

      Don't worry, if the Thursday at 6PM EST time doesn't
      work for you, we'll mail you out a replay.

      To Your Success,

      Matt Clark & Jason Katzenback
      Amazing Selling Machine

      P.S. You don't want to miss this opportunity to tap into
      three minds that are all doing this REAL business model

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8168814].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author notimetoulouse
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8181319].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Mike Parkin
          It may well have been overpriced but did anyone follow their plan and get a private label product ranking and selling in reasonable volume?
          Rockin' in the free world
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          • Profile picture of the author morphers
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8185095].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author panorama
              Originally Posted by morphers View Post


              I am in many nitches and only followed partially what Matt and Jason preached in the ASM Course. I quit my day job and sell on Amazon full time. I started with Retail Arbitrage and wholesale to get into the game SUPER FAST. Now I am slowing selling off most of this stuff and replacing it with Private Label and New Wholesale Products as this is alot less work in the long run, and I control my products/listings. My most successful and profitable products are Private Label and some Wholesale. There is SOO much information in the course that I haven't even done half of it, or used their tools yet. I'm still working up to that while still managing my inventory.

              These guys don't just teach how to sell on Amazon, but want you to expand and grow outside of Amazon and build huge empires from brands you create all over the internet.

              Side note, they are opening the doors again in October, visit the Facebook Launch Event @ to keep up to date on the latest re-launch of the Amazing Selling Machine Course.

              I know these guys are going to fine-tune it more and more as the current group learns more and more and shares it with everyone!
              Morphers, is that your Facebook event and are you using it to promote the course as an an affiliate when it relaunches?
              Comparison of Amazing Selling Machine & Other Private Label Alternatives (Updated April 2015)
              Copy Meets Design - Copywriting and design services exclusively for Amazon listings
              Phone/Text: 917-338-9644
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8185830].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author JamesBoyd
              Originally Posted by morphers View Post

              Side note, they are opening the doors again in October
              That's all we need, another 1500 people selling spatulas and garcinia cambogia
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8188443].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author milla04
    I have to admit it, I was one of those people who shouted and said this method/system would not work, in fact I wanted to prove a point, I bought this course to actually compare it to Proven amazon course (I am a current member of.) The problem I saw with PAC is the leg work that is required, trust me. I went out early hrs in the morning scouting and buy 20 items a day. This should not be a one man show, this is what was lacking in the course at the time, I believe it has been updated now.

    Anyhow, I test run ASM for 30 days, I even spent $840 on inventory which is 160 items, and priced it at $14 ish more than my competitors, however my margin was only 28%, this was killing me (I wanted more money). So I decided to increase my price to $25. Now, I want to make this very clear, my competitors are pricing their products at $8 - $10.

    I am in fact double their price. This works 2013-06-19_0151 - DarrenJM's library, as you can see within 30 days I have made my money back (well not the course money, but inventory.) I am big enough to say I was wrong. I know their are haters here, hating on this course. Well all I can say is, you keep hating, this method works and will only get better, I have been adding my own methods to really explode this.

    Yes there is a lot of work to do, like write PRs, articles or create videos. But you would have to do that anyways, this is no different. In fact marketing an amazon list is much easier because you can be so aggressive on ones url. I am already ranking on two google search keywords, which is all in the course.

    The only reason I am posting this here is (not to promote... But), a lot of people on WF are pure negative people, all they say are negative things. Sometimes you just have to take a leap of faith and run with it AND believe in yourself.

    Admittedly, I bought this course to create a review "NOT TO BUY," oh, well. I am sure others are going to moan in someway or another rather than make things happen.

    I dont think there is any point me leaving another review on my progress, I am sure someone will have some sort of a dig. Well, good luck everyone.
    Anyways enough said from me, time to leave this tread.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8189094].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author JamesBoyd
      Originally Posted by milla04 View Post

      I have to admit it, I was one of those people who shouted and said this method/system would not work
      Buddy, you are missing the point, I've been through this course and I could teach 99% of what is important to somebody in 30 minutes or less, and you paid $3500 for this info, give me a break
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8189332].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author milla04
    LOL, I think you are missing the point (I look forward to your WSO course then.) Putting the course content aside for now, lets take a look at the tools.

    Comparing tools to what you "MAY" be using.

    Aweber - $20 a month x 24month = $497 (we have an email tool linked in with amazon buyers, sending the tips or whatever)
    senux - $149 a month x 24 months = $3576 (there is a tool that is the same as this)
    PR distribution (not using free sites) you would pay about $20 - $50 using a WSO service - $20 x 24 months = $497
    index tool $10 x 24 months = $240

    As you can see for 24 months which is 2years of these types of tools you are paying well over $4k, right JamesBoyd?

    As you have access to this course you have seen all the tools inside. Any marketer online needs 90% of these tools to do well online, in this course we get access to them for 2 years.

    So JamesBoyd, I will give you a break, because you know best. Good luck mate
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8190776].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author JamesBoyd
      Originally Posted by milla04 View Post

      lets take a look at the tools
      The software tools that came with ASM were hyped into the stratosphere, turns out they were nothing special at all, from what I know about them they are either:

      - Spammy link building tools (article marketing)
      - Non effective (PR tool)
      - Full of bugs (email tool)
      - Just a complete waste your your time

      It's only a matter of time before Amazon does a wholesale ban of accounts for trying to game their review system, you don't really think you are smarter than Amazon do you?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8190879].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author ChrisWF
      This course works.
      See my Sales Summary

      Thats sales not profit.
      I've been testing PPC traffic right now and for the last 2 Days I've managed to double my PPC money.
      Now I'm ramping up my budget.

      To be honest, this course isn't doable with only a $100 budget.
      You need to buy Inventory, Articles, Press Releases, Label-Design, Logo-Design, more Inventory...
      Thats all not cheap and you could easily end up paying another $3.000 on top of the course before you have your first Item sold (just ask my wife).

      You need to work a lot and you will need more time than 4 weeks to see your first sales.

      But it really works and you can build a long term business out of this.
      Currently I'm working on my second product. It will hit the Amazon Warehouse in about 3-4 weeks.
      Building your own brand of products on Amazon is really cool.

      WAIT! Don't Buy The Expensive Amazon Course "Amazing Selling Machine" for $4K.
      Start With The Proven Amazon Course First!

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8190925].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author milla04
    I did write a long message (I deleted it), but I do not have the time or strength to get in a pissing match with you now. I am sure the community respects your view point on things and good luck to them.

    At the end of the day, people buy products to make from and build a long term business. Wam-bam thank you sam. See you a round
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8190939].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author tiger1
    As promised, here is my 90 day review:

    First, I apologize to those that posted questions asking me for answers. I don’t really check this thread frequently and didn’t subscribe to it because I already get way too many emails and don’t want to get distracted.

    For the person that asked if I was private labeling, yes that is what I am doing and what the course teaches. If you sell someone else’s product, you will be at the mercy of a price war and your profit margins will be extremely limited, so I only recommend going the private labeling route because you are the only seller and can dictate your price and profit margins without someone undercutting you.

    To answer the liability insurance question, I already had a policy covering my local business so I just added private label products to that policy. I would recommend you find a local insurance broker, not a big brand insurance company because a local broker will shop several companies to get you the best rate.

    As previously stated, it took me a little longer than normal to get my product up and running. I’ve only been live for about a month now, maybe a little less. It looks like I’m going to make about $500 my first month in net profits. Nothing to write home about but that can’t really be blamed on the system.

    I have a local business that pays my bills and I have to dedicate most of my time to that. I am doing this in my spare time. I also have two kids and volunteer at my church and those 3 things are my priority, although not in that order of course (Family and church comes first).

    Basically all I have done up to this point is the initial research, sourcing the products and getting them listed on Amazon and in my FBA inventory. I have not had the time to do any of the promotional work. My second product just went live yesterday so up to now, I have only listed one product.

    To me, it shows a lot of promise if I’m making $500 a month off of one product by just listing it and doing nothing else.

    I have come to the realization that I can’t do all of the promotion myself so I have hired some outsourcers to help me with that. It looks like I will only need them for a month per product and I will have everything completed since most of it is all up front work. If you have a decent amount of spare time, you could do it yourself and not need to outsource it but my situation is different.

    I will come back and give another review after I have implemented all of the promotional and traffic building work. Hopefully the next review will report more impressive numbers.
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  • Profile picture of the author JamesBoyd
    Making $500-3000 per month per product is a realistic goal using this system, after doing a huge amount of work per product, I think $1000 is going to be the average

    What I object to is the super hype implying that you are going to be making $100k/month while on vacation in Paris after a few months in this business, doing little more than logging in and reordering inventory

    It is necessary to post counter hype otherwise too many hard working people who can ill afford it get taken to the cleaners by very sharp and smooth talking internet marketers

    It really puzzles me why so many people get upset when someone actually posts the truth, as opposed to hype
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8201116].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author milla04
    James yes I agree with you on a couple points, the promotional videos looks hyped up, and yes its made out you dont need to do any work. However, J&M have always said (on webinars), its hard work (if you have never experienced this before) just like any business when to get things moving, plus its on the high price. I know many well known marketers who charge double the price and ship their product - (I can recall a launch happening last year around video marketing). The facts are, this business model will make people money (a big statement, I know) "ONLY" if one puts the work in.

    I dont know where you get those figures from $500 - $1000 a month, anyhow, I am sure most people in this forum wouldnt mind an extra $500 -$1000 profit in their bank account each month.

    I got paid from Amazon on the 17th June $900ish, and already (not even a week gone yet) I have $500 in my account wanting to be sent out. Take whatever you want from that, but this is within my first 7 weeks of my product being live.

    For whatever reason this business model did not fit you, thats fine. There are many people who are having success with this model, including me.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8202508].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author JamesBoyd
      Originally Posted by milla04 View Post

      For whatever reason this business model did not fit you
      You obviously have not read this thread recently, I already posted a few times that this is a good business model, I am doing it right now and making money, the problem is the ASM course was not very good and about 5x over priced, in my opinion. The forum they set up had thousands of questions posted in it... and the reason was because the course just glossed over everything, a lot of cute 5-10 minute videos for the most part
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8202691].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Jim Cockrum
        Selling on Amazon via FBA is a fantastic biz model. You don't need ANYONE'S course to get started. FBA is a simple biz model and I'm seeing lives changed daily b/c of it. I'd hate to think that the "noise" of this thread has caused anyone to back off from the basics.

        Get started here right on Amazon's site: Help: Fulfillment by Amazon

        There are plenty of Amazon FBA success stories that start out with that link, and a little creative course, no help, no guru.
        Signature aka the "PAC" now includes the #1 "Private Label" training on the web (! We've been teaching "physical product" sales online since 2002 & we've accumulated over 1,000 success testimonials!
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    • Profile picture of the author JamesBoyd
      Originally Posted by milla04 View Post

      I dont know where you get those figures from $500 - $1000 a month
      From my experience and others, some simple maths and a lot of common sense

      After taking into account products costs, shipping, Amazon commission, FBA fee's, ad costs, logo design, label design, domain and hosting fee's, legal fee's etc you are doing well if you can make $10 net profit per sale

      Selling 50 to 300 units a month is realistic, you only have to monitor a few products to see how many are selling, I'm talking average here, once in a while somebody will do much better, and a lot much worse if you choose the wrong product
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8207328].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author milla04
        Originally Posted by JamesBoyd View Post

        From my experience and others, some simple maths and a lot of common sense

        After taking into account products costs, shipping, Amazon commission, FBA fee's, ad costs, logo design, label design, domain and hosting fee's, legal fee's etc you are doing well if you can make $10 net profit per sale

        Selling 50 to 300 units a month is realistic, you only have to monitor a few products to see how many are selling, I'm talking average here, once in a while somebody will do much better, and a lot much worse if you choose the wrong product
        You dont really need to pay for ads. I create videos, and 80% of them are in the top 10 already. Although, if one wants instant traffic it is understandable.
        Logo design, label design and domain and hosting, you surprise me to include these as they are a ONE time fee, a part from hosting ($10 a month or less). I got my label and logo completed for $50 off fiver.

        Legal fees?? Wow... Granted, I paid less than $200 to incorporate my business which is set for 12 months until renewal. With that said, one is not required to incorporate a business because one could be a sole proprietor, so once one has made their money reinvest it back.

        Based on what I have stated above its clear one can make 30 - 60% profit on each item.

        I understand this course is pricey, but lack of content?? I find that laughable, more than 60% of members are making money FACT , including me who has never experienced private labeling.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8244151].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author panorama
          Originally Posted by milla04 View Post

          Wow, if this is what you are doing, no wander you are losing money.
          Amazon commissions + FBA fees? Really, if you are going to post, please post FACTS. FBA fees is 15% That is it.
          I've actually changed my position on Amazing Selling Machine and would now recommend it after doing more research, but your statement above is flat out wrong.

          Amazon Commission is 15% of the sales price, but FBA fees are an additional cost. It's a minimum of about $2.50 per order, but can be higher depending on a couple of factors. On a $25 item, that's another 10% in fees.
          Comparison of Amazing Selling Machine & Other Private Label Alternatives (Updated April 2015)
          Copy Meets Design - Copywriting and design services exclusively for Amazon listings
          Phone/Text: 917-338-9644
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8244242].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author milla04
            Originally Posted by panorama View Post

            It's a minimum of about $2.50 per order, but can be higher depending on a couple of factors. On a $25 item, that's another 10% in fees.
            Haha, I just doubled checked, and yes you are right. My item is selling @ $25 with a profit margin of $19 ish after amazon fees. So the additional 10% you mentioned is not correct in my case.

            All the best
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8244395].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author panorama
              Originally Posted by milla04 View Post

              Haha, I just doubled checked, and yes you are right. My item is selling @ $25 with a profit margin of $19 ish after amazon fees. So the additional 10% you mentioned is not correct in my case.

              All the best
              First, I'm not sure how you can say $2.42 in fulfillment fees is not about 10% on a $25 item.

              Second, there is absolutely no way your profit margin could be $19ish on a $25 product unless you sourced and shipped your product for free.

              Amazon fees alone would be at least $6.17 for Non-Media products.

              Amazon Commission (15% of $25.00): $3.75
              FBA Fees (assuming a small, lightweight product): $2.42.
              Total: $6.17

              Net Proceeds BEFORE product costs: $18.83.

              As I mentioned earlier, I changed my position and would actually recommend ASM at this point, but you'll lose credibility here with comments like this.
              Comparison of Amazing Selling Machine & Other Private Label Alternatives (Updated April 2015)
              Copy Meets Design - Copywriting and design services exclusively for Amazon listings
              Phone/Text: 917-338-9644
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8244883].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author zorro111
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8229169].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author JamesBoyd
      Originally Posted by zorro111 View Post

      There are people who have gone full speed ahead and invested in the thousands to fulfill the course recommendations, only to find that their product is sitting in Amazon warehouses, with little to no sales. Yes, overpriced
      This is just further confirmation that a lot of what was/is taught in this course was not based on facts, just wishful thinking based on results the promoters had obtained for some "unique" products that don't carry over into general categories
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8243234].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author milla04
    With all due respect, I share information at the goodness of my heart AND earnings. It's up to me how much I reveal. To be quite honest I am not bothered if people want to believe me or not, the facts ARE after amazon fees I bank $19, FACT. PLUS I ship within the USA.

    If you want to do a comparison. Lets do that with ASM, no problem.
    I think most people think China is the only location in the world, go figure.

    If you are apart of AMS, you would have seen my blog posts within the forum group on my earns and costs journey from start to present, FACT.

    UPDATE: after thinking about what I have written, I decided to post margin. This is because of panorama indirectly calling me a lair. From now on I hope this puts all the nasty critics to bed. as you can see, it clearly states $19.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8245318].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author panorama
      Originally Posted by milla04 View Post

      With all due respect, I share information at the goodness of my heart AND earnings. It's up to me how much I reveal. To be quite honest I am not bothered if people want to believe me or not, the facts ARE after amazon fees I bank $19, FACT. PLUS I ship within the USA.

      If you want to do a comparison. Lets do that with ASM, no problem.
      I think most people think China is the only location in the world, go figure.

      If you are apart of AMS, you would have seen my blog posts within the forum group on my earns and costs journey from start to present, FACT.

      UPDATE: after thinking about what I have written, I decided to post margin. This is because of panorama indirectly calling me a lair. From now on I hope this puts all the nasty critics to bed. 2013-07-05_0908 - DarrenJM's library as you can see, it clearly states $19.
      Actually, your screenshot exactly proves my point. Your proceeds after Amazon fees are about $19, but this doesn't take your product or shipping costs into account. So...unless you are getting your product for free and having it shipped to Amazon's warehouses for free, your profit margin is not $19. You may want to re-read my prior post.

      Oh, and I'm not calling you a liar...I'm just saying you're wrong. There's a difference.

      As you can see in the attached screenshot, I'm on pace to do $20k this month...mostly from private label product. While it's not a lot in the grand scheme of things, I do know what I'm talking about when it comes to selling on Amazon.
      Comparison of Amazing Selling Machine & Other Private Label Alternatives (Updated April 2015)
      Copy Meets Design - Copywriting and design services exclusively for Amazon listings
      Phone/Text: 917-338-9644
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8245922].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author milla04
    First off, that is great news you are doing very well with private labeling. Secondly, I think this is a conversation on much to do about nothing (spiting hairs.) With that being said, you may have missed it, but let me point it out to you, quote:
    "Amazon fees alone would be at least $6.17 for Non-Media products.

    Amazon Commission (15% of $25.00): $3.75
    FBA Fees (assuming a small, lightweight product): $2.42.
    Total: $6.17

    Net Proceeds BEFORE product costs: $18.83. "

    As you can see we were having a conversation regarding FBA fees, which I might add, its only a few .cents off my figure. Just saying...

    Enough of this, the attention should be on the course and reviews, which I have posted. My time in this thread has now expired. I am sure in the foreseeable future their will be more proof from other members on their success. God bless
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8245977].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author panorama
      Please don't quote me out of context. Right below the portion of the post you quoted, I pointed out that you didn't take product costs into account, so I clearly wasn't only talking about FBA fees. Also, your original comment was:

      My item is selling @ $25 with a profit margin of $19 ish after amazon fees.
      While you may think this is just "splitting hairs", describing your profit margin as before the cost of your product is flat out wrong. Im not saying you aren't profitable, but Profit Margin is NOT just Sales minus Amazon Fees. Either you weren't only talking about Amazon Fees or you don't know how to define Profit Margin.

      As far as the course goes, I'm happy to discuss it, but I've already admitted that it is a worthwhile program and I would now recommend it. I had previously recommended against it, but have since changed my position.

      Also, this isn't just a conversation between you and I. The thread has been viewed nearly 25,000 times, so I think it is important to be very clear when throwing numbers around.
      Comparison of Amazing Selling Machine & Other Private Label Alternatives (Updated April 2015)
      Copy Meets Design - Copywriting and design services exclusively for Amazon listings
      Phone/Text: 917-338-9644
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8246064].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author JamesBoyd
    I'm glad panorama saved me the trouble of having to correct all the errors in milla04 post, but it all just shows the point I made previously, that after fee's, product and shipping costs you are lucky if you are going to make a net profit of $10 per unit on a typical ASM product priced at $25-30.

    One of the problems with the ASM course is they started out suggesting you could sell an item for $7 and do well, obviously they had not done the math and quickly changed it to $9 after a few days, even at $9 Amazon are taking 42% in fee's, after product and shipping costs you would be lucky to make 2 bucks net profit. It was clear to me that the guys promoting this were pretty much making things up as they went along
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8246686].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author milla04
      Originally Posted by JamesBoyd View Post

      I'm glad panorama saved me the trouble of having to correct all the errors in milla04 post, but it all just shows the point I made previously, that after fee's, product and shipping costs you are lucky if you are going to make a net profit of $10 per unit on a typical ASM product priced at $25-30.

      One of the problems with the ASM course is they started out suggesting you could sell an item for $7 and do well, obviously they had not done the math and quickly changed it to $9 after a few days, even at $9 Amazon are taking 42% in fee's, after product and shipping costs you would be lucky to make 2 bucks net profit. It was clear to me that the guys promoting this were pretty much making things up as they went along
      My NET profit is margin is 52% excluding shipping fees (to amazon) product creation, FBA fees and any another fees included. You can work out the math, in my case I am making a healthy profit on a small number of units, as I increase my orders the cost of my product WILL reduce, like in any retail business, the more one buys, the cost is less.

      If you are making $2 per-sale I suggest you contact your supplier or increase your price.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8246753].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author JamesBoyd
        Originally Posted by milla04 View Post

        I am making a healthy profit on a small number of units
        Not really that great but it's better than what a lot are doing, the problem with the ASM course is they sold you a race horse and delivered a donkey
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        • Profile picture of the author panorama
          I'm going to jump in here and defend ASM a bit.

          They didn't invent the model and they certainly don't know everything, but they systemized the training so that anyone with half a brain can follow along. There's a lot that people will still have to figure out for themselves though, so not everyone will be successful...unless they have the drive and financial resources to keep trying if their first product doesn't succeed.

          For what it's worth, even though I've done we'll with the model for years, I launched a new product with tips from ASM and am now averaging $150 - $200 in profit per day on this new product alone. I won't credit all of this to ASM, but it did help me improve my own process a bit.
          Comparison of Amazing Selling Machine & Other Private Label Alternatives (Updated April 2015)
          Copy Meets Design - Copywriting and design services exclusively for Amazon listings
          Phone/Text: 917-338-9644
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8247281].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author JamesBoyd
            Originally Posted by panorama View Post

            I'm going to jump in here and defend ASM a bit.

            They didn't invent the model and they certainly don't know everything, but they systemized the training so that anyone with half a brain can follow along. There's a lot that people will still have to figure out for themselves though, so not everyone will be successful...unless they have the drive and financial resources to keep trying if their first product doesn't succeed.

            For what it's worth, even though I've done we'll with the model for years, I launched a new product with tips from ASM and am now averaging $150 - $200 in profit per day on this new product alone. I won't credit all of this to ASM, but it did help me improve my own process a bit.
            Congratulations, you can make money using this system but making the right choice of product to sell is a very big part of getting it right, sounds like you made a good choice, the training in the course was way too general leading people to make poor product choices
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8408447].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author panorama
              Originally Posted by JamesBoyd View Post

              Congratulations, you can make money using this system but making the right choice of product to sell is a very big part of getting it right, sounds like you made a good choice, the training in the course was way too general leading people to make poor product choices
              That's very true. Of the 1500+ members, I don't know how many of them are making any money... I'm just sharing my experience to show what's possible, which is not necessarily what the average person can expect. For what it's worth, though, daily profit is now much higher than what I mentioned in my July 5th post.
              Comparison of Amazing Selling Machine & Other Private Label Alternatives (Updated April 2015)
              Copy Meets Design - Copywriting and design services exclusively for Amazon listings
              Phone/Text: 917-338-9644
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8409115].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author milla04
                Originally Posted by panorama View Post

                That's very true. Of the 1500+ members, I don't know how many of them are making any money... I'm just sharing my experience to show what's possible, which is not necessarily what the average person can expect. For what it's worth, though, daily profit is now much higher than what I mentioned in my July 5th post.
                The products I have are very popular and difficult to rank for. One thing I have noticed in the members area from many members is that they do not like to put in the work, i.e create videos, press releases ect. Dont get me wrong some products just sell very quickly without much effort, others need a bit more elbow grease.

                That is what I had to do. Like ANY business dont treat this business like a website, "if I build it they will always come", always work on it.
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  • Profile picture of the author JamesBoyd
    Enough opinions about this course have been posted for people to decide for themselves if they want to buy it when it reopens, I've made my views clear I think

    Exec summary - sufficient info to get you started, not as easy or lucrative as presented, expect to have to fill in a lot of missing pieces yourself, certainly not worth anything like the asking price
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  • Profile picture of the author Penn86
    Does anyone know exactly what products the OP's are selling/sold on Amazon? I think someone on this thread said they know and I would greatly appreciate if they shared it here as that would answer a lot of questions I have. Thanks in advance.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8261854].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author JamesBoyd
      Originally Posted by Penn86 View Post

      Does anyone know exactly what products the OP's are selling/sold on Amazon? I think someone on this thread said they know and I would greatly appreciate if they shared it here as that would answer a lot of questions I have. Thanks in advance.
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  • Profile picture of the author lsf8
    I purchased this program back in March and after spending several months on research, identifying products, and interacting with manufacturers, came to the conclusion that not all that glitters is gold. Don't get me wrong, the program does offer some good information, but it really glosses over the amount of additional cost that it takes to get anything off the ground. The tutorials offered are not detailed enough to warrant the high price. I am now trying to figure out a way to obtain at least a partial refund from them. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
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    • Profile picture of the author kevmik
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      • Profile picture of the author HonestGuy3
        @Kevmik, I would personally take a cue from lsf8's comments posted just before your's and heed the warning!!! You've been warned. Hopefully you can take the hit that this program might end up being to your bottom line.

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    • Profile picture of the author JamesBoyd
      Originally Posted by lsf8 View Post

      I purchased this program back in March and after spending several months on research, identifying products, and interacting with manufacturers, came to the conclusion that not all that glitters is gold. Don't get me wrong, the program does offer some good information, but it really glosses over the amount of additional cost that it takes to get anything off the ground. The tutorials offered are not detailed enough to warrant the high price. I am now trying to figure out a way to obtain at least a partial refund from them. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
      would be interested to learn how your request for a refund went
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  • Profile picture of the author JamesBoyd
    I know a lot of products people are selling using the ASM system, and I monitor their inventory, a lot are complete duds, for example someone is selling kitchen measuring spoons for about $13, has over 700 in inventory and has not sold 1 in over 2 weeks, this is fact not idle speculation, that a lot of people like to post
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  • Profile picture of the author zakizarifah
    wow what a great review, but I still can't decide.

    Hopefully when the door reopen more detail lesson will be taught.

    Cheers. : )
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  • Profile picture of the author panorama
    It's been a while since I posted an update, so I thought I'd share my progress with ASM.

    Sales have continued to grow quickly and I'm now averaging $800 - $900 per day in profit and I've had some days with more than $1,000 in profit.

    My results definitely aren't typical since I'm seeing a lot of people on the Facebook still struggling to be where they'd like, but the upside is huge if you hit it right.

    I've been in contact with a few other successful members and I think a lot of it comes down to really understanding the nuances of Amazon. They didn't all have Amazon experience, but you can tell the successful ones just *get it* more than other people in the forums.

    I've seen some people who I can tell are very smart have a lot of trouble because they didn't understand the little things that can make a big difference.

    Running a private label business on Amazon can be very different than other types of businesses. Looking back on it, I think my experience has played a big part in my success...I didn't have to go through a lot of trial and error since I've been selling for a few years.

    The potential is huge, but success is far from guaranteed.

    Full Disclosure: I will be an affiliate for ASM in October.
    Comparison of Amazing Selling Machine & Other Private Label Alternatives (Updated April 2015)
    Copy Meets Design - Copywriting and design services exclusively for Amazon listings
    Phone/Text: 917-338-9644
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8524959].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author JamesBoyd
      I agree with everything Panorama has said about the course below, and it's great for him that he's making decent money on Amazon, but it's obvious that he was already experianced with internet marketing and selling with Amazon FBA BEFORE he took the ASM course and that he just learned a few new tips on how to sell private label products on the course.

      But this does not change the fact that the course content was thin, missed a LOT of major information and over priced and the only reason affiliates are jumping all over this is because they get paid 40-50% commission on a $3500-4000 price tag.

      I know one affiliate who pulled in well over $100k in affiliate commissions the last time, I also know what product he's been trying to sell on Amazon himself, and it's a dud, he's now practically trying to give it away to get rid of inventory, how do I know this?, because I'm on his list, sorry to rain on anyones parade, but those are the fact's folks

      Originally Posted by panorama View Post

      It's been a while since I posted an update, so I thought I'd share my progress with ASM.

      Sales have continued to grow quickly and I'm now averaging $800 - $900 per day in profit and I've had some days with more than $1,000 in profit.

      My results definitely aren't typical since I'm seeing a lot of people on the Facebook still struggling to be where they'd like, but the upside is huge if you hit it right.

      I've been in contact with a few other successful members and I think a lot of it comes down to really understanding the nuances of Amazon. They didn't all have Amazon experience, but you can tell the successful ones just *get it* more than other people in the forums.

      I've seen some people who I can tell are very smart have a lot of trouble because they didn't understand the little things that can make a big difference.

      Running a private label business on Amazon can be very different than other types of businesses. Looking back on it, I think my experience has played a big part in my success...I didn't have to go through a lot of trial and error since I've been selling for a few years.

      The potential is huge, but success is far from guaranteed.

      Full Disclosure: I will be an affiliate for ASM in October.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8525940].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author SheraLee
        Originally Posted by JamesBoyd View Post

        I know one affiliate who pulled in well over $100k in affiliate commissions the last time, I also know what product he's been trying to sell on Amazon himself, and it's a dud, he's now practically trying to give it away to get rid of inventory, how do I know this?, because I'm on his list, sorry to rain on anyones parade, but those are the fact's folks
        That is SO TRUE. My brother is on his list too ..... initials are MC. He's holding "special webinars for only his subscribers" to promote this product (tries to make everyone feel special). Him and the others promoting this only have to sell about 30 copies to pull in 100K - knowing full well that most people won't be able to refund since it's only 30 days and not long enough to get a real feel for it, if you're a beginner - which is 80% of their target market.

        Be careful of those who pretend to be ethical marketers but only hold $$$ signs in front of their eyes. You are not "special" - you are a mark to make money from and that's it. By the time you figure this out and leave their list, they will have a whole new set of newbies to market to.

        Grab the ASM freebies, Jim Cockrum's PAC course (I believe it's on special right now for those on his list) and go direct to Amazon to read all about the FBA program. That's all you need. You don't have to take out a personal loan to make other people rich. Put your $3500 towards some great inventory, or something else.

        Take care folks (and re-read the first few pages of this thread)!
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        • Profile picture of the author Chris W. Sutton
          I have to say that I haven't bought any of the products mentioned. Having said that I can honestly say that I have been a follower of Jim Cockrum for many years. He is one of my favorite IMers and he has always produced a quality product!

          There is something about the ASM videos and pdfs that just hit me wrong. I can't really put my finger on it but I won't be buying it.

          I DO want to get more into selling physical products on Amazon and I have been looking into the import/export business. I think there is some very real potential in that business platform.

          Anyway, I just wanted to put my two cents in here even though I can't speak from experience on the ASM.

          I don't have Jim Cockrum's Amazon product either but I have no doubts that it is a good one. I have never seen him put out a bad product.

          I hope everyone has a great whatever it is wherever you are!

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    • Profile picture of the author Danial Deluca
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      • Profile picture of the author panorama
        Originally Posted by Danial Deluca View Post

        Panorama, thats great income, can you give some tips on what products to sell, you seem to have figured it out, can you mentor me?, I need to make some money
        Hi Daniel,

        Sorry, I don't do mentoring (other than as a bonus for people who buy through my affiliate link).

        I think JamesBoyd is right, but kind of implies that it's a *bad* course. It's not.

        There's definitely some stuff that I think should have been covered, and I think Matt and Jason should have been more available in the forums, but given the nature of the business model, I don't think it's possible for them to have covered everything.

        I do have experience selling on Amazon, and I've done well with ASM, but I'm not sure if I could have done a much better job training 1,500+ members than they did. There are so many small decisions that have to be made along the way, so there's no way they could have covered everything in the course, and it would have also been impossible for them to provide every member with personal attention.

        You can get just about any question answered in the Facebook group, but most of the successful members I know aren't very active, so you end up getting a lot of responses from other newbies.

        Some people will get lucky, but I think it's not as simple as just *following the system*.

        JamesBoyd is 100% correct on the other point, though. The ONLY reason I'm becoming an affiliate for the course is because commissions will be high. I figure I've got a unique bonus (although I'll only work with people who I think can do well), so I might as well make some money.

        The last thing I want is for more people to saturate the marketplace or have the course really get on Amazon's radar, but if it's happening anyway, I at least want to get a piece of it.
        Comparison of Amazing Selling Machine & Other Private Label Alternatives (Updated April 2015)
        Copy Meets Design - Copywriting and design services exclusively for Amazon listings
        Phone/Text: 917-338-9644
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8526220].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author JamesBoyd
          Originally Posted by panorama View Post

          There's definitely some stuff that I think should have been covered, and I think Matt and Jason should have been more available in the forums, but given the nature of the business model, I don't think it's possible for them to have covered everything
          Well, they did not cover critical things importing from china, labeling, brand registration etc very well, or not at all, but they found time to make videos and pdf's on how to get boy scout type merit badges on your forum profile, what they actually did was avoid covering the difficult stuff that would have had them do a lot of work (don't forget they were both on vacation in France when they launched this!)
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          • Profile picture of the author milla04
            Originally Posted by JamesBoyd View Post

            Well, they did not cover critical things importing from china, labeling, brand registration etc very well, or not at all, but they found time to make videos and pdf's on how to get boy scout type merit badges on your forum profile, what they actually did was avoid covering the difficult stuff that would have had them do a lot of work (don't forget they were both on vacation in France when they launched this!)
            I am not sure if you are still a member but they have a video recording about the steps on this, plus a guy from the live event went through the steps.

            Hope this helps
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            • Profile picture of the author panorama

              I'm glad to hear you're doing well, but I'm curious if you'd recommend someone without any experience spend $3,500 - $4,000 for the October relaunch.

              The only thing that makes me feel OK about being an affiliate is the fact that I know I'd personally be helping people launch their product, so I'm confident they'll have a better chance at success.

              Otherwise, it's a tough call. As much as it's worked well for me, I've seen a lot of people struggle. So, this is a serious question. I'm asking because I just don't have the perspective of not having prior experience on Amazon.

              Also, for what it's worth, I know your product and I've seen some of your posts, so I'm not surprised your doing seem to type of person that naturally knows how to navigate through the challenges pretty well.

              You can probably see this if you read through this entire thread, but at first I was critical of ASM mostly because of the price, then I became in favor of it after seeing great results myself. However, over the last couple of months, I realized that I sort of took my experience for granted and maybe gave too much credit to the course...and not enough to myself.

              I'd love to hear other ASM members chime in here too.
              Comparison of Amazing Selling Machine & Other Private Label Alternatives (Updated April 2015)
              Copy Meets Design - Copywriting and design services exclusively for Amazon listings
              Phone/Text: 917-338-9644
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8526737].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author milla04
                Originally Posted by panorama View Post


                I'm glad to hear you're doing well, but I'm curious if you'd recommend someone without any experience spend $3,500 - $4,000 for the October relaunch.

                The only thing that makes me feel OK about being an affiliate is the fact that I know I'd personally be helping people launch their product, so I'm confident they'll have a better chance at success.

                Otherwise, it's a tough call. As much as it's worked well for me, I've seen a lot of people struggle. So, this is a serious question. I'm asking because I just don't have the perspective of not having prior experience on Amazon.

                Also, for what it's worth, I know your product and I've seen some of your posts, so I'm not surprised your doing seem to type of person that naturally knows how to navigate through the challenges pretty well.

                You can probably see this if you read through this entire thread, but at first I was critical of ASM mostly because of the price, then I became in favor of it after seeing great results myself. However, over the last couple of months, I realized that I sort of took my experience for granted and maybe gave too much credit to the course...and not enough to myself.

                I'd love to hear other ASM members chime in here too.
                Hi Panorama,

                I hear what you are saying, it is a tough call, I can see a lot of people giving up before the magic has happened. This is a lot of money i understand. I have in fact told a few people about this, whether or not they jump in is beyond me, $200 a day isnt really mouth watering to them.

                The only reason why I will not be an affiliate is because 60-70% of people are expecting a quick fix, fast cash. Which means I cant crack the whip on them to work hard (I know most people will disagree with this). If its my friends, I can crack the whip all day long.

                I dont have time to hear excuses to be honest. Which is why I understand what J&J go through in this course.

                Thanks Panorama for the vote of confidence, it has been a touch journey but well worth it. I have an idea of who you are, but still guessing :-)

                I think Panorama, offering one on one support with this course is the only way, some sort of skype forum chat group so very one can get there questions answered, I know facebook group can be daunting.

                Over the months for sure ones ASM business can hit plateau, and its great you didnt give up. I love meeting people like you are doing so well with this. I will be there soon.

                Maybe we should join forces and share ideas..
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    • Profile picture of the author Mykhailo M
      Hi, "panorama" Can you please point of what is actually important to keep in mind through the product process just to make it a bit easier for beginners.

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  • Profile picture of the author milla04
    based on my journey and another member who has absolute zero experience with FBA private labeling. I think I have been doing ok for the 4 months in this business. I have been making $200 on avg a day profit, plenty of room to build on this with more products, I currently have 1 selling ok, and just added another one within the last few days.

    I agree J&J could not cover EVERYTHING, this is not a typical IM course, this is a real business. Regarding to questions being unanswered wasn't the case at the live event.

    The honest truth is, when I reach out to most people, someone like James mentioned, I bet if you ask them how do you drive traffic?

    I bet most of them would say not much or I want amazon to do it all...

    I would like someone to tell me if there is a course out there that is turn key without thinking outside the box, we are all smart people here regardless of what the sales page says.

    Granted at the beginning on the course there were questions unanswered, which I had to figure out. But now I believe 95% of all questions are answered.

    Thank you James for your subjected view.

    Side Note: I will not be promoting ASM as an affiliate.
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  • Profile picture of the author panorama
    Hi Daniel,

    It wouldn't be appropriate for me to directly post an affiliate link, but you can find me through the signature link in my forum profile.

    To answer your questions:

    1) You can do well in just about any's really more product specific.

    2) Yes, people are absolutely having success importing from China. I source mine from the US, but it's not easy to find a product that works. Importing from the US is definitely simpler if you can get it done, but I wouldn't be afraid to source from China. I've seen a couple of stories about people getting screwed, but not many. There are certain things you can do to make sure you're working with a reputable supplier and minimize your risks. From what I can tell on the forums, people seem to have had pretty good experiences.
    Comparison of Amazing Selling Machine & Other Private Label Alternatives (Updated April 2015)
    Copy Meets Design - Copywriting and design services exclusively for Amazon listings
    Phone/Text: 917-338-9644
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    • Profile picture of the author Danial Deluca
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  • Profile picture of the author JamesBoyd
    When I joined I was somewhat surprised and upset that over 1500 were in on this, not sure that another 1500 is such a great idea, except for the promoters of course, I see a lot of people trying to sell duplicate products
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  • Profile picture of the author justahippy
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    • Profile picture of the author panorama
      Originally Posted by justahippy View Post

      Hi all my first post here, I had to register after reading all 6 pages on this subject. I have read the good, the ok and the bad of this system.
      Little background on me I have SEO experience have had several sites in the top spots of search engines. I used to have a wholesale business and am very familiar with the private labeling that all seem to be amazed about. One question just cause you private label a product does not make it yours others can do that also the manafuctures dont care lol
      Currently i am in the manufacturing business but still have all my old manufactures contact info.
      I know how to drill down the data to find what i need on the web, never did it on Amazon though but i assume its the same right?
      Like most here i know about backlinks, promoting products etc....
      So just what does 4K buy me exactually? I am open to learning new stuffs but from 6 pages of reading posts i havnt seen anything worth 4K....maybe i am wrong
      If i am missing something please let me know
      The $4k puts it all together for you. I had been private labeling on Amazon before ASM, but the course did two things for me.

      1) the pace of the course sort of made me focus on each part of the process so I didn't rush through it "just to get it done". There were some simple things I should have been doing all along but was too distracted by other things.

      2) Tips from other people in the community. When I first heard M&J say that they learned a lot from members of the predecessor course (Amazing Money Machine), I thought that was just marketing BS. This has honestly been invaluable though.

      The core training was good but, like you, I already knew 95% of the fundamentals they taught (and was probably implementing about 85% of it). The incremental stuff, plus what I learned from the community directly contributed to me going from selling $10k per month to selling $50k+ per month.
      Comparison of Amazing Selling Machine & Other Private Label Alternatives (Updated April 2015)
      Copy Meets Design - Copywriting and design services exclusively for Amazon listings
      Phone/Text: 917-338-9644
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  • Profile picture of the author cititoru
    I had a lot of clients coming from ASM and although I don't have any experience first hand with the program I must assume it's working because I had quite a few clients that came back for the second, third and fourth product.
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    • Profile picture of the author Danial Deluca
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      • Profile picture of the author cititoru
        Originally Posted by Danial Deluca View Post

        what service do you offer for asm people?, are you a supplier or something
        Fix up their product images. Some buy from Alibaba and sell to Amazon, so the products have watermarks which I clean. Also I do white backgrounds for the products or put their labels over bottles, digitally.
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  • Profile picture of the author malia
    First off- Everything you want to know about selling on Amazon can be obtained from Jim Cockrum's course, it just doesn't come with glitz and glamour (which ASM has mostly due to the affiliate promotions).

    If you are someone who isn't succeeding with internet marketing, the $3,000 ASM course is unlikely to be "the thing" that changes your life. As with MOST courses, these things help people who already get it do better, they don't really take many people from zero to success, those really are the exceptions, not the rule.

    If someone really, really, really wants to sell on Amazon, and has no experience it is a better strategy to buy a less expensive course use some of that money to buy your seed inventory--- get an early win, prove the concept FOR YOURSELF, then go for a bigger course once you can justify it.

    Making sense of a $3,000 expense is a different ballgame when you are starting from zero vs when you are starting with sales already coming in.

    I've been selling on Amazon for a very long time. Some is wholesale, some branded, some things that even Amazon sells, some private label.

    The thing is, sometimes you have to try a few different products to really find a great one. Some people are very fortunate and find a swift seller really quickly, others are not. But the thing is-- you typically have to try a few things.

    Now if you spent $3K on a course, and put all your hope into one product and it's a dud (as others have posted) you are going to feel like crap compared to if you spend a couple hundred, and now you have the money to try something else to see what happens.

    You always have to remember that the people pushing these products are getting a HUGE PAYOUT. The last time ASM launched, the financial incentives were huge and they likely are this time. Keep that in mind.

    I have not bought this course, I did buy their previous one and refunded. I don't respect what they are doing. Everybody is entitled to get what the market will pay but when courses are this expensive, you know that tsome people are maxing out cards, or using the last of their cash reserves, with serious hope, especially in a depressed economy with high unemployment. And while you can say to each his own, people make their own, choices I just can't respect it.

    The course is priced high to allow high and lucrative affiliate payouts and bonuses, not because the content is better crafted than any course at $297. The last time the course was launched almost all revenue came from JV partners. They used a proven info product marketing strategy, and it worked beautifully. FWIW, this exact strategy they used is also taught by another info marketer, but the name just escapes me. The pre-launch strategy, the drip, the teasing, setting up the webinars and pdfs so that your JVs get their list properly cookied for commissions, tiered bonuses on the back end. They're awesome at that!

    In my opinion (I am not stating this as fact), they found their winners on Amazon, but are not repeating the Amazon win over and over because it's just not that dang easy. Now they have a huge win in info product marketing.

    And if they are selling supplements, that really says a lot. I take product sales advice from supplement sellers much differently because that market is very different and has some particularities that don't really exist in most other product markets. Let me just lay some of them out for people who do not know so they have context:

    1- supplements are replenishable. Someone else mentioned is selling kitchen measuring spoons. You buy those once. Maybe once every few years. You replenish supplements anywhere from 14-90 days depending on what it is.
    2- people who are into supplements buy supplements and try new stuff all the time. A lot of other product markets are not like that.
    3- People care about that. Do you care what brand spatula you use? No. Maybe, maaayyyyybe when I go to the store i'll pick OXO over something else, but really, who cares. Your supplements-- people care.
    4- Supplements are often endorsed. for instance, there's a brand Alpha Brain. I don't know who is behind it but I'd swear it was an internet marketer (i have a few guesses). Google it. Who is gonna endorse your spatula? Nobody, right.
    5- Supplements also belong to a category of products whereby the branding is almost entirely wrapped into the marketing. Every year I go to the outlet sale at Meyer (cookware company) warehouse. You see product upon product and the only differentiating factor is which chef that product is branded for: Mario Batali vs Emeril Lagasse vs Rachel Ray vs that Italian lady. Same product, same company, different endorsement.

    I say that to point out something. There are reasons certain products have a certain level of success and if someone is selling that, they should be fair about admitting the particularities that are enhancing their experience instead of giving the impression that these unique contributory factors just exist.

    And also for some reason, a lot of info product sellers sell supplements
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    • Profile picture of the author panorama
      Malia, I agree with you on a couple of points, but disagree with you on others.

      Originally Posted by malia View Post

      First off- Everything you want to know about selling on Amazon can be obtained from Jim Cockrum's course, it just doesn't come with glitz and glamour (which ASM has mostly due to the affiliate promotions).
      I'm a member of Jim Cockrum's Proven Amazon Course (PAC), and while it's good, it doesn't cover the private label business model - so you just can't compare it to ASM. It's not just about glitz and's a completely different strategy than what he teaches.

      Originally Posted by malia View Post

      If you are someone who isn't succeeding with internet marketing, the $3,000 ASM course is unlikely to be "the thing" that changes your life. As with MOST courses, these things help people who already get it do better, they don't really take many people from zero to success, those really are the exceptions, not the rule.
      I agree with you somewhat here. There will always be people who do well and those who don't. Just like any business, some people will fail. Anyone who is thinking about buying ASM because they think it's the once in a lifetime opportunity to buy a winning lotto ticket shouldn't buy this. It's a business. It takes work and success isn't guaranteed.

      Originally Posted by malia View Post

      If someone really, really, really wants to sell on Amazon, and has no experience it is a better strategy to buy a less expensive course use some of that money to buy your seed inventory--- get an early win, prove the concept FOR YOURSELF, then go for a bigger course once you can justify it.

      Making sense of a $3,000 expense is a different ballgame when you are starting from zero vs when you are starting with sales already coming in.
      I don't think this is a bad idea. Amazon is a unique marketplace, so you really need to understand how it works if you want to do well. Most people seem to grasp the overall dynamics of selling on Amazon pretty quickly, but I still see some people in the forums that just don't seem to get it.

      Originally Posted by malia View Post

      I've been selling on Amazon for a very long time. Some is wholesale, some branded, some things that even Amazon sells, some private label.

      The thing is, sometimes you have to try a few different products to really find a great one. Some people are very fortunate and find a swift seller really quickly, others are not. But the thing is-- you typically have to try a few things.

      Now if you spent $3K on a course, and put all your hope into one product and it's a dud (as others have posted) you are going to feel like crap compared to if you spend a couple hundred, and now you have the money to try something else to see what happens.
      As much as I think it's a good model, no one should be buying ASM if it's with money they can't afford to lose. If you can afford the cost, but can't handle "feeling like crap" if your product is a dud, you shouldn't buy this course either. Like I said earlier - this is a business and there's no guarantee of success. If you can't brush off a failure in business, then it's not for you.

      Originally Posted by malia View Post

      You always have to remember that the people pushing these products are getting a HUGE PAYOUT. The last time ASM launched, the financial incentives were huge and they likely are this time. Keep that in mind.
      This is 100% true. I am an affiliate and I will earn a big commission if you buy through me. Anyone else pitching this course will earn a big commission as well.

      Talk to real people who have had experience with the course and read through this entire thread like JamesBoyd suggested. You'll get more real info here than from anyone pitching the course.

      Do your own diligence because no one is looking out for you. No one.

      Originally Posted by malia View Post

      I have not bought this course, I did buy their previous one and refunded. I don't respect what they are doing. Everybody is entitled to get what the market will pay but when courses are this expensive, you know that tsome people are maxing out cards, or using the last of their cash reserves, with serious hope, especially in a depressed economy with high unemployment. And while you can say to each his own, people make their own, choices I just can't respect it.
      I think you're right that there will probably be a lot of people who buy this course that really can't afford it, but I think each individual person has to bear the responsibility of their own financial decisions. I'm sympathetic to people in dire straits, but everyone needs to take personal responsibility. Saying that Matt and Jason should charge less money to accommodate people who would be maxing out their credit cards is a silly suggestion.

      I know this isn't realistic, but what they should do is be honest about the real risks. I know we're in the business of sales pages and conversion rates, but I really don't like how risks are often minimized. I'd like to see an honest conversation so that people wouldn't have to jump in not really knowing what's on the other side of the fence.

      Originally Posted by malia View Post

      The course is priced high to allow high and lucrative affiliate payouts and bonuses, not because the content is better crafted than any course at $297. The last time the course was launched almost all revenue came from JV partners. They used a proven info product marketing strategy, and it worked beautifully. FWIW, this exact strategy they used is also taught by another info marketer, but the name just escapes me. The pre-launch strategy, the drip, the teasing, setting up the webinars and pdfs so that your JVs get their list properly cookied for commissions, tiered bonuses on the back end. They're awesome at that!
      True...although, even if I weren't an affiliate, I like it priced high to limit the number of people competing with the same strategy.
      Comparison of Amazing Selling Machine & Other Private Label Alternatives (Updated April 2015)
      Copy Meets Design - Copywriting and design services exclusively for Amazon listings
      Phone/Text: 917-338-9644
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8552919].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author JamesBoyd
    My advice to anybody thinking of buying ASM2 is to get a cup of coffee, or 2, and read every post on this thread, from the start, get all the free pdf's and watch all the videos in the launch, you will learn a lot, then decide if you want to spend $3500 to $4000, if yes go for it but be ready to refund before 30 days if you don't think it was worth it, by that stage you will know about 95% of every thing you need to know to be successful selling on Amazon, private label using FBA
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8551951].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author malia
    Saying that Matt and Jason should charge less money to accommodate people who would be maxing out their credit cards is a silly suggestion.
    Nowhere did I write they should charge less money, nowhere. And that's not even something I would ever write. No need for that straw man.

    My point-- it is not $3,000 of value. It is $3,000 because their business model for selling it allows them to create large affiliate payouts, bonuses and incentives, to ensure the course is a success.

    And I can't respect that, considering the current economic environment. That's all I'm saying.

    ETA: A popular business mantra is "under-promise and over-deliver" people have repeatedly made it clear that ASM over-promises and under-delivers.
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  • Profile picture of the author workoutstuff1
    I'm glad I read through this before spending my money on this program. Thanks to all of those who gave some really good insights on the Amazon Selling Machine product.
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  • Profile picture of the author jonanderson
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    • Profile picture of the author morphers
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      • Profile picture of the author mustang51
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        • Profile picture of the author Ryan David
          Originally Posted by mustang51 View Post

          What happen to Jordan Malik review if it was taken down cause he gave us some good info if so am not buying here anymore
          I assume it was taken down because the "review" was just a ploy to sell another course, right?

          I watched the video though and he brought up a couple of good points. The main one being that doing things like press releases and videos to drive traffic is a waste of time...I would definitely agree with that.

          But the idea that it's risky (financially and legally) is kind of short-sided. You're in business and there are always risks, but that's why (if you're concerned), you can buy insurance.

          On the financial risk, well, no getting around that. The name of the game is buying and sending stuff to amazon for them to sell. So I guess that's considered risk, but so is spending money on PPC or developing an infoproduct. There's actually more risk there because, unlike hard assets, once you spend money on's GONE. At least with Amazon you can dump your products for cheap if you want to get out.

          Most people assume you need to dump a bunch of money and import from China. With a recent deal that I did on Amazon, I simply purchased smaller quantities domestically to test the market. I made very very little on this, but it gave me the confidence to purchase in larger quantities once I had a good feel for potential demand. When you've got a winner, you scale up.
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          • Profile picture of the author ChrisWF
            Originally Posted by Ryan David View Post

            I watched the video though and he brought up a couple of good points. The main one being that doing things like press releases and videos to drive traffic is a waste of time...I would definitely agree with that.

            You are wrong on this buddy.
            One of the most successful sellers on Amazon from this course Daniel A. uses YouTube and Press Releases to drive traffic to his offers.
            He's making a whopping $300K a month on profit.

            WAIT! Don't Buy The Expensive Amazon Course "Amazing Selling Machine" for $4K.
            Start With The Proven Amazon Course First!

            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8572134].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Ryan David
              Originally Posted by ChrisWF View Post

              You are wrong on this buddy.
              One of the most successful sellers on Amazon from this course Daniel A. uses YouTube and Press Releases to drive traffic to his offers.
              He's making a whopping $300K a month on profit.
              Never heard of this guy so can't really comment on that. But I do have to say, "$300K a month on profit" kinda leads me to believe that he's already embellishing. Right? That's $3.6M/year in profits.....if he makes a 20% net profit, that means he's doing $18M/year in revenues.

              Does that sound realistic?

              My other questiion is, how does he know that Press releases and Youtube are really driving traffic. And even if he can figure out the traffic part, how does he know that they are converting?
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8572426].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author panorama
                Originally Posted by Ryan David View Post

                Never heard of this guy so can't really comment on that. But I do have to say, "$300K a month on profit" kinda leads me to believe that he's already embellishing. Right? That's $3.6M/year in profits.....if he makes a 20% net profit, that means he's doing $18M/year in revenues.

                Does that sound realistic?
                A 20% net profit margin sounds low to me...mine is about 40%. I'd be willing to bet if Daniel is making $300k profit per month, he has a good profit margin as well. I know some people with 50%+ margins on Amazon.

                So, let's assume a 40% margin. $300k in profit means $750,000 per month in gross sales ($9M/year). That's $25,000 per day. With those kind of numbers, I also doubt he's selling something for $9.99, so if you assume it's in the $25 - $40 range, that means he's selling 625 - 1,000 units per day.

                Results like this are very rare, but I certainly believe it's possible.

                Sales of 50 units per day (1,500/month) is probably a much more achievable goal for the average person, and with a $25 product / 40% margin, you'd be generating $15k profit per month in profit. Still not too bad.
                Comparison of Amazing Selling Machine & Other Private Label Alternatives (Updated April 2015)
                Copy Meets Design - Copywriting and design services exclusively for Amazon listings
                Phone/Text: 917-338-9644
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8572552].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author Ryan David
                  Originally Posted by panorama View Post

                  A 20% net profit margin sounds low to me...mine is about 40%. I'd be willing to bet if Daniel is making $300k profit per month, he has a good profit margin as well. I know some people with 50%+ margins on Amazon.

                  So, let's assume a 40% margin. $300k in profit means $750,000 per month in gross sales ($9M/year). That's $25,000 per day. With those kind of numbers, I also doubt he's selling something for $9.99, so if you assume it's in the $25 - $40 range, that means he's selling 625 - 1,000 units per day.

                  Results like this are very rare, but I certainly believe it's possible.

                  Sales of 50 units per day (1,500/month) is probably a much more achievable goal for the average person, and with a $25 product / 40% margin, you'd be generating $15k profit per month in profit. Still not too bad.
                  Well whatever his margin is, I guess it's up to the people in the forum whether or not they believe someone is doing $9m or $20M/year on Amazon and still putzing around the forums.

                  And regarding your examples that you laid out, it's always easier when we're just speaking in hypotheticals I guess it depends on how you define your margins. Some people saying "My gross margins are 66% because I buy it for $10 and sell it for $30 on Amazon" while others will define their gross margins by 33% because they deduct the Amazon fees and transportation costs associated with selling it. The latter is more accurate in my opinion.

                  I consider my product to be a pretty darn good private label products and my gross margins are right around 30%, but that includes everything.

                  The example that you outlined above would not just be rare, it'd be EXTREMELY rare and unlikely. 625-1000 units a day of a product that he's making 40% net margins on? I have to assume that he's selling a "generic" type product and it's not proprietary. And if that's the case, anything that is generating those kind of sales is easily the type of product that would attract imitators.

                  I have a product that I profit $4.75 and it costs me $1.00 to produce. If this thing started selling 1000-1500 units per day, I'd fully expect that competitors would flock in.
                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8572841].message }}
                  • Profile picture of the author panorama
                    Originally Posted by Ryan David View Post

                    Well whatever his margin is, I guess it's up to the people in the forum whether or not they believe someone is doing $9m or $20M/year on Amazon and still putzing around the forums.

                    And regarding your examples that you laid out, it's always easier when we're just speaking in hypotheticals I guess it depends on how you define your margins. Some people saying "My gross margins are 66% because I buy it for $10 and sell it for $30 on Amazon" while others will define their gross margins by 33% because they deduct the Amazon fees and transportation costs associated with selling it. The latter is more accurate in my opinion.

                    I consider my product to be a pretty darn good private label products and my gross margins are right around 30%, but that includes everything.

                    The example that you outlined above would not just be rare, it'd be EXTREMELY rare and unlikely. 625-1000 units a day of a product that he's making 40% net margins on? I have to assume that he's selling a "generic" type product and it's not proprietary. And if that's the case, anything that is generating those kind of sales is easily the type of product that would attract imitators.

                    I have a product that I profit $4.75 and it costs me $1.00 to produce. If this thing started selling 1000-1500 units per day, I'd fully expect that competitors would flock in.
                    Yes, I'll agree his results will be EXTREMELY rare. But my point was that I don't believe his results are fake.

                    My net profit margin is a little over 40% after everything - COGS, inbound shipping, outbound shipping, Amazon fees, etc. My single best day so far earned me about $1,500 in profit and I'm not even CLOSE to the levels of the top seller in my category. He's probably the top seller of whatever his product is, and I'd be considered one of the "imitators" picking up the scraps.
                    Comparison of Amazing Selling Machine & Other Private Label Alternatives (Updated April 2015)
                    Copy Meets Design - Copywriting and design services exclusively for Amazon listings
                    Phone/Text: 917-338-9644
                    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8572873].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author ChrisWF
                Originally Posted by Ryan David View Post

                Never heard of this guy so can't really comment on that. But I do have to say, "$300K a month on profit" kinda leads me to believe that he's already embellishing. Right? That's $3.6M/year in profits.....if he makes a 20% net profit, that means he's doing $18M/year in revenues.

                Does that sound realistic?

                My other questiion is, how does he know that Press releases and Youtube are really driving traffic. And even if he can figure out the traffic part, how does he know that they are converting?

                Hi Ryan

                Daniel has a profit margin of 66% for his main product.
                He startet last year with the original AMM course and startet with promoting ebooks for the kindle in April 2012.
                In September/October 2012 he switched to selling physical Products on Amazon.
                He had a budget of < $1.000 to start with.
                In April 2013 he had his first $100K PROFIT month (mostly with 2 Products).
                Now he has 15+ Products on Amazon and does more than $300K in Profits every month.
                The best thing. He is only 23 years old and operates his business from Norway.
                Here is his Bonus site for this Launch.
                Amazing Selling Machine Bonus | Ryan Coisson (not my aff-link)

                You can track your traffic with giving out coupon codes and using your own Amazon Associate links.

                WAIT! Don't Buy The Expensive Amazon Course "Amazing Selling Machine" for $4K.
                Start With The Proven Amazon Course First!

                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8572587].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author Ryan David
                  Originally Posted by ChrisWF View Post

                  Hi Ryan

                  Daniel has a profit margin of 66% for his main product.
                  He startet last year with the original AMM course and startet with promoting ebooks for the kindle in April 2012.
                  In September/October 2012 he switched to selling physical Products on Amazon.
                  He had a budget of < $1.000 to start with.
                  In April 2013 he had his first $100K PROFIT month (mostly with 2 Products).
                  Now he has 15+ Products on Amazon and does more than $300K in Profits every month.
                  The best thing. He is only 23 years old and operates his business from Norway.
                  Here is his Bonus site for this Launch.
                  Amazing Selling Machine Bonus | Ryan Coisson (not my aff-link)

                  You can track your traffic with giving out coupon codes and using your own Amazon Associate links.
                  I see where he states he makes $300K per month on Amazon, but where did you verify this?

                  Besides, $3.6M/year on Amazon and he's running around promoting an affiliate product? Why would someone do that?
                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8572854].message }}
                  • Profile picture of the author ChrisWF
                    Originally Posted by Ryan David View Post

                    I see where he states he makes $300K per month on Amazon, but where did you verify this?
                    I have a screenshot of his April Daily Sales which is around 250 Units sales a Day.
                    The $300K a Month is from a Video where he states that number. Can't tell more but I believe this figures.
                    You can believe whatever you want.

                    Besides, $3.6M/year on Amazon and he's running around promoting an affiliate product? Why would someone do that?
                    Don't know. I'm not his father Ask him.

                    OK guys, I'm out for now. Need to work on my biz.

                    WAIT! Don't Buy The Expensive Amazon Course "Amazing Selling Machine" for $4K.
                    Start With The Proven Amazon Course First!

                    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8572890].message }}
                    • Profile picture of the author Ryan David
                      Originally Posted by ChrisWF View Post

                      I have a screenshot of his April Daily Sales which is around 250 Units sales a Day.
                      The $300K a Month is from a Video where he states that number. Can't tell more but I believe this figures.
                      You can believe whatever you want.

                      Don't know. I'm not his father Ask him.

                      OK guys, I'm out for now. Need to work on my biz.
                      I can show you a day where I did 250 unit sales per day, does that mean I made $300K in a month? If I was an enterprising internet marketer, I would pump sales to my product for one day and then just extrapolate that out for the year. Besides, the reports that these guys use are misleading; they don't include the fees that Amazon takes.

                      I'm always a little dubious on the claims of IM gurus with their excuses like "I just want to help people. Plenty of money to go around!".
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                      • Profile picture of the author papeter
                        The more these guys pimp this selling rediculously high cost amazon machine the more Jim Cockrum makes which is good as he is indeed a down to earth guy.
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                    • Profile picture of the author adi2010
                      Originally Posted by ChrisWF View Post

                      I have a screenshot of his April Daily Sales which is around 250 Units sales a Day.
                      The $300K a Month is from a Video where he states that number. Can't tell more but I believe this figures.
                      You can believe whatever you want.

                      Don't know. I'm not his father Ask him.

                      OK guys, I'm out for now. Need to work on my biz.

                      Chris, why don`t you sell in UK or German Amazon? Wouldn`t be less hassle with shipping from wherever you try to ship?
                      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8579502].message }}
                      • Profile picture of the author ChrisWF
                        Originally Posted by adi2010 View Post

                        Chris, why don`t you sell in UK or German Amazon? Wouldn`t be less hassle with shipping from wherever you try to ship?
                        All their promotion tactics are geared to the US Market. I want to follow a proven model and not invent my own stuff.
                        I don't recommend to start with a Chinese or another foreign Supplier first. Adds a lot of additional headache to your business.
                        So I searched for an US-Supplier and they delivered directly to that US Amazon Warehouse.

                        Now I'm working on getting enough sales to my Products to rank higher in the Amazon Search. That "GETTING TRAFFIC" is my weakest point and also the weakest point in the whole ASM Course.
                        I would happily pay for an enhanced traffic section.

                        Once I get my first products selling on a regularly basis, I want to do a Product for the German Market.

                        WAIT! Don't Buy The Expensive Amazon Course "Amazing Selling Machine" for $4K.
                        Start With The Proven Amazon Course First!

                        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8580556].message }}
                  • Profile picture of the author An Al
                    Originally Posted by Ryan David View Post

                    I see where he states he makes $300K per month on Amazon, but where did you verify this?

                    Besides, $3.6M/year on Amazon and he's running around promoting an affiliate product? Why would someone do that?
                    Why wouldn't they? Easy money is easy money. Having said that, if I were a betting man I'd say he really isn't pulling those numbers, and it's basically a made up story to get people to buy from his affiliate link.
                    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8586347].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author JamesBoyd
              Originally Posted by ChrisWF View Post

              You are wrong on this buddy.
              One of the most successful sellers on Amazon from this course Daniel A. uses YouTube and Press Releases to drive traffic to his offers.
              He's making a whopping $300K a month on profit.
              I got to jump back in here....

              Sorry but you are wrong on this one buddy

              I know the Daniel A you are reffering to, I know his brand, his products and his YouTube channel, when I just checked his 2 videos had 39 and 311 views, over the last 6 months!, don't believe everything people tell you

              I also know a lot of other ASM products and the vast majority of the videos produced generate virtually zero views (less than 100) never mind click throughs to a sales page, I have to say that most of the videos are great and pretty well made by any standard but promotional sales videos simply don't work very well for selling products, do you really think a video about a spatula is going to get a lot of attention?

              Regarding press releases - yes they used to work in the old days but are regarded pretty much as spam these days because of abuse

              To say that videos and press releases are going to generate sales on amazon is one of the worest pieces of advice these 2 guys are giving to members, just a massive waste of time and effort for very very little reward. The fact is this is just one of the ways that this course has been padded out with a lot of dated information so it becomes a "big" course
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8574800].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author bayking
            Originally Posted by Ryan David View Post

            I watched the video though and he brought up a couple of good points. The main one being that doing things like press releases and videos to drive traffic is a waste of time...I would definitely agree with that.
            Why would you agree with that?

            Originally Posted by dipakshorey View Post

            I read a review by Jordan Malik on his blog and viewed some of his YouTube videos. He, an experienced Amazon seller, tells you why he doesn't support the ASM hype, why he considers it grossly overpriced, and also points you to far cheaper alternatives to ASM. There are several books on Amazon on Private Labelling; according to Malik private-labelling is not without risk.
            Originally Posted by JokerX View Post

            Joran Malik review on ASM is the best review so far in my opinion. He is one of the very few marketers with honesty and integrity.
            Originally Posted by cilcal View Post

            What a guy! Jordan you are as honest as the sun is bright. That is why I'm a fan. I wish I had partners like you.

            I created this account not to have stuff like this stand uncontested.
            Never read or been active on the warriorforum before. Don´t know Jordan Malik or the ASM guys.

            I googled ASM and came across Jordans "review" on his website. Tried to post a comment with some critical questions to make some of his fans, and Jodan himself, wake up. He never allowed it to be published on his site. Honesty and integrity?

            His review is 50% non factual incorrect arguments and emotionally based opinions about a business model and a course he has ZERO experience from.

            The only real take away is that private labeling has an inherent risk, and that what ASM likely teaches is not as easy as the ASM marketing make it out to be. It will take more than "just follow our steps" and "some hours each day".

            The rest of Jordans review is plain incorrect in so many ways. He is promoting his own course. Sad to see people listening.

            Jordan could be a nice guy and he may believe that his review is good and helpful. I can´t say for sure.

            Look up Jordans seller account on Amazon, "Honest Online Selling ".
            Looks like a seller you should take advice from if you want to make it big?


            I am not affiliated with ASM. I don´t promote ASM. I don´t advice against ASM either. I have only seen the ASM sales videos. My Amazon account has about 40 times more orders than Jordan Malik. I sell products. Have never sold books or advice. Have never been an affiliate. Don´t plan to do any of these. Just hate to see ignorance stand uncontested.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8626952].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Ryan David
              Originally Posted by bayking View Post

              Why would you agree with that?

              I created this account not to have stuff like this stand uncontested.
              Never read or been active on the warriorforum before. Don´t know Jordan Malik or the ASM guys.

              I googled ASM and came across Jordans "review" on his website. Tried to post a comment with some critical questions to make some of his fans, and Jodan himself, wake up. He never allowed it to be published on his site. Honesty and integrity?

              His review is 50% non factual incorrect arguments and emotionally based opinions about a business model and a course he has ZERO experience from.

              The only real take away is that private labeling has an inherent risk, and that what ASM likely teaches is not as easy as the ASM marketing make it out to be. It will take more than "just follow our steps" and "some hours each day".

              The rest of Jordans review is plain incorrect in so many ways. He is promoting his own course. Sad to see people listening.

              Jordan could be a nice guy and he may believe that his review is good and helpful. I can´t say for sure.

              Look up Jordans seller account on Amazon, "Honest Online Selling ".
              Looks like a seller you should take advice from if you want to make it big?


              I am not affiliated with ASM. I don´t promote ASM. I don´t advice against ASM either. I have only seen the ASM sales videos. My Amazon account has about 40 times more orders than Jordan Malik. I sell products. Have never sold books or advice. Have never been an affiliate. Don´t plan to do any of these. Just hate to see ignorance stand uncontested.

              To answer your question, I just don't think that press releases or video would really move the needle in any meaningful way. I agree with the core strategy of ASM, but there is a lot of window dressing in order to puff up the price. I don't know about you, but I just haven't gone from Video>Product or Press Release>Product during my shopping experiences. There are a lot of strategies within Amazon to boost sales that will yield better results. Maybe they talk about those things, but I kinda doubt it based on what I hear. So getting training on press releases is kinda silly in my view.

              I agree with your critique on the general retail arbitrate strategy. I know some people that specialize in selling a certain type of toy and they know it very well. They buy them on craigslist, they buy them on closeout, and then they sell them at the right time. I still think it's a little too much hustling for my liking, but some of them have a passion for the product so you can call it a hobby as well. Personally, I'd rather sell for slimmer margins and then figure out a way to squeeze margins out of higher margin add-ons.

              The "inherent risk" is kinda silly though. The risk is about the same as selling used children's toys on amazon, which is something he seems to be ok with.

              FBA is like anything else. There are people that frequent the Amazon message boards who, you would swear, are probably minting money based on the way they talk. And then as you read through their posts, you realize they aren't making much at all. Although I will say that those people are very helpful from the "how to" advice perspective, but I wouldn't take any of their business advice very seriously.
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8627846].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author jordanmalik
              My video review of Amazing Selling Machine makes it crystal-clear (repeatedly, several times) that my review is only my opinion, and I state for everyone who watches the video to make their own mind up and they don't even 'have to listen to me'. Some angry folks (like, 1% of all the responses) missed all that.

              The 2nd video (covering the ASM alternatives) makes it crystal-clear that yes, there are affiliate links in there, and although they are affiliate links, I am personally refunding folks who purchase the courses/books mentioned if the original publisher's guarantee expires. (In other words, some courses/e-books I mention have a 30-day money back guarantee. If the buyer wants a refund on (say) day 186, and they purchased it via my affiliate link, they can contact me directly and I will refund them out of my own pocket, no questions asked (they do have to show proof they actually bought it.) No other affiliate (to my knowledge) does that. Some angry folks (like, 1% of all the responses) missed all that.

              The more some decidedly bitter folks try (inaccurately and without listening) to discredit me, the more buzz it creates, the more traffic I get, and the more sales I make. So my suggestion to those (like, 1% of all the contributors here) who want to go to great lengths to discredit me (or do things like create a Warrior account for the first time in their lives just to launch a tirade), PLEASE continue doing so, because I just keep winning, with more accolades from my tribe of followers, more sales, and an increasingly honest reputation.

              You can't argue with the facts, and you can't get more honest than that.


              -Jordan 'J.B' Malik /
              > Learn Importing for FREE on our live webinar (We're giving away prizes)
              > FREE Private Label Workshop - LIVE

              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8631405].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author bayking
                Originally Posted by jordanmalik View Post

                My video review of Amazing Selling Machine makes it crystal-clear (repeatedly, several times) that my review is only my opinion
                So Jordan Malik, why did you not let my comment with critical questions be posted on your website? Are you not the honest online seller you make it out to be?


                You have zero experience from private labeling, and your amazon experience does not show any success to talk about.
                You have not taken the ASM course

                Yet, you post a "review" and a bunch of people get completely incorrect information.

                Do you think calling your video a "review" is correct?
                If so, please tell us why.

                Does is not take experience from the product, or at least the business model it promotes, to be able to objectively and honestly review the product? You do consider yourself honest and objective no?

                What is your definition of honest online selling?

                Botton line is that I call bulls--t when I see it.

                Hate when it stands uncontested, and is being listened to by people who actually seem nice, honest and are completely buying in to what you are saying.

                This post will get some more traffic to your site.
                Hopefully even more people will question what they see and hear though.

                That is the goal.

                I assume a part of your "Jordan you are so amazingly honest"-fan club also reads here.

                An screen shot from 10 min ago for those who question a new poster:

                So my suggestion to those (like, 1% of all the contributors here) who want to go to great lengths to discredit me (or do things like create a Warrior account for the first time in their lives just to launch a tirade), PLEASE continue doing so
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8632369].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author jordanmalik
                  Continue, BayKing, people need to hear the truth. Please continue, tell us more. Elaborate. You should also contact the hundreds of people who left positive feedback about me (start on this page). Enlighten them how I have totally fooled them. Write away, please spend lots of time on this.

                  Originally Posted by bayking View Post

                  So Jordan Malik, why did you not let my comment with critical questions be posted on your website? Are you not the honest online seller you make it out to be?


                  You have zero experience from private labeling, and your amazon experience does not show any success to talk about.
                  You have not taken the ASM course

                  Yet, you post a "review" and a bunch of people get completely incorrect information.

                  Do you think calling your video a "review" is correct?
                  If so, please tell us why.

                  Does is not take experience from the product, or at least the business model it promotes, to be able to objectively and honestly review the product? You do consider yourself honest and objective no?

                  What is your definition of honest online selling?

                  Botton line is that I call bulls--t when I see it.

                  Hate when it stands uncontested, and is being listened to by people who actually seem nice, honest and are completely buying in to what you are saying.

                  This post will get some more traffic to your site.
                  Hopefully even more people will question what they see and hear though.

                  That is the goal.

                  I assume a part of your "Jordan you are so amazingly honest"-fan club also reads here.

                  An screen shot from 10 min ago for those who question a new poster:


                  -Jordan 'J.B' Malik /
                  > Learn Importing for FREE on our live webinar (We're giving away prizes)
                  > FREE Private Label Workshop - LIVE

                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8633833].message }}
                  • Profile picture of the author Ryan David
                    Originally Posted by jordanmalik View Post

                    Continue, BayKing, people need to hear the truth. Please continue, tell us more. Elaborate. You should also contact the hundreds of people who left positive feedback about me (start on this page). Enlighten them how I have totally fooled them. Write away, please spend lots of time on this.
                    This is getting to be funny for a lot of reasons. Jordan's defending his review of a product that he's never seen under the cover of "it's only his opinion".

                    PS. I probably just sold a few dozen of his ebooks with my post here. CHA-CHING FOR JORDAN BABY!!!!

                    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8633945].message }}
                    • Profile picture of the author jordanmalik
                      Gang - hardly anyone is listening to You here. To continue Your Campaign of Truth, I think You should also intercept where those misinformed fans of mine have foolishly posted high praise for me.

                      Here, I'll even get the links for You:

                      Let me google that for you
                      Let me google that for you
                      Let me google that for you

                      Please discredit me, everywhere. People need to hear The Truth. Remember, my blog/newsletter/websites/services/ebooks are not vehicles to provide or market information or services (all those disclaimers are a lie), they're platforms and open bulletin boards for Your 1st Amendment rights.

                      So, carry on. When The Truth is unveiled and I'm broke and miserable, You shall be able to stand atop the mountain you created with Your bare hands, and yell "I am right" to Your hundreds of People Who Need to Hear the Truth. And they shall bow in unison, and listen to You.

                      Don't let my fans/followers/tribe be misled. Please, enlighten them with Your wisdom.


                      -Jordan 'J.B' Malik /
                      > Learn Importing for FREE on our live webinar (We're giving away prizes)
                      > FREE Private Label Workshop - LIVE

                      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8634156].message }}
                    • Profile picture of the author jordanmalik
                      Actually, Ryan, your single post just got me HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of ebook sales per day, and HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of new subscribers, as you can see in the screenshots below. The majority are immediate refunds, of course, as you can see, because all the info I sell is bunk.

                      Oh, by the way- those screenshots attached aren't mine, and they are edited in MSPaint to look impressive anyway.

                      -Jordan 'J.B' Malik /
                      > Learn Importing for FREE on our live webinar (We're giving away prizes)
                      > FREE Private Label Workshop - LIVE

                      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8634441].message }}
                      • Profile picture of the author Ryan David
                        Originally Posted by jordanmalik View Post

                        Actually, Ryan, your single post just got me HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of ebook sales per day, and HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of new subscribers, as you can see in the screenshots below. The majority are immediate refunds, of course, as you can see, because all the info I sell is bunk.

                        Oh, by the way- those screenshots attached aren't mine, and they are edited in MSPaint to look impressive anyway.
                        Not to sound too condescending, but I'm not sure why you posted those screenshots. Was it meant to impress somebody reading this thread? Because if that was the purpose, I would probably edit your post to remove them.

                        We shouldn't feel so special about Jordan treating us this way though. If you look at his product reviews on Amazon, he uses the same strategy when people bash his products. He gets all huffy/puffy when responding to their comments.

                        Heck, even his book encourages people to sell used plush toys on Amazon when you're not allowed to sell used toys on Amazon. The solution is to mislabel the item in some other category I'm assuming. ha
                        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8634519].message }}
                        • Profile picture of the author jordanmalik
                          Wow, the experts on blogging are right, there are people who really CAN'T read, nor read between the lines, nor carry a sense of humor. So: Keep going folks, keep talking about me. Please. I'm always right here, absorbing hours at a time, to listen and grieve and get huffy puffy, just as I've demonstrated. EVERYONE (thousands of people) is reading what you have to say, right now (you're important!) and they are all going to make crucial decisions that will destroy my future, as you so desire. So please continue.

                          -Jordan 'J.B' Malik /
                          > Learn Importing for FREE on our live webinar (We're giving away prizes)
                          > FREE Private Label Workshop - LIVE

                          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8634542].message }}
                          • Profile picture of the author Ryan David
                            Originally Posted by jordanmalik View Post

                            Wow, the experts on blogging are right, there are people who really CAN'T read, nor read between the lines, nor carry a sense of humor. So: Keep going folks, keep talking about me. Please. I'm always right here, absorbing hours at a time, to listen and grieve and get huffy puffy, just as I've demonstrated. EVERYONE (thousands of people) is reading what you have to say, right now (you're important!) and they are all going to make crucial decisions that will destroy my future, as you so desire. So please continue.
                            This is obviously really bothering Jordan that people keep poking holes in his story. I'm assuming he doesn't like getting called to the carpet and questioned; after all, his company is Honest Online Selling.

                            Come on guys! Jordan gave up a hypothetical $17K in commission (which he probably would've hypothetically donated to charity anyways) because he wants to help people out!
                            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8634627].message }}
                            • Profile picture of the author jordanmalik
                              Yes! There's more of me to critique Ryan. Please view my videos (again), absorb more time, go out and find more dirt! There's SO much for you to write about that says who I truly am, so keep writing! I agree with you, nothing I say holds water. Share with others the truth you're Discovering for The 1st Time!

                              -Jordan 'J.B' Malik /
                              > Learn Importing for FREE on our live webinar (We're giving away prizes)
                              > FREE Private Label Workshop - LIVE

                              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8634654].message }}
                              • Profile picture of the author Ryan David
                                Originally Posted by jordanmalik View Post

                                Yes! There's more of me to critique Ryan. Please view my videos (again), absorb more time, go out and find more dirt! There's SO much for you to write about that says who I truly am, so keep writing! I agree with you, nothing I say holds water. Share with others the truth you're Discovering for The 1st Time!
                                I think you probably destroy your credibility each time you open your mouth; no need for me to do any additional work.

                                The fact is that you posted a video talking about a product you've never tried and a strategy that you probably couldn't pull off. And when you get called to the carpet, you get all huffy about it and try to change the topic. No skin off my back.
                                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8636277].message }}
                                • Profile picture of the author jordanmalik
                                  Maybe not skin but certainly time invested, Ryan. Every precious minute (no, hours) you invest in this is a victory for me. Click on the youtube button to the left and find more of my videos for you to critique, please (this is all the same topic, nothing's changed!). As I cheerfully invest mere seconds in responding to you, continue investing (cumulatively) hours in viewing, poking holes and responding! Go ahead (*Everyone* is watching us here), make it go viral! (Invest your time, invest your time, invest your time, invest...)

                                  Originally Posted by Ryan David View Post

                                  I think you probably destroy your credibility each time you open your mouth; no need for me to do any additional work.

                                  The fact is that you posted a video talking about a product you've never tried and a strategy that you probably couldn't pull off. And when you get called to the carpet, you get all huffy about it and try to change the topic. No skin off my back.

                                  -Jordan 'J.B' Malik /
                                  > Learn Importing for FREE on our live webinar (We're giving away prizes)
                                  > FREE Private Label Workshop - LIVE

                                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8637498].message }}
                        • Profile picture of the author jordanmalik
                          Ryan - 'treated' what way? How do you feel treated, I must have wounded you. So please elaborate. I and the world want to know. I am right here to listen to you, absorbing hours of my time. Please continue.

                          Originally Posted by Ryan David View Post

                          Not to sound too condescending, but I'm not sure why you posted those screenshots. Was it meant to impress somebody reading this thread? Because if that was the purpose, I would probably edit your post to remove them.

                          We shouldn't feel so special about Jordan treating us this way though. If you look at his product reviews on Amazon, he uses the same strategy when people bash his products. He gets all huffy/puffy when responding to their comments.

                          Heck, even his book encourages people to sell used plush toys on Amazon when you're not allowed to sell used toys on Amazon. The solution is to mislabel the item in some other category I'm assuming. ha

                          -Jordan 'J.B' Malik /
                          > Learn Importing for FREE on our live webinar (We're giving away prizes)
                          > FREE Private Label Workshop - LIVE

                          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8634565].message }}
                      • Profile picture of the author bayking
                        I haven´t read on this forum since my last post and now caught up with this thread.

                        I paid for ASM and can confirm that it was the real deal.
                        Worth the money for most who devoted themselves to it.

                        That said, not sure if I would recommend your average Joe to pay $4k for the upcoming course in April. Competition keeps increasing as always. Rapid influx of ASM-sellers has probably made this process 2-4 times as fast over the last year in PL type categories.

                        There are still opportunities, and some people will likely do very well this time around as well. My guess though is that "epic success" will be limited to the few who have the complete package with brains, time, devotion and entrepreneurial skills.

                        Having significant cash to invest in opportunities out of reach for other sellers will also be a big advantage, and that rules out most new ASMers.

                        And some last words. Amazing how Jordan Malik managed to post so many replies without addressing simple and direct questions. That alone hopefully enlightened many of the devoted followers he kept referring to.
                        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9031919].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author jordanmalik
          I guess a moderator took it down but you can private message me if you want it. Or you can google my name to find my blog (it's on there too).


          Originally Posted by mustang51 View Post

          What happen to Jordan Malik review if it was taken down cause he gave us some good info if so am not buying here anymore

          -Jordan 'J.B' Malik /
          > Learn Importing for FREE on our live webinar (We're giving away prizes)
          > FREE Private Label Workshop - LIVE

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8573562].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Raemi13
            All I know is after this huge launch of all of this, I have unsubscribed myself from a majority of the marketing "gurus" I used to follow. Ridiculous! Total overkill on me and I'm sick of seeing it.

            And that's my $.02 on the matter.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8573895].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author adi2010
              Originally Posted by Raemi13 View Post

              All I know is after this huge launch of all of this, I have unsubscribed myself from a majority of the marketing "gurus" I used to follow. Ridiculous! Total overkill on me and I'm sick of seeing it.

              And that's my $.02 on the matter.
              I guess that most of them send us the same email scam: "Very good friend of mine who is great guy makes $1,00000000000 a month on Amazon, eBay, online etc. I personally use his system and never looked back bla,bla,bla...."
              A week later the same story, but next close friend/buddy of his have super special offer which expire 2h later so hurry up...bla,bla,bla... Of course that JV promoter have been using ONLY his buddy`s system for his online business and never looked at other options...and then a week later, maybe 2 days later the story comes all over again with next good buddy of his...and so on. It`s like Mafia of buddies trying to make quick bucks promoting something they have never tried.
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8579472].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author HighRiskJohn
    Looking over the first 2 videos released, I already know what they are going to pitch. I've gone through a course called China Importing Secrets (I think) and you can learn all about getting products labeled with your own brand name. I certainly don't need to spend $3,500 to find out how they did it. And the software they are going to be selling can be done manually by looking at the top selling items in any category. One another forum, someone found a check list of tips and tricks to use from the Video Genesis launch.

    Save your money and do the homework yourself. You are going to have to put up some money to buy your own inventory, but one thing you should know is you make your PROFIT on the BUY side, NOT on the sell side. If you get a good enough price for good quality products, you will made money even if you have to liquidate stock.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8556215].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Ryan David
    What I consider the shadiest thing about the launch is their recent video where they answered the "Revenue is great, but what is your profit". Obviously, I don't expect them to reveal the product they are selling, but it is kinda funny that they considered the question answered. They basically just told you how much you would pay Amazon for a sale of $26 and then said something like "We like to buy our product for $5-$6, so you can see there is a lot of profit still left over.

    Haha. I just think it's a funny way to address a question. Sure, there will be a lot of profit left if it costs you $6, but is that what you were selling when your revenues were $2M/year?

    I'm a little dubious about all this. I know the argument will be "Hey, plenty of money for everyone!", but I kinda have a hard time believing that someone with $2M in revenue on amazon, making 60% profit margins (per their video), for a net profit of $1.2M would be selling a product to the masses about doing what they are doing. Why would you? Wouldn't you just quietly add to your empire and then when the whole thing is about to blow (from competition), THEN launch this ASM product.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8556399].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author panorama
      Originally Posted by Ryan David View Post

      What I consider the shadiest thing about the launch is their recent video where they answered the "Revenue is great, but what is your profit". Obviously, I don't expect them to reveal the product they are selling, but it is kinda funny that they considered the question answered. They basically just told you how much you would pay Amazon for a sale of $26 and then said something like "We like to buy our product for $5-$6, so you can see there is a lot of profit still left over.

      Haha. I just think it's a funny way to address a question. Sure, there will be a lot of profit left if it costs you $6, but is that what you were selling when your revenues were $2M/year?

      I'm a little dubious about all this. I know the argument will be "Hey, plenty of money for everyone!", but I kinda have a hard time believing that someone with $2M in revenue on amazon, making 60% profit margins (per their video), for a net profit of $1.2M would be selling a product to the masses about doing what they are doing. Why would you? Wouldn't you just quietly add to your empire and then when the whole thing is about to blow (from competition), THEN launch this ASM product.
      I know their products and I believe it when they say they have a 60% profit margin. (please don't ask what their products are because I won't share that information).
      Comparison of Amazing Selling Machine & Other Private Label Alternatives (Updated April 2015)
      Copy Meets Design - Copywriting and design services exclusively for Amazon listings
      Phone/Text: 917-338-9644
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8556427].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Rod Dinero
    I always laugh when someone is willing to reveal his "secrets" to make like 2 million dollars per year to anybody for like 100 bucks
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8556463].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author JamesBoyd
    What I dislike the most about the ASM promotion is the deceptive examples, in video 2 the guy says he makes 60% profit, yes it's true but thats because he's taken the most extreme example, a very small product that weights less than 2 oz and can be bought for $5 if you buy 1000 of them, and for those products the FBA fee's are also the smallest

    Time for some maths

    If you take another ASM product that also sells for $26 and weights a more reasonable 16 oz this is what you get

    selling price 26
    FBA fee's 8.9
    product cost 11 (good estimate based on alibaba plus shipping)

    profit 23%

    I guess a decent profit but nowhere near 60%
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8556485].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Ryan David
      Originally Posted by JamesBoyd View Post

      What I dislike the most about the ASM promotion is the deceptive examples, in video 2 the guy says he makes 60% profit, yes it's true but thats because he's taken the most extreme example, a very small product that weights less than 2 oz and can be bought for $5 if you buy 1000 of them, and for those products the FBA fee's are also the smallest

      Time for some maths

      If you take another ASM product that also sells for $26 and weights a more reasonable 16 oz this is what you get

      selling price 26
      FBA fee's 8.9
      product cost 11 (good estimate based on alibaba plus shipping)

      profit 23%

      I guess a decent profit but nowhere near 60%
      That's the thing about the importing as well that most people don't realize. To make importing feasible, you have to import a full container. Do you know how many units of something it would take to fill an entire container when the weight is 16 ounces? Do you know what the total cost of that container would be? Now, you could balance it out with a heavier item; one that would fill up 3/4 of the container and then fill in the 1/4 with the smaller items. But either way, you're talking about a $40-50K investment in that case.

      Having said all that, the opportunities are ripe. In most good categories, there aren't that many products with 10+ reviews. You could be the "brand" name product with just a little marketing push. Reviews=Sales on Amazon.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8556574].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author JasonChan
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8557948].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author SheraLee
      Originally Posted by JasonChan View Post

      well, that's a lot of reviews and opinions! too me a while to even scan through this thread!

      the underpinning of this whole system is being able to negotiate an even lower price at the supplier side. sure, that's just business, but, this predatory model will soon saturate and backfire. the only reason that suppliers compromise on price is lack of customers. but as soon as there're sufficient number of people doing this, that problem will disappear, and they will start reversing the game on the buyers - i.e. you.

      then, the wholesale price for EVERYONE will rise, when the suppliers can afford to drop off cheap buyers. and that'll be just business too.

      so, what's the point? enjoy it while you can. borrow as much money as you can and expand your Amazon "business" to the max in the shortest frame of time, because this boom certainly won't last.
      You're right about that, Jason. It doesn't matter what the ASM owners profit margin IS - or WAS 6 months ago. For the owners of ASM and their (greedy) affiliates, the profit margins are 1000%+ by selling this system to others - that is where the REAL MONEY is.

      If you look at all the affiliates peddling this product, note that most have never done this, and the ones that have do not have successful products on Amazon. They all say that it's a business model that they "plan" to add to their current business, but nothing could be further from the truth. The reality is that they are selling products to others through their huge mailing lists (ASM being one of them) and that is their TRUE business model.

      As they are laughing all the way to the bank long after your 30 days refund window is over, you are working hard to apply the program and build a business. Whether you succeed or not is not important, as they already have their money.

      Beware folks; if you are truly interested in this as a business, use the other, more helpful, resources that are listed in this thread and save your money. You can do this business without this particular course. Re-read this thread - if something doesn't feel right, then pay attention to that feeling!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8558186].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author orange_oranges
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8558222].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Ryan David
      Originally Posted by orange_oranges View Post

      anyone find it odd that there aren't any posts of buyers that are doing ok, but not amazing? all i hear about is "this is the biggest rip off", and "i now make 100k a month" type of posts.

      i would like to ask a different question, not related to whether the course is worth it:

      where are the people who bought the course, that are still putting in the hours and cranking out private label products, reaching for example 2k, 3k sales a month (haven't "made it", but slowly growing profits). i would think this accounts for 90% of the course's customers, as they continue trying this course's business model.

      would love to hear from this group of ppl!
      I don't think it's too strange that posters wouldn't come out of the woodwork. For the first 2 years, Stompernet was great but if you posted in here, you'd have most people just calling it overpriced.

      Realistically though, there probably aren't that many people that are "making it" because there aren't that many people that succeed (on a % basis) with any program. Private labeling products isn't something that you can really bootstrap very easily. When I import from China, I'm spending about $40-50K per container. You have to be able to float the cash for a minimum 60-90 days before you start to see the payback.

      If you can find a decent manufacturer here then you might be able to get away with spending less and turning the product quicker, but these days it's more likely you'll only be able to find a US based distributor.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8558491].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author morphers
      As I stated earlier, I am a member currently doing about 50K in revenue a month using the tactics taught in ASM, completely replaced the job I quit last march doing cable tv installations. Its totally doable for almost anyone, the only thing you need is a little capital to get the ball rolling of course, thats the nature of selling your own products on amazon (drop-shipping sucks!)

      Originally Posted by orange_oranges View Post

      anyone find it odd that there aren't any posts of buyers that are doing ok, but not amazing? all i hear about is "this is the biggest rip off", and "i now make 100k a month" type of posts.

      i would like to ask a different question, not related to whether the course is worth it:

      where are the people who bought the course, that are still putting in the hours and cranking out private label products, reaching for example 2k, 3k sales a month (haven't "made it", but slowly growing profits). i would think this accounts for 90% of the course's customers, as they continue trying this course's business model.

      would love to hear from this group of ppl!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8573929].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author JamesBoyd
        Interesting that you say "drop shipping sucks", as soon as the last ASM course finished the two guys, as affiliates, did a hard sell for a drop shipping course to their members

        Originally Posted by morphers View Post

        As I stated earlier, I am a member currently doing about 50K in revenue a month using the tactics taught in ASM, completely replaced the job I quit last march doing cable tv installations. Its totally doable for almost anyone, the only thing you need is a little capital to get the ball rolling of course, thats the nature of selling your own products on amazon (drop-shipping sucks!)
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8574810].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author MagicD
    I have been really uming about posting a comment or review about this course, everyone has their set opinions on this which is fine, I respect that.

    I bought Proven Amazon course which I might add is an awesome course if you are interested in buying low and selling high. For the price at the time in 2012 was great for me starting with FBA, I havent visited PAC in a while but based on the emails they have made some improvements, so it my be worth checking out. Their forum is pretty cool, but like any forum conflicting information will always happen.

    When I started with PAC I was going out to markets and charity shops with a target to buy 20 items aday (I also bought a scanner with my iPhone, which was pretty cool.) The only snag my phone battery died or a lost signal.

    I remember buying 60items on the same product getting ready for xmas it was a new product about to be released in the UK (I had inside information this product was going to be huge. spoiler - It was a kid tab) I spent over £500 which is about $900 ish. I thought at the time I hit a winner. As soon as I sent my stock in, my competitors dropped their prices down, I didnt make much money on that at all. I am not blaming PAC (it would be stupid if it did.)

    The point I am making buying wholesale or arbitrage items, be prepared for competitors to drive the prices down. The other opition is to find low demand and high price products.

    So I reached out to PAC forum, and asked how can I expand my business either hiring people (scanners, as they call them,) my reply was if you show people how to scan, you run the risk of someone leaving your org and starting on their own. Another thing to worry about..

    At that moment I realised PAC course re arbitrage, wholeselling was not for me. I did make money but not enough to say its worth my time. Also their were information overload ideas on using ebay and amazon, which is not a bad thing. I just wanted to focus on one thing make money and move on.

    RE. ASM, I am a member and not an affiliate. I am here to only share my success and failures so you can decide for yourself.

    We all know the price of the course is expensive, and the content isnt 100% perfect, like most courses. However one thing I have learnt from PAC and ASM is the community this is gold and worth the price if you ask me.

    This month I have made a total gross sales of touching $7k, my profit percentage is 65% on each item. Let me explain your out going costs:

    stock - (I spent $900)
    product images and labels (some times your supplier can provide them free of charge for you - I paid$170 for 10 images, which isnt bad)
    I also paid $20 for someone to create a video for me
    Right now, I am not incorporated, I am running as a sole proprietorship (recommend at some point to invest in an LLC)
    I source within the USA and UK
    Shipping to your amazon warehouse
    I also run paid marketing on a tight budget.

    Most of my traffic comes from amazon search, however I have invested a bit of money this month into outside marketing, which really helps.

    So overall my profit margin works out to be 55% of each product. For the amount of items I am selling a day, I am not in a position to haggle as of yet with the supplier.

    For me, I am happy with what I have paid for and my return. To answer other questions the failure rate in FBA is higher with private label, what happens (which I have seen) ASM members find a product and send way to much on stock, rather than buying 50-100 items to keep your risk low.

    80% of your time WILL be spent on research, you will need to compared with 5-10 suppliers to get the best price, then email or call them. If you are sourcing from China, expect delays in replies due to time difference.

    If I had to pick one thing from both courses that are gold:
    PAC - Price, this is without a doubt the cheapest option to get you started with scouting, arbitrage.
    ASM - The email auto responder which is linked to your amazon account so you can email your buyers either provide additional advice on the product they have bought from you or recommend another product to compliment it, this is a a great way to improve conversions.

    I am sure there is more I could write, but the honest truth is, what ever option you take you will have the risk of not making money or make money.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8559850].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Jim Cockrum
      Originally Posted by MagicD View Post

      ASM - The email auto responder which is linked to your amazon account so you can email your buyers either provide additional advice on the product they have bought from you or recommend another product to compliment it, this is a a great way to improve conversions.
      As a word of warning...

      Please be VERY cautious about contacting your Amazon customers in pursuit of back end sales/ list building etc.

      I've heard of several cases where accounts were shut down b/c of even minimal back end marketing efforts. Check out the section about email correspondence with customers right here on Amazon's site: Help: Prohibited Seller Activities and Actions
      Signature aka the "PAC" now includes the #1 "Private Label" training on the web (! We've been teaching "physical product" sales online since 2002 & we've accumulated over 1,000 success testimonials!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8559973].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author MagicD
    Thank Jim, I did see that and read everything about it before hand. Amazon had pointed out in an email as long as the product being offered, marketed or links within the email can only be from or other Amazon places.

    This was made very clear, but thanks for pointing that out. Something I forgot to mention which is also very important to know
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  • Profile picture of the author dominodivine
    I have not posted in a long time, but what is really sad about this is for marketers who did have some trust to push this out to their list ... I got this from email from Jay Boyer namely the Jay, John, James, Matt

    with the subject line ... Crazy $5K per month "side business"- with PROOF and I thought it was a link to one of their product but Oh no ... It was for the relaunch of this product... LOL

    Yes I have unsubscribed from their list ... and honestly I normally buy their products so I was not someone just sitting on the list.

    Whats funny what happen to testimonial from people who have actually made money using what they teach that is how launches and products used to go ... But these guys have you trained to BUY BUY BUY ...

    I have spent my money years ago on these big launches and I realized that if these guys was making the money they say they are why are they selling an info product ... That is key to me. The go on to say in one of the pdf I download from Matt & Jay Boyer I quote it says ... "How did creatng eBooks and digital products become so popular as a way to make money online? The main appeal was automaton and high profit margins. The big problem with this is that you need traffic to sell these digital products. Traffic costs a lot of money, so there goes your high profit margins. It also takes a lot of time to drive this kind of traffic, so there goes your freedom."

    Is the "KindleGuys" for real ... when they are peddling this junk to their list.

    Are they saying this not a digital product that they sending a link to !!!...

    They have not even wrapped it up in a CD/DVD ...

    You know to make us think it is more valuable ... This is digital product and it selling for 3K .

    Seem like info digital products is still the way to go ....!!!

    Then they tell you about getting traffic ... but the truth is these guys don't know how to get traffic ... they use JV list....

    So here is what you should learn from these guys ...

    1. Take what you learned from them and invest back into your own business by taking action. You have nothing to lose. The quicker you fail the more you learn.
    2. Remove yourself from anybody list who is not playing fair are who only benefit is to lace their pockets.
    3. Watch how they promote learn to swipe some of their copy.
    4. Learn how they play with your emotions.

    Here is a tips ... study classic marketing and advertising ...
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8560641].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author malia
    As a word of warning...

    Please be VERY cautious about contacting your Amazon customers in pursuit of back end sales/ list building etc.

    I've heard of several cases where accounts were shut down b/c of even minimal back end marketing efforts. Check out the section about email correspondence with customers right here on Amazon's site:
    Not that I need to cosign Jim Cockrum, as he is an authority in this area, but this is another thing about this course and their "I just make stuff up affiliates". One hosted a webinar and someone asked "Isn't that against Amazon's terms of service" the host said "well if Amazon didn't want us to do this, why would they provide us with the email address".


    Regarding their auto-responder: there is a service that costs $5 a month that many sellers in the FBA Yahoo Group use and even then a lot of them don't want to risk their accounts by being that aggressive for reviews and cross-sells. These two dudes just give bad advice, and the problem is they could easily find out the "official answer."
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8560726].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Jim Cockrum
      Originally Posted by malia View Post

      Not that I need to cosign Jim Cockrum, as he is an authority in this area, but this is another thing about this course and their "I just make stuff up affiliates". One hosted a webinar and someone asked "Isn't that against Amazon's terms of service" the host said "well if Amazon didn't want us to do this, why would they provide us with the email address".

      I'll take a cosign from anyone anytime on good advice!!

      RE: bad Amazon advice-

      That's an incredibly irresponsible position the host gave on that call - people lose their businesses over bad advice like that! Amazon takes the privacy of their customer VERY seriously. Email follow up with Amazon customers is a minefield that you MUST be extremely caution playing around in. I flat out don't do it. Not worth the risk.

      I still stay very active on eBay for this reason. eBay does take a bit more liberal policy on being able to follow up with your customers in creative ways. Not so with Amazon.
      Signature aka the "PAC" now includes the #1 "Private Label" training on the web (! We've been teaching "physical product" sales online since 2002 & we've accumulated over 1,000 success testimonials!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8561341].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author DaleCalvert
    I rarely take the time to comment on forums, but sometimes the "Lack" mindset of "Warriors" is just too overwhelming. Why some people feel they need to comment about that which they know nothing about is perplexing.

    Membership for the first course was opened in March of this year, They shut it down after about two weeks & stopped accepting new members. In a couple of weeks they sold about six million dollars worth of the course, so obviously a lot of people feel like I do.

    This course will be the answer to prayer for some people. Just because you don't have the discipline or motivation to put the information into action, or the money to invest in the training, does not give you the right to try to discourage others from making a good business decision that could change their life.

    If it doesn't take food off the table, and you are willing to devote time to this business model, buy the course, I bought the original course and the information is superb.

    $3,500 for a well designed course in a very hot upward trending business model, taught by two guys that are earning six figures a month is really a no brainer, isn't it?

    Anyone who is willing to take the time to learn the process can earn a full time income with Amazon using the concepts taught in various books and training programs that have been mentioned throughout this post.

    However this course teaches an entirely different way to use Amazon to sale your PRIVATE LABEL Product as a few members on this post have tried to explain.

    The truth is, anyone can make enough money in one month using know Amazon FBA methods to cover their investment in this program.

    A big part of being successful with any business model is TIMING. Buying on Amazon is becoming part of the American culture, and the upside potential from 2013 on
    is more than obvious to business minded people.

    You have to stop and realize it has been reported that .... up to 1/3 of all online sales in the US are done on Amazon. If those numbers are even close to being true, as a marketer, to not learn how to tap into that market makes no sense.

    FYI ... If you have not personally gone through a course or read a book, nobody cares what you think about the content, price, or anything else. We don't want to waste our time reading opinions from people that have all the answers and no money.

    Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.</SPAN>


    A 30+ year track record of helping entrepreneurs achieve success! Find Dale on Amazon

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8561454].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author panorama
      DaleCalvert has a good point here. I've read through the last few negative posts and some of the comments are comical if you really understand how off the mark they are...I just don't have the energy to comment on every inaccuracy.

      That being said, like Jim Cockrum says, you've got to be careful with your approach. The course does teach a couple of things that I believe are borderline in putting your account in danger, so I avoid that and only do what I'm personally comfortable with.

      Everyone has to figure this out for themselves...I spent much more than the cost of a ASM on something Jim recommended and I ended up being so pissed off because I thought it was terrible. I respect him a lot, but it just didn't work for me. ASM on the other hand did work for me, but it might not for you. There will be no way to know in advance, so you've got to do your best to figure it out and at least be comfortable with the return policy just in case.
      Comparison of Amazing Selling Machine & Other Private Label Alternatives (Updated April 2015)
      Copy Meets Design - Copywriting and design services exclusively for Amazon listings
      Phone/Text: 917-338-9644
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8561566].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author malia
    However this course teaches an entirely different way to use Amazon to sale your PRIVATE LABEL Product as a few members on this post have tried to explain.
    I think people get that. Private label is not groundbreaking (it may be "new" to IMers, but it is not new) nor were they the first to teach private label on Amazon. What they probably were the first to do is combine FBA + Private Label + IM techniques that could get a normal ecommerce website penalized but are relatively "safe" for Amazon.

    The course does teach a couple of things that I believe are borderline in putting your account in danger, so I avoid that and only do what I'm personally comfortable with.
    But what about the person who doesn't know any better? And that is the problem.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8562014].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author panorama
      Originally Posted by malia View Post

      But what about the person who doesn't know any better? And that is the problem.
      Caveat Emptor. Like I said earlier - no one is looking out for the buyer's best interests and everyone needs to be fully aware of that.

      The email issue falls into the category of nuances unique to Amazon, which is why I think most people need personal attention even if they buy the course. Of course, since that's what I'm offering, people should be aware I've also got a conflict of interest when I recommend that.
      Comparison of Amazing Selling Machine & Other Private Label Alternatives (Updated April 2015)
      Copy Meets Design - Copywriting and design services exclusively for Amazon listings
      Phone/Text: 917-338-9644
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8562398].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author malia
    Caveat Emptor. Like I said earlier - no one is looking out for the buyer's best interests and everyone needs to be fully aware of that.
    That's like saying "I know this dealer sells dodgy cars, but if you buy one from me, I'll help you fix it up."

    I guess the best thing they have going for them IS that high payout.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8562861].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author panorama
      Originally Posted by malia View Post

      That's like saying "I know this dealer sells dodgy cars, but if you buy one from me, I'll help you fix it up."

      I guess the best thing they have going for them IS that high payout.
      Hmm...that comparison is a little bit of a stretch, but I see what you're saying. My comment may have made it sound like there were many more issues of the course providing wrong information, but I'd say issues like this are pretty limited. I certainly wouldn't characterize the course as a "dodgy car".

      My point was that buyers should be aware that the course isn't perfect so you can't expect to just blindly "follow the system". You've got to use good judgement and common sense. You've also got to be aware of all the rules because you're responsible for everything that happens with your account.

      Either way, the training is what it is. It could be better, but I wouldn't associate myself with it if I thought it was a piece of crap (dodgy car). I do genuinely think I can help buyers improve their chances of success and I'm proud to be able to offer that.
      Comparison of Amazing Selling Machine & Other Private Label Alternatives (Updated April 2015)
      Copy Meets Design - Copywriting and design services exclusively for Amazon listings
      Phone/Text: 917-338-9644
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8563422].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author MagicD
    Great video Jim, I also like to add, for people who live outside the countries of Amazon lists, you can not use your local debit card such as switzerland, Australia and new zealand to name a couple, however you can use payoneer card, however the fees are slightly pricey.

    I recommend using a virtual office in USA and setting up a bank account in the USA which is very easy to do.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8566471].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author BoJon
      Originally Posted by MagicD View Post

      Great video Jim, I also like to add, for people who live outside the countries of Amazon lists, you can not use your local debit card such as switzerland, Australia and new zealand to name a couple, however you can use payoneer card, however the fees are slightly pricey.

      I recommend using a virtual office in USA and setting up a bank account in the USA which is very easy to do.
      So is that easy to do even if I'm from another country ???

      As I understand this would require me to visit the bank in person, which would be out of the question (I wouldn't go all the way from Europe).
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8582739].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Jim Cockrum
        Originally Posted by BoJon View Post

        So is that easy to do even if I'm from another country ???

        As I understand this would require me to visit the bank in person, which would be out of the question (I wouldn't go all the way from Europe).
        Each situation is unique depending on where you live, but we have 15 paid moderators as well as students from all over the world who can help you navigate the process of getting set up. We have students from all over the world selling into Amazon U.S.
        Signature aka the "PAC" now includes the #1 "Private Label" training on the web (! We've been teaching "physical product" sales online since 2002 & we've accumulated over 1,000 success testimonials!
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8583902].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author BoJon
          Originally Posted by Jim Cockrum View Post

          Each situation is unique depending on where you live, but we have 15 paid moderators as well as students from all over the world who can help you navigate the process of getting set up. We have students from all over the world selling into Amazon U.S.
          OK thanks for the info! I like that
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8584340].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Robert Oliver
            I too am unsubscribing from all the big name gurus who

            I receive emails from daily promoting this with huge bonuses.

            Ryan Moran (who I thought a lot of),Andrew Hansen, Matt Clark,

            Matt Rhodes, John Rhodes, Aldan Booth, James Sides and more just

            got dumped by me. I frankly am sick and tired of the mass amount

            of emails I am receiving from these gurus on the is. Problem solved.

            Amazing what the all mighty commission dollar will do to some


            Robert Oliver

            It's Not Over Till I Win!
            Do you see the glass half empty or half
            full? The difference can mean success or
            The simple things seem to be the most
            effective and most overlooked.

            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8584730].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Ryan David
    The value in the course is, likely, the "opening of the eyes" to the Amazon opportunity; specifically to private label products. Scrapping and hustling for money is going the thrift store route and is not sustainable unless you like working for very little. You can purchase wholesale from US based distributors, but you'll find tons of competition once you start to get some traction.

    Private labeling is definitely the route to go if you want to make money on Amazon....actually, it's the route to go if you want to make BIG money on Amazon. If ASM is what opens your eyes to the possibilities, then so be it. I kinda doubt that there is that much there that is going to make the difference between success/failure, but I could be wrong. The x-factor is your ability to spot an opportunity and then know when to pull the trigger.

    I'm in the middle of putting together a private label deal that, I think, will be a consistent money maker for me. I found the product by searching for it on Amazon because I wanted one of my own. I saw a competitor selling the product, I researched the cost in China and the cost to get it packaged, I plugged it into FBA calculator, and figured I'd make around $15/sale. My plan is to price it aggressively, get sales, get reviews, and then slowly ramp up the price as that happens.

    Of course, this could be a long-term play because building up your own reviews on amazon takes effort. but I'm confident it's the most sustainable.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8567380].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author KnightAl
    The info here is great and one of the many reasons I am am a member of this forum.

    I would like to ask if any one has experience with getting around Amazon only paying into banks in certain countries IE:

    This is the reply I received from Amazon
    To be paid, you need to provide a bank account in a country supported by Amazon. Currently, we support bank accounts in the United States, the United Kingdom, and in the euro zone, which includes Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Spain.

    I am located in Australia and ASM tells my not to worry about this as they have many members doing great from Australia and all other countries not on Amazons list.

    When I asked for more info on this and if I could access it I got no reply as yet.

    Whilst I will most like not not be able to afford a 3K ASM course I would be interested in doin some research as has been suggested throughout this thread, but the bank issue kinda stops me, like why spend time researching if at the end of the day I still cannot participate.

    Amazon have only replied with stock answers, so hopefully some one here knows more.
    "Don't let a day go by without making someone's life better"
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8571148].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author KnightAl
    Many thanks go to Jim Cockrum and MagicD you guys answered my question re Selling Amazon from outside the countries they support.

    I guess it's now back to research the info you provided

    "Don't let a day go by without making someone's life better"
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8571705].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Ecommerce Advice
    For sure private label is the way to go. If you are selling a 'brand' product that anyone can buy. You will always find someone comes in and cuts your margin. There is always some willing to work on crazy margins.

    Developing your own brand is far easier than you think an doesn't always have to cost that much. You can buy unbranded stuff like 'cup cake cases' but get your own boxes made with your brand.

    If you're selling on Amazon you can be the ONLY seller for 'XYZ cup cake cases' and then using great copy you can sell them. Plus you'll get a better margin because you don't have to cut the price to compete with other sellers.

    Remember there are buyers that shop simply on price - but if you can get the buyers that buy on quality you can get better margins if you show them how your product is better.

    I'm sure the ASM course is good but that is a huge price. There are fair cheaper options around.
    Signature - Increase Your Conversion Rate Guranteed
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8575878].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author panorama
    Everything these days is surrounded by hype - even the stuff that works.

    It's a big problem, so you've got to filter through all the fluff and ask tough questions to see if whatever you're interested in has any merit. If you aren't satisfied with the answers to your questions, supported by fact or reasonable assumptions, then move on.

    If you're just relying on your gut or because someone you've never met before is recommending something, sooner or later you will get screwed.

    Anything worthwhile should be able to withstand the tough questions.
    Comparison of Amazing Selling Machine & Other Private Label Alternatives (Updated April 2015)
    Copy Meets Design - Copywriting and design services exclusively for Amazon listings
    Phone/Text: 917-338-9644
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8579505].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author dipakshorey
    Hi Jim,

    Hardly a days goes by when I don't get an email or two from yet more marketers trying to flog me Matt's and Jason's ASM course, usually offering a huge bribe running into thousands of dollars worth of freebies; this tells me these affiliates are getting a big cut and ASM marketing machine is now on overdrive. I noticed you have an offer on currently on your own course and at a price that sane individuals can afford. I wonder if you can tell us how your course compares with ASM just to put my mind at rest and perhaps take the plunge?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8584197].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Jim Cockrum
      Originally Posted by dipakshorey View Post

      Hi Jim,

      Hardly a days goes by when I don't get an email or two from yet more marketers trying to flog me Matt's and Jason's ASM course, usually offering a huge bribe running into thousands of dollars worth of freebies; this tells me these affiliates are getting a big cut and ASM marketing machine is now on overdrive. I noticed you have an offer on currently on your own course and at a price that sane individuals can afford. I wonder if you can tell us how your course compares with ASM just to put my mind at rest and perhaps take the plunge?
      I've never been inside ASM myself, so I don't have any grounds to put it down or speak directly to your question. I've not even seen the promotional videos for it. I'm quite busy and I spend my time focused on building my business and building up the PAC course, recruiting our top students to contribute to the ongoing expansion of the creative ideas inside the course, and making sure our current students are getting top notch attention and care so they can be our next success stories.

      My goal with the PAC is to build the largest audience of successful Amazon sellers in the world by providing the most cutting edge strategies at a price anyone can afford, and then recruit & pay the "best" among us to constantly raise the bar for the rest of us - and that is exactly where my focus is with the PAC.
      Signature aka the "PAC" now includes the #1 "Private Label" training on the web (! We've been teaching "physical product" sales online since 2002 & we've accumulated over 1,000 success testimonials!
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  • Profile picture of the author Josh Belanger
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  • Profile picture of the author bobsilber
    If you hurry you can save a few hundred dollars and grab Jim's “Proven Amazon Course,” for only $97 as he has a temporary September-October 2013 Price Break going at Proven Amazon Course - brought to you by Jim Cockrum of - Moderators this is not an affiliate link.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8587604].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author TerrySilver
      Hey Jim,

      You mentioned a few months ago the PAC course was working on new information addressing private lablel and/or virtual sourcing. Has that progressed any?

      I am looking to move forward with Amazon, but don't want to source products by hunting down liquidations and garage sales. That is the one facet of ASM that is attractive....but I'd like to find a cheaper alternative.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8587700].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Jim Cockrum
        Originally Posted by TerrySilver View Post

        Hey Jim,

        You mentioned a few months ago the PAC course was working on new information addressing private lablel and/or virtual sourcing. Has that progressed any?

        I am looking to move forward with Amazon, but don't want to source products by hunting down liquidations and garage sales. That is the one facet of ASM that is attractive....but I'd like to find a cheaper alternative.
        It's's in there...with more coming all the time as we pay our top students to spill the beans on how they do what they do.
        Signature aka the "PAC" now includes the #1 "Private Label" training on the web (! We've been teaching "physical product" sales online since 2002 & we've accumulated over 1,000 success testimonials!
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8587734].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Ryan David
        Originally Posted by TerrySilver View Post

        Hey Jim,

        You mentioned a few months ago the PAC course was working on new information addressing private lablel and/or virtual sourcing. Has that progressed any?

        I am looking to move forward with Amazon, but don't want to source products by hunting down liquidations and garage sales. That is the one facet of ASM that is attractive....but I'd like to find a cheaper alternative.
        Having purchased PAC, I want to just relay what I have noticed about the course. Yes, there is a section of the course about "White Labeling" products, but it's basically just a "how to" of what to do.

        In my opinion, the "How To" is the easy step. You can search the FBA forums at Amazon and basically just ask the users there how to do the exact same thing. The mechanics of actually how to do this (within Amazon's system) is not something that you need a course to tell you what to do. Amazon has plenty of documentation on what to do and how to do it. I figured out how to do it by reading the documentation and working with a sales rep.

        The skill set involves identifying the opportunities, sourcing the products, and managing your business ongoing (reviews/customer service). I don't think you'll get very far with just sitting there and brainstorming ideas, but you have to just think about what you buy from Amazon and consider if it would make a good white labeled product. If it does,you go through some simple steps to determine the viability of the idea.

        After watching the videos in PAC, I envision a lot of people just going on Alibaba, buying some generic products, buying a UPC, listing the product, and watching their inventory sit there. While that's technically the white label product, it's not the right way to do it.

        A few weeks ago I bought something on Amazon that seemed like it was fairly priced (and a good product), but probably didn't cost much to produce. I ordered the product, found the supplier, and contacted them. I verified (through some questioning) that they were the supplier for the competitor. They wanted an initial order that would cost me $16K upfront and I negotiated with them a smaller initial order that will cost me $2K. I laid out that I wasn't a cheap skate or a newbie, but that it's going to take me some time to ramp up the marketing and don't want to sit on inventory while I do that.

        I don't know if ASM teaches that or not, but that's the skill set that needs to be developed. The how-to is very simple.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8587930].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author malia
    Hey Josh, that's a pretty good video.

    For those who are interested-- he does specifically address the problem with contacting Amazon customers directly.

    Can you be a bit more specific about the "Amazon Smack"?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8588169].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Ryan David
      Originally Posted by malia View Post

      Hey Josh, that's a pretty good video.

      For those who are interested-- he does specifically address the problem with contacting Amazon customers directly.

      Can you be a bit more specific about the "Amazon Smack"?
      With regard to contacting Amazon customers directly, I think the policy is pretty clear that you can contact them within the context of that transaction and no more. Does ASM advise doing more than that? Asking for reviews is ok as well.

      I think the "Amazon Smack" is not a widespread problem, but more of an issue of listing violation. By calling it a "Smack", people might assume that it's like some kind of Google Smack where you are penalized in some way that is unclear to you. I've never gotten any kind of violation notice, so I would suspect that he did something a little unscrupulous; either knowingly or unknowingly.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8588455].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author scottsmith24
    Does anyone offer an alternative that teaches specifically the Private Label part?

    We have fba wholesaling, fba arbitrage, fba liquidation books.... Why not Somebody write a reasonable book that us non-beginners would like on Private Labeling?

    Most of us here probably don't need to know how to open an Amazon Seller Account,
    or info. on how to promote a webpage etc. Heck, pay me 3000 dollars and I'll tell you the same things... Get Facebook Links, Pinterest Links, Reviews, Youtube, Articles, Press Releases...And all with the keywords. Your Amazon product pages are the same thing as websites you would promote. Hell, we've heard all that before.

    It's like the weightloss thing, everyone knows what to do... eat right and excerise... we just don't do it.

    In my opinion all this rhetoric on this course is Beginners vs. Experienced sellers. Experienced sellers aren't going to be able justify the price tag, because they already know most of this stuff, but they got our ears perked up because there really doesn't seem to be a lot of info. on Private Labeling and FBA.

    When they say they are making 100,000 a month, heck even the experienced sellers have to wonder if they are missing out on something.

    So there is a market void just created, in my opinion, that says Experienced FBA sellers want to learn more about Private Labeling. If any of you experienced guys fill that void with a book or something more reasonable, I'm in.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8589789].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author dipakshorey
      I read a review by Jordan Malik on his blog and viewed some of his YouTube videos. He, an experienced Amazon seller, tells you why he doesn't support the ASM hype, why he considers it grossly overpriced, and also points you to far cheaper alternatives to ASM. There are several books on Amazon on Private Labelling; according to Malik private-labelling is not without risk.

      Depending upon your previous experience selling on Amazon he endorses essentially 3 to 4 products. The one Malik likes best is "Proven Amazon Course" by Jim Cockrum which he considers easily worth $10,000 with all its info. You also get lifetime access to "Selling on Amazon Mentorship Series" as a free bonus. If you are a complete newbie, according to Malik, you will also need Andy Dew's "Dewable course" currently at $99. I have just bought Jim's course for $97 with lifetime access and updates. I think that was a savvy decision which just saved me approx. $3900!

      p.s. An earlier version of ASM called "Amazon Money Machine" by Matt Clark et al. was selling last year for $995!

      Originally Posted by scottsmith24 View Post

      Does anyone offer an alternative that teaches specifically the Private Label part?

      In my opinion all this rhetoric on this course is Beginners vs. Experienced sellers. Experienced sellers aren't going to be able justify the price tag, because they already know most of this stuff, but they got our ears perked up because there really doesn't seem to be a lot of info. on Private Labeling and FBA.

      When they say they are making 100,000 a month, heck even the experienced sellers have to wonder if they are missing out on something.

      So there is a market void just created, in my opinion, that says Experienced FBA sellers want to learn more about Private Labeling. If any of you experienced guys fill that void with a book or something more reasonable, I'm in.
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      • Profile picture of the author Ryan David
        Originally Posted by dipakshorey View Post

        I read a review by Jordan Malik on his blog and viewed some of his YouTube videos. He, an experienced Amazon seller, tells you why he doesn't support the ASM hype, why he considers it grossly overpriced, and also points you to far cheaper alternatives to ASM. There are several books on Amazon on Private Labelling; according to Malik private-labelling is not without risk.

        Depending upon your previous experience selling on Amazon he endorses essentially 3 to 4 products. The one Malik likes best is "Proven Amazon Course" by Jim Cockrum which he considers easily worth $10,000 with all its info. You also get lifetime access to "Selling on Amazon Mentorship Series" as a free bonus. If you are a complete newbie, according to Malik, you will also need Andy Dew's "Dewable course" currently at $99. I have just bought Jim's course for $97 with lifetime access and updates. I think that was a savvy decision which just saved me approx. $3900!

        p.s. An earlier version of ASM called "Amazon Money Machine" by Matt Clark et al. was selling last year for $995!

        THe broad brush that Malik paints with regard to private-labeling is ridiculous. Sure, I wouldn't want to private label some health supplements, but I'm not sure I would be ready to eliminate the possibility of selling thermal printer labels in my own packaging. It's the equivalent of calling the entire e-commerce industry "risky" because of potential problems associated with poker websites.

        As someone who considers myself to be an FBA newbie, I actually think it's kinda pathetic what passes as an expert these days. Another video posted in this thread where a guy was bragging about making $5K over a 10 month period and ended up getting his product banned? In the Proven Amazon Course, people bragging about doing $25K this year in Amazon sales? I'm not one to rag on someone for their success, no matter how small, but I don't know if I agree with someone automatically becoming a teacher when they first taste a little success; just doesn't seem right to me.

        And the thing that really irks me is that if you have no experience in selling on Amazon, those reports actually make your sales look a lot better than they actually are because they are the gross amount and not net of fees/product costs.
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        • Profile picture of the author Josh Belanger
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          • Profile picture of the author Ryan David
            Originally Posted by Josh Belanger View Post

            Ryan, my net profits are 5k in 5 months. As it continues to grow I have a projection of $17.5k-$35k by next May for profits. My product was not banned I answered this above. I have two other successful businesses online selling information products since 2008.

            Experience is experience. Doesn't matter if it's a lot or a little. I'm in a position to provide guidance to someone with my other business experience and the success I've had with Amazon so far. I've disclosed my experience and success. If someone wants to learn, they know what they are getting from me.

            You're kind of all of the place with your thoughts. Your dogging ASM because of their price tag, but they do have the numbers and experience to back it up.

            However, I show my states and you want to cut into me, because you think I'm not experienced enough?

            That's your opinion and many have benefited from it on this thread.
            I'm not dogging ASM for their product because I can already tell the product is way better than PAC. The product itself is probably pretty good; I'm just not sure it's worth the price. They did a nice job outlining the process in the free videos and the x-factor is your own ability to evaluate opportunities. I think you're paying for a lot of high-margin/low value add-ons that aren't really going to move the needle (eg. 7 software tools (not disclosed what they are) and 3-day event). I might be alone in my thinking, but I question the ability of most training courses when it comes to "delivering alpha".

            In other words, spend your $3500 on testing products and working with FBA and that'll be all the training you need. I guess I don't really understand what training is going to do for most people? Find a product opportunity, find the source for the product, plug it into the FBA calculator, and if you can make money then buy it and send it in. As you progress, the white label opportunities will reveal itself.

            With regard to training, people can make their own choices about what is a good value for their money. I guess I don't really understand why you'd pay for training to teach you the holy grail when most people haven't just used the existing (and free) training that Amazon provides to do some testing of their own.
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            • Profile picture of the author Josh Belanger
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              • Profile picture of the author Ryan David
                Originally Posted by Josh Belanger View Post

                Ryan, I agree that many could just do that. Not everyone is like you and has a knack of knowing they will figure it out. People also would like to learn success in a shorter amount of time to shortcut simple failures that the person teaching them can help them avoid.

                The thing I don't understand is that you have condescending comment in your response.

                No one ever said this is the "holy grail", but you felt you needed to provide that above?

                I provided the exact 8 steps and a real example that someone could start doing today for about $100 in my free video. However, because it's free many will overlook it because it was unsolicited information.
                It's not condescending to say that I don't recommend a training program. I simply said that doing it (on a small scale) will teach you more than a training course will ever do. And the funny thing is that once you've actually done it, you'll realize that most training programs are pretty rudimentary.

                I'm not opposed to training programs, but I'm opposed to people thinking that they are a "shortcut" (I'm not using that term pejoratively) to faster profits.

                I've had people PM me a lot over the last few weeks asking for coaching and I tell them the same thing. Take what you have now and just start doing it. Feel free to ask me a question if you'd like, but just run with it. If you do that for 8 weeks, you'll be light-years ahead of where you were.
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            • Profile picture of the author panorama
              Originally Posted by Ryan David View Post

              I'm not dogging ASM for their product because I can already tell the product is way better than PAC. The product itself is probably pretty good; I'm just not sure it's worth the price. They did a nice job outlining the process in the free videos and the x-factor is your own ability to evaluate opportunities. I think you're paying for a lot of high-margin/low value add-ons that aren't really going to move the needle (eg. 7 software tools (not disclosed what they are) and 3-day event). I might be alone in my thinking, but I question the ability of most training courses when it comes to "delivering alpha".

              In other words, spend your $3500 on testing products and working with FBA and that'll be all the training you need. I guess I don't really understand what training is going to do for most people? Find a product opportunity, find the source for the product, plug it into the FBA calculator, and if you can make money then buy it and send it in. As you progress, the white label opportunities will reveal itself.

              With regard to training, people can make their own choices about what is a good value for their money. I guess I don't really understand why you'd pay for training to teach you the holy grail when most people haven't just used the existing (and free) training that Amazon provides to do some testing of their own.

              You make some good points, but I can tell you my personal experience is that the sheer volume of demand for products on Amazon means that a few small tips can lead to huge improvements in profitability, even for experienced sellers.

              I agree that if your goal is just "to get started", you don't need a course to show you that. You'll learn from your own mistakes along the way, but most people won't figure out all the little things that make a big difference...and that's leaving money on the table.

              I was an experienced FBA seller with sales of about $10k per month (including some private label items) and I can tell you there was incremental knowledge I picked up in ASM that has brought my business to the next level.

              My line of thinking used to be just like yours - I thought "FBA isn't that hard...I figured it out myself, so why should I pay all this money when I already know 95% of this stuff." Well, (for me) there was tremendous value in that other 5% that I didn't know. Other people may have different experiences, but I consider myself to be a bright guy and I don't know how long it would have taken me to get to $50k+ per month without ASM.
              Comparison of Amazing Selling Machine & Other Private Label Alternatives (Updated April 2015)
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              • Profile picture of the author Ryan David
                Originally Posted by panorama View Post


                You make some good points, but I can tell you my personal experience is that the sheer volume of demand for products on Amazon means that a few small tips can lead to huge improvements in profitability, even for experienced sellers.

                I agree that if your goal is just "to get started", you don't need a course to show you that. You'll learn from your own mistakes along the way, but most people won't figure out all the little things that make a big difference...and that's leaving money on the table.

                I was an experienced FBA seller with sales of about $10k per month (including some private label items) and I can tell you there was incremental knowledge I picked up in ASM that has brought my business to the next level.

                My line of thinking used to be just like yours - I thought "FBA isn't that hard...I figured it out myself, so why should I pay all this money when I already know 95% of this stuff." Well, (for me) there was tremendous value in that other 5% that I didn't know. Other people may have different experiences, but I consider myself to be a bright guy and I don't know how long it would have taken me to get to $50k+ per month without ASM.
                If that's the case, then I won't argue with success. I used to be in Stompernet (the initial launch during Oct 2006) and felt the same way. And before I joined there, I was doing at least $25K in revenues per month.

                Like I said though, if you haven't attempted to sell thru FBA, then I think you're wasting your money. I don't know if people realize this, but there is a forum full of successful FBA sellers at Amazon that are 10x more knowledgeable than most of the product creators I've seen.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ryan David
    With FBA, you learn by doing. Once you start selling merchant fulfilled, it’ll get you ready for selling thru FBA. Once you sell thru FBA, you figuring out why it’s important to have your own private listing. What’s your doing private labeling, you realize what you need to do in order to propel your listings ahead.

    The value, if any, to any Amazon course is simply opening your eyes to the opportunity. Outside of that, I don’t think any courses really have a ton of value; and that includes the cheaper ones available on the market.

    What is going to make the difference between success and failure is your ability to find opportunities and, with regard to private label, your ability to spot opportunities that would work well with private label. The only way I can see how you would develop that ability is just to start doing it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Josh Belanger
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    • Profile picture of the author Jordan Dekker
      Originally Posted by Josh Belanger View Post

      Jordan - you can find products that you can get started with for $100. I created a video I mentioned above on the 8 exact steps to get started. I even provided the product idea in the video.

      Your inventory will likely never fill a whole container until you're doing very large numbers on Amazon. By that time you'll have more experience.

      If your source through China, the product you'll likely sell can be air mailed. Shipping containers are different level.
      Thanks Josh! I will take a look at it for sure.
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  • Profile picture of the author hbsjcd3
    Originally Posted by jmk909er View Post

    I am considering trying Amazon Selling Machine by Matt Clark. It looks very good from everything I have been able to find online but is quite pricey around $1000. I have seen an older post on it but nothing new.

    Has anyone out there tried this? Have you made money? Does it deliver as promised?

    I have 2 affiliate websites for over a year now and have poured a lot of time and money in and have had dismal sales success and want to try something new.

    If anyone has tried Amazon Selling Machine I would love to know your thoughts on this, thanks
    Amazon throws up so many obstacles to your success, that I don't do Amazon. Although some people has what it takes to make money on Amazon. Its all a question of your genetic skill sets , I guess.

    I tries Amazon >-----< Ebay arbitrage and it never worked for me...
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  • Profile picture of the author Josh Belanger
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    • Profile picture of the author hbsjcd3
      Originally Posted by Josh Belanger View Post

      Havana00 - what have you learned?
      I know I have not learned anything...except what I already know about Amazon keeps my from fiddling with it.
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    • Profile picture of the author shabit87
      Originally Posted by Josh Belanger View Post

      Havana00 - what have you learned?
      I've learned! For anyone who hasn't watched Josh's video, do yourself a huge favor and do so...NOW. Great accurate info. And if you decide you want to learn more from him, do so. I've reached out for help in this thread and after getting some help, Josh went out of his way to give me more.

      Thanks Josh and thanks all those that asked and answered questions pertaining to selling on Amazon and white labeling!
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  • Profile picture of the author Matthew Anton
    1) Why would anyone teach someone if they can do it themselves:
    People do both. Great athletes become great coaches. It's a natural progression. Learn, do, teach/consult. Some teachers advocate teaching while doing, as they see from all points of view. "player/coaches" were always the most beloved. Think of Peyton Manning, Michael Jordan, Ray Lewis, etc.

    2) Pimping your courses
    Yes, we get it. You have a different, cheaper course. Do you think Honda can get Porsche clients by telling them this - hey our car is more reliable and less expensive? While other courses may be good, they don't have the support around it that this product has. It's impressive how much value is being generated in order to gain this type of traction. If they weren't helping others become successful, they would in turn not become successful.

    3) If you don't have experience with it, you don't have experience with it
    You are stating an opinion, or someone elses' opinion which is fine, but realize what it is

    4) Amazon is a huge opportunity
    Amazon is the Google of physical products. The amount of opportunity is crazy; considering Matt and Jason have cracked the code and successfully make money with them is very impressive and should be a real eye opener to anyone looking to succeed with ecommerce. It's a billion dollar industry. Businesses take investment, and time is money, so why not buy from those with a proven record versus floundering on the search engine or alibaba all night (have you tried it, it's horrible)? Equivalent to buying someone's autobiography - you get a man's life work for a fee, but what you get in return is much greater and will multiply in time.
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    • Profile picture of the author Ryan David
      Originally Posted by Matthew Anton View Post

      1) Why would anyone teach someone if they can do it themselves:
      People do both. Great athletes become great coaches. It's a natural progression. Learn, do, teach/consult. Some teachers advocate teaching while doing, as they see from all points of view. "player/coaches" were always the most beloved. Think of Peyton Manning, Michael Jordan, Ray Lewis, etc.

      2) Pimping your courses
      Yes, we get it. You have a different, cheaper course. Do you think Honda can get Porsche clients by telling them this - hey our car is more reliable and less expensive? While other courses may be good, they don't have the support around it that this product has. It's impressive how much value is being generated in order to gain this type of traction. If they weren't helping others become successful, they would in turn not become successful.

      3) If you don't have experience with it, you don't have experience with it
      You are stating an opinion, or someone elses' opinion which is fine, but realize what it is

      4) Amazon is a huge opportunity
      Amazon is the Google of physical products. The amount of opportunity is crazy; considering Matt and Jason have cracked the code and successfully make money with them is very impressive and should be a real eye opener to anyone looking to succeed with ecommerce. It's a billion dollar industry. Businesses take investment, and time is money, so why not buy from those with a proven record versus floundering on the search engine or alibaba all night (have you tried it, it's horrible)? Equivalent to buying someone's autobiography - you get a man's life work for a fee, but what you get in return is much greater and will multiply in time.
      In the financial world, a fund manager isn't judged based on total return on the portfolio, he's judged how he does according to the benchmark (S&P 500). It would be a much easier sell for them to simply say "Hey, I earned 8% for you this year and you would've gotten 0% in the bank, so you should pay me higher fees". But investors know there is a passive investment option that is very cheap (Index funds that mimic the market) that is their competition.

      I think IMers fall victim to all the clichés that Matthew just pointed out above; "time is money", "cracked the code", "proven record". I'm not telling anyone anything that they don't know already, but I've seen firsthand some INCREDIBLE examples of marketers co-opting someone else's success and then spinning it to sell their own products. If you bought this course and were doing $50K a month in sales and took it to $100K a month, you can guarantee they'd be implying that you did it because of their course, even though you probably would've got there anyways.

      So too often, people give someone credit for the ENTIRE success instead of the courses ability to deliver above the benchmark. The benchmark in this case is the free information that is readily available.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8594284].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author BoJon
      Originally Posted by Matthew Anton View Post

      1) Why would anyone teach someone if they can do it themselves:
      People do both. Great athletes become great coaches. It's a natural progression. Learn, do, teach/consult. Some teachers advocate teaching while doing, as they see from all points of view. "player/coaches" were always the most beloved. Think of Peyton Manning, Michael Jordan, Ray Lewis, etc.

      2) Pimping your courses
      Yes, we get it. You have a different, cheaper course. Do you think Honda can get Porsche clients by telling them this - hey our car is more reliable and less expensive? While other courses may be good, they don't have the support around it that this product has. It's impressive how much value is being generated in order to gain this type of traction. If they weren't helping others become successful, they would in turn not become successful.

      3) If you don't have experience with it, you don't have experience with it
      You are stating an opinion, or someone elses' opinion which is fine, but realize what it is

      4) Amazon is a huge opportunity
      Amazon is the Google of physical products. The amount of opportunity is crazy; considering Matt and Jason have cracked the code and successfully make money with them is very impressive and should be a real eye opener to anyone looking to succeed with ecommerce. It's a billion dollar industry. Businesses take investment, and time is money, so why not buy from those with a proven record versus floundering on the search engine or alibaba all night (have you tried it, it's horrible)? Equivalent to buying someone's autobiography - you get a man's life work for a fee, but what you get in return is much greater and will multiply in time.
      This is one of the best post I've read so far in this thread. Makes me think out of the box (the box that says overpriced and saturated).
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      • Profile picture of the author BoJon
        Amazing Selling Machine will remain open for subscription till Oct 11 midnight. This is your last chance (and mine too).

        I'm not sure how I'm gonna do yet. Still thinking about it.

        For the moment, two things are holding me back:
        1. Price
        2. Saturation

        I wait until Oct 12 to see how it went
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  • Profile picture of the author dipakshorey
    It seems to me that there is plenty of information on Amazon on FBA and on YouTube that an entrepreneur can use to start a successful selling campaign on the Amazon website. Now there are very expensive (e.g. ASM) and very cheap (e.g. PAC) courses that tell you more or less the samething on what you need to to do but at the end of the day it is all to do with you, in terms of affordability, your appitude to apply available information, the amount of hand-holding you need, your accountability to someone more successful doing it and just your ability to becoming focused and getting on with it. My main concern is the vast majority of people who embark on these courses will fail no matter how expensive their course was, or how much information and help they were given. Generally it is all to do with attitudes and your ability to face and overcome obstacles you will inevitably run into along the road. Success has a price that all must pay. The elusive free lunch of doing nothing and expecting a good return doesn't exist per se!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8593513].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author hbsjcd3
      Originally Posted by dipakshorey View Post

      The elusive free lunch of doing nothing and expecting a good return doesn't exist per se!
      So true and yet so many people think its possible.
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      • Profile picture of the author Ryan David
        I think "investment" in courses should be tethered to the amount of money you're making. So if you're a newbie, you use the free training until you've made $100/month profit. If you're intermediate, you buy a $100 course. And if you're advanced, you consider the more expensive training.

        What people would realize that the $3500 course isn't what made them successful. They were going to be successful once they decided to master Amazon and it was their commitment that made them successful.
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  • Profile picture of the author TerrySilver
    Here's a question....when private labeling products what steps are taken to ensure you are not infringing on existing design patents, trademarks, etc? Just because I find a product some overseas supplier has I think would be good to private label doesn't mean the product isn't already patented in the US. Does ASM cover this?
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    • Profile picture of the author scottsmith24
      "Here's a question....when private labeling products what steps are taken to ensure you are not infringing on existing design patents, trademarks, etc? Just because I find a product some overseas supplier has I think would be good to private label doesn't mean the product isn't already patented in the US. Does ASM cover this? "

      This is a great question. One that I would also like to know, but am not willing to pay 4000 to find out. @Terry... Why don't we start a new thread called Amazon Private Labeling Q&A, or something like that. Personally I would rather ask questions like yours and get answers, rather than about this course. Isn't that what this forum is all about? This thread did address the question about ASM, but I think it's ran it's course, everything seems to be getting personal and opinionated. I'm going to try to start a Q&A thread:

      "Amazon Private Labeling Q&A" if anyone wants in.
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    • Profile picture of the author cilcal
      Originally Posted by TerrySilver View Post

      Here's a question....when private labeling products what steps are taken to ensure you are not infringing on existing design patents, trademarks, etc? Just because I find a product some overseas supplier has I think would be good to private label doesn't mean the product isn't already patented in the US. Does ASM cover this?
      You either do a patent search or you ask for the manufacturer to show you their active license for that product. Or, you can get a license yourself from the patent holder. Some products with only a design patent can very easily be altered and produced without licensing. You can also go after products with no enforceable patents, meaning the patents are old and expired. Items like door knobs, or medicine cabinets (Things that I import personally) can be easily produced without any patent infringement. PM me if you want to know more.
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      • Profile picture of the author boonecountry
        I thought this was kinda interesting. So over and over we were all told that on October 11 at midnight this course would be closed and wouldn't let anyone else in no exceptions. Well today October 13 I sent an email to the affiliate promoting this course to me numerous times over the past few weeks and I asked the support desk if there was any way I could still be able to purchase the ASM course and they replied back "We are happy to inform you that we will be able to allow your purchase even after the doors have closed"
        Whats up with that?
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8604079].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author BoJon
          Originally Posted by boonecountry View Post

          I thought this was kinda interesting. So over and over we were all told that on October 11 at midnight this course would be closed and wouldn't let anyone else in no exceptions. Well today October 13 I sent an email to the affiliate promoting this course to me numerous times over the past few weeks and I asked the support desk if there was any way I could still be able to purchase the ASM course and they replied back "We are happy to inform you that we will be able to allow your purchase even after the doors have closed"
          Whats up with that?
          So how did it go? Are you now a member of this course?

          Actually, I just tried this myself and got the same positive response
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          • Profile picture of the author boonecountry
            Originally Posted by BoJon View Post

            So how did it go? Are you now a member of this course?

            Actually, I just tried this myself and got the same positive response
            No I am not a member. I was more just curious if they were actually telling the truth when they said the doors were closed, looks like I got my answer.
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  • Profile picture of the author Josh Belanger
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    • Profile picture of the author hmfell
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      • Profile picture of the author ChrisWF
        Click on the YouTube sign in his profile

        Originally Posted by hmfell View Post

        Where can i see the video you took time to create Josh?

        WAIT! Don't Buy The Expensive Amazon Course "Amazing Selling Machine" for $4K.
        Start With The Proven Amazon Course First!

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        • Profile picture of the author hmfell
          Thanks Chris - just found it
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  • Profile picture of the author malia
    Just because I find a product some overseas supplier has I think would be good to private label doesn't mean the product isn't already patented in the US. Does ASM cover this?
    Absolutely not. It doesn't cover issues like this. They also gloss over product liability (at least in their webinars) by saying people worry about too many things before getting started.

    While that is a valid perspective, the real answer is "infringement and liability vary greatly depending upon the product you are trying to sell". It's also a complicated issue and there's no way to give blanket advice that works across industries and products.

    Trademarks are for things like Coach, Prada. Patents are for things like Dyson Vacuum or iPhone.
    Even this answer, while well intended, is simplistic. Trademarks are for identity/brand, patents are for design/process, etc., Products can be both patented and trademarked. And often the ENTIRE product is not patented as a whole, but in components/parts.

    Having said that patents are very specific. Once I was retailing (not private labeling) a wall clock and got a cease and desist from someone who inherited the intellectual property rights to a patent of a wall clock from someone else. I politely sent them a response stating they should learn about IP law before trying to threaten people because they could be counter-sued. You can't patent "wall clocks" you can patent a very specific design for them, but a different design doesn't necessarily violate your patent.

    The point being it's very complex and it's difficult to give a blanket answer about these issues. I don't criticize the course for not covering it (it is, after all, a legal issue), but I hate that they brush it off like it's nothing. It IS worth being aware of. But again, it's more of an issue in some fields than others and at a certain level of revenues you need to protect your business with insurance and proper business structure.
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  • Profile picture of the author Josh Belanger
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    • Profile picture of the author malia
      If you plan on selling purses on Amazon that look just like Prada, then you're going to have issues. However, if you private label a purse and sell it as your own brand. That is not an issue.

      All valid concerns, but you're way over thinking this.

      Do you think someone owns the trademark or patent on pizza? No, that is why there are thousands of people making their own pizza creation.

      If you private label a product from a brand name, they are aware of what your are doing and will be part of the agreement that you can do that. That is what Walmart does very well.
      I didn't go into detail but I'm actually very well versed in IP law for a business owner without a law degree. I'm not over thinking anything. I'm just providing a more detailed answer to the question.

      The truth of the matter is that you used an example which is actually a minefield (fashion) and I have been in that industry for a while. So, while you cannot legally put the brand Prada on a bag and sell it under your own brand, you also cannot NECESSARILY make a bag in the likeness of a Prada bag and sell it under your own brand.

      Now we are in agreement on that, but here is where it gets sticky: is the seller well versed enough in the industry to be well aware of ALL of a particular company's designs to know when they are or are not potentially infringing upon a design?

      I'm not going to google and cite the many, MANY, lawsuits that happen in the fashion industry because it is an intellectual property minefield and there are so many issues involved that it is difficult to give someone a blanket answer. Fashion also falls under copyright law (in many instances) and in some instances an actual design can receive trademark protection (such as Burberry's plaid).

      So that's why I pointed out that your original answer was simplistic because the issue is complex.

      Pizza was a bad example and even after reading it three times, I'm not really sure of the point you tried to make with your comment. If your point was that no one can trademark or patent "pizza", agreed. Trademarks cannot be "merely descriptive" (a legal term).

      If you private label a product from a brand name, they are aware of what your are doing and will be part of the agreement that you can do that. That is what Walmart does very well.
      And again, misleading and simplistic. The issue that new retailers/importers have is that they simply do not usually KNOW when a Chinese company is producing products that infringe upon intellectual property rights because it's so rampant, and somewhat accepted, to do so in China. So his concern is a very valid one that I completely understand. The risk of importing a product that is infringing is something that people should be aware of, especially in certain niches.

      It's not that people should walk around freaked out about it, but they do need to be aware and prepared.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8595690].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author TerrySilver
        Originally Posted by malia View Post

        And again, misleading and simplistic. The issue that new retailers/importers have is that they simply do not usually KNOW when a Chinese company is producing products that infringe upon intellectual property rights because it's so rampant, and somewhat accepted, to do so in China. So his concern is a very valid one that I completely understand. The risk of importing a product that is infringing is something that people should be aware of, especially in certain niches.

        It's not that people should walk around freaked out about it, but they do need to be aware and prepared.
        So are there any steps one can take to research this before they go through the trouble of sourcing and labeling the product? I know you check patents through USPTO, but it's not very user friendly, and I'm not sure if you can find design patents. Just curious if there was another way to be prepared? Can an IP lawyer check a product out for you for a reasonable fee?
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    • Profile picture of the author cilcal
      Originally Posted by Josh Belanger View Post

      Milia - A Trademark - recognizable sign, design or expression which identifies products or services of a particular source from those of others.

      If you plan on selling purses on Amazon that look just like Prada, then you're going to have issues. However, if you private label a purse and sell it as your own brand. That is not an issue.

      All valid concerns, but you're way over thinking this.

      Do you think someone owns the trademark or patent on pizza? No, that is why there are thousands of people making their own pizza creation.

      If you private label a product from a brand name, they are aware of what your are doing and will be part of the agreement that you can do that. That is what Walmart does very well.
      If you copy the design of a Prada purse and call it your own, you will get a friendly call from their lawyer. Now, if you improve or alter their design significantly, then you at least have a good defense in the court.

      There is absolutely nothing preventing some company from suing you for patent infringement. Apple is notorious for that. And it's not alone. Monsanto sues even the smallest farms for patent infringement, even if the farmer had never done business with them. In one case, a farmer in Illinois was successfully sued for patent infringement, just because Monsanto proved his crop showed evidence of cross pollination with a neighboring farm which used Monsanto patented seeds.

      There are lots of ways to play this game. My favorite ways are either paying for a license or making products with old and expired, and thus unenforceable, patents.
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  • Profile picture of the author malia
    So are there any steps one can take to research this before they go through the trouble of sourcing and labeling the product? I know you check patents through USPTO, but it's not very user friendly, and I'm not sure if you can find design patents. Just curious if there was another way to be prepared? Can an IP lawyer check a product out for you for a reasonable fee?
    It depends on what you want to sell.

    And yes an IP lawyer can check for you, but the fee won't be reasonable.

    What you have to watch out for is categories of merchandise where it's common for Chinese companies to make a product that emulates (or outright knocks off) a branded product. Handbags, some fashion items, a lot of electronics, etc., even things like phone and tablet cases can fall into this area, and instead go for areas that are really generic/basic (and all of the aforementioned items can also be very generic and basic).

    If you're using a sourcing site like Alibaba (which isn't the most reputable, but is the most popular) you will see it in your queries. If you see a lot of infringement in your search results, it would make more sense to just steer away from that mdse until you got more experience in the market.

    Other things to be aware of is products that have a history of recalls or falling under a category that often has recalls. It's one reason I would not (personally) get into children's products-- too many regulations and hazards.

    Sidenote: i just caught another ASM video and they are really irritating me. They had a list of top products on Amazon and had Tweezerman tweezers as an example of a product opportunity, then went into this "thing" about how they could have had more keywords in their product description and a better description. Tweezerman is a globally known brand. Ugh. I hate that. Too many examples they give are known branded products and are selling very well partially because they are known brands. I once worked with a publicist who worked for Tweezerman. No Amazon-only seller is going to unseat Tweezerman on Amazon and would probably be sorely disappointed if they tried "Oh man, I thought I was supposed to sell a thousand tweezers a day, what happened)..Nevermind. There are just so many other factors.

    Here is the gist of selling under this model:

    Amazon provides you the opportunity to build a brand by tapping into their traffic/sales and logistic infrastructure. Spend a lot of time researching and thinking about the right product opportunity that YOU PERSONALLY can capitalize on it and take full advantage of it while you can.

    Sidenote: they did it again with eyelash curlers (which I was going to use as an example before I heard this in their video) and they used the brand Shu Uemera as an example. Again, another globally known brand. WTF? Why do they just talk out of their butts with this stuff?

    I can't wait until this is over.

    Lesson: if you're looking at high selling products on Amazon don't base your sales potential on the rankings and reviews of products manufactured by globally known brands like Wilton, Shu Uemera and Tweezerman (that's what I caught from those videos), look at other UNKNOWN OR GENERIC brands and base it on that. Not brands sold in thousands of retail stores, even high end retailers, covered extensively in consumer magazines with a long history of branding and a lot of direct google searches for their brand name.

    Spare yourself the delusions.
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  • Profile picture of the author malia
    Anyone still considering, here is interesting feedback

    Amazing Selling Machine -- Customer Comments, Complaints, and Criticisms
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  • Profile picture of the author crsnetwork13
    I have never heard about this Amazon Selling Machine what exactly does it do and how can I use it in my online marketing?

    Affiliate links and templates are not allowed.

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  • Profile picture of the author panorama
    I answered a ton of great questions about the course from people who either PM'd me or posted to my Facebook group. If anyone still has questions that haven't been answered, don't hesitate to let me know.
    Comparison of Amazing Selling Machine & Other Private Label Alternatives (Updated April 2015)
    Copy Meets Design - Copywriting and design services exclusively for Amazon listings
    Phone/Text: 917-338-9644
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8598821].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Josh Belanger
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      • Profile picture of the author shabit87
        Hey all!

        Firstly a few guys in here are really killing it with sharing your experience, so thanks!

        Question: to ensure I'm not wasting inventory and buying unneccessary stock, does it work if I buy and don't white label right away or use Amazon to ship/fulfill?

        Ex. instead of branding Momma J's Kitchen spoons and spending money on whitelabeling and ordering bulk, I order a small order of the general brand and sell and ship myself to see if it will indeed SELL, then I brand.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8599179].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author panorama
          Originally Posted by shabit87 View Post

          Hey all!

          Firstly a few guys in here are really killing it with sharing your experience, so thanks!

          Question: to ensure I'm not wasting inventory and buying unneccessary stock, does it work if I buy and don't white label right away or use Amazon to ship/fulfill?

          Ex. instead of branding Momma J's Kitchen spoons and spending money on whitelabeling and ordering bulk, I order a small order of the general brand and sell and ship myself to see if it will indeed SELL, then I brand.
          No, that would not be a good idea.
          Comparison of Amazing Selling Machine & Other Private Label Alternatives (Updated April 2015)
          Copy Meets Design - Copywriting and design services exclusively for Amazon listings
          Phone/Text: 917-338-9644
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8599211].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author jon poland
          Originally Posted by shabit87 View Post

          Hey all!

          Firstly a few guys in here are really killing it with sharing your experience, so thanks!

          Question: to ensure I'm not wasting inventory and buying unneccessary stock, does it work if I buy and don't white label right away or use Amazon to ship/fulfill?

          Ex. instead of branding Momma J's Kitchen spoons and spending money on whitelabeling and ordering bulk, I order a small order of the general brand and sell and ship myself to see if it will indeed SELL, then I brand.
          I agree with Panorama -- that would not be a good idea.

          The idea is to get your product listed on Amazon so you can leverage the power of
          Amazon. Amazon has a tremendous amount of trust with online shoppers and millions of people go to Amazon every week to shop for products. It will be a lot easier to sell your product once its listed on Amazon than it is for you to sell it on your own.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8599407].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author panorama
            Originally Posted by jon poland View Post

            I agree with Panorama -- that would not be a good idea.

            The idea is to get your product listed on Amazon so you can leverage the power of
            Amazon. Amazon has a tremendous amount of trust with online shoppers and millions of people go to Amazon every week to shop for products. It will be a lot easier to sell your product once its listed on Amazon than it is for you to sell it on your own.
            Hmm...I guess we came to the same conclusion, but my line of thinking is very different. The reason I don't think her strategy would be very good goes back to the whole difference between selling your own brand (private label) vs selling someone else's brand (retailing). It's been discussed many times throughout this thread and as part of the ASM launch that it's not worth describing in detail unless someone has specific questions. In short though, it's a bad strategy that would be more likely to backfire on you.
            Comparison of Amazing Selling Machine & Other Private Label Alternatives (Updated April 2015)
            Copy Meets Design - Copywriting and design services exclusively for Amazon listings
            Phone/Text: 917-338-9644
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8599434].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author shabit87
            Originally Posted by jon poland View Post

            I agree with Panorama -- that would not be a good idea.

            The idea is to get your product listed on Amazon so you can leverage the power of
            Amazon. Amazon has a tremendous amount of trust with online shoppers and millions of people go to Amazon every week to shop for products. It will be a lot easier to sell your product once its listed on Amazon than it is for you to sell it on your own.
            I didn't mean taking off amazon, but simply waiting to brand until it was proven to sell.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8599642].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author knowledge101
        Originally Posted by Josh Belanger View Post

        Had a few private messages asking about my sales were the last four days. Not sure why, but here they are:

        The video I created is posted on YouTube. If you click on the YouTube badge right under my profile image it will take you to it.
        Perhaps I missed something...but your video is cut half way talks about the first 3 steps and then jumps right to the end of the video.

        Just wondering!!!!
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  • Profile picture of the author shabit87
    Okay thanks! So I'm more so doing my research and decreasing my risk after a product meets a certain criteria? Is that more accurate?
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  • Profile picture of the author dipakshorey
    Congratulations (er... Good luck) to all those who decided to 'donate' their hard earned cash to ASM and its affiliates bank accounts. Talk about overkill: persistence and not taking no for an answer, these salesmen must take first prize. Thankfully it will all end in a couple of hours, I hope...............until perhaps an extension to 'help' relieve cash from all those unfortunate victims who could not get in because of server melt-down during the last minute rush. Goodbye til the next relaunch.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8599436].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author panorama
      Originally Posted by dipakshorey View Post

      Good luck to all those who decided to donate their hard earned cash to ASM and its affiliates. Talk about overkill: persistence and not taking no for an answer, these salesmen must take first prize. Thankfully it will all end in a couple of hours, I hope...............until perhaps an extension to 'help' to relieve cash from all those victims who could not get in because of the last minute rush. Goodbye til the next relaunch
      I honestly feel bad for guys like you who passed on an opportunity because you judged the process rather than the program. I can understand why someone passes because it's not right for them or because it's just too expensive for them - but those who passed simply because the launch was "overkill" - well, that's just stubbornness and they will never really know what they missed out on.

      I've built a good business that I'm damn proud of because of ASM. I've made some money doing Internet Marketing, but I could never really say I was proud of building affiliate sites. This is on top of the fact that my business has real enterprise value.

      Now as an affiliate for ASM, I'm still proud to say that I made money knowing that I'm going to be helping real people move forward in their lives. The doors will be closed in less than two hours, so this isn't affiliate salesmanship - I've personally experienced how it changed my life within a few months, and it's not due to some loophole or blackhat strategy that will stop working with an algorithm update. It's about learning how to effectively fulfill real demand for an existing product.

      I can't wait to start working my affiliates because I'm genuinely excited to help them change thier lives the way I changed mine.
      Comparison of Amazing Selling Machine & Other Private Label Alternatives (Updated April 2015)
      Copy Meets Design - Copywriting and design services exclusively for Amazon listings
      Phone/Text: 917-338-9644
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8599485].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author dipakshorey
        Originally Posted by panorama View Post

        I honestly feel bad for guys like you who passed on an opportunity because you judged the process rather than the program. I can understand why someone passes because it's not right for them or because it's just too expensive for them - but those who passed simply because the launch was "overkill" - well, that's just stubbornness and they will never really know what they missed out on.
        Panorama, passing this ASM promotion believe me is no loss to me; in fact I am glad I kept away! I am not judging you or what you have achieved but remember there is more than one way to skin a cat. When each and every person who bought ASM has made a killing then I will eat my hat .....I will need to buy one first.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8601076].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author panorama
          Originally Posted by dipakshorey View Post

          Panorama, passing this ASM promotion believe me is no loss to me; in fact I am glad I kept away! I am not judging you or what you have achieved but remember there is more than one way to skin a cat. When each and every person who bought ASM has made a killing then I will eat my hat .....I will need to buy one first.
          My point was that (based on your comments) it looks like you judged the launch process and not the opportunity. I agree there's more than one way to skin a cat, so all the power to you if you've found another way. But if you haven't found another way, and you passed on this just because the launch was "overkill", then you've only done yourself a disservice by not at least judging the course itself.
          Comparison of Amazing Selling Machine & Other Private Label Alternatives (Updated April 2015)
          Copy Meets Design - Copywriting and design services exclusively for Amazon listings
          Phone/Text: 917-338-9644
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  • Profile picture of the author Josh Belanger
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8599544].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author panorama
      Originally Posted by Josh Belanger View Post

      Panorama - I received a decent amount of emails from my video I created. Some of them were about bonuses because I mentioned Jason Fladlien would be one to look at if they were interested in ASM after watching my honest review. I ended up taking a look at some of the bonuses from some of the other top affiliates and buyers received some of the best because it became such a competition between affiliates.

      As for people passing, It is what is. No matter the proof I provided or the what your and Ryan talked about the the possibilities from different angles. Some are just looking for a reason that sides with their belief. All you can do is provide the best and non bias information to educate the group. (Congress take note)

      I had a couple people interested in my unique offer and excited to help them in their journey.
      I have to give Jason Fladlien credit for being a great marketer, but if people really looked closely at his offer, they would have found much better bonuses out there. Just looking at his Profit Guarantee should have been a red flag that the bonus was mostly salesmanship - the truth is almost no one will be eligible for his guarantee if you read the terms, so it's practically worthless. Those are the kind of tactics that are a big turn off to me and make me lose respect for someone.

      Also, with all due respect Josh, it's not really easy to accept your review as honest when you're pitching your own training course. I've got nothing against that, by the way - if people are willing to pay, then by all means offer the training, but please don't pretend that you don't have an agenda with that "honest review".
      Comparison of Amazing Selling Machine & Other Private Label Alternatives (Updated April 2015)
      Copy Meets Design - Copywriting and design services exclusively for Amazon listings
      Phone/Text: 917-338-9644
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8599566].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author l@ttemonarck
    Its a pricey in a way you can get the status they have right now.. Some business might be in good luck . work it out at your best to success..
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  • Profile picture of the author johnbrown12
    well , if you have private label products than people will not gonna buy unknown products rather than to purchase a same products with known label or has good reviews
    How to make money from $3000 to $7000 per month:

    *JOIN 900+ Warriors*
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8602977].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author affenpinscher
      The price point weeds out the people who shouldn't be getting into this because they don't have the budget or business experience (yet) for FBA.

      It's tough to use FBA with a limited budget if you want to build a sustainable long-term business. Much tougher than the $10 WSOs would indicate.

      IM is a market where the lower the price point, the more trouble and complaints you'll get about your product because so many people are looking for a no-work, make-millions a day product.

      I'm not saying $3000+ is worthwhile or justified, only that it makes sense to weed out the most problematic buyers.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8603320].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Jim Cockrum
        Originally Posted by affenpinscher View Post

        It's tough to use FBA with a limited budget if you want to build a sustainable long-term business.
        Based on having followed the success of numerous Amazon sellers I can tell you that there are numerous exceptions to what otherwise sounds like the common sense rule of thumb you've stated.

        The fact is, many of my top students started with only a few hundred dollars to invest into their Amazon biz inventory, and now they sell thousands per day in many cases.

        I didn't want anyone to read your post and get discouraged unnecessarily.
        Signature aka the "PAC" now includes the #1 "Private Label" training on the web (! We've been teaching "physical product" sales online since 2002 & we've accumulated over 1,000 success testimonials!
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8603356].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author jordanmalik
          Jim is right. People are going to throw rocks at my post anyway, but:

          I was fired from my real job 4 years ago (world's largest ad agency in NYC).

          And i started selling on Amazon, and my ONLY inventory was from buying used books (and used CDs, DVDs, and VHS tapes and even books on tapes) at local libraries for literally ten cents to a dollar a piece. I had no car (my wife was using our only car for her housecleaning business) and thus my father in law would drive me to the 70+ libraries day after day in his van with 100,000 miles on it.

          Those library books quickly grew into a couple thousand dollars profit per month, which I reinvested and reinvested until I started branching out into other products (NONE of which was wholesale). In 2013 my sales were $136K (see the below link) (VERY part-time (just me and my wife)) with a net pre-tax profit margin was around 55% to 65% of that:

          2013-01-08_1054 - jbmalik's library

          It can be done without expensive courses or buying thousands of dollars (or even hundreds of dollars) worth of goods to start.

          -Jordan Malik

          -Jordan 'J.B' Malik /
          > Learn Importing for FREE on our live webinar (We're giving away prizes)
          > FREE Private Label Workshop - LIVE

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8603407].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author cilcal
            Originally Posted by jordanmalik View Post

            Jim is right. People are going to throw rocks at my post anyway, but:

            I was fired from my real job 4 years ago (world's largest ad agency in NYC).

            And i started selling on Amazon, and my ONLY inventory was from buying used books (and used CDs, DVDs, and VHS tapes and even books on tapes) at local libraries for literally ten cents to a dollar a piece. I had no car (my wife was using our only car for her housecleaning business) and thus my father in law would drive me to the 70+ libraries day after day in his van with 100,000 miles on it.

            Those library books quickly grew into a couple thousand dollars profit per month, which I reinvested and reinvested until I started branching out into other products (NONE of which was wholesale). In 2013 my sales were $136K (see the below link) (VERY part-time (just me and my wife)) with a net pre-tax profit margin was around 55% to 65% of that:

            2013-01-08_1054 - jbmalik's library

            It can be done without expensive courses or buying thousands of dollars (or even hundreds of dollars) worth of goods to start.

            -Jordan Malik
            What a guy! Jordan you are as honest as the sun is bright. That is why I'm a fan. I wish I had partners like you.
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      • Profile picture of the author JamesBoyd
        Originally Posted by affenpinscher View Post

        The price point weeds out the people who shouldn't be getting into this because they don't have the budget or business experience (yet) for FBA.

        It's tough to use FBA with a limited budget if you want to build a sustainable long-term business. Much tougher than the $10 WSOs would indicate.

        IM is a market where the lower the price point, the more trouble and complaints you'll get about your product because so many people are looking for a no-work, make-millions a day product.

        I'm not saying $3000+ is worthwhile or justified, only that it makes sense to weed out the most problematic buyers.
        This is totally false information, FBA is a piece of cake, I had never even heard of FBA before ASM and within a few weeks I had a private label product listed and selling with no problems

        Suggesting that the course was priced at $4000 in order to weed out inexperianced people is just plain silly, with all due respect, I've come across a lot of really very naive and inexperianced people who bought ASM, so that obviously did not work
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    • Profile picture of the author cilcal
      Originally Posted by johnbrown12 View Post

      well , if you have private label products than people will not gonna buy unknown products rather than to purchase a same products with known label or has good reviews
      Common misconception. Brand loyalty died in the fifties. People are a lot more price sensitive than you think. Also, you'd be selling a similar product, not the same one.
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  • Profile picture of the author JamesBoyd
    bye... I'm done with this thread... good luck
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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisWF
    Judging from the Signups in the ASM Forum I think the launch had done pretty well.
    I could imagine they almost doubled their members.

    Good for Matt and Jason.
    Not so good for us competing on Amazon for the same Products.


    WAIT! Don't Buy The Expensive Amazon Course "Amazing Selling Machine" for $4K.
    Start With The Proven Amazon Course First!

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  • Profile picture of the author Josh Belanger
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    • Profile picture of the author cyberguru
      Originally Posted by Josh Belanger View Post


      I am unaware of ways to manipulate an Amazon listing. As from what I know about how things are ranked, it mostly boils down to what convert better and price per sale.

      Interesting, I have heard of the conversion rate, but have not heard of price point being a factor in rankings. Higher would be better?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8613849].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author cyberguru
    Thanks Josh, Good luck with your coaching and products!
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  • Profile picture of the author Ryan David
    The more I read about other people’s experience, the more I think that selling other people’s products on FBA is just hustling for dollars. You can still make good money, but I wouldn't spend my time making a few bucks at the sacrifice of what could be long-term potential. I would use it to pad your income and get some experience (if you’re new), but beside that it’s a little dicey. I still sell about 10-20 items that are other people’s products, but I see what I do and figure that it could easily happen to me. And then I read the people who this happens to (who rely on the income full-time) and think that they are doomed in the long-run.

    When I get into a new product thru FBA, I will purposely underprice it in order to bully people out of the product. I have a little strategy for doing this so it hits them at the right time. Typically this works best if you have 1-2 other competing FBA offers (no more than that). Some people are more stubborn than others, but most will eventually move on and that’s when you can bump up the price until someone new tries to come in. Most of the sellers on Amazon are not making that much, so they can’t afford to play games like this so it works pretty well.

    Even after speaking with people about white-labeling, I still think people don’t seem to REALLY see the big picture. If you are competing against others, you’re going to have going on what I just described above. When you white-label a product, you are insulating yourself from those games. Now you still have to deal with the price issue, but people will pay a higher price for what they perceive to be more popular AND higher quality. If you have a lot of great reviews, then you’ve just given them the perception of both. Nobody selling other people’s products is going to follow-up for product reviews; the most they’ll do is manage their individual feedback scores. As a result, you get the reviews that you get on the products they sell. But if you actively SEEK out reviews, you’ll get them at a much higher pace; maybe .5% of reviews vs. 6% leaving reviews when you’re following. To the buyer, you’re giving the impression that your product is 12x more popular than the competitors.

    So the sooner you start, the sooner you start the arms race (of reviews).
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    • Profile picture of the author Josh Belanger
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      • Profile picture of the author JamesBoyd
        Originally Posted by Josh Belanger View Post

        I could sell my Amazon business
        As far as I know Amazon seller accounts are in general not transferable, while in theory you could sell your brand and any external ecommerce websites etc I think selling the Amazon account and everything associated with it, product listing, history, reviews etc, which would be 90% of the business value, is not allowed... yes I know, a bummer
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  • Profile picture of the author cyberguru
    I am sure if the Seller's Account was created as it's own entity i.e. Corp, LLC, and the company was sold, ownership would be transparent to Amazon.
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  • Profile picture of the author pstallone
    I'm new but I have a good amount of experience in both sales, marketing and manufacturing.

    I contacted the ASM people, multiple times to ask specific questions, but customer support actually told me I would have to join to get more answers, fair enough.


    Ok lets say you see a great seller whether its ACME silicone spatulas or blenders or whatever. so now you look to find a source, maybe China, and ask them to make the item for you in your name.

    Can be done.

    NOW try to get a price anywhere near a sell-able item as you request a small amount to test the market, not so easy if oftentimes impossible. "ACME" spatulas who already sells thousands has already negotiated with their suppliers and has already gotten a price you could not hope to obtain, unless you buy similar massive quantities.

    Ok lets assume you can test market your own product "Bobs" silicone spatulas, and you can try a small quantity, and at least start at a break even price as you market your brand. WHY would anyone buy your item vs an established top selling item??? Answer better price, ok now try to sell your item, against more established sellers, again and make a profit or break even.

    Keep in mind many established products have spend years developing their brand, competing will be very difficult, to establish a sellable price, expect to discount your price considerably if the product has a real following.

    So lets assume you can brand your own product, and sell for at least break even as you develop a following, as soon as ACME spatulas notices you are siphoning their sales, what happens, a price war!

    The real key is to make a unique product possibly get it patented and sell by the boatloads, SEE GRIPMASTER, no one else makes the exact same product, so they have no direct competition. I do well on ebay, and sell semi-custom items, I would like to expand hence my interest in ASM.

    I am open minded but since my questions went unanswered, I'm not shelling out 3 grand without some more details.

    Frankly look at the best sellers list, and see how many hundreds of items are already competing.

    Many have already figured this out.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8625121].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Ryan David
      Originally Posted by pstallone View Post

      I'm new but I have a good amount of experience in both sales, marketing and manufacturing.

      I contacted the ASM people, multiple times to ask specific questions, but customer support actually told me I would have to join to get more answers, fair enough.


      Ok lets say you see a great seller whether its ACME silicone spatulas or blenders or whatever. so now you look to find a source, maybe China, and ask them to make the item for you in your name.

      Can be done.

      NOW try to get a price anywhere near a sell-able item as you request a small amount to test the market, not so easy if oftentimes impossible. "ACME" spatulas who already sells thousands has already negotiated with their suppliers and has already gotten a price you could not hope to obtain, unless you buy similar massive quantities.

      Ok lets assume you can test market your own product "Bobs" silicone spatulas, and you can try a small quantity, and at least start at a break even price as you market your brand. WHY would anyone buy your item vs an established top selling item??? Answer better price, ok now try to sell your item, against more established sellers, again and make a profit or break even.

      Keep in mind many established products have spend years developing their brand, competing will be very difficult, to establish a sellable price, expect to discount your price considerably if the product has a real following.

      So lets assume you can brand your own product, and sell for at least break even as you develop a following, as soon as ACME spatulas notices you are siphoning their sales, what happens, a price war!

      The real key is to make a unique product possibly get it patented and sell by the boatloads, SEE GRIPMASTER, no one else makes the exact same product, so they have no direct competition. I do well on ebay, and sell semi-custom items, I would like to expand hence my interest in ASM.

      I am open minded but since my questions went unanswered, I'm not shelling out 3 grand without some more details.

      Frankly look at the best sellers list, and see how many hundreds of items are already competing.

      Many have already figured this out.
      Well I wouldn't start by selling Spatulas; even if it's only a hypothetical example, it's an example of the wrong product to sell. Those guys are probably selling boatloads of them, but at relatively thin margins overall.

      You don't try to compete with a large brand, you try to compete with a smaller/medium size brand that has no marketing skills. There are not many manufacturers selling on Amazon, therefore there aren't many people that have a vested interest in getting as many product reviews as possible. Just by doing that one thing, you'll give the allusion (over time) that your brand is as powerful as their brand.

      You can make thin margins and decent volume by cherry-picking the best amazon products to sell; if you do that, you'll make decent money quickly. White-labeling a product is a long-term approach and it's one that might not start to pay dividends until you've built up your product, but it pays off massively down the line. Once you get some volume, you can start tweaking the product design.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8625806].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author pstallone
        Originally Posted by Ryan David View Post

        Well I wouldn't start by selling Spatulas; even if it's only a hypothetical example, it's an example of the wrong product to sell. Those guys are probably selling boatloads of them, but at relatively thin margins overall.

        You don't try to compete with a large brand, you try to compete with a smaller/medium size brand that has no marketing skills. There are not many manufacturers selling on Amazon, therefore there aren't many people that have a vested interest in getting as many product reviews as possible. Just by doing that one thing, you'll give the allusion (over time) that your brand is as powerful as their brand.

        You can make thin margins and decent volume by cherry-picking the best amazon products to sell; if you do that, you'll make decent money quickly. White-labeling a product is a long-term approach and it's one that might not start to pay dividends until you've built up your product, but it pays off massively down the line. Once you get some volume, you can start tweaking the product design.
        Thx for reply, the same problems in your scenario exist, I use silicone spatulas since thats a "freebie" example by the ASM course. Cherry picking the best products is already done, look at the top selling products and look how many people are selling them. Now look at the similar branded products also pretty fairly saturated, now look at the price of the knockoff. Much less than the initial item which has already developed a huge following.

        Also as above in my scenario, try to cherry pick an item even a smaller brand item, and get a reasonable wholesale price from the\a manufacturer without an large investment in inventory.

        The only products that have no real competition are patented and protected from "branding" by the manufacturer. A few of ASM sample "hot Items" are already patented by the manufacturer, try to make a similar design, and get sued. Look up the shaker bottle with the mesh ball and Gripmaster.

        The bottom line from what I can see, is unless you have a unique product, which sells, you better have a large investment for inventory to be able to sell anything for a reasonable profit.

        I'm open to discussion, but haven't seen anything else to convince me otherwise, I do sell on Ebay make about $2500 net per month, but each month I buy about $3000-4000 in inventory. Most sellers simply outspend the competition and can negotiate better prices.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8631399].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Ryan David
          Originally Posted by pstallone View Post

          Thx for reply, the same problems in your scenario exist, I use silicone spatulas since thats a "freebie" example by the ASM course. Cherry picking the best products is already done, look at the top selling products and look how many people are selling them. Now look at the similar branded products also pretty fairly saturated, now look at the price of the knockoff. Much less than the initial item which has already developed a huge following.

          Also as above in my scenario, try to cherry pick an item even a smaller brand item, and get a reasonable wholesale price from thea manufacturer without an large investment in inventory.

          The only products that have no real competition are patented and protected from "branding" by the manufacturer. A few of ASM sample "hot Items" are already patented by the manufacturer, try to make a similar design, and get sued. Look up the shaker bottle with the mesh ball and Gripmaster.

          The bottom line from what I can see, is unless you have a unique product, which sells, you better have a large investment for inventory to be able to sell anything for a reasonable profit.

          I'm open to discussion, but haven't seen anything else to convince me otherwise, I do sell on Ebay make about $2500 net per month, but each month I buy about $3000-4000 in inventory. Most sellers simply outspend the competition and can negotiate better prices.
          I'm not sure what products the ASM guys target, but that's generally not the way I do it. I will test the market with "generic" products that I get from domestic sellers. That typically requires a small investment (typically there are no minimums) and I'll send it in to see how fast the inventory will turn. If it moves quick, then I know that I have a winner so it's only a matter of muscling the price down to the point where I make the margin that I need. I buy the product overseas, get it branded with my logo, and create the listing.

          My best products have margins in the 45-50% range and when I define gross margins, I'm talking about taking the NET proceeds from Amazon for each unit sold, subtracting the all-in per unit cost, and coming up with the gross margin dollars. Take that gross margin $ and divide by the NET proceed from Amazon and you come up with 45-50%. I will say though, that those particular products require me to be spending 40K per shipment. But that's why able to make 45-50% on it; because other people won't do it.

          I have another product that I've tested that I can sell between 30-35 units per day. The "leading version" of the product has over 400 reviews of the product and, based on my estimates, they probably make about $9/sale when all costs are figured in. The manufacturer wants a minimum order of 3000, but everything is negotiable and they are willing to settle for a minimum order of 500. So the investment is less than $1000 in order to buy a product that, I know from testing, can make $240 in profit per day. Sure, it won't be all that easy to catchup to the "leading version", but I play the long-game. You don't need 400 reviews to sell your product if you're willing to accept a little less money upfront.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8632928].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author pstallone
            Originally Posted by Ryan David View Post

            I'm not sure what products the ASM guys target, but that's generally not the way I do it. I will test the market with "generic" products that I get from domestic sellers. That typically requires a small investment (typically there are no minimums) and I'll send it in to see how fast the inventory will turn. If it moves quick, then I know that I have a winner so it's only a matter of muscling the price down to the point where I make the margin that I need. I buy the product overseas, get it branded with my logo, and create the listing.

            My best products have margins in the 45-50% range and when I define gross margins, I'm talking about taking the NET proceeds from Amazon for each unit sold, subtracting the all-in per unit cost, and coming up with the gross margin dollars. Take that gross margin $ and divide by the NET proceed from Amazon and you come up with 45-50%. I will say though, that those particular products require me to be spending 40K per shipment. But that's why able to make 45-50% on it; because other people won't do it.

            I have another product that I've tested that I can sell between 30-35 units per day. The "leading version" of the product has over 400 reviews of the product and, based on my estimates, they probably make about $9/sale when all costs are figured in. The manufacturer wants a minimum order of 3000, but everything is negotiable and they are willing to settle for a minimum order of 500. So the investment is less than $1000 in order to buy a product that, I know from testing, can make $240 in profit per day. Sure, it won't be all that easy to catchup to the "leading version", but I play the long-game. You don't need 400 reviews to sell your product if you're willing to accept a little less money upfront.
            Thanks for your response, thats pretty much what I have been attempting, but no luck so far, the problem is finding the product that you can buy as a generic, and sell with or without your own branding. It seems like many many sellers are doing the same thing, at least sellin generic versions.

            I'm sure it can work, but no luck so far.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8635266].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Ryan David
              Originally Posted by pstallone View Post

              Thanks for your response, thats pretty much what I have been attempting, but no luck so far, the problem is finding the product that you can buy as a generic, and sell with or without your own branding. It seems like many many sellers are doing the same thing, at least sellin generic versions.

              I'm sure it can work, but no luck so far.
              There is always going to be competition, but the way that you separate yourself is by your marketing efforts after the fact. At first you're competing on price, then you emerge as the brand to beat. Sure, there are a lot of products that just wouldn't work, but I don't think it's as difficult as you're stating. But I won't try to sway you otherwise.
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8636261].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author panorama
    Hey Jordan,

    I have to say I agree with bayking here. I've seen your blog and have watched a lot of your videos. I respect you for what you've accomplished with your Amazon business model and how you've transitioned that into becoming somewhat of an authority figure on the subject - you're a good marketer in that respect.

    But your review of ASM was clearly (to me) an attempt to shuffle people to other products where you'd earn an affiliate commission. Anyone with any real experience should know that many of your points were baseless.

    It certainly didn't come across as objective to me.

    For what it's worth, I'm not a Jordan *hater*, I think you generally do good work and provide value, but you went down a notch in my book.

    You certainly don't have to answer this question, but I'd be curious to know if you make more money (net profit) from selling on Amazon FBA (not including your books) or as a Marketer (through selling your tools, books, coaching, affiliate commissions, etc.)

    FYI - I posted a comment a few weeks back that was never approved either.
    Comparison of Amazing Selling Machine & Other Private Label Alternatives (Updated April 2015)
    Copy Meets Design - Copywriting and design services exclusively for Amazon listings
    Phone/Text: 917-338-9644
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8633892].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author jordanmalik
      Originally Posted by panorama View Post

      Hey Jordan,

      I have to say I agree with bayking here. I've seen your blog and have watched a lot of your videos. I respect you for what you've accomplished with your Amazon business model and how you've transitioned that into becoming somewhat of an authority figure on the subject - you're a good marketer in that respect.

      But your review of ASM was clearly (to me) an attempt to shuffle people to other products where you'd earn an affiliate commission. Anyone with any real experience should know that many of your points were baseless.

      It certainly didn't come across as objective to me.

      For what it's worth, I'm not a Jordan *hater*, I think you generally do good work and provide value, but you went down a notch in my book.

      You certainly don't have to answer this question, but I'd be curious to know if you make more money (net profit) from selling on Amazon FBA (not including your books) or as a Marketer (through selling your tools, books, coaching, affiliate commissions, etc.)

      FYI - I posted a comment a few weeks back that was never approved either.
      My point (again) because I won't let my integrity (qualified by hundreds or thousands of fans/followers/readers) go undefended: If my objective was to make money and I didn't care about my reputation/fans/followers/readers, I would have promoted ASM (I was an approved affiliate). Again if the angry and miserable (1% of the reviewers) actually listened to/watched my review, you would have seen that my potential revenue from promoting ASM was at least $17,000, and it could have been a lot more. My affiliate earnings from promoting the other courses/ebooks in a separate video was a mere fraction of what I could have earned promoting ASM. I guess full disclosure wasn't enough. To appease the 1%, I should have just said in the video, "If you want to sell on Amazon, I have nothing to suggest to you." Which of course would have saved my tribe/followers/fans the whopping $27 to $99 and/or prevented informing them of ASM course alternatives. Boy was I short-sighted on that one.

      -Jordan 'J.B' Malik /
      > Learn Importing for FREE on our live webinar (We're giving away prizes)
      > FREE Private Label Workshop - LIVE

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8634263].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author panorama
        Originally Posted by jordanmalik View Post

        My point (again) because I won't let my integrity (qualified by hundreds or thousands of fans/followers/readers) go undefended: If my objective was to make money and I didn't care about my reputation/fans/followers/readers, I would have promoted ASM (I was an approved affiliate). Again if the angry and miserable (1% of the reviewers) actually listened to/watched my review, you would have seen that my potential revenue from promoting ASM was at least $17,000, and it could have been a lot more. My affiliate earnings from promoting the other courses/ebooks in a separate video was a mere fraction of what I could have earned promoting ASM. I guess full disclosure wasn't enough. To appease the 1%, I should have just said in the video, "If you want to sell on Amazon, I have nothing to suggest to you." Which of course would have saved my tribe/followers/fans the whopping $27 to $99 and/or prevented informing them of ASM course alternatives. Boy was I short-sighted on that one.
        I watched your video and your comments above don't change the fact that (a) many of your points in the video had little merit; (b) you diverted people to another product where you would earn an affiliate commission; and (c) you decided to post a link to your video "review" here, but it obviously wasn't only about helping your reputation/fans/followers/readers/tribe. In fact, the post was ultimately deleted by moderators, presumably because they found it to be too self promotional.

        Are you saying that you did NOT create those videos with the intention of earning affiliate commissions? If I recall, you end the first video by telling people check out your second while they may technically be separate videos, there was a clear transition between the two and they were both part of the same sales funnel.

        I know you've got a good size email list, but saying that you "gave up" $17,000 by not promoting ASM is very misleading because it's just hypothetical. It could have been more, and it could have been a lot less...I know a guy who thought he was going to make a lot of money just by emailing his list and he didn't make one sale.

        Can I also ask why you never reviewed LIT (positive or negative), even though you are a member?

        I see you decided not to answer my question about where most of your income comes from...selling on Amazon or as a Marketer, but based on information you've posted publicly, I'm guessing you make more money as a Marketer these days.

        I'm not knocking you for making money as a Marketer...but I have to admit I'm becoming less and less of a fan of yours after having read your last few posts.
        Comparison of Amazing Selling Machine & Other Private Label Alternatives (Updated April 2015)
        Copy Meets Design - Copywriting and design services exclusively for Amazon listings
        Phone/Text: 917-338-9644
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8634537].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author panorama
    Jordan - why don't you address the points that have been made and answer the questions that have been asked?

    The questions are valid, so attacking Ryan and changing the subject just makes it look like you've got no answers.
    Comparison of Amazing Selling Machine & Other Private Label Alternatives (Updated April 2015)
    Copy Meets Design - Copywriting and design services exclusively for Amazon listings
    Phone/Text: 917-338-9644
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8637547].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author jordanmalik
      I don't have any more answers to give, so that makes you guys 100% correct. Now, give yourselves all a big congratulatory Boys Club Bear Hug and celebrate!

      Ryan? I'm just encouraging him to continue, and it's working. (Hm, maybe the huffy puffy remarks are just self-reflective here)...anyhoo, carry on folks, continue. I'm all ears. Really. I'm right here, all my time is 100% watching your remarks today...

      Originally Posted by panorama View Post

      Jordan - why don't you address the points that have been made and answer the questions that have been asked?

      The questions are valid, so attacking Ryan and changing the subject just makes it look like you've got no answers.

      -Jordan 'J.B' Malik /
      > Learn Importing for FREE on our live webinar (We're giving away prizes)
      > FREE Private Label Workshop - LIVE

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8637568].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author JB
        ^^^ Don't feed the troll ^^^
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8637988].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Ryan David
        Originally Posted by jordanmalik View Post

        I don't have any more answers to give, so that makes you guys 100% correct. Now, give yourselves all a big congratulatory Boys Club Bear Hug and celebrate!

        Ryan? I'm just encouraging him to continue, and it's working. (Hm, maybe the huffy puffy remarks are just self-reflective here)...anyhoo, carry on folks, continue. I'm all ears. Really. I'm right here, all my time is 100% watching your remarks today...
        The funniest thing was is that Jordan thinks this is a big time waste for me. If Jordan wants me to indulge and continue to point out the folly in his ways, it's no big deal. It only takes me a couple minutes and it usually results in a comment that makes him and his sites look ridiculous.

        Instead of just addressing the issues, Jordan tried to scare people off from putting him down by saying that it's just more publicity for him. (haha). When that didn't work, he just got more ridiculous.

        If Jordan was smart, he would let this thread die a quick death, but it's ok by me if it doesn't.

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8638185].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author jordanmalik
          Hey guys, Ryan is right. I mean, even though I already said earlier 'you guys are 100% correct', this is the 3rd time in this thread he's asked me to stop. So, Ryan wants the last word so he can sleep at night and no longer spend hours (cumulative, Ryan, cumulative) thinking of what to write or say next. Can we all let Ryan have the last word, please (and Ryan complies and posts the last statement in this thread, so he can have the final word, in 3.....2........1.......)

          -Jordan 'J.B' Malik /
          > Learn Importing for FREE on our live webinar (We're giving away prizes)
          > FREE Private Label Workshop - LIVE

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8638479].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Ryan David
            Originally Posted by jordanmalik View Post

            Hey guys, Ryan is right. I mean, even though I already said earlier 'you guys are 100% correct', this is the 3rd time in this thread he's asked me to stop. So, Ryan wants the last word so he can sleep at night and no longer spend hours (cumulative, Ryan, cumulative) thinking of what to write or say next. Can we all let Ryan have the last word, please (and Ryan complies and posts the last statement in this thread, so he can have the final word, in 3.....2........1.......)
            Right about what? The fact that you did a "review" on a product you don't own and a strategy you've never tried? Seems to me that you just tried to build off the buzz of ASM by spamming your video "review" on the WF.

            I didn't really care that much, but I thought your attempt to curb criticism by saying that people pointing out your BS was just winning you sales. Hahahah. Oh, that was just too much...TOO MUCH I tell ya!!!!
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8638843].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author tim413
    Bayking and Panorama, please post the comment here that where never approved by jordanmalik about ASM.

    Thanks Tim
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8638487].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Warez
    Any updates if anyone here actually bought it and used? I was sold! Want to buy it. Just the price killing me want to make sure it worth it.
    Thank you for any reply!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8639417].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author ZanyZebra
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8641076].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author TerrySilver
        Originally Posted by ZanyZebra View Post

        Yep, i'm on the course. I figured there is absolutely nothing to lose by joining for 30 days.

        All i'll say is that it's absolutely the real deal. I won't be triggering the 30 day guarentee.
        Let us know when you're bringing in months of constant sales from your product due to the course's teachings and then maybe it can be construed as "the real deal".
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8652553].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author ZanyZebra
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8653073].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author perswealth
            There was a software that came out in a WSO not too long ago that brought up a list of the bestseller products (products with high BSR's) as well as the reviews. Basically Jason Fladlien and Wilson Mattos used it for one of there bonuses i believe (gave everyone a spreadsheet with the list).

            Does anyone remember what that WSO (if it was one) was? If not, is there a similar product out there that does that? Just curious...
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8680959].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author JamesBoyd
    ouch... glad I retired from this thread!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8640655].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author panorama
    I don't know if this is what Jason Fladlien offered, but Amasuite does this.
    Comparison of Amazing Selling Machine & Other Private Label Alternatives (Updated April 2015)
    Copy Meets Design - Copywriting and design services exclusively for Amazon listings
    Phone/Text: 917-338-9644
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8680980].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Josh Belanger
    perswealth - there is really no software that is needed to find an opportunity. The best process is just using what Amazon already provides and flowing the process I talk about in my video.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8683134].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author bostjan33
    Pls, use some common sense - the only ones who're making money from these overpriced "magical" products and programs, are the creators themselves (and the first few affiliates). That's it.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8684680].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author ChrisWF
      Hey Newbie
      you have absolutely no Idea what you are talking about.

      Here is one of literally hundreds of Success Stories


      Originally Posted by bostjan33 View Post

      Pls, use some common sense - the only ones who're making money from these overpriced "magical" products and programs, are the creators themselves (and the first few affiliates). That's it.

      WAIT! Don't Buy The Expensive Amazon Course "Amazing Selling Machine" for $4K.
      Start With The Proven Amazon Course First!

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8684728].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Kbunny
        Just a note. I have the product in question. It was released last year at a lower price. If it is even higher, there is NO WAY it's worth it. I've followed their steps to a T, and had some marginal success, but the hype they put forth in their video's is not replicatable -- at least not in terms of bucks.

        I like their step-by-step instructions & used them. My books are constantly in the top 10 in their niche, but it just doesn't translate into big bucks. I would do the math and think how many units you would have to sell in a super crowded environment like Amazon. Yes, they have a lot of shoppers, but it doesn't mean your sales will amount to much.

        The hype around this product is intense. The video to promote it is SO compelling that I'm sure they are making a killing. But the fact is that when it comes down to it, I doubt it will even pay for itself for most users.

        POSITIVES: good info, laid out step-by-step

        NEGATIVE: 1. the extreme hype in promoting the product does NOT justify the price or the actual results

        2. I personally HATE the tactic so many info marketers use of breaking the product down into endless modules with separate pdf's, videos and files that you have to click and click and click to gain access to. They do this to try to make the product look like more than it is. If you string all of the pdf's together into ONE BOOK, it wouldn't be as long as a normal book on the shelves. And the length of the video -- if you put them all together into one -- would also not be that long. This info is not nearly as extensive as it's made out to be.

        I have been a sucker for lots of hype for lots of products. Some have helped out, but if you get all hyped up when you watch their sales presentation, I would take a breath, not act quickly & really think about whether you have the time, the money and the niche where it can really pay off for you.

        I actually DID most of the recommendations in this course -- step-by-step, and while I'm making money, I'm not making THAT much money -- the way they present it. And it would be hard to.

        Just my .02, but it sounds like OP wanted to hear from someone who has the product & is using it.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8685474].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author MagicD
          Originally Posted by Kbunny View Post

          Just a note. I have the product in question. It was released last year at a lower price. If it is even higher, there is NO WAY it's worth it. I've followed their steps to a T, and had some marginal success, but the hype they put forth in their video's is not replicatable -- at least not in terms of bucks.

          I like their step-by-step instructions & used them. My books are constantly in the top 10 in their niche, but it just doesn't translate into big bucks. I would do the math and think how many units you would have to sell in a super crowded environment like Amazon. Yes, they have a lot of shoppers, but it doesn't mean your sales will amount to much.

          The hype around this product is intense. The video to promote it is SO compelling that I'm sure they are making a killing. But the fact is that when it comes down to it, I doubt it will even pay for itself for most users.

          POSITIVES: good info, laid out step-by-step

          NEGATIVE: 1. the extreme hype in promoting the product does NOT justify the price or the actual results

          2. I personally HATE the tactic so many info marketers use of breaking the product down into endless modules with separate pdf's, videos and files that you have to click and click and click to gain access to. They do this to try to make the product look like more than it is. If you string all of the pdf's together into ONE BOOK, it wouldn't be as long as a normal book on the shelves. And the length of the video -- if you put them all together into one -- would also not be that long. This info is not nearly as extensive as it's made out to be.

          I have been a sucker for lots of hype for lots of products. Some have helped out, but if you get all hyped up when you watch their sales presentation, I would take a breath, not act quickly & really think about whether you have the time, the money and the niche where it can really pay off for you.

          I actually DID most of the recommendations in this course -- step-by-step, and while I'm making money, I'm not making THAT much money -- the way they present it. And it would be hard to.

          Just my .02, but it sounds like OP wanted to hear from someone who has the product & is using it.
          Hey Kbunny, its a shame you either left the course or gave up on it, either way its a shame.

          A couple of things you mentioned caught my eye which was and I quote "My books are constantly in the top 10 in their niche, but it just doesn't translate into big bucks." This is one of your main problems, you stayed with a low return business module. I am aware of the course last year which was based on many methods (private labeling, wholesale, kindle ect), and M&J highlighted kindle is a great business, however the return is poor compared to private labeling.

          If I were in your position at the time, I would have used the small profit from Kindle and invested it into private labeling.

          I think its unfair to brand this product as "its not worth it" and "it doesnt translate in to big bucks." This is your opinion and its not far to criticize the course based on you not making enough money.

          Personally I believe you missed the trick here as I stated above. If it didnt work why are there so many success stories? including me?

          I am not making millions, but I am doing ok, someone who had no experience with private labeling, in fact I just hit 10k today within a month:
          Take a look 2013-11-09_1915 - library

          If you havent refunded the course money reconsider and invest your Kindle profits in to private label, and stick with it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Josh Belanger
    Thread has been on idle. I wonder if anyone actually took my loop band idea I outlined in the video and ran with it. If you did, let me know.

    I had a few people ask, "how many people do you think went with the loop bands"?

    I told them likely no one! It's too easy and people would be skeptical that I would actually provide an idea like that.

    If you joined ASM, what are you thoughts? I've noticed a lot of ASMers on page one for a lot of opportunities recently when working with my private group.

    I took some heat about my product not being a home run, but in the video review, I had $13k in sales on October 9th. As of today, $25k.

    My private group made me refocus and practice what I share with them.

    Hope everyone well and would love to hear what others are doing?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8756128].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author shabit87
      Originally Posted by Josh Belanger View Post

      Thread has been on idle. I wonder if anyone actually took my loop band idea I outlined in the video and ran with it. If you did, let me know.

      I had a few people ask, "how many people do you think went with the loop bands"?

      I told them likely no one! It's too easy and people would be skeptical that I would actually provide an idea like that.

      If you joined ASM, what are you thoughts? I've noticed a lot of ASMers on page one for a lot of opportunities recently when working with my private group.

      I took some heat about my product not being a home run, but in the video review, I had $13k in sales on October 9th. As of today, $25k.

      My private group made me refocus and practice what I share with them.

      Hope everyone well and would love to hear what others are doing?
      I paid a good chunk of money to help a friend get it, he's been sharing the knowledge. I don't however have any direct access to the course, so take my opinion with a grain of salt.

      So far the instructions on getting the products at wholesale are solid..but nothing I didn't already know, I used to import.

      THe choosing of the product is a bit, well uncalulated. I def don't feel confident I'm choosing "winners" and decreasing my risk. So finally I chose one based on their criteria. However I am having doubts.

      As of right now I'm waiting for Amazon to put labels on my good and make them available for sale. Not so sure I should fronted my friend the funds, but only time will tell. I hope to know for certain in the upcoming weeks.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8756720].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author kevmik
      Originally Posted by Josh Belanger View Post

      Thread has been on idle. I wonder if anyone actually took my loop band idea I outlined in the video and ran with it. If you did, let me know.

      I had a few people ask, "how many people do you think went with the loop bands"?

      I told them likely no one! It's too easy and people would be skeptical that I would actually provide an idea like that.

      If you joined ASM, what are you thoughts? I've noticed a lot of ASMers on page one for a lot of opportunities recently when working with my private group.

      I took some heat about my product not being a home run, but in the video review, I had $13k in sales on October 9th. As of today, $25k.

      My private group made me refocus and practice what I share with them.

      Hope everyone well and would love to hear what others are doing?
      Hey Josh you mind making a updated video with your new sales and are you still offering your private training?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8760624].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Josh Belanger

        The private group is still going and we have a good amount of information up in different modules. About 4 hours of content I think now and growing.

        I just covered a product case study on a product doing 10k a month that started in April.

        I don't have any plans on creating a video just to show my current sales.
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  • Profile picture of the author Magicalidea
    There are some bad reviews on it. And in my opinion, if the seller can't control bad feedback from customers, I wouldn't choose to buy anything from him
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  • Profile picture of the author Ryan David
    I'd be curious to see what ASM customers have thought so far. Hopefully the people that joined that course didn't spend their last few bucks signing up, because I'm seeing more and more people have CASH be their limiting factor when it comes to Amazon. I'm not saying you need THAT much money in order to make private labeling work, but you need to be able to order enough to where the shipping cost in from China doesn't eat you alive.
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  • Profile picture of the author MagicD
    Wow, I thought this thread was dead, I was wrong. @shabit87, I hear you, I had the same thoughts too. But you have one thing over me, I didnt have any experience on PL that sort of thing. It is trial n error, I know a lot of people would say its my money, I want a home run, or will I make my money back. The truth is, yes you will make your money back, however if one has a dud product it would take much longer to get your investment back. Which is why I only invest 50 - 100 units to test the water. With a lot of planning I have only had one dud product which is selling 1 - 2 a day. Your research is very important not only on Amazon but on google.

    You have come thus far, dont give up if the worse case happens, learn from it and improve. All the best.
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  • Profile picture of the author JamesBoyd
    ASM 3 coming soon to a theatre near you!

    April 2014
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    • Profile picture of the author kevmik
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  • Profile picture of the author MagicD
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    • Profile picture of the author Lost Leader

      Do either of these programs offer a good forum? Are there any private master mind groups out there? I would really like to be a part of a community.

      I have started selling on Amazon. I have already started making sales. I know I will make money. The question is how much, how fast.

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  • Profile picture of the author Josh Belanger
    @Lost Leader - I have a very small group of people I am teaching. I have paired a few of them up by request for accountability partners. I've also considered starting a private Facebook group for them because a few of them have requested it.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8891470].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Lost Leader
      Originally Posted by Josh Belanger View Post

      @Lost Leader - I have a very small group of people I am teaching. I have paired a few of them up by request for accountability partners. I've also considered starting a private Facebook group for them because a few of them have requested it.
      Josh, thank you. I am interested in the community mindset. I have experience marketing and selling products. I am looking for like minds that are serious about discussing ideas. I am not interested in paying for a mentor.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8895433].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author panorama
        Originally Posted by Lost Leader View Post

        Josh, thank you. I am interested in the community mindset. I have experience marketing and selling products. I am looking for like minds that are serious about discussing ideas. I am not interested in paying for a mentor.
        @Lost Leader - there is also a live event for ASM. The most recent one was last week and over 1000 members attended. I have to say it was awesome - many of the speakers were great and I finally got to meet a lot of people in person and discuss various strategies face to face.
        Comparison of Amazing Selling Machine & Other Private Label Alternatives (Updated April 2015)
        Copy Meets Design - Copywriting and design services exclusively for Amazon listings
        Phone/Text: 917-338-9644
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8895471].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author panorama
    @Josh Belanger - do you mind giving a quick update on the status of your own Amazon business?
    Comparison of Amazing Selling Machine & Other Private Label Alternatives (Updated April 2015)
    Copy Meets Design - Copywriting and design services exclusively for Amazon listings
    Phone/Text: 917-338-9644
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  • Profile picture of the author Josh Belanger
    That would be total. We did 10k in sales in December.
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  • Profile picture of the author Josh Belanger
    Panorma - Oct it did 5k sales. So from May 2013 till now, it has been ramping up. I think it can be at least a 100k in sales a year product.

    My assistant puts in a few hours a week and that is about it. If we focused more of our efforts towards social media and marketing it better, it could be to that level already.

    Passive wise, I am very happy with the little seed growing.
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    • Profile picture of the author panorama

      I assume when you say you did $5k in October, and it's "ramping up", you've done better than $5k in November and your pace for January. Would that be accurate?

      When you say you are moving to 50% margins, that's net after all shipping costs and fees to Amazon, right?

      Also, you've previously said that you launched a second product, but it sounds like these figures are from just one product. What happened to the second one you launched...did it not work out?

      I'm just trying to get a sense of your credibility for offering training vs. what people can learn through ASM. For what it's worth, I'm not sure yet if I will be promoting it this time. I may decide to recommend against it...I'm not sure yet.
      Comparison of Amazing Selling Machine & Other Private Label Alternatives (Updated April 2015)
      Copy Meets Design - Copywriting and design services exclusively for Amazon listings
      Phone/Text: 917-338-9644
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8894157].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Josh Belanger
    It did better in November. January we had an issue with supply and couldn't get product made quick enough. This was due to our unexpected volume in December, we had issue getting inventory for two weeks.

    That motivated me to find two other suppliers in the US so we can ramp up and get more aggressive.

    50% margin would be profit.

    If I recall, I mentioned in the video I was thinking on launching a new product. I actually provided the idea to one of my clients instead. So I have not launched another product.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8894176].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author panorama
      I'm fairly certain the video said that you had already launched the second product. Regardless, why would you be offering training, and giving away a potentially profitable product to a client instead of launching more products yourself? Or at least maximize your current product, which you say has the potential to have sales of $100k per year.
      Comparison of Amazing Selling Machine & Other Private Label Alternatives (Updated April 2015)
      Copy Meets Design - Copywriting and design services exclusively for Amazon listings
      Phone/Text: 917-338-9644
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8895379].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Josh Belanger
    Panorama - Valid question.

    1) As I coach my clients needs come first. I want them to succeed the best they can.

    2) There is no shortage of opportunities. In my video I posted on YouTube, I talked about Loop Bands. That is a product from my research could be at least 30k in sales first year.

    3) Amazon is a passive income and not my main focus. My main investing business requires more of my focus. If I were solely focusing on Amazon, I would add more products to scale.

    @Lostleader - if you click on the YouTube icon under my image, you will be able to review my Amazon training video.
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  • Profile picture of the author panorama

    So, you've launched one product on Amazon (that you admittedly haven't maximized). Instead of either growing this product, or launching a new one, which would be relatively passive income, you've decided to coach other students, which would be less profitable and is not passive income, taking time away from your main business, which requires your focus.

    Sorry, but the logic just doesn't make sense to me. You can find the time to coach people for a one time fee, but not to launch new products for relatively passive ongoing income. That makes it sound like you've found coaching to be more profitable than executing the plan yourself.

    If you just want to be generous with your time to help others, why wouldn't you instead spend more time coaching people to make money on the investment side, where you have a lot more experience?
    Comparison of Amazing Selling Machine & Other Private Label Alternatives (Updated April 2015)
    Copy Meets Design - Copywriting and design services exclusively for Amazon listings
    Phone/Text: 917-338-9644
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8896183].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author timpears
    It is over priced. Sure they will tell you how to sell stuff on Amazon, but it ain't rocket science. Find well selling products in the top 200, 300, 400, 500 on Amazon, that you can private label. Find the suppliers and negotiate your best price.

    Promote with news releases, get your product advertised with offers to get your listing moved up to the top. Get reviews from your family (give them a 100% of coupon).

    That is the nuts and bolts of it. You can send me a check if you want. I will even give you a 50% discount.

    Tim Pears

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8896379].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author MagicD
      Originally Posted by timpears View Post

      It is over priced. Sure they will tell you how to sell stuff on Amazon, but it ain't rocket science. Find well selling products in the top 200, 300, 400, 500 on Amazon, that you can private label. Find the suppliers and negotiate your best price.

      Promote with news releases, get your product advertised with offers to get your listing moved up to the top. Get reviews from your family (give them a 100% of coupon).

      That is the nuts and bolts of it. You can send me a check if you want. I will even give you a 50% discount.
      timpears, yeah that is the nuts n blots of it, sure! Let me ask you a question. What happens when things dont go your way? i.e a product is not selling well, or your not sure that product is worth going for or if that niche is brand driven? What happens if you dont have family or friends in the county you plan on launching your product in?

      The reason I ask, you are affectively paying for the forum and group consistently giving you new ideas and help. I know ASMers gets tools, which I know most people will question it. But the real value is networking with like minded people.
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  • Profile picture of the author MagicD
    There is an old saying, lead my example.

    I understand what Josh is saying, however you need to be putting more time into your own business. I am not trying to kick a man while he is down, but its the truth.

    I am sure this thread over the next few weeks will have a lot of comments, mostly negatives n less positives on why one should NOT jump in.

    As I mentioned above, I am not an affiliate for ASM, nor do I wish to be one, however I know a good system when I see one. I started my business last year, n my last up date was $13-14k i believe.

    I have now hit $60k within 30 days with an ROI between 65 - 72% as I have a few products now.

    I also must say I joined panorama facebook group to see what its about, very motivational.
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  • Profile picture of the author Josh Belanger
    Panorama - You're entitled to your opinion. Not sure what I choose to do with my time effects you?

    I wanted to see if anyone wanted to have me provide help on getting started on Amazon through FBA.

    It keeps me engaged and creates satisfaction to be able to help someone else create their own success.

    I enjoy Amazon and wanted to provide my insights to those interested and be able to share my ideas. Maybe I just enjoy being the back bone for others....

    My coaching is group and not single. I created over 20 videos helping the group and continue to.

    Creating a business is investing. It's investing in their yourself and future.

    Good luck to you and wish you well.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8896446].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author panorama
      Originally Posted by Josh Belanger View Post

      Panorama - You're entitled to your opinion. Not sure what I choose to do with my time effects you?

      I wanted to see if anyone wanted to have me provide help on getting started on Amazon through FBA.

      It keeps me engaged and creates satisfaction to be able to help someone else create their own success.

      I enjoy Amazon and wanted to provide my insights to those interested and be able to share my ideas. Maybe I just enjoy being the back bone for others....

      My coaching is group and not single. I created over 20 videos helping the group and continue to.

      Creating a business is investing. It's investing their yourself and future.

      Good luck to you and wish you well.
      Of course it doesn't effect me, but it does effect those who you are coaching. You're putting your service out there to the public in a Review forum, so I'm just asking the questions that anyone doing their due diligence should be asking.

      My conclusion is that the offer is a bit disingenuous, but others may have a different opinion.
      Comparison of Amazing Selling Machine & Other Private Label Alternatives (Updated April 2015)
      Copy Meets Design - Copywriting and design services exclusively for Amazon listings
      Phone/Text: 917-338-9644
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  • Profile picture of the author Josh Belanger
    @Magic D that is great accomplishment and congratulations.
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  • Profile picture of the author Josh Belanger
    @Panorama - That's your opinion. I have a handful of others that see it differently and enjoy what I have been able to provide to them. That is what matters to me the most at the end of the day.
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  • Profile picture of the author DWaters
    I chose not to buy this product when it first came out becasue it was too expensive for me. There sale material did stimulate my interest in selling on Amazon and FBA in particular. There are some very good (and less expensive) products that will help you if you are intersted in Amazon selling.
    How I really Make Money With Amazon

    Want to get rich with top rated FREE Super Affiliate Training?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8927155].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author ChrisWF
    Hi Guys

    ASM is way more then you talk about here.
    After a slow start I'm now doing $300 a Day in Profit.
    Working hard on my $500+ a Day Goal.

    @Josh Belanger
    Why is this becoming a Josh Belanger Sales Thread?
    Please do a WSO where you sell your coaching and don't abuse this Thread.

    Thanks man

    WAIT! Don't Buy The Expensive Amazon Course "Amazing Selling Machine" for $4K.
    Start With The Proven Amazon Course First!

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8927352].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author JamesBoyd
    Amazon FBA fee's are going up effective Feb 18th, varies from about 2 to 5% increases depending on your product
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  • Profile picture of the author MagicD
    I guess this is just an update rather than negativity.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ryan David
    I would assume most people realize this, but when you're shopping around for a "coach" you should be careful of the sales figures that are reported. I have a product that sells for $9.99, costs me $1.25, and I net (after all fees and product costs) $4.76 per sale. Last year I sold 630 of them over a 9 month period. This is the type of product that is so far under the radar that it probably wouldn't cross anyone's mind to sell. Sure, it's not a HUGE money maker, but I profited around $340/month in profit.

    Compare that to another product that I sell that is just something I buy/resell. My sales were $11200 over a 3 month period. Yeah, looks good on paper but I only make about $30 every $300 sale.

    I'm quite sure that creative gurus mix in high-priced, but low-margin sellers in order to pad their sales figures. That way, they can say "honestly" that they are doing $500K per year with a typical private label product netting them gross margins of 80%. That would lead you to believe that the entire profit on the $500K in sales would be $400K. Forget about the fact that the sales number that gets reported in these sales videos are BEFORE amazon fees, which would be up to 20-30% of the sales price.
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  • Profile picture of the author Josh Belanger
    @Herscel-W - you would need to use something like Payoneer or create a company in the USA
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  • Profile picture of the author Nissim
    Hi Guys,

    Payoneer was mentioned several times in this thread, and I just wanted to post real quick and let you know how it works.

    We provide you with a US collection account which you can use to receive US bank transfers from US companies (such as Amazon).

    The Payoneer account has a Payoneer Prepaid Debit MasterCard card, which you can use to make purchases online, in stores, and at ATMs worldwide. You can also withdraw your funds to your local bank account.

    In addition to a US collection account, we also have a new pilot program offering an EU collection account (for SEPA transfers). If anyone has interested in either service mentioned above, feel free to contact me and I'll be happy to assist in getting you set up.


    Director of Community at Payoneer

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  • Profile picture of the author Oliver Williams
    The secret lies in private labelling.

    If you private label a product there are some major benefits:

    1. You can market it any way you like, say what ever you like (within reason)
    2. You can re-package it anyway you like
    3. You can put what ever price you like on it (again within reason)
    4. Your competition cannot sell it. They might be able to sell something similar but they certainly cannot sell on your page because there are no other items the same as yours because yours has been branded.

    This as an experienced marketer allows you an incredible amount of freedoms that you would other wise not have not to mention higher profit margins.
    Don't believe everything you think
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  • Profile picture of the author Josh Belanger
    Bayking - glad to hear that you were able to enjoy the material and provide your insight the group.

    A lot of different perspectives in this thread

    As you probably know and I'll share with the group. The first concept was to be a premium priced brand, which has worked very well.

    A lot of top sellers I talk with often that are strictly focused on the physical products model are now using Amazon as a sales channel to generate just buyers.

    What I mean is they are looking to only break even on the product which will allow them to get more volume (buyers) and ultimately reviews as well.

    They are then optimizing them after the sale with other products they sell and affiliate products that would benefit the buyer.

    Very similar model to an online business model with up sells and down sales, but they are using Amazon to generate the traffic.

    That right there opens just another possibility with Amazon and selling Physical products.

    Food for thought fellow thread readers.

    Wish you the best.
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    • Profile picture of the author panorama
      For those who are still curious what kind of real results are possible, this weekend I hit $100,000 in Amazon sales over the prior 30 days (screenshot attached).

      I know my results are not typical, but I thought this might serve as inspiration to anyone thinking about it.
      Comparison of Amazing Selling Machine & Other Private Label Alternatives (Updated April 2015)
      Copy Meets Design - Copywriting and design services exclusively for Amazon listings
      Phone/Text: 917-338-9644
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9036457].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Wickwire
        Originally Posted by panorama View Post

        For those who are still curious what kind of real results are possible, this weekend I hit $100,000 in Amazon sales over the prior 30 days (screenshot attached).

        I know my results are not typical, but I thought this might serve as inspiration to anyone thinking about it.
        That's awesome! Congratulations.

        Is that from one product, or do you have several? How long did it take you to achieve those numbers?

        I first heard about ASM during the October launch. Given the price, I had to decide between buying the course or being able to launch a product. I have a decent amount of online marketing experience, but had never private labeled before. I decided to see how far I could get on my own. I used all of the free ASM information that I could find, and my product went live in January.

        My numbers are improving each week, and I'm on either page 1 or 2 for most of my top keywords, and climbing.(I opened at page 14 for my top keywords) At this point, most of the brands ranked above me are nationally known brands.

        I've had several moments where I wished I could ask the ASM community a question, but instead just had to make as educated a guess as I could. So far, it has worked out ok.

        Sunday will mark 2 months. Here are my stats so far:

        7 Days $956.80
        15 Days $1,390.35
        30 Days $2,735.85

        UPDATE: 2 weeks later, 3/30/14

        7 Days $1,509.95
        15 Days $2,885.35
        30 Days $4,126.20

        UPDATE: 5/4/14

        7 Days $2,362.10
        15 Days $4,126.20
        30 Days $6,767.75

        UPDATE: 6/3/14

        7 Days $2,332.20
        15 Days $4,350.45
        30 Days $8,028.15

        UPDATE: 6/27/14

        7 Days $2,705.95
        15 Days $4,574.70
        30 Days $9,478.30

        UPDATE: 8/26/14

        7 Days $2,657.45
        15 Days $5,423.20
        30 Days $10,401.55

        UPDATE: 9/9/14

        7 Days $3,705.74
        15 Days $7,098.89
        30 Days $12,537.04

        UPDATE: 9/23/14

        7 Days $5,258.66
        15 Days $9,056.37
        30 Days $15,996.94

        UPDATE: 2/16/15

        7 Days $8,612.40
        15 Days $15,965.19
        30 Days $35,844.00
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    • Profile picture of the author Raam Dust
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      • Profile picture of the author Josh Belanger
        @Raam Dust - You're right. Amazon do have rules in place because they don't want solicitation from outside sources to ruin the buyers experience or abuse the system. If they receive too many complaints, they will shut you down.

        That is one reason you use Amazon to build up sales and launch your product in the start. However, a successful business is not based off one channel source.

        If you send the buyer to Amazon from your site or marketing, you have their details. You have the right to contact them. However, if Amazon feels like your are jeopardizing their name, they will likely shut you down.

        Also, you can include a very strong call to action for a free gift of something else. Similar to what Beachbody does in their packaging.

        There are a few other ways you can, but the easiest to implement right now is what I just shared.
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        • Profile picture of the author Raam Dust
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  • Profile picture of the author panorama

    About $10k of my sales is from products I was selling prior to ASM, the rest is from two ASM products. The first went live in June 2013 and the second went live in October.

    I've got two more products in the pipeline that should hopefully launch in April.

    Those are pretty good stats for figuring it out on your own.
    Comparison of Amazing Selling Machine & Other Private Label Alternatives (Updated April 2015)
    Copy Meets Design - Copywriting and design services exclusively for Amazon listings
    Phone/Text: 917-338-9644
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9036954].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Josh Belanger
    @Panorama - That is great to hear and happy for your success.
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  • Profile picture of the author mchalejoannea
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    • Profile picture of the author srjjames
      Is there another model similar to ASM that will teach private label selling? I would like to start doing private label selling, but I can't afford to purchase AMS for that amount.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9048691].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author panorama
        The Proven Amazon Course released a private label section. I went through it about a week's much less expensive, but it's also not nearly as good.
        Comparison of Amazing Selling Machine & Other Private Label Alternatives (Updated April 2015)
        Copy Meets Design - Copywriting and design services exclusively for Amazon listings
        Phone/Text: 917-338-9644
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9048710].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Jim Cockrum
          Actually that portion of the Proven Amazon Course is undergoing a major upgrade right now. We have several students who are having tremendous success with private labeling and we are adding their strategy. The PAC course was released once, and will continually be updated at no cost with all the new ideas and content we uncover from our large audience of very successful students.

          UPDATE: ***COMING APRIL 2014***
          Our all new "sourcing from China" module (a 22+ year veteran of importing from China helped us with this part).

          A step-by-step video course with in depth updates to our private labeling strategy.
 aka the "PAC" now includes the #1 "Private Label" training on the web (! We've been teaching "physical product" sales online since 2002 & we've accumulated over 1,000 success testimonials!
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  • Profile picture of the author JamesBoyd
    ASM III starts promoting April 7th, join and be part of an exclusive club with only 4500 members!
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  • Profile picture of the author Josh Belanger
    @srjjames - if you click on on the YouTube badge under my image, I have a video on my channel where I cover the basics and process on getting started with selling a private label on Amazon.
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  • Profile picture of the author sigma7
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    • Profile picture of the author JamesBoyd
      Unfortunately I have to agree with most of this post, fortunately I did cancel

      Originally Posted by sigma7 View Post


      This is the honest reflection from the actual current ASM member.
      I bought Amazon Selling Machine 2 in October, 2013, and I paid $3500 for one time payment, and made a stupid mistake of not cancelling it!

      It was a complete waste of money, and these people are complete scam.

      1. They make it difficult to make refund and make all effort to make ASM look good around the cancellation day after the launch so that buyers will not cancel it.

      2. Right after the cancellation period is over, that is Module 6, the team makes no effort. The quality of modules afterward dropped significantly. It is like telling the members, " We don't care now because you cannot cancel it any more. "

      3. Support is horrendous. They don't take care of members. They have no sincere effort.

      4. The tools, they make them look like so variable right around the cancellation period, and you will believe it is worth for the money.
      I tell you. The tools don't even work. We see so many posts in their forum the tools are not working. Later, you will find out they are useless.

      5. There are no value after 8 modules, they don't do anything. It is over after two months.

      6. They just focus to make more money with ASM 3, and desert the previous members by not doing anything.

      7. Here it came, another $97 membership for one pdf, and one video per 43 days to come in as emails.

      I tell you. Don't waste your money. They are artist of taking your money.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9079006].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author ChrisWF

        Hey you cry babies.

        I have to completely disagree with you.

        The ASM system works. You follow the 8 Modules and after that you'll have a complete new business in your hands. You will hit roadblocks and might take longer than 8 weeks (like I).
        But in the end it works.

        Nobody promised to do the work for you.
        Nobody promised to send you $10.000 each month.

        You have to work for that. Simple as that.

        I'm an ASM member for 1 year now.
        I've hit a lot of roadblocks in the past year and often felt like crying and wanted to throw my towel. I wanted to kill some suppliers and also some customers. Wanted to punch someone. AHHHHRRGGG

        I didn't do anything of that. I worked more and harder because I knew this system was working for others. I called some guys on Skype and in the forum and got some motivation.
        Studied some modules again and started over with a new Product.

        Now, 1 year later.
        I've just sold my old offline business of 27 years and will go full-time ASM starting in June.

        In my part-time ASM journey I was able to go to $1K a day in net profit before taxes in the last month.

        That's part-time income.
        I was never able to achieve anything like this in my old business, where I had to hassle with 17 employee's day in and day out.
        The $3.500 is way too low for what they are giving you for your money. If you ever had a real business you would have known this is really low-cost what you are paying but not low-cost what you are getting.

        Now go and wine more and more and search for a push button solution of auto income that you will never find. Buy a $7 WSO and make 1 Million next month.


        I'm not an affiliate for ASM.

        WAIT! Don't Buy The Expensive Amazon Course "Amazing Selling Machine" for $4K.
        Start With The Proven Amazon Course First!

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9079785].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author JamesBoyd
          Originally Posted by ChrisWF View Post

          I've hit a lot of roadblocks in the past year and often felt like crying and wanted to throw my towel. I wanted to kill some suppliers and also some customers. Wanted to punch someone.
          Sounds like you had a similar experience as me, the course was very bare bone and I had to figure out a lot the details myself as well, things that should have been covered but were not

          I hope they are not going to keep teaching that SEO rubbish, you know the tactics that don't work any more, that Google killed off years ago, but sound good
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          • Profile picture of the author ZanyZebra
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            • Profile picture of the author JamesBoyd
              Originally Posted by ZanyZebra View Post

              ASM SEO works!
              Let me clarify, 95% of the SEO that ASM teach's no longer works and is simply a waste of time, free press releases, spinning articles, weird linking schemes etc etc are all 5 years or more out of date and are killed by the 2012 and 2013 Google updates. The only tactic that has any merit these days is videos. If any of the spammy tactics do work it will be only for a very short time, but the feedback I've read from people in ASM who tried them is that they seemed to have no effect at all
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              • Profile picture of the author ZanyZebra
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                • Profile picture of the author JamesBoyd
                  Originally Posted by ZanyZebra View Post

                  Maybe I should ignore the significant income it is increasingly bringing to me.
                  You may be getting great sales of your products, congratulations and good for you, but that does not means it's got anything to do with the SEO tactics you are using.

                  I've been getting great sales of some of my products in Amazon and I have done exactly nothing, zero, narda, not even a single press release or video, just listed the product and it started selling from day 1
                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9100589].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author TheAdsenseGuy
          Originally Posted by ChrisWF View Post


          Hey you cry babies.

          I have to completely disagree with you.

          The ASM system works. You follow the 8 Modules and after that you'll have a complete new business in your hands. You will hit roadblocks and might take longer than 8 weeks (like I).
          But in the end it works.

          Nobody promised to do the work for you.
          Nobody promised to send you $10.000 each month.

          You have to work for that. Simple as that.

          I'm an ASM member for 1 year now.
          I've hit a lot of roadblocks in the past year and often felt like crying and wanted to throw my towel. I wanted to kill some suppliers and also some customers. Wanted to punch someone. AHHHHRRGGG

          I didn't do anything of that. I worked more and harder because I knew this system was working for others. I called some guys on Skype and in the forum and got some motivation.
          Studied some modules again and started over with a new Product.

          Now, 1 year later.
          I've just sold my old offline business of 27 years and will go full-time ASM starting in June.

          In my part-time ASM journey I was able to go to $1K a day in net profit before taxes in the last month.

          That's part-time income.
          I was never able to achieve anything like this in my old business, where I had to hassle with 17 employee's day in and day out.
          The $3.500 is way too low for what they are giving you for your money. If you ever had a real business you would have known this is really low-cost what you are paying but not low-cost what you are getting.

          Now go and wine more and more and search for a push button solution of auto income that you will never find. Buy a $7 WSO and make 1 Million next month.


          I'm not an affiliate for ASM.

          Hey ChrisWF can you answer this? What is the big deal about private labeling your product which is the main focus of this course?

          You're still competing with other sellers selling the same general product so what's the big deal really?

          Wouldn't just buying product from a wholesaler in bulk and having them send it to FBA be the same thing??

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  • Profile picture of the author MagicD
    I find it very enjoyable when people (or certain person) lays into either FBA or ASM methods. All I can say is, yes ask for a refund, your not needed. While most of us who are making over $100k a month all the way to the bank, I am not hear to brang. Just find it laughable someone wants to call it a scam. Maybe we should call you a scam for not putting in the effort and not sticking with something more than a month, sigh- What a joker.. For really, go find a push button program. If it didnt work for you, fine. That is understandable, but throwing the word/phrase (scam/its a scam) JOKER!

    Rant over!

    RE: TheAdsenseGuy
    This business is not difficult, all one has to do is find what is selling well and replicate the core product. Pay attention to when I say CORE product, its your job to differentiate your product. That could be different packaging, box whatever it might be to make it look high quality.

    Lets look at this in a different angle, I am sure over 80% of WSO are either PLRs or course rewrites. But how do these same information sell so well. Well, the product owner either creates a different sales page, ebook cover or adds income proof.

    You mention about competing with other sellers.. Let me ask you this, do you want to make money? if you are in a market with no competition, is that a market/niche worth investing in? Like, toe nails. (I wonder what the competition is on that) :-)

    Buying bulk from a wholesaler and sending it to FBA without your branded label is not the same thing. Although many people do that, but heres the problem. You are under the mercy of sale price demand. If you are just starting out and you contact Sony (as an example) to buy 50 head sets for $10 each to sell them for $17 each, you believe you could make $5 per product, including fees ect. However, a supplier with a larger budget could buy 1000 units at $4 each, now the price sell power is in his hands of the new supplier, without a doubt this supplier will list the price at a lower price. Forget that shark infested water!! :-O

    Another option is, contact Sony (again as an example - please do not take this literally) directly and ask them to buy their head sets and place your own branded logo on there. Now, you can buy it for $12 a unit and sell it for $25+, because you know the quality is very good and you can market it very differently, most things Sony are not doing.
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    • Profile picture of the author Devilfish168
      Im totally confuse about selling machine..

      in fact I now on amazon .affliates but still no sales despite daily click can get 100+ to 300....

      how it works?

      member payment how much? one time or monthly?

      and need to invest any more after payment?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9082536].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author TheAdsenseGuy
      Originally Posted by MagicD View Post

      I find it very enjoyable when people (or certain person) lays into either FBA or ASM methods. All I can say is, yes ask for a refund, your not needed. While most of us who are making over $100k a month all the way to the bank, I am not hear to brang. Just find it laughable someone wants to call it a scam. Maybe we should call you a scam for not putting in the effort and not sticking with something more than a month, sigh- What a joker.. For really, go find a push button program. If it didnt work for you, fine. That is understandable, but throwing the word/phrase (scam/its a scam) JOKER!

      Rant over!

      RE: TheAdsenseGuy
      This business is not difficult, all one has to do is find what is selling well and replicate the core product. Pay attention to when I say CORE product, its your job to differentiate your product. That could be different packaging, box whatever it might be to make it look high quality.

      Lets look at this in a different angle, I am sure over 80% of WSO are either PLRs or course rewrites. But how do these same information sell so well. Well, the product owner either creates a different sales page, ebook cover or adds income proof.

      You mention about competing with other sellers.. Let me ask you this, do you want to make money? if you are in a market with no competition, is that a market/niche worth investing in? Like, toe nails. (I wonder what the competition is on that) :-)

      Buying bulk from a wholesaler and sending it to FBA without your branded label is not the same thing. Although many people do that, but heres the problem. You are under the mercy of sale price demand. If you are just starting out and you contact Sony (as an example) to buy 50 head sets for $10 each to sell them for $17 each, you believe you could make $5 per product, including fees ect. However, a supplier with a larger budget could buy 1000 units at $4 each, now the price sell power is in his hands of the new supplier, without a doubt this supplier will list the price at a lower price. Forget that shark infested water!! :-O

      Another option is, contact Sony (again as an example - please do not take this literally) directly and ask them to buy their head sets and place your own branded logo on there. Now, you can buy it for $12 a unit and sell it for $25+, because you know the quality is very good and you can market it very differently, most things Sony are not doing.

      Re: MagicD

      Thanks for the response.

      Let me clarify. If I'm on Amazon trying to buy a set of cookware. And I see two different brands selling the same thing. One brand is well known and selling for a lower price. Another brand is someone who is doing private labeling. His brand is unknown but the price is higher. As a consumer I will buy the cheaper product.

      Doesn't that defeat the purpose of private labeling? Or maybe you're trying to say that you can get better rankings in Amazon with a private label brand which of course would lead to more sales? Is that the advantage?

      Couldn't I just go to a wholesaler and have them send the product to FBA. And If I bundled the product making it unique wouldn't I have the same selling advantage as private label?

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  • Profile picture of the author MagicD
    TheAdsenseGuy, very good questions you ask of. Not to go into too much detail and review all the methods of A-S-M, there are two main ways to go down, although there are more. Option 1 - pricing your product higher, combining reviews and listing optimization. Option 2 - Lowering your price - in turn earning more money. (That is as much as I will say on that right now) this is all explained in A-S-M.

    Regarding if a customer sees your product and a well-known brand. The online market place has changed so much now. Our goal ultimately is to target impulsive buyers when starting to build momentum and gaining reviews, there are millions on Amazon every min of the day. So as long as we have awesome images, very good optimzied listing, and min 3 reviews sales will come.

    You have to understand, most of these large brands suck at the type of marketing on Amazon. Hard to believe, but its true.
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  • Profile picture of the author tim413
    Thanks everyone for sharing your experiences with this course! The only thing that I see is a problem is that the content is drip feed for months. This means you cannot go at your own pace in building your business, but have to go at the drip feed content's pace.

    Am I correct?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9084359].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author ChrisWF
      > This means you cannot go at your own pace

      That's exactly what makes a lot of people so successful with this course.
      You are forced to work with that module for a week and only concentrate on that part of the training.

      Don't try to reinvent the whole thing and make it better.
      For your first product just do exactly what they tell you to do and you will have success.

      After that you can go and try to refine the system.

      If you ask every successful seller what the best tip is they can give you, they all respond with "Stay with the system and follow the course".

      WAIT! Don't Buy The Expensive Amazon Course "Amazing Selling Machine" for $4K.
      Start With The Proven Amazon Course First!

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  • Profile picture of the author lucianking
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    • Profile picture of the author ZanyZebra
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      • Profile picture of the author Titan86
        Originally Posted by ZanyZebra View Post

        And, to be perfectly frank, for very many they'd rather not tell the world about ASM (for fairly obvious reasons). Many are also annoyed that ASM3 is coming onto the market and there is a debate to be had about whether or not it can be ever again.

        As i've mentioned before if anyone has questions i'll be happy to answer. I'll give you my honest opinion and can be contacted via the visitor message tab of my profile.

        Make the right choice for yourself. Good luck.
        So it sounds like there's a lot more potential for market saturation than the ASM publishers want us to believe.
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        • Profile picture of the author JamesBoyd
          Originally Posted by Titan86 View Post

          So it sounds like there's a lot more potential for market saturation than the ASM publishers want us to believe.
          With 3000-5000 each doing 5+ products it's simple maths to see that pretty soon there will be 25000+ ASM products out there, that's a very big bite out of the possible universe of products that would fit the private label model, that's not including the many thousands who did not buy the course but are doing it anyway

          Of course there are still opportunities but it certainly is not as easy as it was 1 year ago
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      • Profile picture of the author trackergirl
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        • Profile picture of the author ZanyZebra
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          • Profile picture of the author Tooledyou
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        • Profile picture of the author Josh Belanger
          Originally Posted by trackergirl View Post

          Thanks for all your input, can you give a ball park number on what you are spending to get a product ordered and shipped to Amazon, along with the time frame once the order is placed with the wholesaler. I know every product is different in price, I am looking at what additional capital might be needed.
          @Trackgirl - I started with about $400 for my first inventory. I then also paid $150 for image to be created. That was my start up investment. I also to build a brand on Facebook with a like campaign of targeted people.

          Sometimes orders from overseas are going to have to be larger because they just look to sell in bulk. However, if you go into a competitive market, you will not have an issue selling your inventory.

          Originally Posted by Tooledyou View Post

          I have just spent an entire hour reading several posts in this thread and I still don't know what to do? Buy, or don't buy?
          It seems some have had great success where others have failed. This really does not help my decision. From what I can tell it will simply come down to the individual.

          The price is very high! And those with success can justify the price. I myself have spent about $2500 on another system that has several tools to use and shows how to sell on Amazon. Because of my small success I can justify the price. If I failed I would say it was a rip off!
          The system I use is all about drop shipping. You most likely know the system I speak of. But I won't mention it due to this being my first post ever on WF. Lets say it starts with a "D".

          ASM seems like it teaches the same things as far as titles, description, keywords, getting reviews, using youtube all to get your item ranked higher. But they do go on and say how SEO, etc. will do nothing for you. I do not know if this is true?

          I mostly sell on Ebay and I have personally seen several of my listings on the first or second page of google in less than one day.
          My guess is others just simply do not know the importance of the title so I out rank?
          But my problem is selling on Amazon. I do not do well there. I have personally seen others make well over $10,000 profit per month drop shipping products on Amazon using the exact system I am. But I cant seem to sell more then 3 items per week there. So I came across ASM. But I am trying to justify the cost and work involved just for one product when I have personally seen others make thousands showing me their sales via Skype trying to help me out simply drop shipping items from big box stores, or other popular online stores. I even drop ship items from Amazon. Not to mention the customer pays you first before you even buy the item. No money out of pocket.

          I suppose my question is why would this be better? Besides all the great content I am sure ASM provides, I am not seeing why this is a better way to sell on Amazon? I am not saying it is not better, I am hoping it is! But I don't want to spend thousands if it isn't.

          I am struggling with the idea of listing items that are already there and just putting my brand on them and adding to the competition.
          I am taught to monopolize the market, sell what is not for sale on Amazon. But sell a similar item that someone is already selling with great success. Example, sell a dinette set, but sell one that is similar, if not better then one that is a top seller. But make sure you are the only one with your item.
          So I struggle with the concept of selling an item that is already there. Not to mention going against a well established seller with a few hundred reviews. My choice would be clear as to whom I would purchase from.
          Then again it seems to work judging from what some people have posted here???

          I guess I am just looking for reasons to buy ASM and wanting a user to tell me why it is the way to go.
          Because one thing is for sure, I need to do much better on Amazon!
          So any advice from users?
          Thank you
          @Tooledyou - I answered your question you left on my YouTube video. Because you failed at something doesn't mean it's a rip off. Sometimes in life you do it exactly as you should and things just don't work out. Happens all the time.

          If that were the case, then pocket aces would win every hand.

          Drop shipping is not a real business. Some people sell their products on Ebay and then fulfill it on Amazon FBA.

          Competition is good. It creates better experiences for customers and unique ideas.

          What does it matter is someone has more reviews has been around longer? In anything you do, someone is going to have done it first and ahead of you.

          No one is going to make the choice for you and it sounds like you want someone to push you to the other side. Make your own choice and be responsible for your future.

          I understand that it's a big leap, but ASM is not the only option out there. As you saw in my video I provided the process and the opportunity to learn from me to have more money to spend on your product and getting setup.

          I'm doing a hangout on Thursday to answer any questions. It's easier for me then typing. Click on the Facebook image under my name and you can register there.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9105948].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author ChrisWF

            ASM Private Label is not the same as Private Label you talk about.

            We don't simply put a cheap sticker on the Product.
            We find the best Supplier, create our own brand and add value.

            Then we sell that superior Product on Amazon.

            I've ordered 15 samples for my second Product and paid around $800 for the samples alone.
            That took weeks. Add a few more weeks to test the samples and do some back and forth with the supplier.

            In the End it was really worth it.

            This is not a business you try a little for one week and then succeed. You wil end like a few others that have written here in the Thread before.
            You will have to commit to this system and work your ass off.

            Do you want a job where you can make $10 or $20? Ok fine, do it.

            Or do you want to work 1 year and make $100 or $200 or $500 an hour after that?

            I've made my choice and it's really worth it.


            P.S I've said this before:
            You need $3500 for the course and another $3000+ for the product and everything.
            (Currently I'm trying an additional Product, that will only cost around $1000 for the first batch incl. shipping, labels and everything. Need another 14 days or so and will see how that goes. But I have 12 month experience now and I'm well aware of what I was searching for and took my time for it.)
            You need 6 month+ of hard work with no great return in the first 3 to 4 month.

            WAIT! Don't Buy The Expensive Amazon Course "Amazing Selling Machine" for $4K.
            Start With The Proven Amazon Course First!

            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9106354].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Tooledyou
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            • Profile picture of the author Josh Belanger
              Originally Posted by Tooledyou View Post

              Great information from everyone!! And thanks to those that responded to my questions as well.

              So I must say I am a little confused as to why you think drop shipping is not a business Josh? I sell items just like everyone and have them shipped for me. That's it? Profit margin is anywhere from 10 to 30%.
              There is much more to it then just raising the price of an item and making a few dollars.
              For example, I can sell a item from Overstock cheaper than they sell it for and still make 20%. Long story as to how I can. It is nothing more then learning.
              Then again Overstock sells on Ebay and I sell their items there for more then they do. So it's not at all about being cheaper. Being the lowest price is foolish.
              But to say it isn't a business is an odd statement. Especially when I have seen proof of someone doing over 3 million in sales in a year just drop shipping. Made about $550,000 profit!!! Sounds like a pretty good business to me. And absolutely ZERO risk! And ZERO' cost.
              @Tooledyou - Drop shipping and wholesaling is only an income stream. You only are making money for your right now. You can't sell this business, there is no value to another person because your are the person.

              Selling your own product, you create a real business that has a brand and customers.

              Glad drop shipping is working for you. Even with your success, why wouldn't you look to sell your own product?

              You have more experience than others with selling on the platforms. I think you would be shorting yourself short if you didn't. You would be building a long term asset that you can control and maybe have whole sellers selling your product.
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9120825].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author wizbiz
                Originally Posted by Josh Belanger View Post

                why wouldn't you look to sell your own product?
                When you Own your "PRODUCT" you only limited to that Niche/Product which could Go DEAD overnight. I'd prefer Resell somebody Else product make 30% ones product goes Dead, Move to another product , Rinse and Repeat. While Drop shipping/Reselling you can sell 1000's of Product while "YOUR BIZ" PL
                Die with your Product or Go invest another 5-10k-50k (whatever) and few month to create Another one and who said it would be profitable? Nobody. No Guarantee.

                Originally Posted by ZanyZebra View Post

                you don't have 10 competitors cutting your price, if you own the brand..
                Is that So? Really? Why do I care what the Letters printed on those very SAME Sunglasses (for example) JP or BP unless it's Gucci or some knowing Brand?
                Nobody Cares about Unknowing Brand, you can consider you don't have one.
                Not Overnight, at least.
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9122090].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author Tooledyou
                Originally Posted by Josh Belanger View Post

                @Tooledyou - Drop shipping and wholesaling is only an income stream. You only are making money for your right now. You can't sell this business, there is no value to another person because your are the person.

                Selling your own product, you create a real business that has a brand and customers.

                Glad drop shipping is working for you. Even with your success, why wouldn't you look to sell your own product?

                You have more experience than others with selling on the platforms. I think you would be shorting yourself short if you didn't. You would be building a long term asset that you can control and maybe have whole sellers selling your product.
                I agree, and disagree with your points. Done right you can really hit a home run with your own product.
                But there has got to be a better way of getting there without spending $3500, to $4000 just to have someone show me how. That is my main disagreement about this conversation.
                My drive to succeed is there. I have a full time job and still work my DS business 20hrs a week. I love this stuff!!!
                I am willing to bet I can figure this out on my own. I will let you know.

                Thanks again Josh.
                I may be in touch.
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                • Profile picture of the author ZanyZebra
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                  • Profile picture of the author wizbiz
                    Originally Posted by ZanyZebra View Post

                    For most products, China is the best source, in making the highest margins. Nowadays the whole negative cache of ‘made in china’ is gone.
                    You can consider these days over in 2-3 years at most. Nobody working for 3$ / month anymore in China, in fact Salary-wise GAP between China and the USA is narrowing pretty quickly, that's is why Many of Big Manufacturing like APPLE for example moving Manufacture Plants back to USA. China Zoo paradise is coming to the End. Better pay few Bucks Extra and Buy Made in USA.
                    Ones US Politicians can lower down Corporate TAX in the USA,
                    things will move this direction very quickly.
                    Coming in the theater near you, soon! China days for Cheap stuff is over,
                    You can source your Stuff directly on Ebay nowadays.
                    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9122692].message }}
                    • Profile picture of the author JamesBoyd
                      Originally Posted by wizbiz View Post

                      You can consider these days over in 2-3 years at most
             - Clear Crystal Ball 110mm (4.2 in.) - Clear Crystal Ball 110mm (4.2 in.)...
                      You need a new crystal ball, there are hundreds of thousands of factories, if not millions in China, it will take many decades, if ever, for prices between China and the USA to equalize as you predict
                      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9123011].message }}
                    • Profile picture of the author Importexport
                      Originally Posted by wizbiz View Post

                      You can consider these days over in 2-3 years at most. Nobody working for 3$ / month anymore in China, in fact Salary-wise GAP between China and the USA is narrowing pretty quickly, that's is why Many of Big Manufacturing like APPLE for example moving Manufacture Plants back to USA. China Zoo paradise is coming to the End. Better pay few Bucks Extra and Buy Made in USA.
                      Ones US Politicians can lower down Corporate TAX in the USA,
                      things will move this direction very quickly.
                      Coming in the theater near you, soon! China days for Cheap stuff is over,
                      You can source your Stuff directly on Ebay nowadays.
                      I have a reasonably good knowledge of international trade, beginning with exporting to Asia/Pacific countries in 1978, mostly to China, then I began importing in 1987.

                      The history of low labor cost countries dominating world exports since WW2 is more or less in this order:
                      • Japan, then
                      • South Korea, then Taiwan,
                      • Mainland China
                      This process has taken since the 1950' s and does not move at the speed stated in the quote above.

                      There is certainly a move back to the USA for some manufacturing, and I advise my students in other countries that they should consider the USA for low cost, good quality items in some categories.

                      BUT China will still be there as the world's biggest factory for quite a while yet. That is not to say that the transition to lower cost countries has not begun. This is why I advise considering other countries in addition to China.

                      I have recently bought in retail stores some high quality products made in Italy and Germany at prices at least as low as lesser quality similar products made in China. Eastern European countries are good places to source certain products, and buyers should consider other places such as Turkey and Brazil.

                      This is why I have added a big section on other countries in my book, but China is still the place to go for low prices for many, many products, and you don't have to buy trash quality.

                      I have visited Chinese factories that make exceptionally high quality as well as poor quality made to meet the ridiculously low prices demanded by the big chains.

                      By the way, when China's boom really began, many workers there were already earning 50 times as much as the exaggerated figure in the quote above.
                      Use emotions and perceptions to build a great brand. Ask me about my book LabelsThatExploit. For safe sourcing and easy importing from 41 countries globally, see
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                      • Profile picture of the author rdrm
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                        • Profile picture of the author bayking
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                          • Profile picture of the author rdrm
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                            • Profile picture of the author Nic Oliver
                              There are plenty of non US-based people in ASM, some of whom buy from US suppliers, some import from China, some do both. It's not a problem.
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                            • Profile picture of the author bayking
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    • Profile picture of the author panorama
      Originally Posted by lucianking View Post

      It's expensive and has poor reviews. That pretty much says it all, no?
      It's all relative, but the value you'll see is largely based on the individual, not the course. I consider the cost to be cheap relative to what you get. I make more than double the cost of the course EVERY WEEK as a result of what I've learned. In fact, I personally emailed Matt Clark at one point and suggested he should be charging upwards of $10k for the course going forward because I think it's underpriced (he declined my suggestion).
      Comparison of Amazing Selling Machine & Other Private Label Alternatives (Updated April 2015)
      Copy Meets Design - Copywriting and design services exclusively for Amazon listings
      Phone/Text: 917-338-9644
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9084571].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author JamesBoyd
        Originally Posted by panorama View Post

        In fact, I personally emailed Matt Clark at one point and suggested he should be charging upwards of $10k for the course going forward because I think it's underpriced
        A good example of what happens when you start making some decent money... you lose all sense of reality
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9090814].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author panorama
          Originally Posted by JamesBoyd View Post

          A good example of what happens when you start making some decent money... you lose all sense of reality
          Like I said, it's all relative. I personally know at least a dozen people making more than $10k per month in profit directly from what they learned through ASM. That IS a reality.
          Comparison of Amazing Selling Machine & Other Private Label Alternatives (Updated April 2015)
          Copy Meets Design - Copywriting and design services exclusively for Amazon listings
          Phone/Text: 917-338-9644
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9090832].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author JamesBoyd
            Originally Posted by panorama View Post

            Like I said, it's all relative. I personally know at least a dozen people making more than $10k per month in profit directly from what they learned through ASM. That IS a reality.
            I guess next you will be suggesting that $1 lottery tickets should really cost $1000 because you could win $10M
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9090851].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author MagicD
    Hi niggaplus, :-D

    Sorry to be a stickler of bad news, I will be very surprised if anyone will reveal the tool they are using that is not in A-S-M course.
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  • Profile picture of the author Wickwire
    For those of you in ASM, how important is the SEO portion of the course for bringing outside traffic to your Amazon listing?

    For those of you who have mentioned your monthly numbers, what were your numbers before implementing the SEO tactics that ASM teaches? In other words, what were your numbers while relying completely on Amazon traffic? (i.e. Did your numbers peak at $10K/month within Amazon, and adding SEO took you to $30K/month, etc)
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    • Profile picture of the author Josh Belanger
      @ChrisWF - Glad to here of your news and your success. You had a few hurdles are first. Great work and wish you more success.

      Originally Posted by tim413 View Post

      Thanks everyone for sharing your experiences with this course! The only thing that I see is a problem is that the content is drip feed for months. This means you cannot go at your own pace in building your business, but have to go at the drip feed content's pace.

      Am I correct?
      @Tim - They do this to keep people going at the same pace to reduce overwhelming and from answering the same questions over and over again. The other reason is to reduce the refund rate.

      Originally Posted by lucianking View Post

      It's expensive and has poor reviews. That pretty much says it all, no?
      @Lucinking - For most it is expensive. With today's economy and so many struggling and working a few jobs to put food on the table, they would say that also. However, when you compare it to college, which many attend because they feel like that have too.

      There is not guarantee after paying a college that you will even get a job in that field. At that point they are in debt and seeking anything job they can get hired at that point.

      For most, they never can get on the path they set out for because of this overwhelming debt.

      While a $3500-$4000 at first glance has the sticker shock. Short term it's more than any any other course, but long term the fact it could change your life long term in ways you never thought, I don't think you can put a price on that.

      The thing they also teach is to be a premium brand in ASM. It would be odd if they didn't sell there own product for a premium price as well.

      Originally Posted by niggaplus View Post

      If you are an Amazon FBA seller.I would like to know which solution you are using to send transaction email to follow all orders automatically.I can not choose the right one to run my transaction email.

      campaign monitor

      I can not confirm which one is the best for me.There are some factors I am considering.

      (Send out the first email to let buyer know when the order had shipped out from amazon warehouse.
      Send out the second email to follow up some FAQ to buyer and confirm the situation
      Send out the third email to request for product review or feedback
      Send out the forth email to let them know our latest promotion and obtain coupon)

      email delivery rate
      (across Amazon email system,it can block by amazon email system)

      Statistical data
      (How many % open the email,how many % click the link in email ...)

      If you have good idea on it.Please let me know the right product.Thank you in advance!
      @niggaplus - Google a site called Feedback Genius. That will do what you're seeking.

      Originally Posted by Wickwire View Post

      For those of you in ASM, how important is the SEO portion of the course for bringing outside traffic to your Amazon listing?

      For those of you who have mentioned your monthly numbers, what were your numbers before implementing the SEO tactics that ASM teaches? In other words, what were your numbers while relying completely on Amazon traffic? (i.e. Did your numbers peak at $10K/month within Amazon, and adding SEO took you to $30K/month, etc)
      @Wickwire - SEO is a very tough thing and just something I think they provide to help others get traction without having to pay for marketing right off the bat. Any successful business relays on advertising and not SEO.

      The best way to get traffic to your site and build a community of people is Facebook. You can do so much and leverage that so much to create a lot of traffic.

      I never focused on SEO. I did a few Press Releases for product. I didn't see any ROI and it is hard to track on what is working.

      Instead of doing SEO to your Amazon listing. You would want to do SEO on your own website, which would be better for you in the long term.

      Originally Posted by Titan86 View Post

      So it sounds like there's a lot more potential for market saturation than the ASM publishers want us to believe.
      @Titan86 - That is would not be true. Amazon is a global business and there is 7 billion people living on planet. is only for the (US) market. It is the largest, but China's economy is growing very fast is on the verge of becoming the largest economy.

      There is a - -
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      • Profile picture of the author perswealth
        Just thought i would put up my 2 cents, since i own the product and can
        ACTUALLY give an unbiased review (imagine that ; )) .

        But first, let me start with this; In terms of the opportunity, you hear alot of people chiming in that it will get saturated and there will be no money for the rest of the people that buy it now (and later on when they sell it again, and again, and again, and again, and, well, you get the idea). Make no mistake, this will be sold into the future, and how many times you ask? As many times as there is interest in buying the product. And they do a good job of selling it, so get used to seeing it sold several times a year for the foreseeable future.

        I actually don't have problem with them selling it a million times over, because in the end, this is what it boils down to:

        1) Some will get a refund within the first 30 days after they realize that it will be hard to make money within that time period. Some will, most won't.

        2) Most people that buy the course won't do a damn thing with it. That's just how it is with people buying "make money" products. They lie to themselves into thinking that "when they have the time", or "when the time is right", or "when they get that next bonus check" or (insert excuse here), then they will take action. In they end, they do nothing and they use the excuse as a reason to justify the non-action to make themselves feel better.

        3) The people that actually DO take action, fall into two categories:
        a) They realize that this is actual work (sorry to burst some people's bubbles). When they come to that reality, they lose interest and move on to something else.
        b) Actually start making some progress, but hit a snag in the process and give up because it gets "too hard". People want easy, and this is not easy (and i'm glad it's not. Weeds out the lazy who don't want to work.)

        4) Some will not get ANY results, or not enough to justify there time in working the opportunity. . They'll do what's in the course, and it just won't work for them, for whatever reason.

        5) That leaves a small percentage that actually do get results. But not 100k per month results. Maybe 1k per month, or even 2k. They will be happy with that and not want to work anymore to get the higher amounts.

        6) So what does that leave? The very small percentage that are hitting home runs, and continually wanting to grow the business. Those are the people that most talk about when they talk about saturation.

        But this is such a small percentage of the population of people that take not only ASM, but other Amazon courses out there.

        And add to the fact that there is not only millions of products on Amazon to take advantage of now, coupled with NEW products hitting Amazon on a weekly basis (don't you think that there will be thousands of new products listed on Amazon in the future to sell that are not on there now, with constant additions continually added into the future), that i find it IMPOSSIBLE that it could get saturated given the small amount of REAL competition (the money makers) hitting Amazon. Even if a hell of alot more serious people got into the game, there is still WAY too much opportunity (with more opportunity added into the future with more products hitting the market on a weekly basis). So sorry, i don't see it.

        Now with that being said, some will say, ok, maybe there will be plenty of opportunity, but not as good as it was before. And to that, i say, i agree. That's just reality coupled with common sense. More players in the game will make it more difficult then it was before.

        But so what? There will always be opportunity to make great money with Amazon, just not as easy as it was before. That's just the nature of great opportunities. People want to be a part of it, and competition comes in to get there piece of the pie. And the easy money goes away. But that's a good thing, because as i said before, it weeds out the lazy and unrealistic, and what's left are the serious players who work hard for there earnings and treat this as a business, and at the end of the day, those are the people that DESERVE the money.

        Ok, as to the opportunity itself. There are plusses and minuses to this course (as in any course) that people should be made aware of before they decide to plunk over $3500.

        First , the plusses:

        1) Course is laid out as a step by step course. They drip feed the content, which i know some people hate (might be a negative for some), but i didn't mind at all because i like to learn slow, and it forces you to work slow and do the tasks one at a time.

        2) The forum, as well as the facebook group (which you won't get access to until AFTER the money back guarantee period is over) are absolutely top notch, which is critical because of a negative that i will post in a little bit. There really are some great moderators that give there time and knowledge.

        3) As an add on to the forum (and facebook group), they have weekly webinars that go over that weeks worth of content where you can ask questions about what you are learning. They are recorded if you can't make it.

        4). The content is structured in an efficient way, meaning that they aren't all over the place in teaching how to do this to the point of confusing people. They teach the basics first, then move on to the more advanced stuff in the proper order. Very important to help people understand how to do this business.

        5) The badge system, meaning that after you work through the modules, there are badges that you earn for doing certain tasks. They range from setting up you seller central account, to earnings badges, and everything in between. I think that is a fantastic system for getting people motivated. I found myself feeling proud of the badges that i was accumulating, and want to add more. it's a great incentive system.

        6) Short, succinct, to the point video's that make it easy to learn the different steps, as opposed to one, long, 2 hour webinar that covers several topics (now this is the issue i have with "the Proven Amazon Course", although that was a good course as well).

        Maybe it's just me, but i get massive ADD when a video goes past a certain length. Like 30 minutes for me. I just start tuning out. Then I have to watch it again and again in order to get the jist of what they are explaining. And if i have to go over a certain topic again, i have to find it in that 2 hour webinar, which becomes cumbersome. Also, with these extended video's, there's usually a lot of chit chat that i don't particularly care for. Give me what i need, then end the video. Keep the jokes and small talk out of it.

        With short 5-10 minute video's that are labeled by topic (that only discuss THAT topic), it makes it easy to go over certain material that you want to cover. So ASM does a great job there...

        Ok, the not so good stuff.....

        1). A big part of the course has to do with shipping, and they teach a way of how to do the shipping. But the issue stems from what kind of shipping, overseas shipping or domestic shipping.

        Domestic shipping is pretty straightforward, and that is what they teach. Overseas shipping? Not so much, and they lack big time in the content category for this. They actually talk about it, but not near enough. There is a lot more to overseas shipping than meets the eye, and if you want to know how to do it right, you will need to rely on the forums, because the course itself doesn't talk too much about it. Most of the opportunities to buy products at wholesale are found overseas (as i found out), and there is a learning curve involved with that, and you are left on your own to figure out for the most part. I found that the majority of the questions on the forums centered around that, and if they just went more into the details of overseas shipping, that that wouldn't be the case. That's why the forums (and Facebook group) are so invaluable...

        2) Matt and Jason aren't as active as i would like them to be. They essentially show up every once in a while, which kind of annoys me, but i guess they have other things to do. Within the 30 day period is when I saw them most, but I guess that's how it goes

        3) Another big issue that is light on content is the issue of trademark infringement. Now this one actually scares me to no end. Here's how it goes;

        Given that we are private labeling products, there is a chance that those products that you try to PL are already owned by someone else. They legally own the product and no one is allowed to sell it but that owner, but it won't necessarily show in the resource that they give you (a website that will tell you if there are patents on products). This was brought up numerous times in the discussion forums and such, and in the end, the answer by ASM was, in order to truly find out, you will need to contact an attorney that can look it up for you. And the cost isn't cheap, i'll just say that straight up. In the thousands. An ASM member found that out the hard way after he was selling product and got a letter from the owner saying that he is infringing on the product and would need to cease selling it. The ASM member just bought a very large amount of inventory, and now has to scrap it. Money down the toilet. And as bad as that was for this member, i later found out that it could've been much worse. People who infringe on others products could pay as much as 3 times earnings (earnings of whatever you made on the product over a certain period of time). And given that the member said that they bought alot of inventory, i assume that they made decent money on the product (or else why buy alot), so as bad as it was for them, it could've been MUCH worse...

        4) It seems like they are going for the money grab, because before I took the course I believe I heard them mention that it would be updated as things change, but what i didn't realize is that it would be updated through a newsletter that they would be charging on a monthly basis ($97 per month). Now you DON'T have to buy this, but if you want the current information that isn't in the course, then you will have to. Also, they came out with a Facebook course to teach more people how to market on Facebook. So they are using paid mediums (newsletters and more courses) in order to update the course. I guess i shouldn't be upset about it, as I don't have anything against these guys trying to make a buck, but SHEESH!! You just took $3500 from me, and now you are trying to get even more? And all this within 5 months of me buying the course?? At least give me a little of that extra content for free for a full year before you start hitting me up for more money!

        5) Some of the best content (outside of the main course) comes from the Facebook group but, unfortunately, you only get access to this AFTER the money back guarantee period is over...

        I could go on and on, but i think i covered the main points that are important. As to whether i thought it was a good investment, i would say yes, i am happy with the course. There is good and bad, but that is the case with any course, but overall, it is solid. It would be BETTER if it delved more into resolving the negative stuff (like the above), but I guess you can't be perfect.
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        • Profile picture of the author panorama
          @perswealth, GREAT reply...I agree 100% with just about everything you said. I'd probably be a little more hard on them about the other products/services they have tried to sell after the fact. I've found tremendous value in ASM itself, but have personally felt that the newsletter and other offers were more about the money grab. I think they are honestly trying to deliver a lot of value, but are just falling short. I'd love to see more from them in terms of providing tips on how to grow my business (I'd gladly pay for it), but I don't think they've been able to *bottle it* in the same way they did with ASM.
          Comparison of Amazing Selling Machine & Other Private Label Alternatives (Updated April 2015)
          Copy Meets Design - Copywriting and design services exclusively for Amazon listings
          Phone/Text: 917-338-9644
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          • Profile picture of the author perswealth
            I agree Panorama,

            The first newsletter was ok, but the second one, not so much. I'd rather that they stick to business strategies and, like you said, how to grow a business. I don't care for the mindset stuff so much. I'm already a member in another group for those things (mindset and self help), so i don't need that in the ASM newsletter. Just stick to things concerning growing my Amazon business. I don't care about anything else. So i'll see if the next newsletter is up to snuff, and if it isn't, I'll probably cancel....
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      • Profile picture of the author bayking
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        • Profile picture of the author JamesBoyd
          This is the most accurate summary of the ASM3 opportunity I have read, my own experience confirms it

          Originally Posted by bayking View Post

          Over the last 1-2 years the competition for typical private "easy to source private label products" on has exploded. The last 6 months alone the competition has probably increased exponentially because of ASM. Not saying that there are no more opportunities out there, and there will of course always be new opportunities for "all-new products". Those who are first on the market will usually make a killing.

          Just beware. The low hanging fruits that were all over the place 1-2 years ago are few and few in between. Many products that one year ago had 1-2 decent private label sellers now have 10+ copy-paste ASMesr with listings who all look the same. Some sellers have changed their strategy due to the influx of ASMers, and the not so smart ones have gone out of business. Also, there are a ton of products on Amazon, but many are not suitable for basic private labeling.

          That said, the ASM course is still solid, but the opportunity is rapidly decreasing. Don´t expect epic success with "only" hard work and full dedication. If 10-20% had great or massive success with ASM1 (my guess), then I would expect that number to be more like 2-5% this time around, tops.

          Btw: There is also FBA in .jp .de .es. it. .fr .uk .cn, and amazon will probably keep expanding to new countries.

          Like others say, difficult to say a number but you are absolutely looking at thousands, not hundreds like they used to say in the ASM promotional material. There will always be additional cost and unexpected things happening. The more $ you have, the easier it gets of course.

          An example to overstate things. We do things the ASM-way from a marketing perspective, but we also spent $160k on producing one of our recent products. By that we eliminate possible competition from most other ASM-type sellers who basically only rely on excellent marketing.

          With more sellers good at marketing, the actual product(s) offered will be increasingly important. Much harder to get a unique product offer come to life with limited resources overseas and limited capital.

          Not saying the marketing aspects are not SUPER important, but they are relatively easy and cheap to get learn and get done. Basically you just do what ASM teaches you. Most of it common sense that surprisingly few sellers understood this just 1-2 years ago.

          The ASM promo material still states that "almost nobody else is doing it". Very true when they launched ASM1. Now I would call that bullxxxx.

          Having a better or different product/offer is the direction things are heading already. Everybody is learning how to drive traffic to nice looking, but also VERY similar, offers.

          My guess is that those with some creativity and decent resources to put together original and in-demand product offers will keep growing long-term.

          The "copy-paste just follow the system"-days are maybe not over just yet, but they should be soon. Time will tell how long ASM works for hard working people with limited resources who only follow the program with 100% devotion. Maybe two more ASM courses in the current format is my guess. After that they will need to come up with something new, maybe earlier than that.

          Like every new market, it gets more competitive over time. ASM has absolutely sped up the process.

          To answer the "should I sign up for ASM"-question:

          Depends on your brains, experience, dedication and perseverance. If you are even the least prone to give up or don´t have time to dedicate yourself completely, then don´t do it. There will also be real $ needed on top of the $3500. Don´t expect a walk in the park. ASM1 was likely a goldmine for many, or even most, who put their heart in it. I don´t expect ASM3 to be close to the same deal for many.
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  • Profile picture of the author MagicD
    James, are you implying there aren't people making money from this course/program, just out of interest?

    You have been around this thread for a while now, kinda confused about your motive.
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    • Profile picture of the author JamesBoyd
      Originally Posted by MagicD View Post

      James, are you implying there aren't people making money from this course/program, just out of interest?

      You have been around this thread for a while now, kinda confused about your motive.
      I've never said anything of the sort....

      There's a lot of people been around this thread for a long time...

      Just posting my comments since I did actually buy the course and I think people need some different perspective other than the heavy sales pitch
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9090976].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author MagicD
    Cool, no hard feels.

    I can probably count on my hand the amount of people either promoting this for the competing course also mentioned.

    Its a shame your experience has not lived up to the results others and I are having from this course.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ryan David
    While I don't think the opportunity for private labeling is drying up, there seems to be a big increase in competition in various categories and the front-runners are likely running away with bigger leads at this point.

    In theory, it sounds pretty easy to private label and, for the most part, it is not that difficult to find the product, create the listing, and get it shipped to amazon. But if you're selling kitchen ladles or whatever, sure, you can private label your own and own the listing. But there are (or seems to be) way more separate listings. So what's the difference between the front-runner that has 500 reviews and yours? So now you have the difficult task of getting traffic to those listings (and reviews) to get the ball moving.

    If you have a list that you can market that product to and send them directly to Amazon, this makes the job a whole heck of a lot easier. If you don't, then you probably need to low-ball your price or figure out a way to drive traffic to the listings. Once you start to get some sales/reviews going, you can slowly raise your price.

    "SEOing" your listing and doing stuff like press releases/videos are just a bunch of window dressing that don't do anything to drive sales. Selling more moves your product up the rankings within Amazon....don't think otherwise.

    I doubt that ASM is having a huge impact on the competition anyways because private labeling is just something that anyone selling on Amazon would figure out. I think ASM probably appeals to people with no experience on Amazon and they think of it as some sort of "secret". But if you're doing even small volume on Amazon, this should be a logical next step.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9091398].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author wizbiz
      Originally Posted by Ryan David View Post

      I doubt that ASM is having a huge impact on the competition anyways because private labeling is just something that anyone selling on Amazon would figure out. I think ASM probably appeals to people with no experience on Amazon and they think of it as some sort of "secret". But if you're doing even small volume on Amazon, this should be a logical next step.
      So you are saying that People will rather buy some Unknown Junk than Brand Name Product?
      You think JamesAndCO TV set will get more attention than Sony? Absurd.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9115302].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Ryan David
        Originally Posted by wizbiz View Post

        So you are saying that People will rather buy some Unknown Junk than Brand Name Product?
        You think JamesAndCO TV set will get more attention than Sony? Absurd.
        Not totally sure how you came up with this response based on what you quoted me, but whatever.

        But to answer your question, way to pick the most ridiculous example possible and paint the entire process with a broad brush. Maybe you can't sell TVs as private label, but just go ahead an pick the other 99% of things on Amazon and do it private label. Just because something is a "brand", doesn't mean it's a "brand name" to the general public. There are tons of products that are sold through big boxes, but nobody associates "Product x" with their name.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9116257].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author snakeyes37
      Originally Posted by Ryan David View Post

      While I don't think the opportunity for private labeling is drying up, there seems to be a big increase in competition in various categories and the front-runners are likely running away with bigger leads at this point.

      In theory, it sounds pretty easy to private label and, for the most part, it is not that difficult to find the product, create the listing, and get it shipped to amazon. But if you're selling kitchen ladles or whatever, sure, you can private label your own and own the listing. But there are (or seems to be) way more separate listings. So what's the difference between the front-runner that has 500 reviews and yours? So now you have the difficult task of getting traffic to those listings (and reviews) to get the ball moving.

      If you have a list that you can market that product to and send them directly to Amazon, this makes the job a whole heck of a lot easier. If you don't, then you probably need to low-ball your price or figure out a way to drive traffic to the listings. Once you start to get some sales/reviews going, you can slowly raise your price.

      "SEOing" your listing and doing stuff like press releases/videos are just a bunch of window dressing that don't do anything to drive sales. Selling more moves your product up the rankings within Amazon....don't think otherwise.

      I doubt that ASM is having a huge impact on the competition anyways because private labeling is just something that anyone selling on Amazon would figure out. I think ASM probably appeals to people with no experience on Amazon and they think of it as some sort of "secret". But if you're doing even small volume on Amazon, this should be a logical next step.
      So, how do you suggest getting eyeballs on your products if the methods you listed don't really work?

      You said selling more moves your product up the rankings. But how do you get your product to sell in the first place? You mean to tell me all you have to do is list your product on Amazon and it starts selling?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10039393].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author pauls_pad2002
        get your reviews up, then turn on ppc and optimize
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      • Profile picture of the author ZanyZebra
        Originally Posted by snakeyes37 View Post

        So, how do you suggest getting eyeballs on your products if the methods you listed don't really work?

        You said selling more moves your product up the rankings. But how do you get your product to sell in the first place? You mean to tell me all you have to do is list your product on Amazon and it starts selling?
        That's the $64,000 question.

        Luckily there is now an answer of real value. I've seen so many amazon sellers struggle very badly because of the lack of an intelligent ecommerce sales strategy, especially in the initial stages.

        Having experimented broadly (myself and those newcomers to ASM that i've coached) there is a distinct method that has proven to work, time and time again.

        If you don't yet have many sales then first action is to turn on amazon ads.

        Work out how to get yourself into one of the top three positions for the ad. This may mean over-bidding in the first instance but you will soon be able to judge ad price with ad position and reduce your ad cost. NB there is a 3 to 4 day time lag on the action you take on amazon ads and the relevant report data.

        Important, only use amazon ads after you have at least 10 reviews on your amazon listing, otherwise you will be spending money sending interested people to your listing but have no customer review credibility to facilitate sales. Your sales will be low and your ad-cost-per-sale very high.

        This will kick-off a negative vicious cycle when you really need to start a positive virtuous cycle.

        Even more important, your on-page listing conversion rate will be severely depressed. This, in turn, will be logged by amazon and cause them to lower you in their organic rankings.

        Once you have established good amazon ad results then turn on facebook ads. However there is a very specific way of advertising on facebook that works extremely well. Since the recent facebook changes many using facebook ads are doing it wrong and don't realise. I won't go into it in this posting.

        You can direct message me if you have any questions on all of this.

        Hope this helps a bit.

        Good luck with your venture.
        Want Straight Answers About ASM? (Amazing Selling Machine). Go To:
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  • Profile picture of the author MackAttack
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    • Profile picture of the author prospectsmine
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9118612].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author panorama
        Originally Posted by prospectsmine View Post

        If you state that the percentage is only 10% of those taking the course will succeed then why do they (ASM) refuse to give me an answer to that very same question. I am happy things worked out for you, but I have a hard time risking that kind of money not including product costs and fees on such a slim chance. Would you place your children in a school where only 10% graduated?
        I don't think there's any way for anyone (even them) to know the answer to that question. They certainly don't have any information on my business.
        Comparison of Amazing Selling Machine & Other Private Label Alternatives (Updated April 2015)
        Copy Meets Design - Copywriting and design services exclusively for Amazon listings
        Phone/Text: 917-338-9644
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        • Profile picture of the author andykoshy
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      • Profile picture of the author bayking
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        • Profile picture of the author Hannu
          Originally Posted by bayking View Post

          Also, the "new super secret free software" that they "gave away" was the biggest joke I have ever seen. The software claimed to give you estimated sales for top sellers in different categories. Some number were off by a factor of ten. I know because I am the only seller for one of those products.
          Thanks Bayking. You just confirmed my suspicions. Not saying the course is bad because haven't bought it, but it's sad to notice something which seems to be good goes beyond that by some hype software. That always remains some bad taste and start to think is there more hype to come you blindly believe in?
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9121888].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Ryan David
          Originally Posted by bayking View Post

          Pretty sure the number is (was) way higher than 10% for those who committed 110% to the course.
          Also, the "new super secret free software" that they "gave away" was the biggest joke I have ever seen. The software claimed to give you estimated sales for top sellers in different categories. Some number were off by a factor of ten. I know because I am the only seller for one of those products.
          I've seen those estimators out there and they are total BS, especially since there is a simple way to see exactly how many units someone sells in a given period of time. All people need to do is just use their brain a little bit and think it through.

          Most of what turns me off about the ASM boys is the marketing BS. They bragged on the callen webinar about all the success stories, even though the disclaimer at the bottom says most don't make any money. What is even funnier about the stats is that they show someone that showed their "Sales Summary" figures of $50K and says "Just made my first $50K in profit". Sales summary shows the total amount that Amazon charged, not even CLOSE to the amount that you end up with....and before product costs.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9123316].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Hannu
            Originally Posted by Ryan David View Post

            I've seen those estimators out there and they are total BS, especially since there is a simple way to see exactly how many units someone sells in a given period of time. All people need to do is just use their brain a little bit and think it through.
            Personally not familiar with Amazon, have just started to think that an option to sell goods. But what I've read so far about Amazon, Amazon does not reveal any info about the amount of sales, so could you tell how do you get hold of these numbers?
            Very interesting if there's a way to do that - it would help a lot.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9123579].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author ZanyZebra
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9124465].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author Ryan David
                Originally Posted by ZanyZebra View Post

                Hi Hannu, other than hacking amazon's databases, there is no way to tell how many amazon sales someone else has made. None.

                There have been a number of attempts to 'create' a method to do this. All have failed, miserably. There's also some way, by looking at data tucked away in a corner of the purchasing process (that is actually publicly viewable), that appear to show how many sales someone is doing, but these give false readings too.

                I know this for certain because, every time a new 'method' appears to track others' sales, a number of ASMers then test them by comparing against their own actual sales data. In other words they have the real data and compare against the data devised by the methods. They don't work and they don't work by a fairly large margin too.

                To repeat, there is no way to tell how many sales others have made.

                Anyone who has ASM questions you can get to me through the link under the visitor messages tab my profile. Over 75 warrior forum people have done so in the last 10 days and are now debating this and other major issues in depth with me and together.
                Wow. You sound very certain. I must be wrong, there must not be a way.
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9124570].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author ChrisWF
                  Why don't you tell us Ryan?

                  You can PM me if you prefer.


                  WAIT! Don't Buy The Expensive Amazon Course "Amazing Selling Machine" for $4K.
                  Start With The Proven Amazon Course First!

                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9124993].message }}
                  • Profile picture of the author Ryan David
                    Originally Posted by ChrisWF View Post

                    Why don't you tell us Ryan?

                    You can PM me if you prefer.

                    The reason that I brought that up is because it's an example of the benefits of starting to learn how to do something on your own. I think it is abundantly clear that PLing a product is the best way to sell on Amazon, there is no dispute there. And you know what you have to do! 1) Find product 2) Sell product 3) Get reviews

                    And there is just so much documentation on how to do those specific things! I just can't believe a newbie would drop $3500 on a product when they haven't attempted to find their own way. You'll learn so much more if you just go in that direction yourself. I don't believe for a second that you can actually be open/honest with the community members at ASM because they are your direct competitors.

                    If you follow a cookie cutter system, then you'll be lumped in there with the rest of those guys selling sleep masks and crystal balls. You might not even try to do something because you've been told that it's impossible!
                    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9125590].message }}
                    • Profile picture of the author MagicD
                      Originally Posted by Ryan David View Post

                      The reason that I brought that up is because it's an example of the benefits of starting to learn how to do something on your own. I think it is abundantly clear that PLing a product is the best way to sell on Amazon, there is no dispute there. And you know what you have to do! 1) Find product 2) Sell product 3) Get reviews

                      And there is just so much documentation on how to do those specific things! I just can't believe a newbie would drop $3500 on a product when they haven't attempted to find their own way. You'll learn so much more if you just go in that direction yourself. I don't believe for a second that you can actually be open/honest with the community members at ASM because they are your direct competitors.

                      If you follow a cookie cutter system, then you'll be lumped in there with the rest of those guys selling sleep masks and crystal balls. You might not even try to do something because you've been told that it's impossible!
                      I agree with some of what you are saying, which IS structured in the ASM area, and I quote "If you follow a cookie cutter system, then you'll be lumped in there with the rest of those guys selling sleep masks and crystal balls. You might not even try to do something because you've been told that it's impossible!" I agree with this statement.

                      However, this is very important to know. That is why it is so important to invest in with the RIGHT affiliate who can teach someone the right way (Just want to make it clear, that is not me, I am not affiliate of this program.) I decided to invest AGAIN through a top affiliate, just because of his bonus. Why, his new tools and the way he teaches, I am sure I can learn more to take my business to $300k a month. I am not going to post his name in here because I respect the a few other ASMers who are promoting this course.
                      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9126547].message }}
                      • Profile picture of the author andykoshy
                        Originally Posted by MagicD View Post

                        I agree with some of what you are saying, which IS structured in the ASM area, and I quote "If you follow a cookie cutter system, then you'll be lumped in there with the rest of those guys selling sleep masks and crystal balls. You might not even try to do something because you've been told that it's impossible!" I agree with this statement.

                        However, this is very important to know. That is why it is so important to invest in with the RIGHT affiliate who can teach someone the right way (Just want to make it clear, that is not me, I am not affiliate of this program.) I decided to invest AGAIN through a top affiliate, just because of his bonus. Why, his new tools and the way he teaches, I am sure I can learn more to take my business to $300k a month. I am not going to post his name in here because I respect the a few other ASMers who are promoting this course.
                        I've sent you a PM MagicD....had some questions....Cheers!!
                        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9127465].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author Stephanie L
                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9490581].message }}
                  • Profile picture of the author ChrisWF
                    Originally Posted by Stephanie L View Post

                    LOL. It's not that complicated to find the number of units sold, say, daily on just about any product. Ryan is right: just use your head and you'll figure it out.
                    Forget it Stephanie. There is no way for you to see my daily sales.
                    Things like add 999 to the cart and see how much Inventory is left do not work.


                    WAIT! Don't Buy The Expensive Amazon Course "Amazing Selling Machine" for $4K.
                    Start With The Proven Amazon Course First!

                    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9491745].message }}
                    • Profile picture of the author ZanyZebra
                      Originally Posted by ChrisWF View Post

                      Forget it Stephanie. There is no way for you to see my daily sales.
                      Things like add 999 to the cart and see how much Inventory is left do not work.

                      This is correct. Adding 999 to the amazon cart in order to try and 'see' how many items are left in stock do not work.

                      I know because i've tested it and had many of the ASM newbies that i coach test it too. It gives a false reading.
                      Want Straight Answers About ASM? (Amazing Selling Machine). Go To:

                      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10031205].message }}
                      • Profile picture of the author pauls_pad2002
                        there are software tools out there now where you can see the sales volumes anyway. zany is right though this is a good business. best decision i made. there is now only 1 day left to get in guys and if its what you wanna do i wouldn't waste much time it wont launch like this again.
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        • Profile picture of the author bigtyivier2k2
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          • Profile picture of the author JamesBoyd
            Originally Posted by bigtyivier2k2 View Post

            what is to stop other people such as the creators of ASM from seeing your products in their system and copying them if they see it's successful?
            fyi, it's actually very easy to see almost all the products being sold using the ASM system, and you don't even need to be in ASM
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9129011].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Ryan David
              Email - Sends kind of Autoresponder eMails to your Amazon Customers
              Tracking - Shows your Product Rankings
              Alliance - Get likes and links from different platforms. Very good.
              Promotion - Auto Backlink Tools for your Amazon Listings
              Press Release - Powerful PR Distribution System. Very good.
              Video - Powerful Video Upload Tool. Also very good.
              URL-Boost - Pinger? Tool for your Links and Backlinks
              Traffic Robot - Complete AutoBacklink System = Senukes little brother
              YouTube Mastery - Complete Course on how to do YouTube Videos and how to rank them
              Here is the list of tools that someone else posted in the thread during the last launch. To me, it looks like your typical SEO spam tools being marketed as Amazon tools. Maybe it's just me though?

              The only tool that is of any use is the Email tool that will allow you to automate follow-ups for reviews. Obviously, if you're starting out, you can do this manually until it gets to be totally overwhelming. After that, there are simple solutions that will automate it for you and they go for a small monthly fee.
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  • Profile picture of the author srober
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  • Profile picture of the author Duane Malanchuk
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    • Profile picture of the author MagicD
      Originally Posted by Duane Malanchuk View Post

      Its was a great presentation, but you need to overcome the competition...

      1.) You are competing with thousands of other distributors that are doing the same thing, not just the other sellers on the Amazing Sellers Machine
      2.) What keeps the supplier that is the bestseller on Amazon from dropping the price below your margins and now your stuck with 500 widgets you can not sell. Unless of course your that seller that has invested $100,000 and you are the one that has the 10,000 widgets
      3.) You need to beat the actual manufactures that may sell their own products on Amazon which your not going to do. So do lots of research
      4.) Most of the products on Amazon that I found were ranked down to 50-100 from #1 in any category on the bestsellers list that met the criteria for less that 500 reviews, so how much profit is really there? You do not know ...maybe Amazing Sellers is telling you in their program about the numbers, but your going to pay for that for the program that Amazing is selling you and also everyone else is getting the same data.
      5.) Remember Amazon takes a commission on what you sell and after you sell a certain number of products theres a Tax form 1099 you going to have to address.
      6.) I have sold on Amazon Fulfillment and with a good product that I have gotten at a good price but sometimes it does not really generate that much profit ..maybe 10%. Understand that on Amazon Fulfillment you pay lots of fees as as well as the commission and the cost to ship it to the Amazon warehouses
      8.) Amazon Prime just went up in price for the members that want the free shipping
      9.) As an example there was a item I recently sold that I got 40% off regular retail at cost- it was $18.00 but ,after amazon fees and commission as well as the the shipping that you pay for to send products to Amazon my profit was - 10% not really great for something I got below retail for 40% off. Do your research with Amazon Fulfillment the best way , is to get suppliers to ship it directly to Amazon , of course if you do not see the product that's another risk. Some would say 10% is great but thats only $1.80,which when you figure in fuel , it cost more for me to take it to the post office. Scaled Up - 500 Units x 1.80 = $900

      Of course I believe in success and I believe you can make money doing this, but know what your getting into, really figure the numbers and do lots of research

      Ebusiness Developments Inc.
      Just read this and my first thoughts are.
      1: You have not understand what this course is really about.
      2: I think you are confusing PL with wholesale business

      If one is buying from a brand and reselling the same product as a dropshipper or reseller distributor. The is NOT what this course is about. So I can see where you would get this numbers from. FYI
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9103682].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Duane Malanchuk
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9108920].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Ryan David
        Originally Posted by Duane Malanchuk View Post

        Its was a great presentation, but you need to overcome the competition...

        6.) I have sold on Amazon Fulfillment and with a good product that I have gotten at a good price but sometimes it does not really generate that much profit ..maybe 10%. Understand that on Amazon Fulfillment you pay lots of fees as as well as the commission and the cost to ship it to the Amazon warehouses
        This is the thing that bothers me most about how these courses are advertised. You see people saying "Oh, I sell this for $20 and it costs me $5 from China". Yeah, that's all well and good until you figure in the costs to get it to you, to package it, to ship it to amazon, to sell it on amazon, etc. And then you have the period where you are gaining traction; it's not like you just list and sell a ton of them right off the bat.

        Now once you have that product that has 100+ reviews averaging 4.5 or 5 stars, then you can really start pouring it on. But I suspect that most people don't have the mix of skills to actually get them to that place.
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  • Profile picture of the author bwgarr
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9109202].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Hannu
      Originally Posted by bwgarr View Post

      I don't know about the new course. I have gone through some of the Proven Amazon Course which was created by Jim Cockrum. Jim lives in my city, has a great reputation for giving back to the community and for being an honest online marketer. He does very well selling stuff on Amazon. The idea for this business is to source products that you can buy for 1/3 the price that you know will sell on Amazon. There is software you can get to help you make good buying decisions. And, it's a real business, so it takes work. Jim's sales page is not that fancy but the course looked good to me. It includes video training and webinar training all for only $247.
      Do you mean the software is included into the course of Jim Cockrum?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9122181].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Greg Jacobs
    Guys seriously, I know alot of people using ASM and they are taking home money to the bank and the funny thing is that they are all doing supplements and source easily from the USA. so while others spend months dealing with china and products, these guys get their pills within a few weeks get them up and focus on marketing. It is the secret that nobody is telling you.
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    • Profile picture of the author bayking
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9110046].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Ryan David
        Originally Posted by bayking View Post

        That got out with ASM1
        The promo video showed Matts graph from supplement sales

        An example, search amazon for garcinia cambogia
        Loaded with ASM sellers. Harder to hit those markets as a beginner today
        I would stay away from supplements personally. Just seems like something that could get you in trouble.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9110989].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author panorama
          I agree with can make a LOT of money with supplements, but I prefer to stay away for several reasons.

          For anyone still wondering about whether the course is worthwhile, I'd recommend you think about it like any other business opportunity...the business model is solid and opportunity still exists, but despite this, understand that some will be successful while others won't.

          Just as an example, compare it to a course that teaches you how to invest in real estate. I think it would be hard to say that there's no opportunity to make money, but you have to follow best practices and search out the right opportunities.

          As with the ASM business model, real estate investing is not something you couldn't do without training, but having guidance makes it easier and would likely improve your probability of success. Similarly, if you have access to a group of people utilizing the same business model, you can also learn a tremendous amount from your peers, and avoid some mistakes, as they share their experiences.

          Note: I've mentioned that I'm also an affiliate for the course several times throughout this thread, but for full disclosure, it's probably worth noting again since doors are opening again very soon.
          Comparison of Amazing Selling Machine & Other Private Label Alternatives (Updated April 2015)
          Copy Meets Design - Copywriting and design services exclusively for Amazon listings
          Phone/Text: 917-338-9644
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9111063].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Greg Jacobs
          Originally Posted by Ryan David View Post

          I would stay away from supplements personally. Just seems like something that could get you in trouble.
          Internet Marketing can also "get you in trouble" but we all still do it.
          the "trouble" part is when you are making outlandish claims about peoples health.

          The supplements "path" with ASM is not doing that. You are not reinventing the wheel. You are rather using a unique research system to find what people are already looking for and proven formulas and putting your own branding and marketing.

          The manufacturing is generally handled by legitimate US companies who handle the subtle legal aspects for you

          There are many pros and cons of selling supplements on Amazon, however "getting in trouble" is not one if you do things responsibly.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9111109].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Ryan David
            Originally Posted by Greg Jacobs View Post

            Internet Marketing can also "get you in trouble" but we all still do it.
            the "trouble" part is when you are making outlandish claims about peoples health.

            The supplements "path" with ASM is not doing that. You are not reinventing the wheel. You are rather using a unique research system to find what people are already looking for and proven formulas and putting your own branding and marketing.

            The manufacturing is generally handled by legitimate US companies who handle the subtle legal aspects for you

            There are many pros and cons of selling supplements on Amazon, however "getting in trouble" is not one if you do things responsibly.
            I don't know, I think the risk is greater when you're asking somebody to put something into their body.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9111315].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Greg Jacobs
              Originally Posted by Ryan David View Post

              I don't know, I think the risk is greater when you're asking somebody to put something into their body.
              Yes you are correct, and life is risky, so is going outside. And so is having products manufactured in China that could have lead paint.. do you see my point Ryan David. .

              But you are probably missing the point that all formulas are created by a manufacturing company and for the most part pre-approved. The risk is mitigated in this regards. You are more or less the middle-man/woman selling something that has already been sold to millions.

              Is there a risk?
              Yes of course

              Is there a risk that your umbrella made in China pops open the wrong way and pokes you in the eye?
              Yes of course

              do you get my point?

              so it is just a matter of being practical here and approaching things with a methodical viewpoint rather than blanket statements like "there is more risk"

              But it is obvious that you don't want to be convinced, you have made up your mind already and that is great so I am replying for the sake of other people that may be reading this thread.

              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9111372].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author Ryan David
                Originally Posted by Greg Jacobs View Post

                Yes you are correct, and life is risky, so is going outside. And so is having products manufactured in China that could have lead paint.. do you see my point Ryan David. .

                But you are probably missing the point that all formulas are created by a manufacturing company and for the most part pre-approved. The risk is mitigated in this regards. You are more or less the middle-man/woman selling something that has already been sold to millions.

                Is there a risk?
                Yes of course

                Is there a risk that your umbrella made in China pops open the wrong way and pokes you in the eye?
                Yes of course

                do you get my point?

                so it is just a matter of being practical here and approaching things with a methodical viewpoint rather than blanket statements like "there is more risk"

                But it is obvious that you don't want to be convinced, you have made up your mind already and that is great so I am replying for the sake of other people that may be reading this thread.

                Convinced of what? I never said that you shouldn't consider supplements if you see fit, I just said that I wouldn't sell them because the risk/reward isn't worth it to me.

                Sure, you're not manufacturing the product, but what are you talking about "pre-approved". By whom?

                I'm sure liability insurance is extremely expensive when you're talking about selling supplements to the masses. So what if you don't manufacture it? Haven't you ever heard of a shotgun lawsuit that names everyone and their brother?

                But probably doesn't matter to ASM folks because most of them probably don't even carry insurance anyways.
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9111715].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author Greg Jacobs
                  Originally Posted by Ryan David View Post

                  Convinced of what? I never said that you shouldn't consider supplements if you see fit, I just said that I wouldn't sell them because the risk/reward isn't worth it to me.

                  Sure, you're not manufacturing the product, but what are you talking about "pre-approved". By whom?

                  I'm sure liability insurance is extremely expensive when you're talking about selling supplements to the masses. So what if you don't manufacture it? Haven't you ever heard of a shotgun lawsuit that names everyone and their brother?

                  But probably doesn't matter to ASM folks because most of them probably don't even carry insurance anyways.
                  you are being completely off base and antagonist and fear mongering. I am not sure if it is even worth it to respond to you further.

                  have a great day.
                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9112497].message }}
                  • Profile picture of the author Ryan David
                    Originally Posted by Greg Jacobs View Post

                    you are being completely off base and antagonist and fear mongering. I am not sure if it is even worth it to respond to you further.

                    have a great day.
                    How so? Because I recommended a business carry the proper insurance. You price that insurance out based on selling umbrellas and selling supplements and, when the prices come back, you can tell me that supplements carry the same amount of risk.

                    Just because all businesses are "risky", doesn't mean they all carry the same level of risk.

                    And besides, like I said before, supplements might sell just fine. But I'd rather focus on a product(s) where the risk/reward (competitive risk, legal risk, legislative risk) is more appropriate.
                    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9113015].message }}
                    • Profile picture of the author TAZ87
                      3500 bucks...I knew it wasn't cheap with all the hype and emails I am getting. But 3.5k danggg!! well nothing to see here move on I guess. I wouldn't pay it even if I had it.good luck with it.

                      Looking for a JV partner to get my product launched. contact me here if interested!

                      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9113615].message }}
                      • Profile picture of the author cellcom
                        I just stumbled across this thread in a search result on google and felt I would add my "2 cents".

                        I am not an affiliate of the course but did purchase it after the last launch.

                        Like any product the promoters are "hyping" the product and are quite effective at doing so.

                        I can tell you that the course does train you how to successfully sell on amazon. It also will teach you a technique (no secret=private labeling or private branding) that will allow you to separate yourself from your competitors, and if done correctly allow you to charge more for your product than your competitors do, and thus make more profit.

                        This does however take time and investment.

                        My advice to anyone who is considering purchasing is this: If you are looking to build a long term business and have some time and money to invest, then this is a great course to teach you to do so.

                        If anyone has any questions before they invest in the course pleas PM me and I will be happy to answer them.
                        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9114202].message }}
                      • Profile picture of the author ZanyZebra
                        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9114203].message }}
                        • Profile picture of the author Barna
                          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9114267].message }}
                          • Profile picture of the author Nic Oliver
                            Originally Posted by Barna View Post

                            Why pay £3000 when You Tube and this forum is free it's a no brainer.People have even sold ebooks just cutting and pasting the info on WF.
                            Sure some of the videos on YT are crap but others are brilliant especially on amazon drop shipping and private label rights.Brilliant tuition can be found for free but you may have to take a few minutes to sort the wheat from the chaff.
                            Additiionaly if you get stuck the greatest free knowledgeable guru and website in the world is Google which is all knowing and powerful.Hail Google !
                            Firstly, show me where on Google you can get the software that comes as part of this course that helps to simplify and accelerate the path from initial investment to making a profit?

                            Secondly, show me anywhere on Google you'll find the kind of risk reversal that this program carries, if you go through the right affiliate?

                            Thirdly, would you rather have a number of false starts following the advice of self-appointed wannabe gurus who have never done it themselves but are rehashing other people's half-truths (alternatively, you could also choose to waste a lot of time on Google with no clear idea of what is wheat and what is chaff), or would you rather learn the most effective and efficient way of doing it from people who have been there and done it?

                            Finally, unless you have bought the product and have tried it, how can you comment on its value?
                            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9117489].message }}
                      • Profile picture of the author wizbiz
                        Originally Posted by TAZ87 View Post

                        3500 bucks...I knew it wasn't cheap with all the hype and emails I am getting. But 3.5k danggg!! well nothing to see here move on I guess. I wouldn't pay it even if I had it.good luck with it.
                        "1. Go to to
                        2. Find link: sell on amazon
                        3. Read instructions
                        4. Sell products on Amazon.

                        And I only charge $2,000.00! Your lucky day!"

                        Common people, The only Thing what Matters for Selling Products anywhere to be able to Beat ANY Competition By OFFERING Product at Lower Price than anybody Else. Not by creating funky images and Subject but by Offering LOWEST price, That's all It Matters. If I have Cheapest Price for Popular Product then I can compete with Anybody without all this Hype. It's all doesn't matter, Try to compete on Amazon when Alibaba Members selling their Stuff Directly on Amazon/Ebay how you going to beat them? If most Wholesalers now Selling directly as well. Good luck offering lower price then them. And This is the
                        ONLY thing what's Matter.. Be able to make a Profit AFTER all those Crazy fees like 20% + Shipping and all that..
                        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9115272].message }}
                        • Profile picture of the author bayking
                          Originally Posted by wizbiz View Post

                          Common people, The only Thing what Matters for Selling Products anywhere to be able to Beat ANY Competition By OFFERING Product at Lower Price than anybody Else. Not by creating funky images and Subject but by Offering LOWEST price, That's all It Matters. If I have Cheapest Price for Popular Product then I can compete with Anybody without all this Hype. It's all doesn't matter, Try to compete on Amazon when Alibaba Members selling their Stuff Directly on Amazon/Ebay how you going to beat them? If most Wholesalers now Selling directly as well. Good luck offering lower price then them. And This is the
                          ONLY thing what's Matter.. Be able to make a Profit AFTER all those Crazy fees like 20% + Shipping and all that..

                          Why do many here with NO experience from ASM-type Private labeling find such an urge to push their unsubstantiated theories....?

                          I recommend anybody coming here for an informed view not to just ignore anybody who does not have extensive experience from ASM or private labeling on Amazon.

                          Read my previous posts.

                          I have been running an amazon business more or less "the ASM way" for some years now. I actually started before Matt and Jason did, but their marketing learning curve has been way faster than mine. Still, my business did roughly than 5.5 million in PL sales last year, and I´ll beat that this year by 25-50% if nothing strange happens (but it often does, see below).

                          I signed up for ASM2 since I thought I would probably learn something new, and I absolutely did. Would be an idiot to think I knew everything just because I was already doing well.

                          Here are some more theories - this time from somebody who has actual real experience from this business model:

                          The influx of competition has made things a lot tougher over the last year.

                          No business is ever a walk in the park, but it will likely be 10x harder for ASM3 participants than it was for ASM1 participants. A small percentage will likely make it big, but I am also guessing some (or most) participants will not make their money back this time around.

                          I think ASM2 had thousands of participants and ASM3 will likely have more than ASM2.

                          They don´t tell you this in the promo videos, but those who start now get on relatively late.

                          The "nobody else is doing it"-statements in the promos you can forget!

                          You will see ASM-type sellers all over the place. For the "easiest to source and private label products" it is almost funny to see all sellers with with their close to identical wording, fonts, image-types, promos etc. (BEST seller, add to cart NOW!).

                          On top of all the small ASM sellers you have some medium sized and big sellers with serious resources who are also learning to do things the ASM way (again, it is a good way but it is hardly a secret anymore). An extra challenge to compete with sellers who don´t care if they drop $10k just to make a statement and have your product drop 90% of its sales.

                          Regarding the "they should make the course easier":
                          Again, I don´t promote ASM (to most here I absolutely say "don´t do it") but to me ASM2 was close to as good and clear as it could be. A great course with tons of useful material and very well structured.

                          The simple fact is that it is NOT easy to start and manage your own business, and it never will be.

                          Some people always expect to find that quick fix and/or easy way out where there will be no problems. Good luck in finding that.

                          As with every business, there are a million different unexpected things that can and will happen. You will always make some mistakes and more importantly there will be always be the very common "this makes absolutely no sense" amazon-issues, dirty play from competitors, idiot buyers, IP laws, liability issues, shipping problems, quality problems, dishonest suppliers, problems with outsourced labor, complicated taxes etc. etc.

                          Not possible for ASM to cover every possible aspect of any business.
                          Each business will always be unique even if they follow the exact ASM-steps.

                          The ASM forum seems like a good way to deal with non-typical problems though. I haven´t used it much but I know having others to discuss with has been a huge help for me over the last 3 years.

                          So, don´t pony up 3500 unless you are willing to devote yourself 100% to this, and have real cash on top of the $3500. ...and even if you do, there is a good chance that you will fail and/or got on board too late.
                          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9117076].message }}
                        • Profile picture of the author Nic Oliver
                          Originally Posted by wizbiz View Post


                          Common people, The only Thing what Matters for Selling Products anywhere to be able to Beat ANY Competition By OFFERING Product at Lower Price than anybody Else.
                          Sorry, you clearly have no understanding of business in general or retail in particular - if you did:

                          1. You'd know that nobody ever wins a price war. In the long term, not even the customers as price wars force businesses to close, reducing customer choice

                          2. You'd know that while some customers buy only on price, are attracted to "pile 'em high and sell 'em cheap", and have no brand loyalty, others will pay extra for added-value. Otherwise, why are there chains of supermarkets who sell only on price and others who do a thriving trade selling value?
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                • Profile picture of the author procapital
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                  • Profile picture of the author Josh Belanger
                    Originally Posted by procapital View Post

                    "I'm sure liability insurance is extremely expensive when you're talking about selling supplements to the masses"

                    Liabilty is not as expensive as you think, plus a good manufacture is already insured..
                    @procapital - Thanks for jumping in and telling this group that. I also sent you the videos you requested.
                    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9118190].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Josh Belanger
      Originally Posted by Greg Jacobs View Post

      Guys seriously, I know alot of people using ASM and they are taking home money to the bank and the funny thing is that they are all doing supplements and source easily from the USA. so while others spend months dealing with china and products, these guys get their pills within a few weeks get them up and focus on marketing. It is the secret that nobody is telling you.
      @Greg Jacobs - Might be a secret to you, but not to most. Doing a private label in the supplement space is very easy. Just type in "private label supplements" in google.

      Originally Posted by bayking View Post

      That got out with ASM1
      The promo video showed Matts graph from supplement sales

      An example, search amazon for garcinia cambogia
      Loaded with ASM sellers. Harder to hit those markets as a beginner today
      @bayking - From what I know, matt does make most of his sales from supplements. If not now, I know for sure. I'm not sure if that was the company he sold.

      A lot of ASMer's did jump into Garcinia Cambogia product because how popular it was. I know a few people that were doing 20K a month when they started selling it.

      The problem with others, is that they didn't have the capital to compete with getting inventory and also promoting. With a product like that, you know the user is going to use more. So the seller will likely get aggressive with reducing the price to hook them on the back-end.

      That is something a course is going to teach you, that is just understanding the market and competition.

      Competition is great.... you just need to know how to compete.

      Originally Posted by Ryan David View Post

      I would stay away from supplements personally. Just seems like something that could get you in trouble.
      Most say the same thing, but there is a lot of opportunity with it. The manufacturer of the supplements must carry insurance. A reputable distributor of supplements has to carry insurance that covers the distributor because they make the product.

      The liability fails on the manufacturer. However, that does not mean you can't be sued it will cost money to defend your side. That is in any business though. You can have a lawsuit filed against you for anything.

      Doesn't mean it's true or has legality, but it cost's money to defend your side.

      Originally Posted by neckrub View Post

      I am personally going to explore some of the other options mentioned in this thread. They make more sense to me and fit my circumstances better.
      Originally Posted by neckrub View Post

      Okay, this is going to sound really dumb, but thank you for pointing out that Amazon offers a lot of training for free on their own site.
      Amazon is going to be my next stop, and I encourage others to follow your suggestion.
      If someone doesn't have the willingness to take action and make a start right on the Amazon site, how willing are they going to be to follow through on a course that they just throw a lot of money at?
      @neckrub - I have a YouTube presentation walking through the 8 steps on getting started with selling a private label on Amazon. I'm also doing a hangout tomorrow, which I will answer any questions about selling on Amazon and my alternative training. Click on the Facebook icon under my name and you can sign up for the hangout there.

      Amazon does not shows you how to get your product on Amazon and is tough to understand at times. It will not teach you how to be successful with methods that others have used to build their product sales up.

      Anyone can learn, but you increase your chances of being successful with following specific information from methods that have worked before. That could be the difference of making it or not.

      @AliBaba54 - Glad to hear your success. Sounds like you would agree that you wish you would have had had more for your investment. That is what most have said in the past.

      That is why my thought was to just provide people an alternative and provide just the training and allow them to invest the other amount into inventory & marketing.

      That is why I stepped into the market and created another option that would just teach them and to get them started faster.
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  • Profile picture of the author JamesBoyd
    Buy the course, check it out, if you think it's worth it stay in, if not refund by day 29, it's really as simple as that
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  • Profile picture of the author AliBaba54
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  • Profile picture of the author NewParadigm
    Here is a way to open up to many more products with manufacturers that might not do private label, or have too high MOQ to get started.

    See if they'll do unlabeled product and ship you lower quantity if you need. No extra work on their part.

    Commercial photo quality label printers can be had for $1000 bucks now. Label your own stuff. Gives you flexibility on all kinds of print on demand labels for various products to avoid label setup charges and having to invest in label inventory. When a product volume gets established to hit MOQs, you can then go to pre printed labels and a manufacturer will take you on.

    In a moment of decision the best thing you can do is the right thing. The worst thing you can do is nothing. ~ Theodore Roosevelt

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  • Profile picture of the author Niteprowler
    Who said they want to help people ?

    When half of the money is going to affiliates... that's not money spent to help people. That's simply big bucks... huge bucks being spent to maximize sales... not help people.

    They could have priced it at half of the price, sold more units and likely still made a bundle... maybe close to what they'll make now considering that they would have still had affiliates running over each other at the chance to make a grand per sale... and more people could afford it.

    That's marketing... it's about the money. Always is and always will be.

    "The simple secret of the universe is that you create your own reality" - Edgar D. Mitchell

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  • Profile picture of the author Noel2010
    People are buying it so they will keep selling this course. I'm sure it helped some people.

    But there are other ways to get some of this information.

    I am glad that everyone gave their opinions. Those are very helpful in making up my mind.

    The weakness in many courses is they give very generic information about locating products to sell. Going to goodwill and flea markets? Really?

    Also, with Amazon selling, it's not about offering the cheapest price for a product. Check the feedback for those who are selling higher.
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    • Profile picture of the author ZanyZebra
      In fact, despite its renowned success, we stopped selling it... it has now been over 18 months since ASM was on the market. However, there may be a special one-off coming soon.
      Want Straight Answers About ASM? (Amazing Selling Machine). Go To:
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11031698].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author TheAdsenseGuy
    I bought Josh Belangers FBA private label course last week. Really good course. All the details of running this kind of business is in there. And all the tricks too. And this course was $800 not $4k like ASM.

    Tonight I was on Dori Friends presell ASM webinar. She had the creators of ASM on there. The funny thing was that they gave the whole method away on the webinar. LOL (I know this because I've already been through Josh's course and know all the details).

    So what are you going to get for $4k that wasn't in that webinar?

    They have tools but they are really not necessary to succeed with this. You can do these things manually. They have a private forum. That would be useful but not for $4k. Dori was giving away a bonus on how to rank your Amazon page in Google but i already know how to do that. Been doing SEO for a long time.

    I'm also on Zach Lee's list. He sent out 4 videos on how to do this and then an affiliate link to buy. But he gave away the whole process in his videos. Why would i buy this now from him or anyone?

    Anyway, all these affiliates for ASM are giving away the whole process including the details. Think their shooting themselves in the foot.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9116353].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author panorama
      Originally Posted by TheAdsenseGuy View Post

      I bought Josh Belangers FBA private label course last week. Really good course. All the details of running this kind of business is in there. And all the tricks too. And this course was $800 not $4k like ASM.

      Tonight I was on Dori Friends presell ASM webinar. She had the creators of ASM on there. The funny thing was that they gave the whole method away on the webinar. LOL

      So what are you going to get for $4k that wasn't in that webinar?

      They have tools but they are really not necessary to succeed with this. You can do these things manually. They have a private forum. That would be useful but not for $4k. Dori was giving away a bonus on how to rank your Amazon page in Google but i already know how to do that. Been doing SEO for a long time.

      I'm also on Zach Lee's list. He sent out 4 videos on how to do this and then an affiliate link to buy. But he gave away the whole process in his videos. Why would i buy this now from him or anyone?

      Anyway, all these affiliates for ASM are giving away the whole process including the details. Think their shooting themselves in the foot.
      I think you'd be surprised how much you don't know. I'd pay $4k in a heartbeat for the stuff I learned through the forums (outside of the official training). The reason the launch videos and affiliates are giving stuff away for free is because there's still tremendous value in the stuff they don't show.
      Comparison of Amazing Selling Machine & Other Private Label Alternatives (Updated April 2015)
      Copy Meets Design - Copywriting and design services exclusively for Amazon listings
      Phone/Text: 917-338-9644
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9116365].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author TheAdsenseGuy
        Originally Posted by panorama View Post

        I think you'd be surprised how much you don't know. I'd pay $4k in a heartbeat for the stuff I learned through the forums (outside of the official training). The reason the launch videos and affiliates are giving stuff away for free is because there's still tremendous value in the stuff they don't show.

        Could you provide an example or two of what you can learn in the forum?

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9116378].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author panorama
          Originally Posted by TheAdsenseGuy View Post

          Could you provide an example or two of what you can learn in the forum?

          It'd be hard to do that without giving anything away, but I'd say you benefit from collective knowledge. Someone comes up with an interesting idea, then others build on it. These ideas get tested by multiple people and you end up with pretty good evidence of what works and what doesn't.

          Of course, this is on top of the ability to ask specific questions as needed, which can directly save you time and/or money.
          Comparison of Amazing Selling Machine & Other Private Label Alternatives (Updated April 2015)
          Copy Meets Design - Copywriting and design services exclusively for Amazon listings
          Phone/Text: 917-338-9644
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9116389].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author ZanyZebra
            Originally Posted by panorama View Post

            It'd be hard to do that without giving anything away, but I'd say you benefit from collective knowledge. Someone comes up with an interesting idea, then others build on it. These ideas get tested by multiple people and you end up with pretty good evidence of what works and what doesn't.

            Of course, this is on top of the ability to ask specific questions as needed, which can directly save you time and/or money.
            Panorama is spot on. I'm on the inside of ASM and reaping the rewards of ASM community membership.

            The ASM community is priceless. It's like being part of the biggest, most focused, mastermind group ever. And the contributions are outstanding. People genuinely, and fully, sharing their amazon experiments, performance and experiences so that other may learn. These then get built upon by others, taking the whole thing to new heights of learning and results.

            ASM is ASM: top rate. ASM Community is ASM-on-steriods.

            I can guarantee you've never seen anything like it. Just keeping up with the volume of contributions is a difficult task in itself.

            If anybody has anything they want to know about ASM I will give you honest, straight, no-hype, no-BS answers. There are over 60 warrior forum people who have asked and received in the last 10 days. Many of them with multiple questions.

            You can can contact me via the link in the visitor message tab of my personal profile.
            Want Straight Answers About ASM? (Amazing Selling Machine). Go To:

            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9116833].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Josh Belanger
        Originally Posted by panorama View Post

        I think you'd be surprised how much you don't know. I'd pay $4k in a heartbeat for the stuff I learned through the forums (outside of the official training). The reason the launch videos and affiliates are giving stuff away for free is because there's still tremendous value in the stuff they don't show.
        @panorama - I know several people that are part of ASM. Can't say I know everything, but I know the stuff that is working with my network of people.

        Originally Posted by terex View Post

        Thanks to this forum, I didn't have to waste time on Amazing Selling Machine. It may work for some but not for me at this time.
        @Terex - Before throwing in the towel on the idea. I created a video on Youtube called "How To Sell On Amazon Using FBA". It's about 35 minutes and I provide a lot of insight on that.

        I also hosted a hangout called "Selling on Amazon & ASM Questions Hangout" that you will also find in my Youtube channel.

        I talk about the business model and my alternative to ASM.

        To get to those videos, just click on the YouTube icon under my name on the side here.

        Originally Posted by MagicD View Post

        I am very surprised by this comment made. #1 how do you compare value vs value of products? meaning, just because its cheaper its better? What a load of ......
        #2: for someone who has over 200+ comments in this forum, you seem as you have experience in IM, so I wont teach you how to suck eggs. They provided lots of value on the webinar to show people by doing the basic things ANYONE can make money in FBA, in addition to the training inside the course your results will go into overkill (positive).

        Sorry to sound like a doshe, I just want to lay it out.
        @MagicD - Great question!

        The people that have taken me up on my offer agree with my philosophy. I have never positioned what I have to offer as a cheaper version.

        What I provide I feel is better information wise. The price I'm offering it at is different. There are a few reasons why:

        - I don't have a live 3-day event
        - I don't provide any tools
        - I don't have a community

        That is where I don't provide value compared to ASM.

        My focus is getting someone started as fast as they want and getting sales. My philosophy is that the money they saved in comparison to ASM to my course, they use that money to invest into their product order and marketing.

        Not having enough money for inventory or marketing is one of the reasons why people don't make it. Investing into ASM and going to the 3-day event, getting product, marketing etc will cost a person to the tune of $7,500-$10,000.

        My clients would have $2700-$3500 available ready to take on an order and start building a community of buyers like I teach in my material while the product is on its way.

        With that capital they have, I feel they will increase their chances of success on Amazon and not get distracted with a community of people and getting sucked in reading the ASM forum.

        Here's the other cool thing - clients have instant access to all the videos & pdf's. I had two people join over the weekend. One has gone through all the material and now is identifying manufactures and the other had a product and got his product listing up with his inventory en route to FBA.

        He is starting to use his money to build a community of people right now.

        So value to value is only deemed on what another person is willing to pay and what they get out of it. That is not your decision to deem value for anyone.

        Originally Posted by Noel2010 View Post

        Based on the comments above, it's hard to decide to buy.

        But when one of the top email marketers, who is also well respected here, sent me emails about this, then I listen.

        His email was straight forward:

        " NOT buy Amazing Selling Machines today...‏ "

        and the next email did not mince any words:

        "epic DISASTER (Amazing Selling Machines)‏"

        That's all I need to know.
        @Neol2010 before you pull the trigger, I encourage you explore my option and my thoughts behind it.
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        • Profile picture of the author Pura Vida
          If anyone feels they need some hand holding in getting started and don't want to drop 4 large, order Jim Cockrum's 'Proven Amazon Course'. Send him a PM through the Warrior Forum and ask for the friends and family discount.
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        • Profile picture of the author ZanyZebra
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          • Profile picture of the author Josh Belanger
            Originally Posted by ZanyZebra View Post

            Hi Josh, I appreciate your posts in general. However, i'm sorry, it simply isn't true that you would probably need $7,500 for getting started in ASM.

            I joined ASM2 (after rejecting out of hand ASM1). My start-up costs were just over $1,000. Total. This included the product, shipping from China, branding and images. I have done exceedingly well on top of this.

            I also know other ASMers from the same intake who did their start up for around the same ball-park figure.

            Yes you need some capital for start up. But nothing like the amount you suggested.

            If anybody has anything they want to know about ASM I will give you honest, straight, no-hype, no-BS answers. There are over 60 warrior forum people who have asked and received in the last 10 days. Many of them with multiple questions. And many of them now talking to each other.

            You can can contact me via the link in the visitor message tab of my personal profile.
            @ZanyZebra - that is you, but I didn't say this was going to be for everyone.

            Well Let's break it down:

            ASM 4 payment plan = $4,000
            First inventory = $1,000 (average estimate)
            Sample products = $100 (average estimate)
            Graphic designer for label & logo & product images = $500
            Flying to ASM event = $500
            Room & board at event = $400
            Food = $200


            Incorporation = $400-$800
            Paid traffic = $500

            These are just lower end numbers. Sure you can probably cut corners and find cheaper ways that will likely cost you more in the future or in your time.

            That is good number to provide a guideline in estimated costs.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9118256].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author MagicD
              Josh, I am shocked!!

              is this what you are teaching people?

              ASM 4 payment plan = $4,000 (correct) or monthly $999 around about that price

              First inventory = $1,000 (average estimate) (correct. HOWEVER, I and a few others started with $200. The problem is, when we run out of stock we had to wait. That is the problem, but I didnt have that that amount of money. My cost $200

              Sample products = $100 (average estimate) (not quite true. 95% of my products are from USA, most of my suppliers sent out a sample for free. And even my other supplier who is outside the USA also sent me a sample for free. That is best case. Worst case, I agree with you. My cost $0

              Graphic designer for label & logo & product images = $500 - I am pretty sure 99 designs are much less than that. I for one, used fiverr and worked out perfectly to start with. My cost $200 - Reason for this some fiverr peps were hit an miss.
              Flying to ASM event = $500 (if one doesnt have the money - AGAIN - like it didnt, I watched the live stream. My cost $0
              Room & board at event = $400 - read above. My cost $0
              Food = $200 - read above. My cost $0


              Incorporation = $400-$800 - WFT- really, to start this?? I didnt! When starting one can operate as a sole proprietorship - no cost. When things start moving, over $15 a month, then create an LLC. This is not required. My cost $0
              Paid traffic = $500 - Yes. However, when I started, I didnt use it. I used free methods, which are explained in the course. My cost= $50
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9118288].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author Josh Belanger
                Originally Posted by panorama View Post


                Are you implying that you are getting information directly from ASM members and using that within the course you're selling?

                I know it's not uncommon in the IM business, but if that's what you're doing, I personally think its a pretty crappy thing to pitch your services over and over again on a thread about the course you've basically lifted the info from.

                Correct me if I'm wrong, but that's what it sounds like to me.

                @Panorama - No. That is what you take out of it and tried to spin it like. Pitching? If you considering on educating people and informing them on other choices before they take that big of step...... I guess I'm guilty.

                We all have opinions. I don't agree with everything you have said, but I'm not trying to call you out.

                I don't care what you think. If it wasn't for me, there wouldn't be another option for others to get started.

                Originally Posted by Magic View Post

                Josh, I am shocked!!

                is this what you are teaching people?

                ASM 4 payment plan = $4,000 (correct) or monthly $999 around about that price

                First inventory = $1,000 (average estimate) (correct. HOWEVER, I and a few others started with $200. The problem is, when we run out of stock we had to wait. That is the problem, but I didnt have that that amount of money. My cost $200

                Sample products = $100 (average estimate) (not quite true. 95% of my products are from USA, most of my suppliers sent out a sample for free. And even my other supplier who is outside the USA also sent me a sample for free. That is best case. Worst case, I agree with you. My cost $0

                Graphic designer for label & logo & product images = $500 - I am pretty sure 99 designs are much less than that. I for one, used fiverr and worked out perfectly to start with. My cost $200 - Reason for this some fiverr peps were hit an miss.
                Flying to ASM event = $500 (if one doesnt have the money - AGAIN - like it didnt, I watched the live stream. My cost $0
                Room & board at event = $400 - read above. My cost $0
                Food = $200 - read above. My cost $0


                Incorporation = $400-$800 - WFT- really, to start this?? I didnt! When starting one can operate as a sole proprietorship - no cost. When things start moving, over $15 a month, then create an LLC. This is not required. My cost $0
                Paid traffic = $500 - Yes. However, when I started, I didnt use it. I used free methods, which are explained in the course. My cost= $50
                @MagicD - That is so great that you didn't have to invest that much. That is why I said some of them are optional and "if" you do go to the event.

                I teach people how to build a real business the correct way. The option I provide allows them to invest more money into the meaningful things.

                Quite a few people take a few months to get started because they don't have the capital after the ASM investment into the course to get their first product.
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9118326].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author panorama
                  Originally Posted by Josh Belanger View Post

                  @Panorama - No. That is what you take out of it and tried to spin it like. Pitching? If you considering on educating people and informing them on other choices before they take that big of step...... I guess I'm guilty.

                  We all have opinions. I don't agree with everything you have said, but I'm not trying to call you out.

                  I don't care what you think. If it wasn't for me, there wouldn't be another option for others to get started.
                  I'm not trying to spin anything...that's what it appears like you're doing based on your comment. I asked you a direct question about it and gave you an opportunity to answer it.

                  Also, when you offer to educate and inform people about services are selling, then I absolutely consider that to be pitching.

                  Feel free to "call me out" on anything I've said. I've done my best to be 100% transparent and can stand by every single comment I've made in this thread.

                  I try to regularly remind people that I am an affiliate for the course so they can take that into consideration when making a decision, but at this point I'm basically maxed out my personal bonus offer, so I have no more incentive to get people to buy ASM through me as an affiliate.

                  In fact, I've had conversations with ZanyZebra and can tell he knows what he's talking about. I'm still happy to honestly answer any questions about the course, but if anyone is looking for a coach, I'd suggest they reach out to him because I'm maxed out. I regularly turn down private coaching offers (as much as $10k once) because I know I can make more money growing my own business.

                  My reputation means a lot to me, so I would encourage you to publicly call me out if you think I'm not being upfront about anything.
                  Comparison of Amazing Selling Machine & Other Private Label Alternatives (Updated April 2015)
                  Copy Meets Design - Copywriting and design services exclusively for Amazon listings
                  Phone/Text: 917-338-9644
                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9118378].message }}
                  • Profile picture of the author Josh Belanger
                    Originally Posted by panorama View Post

                    I'm not trying to spin anything...that's what it appears like you're doing based on your comment. I asked you a direct question about it and gave you an opportunity to answer it.

                    Also, when you offer to educate and inform people about services are selling, then I absolutely consider that to be pitching.

                    Feel free to "call me out" on anything I've said. I've done my best to be 100% transparent and can stand by every single comment I've made in this thread.

                    I try to regularly remind people that I am an affiliate for the course so they can take that into consideration when making a decision, but at this point I'm basically maxed out my personal bonus offer, so I have no more incentive to get people to buy ASM through me as an affiliate.

                    In fact, I've had conversations with ZanyZebra and can tell he knows what he's talking about. I'm still happy to honestly answer any questions about the course, but if anyone is looking for a coach, I'd suggest they reach out to him because I'm maxed out. I regularly turn down private coaching offers (as much as $10k once) because I know I can make more money growing my own business.

                    My reputation means a lot to me, so I would encourage you to publicly call me out if you think I'm not being upfront about anything.
                    @Panorama - The first word in my last response answered your question. No.

                    Not sure what the difference is on you reminding people that your an affiliate and me saying that I offer an alternative.

                    That's great, I wish you the best. Not sure what your issue is with me, but I plan on providing my insight and expertise to those that ask for it, if you don't like it..... oh well.
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                    • Profile picture of the author panorama
                      Originally Posted by Josh Belanger View Post

                      @Panorama - The first word in my last response answered your question. No.
                      I never said you didn't answer the question. You accused me of trying to spin your comment and I was just responding to that accusation by pointing out that I had just posed a question based on my interpretation.

                      Originally Posted by Josh Belanger View Post

                      Not sure what the difference is on you reminding people that your an affiliate and me saying that I offer an alternative.
                      I brought this up because of the following comment you made:

                      I don't agree with everything you have said, but I'm not trying to call you out.

                      Suggesting that you could "call me out" implies that I haven't been honest or upfront about something and you've held back in pointing it out. My response was intended to make it clear that I've tried to be 100% transparent about wasn't meant to be a direct comparison with you offering your services.

                      If my interpretation of your comment was incorrect, I apologize, but I'd like to understand what you meant by saying you're not trying to call me out.

                      Originally Posted by Josh Belanger View Post

                      That's great, I wish you the best. Not sure what your issue is with me, but I plan on providing my insight and expertise to those that ask for it, if you don't like it..... oh well.
                      I'm surprised it hasn't been clear to you as I've said it before. Similar to the same way I felt about Jordan Malik's interactions in this thread, I personally believe you haven't been honest for the sole purpose of making money for yourself. As an example, you continue to deny that you're been pitching your services under the guise of educating people, but your videos go right into a pitch for your own alternative course and you're using this thread as a vehicle for free advertising.

                      I haven't been the only one to notice this as it's been brought up by others in this thread.

                      I have no issue with you trying to make money...that's why we're all here. I just disagree with your practices.

                      In the end, my opinion is nothing more than words on a page, and I fully respect anyone's right to disagree with me. You're making an offer on a public forum, so much of the goal with my questions to you is really just to encourage full transparency so readers can make an informed decision. It's your choice to answer those questions with as much, or as little detail as you'd like.
                      Comparison of Amazing Selling Machine & Other Private Label Alternatives (Updated April 2015)
                      Copy Meets Design - Copywriting and design services exclusively for Amazon listings
                      Phone/Text: 917-338-9644
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        • Profile picture of the author panorama
          Originally Posted by Josh Belanger View Post

          @panorama - I know several people that are part of ASM. Can't say I know everything, but I know the stuff that is working with my network of people.

          Are you implying that you are getting information directly from ASM members and using that within the course you're selling?

          I know it's not uncommon in the IM business, but if that's what you're doing, I personally think its a pretty crappy thing to pitch your services over and over again on a thread about the course you've basically lifted the info from.

          Correct me if I'm wrong, but that's what it sounds like to me.
          Comparison of Amazing Selling Machine & Other Private Label Alternatives (Updated April 2015)
          Copy Meets Design - Copywriting and design services exclusively for Amazon listings
          Phone/Text: 917-338-9644
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    • Profile picture of the author MagicD
      Originally Posted by TheAdsenseGuy View Post

      I bought Josh Belangers FBA private label course last week. Really good course. All the details of running this kind of business is in there. And all the tricks too. And this course was $800 not $4k like ASM.

      Tonight I was on Dori Friends presell ASM webinar. She had the creators of ASM on there. The funny thing was that they gave the whole method away on the webinar. LOL (I know this because I've already been through Josh's course and know all the details).

      So what are you going to get for $4k that wasn't in that webinar?

      They have tools but they are really not necessary to succeed with this. You can do these things manually. They have a private forum. That would be useful but not for $4k. Dori was giving away a bonus on how to rank your Amazon page in Google but i already know how to do that. Been doing SEO for a long time.

      I'm also on Zach Lee's list. He sent out 4 videos on how to do this and then an affiliate link to buy. But he gave away the whole process in his videos. Why would i buy this now from him or anyone?

      Anyway, all these affiliates for ASM are giving away the whole process including the details. Think their shooting themselves in the foot.
      I am very surprised by this comment made. #1 how do you compare value vs value of products? meaning, just because its cheaper its better? What a load of ......
      #2: for someone who has over 200+ comments in this forum, you seem as you have experience in IM, so I wont teach you how to suck eggs. They provided lots of value on the webinar to show people by doing the basic things ANYONE can make money in FBA, in addition to the training inside the course your results will go into overkill (positive).

      Sorry to sound like a doshe, I just want to lay it out.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9116798].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Pura Vida pretty much summed up my thoughts. After watching all the pre-launch videos, I was like...what's left to know?

      I've already located 3-4 suppliers and have ordered samples. I've been researching shipping logistics, finer points of FBA, and liability insurance. This really isn't rocket science. Save the thousands they are charging for information and invest it into your inventory.

      A guy who drove an old Ford pickup his whole life figured out this stuff long ago...importing cheap goods and selling for a higher price. He opened thousands of stores. I should be able to figure out how to get a few products stocked and listed on Amazon. I've done extremely well in the past selling on eBay. FBA may have a few technical hurdles, but nothing anything a halfway intelligent person can't figure out pretty quickly.

      Originally Posted by TheAdsenseGuy View Post

      I bought Josh Belangers FBA private label course last week. Really good course. All the details of running this kind of business is in there. And all the tricks too. And this course was $800 not $4k like ASM.

      Tonight I was on Dori Friends presell ASM webinar. She had the creators of ASM on there. The funny thing was that they gave the whole method away on the webinar. LOL (I know this because I've already been through Josh's course and know all the details).

      So what are you going to get for $4k that wasn't in that webinar?

      They have tools but they are really not necessary to succeed with this. You can do these things manually. They have a private forum. That would be useful but not for $4k. Dori was giving away a bonus on how to rank your Amazon page in Google but i already know how to do that. Been doing SEO for a long time.

      I'm also on Zach Lee's list. He sent out 4 videos on how to do this and then an affiliate link to buy. But he gave away the whole process in his videos. Why would i buy this now from him or anyone?

      Anyway, all these affiliates for ASM are giving away the whole process including the details. Think their shooting themselves in the foot.
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  • Profile picture of the author terex
    Thanks to this forum, I didn't have to waste time on Amazing Selling Machine. It may work for some but not for me at this time.
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  • Profile picture of the author Noel2010
    Based on the comments above, it's hard to decide to buy.

    But when one of the top email marketers, who is also well respected here, sent me emails about this, then I listen.

    His email was straight forward:

    " NOT buy Amazing Selling Machines today...‏ "

    and the next email did not mince any words:

    "epic DISASTER (Amazing Selling Machines)‏"

    That's all I need to know.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ryan David
    The people talking about ASM remind me, very much, of the Stompernet community. I joined in 2006 when the price was $797/month and the place was a vibrant community. Stomperenet was focused on e-commerce and, at that time, the information was EXTREMELY limited about how you start/grow a store. So in a situation like that, you can really learn a lot to get you off and running.

    Here’s my opinion, if you are on a limited budget then you should just figure it out on your own. If you’re smart enough to make more and more money each month, then you’ll eventually get to the point where it will all make sense and you can make a go at private label (that’s what I did).

    If you have some money to waste, then maybe buy ASM and check it out. Personally, I STILL believe that you’re better off just starting off by selling SOMETHING in your house and then build your way up from there. I think the people that are successful with FBA would have been successful anyways; once they put their money to selling on FBA that is.

    But you know, I have a feeling that a lot of people can understand the Privatel Label process and still not really see the forest through the trees i.e. they just can’t think through the difference between a product that, in theory, works and one that REALLY works.

    My opinion is that a lot of ASMers probably just go to Alibaba and buy sleep masks and call it “Sleep Mask by JoePublic” and try to market it. As a result, there are millions of sleep masks sold by private label sellers. On the flip side, someone that is smart will look at a product that has competitors (but not too many), get the product, and then make improvements on what people don’t like.
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  • Profile picture of the author wizbiz
    To give some value back For fellow marketers who cannot afford the course here
    is some Great steps, Very straight forward. No not mine, NO I'm not affiliate
    Just some good Step-by-Step Guide: Step-by-Step Guide on How To Find A Profitable Product To Sell – StartupBros

    Good luck
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    • Profile picture of the author wtbjeb
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      • Profile picture of the author MagicD
        Originally Posted by wtbjeb View Post

        AMS is not for the tire kicker. Unless you have 10 grand and you are not afraid to lose it the AMS is not for you. Buy a course, buy several courses, go to Amazon and watch their videos, learn how to make $100 a day and then learn how to increase it. You can go to any department store, garage sales, estate sales, flea markets, thrift stores, book sales, dollar stores and thousands of websites to find things to make a profit on. Can you create a listing on Amazon? Can you get your own UPC number? Can you write copy? Do all of these, find a supplier and you have your own product to sell on Amazon. Next thing you know, you have 10 competitors cutting you price. If you know the ropes, the ropes can't trip you up. Crawl before you walk. Walk before you run. 10% of the people that buy the course are making money is a stretch, maybe 1% and this time next year that 1% will be gone. DANGER.
        That shows you have been away from the game a while. What are you talking about $10k?, that is incorrect statement. Maybe you started with $10k plus, but I certainly did NOT
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9119738].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Nic Oliver
        Originally Posted by wtbjeb View Post

        AMS is not for the tire kicker. Unless you have 10 grand and you are not afraid to lose it the AMS is not for you. Buy a course, buy several courses, go to Amazon and watch their videos, learn how to make $100 a day and then learn how to increase it. You can go to any department store, garage sales, estate sales, flea markets, thrift stores, book sales, dollar stores and thousands of websites to find things to make a profit on. Can you create a listing on Amazon? Can you get your own UPC number? Can you write copy? Do all of these, find a supplier and you have your own product to sell on Amazon. Next thing you know, you have 10 competitors cutting you price. If you know the ropes, the ropes can't trip you up. Crawl before you walk. Walk before you run. 10% of the people that buy the course are making money is a stretch, maybe 1% and this time next year that 1% will be gone. DANGER.
        1. Where's your proof, rather than rehashed runours, that it's a stretch that 10% of people buying the course will make a profit? I know 2 people who have done ASM; both are bringing in over $25k a month with over 40% margins - why? Because they took action! The converse is the reason no product or service offered here, or anywhere else, has high success rates - because the majority of people wont take action.

        Anyone who says otherwise is lying!

        2. "Can you write copy?"; "can you create a product listing?" "Can you find a supplier?" etc These questions apply to any business - ASM is not a magic silver bullet, or a shiny object. There are no quick fix solutions.

        ASM gives a blueprint for setting up a business on Amazon, written by 2 guys who have been there and done it - choose the right affiliate promoting that offer, and you'll thrive quickly.

        3. No business is for tire kickers - that's not how you build a business or make money.

        You also wrote earlier "Save your money. You can get a lot of one on one coaching for $3500."

        Firstly, yes you can, but most coaching offered in the make money online world is not worthy of the title "coaching". I have bought 7 coaching programs over the years, all from respectable IM names. 5 were rubbish.

        Secondly, the true cost of the course is about half that amount. So a better way of looking at it is whether you can find an affiliate who is promoting ASM, whose bonuses have a value of over $1800.

        The answer? You certainly can if you carry out due diligence! There is at least 1 affiliate whose bonuses are worth more that the total amount asked for, let alone the net price of the course (ie without affiliate commission)!
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      • Profile picture of the author ZanyZebra
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  • Profile picture of the author andykoshy
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    • Profile picture of the author Tooledyou
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      • Profile picture of the author wizbiz
        Originally Posted by Tooledyou View Post

        Agreed! You do have to keep listing, and listing! This is the reason I prefer Ebay over Amazon. As I stated above, one of my suppliers sells on Ebay and I sell their items at a higher price then they do on Ebay simply because I out title them. Their listings (some of them) don't even come up with mine.
        This is my biggest problem with Amazon. I listed 4 items that I simply could not find on amazon searching the image, title, and UPC code. As far as I know I was the only one with these items. But sure enough, not long after there were several people jumping on my listing dropping the price to making pennies. I wanted to reach through my computer and strangle them.
        I get being competitive, but what kind of fool drops the price by $10 at a time down to making $3. No one wins.
        This is the one major flaw with drop shipping on Amazon.
        As I said, I would like to add PL as well to what I do. But that is a steep price tag to start with. But it seems that is the way to sell with the Amazon platform. Going to explore other options to this path.
        But you are 100% correct in your comment Andy.
        Now I see somebody finally paining True picture here.! Happens to me all the time, Gang of "competition" keeps lowering prices, more likely buy some software, and cutting off any possible profit, and it's almost funny, as I take product from not only Wholesaler but I'm actually taking Closeout priced Items, So Unless they get source of Stolen goods, no way they can get it any cheaper than that. What is the point for such behavior? Not sure.
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  • Profile picture of the author sovannachuon
    The new price is $3,500. I just signed up. It looks pretty good. The community is very responsive and appear to be helping one another. Our first session will be on May 1st. Will keep everyone posted on my progress.
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  • Profile picture of the author Nic Oliver
    To make things simple:

    1.Amazon currently offers a good business model for those wanting to build a new business;

    2. Building a new business takes time and effort - if you're not prepared to invest those two, don't go anywhere near Amazon, let alone ASM or any other Amazon selling course!

    3. There are many paths to the same goal - ASM is just one of them.

    4. Before starting any business, do your due diligence. This is important - I reviewed a lot of programs and settled for ASM as I have a couple of friends who are using it 'successfully' (5 figure dollar turnover a month with around 45% margin after less than 6 months).

    Even so, I'm glad I did check the various options - there are some affiliates selling ASM offering bonuses that are so black hat they will get your Amazon account closed down.

    5. No course provider will give you success figures as very few people who buy products implement them. It's called "shelf development". People buy the product and leave it on the literal or metaphorical shelf!

    It's not a case of which product is cheaper -the important thing is which one generates greatest value. If you shop around, you'll find a major affiliate offering a full money back guarantee, not just of the course fee but of your stock and expenses, if you can't get it to work, as long as you have watched the first 4 videos and implemented their content. This speaks volumes for their belief in what they are offering.

    I've never seen such a great risk reversal scheme; nor have I seen anyone else so confident of their approach that they would back up their Amazon course with such a guarantee.

    If you invest $4,000 and it doesn't work, you are no worse off than you were before. If you buy a course for $499 and it doesn't work out for you, you are still out of pocket.

    As long as you can afford it, the focus should be on value, not price, as it should be in any business!
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  • Profile picture of the author Nic Oliver
    And perhaps I should add that in the UK, at least, I can put the cost of the course into my accounts as "education expenses" and get tax relief - is it the same in the USA?
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  • Profile picture of the author malia
    Also, the "new super secret free software" that they "gave away" was the biggest joke I have ever seen. The software claimed to give you estimated sales for top sellers in different categories. Some number were off by a factor of ten. I know because I am the only seller for one of those products.

    My dog could have created a better "guessing algorithm", literally.
    Thanks for confirming this. I've always felt their sales estimates (in that software) were BS, it's good to have someone give perspective on it.
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  • Profile picture of the author kpmedia
    This "Matt Clarke" clown is just a spammer.
    I never signed up for his stuff -- never even heard of him -- and my Yahoo account gets crap daily lately.

    Legit businesses don't need to send spam.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9121992].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Nic Oliver
      Originally Posted by kpmedia View Post

      This "Matt Clarke" clown is just a spammer.
      I never signed up for his stuff -- never even heard of him -- and my Yahoo account gets crap daily lately.

      Legit businesses don't need to send spam.

      "Just a spammer"? Really? I'd love to be called "just a spammer" if I'm as successful on Amazon as he is!

      Tell me, what's your success story with FBA and selling real products?

      Oh, and one person's "spam" is another person's direct marketing!
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  • Profile picture of the author samspade
    To be honest, there's really no harm in doing a test run. Many IMers today are not making any money that's why it's hard for them to launch a test on Amazon for a few hundred bucks. There's really no way to know if this product works or not. If it does work, then fine, just another avenue to earn more online. If it does not work, then it's just a few hundred bucks. Nothing to cry about. Like I said if you're truly making money online this should not be an issue. Don't knock off the product if you've not tried it out.

    You Too Can Make Money Online

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    • Profile picture of the author wizbiz
      Originally Posted by samspade View Post

      To be honest, there's really no harm in doing a test run. Many IMers today are not making any money that's why it's hard for them to launch a test on Amazon for a few hundred bucks. There's really no way to know if this product works or not. If it does work, then fine, just another avenue to earn more online. If it does not work, then it's just a few hundred bucks. Nothing to cry about. Like I said if you're truly making money online this should not be an issue. Don't knock off the product if you've not tried it out.
      Not sure how these guys Selling on Amazon, But by Testing, I have about 200 products/Items (at competitive prices) Listed on Amazon, maybe 1 sold for entire Year, So List the Item for Sale at Amazon obviously means Nothing. Not to say creating your own product first, that's a big guessing game, IMHO, would you ever sell a single piece? Maybe not.
      I'm Glad I just testing DropShip sort of thing, otherwise I'll be in loss like couple of K for the product alone.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9127208].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author MagicD
        Originally Posted by wizbiz View Post

        Not sure how these guys Selling on Amazon, But by Testing, I have about 200 products/Items (at competitive prices) Listed on Amazon, maybe 1 sold for entire Year, So List the Item for Sale at Amazon obviously means Nothing. Not to say creating your own product first, that's a big guessing game, IMHO, would you ever sell a single piece? Maybe not.
        I'm Glad I just testing DropShip sort of thing, otherwise I'll be in loss like couple of K for the product alone.
        Thanks for sharing for your opinion on this, but I totally disagree on it. All but one of my products are more expensive than my competitors, some even $20 more. Yes, some selling more than others, but that is how it is sometimes. My goal for every product I launch, is to sell 5 min a day with a 45% min profit margin, and follow the marketing information in ASM. So far it has worked.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9127267].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author wizbiz
          Originally Posted by MagicD View Post

          My goal for every product I launch, is to sell 5 min a day with a 45% min profit margin, and follow the marketing information in ASM. So far it has worked.
          That's not exactly my point, I'm saying looks like Some products just not showing up in search that's is why nothing selling. And by already paying 15% to Amazon in commissions I'm not feeling comfortable paying even more to promote my Amazon product, why do I need them then? How do I sell then If product no where to be found?
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9127393].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author JamesBoyd
    You have to laugh, I'm reading all these affiliate bonus offers for this course, they tell you how great it is, then tell you that you need their special bonus xyz and abc to be successful because it's not in the course
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  • Profile picture of the author petermyers
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  • Profile picture of the author dacoda digital
    Listening to a webinar now....Adam Coutts from Amazon FBA

    He helps new users in working with FBA


    This link is available later on 4/23/2014

    I have no affiliation with this.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9128219].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Ryan David
      Originally Posted by dacoda digital View Post

      Listening to a webinar now....Adam Coutts from Amazon FBA

      He helps new users in working with FBA


      This link is available later on 4/23/2014

      I have no affiliation with this.
      I like Dan thies and Leslie Rohde, but that's a total joke right there. Amazon employs sales reps to sign-up people on FBA and their other services. If you have a website, you've probably been contacted by them in the past.

      The one that signed me up was able to walk through some technical questions I had during the process, but I am assuming this is supposed to combat the ASM launch. I don't know, but a rep only becomes important when you're close to sending some stuff into the warehouse.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9128293].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author ChrisWF
        @Ryan David

        > other than hacking amazon's databases, there is no way to tell
        > how many amazon sales someone else has made. None.

        I thought you were talking about this.
        How do you get sales numbers.


        WAIT! Don't Buy The Expensive Amazon Course "Amazing Selling Machine" for $4K.
        Start With The Proven Amazon Course First!

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9128405].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Ryan David
          Originally Posted by ChrisWF View Post

          @Ryan David

          > other than hacking amazon's databases, there is no way to tell
          > how many amazon sales someone else has made. None.

          I thought you were talking about this.
          How do you get sales numbers.

          I say something, next thing you know there is a WSO selling the tip for $5. Like I said, you sell on amazon, you will figure it out. Start selling on amazon and making something happen.
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  • Profile picture of the author andy mac
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  • Profile picture of the author bigtyivier2k2
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    • Profile picture of the author MagicD
      Originally Posted by bigtyivier2k2 View Post

      I heard that press release distribution tools are useless because your pr gets sent to crappy pr 0 sites. I heard the only real way to do press releases it with sites like prweb and press release monkey.

      ALSO I just noticed the ASM tools are only licensed for 1 year. That's ridiculous to pay so much and only have tool access for one year.
      This is my opinion on the matter, take it as a pinch of salt if you must. To use services as you have mentioned prweb or monkey every month your fees would be in the between $3k - $5k for one year service. Also email service tool, video submission, link indexing will be additional cost. In total you could be looking at over $5k just to do this on your own, plus if you were to jump on a cheaper course option using the same PLing. If you dont believe me, check out the prices for services yourself i.e prweb or PR monkey, 1 press release a month for each product. Video submission tool, link booster/indexer, backlinker tool.

      I am not saying these tools are the best in the business, far from it. However, it does the job to get people making money VERY QUICKLY. Once you are making money (if you started the program on a budget) then move to other tools outside of ASM. When I got the course, to be fair I WASNT a BIG fan of the tools. But my wallet could only stretch to the course and inventory. now I have capital, I only use certain ASM tools for a few matters, everything else is outside paid tools.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9129824].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author rashamba
        Would you say at this point PR's (like to PRWeb) are even worth doing? I know that is a big push from ASM, but do they move your Amazon sales and rank or is it just for Google purposes?

        Originally Posted by MagicD View Post

        This is my opinion on the matter, take it as a pinch of salt if you must. To use services as you have mentioned prweb or monkey every month your fees would be in the between $3k - $5k for one year service. Also email service tool, video submission, link indexing will be additional cost. In total you could be looking at over $5k just to do this on your own, plus if you were to jump on a cheaper course option using the same PLing. If you dont believe me, check out the prices for services yourself i.e prweb or PR monkey, 1 press release a month for each product. Video submission tool, link booster/indexer, backlinker tool.

        I am not saying these tools are the best in the business, far from it. However, it does the job to get people making money VERY QUICKLY. Once you are making money (if you started the program on a budget) then move to other tools outside of ASM. When I got the course, to be fair I WASNT a BIG fan of the tools. But my wallet could only stretch to the course and inventory. now I have capital, I only use certain ASM tools for a few matters, everything else is outside paid tools.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9130024].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Josh Belanger
          Originally Posted by rashamba View Post

          Would you say at this point PR's (like to PRWeb) are even worth doing? I know that is a big push from ASM, but do they move your Amazon sales and rank or is it just for Google purposes?
          @rashamba - If it's comes to be $300 for PR or $300 to spend on Facebook to target interested people, I would go with Facebook.

          If you have a budget, every little thing can help. However, I would wait to you have a website. I don't know if people will buy your product from a PR. It's made to bring attention and hopefully some other media coverage.

          Originally Posted by bigtyivier2k2 View Post

          I heard that press release distribution tools are useless because your pr gets sent to crappy pr 0 sites. I heard the only real way to do press releases it with sites like prweb and press release monkey.

          ALSO I just noticed the ASM tools are only licensed for 1 year. That's ridiculous to pay so much and only have tool access for one year.
          @bigtyivier2k2 - I answered your question about this here I was part of ASM program about a year ago.

          A smart advised business has to define the duration to avoid any legal issues in the future if something happens to them or if they have have to do an update that will costs money to developers.

          Any person or business that says you have "lifetime" access doesn't understand the legal issues or cost. If they do, they might have something in fine print that that you're not seeing.
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      • Profile picture of the author Ryan David
        Originally Posted by MagicD View Post

        This is my opinion on the matter, take it as a pinch of salt if you must. To use services as you have mentioned prweb or monkey every month your fees would be in the between $3k - $5k for one year service. Also email service tool, video submission, link indexing will be additional cost. In total you could be looking at over $5k just to do this on your own, plus if you were to jump on a cheaper course option using the same PLing. If you dont believe me, check out the prices for services yourself i.e prweb or PR monkey, 1 press release a month for each product. Video submission tool, link booster/indexer, backlinker tool.

        I am not saying these tools are the best in the business, far from it. However, it does the job to get people making money VERY QUICKLY. Once you are making money (if you started the program on a budget) then move to other tools outside of ASM. When I got the course, to be fair I WASNT a BIG fan of the tools. But my wallet could only stretch to the course and inventory. now I have capital, I only use certain ASM tools for a few matters, everything else is outside paid tools.
        There are a lot of flaws to this reasoning, but I'll start with the obvious ones.

        1) Ever since 2011, I think it's pretty obvious that press releases, automated backlink schemes, and article submitters are pretty much useless.
        2) Even if press releases did have some value, do you really think you're getting "PRWEB" quality distribution? I think it's more on par with "$7 WSO press release submission software" distribution.
        3) This is all based on the premise that being found in the SERPS will be a major factor in Amazon sales. I don't know, but I don't find many Amazon products by looking in the SERPS. I just go to amazon and type in the product name.

        Even if this was all possible and you could increase rankings by using all these tools, why are you bothering pushing up Amazon's pages? Why not just create your own sites and rank those for product keywords? I SUSPECT that the product creators will say that it's because Amazon has better loyalty and higher conversions. But I think the reality is that they know that you are not able to track the amount of sales that come from the SERPS>Amazon, so they can really say whatever they want.
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        • Profile picture of the author MagicD
          Originally Posted by Ryan David View Post

          There are a lot of flaws to this reasoning, but I'll start with the obvious ones.

          1) Ever since 2011, I think it's pretty obvious that press releases, automated backlink schemes, and article submitters are pretty much useless.
          2) Even if press releases did have some value, do you really think you're getting "PRWEB" quality distribution? I think it's more on par with "$7 WSO press release submission software" distribution.
          3) This is all based on the premise that being found in the SERPS will be a major factor in Amazon sales. I don't know, but I don't find many Amazon products by looking in the SERPS. I just go to amazon and type in the product name.

          Even if this was all possible and you could increase rankings by using all these tools, why are you bothering pushing up Amazon's pages? Why not just create your own sites and rank those for product keywords? I SUSPECT that the product creators will say that it's because Amazon has better loyalty and higher conversions. But I think the reality is that they know that you are not able to track the amount of sales that come from the SERPS>Amazon, so they can really say whatever they want.
          SEO In it self is a long topic and one I do not tend to get into. All I can say, AND confirm from my products. Backlinking works for both google and Amazon. You make a perfect point " Why not just create your own sites and rank those for product keywords?" think about what you have said...? let me ask you this, how much does google love Amazon? if you search a product name, I am pretty sure Amazon will be in the top 5 for most if not ALL. For someone of your know-how, I am sure you would know ranking an Amazon page is 3times, 4 times even 10 times easier than ranking a website page. I am sure someone here can confirm what I have just said.

          Regarding PRs, I didnt say I use PRweb, I was just confirming what someone else mentioned. I do use PR services but more high quality and high price ones now. With that being said, PR DO work, how do I know? One of my products were featured on a well know popular site in USA and the traffic to my product was massive and I also created an optin for another PR to test (that is another topic of conversion). It does depend on the distribution network one uses. Which is why I dont use PRweb, but it is a starting point. Personally any type of PR service that promotes serps increase I would stay away from. But as I said, starting with ASM tool is a starting point on budget.

          If anyone thinks PR is useless they need their head checked. Furthermore, 95% of my products are one the first page of google, however the one snag is, this does not guarantee sales.

          Ryan you seem like someone who knows a lot about FBA and Amazon, but not too much about SEO and the rest. If you do my apologies. Reading your reply when you say things like "think" makes my wonder.

          I am not an expert, but I do a lot of testing to know all the methods you and I have mentioned, DO in fact work. However it depends on the service one uses. I would not use a $7 WSO PR service. HOWEVER, I would use a $7 backlinking service to my Amazon page.

          Sorry if I come across rude, I just wanted to sate the facts, most of your reply is incorrect. Most people dont know how to blacklink and use services correctly, they are the ones shouting out "it dont work".
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          • Profile picture of the author Ryan David
            Originally Posted by MagicD View Post

            SEO In it self is a long topic and one I do not tend to get into. All I can say, AND confirm from my products. Backlinking works for both google and Amazon. You make a perfect point " Why not just create your own sites and rank those for product keywords?" think about what you have said...? let me ask you this, how much does google love Amazon? if you search a product name, I am pretty sure Amazon will be in the top 5 for most if not ALL. For someone of your know-how, I am sure you would know ranking an Amazon page is 3times, 4 times even 10 times easier than ranking a website page. I am sure someone here can confirm what I have just said.

            Regarding PRs, I didnt say I use PRweb, I was just confirming what someone else mentioned. I do use PR services but more high quality and high price ones now. With that being said, PR DO work, how do I know? One of my products were featured on a well know popular site in USA and the traffic to my product was massive and I also created an optin for another PR to test (that is another topic of conversion). It does depend on the distribution network one uses. Which is why I dont use PRweb, but it is a starting point. Personally any type of PR service that promotes serps increase I would stay away from. But as I said, starting with ASM tool is a starting point on budget.

            If anyone thinks PR is useless they need their head checked. Furthermore, 95% of my products are one the first page of google, however the one snag is, this does not guarantee sales.

            Ryan you seem like someone who knows a lot about FBA and Amazon, but not too much about SEO and the rest. If you do my apologies. Reading your reply when you say things like "think" makes my wonder.

            I am not an expert, but I do a lot of testing to know all the methods you and I have mentioned, DO in fact work. However it depends on the service one uses. I would not use a $7 WSO PR service. HOWEVER, I would use a $7 backlinking service to my Amazon page.

            Sorry if I come across rude, I just wanted to sate the facts, most of your reply is incorrect. Most people dont know how to blacklink and use services correctly, they are the ones shouting out "it dont work".
            Well, to be frank, I think I know a decent amount about SEO. I've been doing this since 2005 and have generated millions in sales from organic traffic. I also know that "trickery" that used to work in 2010 doesn't work today. I stand by my statement that tools like this are simply re-purposing old software that they can't sell as "SEO Software" anymore. Instead, they call it "Amazon Software" and expect everyone to fawn all over it. Of course, backlinks still work, but crappy push-button backlinks don't.

            I do think it's funny that you think my points aren't valid because I'm using the word "think". I'm not arrogant enough to assume I have all the answers and proclaim my words as gospel.

            Furthermore, I'm not sure how you can TEST (as you say) the results of those pages and how it is affecting your Amazon sales; that was the point I made above. How can you properly test when you can't see where your referrals are coming from? Amazon would know where the sale came from, but you wouldn't.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9132250].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author MagicD
              Originally Posted by Ryan David View Post

              Well, to be frank, I think I know a decent amount about SEO. I've been doing this since 2005 and have generated millions in sales from organic traffic. I also know that "trickery" that used to work in 2010 doesn't work today. I stand by my statement that tools like this are simply re-purposing old software that they can't sell as "SEO Software" anymore. Instead, they call it "Amazon Software" and expect everyone to fawn all over it. Of course, backlinks still work, but crappy push-button backlinks don't.

              I do think it's funny that you think my points aren't valid because I'm using the word "think". I'm not arrogant enough to assume I have all the answers and proclaim my words as gospel.

              Furthermore, I'm not sure how you can TEST (as you say) the results of those pages and how it is affecting your Amazon sales; that was the point I made above. How can you properly test when you can't see where your referrals are coming from? Amazon would know where the sale came from, but you wouldn't.
              You seem to know your stuff then. We have very different opinions of things. To give you an example, I am pretty sure you would against Snuke software as it is a spam too, yes and no. To someone who doesnt know how to build authority backlinks will say it doesnt work and its a spam.

              I personally have people use these tools to rank 95% of all my Amazon listings in google and other search engines without any problems whatsoever.

              So you ask how do I test. If I were to ask you, from one Amazon product listing, how many pages could you rank? Gather from your post above you would say one.

              in fact that would be incorrect, you would have one for your listing, next review page, then each review posted CAN all be ranked in a search engine, so there are other pages one can rank off our listing (but that is for another conversion within ASM). If you dont think so. Copy any review and paste it in google with quotes and I am sure the review will show up in google, unless it is not index yet.

              Ok, you can test this out yourself and use this, I think I have given WAY to much information already in this thread. But, I have even ranked a review page in google to test Amazon authority, and it worked. When I say review, not "reviews" page.

              There are so many other pages one can rank in google that we own on Amazon.

              My thoughts on blasting out links to Amazon listing do in fact work, whether you or anyone else likes to disbelieve it. I shouldnt say blast, but build authority links using the ASM tool or any type of link building software.

              apologies to the affiliates promoting ASM if I have given away to much information on marketing.
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              • Profile picture of the author nubchai
                As you look at the various FBA courses out there, I think it's wise to remember that Amazon is pretty unforgiving when it comes to gaming the system. So if you see a course that talks about getting you only 5 star reviews for your product, or having secret software that will blast your product to the top of your Amazon niche, think long and hard about the consequences. If you're serious about FBA, I'd avoid anything that might put your Amazon account at risk. They're not blind and they have algorithms that track volume and other stats.
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                • Profile picture of the author ChrisWF
                  The ASM Course has nothing to do with "Gaming the System".
                  There are no black hat or grey hat techniques involved.

                  This simply is a great course on how to do sell on Amazon and building a real business out of it.

                  WAIT! Don't Buy The Expensive Amazon Course "Amazing Selling Machine" for $4K.
                  Start With The Proven Amazon Course First!

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                  • Profile picture of the author JamesBoyd
                    Originally Posted by ChrisWF View Post

                    The ASM Course has nothing to do with "Gaming the System". There are no black hat or grey hat techniques involved.
                    Maybe true, but some of the bonuses been offered by affiliates would certainly fit that description
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  • Profile picture of the author JamesBoyd
    I'm guessing another 1500 have joined this time round
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    • Profile picture of the author Nic Oliver
      Originally Posted by JamesBoyd View Post

      I'm guessing another 1500 have joined this time round
      Hugely out on those figures - Rapid Crush have sold over 1300 alone, because of their incredible guarantee/risk reversal!

      A lot of people have seen the quality of ASM, based on the results of the first 2 launches, and want to make money on Amazon through a quality course.
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  • Profile picture of the author barryny
    I think the hardest part to being successful using this formula is picking the products.
    The FREE videos and reviews thrown around by everyone - well, you basically got the full course right there...
    Now go and do what they said and try to find a good product.
    After spending 2-3 hours and seeing all the top ranked products are either major brand names or are listed as "sold by Amazon" themselves - you'll see the uphill battle you've got in front of you.
    To spend $3500-$4000 for a course that provides little extra (than all the free info already given) other than the right to chat with other people - seems nuts...
    The few people that claim to be big winners with $100k/month REVENUES - what's their net on that $100k (are they just giving stuff away to make the claim) and how many are actually doing it??
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  • I have the course and I do value the information that I'm getting BUT they should have been honest and told the people upfront that they will need to some extra $ to get it working.

    You can do this even if your a newbie but you need some startup money to get going. People should use their brain when they see all these bonuses thrown in their inbox. DONT FALL FOR IT it's just money in their pocket!

    And LOL at the people complaining that they have to invest in websites, designing labels, videos and such. Your trying to get a business/brand of the ground. If you think that paying 3k for a course and expecting 100k in return ..... then better stay with your day job

    "A budget tells us what we can't afford, but it doesn't keep us from buying it"

    William Feather

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    • Profile picture of the author barryny
      I have reviewed this course from their Fall 2013 launch. I got it...well...I didn't need to pay... BUT - Had I paid for it - I would be LIVID about the price/value.

      Is there information included? YES. Is it worth the money, IMO - NO.

      You would be better off spending maybe up to $500 for some of the better information courses/mentoring available and using that remainder ($3500) to actually get started in building your business.

      I am not a wannabe. I have sold over 2500 units online (both EBay/my website) of an imported niche product that I developed and branded in the course of the last 2 years. The hardest part of this game is figuring out the product and getting the best supplier for the best landed price. Everything else is relatively straight forward. And as long as you can "buy right" for a relatively decent product - you most likely will never suffer a loss on your inventory...

      If it was so easy to be successful - everyone would be doing it. Of the 1,000's that will shell out the money for this course I believe MOST will NEVER even recoup their initial investment in the course. They throw around the astounding sales results of a few individuals, including one of the promotors - if it's too good to be true...well...

      If they themselves truly believe their own hype about how easy it is to do this - How about they offer a full 1 year unconditional money back guarantee for the price of the course if you don't make at least your costs back. Cause it may actually take that long for MOST people to recoup their $4k investment...if they ever do.

      I'm sure the few scammers out there that would ask for a refund (after achieving success) would be outweighed by the vast majority of decent people who would be happy to have the promoters keep the cost of the course if they became successful...

      Originally Posted by KristofVanoverbeek View Post

      I have the course and I do value the information that I'm getting BUT they should have been honest and told the people upfront that they will need to some extra $ to get it working.

      You can do this even if your a newbie but you need some startup money to get going. People should use their brain when they see all these bonuses thrown in their inbox. DONT FALL FOR IT it's just money in their pocket!

      And LOL at the people complaining that they have to invest in websites, designing labels, videos and such. Your trying to get a business/brand of the ground. If you think that paying 3k for a course and expecting 100k in return ..... then better stay with your day job
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9151938].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author cabenb
      Now that's what I call common sense! LOL!
      Install our Brand New FREE Fast Discount Finder Chrome Extension It will find you the best discounts on Amazon on the fly!
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  • Profile picture of the author barryny
    You have achieved a very good goal - you are actually selling a product at a profit. For that I congratulate you.

    In order to control your destiny, you'll need a proprietary product - that is what these courses are trying to teach...find a market and make a private label product, do better marketing and you will sell...

    So, since you've already learned how to sell - the next secret is buying for the right price which will enhance your margins. If you buy for the right price - you have a very small chance of getting stuck. For example, if you are buying your own product for $10 landed and selling it for $24.95, then if all else fails and demand dries up or competition jumps in - you can always drop down to $15 sales price and still recoup everything after all costs.

    You should parlay the DS profits into developing your own brand. There's no law stopping you from doing both...and since drop shipping is so hands off with no inventory risk - why get out of that channel?
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    • Profile picture of the author Tooledyou
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9156128].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Trevorjc
        Originally Posted by Tooledyou View Post

        Thank you for the response.

        That is what I wanted to hear!
        My only fear is after putting in all that time learning, finding a good product, and selling it correctly, is that the product will be a failure.
        But as long as I do it correctly, It should work! But I also have no problem breaking even and getting a great learning experience in the process if it did not work on the first go around. Then I would just tray again.
        And you are correct! I don't think I would give up the drop shipping. Not at first anyway. My thought was the same as yours. Use the DS to pay for all of it!
        I would need to literally go on a listing frenzy before I looked into FBA. A good 2 or 300 more items listed. Then go into the FBA. I cant do both at the same time. Filling orders with DS is the fast and easy part. Listing and finding products is what is time consuming. With a full time job and doing DS about 20hrs a week on top of that... I would have to stop listing for a few months and just keep the few hundred DS listings I have so I could dedicate myself to FBA.
        I think I'll go for it!

        Thanks again!
        If you have a product you currently dropship that is doing well could you not look at private labeling a similar product?
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        • Profile picture of the author Tooledyou
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          • Profile picture of the author younglite
            Originally Posted by Tooledyou View Post

            I have thought about that.
            Amazon is aggravating me at the moment...They noticed and lowered the price so low it took me out of contention.
            This is exactly why private label is key. If you own it, Amazon can't compete with you unless you allow them to.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9192517].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Tooledyou
              Originally Posted by younglite View Post

              This is exactly why private label is key. If you own it, Amazon can't compete with you unless you allow them to.

              Or you can just buy some UPC codes and create listings for the product as I have done.
              Normally I would not do that because of their lower price. But they are still out of stock. So it is worth it.
              Here is something I don't understand. Is there not supposed to be only one UPC code for every item for sale in the world?

              But I certainly can't argue with your point.
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9195758].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author bmrev
                Originally Posted by Tooledyou View Post


                Or you can just buy some UPC codes and create listings for the product as I have done.
                Normally I would not do that because of their lower price. But they are still out of stock. So it is worth it.
                Here is something I don't understand. Is there not supposed to be only one UPC code for every item for sale in the world?

                But I certainly can't argue with your point.
                Regarding buying multiple UPCs - while you can do this, it is a trick that Amazon does not condone, and whenever they find such duplicates they combine them
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            • Profile picture of the author cfarm
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              • Profile picture of the author Tooledyou
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              • Profile picture of the author jordanmalik

                THANK YOU for posting this. All the unneeded hype over private labeling has fueled the thought that it's the only way to make a 5- to 6-digit (or higher) income on Amazon. Your testimony (very similar to how I got started selling on Amazon) is just more proof there several other methods to do so.

                Very well-written, too.

                Thanks again,


                Originally Posted by cfarm View Post

                Disclosure: I'm an FBA seller coming up on 2 yr anniversary since started. Looking to hit about $500k gross sales this year. I bootstrapped my business literally from books, CDs and DVDs that I had laying around the house and I piled up for a garage sale. For the first 6-9 mos I trolled garage, estate sales, flea markets and thrift stores. With a small percentage of retail arbitrage. Got the basics of the biz from a $7 info product when I started. Do a lot of liquidation products these days, including grocery. Collectible toys have been a mainstay for a long time with 1,000+% margins fairly routine.(not a typo)

                Private label is no panacea. While you own a product with your name on it, it's unlikely, unless you are doing big, big numbers, that you have an exclusive with the factory overseas who manufacture it. Someone can locate your supplier, put their name on it and if they are better at marketing, your days are numbered. Or at a minimum your market share will get a major slice taken out of it.

                Don't get me wrong, I like the private label concept and I'm pursuing a few right now. But don't bluff yourself that it makes you in any way immune. You'll have a lot of capital at risk if you're trying to be a player. Unless you have something patented or have locked up the factory, someone can pre-empt you. I have opportunities sitting on my desk where for $250k I can legally push a major sporting goods brand right out of the factory they have their product built in and next week have my brand name on it. It's that easy.

                As for those who complain they sell product only to find themselves undercut by Amazon down the road, welcome to the cutthroat nature of retail. There's a reason I sell a TON of OOP collectible toys. Because not everyone can source them. Beyond that you just have to buy cheap. I sell head to head with Amazon on several items and I can still make 100+% ROI selling cheaper than they can. It's all in the sourcing.

                I know nothing about the ASM program, but I'm guessing what it mostly would teach me above my current skill set is SEO and PPC type promotion for private label products. You can get that methodology down from any number of other IM products and apply it to physical products. ASM is just bundling it all nicely. Where I think they will suffer in the PR down the road is many people buying in thinking it's close to push button or hands off and you can succeed. I work HARD to make my sales numbers and I don't buy into anyone selling or even implying that just anyone can make those big sales figures with little effort. If you sign up for the program, be prepared to EARN it, or save yourself the frustration up front.

                The Amazon model works. But it's not push button and it's not for con artists looking to cut corners. In their corporate world, the customer comes first and you as the seller are a very distant second in importance. Go into it with that fact and eyes wide open. You're asking for trouble otherwise. Policy violations = account closures and the appeal process has a very low success rate.

                Not a fan of the go deep philosophy they seem to promote. I prefer a wide offering of products. That way if something tanks your risk is spread. We have over 5k SKUs in our inventory. All built up in that 2 year window with sweat and a lot of scrounging. But it's honest money.

                I've stumbled across Walter's book before, but didn't pick it up. Now back on my radar. Thanks for that.

                -Jordan 'J.B' Malik /
                > Learn Importing for FREE on our live webinar (We're giving away prizes)
                > FREE Private Label Workshop - LIVE

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    • Profile picture of the author Importexport
      Originally Posted by barryny View Post

      You have achieved a very good goal - you are actually selling a product at a profit. For that I congratulate you.

      In order to control your destiny, you'll need a proprietary product - that is what these courses are trying to teach...find a market and make a private label product, do better marketing and you will sell...

      So, since you've already learned how to sell - the next secret is buying for the right price which will enhance your margins. If you buy for the right price - you have a very small chance of getting stuck. For example, if you are buying your own product for $10 landed and selling it for $24.95, then if all else fails and demand dries up or competition jumps in - you can always drop down to $15 sales price and still recoup everything after all costs.

      You should parlay the DS profits into developing your own brand. There's no law stopping you from doing both...and since drop shipping is so hands off with no inventory risk - why get out of that channel?
      This is something I have taught hundreds of people. Buying at the right price eliminates a lot of the risks.

      I am not allowed to make earnings claims, but I can quote what others have posted on the forum about their own experience. One of my students wrote about buying an item ex China for $1, with packaging another $1 he sold the product for $25.

      Another wrote about the amazing prices you can get from genuine manufacturers: "I have contacted some manufacturers already (from links he supplies) and I am just shocked at the low prices they offer for products I am researching. Forget Alibaba, Global Resource, whatever......"

      If you want to read his complete comments, check out the thread:
      ebook about import from China
      Use emotions and perceptions to build a great brand. Ask me about my book LabelsThatExploit. For safe sourcing and easy importing from 41 countries globally, see
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  • Profile picture of the author adcnet
    I have 10 years experience in ecommerce and selling on Amazon since 2003. This is where I am currently {I didn't need the course}

    I used the Free Videos they released last year actually sourced a high selling product got the logo done on Fiverr used Alibaba found a great chinese company and have a good contact now for lots of future products.

    My Experience for any of you wanting to do this: (not in order just brain dump)

    - use the FBA calculator to deterimine costs/profits very easy

    - get them to make sure import fee's are cleared in China and UK/US (I had some products stopped in china which cost me an exta $250 to clear)

    - I ask my china contact to use their shipping company of choice (in my case FedEx) cost me $1500 from china to UK! {5days I opted for though) you can go cheapo and do 30 days (I'm still in for £3 profit per item after all fee's)

    - backwards and forwards with slightly broken english on Skype and email making sure logo and colours are correct this took about 4 weeks I'd say

    - waiting for product to be made about 6-8 weeks depending how busy they are

    - setting up FBA is pretty hard at first I ended up using their import CSV and with my knowledge it still took 2-3 days to get it how they wanted it (overall took 2 weeks to get the data right and book it in with FBA UK) - you need to be patient at this stage most will give up I think.

    - you have to create a shipping plan then upload this with correct details on and Amazon are unforgiving should you mess up your item quantity {took about 20 uploads}

    - you then need to download their FBA booking form and fill this in detailing the courier you are using and your details also choosing the correct fullfiment centre (Amazon for some reason ended up changing mine in the admin panel!

    - took a few emails back and forth to make sure they were happy with the booking form another 3 days

    - you also need to send the Amazon delivery details (which are very strict) to your courier I sent this to my china contact and they sent it on to FedEx

    - buy an ASIN/EAN google it I got mine for £5 {I only needed one}

    - took 3 months in total and delivery was good they emailed me a picture of my products from the fullfillment centre to make sure they were mine coming in and about 3 days later the stock was showing on my seller panel

    - ok so now the hardest part getting it seen this it like doing SEO on google which I do for a living so I started the on-slaught on the product page

    - I read the Amazon best guide to optimisation which was basically use separate keywords optimise the title and make sure you have a very good description

    - I had a review style 500 word copy done using 5 keywords main + LSI then I chopped to suit Amazon and stuck that in description

    - I have paid for about 1000 SENuke / GSA links then tweeted to 58k followers - paid for a Review and asking friends to buy it to get more reviews

    - Press Release needs to be done thats on the todo list

    - I purchased my own product arrived nicely packaged then I had professional photos taken. 10 in total used 9 on Amazon the max you can use

    - will get video done at some stage when sales are going steady

    - treated the page like an Article I'm doing SEO on using all the same tactics proper on page SEO and in the bullet point using Call to Action and HUGE Benefits

    - I am currently sitting on page 7 for main keywords / other keywords about page 5 to 9 this is now out of my hands which I hate not knowing how long it will take to move up. I guess I need more reviews and sales but thats the hard part when you are not being found!

    - Pricing I set inline with the current Best Seller / one thing I wasnt expecting was that the consumer must spend over £10 to get my item sent FREE! well time will tell If I messed up on that one but I think enough people use Prime and Amazon are pushing this on TV ads now.

    - I want to rank the product page on Google 1st page which I will keep pushing by building links to it (I can see others on the first page so I know this is very doable with time)

    - I am yet to turn on the "sell in other countries" - I'm know this will sky rocket sales once I do

    - I think I will end up ranking on Google before I get on page 1 for the main search term on Amazon but thats up to Amazon I guess

    - this is not a set and forget business you need to keep pushing I am going to build links weekly and keep trying to get people to buy it using as many Marketing techniques as possible - Social, SEO, Articles you have to treat it like a proper business not just trust Amazon to sell it for you or you will FAIL>>>>> {contrary to what I think ASM might tell people}

    - remember Amazon get things wrong their system is sometimes painful {confusing} but I somehow make it easier by just testing also you will deal with real idiots on the phone and via email (dont expect this to be easy because its not but this is for money right so work hard and be determined and you might just start making a passive income well ish on Amazon)

    This stuff works I've done it before I will keep doing it as I love it - dive in go for it and learn that all you need to do!

    Good luck peeps
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    • Profile picture of the author Travis Ball
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      • Profile picture of the author bmrev
        Originally Posted by Travis Ball View Post

        Hey Everyone,

        First and foremost, thank you to everyone who has contributed to this thread. It took me a ton of time to go through everything from the beginning, but I've learned a ton about Amazon, FBA, ASM, PL, and other acronyms...

        Specific thanks to JamesBoyd and Ryan Davis for their thorough responses that don't necessarily trash or hype anything, but give what appear to be the most balanced viewpoints I've seen in the mix.

        Also, thank you to Josh Belanger, Bayking, and Nic Oliver for your thoughts. To Panorama, ChrisWF and MagicD - thanks for you views from inside the program, even if they sometimes did boarder a bit on being a little to gung ho in support.

        Lastly, thanks to Perswealth for your great review in post #610

        Not having any experience what-so-ever with Amazon, and only very limited experience with putting a small number of items up for auction on Ebay back in the day, this program was of high interest and came along at the right time for me.

        I've been looking to get into a business model that is focused in the online world for location independence and is ripe for automation after doing the work on the front end to get things set up. This seemed to hit all the right buttons so I went ahead an signed up after a brief review to make sure that the 30-day refund looked legitimate. It wasn't until after joining up that I spent the time going through this entire thread.

        While I've seen the warrior forum before in other research I've done in other arenas, this thread was what led me to create an account and make this post. I'd love to ask a few questions and get updates from a few people.

        Q: Where did Tiger1 go? He gave a couple updates after joining ASM1 but I'd love to hear how things look a year later.

        Q: Panorama - you said you might recommend against it ASM3 (post #535) Why?

        Q: Panorama - You said that there is lots of value in the forums. Do you know if we (as new users in ASM3) gain access to old forum posts (from ASM 1 & 2) once those modules open up? Or are we in our own little forum universe with just our group of ASM3 peeps? (regarding post #657)

        Q: How relevant is the information in the 2nd half of the course for someone new to Amazon vs the first half? Seeing the posts about how the level of information drops off after the refund date has me a little concerned.

        Q: Ryan David stated in post #478:

        I'd love to get some elaboration on the term "generic" used here and elsewhere. Are these branded items? A few examples would be great (no need to use real-world examples in order to project your products).


        For anyone else just getting started, here's a few things I've noted that interested me from the many posts contained in this thread:

        - I should have shopped around for my affiliate. However, I should learn something about marketing and traffic through the one I went through. Will know to do so next time some big course like this comes along.

        - I could have done without the whole "Jordan Malik" debate that takes place in the middle of this thread. Just skip over all this stuff and save yourself some time if you're going through all of it like I did.

        - There are a few people in the thread who need to take a step back and not get so offended. The thread is here to give people an idea of whether or not the course is right for them. There's a lot of great material in here, but also a ton of stuff that has no value and is more pissing match than informative.

        My major take away from everything (thanks again to Ryan Davis) is the following:

        As someone just entering this arena, I should have:

        1) spent time with Amazon's own training and forums; get a few small products listed and go through the process. Learn by doing.

        2) Once I have a handle on basics, if I feel I need to learn something, head over to Jim Cockrum's course and start with that. This will cover 80-95% of what I'd learn at ASM for a fraction of the cost allowing me to put the money I'd otherwise spend into inventory, etc.

        3) Once I've had some success, then I might seek out the ASM course as something that would supplement the knowledge I've already built up. As Panorama said, the course added to his own knowledge and experience so it was worth it for him at that time.

        Since I've already purchased the ASM course, I will go through the steps and put the work in. I will have to evaluate the value of staying with the course as we get close to the 30 day mark and see if it is worth the spend for me. If so, I'll keep with it. If not, I'll refer to steps 1-3 above, albeit with the experience I will have learned throughout the first 20-30 days of the ASM process.

        I don't need to be an epic success as Bayking points out in Post #565. I would just like to be moderately successful and make about $1,000 - $2000 a month using these systems. Anything more than that would be great, but let's just get to a point where I can cover food and rent first. It would be nice to see a few more people targeting middle of the road instead of massive pay days or just writing it off entirely without much support.

        Again, any other advice for the newbie would be greatly appreciated.

        Apologies for the long post, but there was a lot in the thread to respond to.

        Thanks all!

        - T

        As someone who joined during ASM1 and who is still not where he wanted to be (I'm only making $1000-$1500 a month after expenses right now, though I am of course working on changing that) I'd advise you to stay - IF you can afford the cost of the course (meaning that if after 6 months have gone by you still are not "making it" because you are stuck at some point or simply taking your time, you won't be in any financial trouble) AND you have several thousands spare you can spend on inventory (yes it's possible to start with far less, and you might end up needing far less, but this gives you greater freedom in your product choice).
        This IS the real thing. No they don't teach you everything, no they are not perfect, but between what they teach you, the methodology they make you go through and (most importantly imo) the community, there is nothing like this out there that I have encountered.
        While nothing is perfect, to say the FB community is pure gold is imo an understatement. And while there are clearly people who do not succeed, there are so many success stories (to varying degrees) that keep popping up in the FB group (from people I know are real since I watched them when they still had basic questions and difficulties) that it is clear that as long as you don't quit, you know that sooner or later you'll get there as well.
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        • Profile picture of the author tiger1
          I'm still around Travis. I have been absorbed in building this business over the last year while trying to also maintain the one I had before this one. I haven't checked this thread much but took a look today.

          Here's an update on what has happened over the last year.

          I launched 3 products the first year. Two were complete duds and one did ok, earning me about $2000-$3000 a month on average. I launched 3 more products about 3 months ago and those have taken me to where I am quite pleased. I am going to net about $8000 this month after expenses.

          I know this is brief for a year's worth of progress but here is what I learned in a nutshell.

          1. If you don't have a high earning product and have done most of the promotional work as instructed and you are ranked on the first page of Amazon for your primary keyword, move on to another product. It is either a dud or a low producing product. It's a numbers game. Some people hit it big on the first product and some like me take a while. I found success on the 4th product.

          2. James Boyd was right. There is definitely a lot more competition on Amazon now with other ASM'rs but you can still make good money on Amazon with this course. They train you to look at the top 100 products but after seeing all of the competition now, I chose to go beyond the top 100 and found success, not the 6 figures a month success but enough to satisfy me. My original product I launched was in the top 100 and I have seen my sales decrease a little over the last 6 months as the competition grew from the last two ASM course releases.

          3. You do need about $10K to really do this right. It does work though if you are persistent and unwilling to give up.
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          • Profile picture of the author Ryan David
            Originally Posted by tiger1 View Post

            I'm still around Travis. I have been absorbed in building this business over the last year while trying to also maintain the one I had before this one. I haven't checked this thread much but took a look today.

            Here's an update on what has happened over the last year.

            I launched 3 products the first year. Two were complete duds and one did ok, earning me about $2000-$3000 a month on average. I launched 3 more products about 3 months ago and those have taken me to where I am quite pleased. I am going to net about $8000 this month after expenses.

            I know this is brief for a year's worth of progress but here is what I learned in a nutshell.

            1. If you don't have a high earning product and have done most of the promotional work as instructed and you are ranked on the first page of Amazon for your primary keyword, move on to another product. It is either a dud or a low producing product. It's a numbers game. Some people hit it big on the first product and some like me take a while. I found success on the 4th product.

            2. James Boyd was right. There is definitely a lot more competition on Amazon now with other ASM'rs but you can still make good money on Amazon with this course. They train you to look at the top 100 products but after seeing all of the competition now, I chose to go beyond the top 100 and found success, not the 6 figures a month success but enough to satisfy me. My original product I launched was in the top 100 and I have seen my sales decrease a little over the last 6 months as the competition grew from the last two ASM course releases.

            3. You do need about $10K to really do this right. It does work though if you are persistent and unwilling to give up.
            I don't know why they would tell their customers to focus in the top 100. I've had products that are consistent high-money earners that are in the 2-5K sales rank range that are way easier to compete on.

            I can come up with a million ideas for things to sell on FBA that would work, but I personally don't have the time or energy to do them all. But it all starts with a good product. I get samples from overseas that most people would live with, but I always go back and have them improve on some aspect that would make it even better. That makes all teh difference.
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            • Profile picture of the author Bill Cameron
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              • Profile picture of the author Importexport
                Originally Posted by Bill Cameron View Post

                Walter, I scrolled up to your post 734 as you suggested, but when I clicked on your link, it led nowhere. I am new on ths (terrific) forum and hope I didn't do anything to violate protocol or etiquette. I don't know how to contact the forum's owner, buti'd like to tell him how grateful I am for this site. It's truly professional.
                @Bill Cameron, The link ebook about import from China that is displayed in that post #734 is a link to a thread in this Internet Marketing Product Reviews and Ratings forum, but it has been deleted because it was deemed to be "too self promotional".

                The thread was not started by me. It was a genuine inquiry by a person who was interested in my book, but wanted opinions from people who knew the book.

                The opinions expressed were highly complimentary, and I did reply, but I cannot understand how a moderator could have regarded the thread as self promotional. It simply was not.

                Compared to the outrageously promotional posts in this thread about ASM, the deleted thread was tame.

                The moderators have totally arbitrary power and there is no right of appeal. When I replied to the PM notifying me and I quoted the rules that I had not breached I received no reply. It is clear that the moderator in question did not himself/herself know the rules, but was unwilling to lose face.

                Oh well, I continue to provide valuable help to many members mainly in the eCommerce Sites, Wholesaling and Dropshipping forum, but it does rankle when such unwarranted moderating decisions are made.
                Use emotions and perceptions to build a great brand. Ask me about my book LabelsThatExploit. For safe sourcing and easy importing from 41 countries globally, see
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          • Profile picture of the author turbojarhead1
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  • Profile picture of the author JamesBoyd
    This opportunity is definitely going to get much harder over the next few months as another 4,000 people come through this course, making at least 7,000 official and x,xxx non buyers chasing the same products.

    One of my products is now getting killed because the number of direct competitors has mushroomed over the last few months, every time I check there seems to be another ASM seller for it

    It's kind of funny, when you start using some of these new product finder software tools it's ASM products that are appearing as target opportunities

    I'm still finding new opportunities but I'm afraid that by the time I launch there will be another 5-10 people selling something similar
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  • Profile picture of the author Buxykay
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    • Profile picture of the author Tooledyou
      Originally Posted by Buxykay View Post

      I am sorry to post this here in case there are similar questions.

      I have been getting all kinds of offers about Amazon tools from themes, plugins etc and even bought some.

      Something then came to my mind. Why promote amazon products?

      My reasons are many but I will outline a few here.

      1. Amazon products rank higher on Google as well as other search engines and will be difficult to compete with them.

      2. If I want to buy something why wouldn't I just go to Amazon and look for what I want to buy instead of wasting my time searching the internet?

      1. I am not sure if Amazon ranks higher? Do they? I have seen countless items above Amazon on Google. Including a couple of my own selling on Ebay. I could not tell you if Amazon would come higher just because it's Amazon. But I don't think it works that way.

      2. You are speaking from a personal point of view. I am sure there are tens of thousands of people that buy most of their products from Amazon, but there are also millions that do not. The smart buyer would research the item they want on more than one site.
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  • Profile picture of the author adcnet
    Anyone here got any ideas on hitting page 1 Fast

    I mean strategies..
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    • Profile picture of the author Ryan David
      I'd be curious to see the success rate of the new crop of students since you can tell it's getting crowded on Amazon.

      Still though, I'm not really finding it anymore difficult to rank products as long as you have ONE big thing going for you....a quality product.

      Reviews can make or break you on amazon so it's best not to even bother with a product that is of medium/poor quality. That might be the temptation at first, but any sales momentum gets absolutely squashed once the truth comes out. You can only manipulate reviews so much before the reality comes through.
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  • Profile picture of the author JWImarketing
    Amazons algo is based mainly on reviews and conversion rate. CR is key. When they know you are converting at very high rate for the amount of traffic received over a specified time, your rankings increase. Since they make money off you anyways when you sell an item, they want the highest converting most supported product on top. More revenue for them.

    Google algo is sooo different these days. 20 very high trust rank links can dominate.

    As a follower of ASM since beginning I can tell you that following their plan you must have a good $12,000 to invest (course and all). That is a pretty big barrier to entry.

    As for me, forget all the middle people. I am planning a trip to China to go to the next big FAIR. Good products over that never see American daylight, ripe for picking. That's just me and that tip's free. :-)
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    • Profile picture of the author Importexport
      Originally Posted by JWImarketing View Post

      Amazons algo is based mainly on reviews and conversion rate. CR is key. When they know you are converting at very high rate for the amount of traffic received over a specified time, your rankings increase. Since they make money off you anyways when you sell an item, they want the highest converting most supported product on top. More revenue for them.

      Google algo is sooo different these days. 20 very high trust rank links can dominate.

      As a follower of ASM since beginning I can tell you that following their plan you must have a good $12,000 to invest (course and all). That is a pretty big barrier to entry.

      As for me, forget all the middle people. I am planning a trip to China to go to the next big FAIR. Good products over that never see American daylight, ripe for picking. That's just me and that tip's free. :-)
      For a much smaller investment you can buy inventory direct from manufacturers in China (and other countries) and the profit margins can be mind boggling.

      People may be skeptical because I have a book to sell on the subject, so I quote from what my students post on the forum.

      I know few people read more than the previous one or two posts, so please scroll up the page to my post #734 for some proof

      Use emotions and perceptions to build a great brand. Ask me about my book LabelsThatExploit. For safe sourcing and easy importing from 41 countries globally, see
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  • Profile picture of the author JamesBoyd
    Anybody know when ASM4 is launching?
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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisWF
    Hi Guys

    the ASM system works.

    My little Story:
    I've joined with ASM1 last year around March/April 2013.
    Picked a Supplement. Invested around $20.000 for Inventory and Promotion. I will be a major Supplement Seller one Time.
    That whole thing sucked.
    Picked Product #2, another Supplement. Invested around $15.000 in Inventory and Promotion (Google, Bing, FB) and it sucked again.
    OUCH Stopped every Promotion on these two suckers around 11/2013. Now they sell around 150 units a month and in another 6 month or so my remaining Inventory will finally be gone. Had to lower the Prices drastically.
    Overall loss may be around $10K - $15K

    With ASM2 in 11/2013 I started again and picked Product #3. New niche new everything.
    Started to sell in Mid January 2014. I've only done very basic Promotion for around $500 (I've learned my Lesson). The Product took off.
    Picked Product #2 in that same niche. Product took off.
    Tested Product #3 and sold out the first batch in 5 days.
    Sold my old offline Biz in May 2014 and starting June 2014 I'm fulltime ASM now.
    Sold $138K the last 30 days with a huge Net Profit. No more 17 Employees, no more no Income and no more sleepless nights.

    This is the best feeling I had for more than 30 years.

    A few Tips:

    Pick a cheap Product from China (Alibaba). My Product #3 is bundled from 3 Products together. The Cost is around $1.60 + $0.90 Shipping = $2.50 at the Amazon Warehouse. I've sold them between $9.99 and $12.99.
    The weight should be < 1 lbs or better < 0.5 lbs or the Freight will kill you.
    Do a Test with a small order of 500 - 1000 units. You might pay $1 per Unit more the first Time, but thats ok. (It's better to start with 500x $3.50 then 3000 x $2.50)
    The package should be good, but no need to be perfect. That will change if you have a winner.
    Treat this as a business and never give up.
    Stop buying worthless courses and start your own business today.

    All the best to you out there.


    WAIT! Don't Buy The Expensive Amazon Course "Amazing Selling Machine" for $4K.
    Start With The Proven Amazon Course First!

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  • Profile picture of the author JamesBoyd
    Chris, it's great to hear that you are now having big success selling on Amazon, I thought supplements had big profit margins, puzzled how your 1st 2 products produced such a big lose as you say that they will eventually sell out
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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisWF
    When you pay $1000 for PPC and only make $500 in Sales back that will leave you with a big loss.

    One sample. The Keyword price for Supplement #1 exploded from $0.30 to $5.00 and more. Not easy to make a profit from that.

    WAIT! Don't Buy The Expensive Amazon Course "Amazing Selling Machine" for $4K.
    Start With The Proven Amazon Course First!

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  • Profile picture of the author unreal
    i have bought this product actually and i have to say it's very good!
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  • Profile picture of the author Ryan David
    Just to chime in now that this thread has popped back up, I would echo a couple comments...namely 1) It will take more money than you think to get started 2) It's harder than you think 3) Amazon can nuke your business without notice.

    I think the problem with most of the ASM protege’ is the lack of a good product. It seems like there is just more and more stuff that is available on Alibaba and your average student will just purchase, buy a UPC, and list the product for sale. You need to find a product that is not too competitive, has a real need for a higher quality product, fill the void, and then market it like crazy..

    Amazon, for me, is as profitable as ever. I put in 2 years doing merchant fulfilled and now am about 14 months into FBA and sales are through the roof. I have an extremely high quality product with over 700 reviews on Amazon and it allows me to basically charge a premium on my product that other people can’t. During our busier months this year, I raised the price of the product to almost 35% above competitors and the sales were still coming in fast and furious. I had my biggest day of my career hitting over $11K in sales in a single day.
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    • Profile picture of the author JamesBoyd
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      • Profile picture of the author Ryan David
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        • Profile picture of the author WilliamVillagran
          I have been using Amazon FBA for 3 years now. Well about Amazon Selling Machine I have met a couple of people that have used this program and some have had success and some have not. What I noticed with any programs is that the one's who actually apply it will have success. It is a good program with a high price tag but from what I have seen with some people it is worth it.
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  • Profile picture of the author beasty513
    Can anyone tell me how much of a "cut" Amazon takes?

    It is on a sliding scale or permanent?

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  • Profile picture of the author SheraLee
    Originally Posted by prospectsmine
    [They refused to answer a simple guestion from me. Given that this is not the first product launch, also given they have success stories splashed all over their site's pages, I simply asked what percentage of their students have achieved success. I would also like to mention if your on their site and go below their success stories ; you will see a disclaimer stating many of their students have made little or no money. (their words not mine)(not mentioning of course, how many have lost money).]

    It's a Red Flag when questions go unanswered .......

    I have to say that every question I have ever asked Jim Cockrum & team has always been thoroughly and happily answered.

    BTW, regarding questions specifically about Amazon's FBA program, every question you have can be answered by:

    #1) Going to and reading everything under "sell" link

    #2) Picking up Jim Cockrum's newest edition of Silent Sales Machine (version 8) which is only $5 !
    This 200 page eBook is chock full of real business models, and answers an array of questions, including some lesser known tips about "sales figures" in FBA & on Amazon, as well as what NOT to start out with online.

    Hopefully Jim won't mind if I share an excerpt from his book:

    "If guru X has tens of thousands of followers and hundreds of them are taking his courses, then where are the hundreds of success stories?"
    The truth is, you are only getting part of the story and you should be asking questions like that!"

    I can't believe the number of people that think if they pay thousands for a course, then it will hand-hold them into success. You can get all the info you need to succeed, by reading over Amazon's FBA info and/or by other info products that go into greater detail (like Proven Amazon Course by Jim Cockrum). I am in no way affiliated with Jim, just a person that has bought a few of his products and has followed his valuable advice. He has a real gem with his Silent Sales Machine eBook. And he even answers questions - how 'bout that .....
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    • Profile picture of the author Ryan David
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      • Profile picture of the author Jim Cockrum
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        • Profile picture of the author jordanmalik
          Jim, I'm a successful student of yours with a high-6-digit income thanks to some of your teachings (and, lest anyone think I'm biased: Jim will attest that I think couple of his non-PAC offerings/endorsements - that are off topic here - are overpriced and not worth it). Anyway, there are hundreds other successful students of Jim I've personally witnessed (those who spent $5 to $500.00 on his books/courses/etc.)

          Critics of Jim forget about his generous money-back guarantee for PAC and other offerings (while simultaneously forgetting that much-higher-priced programs, with exponentially more risk, offer 30-days or less). Your offer for PAC is, thus, bulletproof.


          Originally Posted by Jim Cockrum View Post

          Ryan David - There are so many misrepresentations in your response that I don't even know where to start. I don't make a habit of defending myself in discussion threads, but you come across with so much authority that I need to at least say something to present the other side of the coin. I'll keep it as simple as I can, and please don't think I'm attacking you - I'm not. I would however like to show my side without it being seen as picking a fight.

          First, there are exactly zero misrepresentations on the sales page for the Proven Amazon Course and we even took the bold step to survey our entire student base and report the true average results right on the page (ever seen that before?) I can't blame you for being skeptical b/c you are right in saying that most sales pages for IM products are a total joke, but I won't lay down my integrity or reputation to pad the stats. The people, numbers and results are all 100% legit and we have many unreported success stories we could add to that page.

          Those who take the time to dig into the PAC course, the community we've built, and the content we are constantly updating and improving will soon see that nearly all of the other statements you've made about the course are also misrepresentative of the course and its community. Nothing personal, but I have a great team (paid well) hard at work serving our hundreds of extremely successful students. These students are sourcing highly profitable products globally in all manner of creative ways - not just yard sale and retail (although why not hire some yard sale hunters to work for you? It's a $200K part time biz model and you can stay home and sleep in while they shop and build your biz!) The bottom line is we have a massive community of creative online sellers who are building incredible businesses using the constant flow of fresh ideas and relationships with others in our creative community. That's what the Proven Amazon Course is all about.

          I've been successfully teaching people how to sell physical product online for over 12 years now and I'm proud of my virtually spotless reputation. I wouldn't settle for the sort of course you've just described. I welcome you to check it all out yourself (including the recent updates) and give us a chance to change your mind.

          -Jordan 'J.B' Malik /
          > Learn Importing for FREE on our live webinar (We're giving away prizes)
          > FREE Private Label Workshop - LIVE

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          • Profile picture of the author Ryan David
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            • Profile picture of the author jordanmalik
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              • Profile picture of the author jmk909er
                I would like to just chime in on this too and this is all I will have to say about the matter.

                After much research I did buy the PAC course about a year and a half ago, I even paid for coaching. I have spent a lot of time chatting in the forums, with Jim and some of his staff. My conclusion?

                Jim Cockrum the PAC Course, Coaching, and many free resources it's all the real deal? I have learned a lot of valuable stuff that Amazon and the Amazon Forums just doesn't have available. These are all people that truly want to help each other, it is a community of like minded people all helping each other. In a word it's just awesome. My own success has been limited because I have a full time job commitment and a big family that needs my time, as it should be.

                My thoughts to Ryan David? I don't blame you at all for being skeptical, I was too and I would say that most Internet Marketing offered are complete scams. But I know from my own experience that Jim Cockrum and Jordan Malik too for that matter are the real deal because I have interacted with them both.

                It is healthy to be skeptical going into any new program. But it appears that you are trying to tear these people down. Their online reputations and students speak volumes for themselves and rise above any personel critisizim you may have. Do your research and play nice.
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                • Profile picture of the author Ryan David
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                  • Profile picture of the author Tooledyou
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                    • Profile picture of the author Ryan David
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                      • Profile picture of the author jordanmalik
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                • Profile picture of the author Jim Cockrum
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                  • Profile picture of the author panorama
                    Originally Posted by Jim Cockrum View Post

                    Thank you! More people need to consider the low cost alternative called "the PAC"!

                    I will continue to remain silent about my competition on these forums out of respect, but make no mistake - I and thousands of others clearly see the PAC as the BEST Amazon training course on the planet. Do your research.

                    We continue to upgrade and update that course at great expense to us, but at NO COST to our past students. The reviews and RESULTS our students are getting are undeniable (we survey our student base and report the results).

                    The PAC just keeps getting better and better - and our students pay nothing additional as we work hard to improve it and update it daily. We've never had a "big launch" or affiliate sales contest for our course - ever. The doors are always open and we get hundreds of weekly referrals from those who aren't paid to endorse us.

                    Some updates: Since the time when you posted the above comment we've added numerous new modules to PAC about sourcing, private label, wholesale sourcing, China sourcing the RIGHT way, etc., we've added 30+ additional content creators, moderators and support staff from among our audience of successful Amazon sellers, and more importantly we are seeing countless success stories. I encourage everyone to simply do some research. The PAC clearly belongs in the conversation.

                    No one but my team can make the claims that we can. We've been teaching serious entrepreneurs how to succeed selling physical products online for well over a decade with an impeccable reputation - and there's no "upsell" - buy our course once for a few hundred bucks and you are "in for life".

                    We create success stories - not affiliate marketing contests.

                    With all due respect for what you've done with PAC, which I think provides a lot of value for buyers interested in specific Amazon business models, it's weak with respect to private labeling.

                    I've reviewed multiple private label courses so I have a pretty good basis for comparison. This includes:
                    • PAC (Proven Private Label)
                    • ASM
                    • Marketplace Superheroes
                    • Import Empire
                    • Ecom Masters
                    • ...and a few others

                    (I'm just about to start going through Ecom Elite)

                    I grade each course on three primary characteristics:
                    • Training
                    • Community
                    • Unique Selling Proposition

                    If we look at ONLY the private label section of PAC (Specifically Proven Private Label), the training isn't very comprehensive. It does an excellent job in some areas, but falls well short in many others.

                    With respect to the community, it's not sufficiently active and the designated expert (Tom Freeman) doesn't seem to make it a priority as I often see days between activity or one sentence answers.

                    The USP for Proven Private Label (in my opinion) is its strength with respect to branding. However this is of little value if you're not able to get everything else done right.

                    When Proven Private Label was first released, it was a good alternative to ASM because it was one of very few options, but that's no longer the case.

                    I still recommend PAC for people interested in other business models, but there are many better options for private labelers.
                    Comparison of Amazing Selling Machine & Other Private Label Alternatives (Updated April 2015)
                    Copy Meets Design - Copywriting and design services exclusively for Amazon listings
                    Phone/Text: 917-338-9644
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                    • Profile picture of the author FBA Lifestyle
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                      • Profile picture of the author panorama
                        Originally Posted by FBA Lifestyle View Post

                        what is you recommendation for Private Labelers Panorama?

                        I'm a successful seller on Amazon but always like to learn more.
                        It depends on how much "hand holding" you need, how interested you are in selling internationally, and your budget.

                        I outline pros and cons to a few different options below, but right now (Sept 2015) I'm generally recommending either Import Empire or Marketplace Superheroes for people who can't afford ASM.

                        Amazing Selling Machine Alternatives (2015)
                        Comparison of Amazing Selling Machine & Other Private Label Alternatives (Updated April 2015)
                        Copy Meets Design - Copywriting and design services exclusively for Amazon listings
                        Phone/Text: 917-338-9644
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                        • Profile picture of the author FBA Lifestyle
                          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10318129].message }}
                          • Originally Posted by FBA Lifestyle View Post

                            .....I'm doing multiple 6 figures/month on Amazon after doing ASM 2 years ago.....
                            Multiple 6 figures/month after just 2 years? HOLY HELL, BATMAN!

                            I knew I was in the wrong place with Amazon Associates as it just seems to be too much time and effort for little reward for me, but FBA was out of my comfort zone so I never jumped in eventhough I bought what is now ASM6 3 years ago! I need to speak with you privately about how you did this! Can you send me a PM please?
                            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10318245].message }}
                          • Profile picture of the author panorama
                            Originally Posted by FBA Lifestyle View Post

                            thanks for this recommendations Panorama,
                            I'm doing multiple 6 figures/month on Amazon after doing ASM 2 years ago..
                            i will check out those links...thanks
                            My post on different courses isn't really meant for someone at your level. If you don't mind spending some money to pick up just a couple of golden nuggets here and there, private message me and I can recommend a couple of worthwhile course options not on that list that might suit your needs better.

                            That being said, if you haven't expanded internationally, Marketplace Superheroes is definitely where I'd start to learn about this. However, ASM is supposed to be including a new "International" module with the current launch, so it's probably worth waiting to see how good their content is since you already own it.

                            But honestly, unless you're looking for specific info (like expanding internationally), the best option for someone who's already at your level is to just network with other successful sellers. Develop a close group of people you trust and communicate with them regularly.

                            That's where I personally get the most value from now, although (as mentioned above) I do still pick up some very valuable tips through courses from time to time.

                            Since you purchased ASM a few years ago, I'm sure you've already got a network. If not, I've heard good things about a couple of high-level paid Masterminds as well. I'm not a member of any myself though, so they would just be second-hand recommendations.
                            Comparison of Amazing Selling Machine & Other Private Label Alternatives (Updated April 2015)
                            Copy Meets Design - Copywriting and design services exclusively for Amazon listings
                            Phone/Text: 917-338-9644
                            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10318810].message }}
                            • Profile picture of the author FBA Lifestyle
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                              • Profile picture of the author panorama
                                Originally Posted by FBA Lifestyle View Post

                                hey Panorama,

                                yes we've expanded internationally but have not really networked with any high level masterminds..

                                our initial group we masterminded with, well we outgrew them pretty quickly but still meet for lunch etc but we don't get much from them now.

                                which high level masterminds do you know of?

                                I was speaking with someone the other day who had a good experience with Ezra Firestone's Blue Ribbon Mastermind. I've also heard good things about Ben Cummings.

                                I don't know pricing offhand, but neither will be cheap.
                                Comparison of Amazing Selling Machine & Other Private Label Alternatives (Updated April 2015)
                                Copy Meets Design - Copywriting and design services exclusively for Amazon listings
                                Phone/Text: 917-338-9644
                                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10320327].message }}
                                • Profile picture of the author FBA Lifestyle
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                                  • Profile picture of the author panorama
                                    Originally Posted by FBA Lifestyle View Post

                                    yes we're in Ezras.

                                    always wanting to learn anything we can .
                                    I'd be interested in hearing your thoughts on his group as well, if you're willing to give feedback.

                                    It sounds like you've got access to everything you need and you're already doing extremely well. Maybe you should launch a course!

                                    In all seriousness though, I think you'd still benefit from a private mastermind of other successful sellers, separate from a paid group.

                                    Feel free to ping me privately if you want to connect offline about anything. I have nothing to sell or pitch...I just like to get to know other successful sellers as well.
                                    Comparison of Amazing Selling Machine & Other Private Label Alternatives (Updated April 2015)
                                    Copy Meets Design - Copywriting and design services exclusively for Amazon listings
                                    Phone/Text: 917-338-9644
                                    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10320374].message }}
                      • Profile picture of the author ZanyZebra
                        Originally Posted by FBA Lifestyle View Post

                        what is you recommendation for Private Labelers Panorama?

                        I'm a successful seller on Amazon but always like to learn more.
                        I concur with Panorama.

                        ASM, for those who are serious and can afford it.

                        Good luck with your ventures.
                        Want Straight Answers About ASM? (Amazing Selling Machine). Go To:

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                        • Profile picture of the author DavePalermo
                          It's a shame it's so damn expensive.

                          But the way I see it is if you can't afford to buy it, you can't afford to buy inventory and all the other expenses that go with it.

                          I have it and was put off by the fact that a solid profit stream is too far off for me to warrant putting in the effort.

                          I'm lazy, waddaya gonna do....

                          If I don't catch hell for it I would be up to sell my copy of it at a steep discount.
                          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10306218].message }}
                          • Profile picture of the author ZanyZebra
                            Originally Posted by DavePalermo View Post

                            It's a shame it's so damn expensive.

                            But the way I see it is if you can't afford to buy it, you can't afford to buy inventory and all the other expenses that go with it.

                            I have it and was put off by the fact that a solid profit stream is too far off for me to warrant putting in the effort.

                            I'm lazy, waddaya gonna do....

                            If I don't catch hell for it I would be up to sell my copy of it at a steep discount.
                            Dave, yes ASM is not for everyone.

                            However it does return a fantastic income for those willing to do the work (as you say what stops you currently is 'putting in the effort').

                            A word of encouragement, it's not that difficult and if you follow the process you will get through it fairly quickly. Once the money starts rolling in, usually in about week 10 or so, the feeling of earning great money is greater than the work effort!

                            Good luck in your ventures.
                            Want Straight Answers About ASM? (Amazing Selling Machine). Go To:

                            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10306495].message }}
                            • Profile picture of the author pauls_pad2002
                              What zany zebrea said, jump in its a great business
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                            • Profile picture of the author RobertoM
                              Originally Posted by ZanyZebra View Post

                              Dave, yes ASM is not for everyone.

                              However it does return a fantastic income for those willing to do the work (as you say what stops you currently is 'putting in the effort').

                              A word of encouragement, it's not that difficult and if you follow the process you will get through it fairly quickly. Once the money starts rolling in, usually in about week 10 or so, the feeling of earning great money is greater than the work effort!

                              Good luck in your ventures.
                              Hey Zany,

                              Maybe you can help me on my purchase decision.
                              You state "...Once the money starts rolling in, usually in about week 10 or so..."

                              Pls tell me how many hours per day you must work to see some money in about 10 weeks (for an average person).

                              And I assume that this may happen 10 weeks after you learnt enough through ASM teachings.

                              So in summary and in your experience, including the time you have to invest learning from scratch enough stuff with ASM to be able to get some bucks within 10 weeks, how long will it take and how many hours you should dedicate daily to get into green zone around week 10?
                              Weird question, hehe
                              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10349173].message }}
                              • Profile picture of the author ZanyZebra
                                Originally Posted by RobertoM View Post

                                Hey Zany,

                                Maybe you can help me on my purchase decision.
                                You state "...Once the money starts rolling in, usually in about week 10 or so..."

                                Pls tell me how many hours per day you must work to see some money in about 10 weeks (for an average person).

                                And I assume that this may happen 10 weeks after you learnt enough through ASM teachings.

                                So in summary and in your experience, including the time you have to invest learning from scratch enough stuff with ASM to be able to get some bucks within 10 weeks, how long will it take and how many hours you should dedicate daily to get into green zone around week 10?
                                Weird question, hehe
                                Hi Roberto, good question.

                                There is, however, no straight answer as it depends a great deal on what category you decide to compete in, what product you choose, the level of competition, the methods you choose to market, your abilities and skills, and a whole lot more.

                                Having said that, in my experience, many new ASMers are just beginning to sell at around week 10 or so (sometimes more, not often that less).

                                If I take myself as a case, to answer your question, it took me til around week 10 or so (if I remember back correctly) working approximately 2-3 hours a day on my first product (I was, at that time, running a management consultancy full time).

                                So, it was a bit everyday, rather than a big chunk every few days.

                                Hope this helps. Good luck with your ventures.
                                Want Straight Answers About ASM? (Amazing Selling Machine). Go To:

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  • Profile picture of the author rashamba
    Did anyone buy AS3 from Jason Fladlien? I ask because I saw he was pushing his secret 'viral' software that got huge sales and rankings. It would appear the big secret was you sold your product to everyone else with the 'viral' software at a loss to get those rankings.

    I just had one competitor who I am sure was doing this abandon my niche after it was obvious he was not making money. Here was a guy who had about 1000 items in stock. Just sold out recently and now has moved on to the the next niche, trying to strike it rich all over again with this 'viral' software.

    You better have quality products and commit to do more than get bogus sales and reviews folks. It is possible. I had one dud and now one success that is growing very well. Biggest advice I can give, is that it is ALL about brand building. My noble competition is priced well below me, but I have the brand that sells at premium and I do not have to worry about the cost cutters (or the 'viral' sellers
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  • Profile picture of the author younglite
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    • Profile picture of the author J Blue
      Ryan David and Jordanmalik - that will be enough.
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  • Profile picture of the author Herschel-W
    Are here perhaps any South Africans who are on the FBA Program.

    I already have an Amazon account but need help with applying for the FBA.

    Any assistance will really be appreciated.

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  • Profile picture of the author Josh Belanger
    @Raam - Yeah it is dictated by them. Amazon is going to start making it a little harder to just post any product up and start selling it. That is not confirmed, but i am starting to see things change in that direction.

    I think it is great, because it will help remove some of the people not providing any value.

    It helps your case when you have your own store on your own site. That shows Amazon that you are not just trying to pimp out their platform and scrape their audience.

    It's also smart to have more than one channel.
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    • Profile picture of the author shabit87
      Got this in my inbox notifications but couldn't find it in this thread so if whoever asked it still wants a reply, here it goes:

      "I notice a lot of people who posted in this thread that have suggested ASM is not worth it also say they did not try it first. How credible are those posts?"
      I went in with a partner to elevate some of the cost and no I don't think it's worth the asking price. There are a lot of gaps that are crucial to your success that are not filled in this course. HOWEVER I'm not saying Amazon isn't profitable, as you've read, there are a ton of folks killing it there.

      The biggest challenge as so many have already stated is finding the "right" product, so here is my tip for doing so.

      1. Lightweight...FBA will eat you up alive if the product is heavy or large

      2. Find a product where you can at least double your money, usually meaning your sales price must be 3x your purchase/wholesale price (factoring in fees you'll likely double your investment)

      3. Use negative and low scored reviews and see what you can improve on with your wholesaler...put these improvements in your description of your listing

      4. Test on eBay and follow up with your buyers. You can sell the samples you buy there and get a real idea of how good the product is from those that will be using it.

      5. Get a good idea of if your product is selling - Even though eBay isn't your end goal, search the product and hit the completed listing to the left to see how much of that product is selling. Consider if its all brand name or no name and know that it's simple to stand out of the no names...create a logo (I did mine on fiverr and got it revised once I knew I had a hit) and watermark it over no name products. Make sure you take the pic and its not the same pic the factory sends...that means anyone can have access to that pic, thus you won't stand out.

      Best of luck to anyone getting into the brand building, Amazon selling, game. It can be tough, but it's a whole lot easier once you have the "right" product.

      *Quick tip: the items with a lot of profit margin are usually simple and dare I say, boring. They're the dull necessities or hobby goer tools that aren't found in Walmart (or the like).
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    • Profile picture of the author pauls_pad2002
      [QUOTE=Unlock Real Results;9603441]I purchased ASM3 and than wanted (and got) a refund. It's not all that's its cracked up to be.

      Basically you didn't get to use its software tools or give it any chance.....those that give up in its 1st month generally are either lazy , don't take action , think its too much work or don't think they can do it......its a typical response from people who think making money online is easy. AS for ASM you dont see its true value until you have been through the course and had all the modules ,software and email tools released not to mention the FB group....jims course is 1/10th of the price for a reason , you get what you pay for . no tracking tools, no email responders ,no social platform for promotion , no product tools , no video tools , URL booster tools , no promo tools no press release yes its 1/10th of the price probably cheaper but its a bit like a Ferrari or a Mini if you want to win the race i know what id be choosing.
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    • Profile picture of the author peter800
      Originally Posted by Unlock Real Results View Post

      I purchased ASM3 and than wanted (and got) a refund. It's not all that's its cracked up to be. I was able to get a copy of the full program and it does have merit - but not for the price. I bought the Proven Amazon system and think it's just as good for 1/10th of the price. Both communities are very good - so you'll get the same result.
      I bought the Proven Amazon system and asked for a refund due to its info being to bland. Just tells you ideas doesn't guide you though doing it, Im not new to amazon but I am new to trying to brand products.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9612678].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author pauls_pad2002
        Originally Posted by peter800 View Post

        I bought the Proven Amazon system and asked for a refund due to its info being to bland. Just tells you ideas doesn't guide you though doing it, Im not new to amazon but I am new to trying to brand products.

        There comes a time peter when you have to commit following a course through and making it work instead of discarding it after 5 mins. those like i said that get refunds on things are generally non action takers and who more often than not are always looking for that shiny object and push button millionaire. im sorry to say but making money takes a lot of hard work. so i always go by this saying.

        " if you do what you've always done you will get what you've always got...often its nothing. "
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9613118].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author peter800
          Originally Posted by pauls_pad2002 View Post

          There comes a time peter when you have to commit following a course through and making it work instead of discarding it after 5 mins. those like i said that get refunds on things are generally non action takers and who more often than not are always looking for that shiny object and push button millionaire. im sorry to say but making money takes a lot of hard work. so i always go by this saying.

          " if you do what you've always done you will get what you've always got...often its nothing. "
          I did try to learn the info in it but it was so bland that not knowing about how to brand products or anything it did not make sense to me at all.I learned more about branding and how to brand a product watching Matt & Jason's google hangout yesterday for 2 hours then I did watching all the videos in The Proven Amazon System.

          Why do you assume that I just quit after 5 minutes? Just because I quit and got a refund doesn't mean I didn't watch the videos and tried to understand exactly what they meant in the course.

          dont be to quick to judge. I was simply explaining to the user Unlock Real Results my experience with The Proven System.

          I have bought the ASM course an am looking very forward to watching and applying what I learn in this course to my Amazon business.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9614186].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author pauls_pad2002
            Originally Posted by peter800 View Post

            I did try to learn the info in it but it was so bland that not knowing about how to brand products or anything it did not make sense to me at all.I learned more about branding and how to brand a product watching Matt & Jason's google hangout yesterday for 2 hours then I did watching all the videos in The Proven Amazon System.

            Why do you assume that I just quit after 5 minutes? Just because I quit and got a refund doesn't mean I didn't watch the videos and tried to understand exactly what they meant in the course.

            dont be to quick to judge. I was simply explaining to the user Unlock Real Results my experience with The Proven System.

            I have bought the ASM course an am looking very forward to watching and applying what I learn in this course to my Amazon business.

            sorry peter i thought thats what you were referring to. good on you, asm is a fantastic course , there is a hangout right now are you on it its started already
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      • Profile picture of the author Ryan David
        Originally Posted by peter800 View Post

        I bought the Proven Amazon system and asked for a refund due to its info being to bland. Just tells you ideas doesn't guide you though doing it, Im not new to amazon but I am new to trying to brand products.
        That's definitely the case. The whole process of white labeling is really simple and what you get in PAC is basically a video that shows that very simple process.

        They'll tell you that this new and improved course is going to be better, but they said the same thing about the current content.
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  • Profile picture of the author flyingdutch
    I am wondering what the real business model is behind ASM. I've been bombarded with ASM promotion mails recently (maybe because I'm a very modest FBA seller). One of those pluggers was bragging that he had 100+ subscribers to his last group.(prerequisite:you have to subscribe to ASM first). And after some searching it appeared that he got "a couple of $" for every subscription. After a bit more searching, it appeared that these "couple of $" were actually 50%. So at $4000 for the course, that makes $2000 a pop and $200.000 for his first batch of subscribers.

    Seems an interesting business IF you have a huge mailing list (which I don't). But why would anyone bother to work with FBA, buying products, hassle with taxes etc. to make 10k/month if you can rake in a multitude of that by just plugging ASM?

    In short, I cannot suppress the feeling that this whole ASM stuff is mainly a way to only sell that course for a HUGE profit, rather then really helping people get started. The funny thing is, that if you search for affiliate links for ASM they are very hard to find. So it seems to me that they only approach affiliates with HUGE lists to get into the affiliate scheme.

    As for the content of the course, I cannot judge that because I haven't purchased it (and I won't). My advice would be for people that want to start with FBA:

    -go to alibaba. Buy product for $200
    -Get it to an FBA warehouse.

    These 2 lines seem simple, but it will take you a couple of days/weeks to figure it all out, depending on your experience with online sales, taxes, importing etc.etc.

    Anyway, by doing so, you will be confronted with all the issues that you have to go through. And you will learn FAST. And even if your $200 don't bring in a penny, consider it as a learning fee. You'll never learn anything faster than by doing it...
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9618605].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Ryan David
      Originally Posted by flyingdutch View Post

      I am wondering what the real business model is behind ASM. I've been bombarded with ASM promotion mails recently (maybe because I'm a very modest FBA seller). One of those pluggers was bragging that he had 100+ subscribers to his last group.(prerequisite:you have to subscribe to ASM first). And after some searching it appeared that he got "a couple of $" for every subscription. After a bit more searching, it appeared that these "couple of $" were actually 50%. So at $4000 for the course, that makes $2000 a pop and $200.000 for his first batch of subscribers.

      Seems an interesting business IF you have a huge mailing list (which I don't). But why would anyone bother to work with FBA, buying products, hassle with taxes etc. to make 10k/month if you can rake in a multitude of that by just plugging ASM?

      In short, I cannot suppress the feeling that this whole ASM stuff is mainly a way to only sell that course for a HUGE profit, rather then really helping people get started. The funny thing is, that if you search for affiliate links for ASM they are very hard to find. So it seems to me that they only approach affiliates with HUGE lists to get into the affiliate scheme.

      As for the content of the course, I cannot judge that because I haven't purchased it (and I won't). My advice would be for people that want to start with FBA:

      -go to alibaba. Buy product for $200
      -Get it to an FBA warehouse.

      These 2 lines seem simple, but it will take you a couple of days/weeks to figure it all out, depending on your experience with online sales, taxes, importing etc.etc.

      Anyway, by doing so, you will be confronted with all the issues that you have to go through. And you will learn FAST. And even if your $200 don't bring in a penny, consider it as a learning fee. You'll never learn anything faster than by doing it...
      I saw the launch bubble from 2004-2008 and saw people just whipping everyone into a frenzy with those launches. I thought it had died out, but I guess there are always more newbies to sell stuff to!

      For those of you that have been around long enough, around 8 years ago Stompernet was launched with an annual membership price of close to $10K. At least with that, you were tackling something that was a little tough to navigate on your own. Sourcing products, building an e-commerce site, email marketing, analytics, testing, etc.

      But honestly, I think people are just way way way overestimating the difficulty in selling on amazon. It's very simple when you compare it to some of the things IMers were required to do back in the old days.

      Personally, I'd watch all their free videos, listen to Ryan Moran's podcast for inspiration, and do it yourself (even though Moran recommends ASM, it's not necessary...he needs to pay the bills). I can't imagine spending $3500 and then another x amount testing out a product.

      ASMers say stuff like "Oh, Amazon is growing faster than we are so no problems with competition." But let's be honest, ASM is filled with 98% of the people that have had no success at all (just like any IM course). Another successful 1% probably aren't active in the forums. And then the final successful 1% will probably give you good general advice, but they aren't spilling what really has worked well for them. Why would they?
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    • Profile picture of the author Importexport
      Originally Posted by flyingdutch View Post

      As for the content of the course, I cannot judge that because I haven't purchased it (and I won't). My advice would be for people that want to start with FBA:

      -go to alibaba. Buy product for $200
      -Get it to an FBA warehouse.

      These 2 lines seem simple, but it will take you a couple of days/weeks to figure it all out, depending on your experience with online sales, taxes, importing etc.etc.

      Anyway, by doing so, you will be confronted with all the issues that you have to go through. And you will learn FAST. And even if your $200 don't bring in a penny, consider it as a learning fee. You'll never learn anything faster than by doing it...
      Like flyingdutch, I am not in a position to comment on the ASM course, but I am qualified to comment on the part I have highlighted. Sourcing is a vitally important part of the process, and many people are led astray by posts on this forum.

      Going to Alibaba is not a good way to start. Alibaba is full of traders and wholesalers masquerading as manufacturers. They add their margin to the price they pay to the manufacturers, so you have already given a way a substantial part of your potential profit.

      It is certainly possible to buy $200 worth of product direct from manufacturers in China, but you need to know how to get them to agree to that. Most newbies blow it on their first contact and wonder why they don't get replies from suppliers. As a matter of interest, Chinese manufacturers are much more likely to allow small orders than Chinese wholesalers are.

      As for the importing side of it, most people are under the false impression that it is difficult. It certainly has been a nightmare for a lot of people I have seen, who try to learn all the rules and regulations, but there is no need to do that. I teach people how to import the easy way.

      I have been involved in international shipping, exporting, and importing since I left college, and with a lifetime's experience I would not go to the trouble of trying to keep up to date with all the regulations. Since I began importing in 1987 I paid others a small amount to do that for me.
      Use emotions and perceptions to build a great brand. Ask me about my book LabelsThatExploit. For safe sourcing and easy importing from 41 countries globally, see
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  • Profile picture of the author VincentF
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    • Profile picture of the author pauls_pad2002
      Originally Posted by VincentF View Post

      It might look good and might be well worth the $3500 (cash invested after tax), but it will be a long time before you'll recover that initial investment.

      If you have a good clean average 10% margin on physical products then you must sell for $70.000 worth of goods before you start making any profit:

      $70.000 worth of products with a 10% margin -50% tax = $3500(cash after tax)

      Lets say you are very very good at this and start selling a whopping $10.000/month worth of products right off the bat, then it will take you at least 7 months to just break even.

      Lets be honest. This is a bad bad investment for 99% of people signing up. They are never gonna make this much in sales per month.

      For these poor individuals it might take years, if ever to recover that. But people are blinded by greed and desperation, so they jump in without making any rational calculations.

      It reminds me a bit of a 1990's German pyramid scam where you had to pay a lot to get in on the "secret tricks" making 2 guys on the top and a few affiliates below them filthy rich, while the rest had to chase around to recover their own money.

      you clearly hahve no idea at all with ASM , im a member joining on the 2nd paunch...been the best decision of my life and im self employed 10 years...the problem is , is that people like you come along and rip things apart with your OPINIONS based on your next shiny object no take action syndrome without actually talking top people inside the hasnt been the biggest internet launch in the history of online marketing for nothing...a program that deals with selling online cannot be a scam...are you saying amazon is a hink not....for your information vincent we have over 10000 people who are currently on over 25k per i think thats pretty good numbers right and that doesnt take into account of all the people doing smaller numbers yet still making a profit every month....and also your number crunching is way off..the averag numbers that are done in here is around 50% profit on turnover. yes so if im making 100k thats 50k in my pocket before tax. however that doesnt take into account the expenses that you can claim on those figures so it actually brings back a better know you would be better off following something through and taking some action in your life than troll on here and criticise and rubbish what people are actually trying to do....maybe you should jump into something one day and make something work becuase the common denominator in here are people who rubbish things never ever do anything online they jump from one thing to another and then rubbish everything going on....i run two online successful businesses one is SEO and the best thing you can do is do something in your business every day..sorry vinvent but you are incredibly wrong and anyone else that rubbishes something without fair is also wrong....some people dont make it work but then that is usually because they dont stick to it...those that do are the successful ones
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      • Profile picture of the author JamesBoyd
        Originally Posted by pauls_pad2002 View Post

        .for your information vincent we have over 10000 people who are currently on over 25k per month..
        sorry, just don't believe these numbers you have posted, I know for a fact that this is not true
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        • Profile picture of the author pauls_pad2002
          Originally Posted by JamesBoyd View Post

          sorry, just don't believe these numbers you have posted, I know for a fact that this is not true

          if your not privvy to the numbers then you wont, it came from the owner's themselves on a webinar i was on. plus i have access to what is in the back office to see te money badges.
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          • Profile picture of the author JamesBoyd
            Originally Posted by pauls_pad2002 View Post

            if your not privvy to the numbers then you wont, it came from the owner's themselves on a webinar i was on. plus i have access to what is in the back office to see te money badges.
            I've seen videos of the "money badges", maybe 1-2 @ 500K, a few @ 250k, a handful @ 100k, 5-10 @ 50k, maybe 10-20 @ 25k and so on, but that's not the point

            asm has sold about 7000 memberships total in their 1st 3 launch's so how can you have 10,000 people already doing $25k/month

            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9631994].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Ryan David
              Originally Posted by JamesBoyd View Post

              I've seen videos of the "money badges", maybe 1-2 @ 500K, a few @ 250k, a handful @ 100k, 5-10 @ 50k, maybe 10-20 @ 25k and so on, but that's not the point

              asm has sold about 7000 memberships total in their 1st 3 launch's so how can you have 10,000 people already doing $25k/month

              Seriously...hahaha. It's kinda like that one dude in this forum said he made a net profit of 500 million last year. It's so ridiculous that you have to wonder about the level of delusion that is going on.
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9632336].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author pauls_pad2002
                Originally Posted by Ryan David View Post

                Seriously...hahaha. It's kinda like that one dude in this forum said he made a net profit of 500 million last year. It's so ridiculous that you have to wonder about the level of delusion that is going on.

                how would you know your not in ASM right...those badges are only what is shown each month over 50 per month that is SHOWN, might be 500 but only 50 are shown...and in fact its correct...its 1000 in fact not 10,000...critisice as you maye but we are the ones working it and leaving our day jobs and wrok 10 hour weeks making more money than you will in 3 years in a month so im the one laughing not you...more than likely your in a day job doing 50 hours a week spending bugger all time with your kids if you have any. meanwhile im enjoying life traveling, buying clothes new cars building new house going on holidays..yup thats how it is....have a nice life...ooops sorry you dont have one your doing a day J.O.B ( just over broke )
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9634614].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author Jim Cockrum
                  Originally Posted by pauls_pad2002 View Post

                  ... im the one laughing not you...more than likely your in a day job doing 50 hours a week spending bugger all time with your kids if you have any. meanwhile im enjoying life traveling, buying clothes new cars building new house going on holidays..yup thats how it is....have a nice life...ooops sorry you dont have one your doing a day J.O.B ( just over broke )

                  It's hard to make many friends with an attitude like the one on display - these are real people here. Keep that in mind. Just be careful with your comments and your reputation - it's a precious commodity. All success is fleeting, but pride always comes before a fall. Here's to much continued success to you and yours.
         aka the "PAC" now includes the #1 "Private Label" training on the web (! We've been teaching "physical product" sales online since 2002 & we've accumulated over 1,000 success testimonials!
                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9634670].message }}
                  • Profile picture of the author pauls_pad2002
                    Originally Posted by Jim Cockrum View Post

                    It's hard to make many friends with an attitude like the one on display - these are real people here. Keep that in mind. Just be careful with your comments and your reputation - it's a precious commodity. All success is fleeting, but pride always comes before a fall. Here's to much continued success to you and yours.

                    i get that but when attacked , i give as good as im getting....fairs fair, if its ok for people to attack others integrity i will have my bit too. not happy to take a slandering and attack and lie down and let people walk all over me...i have a sayinf if you cant take the crap dont give it
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  • Profile picture of the author zigzag10
    Hi Guys,

    Glad I came by this forum after not vising in a while. I am trying to improve my skills on Amazon and looking for a one on one mentor who has been successful in this space.

    If this thread isnt the best place to post for this kind of thing, where would be the best place to do so?

    Thanks in advance
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  • Profile picture of the author matty123
    it seems good in principle but i think the market might be saturated and what you will find that more and more people will try and undercut your prices as time goes on.

    The Proven Secret Training & Business System That Pays You $1000, $3000 & $5000 Commissions Without You Ever Having To Pick Up A Phone

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    • Profile picture of the author ZanyZebra
      Originally Posted by matty123 View Post

      it seems good in principle but i think the market might be saturated and what you will find that more and more people will try and undercut your prices as time goes on.
      This is a question that comes up frequently from those on the outside of ASM. Let me address it:

      The 'market' is not saturated. There are a couple of areas where the competition is strong but for the vast majority of areas this is not so.

      The ASM training continues to evolve and, in fact, the suggested product selection criteria for beginners has widened yet again (with the launch of ASM5 yesterday).

      Once beginners are past their initial learning many go onto select products that don't 'fit' all the beginner criteria. I've coached many beginners through the ASM course materials and have seen many, many of them go onto select a 2nd, 3rd, 4th product using more intermediate and even advanced criteria.

      Hope this helps. If you need any more information simply send me a message.
      Want Straight Answers About ASM? (Amazing Selling Machine). Go To:
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  • Profile picture of the author jujuman2003
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    • Profile picture of the author cellcom
      @juju - there is 1 section of the course dedicated to getting your product exposure within amazon search. A lot of people don't realize that when you search for a product and there are multiple sellers of that same product, there is a complex algortithim that determines what product amazon will actually display to the viewer (and it isn't just the lowest priced item).

      Having said that, no where in the course do they recommend buying or writing fake reviews. They instead teach a technique whereby you will get initial traffic and sales to the product, and then using techniques they teach, encourage the people who bought to review the purchase for you.

      reviews are just a small part though of having your product showcased.
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  • Profile picture of the author BrentDotCom
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  • Profile picture of the author skalkhaz
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    • Profile picture of the author peter800
      I nought ASM 4 I had been selling on Amazon before I wanted to start my own brand and Matt and Jason teach you every thing in the course you need to know to get started.

      I have ordered my product now and they are being shipped to me as we speak.

      You jut have to put in the effort to make this work but if you do the possibility's are endless.

      to the guy that said 12k investment i paid 1.7k total for my 500 units of inventory .
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  • Profile picture of the author pauls_pad2002
    what i found with ASM is that its a fully comprehensive guide and walk through of everything you need form starting out to choosing products and getting them up on amazon with a full software suite of tools to help promote and get your products out there to go viral to be seen. setting up any business online takes hard work and money but your building a real business from the ground up its not overnight success its a real business that takes time and effort and often people overlook that
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9973614].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author panorama
      Originally Posted by pauls_pad2002 View Post

      what i found with ASM is that its a fully comprehensive guide and walk through of everything you need form starting out to choosing products and getting them up on amazon with a full software suite of tools to help promote and get your products out there to go viral to be seen. setting up any business online takes hard work and money but your building a real business from the ground up its not overnight success its a real business that takes time and effort and often people overlook that
      There's no way that ASM is a fully comprehensive guide. It never has been. It's a great course, but there are still plenty of gaps that need to be filled in. That's not meant to be a knock on the training (which is excellent), but it's just the nature of number of decisions you have to make in this business. I've personally coached hundreds of ASM members at this point and, based on direct feedback from my affiliate *students*, I can say with pretty high confidence that there is still a lot to know beyond the core training. Months after the core training has finished, I'm still answering questions on a daily basis.

      That being said, I'm not just trying to attract affiliate sales with this post. I'm actually finding it more difficult to recommend the course unconditionally with ASM 5. It's still great training that provides a lot of value, but a few other good private label courses have been released since the last launch in October. I'd still consider ASM to probably be the best one out there, but it comes at a significant premium relative to the alternatives. For people who can afford the high price tag, it's still the way to go, but it's definitely a tougher call now that there are new options that cost thousands of dollars less.

      I know I probably sound like a hypocrite since I'd earn a commission on alternative courses as well, but they are significantly less than what I could earn promoting ASM. With the private label market becoming more saturated and the increase in price, I just can't in good conscious promote it without at least acknowledging that there are decent alternatives now.
      Comparison of Amazing Selling Machine & Other Private Label Alternatives (Updated April 2015)
      Copy Meets Design - Copywriting and design services exclusively for Amazon listings
      Phone/Text: 917-338-9644
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9973833].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author ZanyZebra
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9975379].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author pauls_pad2002
        i think its as comprehensive a you will get in a course on amazon. If you know of others that covers the same amount of information and has software that helps in your promotions and email system then please do mention it i would be happy to have others compare whats on offer
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  • Profile picture of the author Carol Jennifer
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9981122].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author panorama
      Originally Posted by Carol Jennifer View Post

      The Proven Amazon Course is a full package course and also cheaper than the Amazing Selling Course, especially since it is an even better course and value for money. so what you all are waiting for just join the course its Superb.
      I've spent a lot of time thinking about this and reviewing different courses. Proven Amazon Course ("PAC") is good value, and it has it's place, but if you're interested in the private label business model, I wouldn't recommend it as a first choice. There are better options out there.

      They just included Proven Private Label ("PPL") as part of the PAC course, so it does have a private label component to it now, but it doesn't compare in quality to something like ASM. I had still been recommending PPL for a while, because it was good value at the low price and I know not everyone can afford ASM. However, a lot has changed in the last few months, and there's another course I'd now recommend over PAC/PPL. It's still the least expensive one out there, so maybe it has it's place just for that reason, but even at the lower price point, I'd probably recommend something else.
      Comparison of Amazing Selling Machine & Other Private Label Alternatives (Updated April 2015)
      Copy Meets Design - Copywriting and design services exclusively for Amazon listings
      Phone/Text: 917-338-9644
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      • Profile picture of the author gwg42002
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  • Profile picture of the author pauls_pad2002
    it teaches you more than any other course online ASM has everything requireed to get you up and selling your private label or anything and i think its worked for more than enough people who take action and do as is required. you cant help non action other course has software that i know of or email systems or seo systems. i think in a sense that is fully comprehensive to the best degree you can get
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    • Profile picture of the author ZanyZebra
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  • Profile picture of the author panorama
    The thread has obviously become overrun by affiliates who are adding very little value to the conversation, so I'd like to make an offer:

    I'm happy to speak with anyone one-on-one to discuss any of the 5 different private label courses that I've personally reviewed in depth. I pledge to only offer non-affiliate links.

    Following the conversation, you can decide if you think I offered enough value to the purchase decision warrant earning a commission.

    I'm making this offer because I'm confident that I can provide extreme value to anyone interested in private labeling. Additionally, because I'm intimately familiar with all the major courses, I have no incentive to steer people in a direction that's not right for them.

    I provide a personal phone number to people interested in private labeling quite regularly and am happy to speak with anyone at their convenience.
    Comparison of Amazing Selling Machine & Other Private Label Alternatives (Updated April 2015)
    Copy Meets Design - Copywriting and design services exclusively for Amazon listings
    Phone/Text: 917-338-9644
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  • Profile picture of the author pauls_pad2002
    absoloutely PANORAMA , of course people are promoting ASM...WHY !! well because ASM has now been promoted by several different high profile mastermind groups offering bonuses. because not only is there a commission incentive however it is truly the fact that so many people have made great money so easily and so fast that giving back is what its all about.

    I can tell you now that signing up 100 people and having training days and bonuses and so forth takes a lot of money and time and effort. That time can be spent managing teir own business and making it a lot more profitable however as i said its about giving back to those that helped us.

    i myself mentor about 12/15 people personally and i don't get anything for it ongoing at all...i help in my own time you only have to ask the people to help if they have paid me or not and most are not people i have signed up. its easy to say no affiliate links but mostly thats the way you get them on your list and promote to them time and time again. ive never promoted anything to the people i signed up last time ASM launched. All my people ahve my number my email my Fb and anything else i am available all day every day. my time is special i run 3 businesses with 3 teenagers and i always make time for anyone in ASM that needs help i actually think that thats what doing business online is all about helping people its why i joined ASM and joined a group so i could give back
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  • Profile picture of the author erickz
    Well, I have to voice out my opinion. I am from ASM4, still making consistent sales now.

    If you ask me, is the course worth $4k (I think it costs more now, $5k or $6k? OMG!), I will say NO, even tho I myself bought it. From the beginning when I am in the course, I had the thought of refunding just before the 30 days guarantee period. Because the course is not worth the money, you can easily use that sum of money to fund your inventory and your product launch. How to launch a product to get it ranked? Simple, I think its not a secret nowadays, just do a google search and you will find the answer: manipulate the amazon algorithm with tons of simulated sales within a short period of time.

    So why did I bought the course then? Well to me, the course is not worth the money, but the value is in the private community. I joined thru an affiliate (the biggest out there, check who's at the top in this launch and you'll know who I'm talking about) and I am in 2 private communities. This is where I feel the value is in. Along the way, when you faced problems or need help in your amazon business, you can seek advise and help from more experienced sellers in the communities. That's why I stayed and paid the course fees in 4 installments.

    So, the question you need to ask is: Are you willingly to pay such an amount to being part of a private community (or maybe 2, including the affiliate private group)? If the answer is yes, then sign up. But if you want to work and explore this business on your own, it's still possible.
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  • Profile picture of the author erickz
    Better still, if you have a few friends who are interested in ecommerce business and selling on Amazon, then you can split the cost so it become more affordable.

    I have a few friends who wanted to try out, after seeing my small success. But I told them not to join (due the expensive course fee). I am now working with them on a partnership basis on their amazon business, and it's a win-win situation.
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  • Profile picture of the author extremepassion
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    • Profile picture of the author erickz
      Originally Posted by extremepassion View Post

      I think the traditional ways are more effective than others the old and traditional ways are more secure and powerful so you can find your results.
      What are you talking here? Don't spam..
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  • Profile picture of the author mac101
    I tried ASM and was not lucky enough to ask for a refund before the trial ended.

    The training does show you how to find products and suppliers BUT that was never the problem. The problem is:

    1) Getting a product with a quality that minimum matches what is already sold on Amazon
    2) Getting it at a price where you can make a profit.

    If you can solve this problem it can work for you but if you can't, you're screwed.

    I spent lots of time, money, and effort and was not able to get passed this point. Others were able to figure this one out on their first shot. There is nothing in the training that will solve this for you. You contact suppliers using the methods they show you and most suppliers will give you free samples as long as you pay for shipping. Shipping is expensive. My first shot I got samples from 10 suppliers in China and spent about $500 on crap I wouldn't buy myself. And yes, I did my homework on the suppliers. I guess that beats what happened to others who actually ordered and paid for inventory and got crap quality products shipped to them.

    I gave it a few more shots with other products with the same results. I know people that were able to get a good product on their first try but in reality there is nothing in the training that will show you how to do this and not fail. The training will just show you how to find products and suppliers, methods you're probably already aware of.

    In the sales video Matt will say that there are people in ASM that have had products they have been trying to sell for years and their sales took off after getting ASM. That sounds great but is very misleading, these people already have a product.

    I would say ASM can work in 2 groups of people and is a maybe a third:
    1) People who already have a product, have no problem finding one, can make their own
    2) Someone with money who does not mind spending $5-10k testing out different products and suppliers
    3) someone who is lucky enough to land a product on their first try.

    If you are not in the first or second categories and still want to try, don't forget to ask for a refund if you fail getting that first product. That's where I screwed up. I spent more time trying to get a product and ended up missing the refund deadline.

    If you can only afford to get ASM on the payment plan, JUST STAY AWAY! And thank me for giving you this advice!
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    • Profile picture of the author ZanyZebra
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      • Profile picture of the author mac101
        Originally Posted by ZanyZebra View Post

        If you didn't trigger the 30 day guarantee then i'm left wondering why. But let's not dwell on that. I will make you an offer:
        The modules where you actually contact suppliers and get your product I believe were modules 3 and 4. which is close to the 30 days. I spent those 2 weeks contacting suppliers in China and getting samples. Of course the thought at the time was that I just wasn't contacting the right ones and it was just a matter of time before I do so.

        Originally Posted by ZanyZebra View Post

        I mean it. I will find you a product to sell (and i'll do it in less than 3 minutes so easy is the process).
        I can find 100s of products to sell in 2 minutes. Again, that's the problem. The problem is finding a good quality product at a price where I have profit margin. If you could that, you can make a lot more money providing that service for people.

        I always buy the product from amazon and compare them to the samples. I was never able to find any product that came close to quality. I'm not talking about a better quality (which is what you want), every single sample was inferior. Different suppliers, same results. That was the case for China suppliers. US suppliers on the other hand were always way too expensive. I'm talking an item that sells for $10 on amazon, they way to sell you 10000 units for $11 each plus shipping.

        And for the record, I am not in the minority. sure some people are successful but there are lots more who are not. Think about it. About 10000 people bought ASM, how many are really successful? If you complain about anything on the forum or facebook page, your post is removed. That being said, you still hear horror stories on the forum and facebook page.
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        • Profile picture of the author ZanyZebra
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10029873].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author mac101
            We could go back and forth and get nowhere, so I guess we can agree to that.

            But the issue identified, will not change, and I guess I'm not smart enough to find a solution. The products and suppliers are many, finding one that will give a quality product at a cost where you can make a profit is not easy.
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        • Profile picture of the author Ryan David
          Originally Posted by mac101 View Post

          And for the record, I am not in the minority. sure some people are successful but there are lots more who are not. Think about it. About 10000 people bought ASM, how many are really successful? If you complain about anything on the forum or facebook page, your post is removed. That being said, you still hear horror stories on the forum and facebook page.
          Whenever I've been involved with a training program, there are basically 3 types of people; people that succeed, people that don't succeed, and people that act like they are succeeding. The 3rd group is probably the most dangerous because they act like they are a success story....these are usually the type of people that become moderators because they know the training material very well, but have never been able to implement it successfully. These are also the people that try to use this "notoriety" to launch their own products or training programs. I can give you a long and very specific example of this but I don't want to bore you with the details.

          If you are assuming people are taking action, the difference between the people that succeed and the ones that don't succeed is simply the ability to evaluate products and buy them at the right price. Personally, I don't think that a training program can really teach you that. If you can evaluate them and buy them right, then everything else is just amplifying your results.

          Back in 2006 I was running (and still am) an ecommerce store that was doing very well. The argument used to be (in the days of adsense) "Well, I don't want to deal with the hassle of physical products". So instead of making .20/visitor like I was ($20 profit for every 100 visitors), they were making about .01/visitor (5% CTR @ 25 cents per click). So they essentially needed 20x more traffic to make the same amount of money that I was making. Now what is more difficult?

          Ditto with this amazon stuff. People think it's easier to go through a course, go to a bunch of seminars, and spend a bunch of time in forums "learning". This won't aide in your success, it'll just be another social hangout.
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          • Profile picture of the author ZanyZebra
            Originally Posted by Ryan David View Post


            People think it's easier to go through a course, go to a bunch of seminars, and spend a bunch of time in forums "learning". This won't aide in your success, it'll just be another social hangout.
            Agreed. Those who simply go through the ASM material and take no action will get absolutely nowhere. They shouldn't buy ASM or any other training material for that matter.

            One of the reasons for the huge success of ASMers is that, built into the approach, is a feed system that ensures a 'one step at a time' process that when added up takes them a very long way. It's part of the reason i've seen those, i've coached inside, be so successful.

            Elsewhere in the WF i've written a post about who should not buy ASM, those who don't take action, or are easily stopped, or look for excuses when they should look to themselves, should not buy.

            Thankfully most people do not fall into these categories.
            Want Straight Answers About ASM? (Amazing Selling Machine). Go To:

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  • Profile picture of the author Stuiebee
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    • Profile picture of the author ZanyZebra
      Originally Posted by Stuiebee View Post


      ASM is pretty fantastic tbh. It's a fully-comprehensive 'how to' kit. I've been selling successfully on Amazon for a number of years now but i often dig back into my ASM vid archives every now and then for a refresher. Worth the investment for sure - if you are willing to take action of course.

      Taking strong action on ASM is key in order to get the big results many are achieving from it.

      Not sure if you are aware but the ASM videos have been completely refreshed (ASM5) with additional material to take into account new strategies, amazon developments, software updates, etc.

      Good luck with your ventures.
      Want Straight Answers About ASM? (Amazing Selling Machine). Go To:
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  • Profile picture of the author ZanyZebra
    An update on the amazon opportunity.

    Amazon produced a whopping 10.4% growth over the first half of 2014.

    It is now well on pace to do over $100 billion in revenue. $100 billion.

    it will be the only ecommerce company to have ever hit this gigantic milestone.

    This pace is of growth is huge for a company the size of Amazon and highlights the undeniable trend that’s driving Amazon’s fantastic expansion — people want to buy everything from one place.

    Amazon’s gigantic growth is also happening outside the USA.

    UK up 10%. Germany up 14%. Japan up 9%

    It’s an incredibly exciting time to be an ecommerce entrepreneur, especially if you utilise the amazon platform.
    Want Straight Answers About ASM? (Amazing Selling Machine). Go To:
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  • Profile picture of the author gange10
    Yes ASM lays out the basics but misses out the advanced stuff and at 4k is very expensive the tools you can find cheaper elsewhere.

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  • I bought ASM a long time ago. Do old members still get all this new updated stuff? Never did anything with it because like DavePalermo, I also saw the profit margin too far off to make the effort or maybe I thought it would be too difficult for me at the time...I dont even remember. I dont even know what my login is anymore..But I was always interested in the Amazon business model so I wonder if I can still login to this stuff?
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    • Profile picture of the author panorama
      Originally Posted by Michael J Anthony View Post

      I bought ASM a long time ago. Do old members still get all this new updated stuff? Never did anything with it because like DavePalermo, I also saw the profit margin too far off to make the effort or maybe I thought it would be too difficult for me at the time...I dont even remember. I dont even know what my login is anymore..But I was always interested in the Amazon business model so I wonder if I can still login to this stuff?
      Yes, you will have access to all the updated training material from within your account.
      Comparison of Amazing Selling Machine & Other Private Label Alternatives (Updated April 2015)
      Copy Meets Design - Copywriting and design services exclusively for Amazon listings
      Phone/Text: 917-338-9644
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10311707].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author ZanyZebra
      Originally Posted by Michael J Anthony View Post

      I bought ASM a long time ago. Do old members still get all this new updated stuff? Never did anything with it because like DavePalermo, I also saw the profit margin too far off to make the effort or maybe I thought it would be too difficult for me at the time...I dont even remember. I dont even know what my login is anymore..But I was always interested in the Amazon business model so I wonder if I can still login to this stuff?
      Michael, I urge you to find your login details for ASM.

      When you go back in, after being out for so long, and go straight to the monthly earnings page for ASMers in the last 30 days you'll be knocked flat on your back! Go back in, you'll see immediately what i'm talking about.

      As panorama says as a member you will have access to everything that has happened since you last visited. Even better ASM6 has just been re-written and added to with new content. The core modules alone have now increased from 8 to 12.

      The last batch of ASMers i coached (ASM5) are now seeing their earnings rise and some even onto page 1 and hitting the 5 figure a month mark.

      Seriously. Get back in there.

      Good luck and hope to see you on the inside.
      Want Straight Answers About ASM? (Amazing Selling Machine). Go To:
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10311791].message }}
      • Originally Posted by ZanyZebra View Post

        Michael, I urge you to find your login details for ASM.

        When you go back in, after being out for so long, and go straight to the monthly earnings page for ASMers in the last 30 days you'll be knocked flat on your back! Go back in, you'll see immediately what i'm talking about.

        As panorama says as a member you will have access to everything that has happened since you last visited. Even better ASM6 has just been re-written and added to with new content. The core modules alone have now increased from 8 to 12.

        The last batch of ASMers i coached (ASM5) are now seeing their earnings rise and some even onto page 1 and hitting the 5 figure a month mark.

        Seriously. Get back in there.

        Good luck and hope to see you on the inside.
        I found that I was able to log back in. Wow- what an update from when I last logged in 3 years ago when it was still called AZ Money Machine. It appears I'm just in time for the affiliate program launch too. Looks great and I didn't even know I had access to all this - LOL. However, I do not see this monthly earners page you mentioned.
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        • Profile picture of the author ZanyZebra
          Originally Posted by Michael J Anthony View Post

          I found that I was able to log back in. Wow- what an update from when I last logged in 3 years ago when it was still called AZ Money Machine. It appears I'm just in time for the affiliate program launch too. Looks great and I didn't even know I had access to all this - LOL. However, I do not see this monthly earners page you mentioned.
          Michael, glad you've found your password.

          Told you so, lol!

          To find the earnings, go to the dashboard page. On the right hand side where is says "Top Badges". It's a scrollable window but there is only space to show 3. You;ll see it says revenue for this month and it shows those earning $100k within last 30 days, $250k within last 30 days, $1M in last 30 days.

          By the way, that list isn't the only people who have earned those figures, it's only the ones who have hit that level in the last 30 days only!

          Do you now see what you've been sitting on all this time?

          Good luck with your ventures.
          Want Straight Answers About ASM? (Amazing Selling Machine). Go To:

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10312087].message }}
          • Originally Posted by ZanyZebra View Post

            To find the earnings, go to the dashboard page. On the right hand side where is says "Top Badges". It's a scrollable window but there is only space to show 3. You;ll see it says revenue for this month and it shows those earning $100k within last 30 days, $250k within last 30 days, $1M in last 30 days.
            I see the Top Badges but there are 25 people scrolled in there with no link to anywhere else.

            But, yes, I do see what I was sitting on all this time. Only good thing about that is that I only paid $1k at the time.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10312105].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author ZanyZebra
              Originally Posted by Michael J Anthony View Post

              I see the Top Badges but there are 25 people scrolled in there with no link to anywhere else.

              But, yes, I do see what I was sitting on all this time. Only good thing about that is that I only paid $1k at the time.
              Good grief!

              You only paid $1k for what is now ASM!

              Give it back. Give it back NOW!

              (Also, with your streak of luck, you ought to run out right now and buy a lottery ticket)

              Want Straight Answers About ASM? (Amazing Selling Machine). Go To:

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  • Profile picture of the author ZanyZebra
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  • Profile picture of the author gange10
    All I will say on this subject is the stuff it teaches can all be found here and YT for FREE and the money you save you can spend on inventory!

    Ignore the hype, I did and learnt this myself it can be done.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10319136].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author ZanyZebra
      Originally Posted by gange10 View Post

      All I will say on this subject is the stuff it teaches can all be found here and YT for FREE and the money you save you can spend on inventory!

      Ignore the hype, I did and learnt this myself it can be done.

      David i'm afraid that's simply not true.

      Have you seen ASM6? The new course?

      To claim that you can learn for free on youtube what is in ASM6 is complete nonsense.

      Good luck with your ventures.
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      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10320066].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author gange10
        Yes and same old hype and for 4k its not worth it!

        So to get started would be 7k (3k for inventory) there are better courses teachers out there who would not dream of charging that sort of money!


        Originally Posted by ZanyZebra View Post

        David i'm afraid that's simply not true.

        Have you seen ASM6? The new course?

        To claim that you can learn for free on youtube what is in ASM6 is complete nonsense.

        Good luck with your ventures.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10320155].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author ZanyZebra
          Originally Posted by gange10 View Post

          Yes and same old hype and for 4k its not worth it!

          So to get started would be 7k (3k for inventory) there are better courses teachers out there who would not dream of charging that sort of money!

          David i don't know where you're getting those figures from.

          They have no relation at all to the start up costs. None.

          For example the average inventory costs for product 1 are most often somewhere between $500 and $1000. This figure comes from the over 150 new ASMers I have coached through the learning process. I have direct access to the figures.

          What I can't make out is why you are spouting these wild inaccuracies? For what purpose? You clearly don't have access to the facts so why are you just making stuff up?

          I have no arguement with you personally, but it's puzzling.

          Anyway, good luck with your ventures.
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  • Profile picture of the author Stuiebee
    I managed to build a successful Amazon business before watching ASM - so i think the price tag is a bit extreme.

    ASM is a good course though. No doubt.
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    • Profile picture of the author Jim Cockrum
      Originally Posted by Stuiebee View Post

      I managed to build a successful Amazon business before watching ASM - so i think the price tag is a bit extreme.

      ASM is a good course though. No doubt.
      I'm part of a huge community of highly successful Amazon sellers (some with 7 figures quarterly) who NEVER spent more than a few hundred dollars at a time on their "online education" - and they are fully aware of the risks of putting all their eggs into a single Amazon account (google "amazon account suspension" sometime - it happens!)

      I suggest you pursue multiple streams instead.
      Signature aka the "PAC" now includes the #1 "Private Label" training on the web (! We've been teaching "physical product" sales online since 2002 & we've accumulated over 1,000 success testimonials!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10322891].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author panorama
        Originally Posted by Jim Cockrum View Post

        I'm part of a huge community of highly successful Amazon sellers (some with 7 figures quarterly) who NEVER spent more than a few hundred dollars at a time on their "online education" - and they are fully aware of the risks of putting all their eggs into a single Amazon account (google "amazon account suspension" sometime - it happens!)

        I suggest you pursue multiple streams instead.
        I'd agree with Jim that it's good to pursue multiple income streams. If you'd like to learn about different Amazon or eBay business models, PAC is a great resource. However, if your goal is to specifically learn about private labeling, there are better alternatives.
        Comparison of Amazing Selling Machine & Other Private Label Alternatives (Updated April 2015)
        Copy Meets Design - Copywriting and design services exclusively for Amazon listings
        Phone/Text: 917-338-9644
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10322904].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author panorama
          I'd like to add a specific point about ASM because I regularly get asked what makes it worth so much more than the alternatives?

          The truth is, the course itself isn't really significantly better than other options today. I've been through a lot of competing courses, and it's just not.

          ASM does a good job overall and I think how they present the material is probably better than other courses I've seen. However, in terms of content quality, the training is similar to what you can find elsewhere at a lower course.

          The important takeaway is that, by itself, the course isn't going to give you a significant advantage over other training options. [/B]

          Now, this wasn't always the case. There was a time (not too long ago) when ASM member access to the training and community did provide a real advantage over non-members. Information about how to succeed just wasn't easily found anywhere else; however, a lot of effective strategies leaked over time, eroding the advantage that once existed.

          So, why would someone pay such a premium for ASM, especially when a large portion of the purchase price goes to affiliates?

          Surprisingly, the powerhouse affiliate system that built up around ASM has turned out to be the big differentiation factor. What I mean is that such large commissions create competition between affiliates, making bonus offers a real differentiating factor.

          So, when purchased through an affiliate, you'll typically receive more than just the ASM training. You can get additional bonuses like extra coaching, tools, services, etc. from people with real experience. Any serious ASM affiliate has to offer something of significant value to be competitive and attract buyers.

          Right now, the ability to get your hands on a good bonus (when purchasing through the right affiliate) is the primary differentiating factor between ASM and other alternatives right now.

          That's the ONLY difference.

          If you were to purchase ASM directly through (or if you don't care about bonus offers), there's absolutely no reason to purchase ASM.

          If you can afford ASM, the course + the right bonuses can provide excellent value. Alternatively, you could forego a bonus offer and still obtain high quality training by purchasing another course at a lower cost.

          I've coached hundreds of people through ASM (more-so when it offered a clearer advantage), and I've also pointed plenty of people towards other less expensive courses. There's no single option that will be right for everyone, so it's important to understand where the value lies and make an educated decision about what's right for you.
          Comparison of Amazing Selling Machine & Other Private Label Alternatives (Updated April 2015)
          Copy Meets Design - Copywriting and design services exclusively for Amazon listings
          Phone/Text: 917-338-9644
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10323179].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author docmatt
            Originally Posted by panorama View Post

            I'd like to add a specific point about ASM because I regularly get asked what makes it worth so much more than the alternatives?

            The truth is, the course itself isn't really significantly better than other options today. I've been through a lot of competing courses, and it's just not.

            ASM does a good job overall and I think how they present the material is probably better than other courses I've seen. However, in terms of content quality, the training is similar to what you can find elsewhere at a lower course.

            The important takeaway is that, by itself, the course isn't going to give you a significant advantage over other training options. [/B]

            Now, this wasn't always the case. There was a time (not too long ago) when ASM member access to the training and community did provide a real advantage over non-members. Information about how to succeed just wasn't easily found anywhere else; however, a lot of effective strategies leaked over time, eroding the advantage that once existed.

            So, why would someone pay such a premium for ASM, especially when a large portion of the purchase price goes to affiliates?

            Surprisingly, the powerhouse affiliate system that built up around ASM has turned out to be the big differentiation factor. What I mean is that such large commissions create competition between affiliates, making bonus offers a real differentiating factor.

            So, when purchased through an affiliate, you'll typically receive more than just the ASM training. You can get additional bonuses like extra coaching, tools, services, etc. from people with real experience. Any serious ASM affiliate has to offer something of significant value to be competitive and attract buyers.

            Right now, the ability to get your hands on a good bonus (when purchasing through the right affiliate) is the primary differentiating factor between ASM and other alternatives right now.

            That's the ONLY difference.

            If you were to purchase ASM directly through (or if you don't care about bonus offers), there's absolutely no reason to purchase ASM.

            If you can afford ASM, the course + the right bonuses can provide excellent value. Alternatively, you could forego a bonus offer and still obtain high quality training by purchasing another course at a lower cost.

            I've coached hundreds of people through ASM (more-so when it offered a clearer advantage), and I've also pointed plenty of people towards other less expensive courses. There's no single option that will be right for everyone, so it's important to understand where the value lies and make an educated decision about what's right for you.
            EXCELLENT feedback and observations Panorama (my favorite CARS disc by the way) and thank you- There are SO MANY other options out there now, some of higher quality, some just cash grabbers riding the Amazon wave- But either way, like you said, there are so many more educational options open now that weren't there three years ago-

            Anyone who gets ASM at this point without the top bonuses is truly shooting themselves in the foot- And it sounds like your coaching is a great option-

            Thanks for your thoughts-
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  • Profile picture of the author liqcentral
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  • Profile picture of the author peterse7ven
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    • Profile picture of the author ZanyZebra
      Originally Posted by peterse7ven View Post

      Great thread! Thank you everyone for all of the input.
      You're welcome.

      There are 3 or 4 of us in this thread who have actual experience of doing ASM. And, at least 2 of us are, what others might consider, very successful with it (eg six figures a month).

      If you've any questions then ask away. I, and i'm sure others, will be happy to give you straight answers.

      Good luck with your ventures.
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      • Profile picture of the author younglite
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        • Profile picture of the author ZanyZebra
          Originally Posted by younglite View Post

          I have a question. I am new to private labeling on Amazon. I basically used ASMs model (without paying for the course) and combined other Amazon knowledge I've gathered over the years. I have done pretty well for starting out - 4k per month.

          My question is this - how many products does the average 6-figure person have in their store to get to that level? Are their any margin minimums chosen for these products?

          Good questions.

          Earning $4k a month is a fair starting point for a complete beginner (as a comparison many new ASMers would be earning that within about 4 weeks or so of having their product in amazon, 8 weeks later it would be more than that).

          As for how many products does the average 6-figure person have, it varies a lot depending on which category they are selling in, and importantly how they are building their business.

          I'm assuming you are asking me because you know that I earn 6 figures a month. I currently have 5 products (but i'm going to be increasing that soon as within ASM there are a number of new strategies being created as a result of recent market changes).

          On margins, again it depends on product category, product type, aggression of promotions, platforms used to advertise, etc. For myself I don't entertain testing a product if I don't know that it can make at least 40% pure profit margin (although they sometimes don't start out at that level). Currently my average profit margin is 53%.

          Hope this helps.

          Good luck with your ventures.
          Want Straight Answers About ASM? (Amazing Selling Machine). Go To:

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  • Profile picture of the author bstalling48
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10330505].message }}
    • Originally Posted by bstalling48 View Post

      I probably will agree that just taking the course won't put you in a superior advantage than not taking it..
      Agree...if you are hell-bent on finding this information for yourself. The information is out there for those that want to find it themselves. Time is money so if you don't want to look up this info for yourself, you need to pay someone to give you the info all in one place, ie. ASM + private community. (Remember when you had to actually get up to turn the channel on a TV set? Remote controls made this a thing of the past but you had to pay extra for it.)

      Originally Posted by bstalling48 View Post

      Its the person that you sign up under that matters.
      Disagree...the person who referred you to the course has absolutely nothing to do with your success or failure with Amazon or the ASM course itself. I am an old member who signed up about 3 years ago and have no idea who referred me because it doesn't matter.
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  • Profile picture of the author johnbibikaki
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    • Profile picture of the author Jim Cockrum
      Originally Posted by johnbibikaki View Post

      HI All

      There will be a paid upgrade for the Proven Amazon Course from Jim Cockrum.

      It's only for Members of the PAC and only available for a few days for a massive discount.
      If you ever thought of buying the PAC, then
      now is the time.

      Here is only one snippet of the promotion:

      You get access to:
      How to grow your selling on Amazon business from $5,000 a month to $50,000 a month - a complete system of outsourcing the work, finding profitable inventory & managing cash flow

      Looks like Jim has enhanced his course by adding some stuff out of what ASM teaches us.
      Actually that module came out BEORE ASM started selling version one (remember - we've been teaching creative ways to sell physical products online since 2002 - longer than ANYONE still in the mix). The guy that we did that course with is now doing nearly a million per month in high margin sales in unique Amazon niche markets (very few of them private label) - and yes, he's still creating modules for our community...and all new modules continue to cost nothing for our community.
      Signature aka the "PAC" now includes the #1 "Private Label" training on the web (! We've been teaching "physical product" sales online since 2002 & we've accumulated over 1,000 success testimonials!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10351560].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author ZanyZebra
    Just so people know, the ASM6 course which is has just closed has been expanded and refreshed with a lot of new content that takes into account amazon changes and new strategies to sell even more.

    For example the core modules have now been expanded from 8 to 12. And, the modules have all been re-written too.
    Want Straight Answers About ASM? (Amazing Selling Machine). Go To:
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  • Profile picture of the author Jessica007
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    • Profile picture of the author ZanyZebra
      Originally Posted by Jessica007 View Post

      you can get it from amazon.
      Jessica, i'm afraid you cannot get ASM from amazon, or anywhere else, it is the best training, bar none, not available to the public (and has been restricted only to those inside ASM for the last 18 months). However, look out for an announcement very soon.

      Good luck with your ventures.
      Want Straight Answers About ASM? (Amazing Selling Machine). Go To:
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11046130].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Ratamok
    Hi, a friend of mine bought the course and made a business from that. He took all the steps as explained and he is very succesfull today. Today that is his full time job. The course explains every crytical step of the business from how to find a product on alibaba, how to contact seller, how to find someone that checks products before they are shipped to Amazon, how to make labels for white-label products etc.
    As he said it was not easy to start but eventualy things are automated. But you are always looking for something new to sell and the circle spins all the time. There's also big starting investment and a lot of people who tried the system was stopped by that fact.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11047850].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author ZanyZebra
      Originally Posted by Ratamok View Post

      Hi, a friend of mine bought the course and made a business from that. He took all the steps as explained and he is very succesfull today. Today that is his full time job. The course explains every crytical step of the business from how to find a product on alibaba, how to contact seller, how to find someone that checks products before they are shipped to Amazon, how to make labels for white-label products etc.
      As he said it was not easy to start but eventualy things are automated. But you are always looking for something new to sell and the circle spins all the time. There's also big starting investment and a lot of people who tried the system was stopped by that fact.
      Good that your friend has built a great business following ASM.

      I have built a substantial ecommerce business myself following it, and have subsequently helped many others do the same. You are correct, there is a one-off investment to be made to get the training, but it has been closed to the general public for nearly 2 years (nb, look out for more on this very soon, announcement pending).

      Your friend's approach is slightly faulty though, if he/she builds a brand rather than collection of individual products he/she will find there is no need to continually create new products.

      Anyways, good luck to them, great to here others making a big success of ASM.
      Want Straight Answers About ASM? (Amazing Selling Machine). Go To:
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11047875].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author MValmont
      Originally Posted by Ratamok View Post

      Hi, a friend of mine bought the course and made a business from that. He took all the steps as explained and he is very succesfull today. Today that is his full time job. The course explains every crytical step of the business from how to find a product on alibaba, how to contact seller, how to find someone that checks products before they are shipped to Amazon, how to make labels for white-label products etc.
      As he said it was not easy to start but eventualy things are automated. But you are always looking for something new to sell and the circle spins all the time. There's also big starting investment and a lot of people who tried the system was stopped by that fact.
      That's the main problem with Amazon FBA,

      No matter what everybody says, you need at least $1000 in order to start in that business. You have to consider all the units you need to buy upfront AND the marketing costs.

      $1000 is a small fee to start a business, but a lot of people don't have it. This is why I recommend newbies to start doing ecommerce/dropshipping. You can start with literally less than $100, everything included.

      Don't get me wrong, Amazon FBA is amazing, but there are better options out there for someone just starting out.
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