Compare Authority Pro 3 to InstaBuilder?

5 replies
Anyone care to offer a comparison on Authority Pro 3 to InstaBuilder? I'm considering purchasing but want to understand the difference between the 2 and make a good decision. Thanks!
#authority #compare #instabuilder #pro
  • Profile picture of the author aymen99
    i personally prefer Authority Pro 3 , i'm not saying instabuilder is not good , but
    Authority Pro 3 suited my needs !
    There is no big difference between the 2 , maybe Authority Pro 3 have more options !
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  • Profile picture of the author themichaelcook
    I have never tried Instabuilder, But do own Authority Pro 3 and as aymen pointed out it also suited everything that I needed to build out effective squeeze pages & sales funnels.

    But ultimately the final decision lies upon you as in what your looking at what your goals are.

    I would suggest doing research on both of them and pick the winner based on your findings.
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    • Profile picture of the author tangosdad
      So are AP3 and InstaBuilder strictly for sales and squeeze pages or can I use some of their elements for an existing blog? For example an optin form or popup? Or do I use different stand alone plugins for that on my blog?
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  • Profile picture of the author cypherslock
    Ap3 by a country mile. Easier interface, much quicker. Better graphics. You can set up full sales funnels, or just optin forms/pages. You can set up payment options as well. Videos, etc, bullets, healines, different elements that you can use as standalone separate from sales pages.
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  • Profile picture of the author David Neale
    Good review. Shane prefers Instabuilder;

    OptimizePress 2 vs. Premise vs. InstaBuilder vs. Alternatives - Review

    Originally Posted by tangosdad View Post

    Anyone care to offer a comparison on Authority Pro 3 to InstaBuilder? I'm considering purchasing but want to understand the difference between the 2 and make a good decision. Thanks!

    David Neale

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