Good, reliable, medium? Web Hosts

Profile picture of Draphoelix
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I'm new in this forum, so excuse me if this is the wrong section (found similar threads here).

Anyway, I'm looking for a host. I don't have a website, no traffic, and that's exactly why I need a host.

The problem is that I was aiming for something like BlueHost, Hostgator or DreamHost, until I found out that they are all owned by EIG which seem to have a really bad reputation?

I always associated big companies with trustworthiness, but that doesn't seem to work when it comes to web hosting.

I just started out and was planning to use Wordpress and buy a domain name seperately from Namecheap. Now I'm looking for web hosts, or someone who can tell me that those big hosting brands aren't really that bad. My budget ain't that limited, but I rather not spend unnecessary money.

Anyway, when I searched, these names have popped up a couple of times:
Site 5

Any tips?
#good #hosts #medium #reliable #web

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