The IM SYSTEM anyone?

Profile picture of dachwf
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77 replies
Kenster's IM SYSTEM was just released today. Does anyone
have any direct experience with this program and if it can
provide what is promised (6 figures in 6 weeks)?

  • Profile picture of the author DubDubDubDot
    Profile picture of DubDubDubDot
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    The main issue I see is that he doesn't disclose what the business is going to be. You have to pay $297 to find out. Generally speaking you want to walk away from that. If it were a $5 WSO it wouldn't be such a big deal.

    The marketing has a lot of grandiose claims. A six figure income in less than six weeks "without fancy skills, without a large budget, and without experience" is certainly something to be skeptical of.
    • Profile picture of the author Kenster
      Profile picture of Kenster
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      Originally Posted by dachwf View Post

      Kenster's IM SYSTEM was just released today. Does anyone
      have any direct experience with this program and if it can
      provide what is promised (6 figures in 6 weeks)?


      Thanks for the thread Dave. I am actually the creator of the program, so my thoughts may be biased :p

      With that said, The IM System is the most comprehensive and actionable program I have seen in my years online. It's about stepping students through building out a digital media business from scratch, soup to nuts, and of course we have an entire support alliance and myself who will be with you any step of the way.

      My advice for anything like this is to speak to do a bit of digging and see what people in my past programs think. And in my opinion (knowing the content because I created it) The IM System is far more comprehensive and actionable than any of those past programs.

      And remember, we are running through DG and you have a refund guarantee where you don't even need to speak to me to ask for one. So you can check it out completely risk free for 2 weeks.

      Of course if you have any other questions, let me know!

      Originally Posted by DubDubDubDot View Post

      The main issue I see is that he doesn't disclose what the business is going to be. You have to pay $297 to find out. Generally speaking you want to walk away from that. If it were a $5 WSO it wouldn't be such a big deal.

      The marketing has a lot of grandiose claims. A six figure income in less than six weeks "without fancy skills, without a large budget, and without experience" is certainly something to be skeptical of.

      It DOES disclose what type of business. There is no specific niche, but that's the point. Students pick a niche (we'll walk you through it) and then build out the system around that niche.

      And again, you can check it out risk free.

      If anybody has any other questions, ping our support channel or I'll pop on here every time I get a break (things get hectic during an opening like this!)

      Have a fantastic day guys!
      • Profile picture of the author shami
        Profile picture of shami
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        Guys i just joined the IM system and i can say one thing for sure that i have never seen or experienced any thing like IM system in my entire life.

        it is so comprehensive and systematically designed that only you can fail yourself ....system is not going to let you fail I am damn serious .....the system is so powerful that you can not fail if you follow the instructions and complete all the action taking exercises ....very powerful systematically designed system which virtually guarantee your success and finally i want to congratulate Ken for designing such a powerful system which will work and create success story for so many of us and many many years to come.


        Originally Posted by Kenster View Post

        Thanks for the thread Dave. I am actually the creator of the program, so my thoughts may be biased :p

        With that said, The IM System is the most comprehensive and actionable program I have seen in my years online. It's about stepping students through building out a digital media business from scratch, soup to nuts, and of course we have an entire support alliance and myself who will be with you any step of the way.

        My advice for anything like this is to speak to do a bit of digging and see what people in my past programs think. And in my opinion (knowing the content because I created it) The IM System is far more comprehensive and actionable than any of those past programs.

        And remember, we are running through DG and you have a refund guarantee where you don't even need to speak to me to ask for one. So you can check it out completely risk free for 2 weeks.

        Of course if you have any other questions, let me know!

        It DOES disclose what type of business. There is no specific niche, but that's the point. Students pick a niche (we'll walk you through it) and then build out the system around that niche.

        And again, you can check it out risk free.

        If anybody has any other questions, ping our support channel or I'll pop on here every time I get a break (things get hectic during an opening like this!)

        Have a fantastic day guys!
      • Profile picture of the author DubDubDubDot
        Profile picture of DubDubDubDot
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        Originally Posted by Kenster View Post

        It DOES disclose what type of business.
        I read the sales page and watched the video. Unless I missed it, you give no clue as to the type of business except that it will be a "lifestyle business."

        What are we talking about here? Writing ebooks? Informational sites? Web based TV show? Giving seminars? Guided tours? Being a 1-900 psychic? Any of that and more could fall under a lifestyle business and they all require a unique skill set.

        I'm not trying to rake you over the coals or anything. I'm just trying to figure out what business will be built using the skills gained from the course.
        • Profile picture of the author mikehansen
          Profile picture of mikehansen
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          Originally Posted by DubDubDubDot View Post

          I read the sales page and watched the video. Unless I missed it, you give no clue as to the type of business except that it will be a "lifestyle business."

          What are we talking about here? Writing ebooks? Informational sites? Web based TV show? Giving seminars? Guided tours? Being a 1-900 psychic? Any of that and more could fall under a lifestyle business and they all require a unique skill set.

          I'm not trying to rake you over the coals or anything. I'm just trying to figure out what business will be built using the skills gained from the course.
          You missed these three parts…"There is no specific niche, but that's the point. Students pick a niche (we'll walk you through it) and then build out the system around that niche.

          I was an SFA member and it delivered A LOT of value and turned many into 6-figure marketers. This course is more comprehensive and in my opinion, Ken is underselling it. I have paid over $2k for IM courses that cover 360 degrees of the IM marketing gamut but fell short of putting all of the pieces together to actually get results.

          It's one thing to have IM knowledge, but knowledge itself won't get you there. It's wisdom to know how to apply knowledge to get results. Here's the formula for success.

          SUCCESS = Mindset + Great Information + Action

          What Ken does is dissects a successful components of IM business that runs mostly on autopilot, takes apart all the pieces like a puzzle and then logically and systematically puts them back together in a sequential step by step order in the manner of which his students can easily follow.

          He helps you prepare mentally for the journey (MINDSET), then all you have to do is simply watch the videos (take in INFORMATION) and then do the homework (take ACTION) to apply what you've learned to create your own IM system in YOUR niche of choice.

          I didn't even touch on the community aspect which also presents a lot of networking opportunities to build partnerships and JV's with like-minded people and helps to keep us accountable to follow through and take action.

          For anyone who is on the fence about this, the best thing you could do is give it a try for 14 days risk free and if after 2 weeks you still feel the same, then simply ask for your money back. BUT, if you follow the steps and do the homework, you'll agree with me that this course is easily worth over $1k if not several thousands for the return on investment.

          My 2 cents….
          • Profile picture of the author Walter Cyclid
            Walter Cyclid
            Profile picture of Walter Cyclid
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            Originally Posted by mikehansen View Post

            For anyone who is on the fence about this, the best thing you could do is give it a try for 14 days risk free and if after 2 weeks you still feel the same, then simply ask for your money back.

            But there's the catch 22. What sort of business can you expect to see results in after just 14 days?

            You are going to purchase a course and put the time and effort that is needed to see any results, good or bad, but will only be given 2 weeks to make up your mind if it is good or bad. Doesn't make sense.

            That being the case, I guess what should be done is buy the course, and if you don't make back at least the $300.00 for the course, in just 2 weeks, than ask for your money back.

            No c'mon. How realistic is that really? Making $300 in 2 weeks for something you know how to do. Usually not a problem. Making $300 on your own while being taught how to do it, takes time.
            • Profile picture of the author shazbat
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              • Profile picture of the author billurell
                Profile picture of billurell
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                I purchased and am glad I did. I have been a member of the Forum for a few years bought many products (easily more than 50) and can say this is the best all around system I've seen. The price point is a bargain for value received. We are also developing a positive, supportive community.

                Ken is a very good, clear teacher talking from experience and easy to watch on video which is a huge consideration.

                This is the real deal, if you are sitting on the fence, jump at the chance to learn a replicable system that is truly about developing passive income.

                Do NOT think this is a push button money maker. Rather, it is an A-Z course on producing key interlocking parts of a sales system that are usually only available in bits and pieces.You WILL have to work and produce. If you are finally ready to stop chasing Bright Shiny Objects and buckle down, this is it.


                PS This is unsolicited, I feel when someone finally gets it right, to me it's only fair to share. Hope to see you inside.
              • Profile picture of the author Walter Cyclid
                Walter Cyclid
                Profile picture of Walter Cyclid
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                Originally Posted by shazbat View Post

                It's not about making your money back in 14 days!

                After spending 14 days with this course, any reasonable person should be able to decide whether they are going to get value for money out of it or not.

                Having purchased the course myself, I'm very confident that this is going to be a great value investment.
                Point taken. But for a lot of people who don't make back their investment, or only that amount back, may have to wonder if they are going to continue to make money using what they were taught, or is this the only money they will ever make learning what they were taught.

                For those who can see that they can continue to make money, then you are right, it's not about making money in 14 days.

                For those who maybe make some money the first day they study and practice the course, then make nothing the other 13 days after studying and implementing the course, they could very well wonder if they will ever make money with the course.

                I'm just trying to put myself in the customer's shoes, which is what I think every seller should do.
                • Profile picture of the author bwh1
                  Profile picture of bwh1
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                  Originally Posted by Walter Cyclid View Post

                  Point taken. But for a lot of people who don't make back their investment, or only that amount back, may have to wonder if they are going to continue to make money using what they were taught, or is this the only money they will ever make learning what they were taught.

                  For those who can see that they can continue to make money, then you are right, it's not about making money in 14 days.

                  For those who maybe make some money the first day they study and practice the course, then make nothing the other 13 days after studying and implementing the course, they could very well wonder if they will ever make money with the course.

                  I'm just trying to put myself in the customer's shoes, which is what I think every seller should do.
                  Walt, the whole purpose of that course is totally different.

                  This is NOT a BixOpp or MMO course, even tough you will do exactly that if you follow the modules and steps.

                  This is a course about BUILDING a sustainable and long term business, what could ultimately be also an Offline business as the fundamentals are 99% the same.

                  SO while the course focus on a Online business simply because it's the easiest, fastest and most economical market to get into, it's not the only thing you can apply what you learn.

                  Heck in the first module Ken talks about Mindset and Willpower what even let you pick up more Chick's (if you are in need).

                  Overall, this is as detailed as it can get and whom is interested in learning ALL what matters about building a FULL business (not only a piece of it like Affiliate Marketing) then this is for you.

                  If you are interested into fast cash where you put in $20 to get out $40 each time you do it (if you get it right) then this is not for you, you better try your luck with a CPA course or similar.

                  I'm glad I got in for $300 bucks, which is not a small investment to say it lightly just to please Ken (which I didn't knew before).


                  Affiliates Wanted! Make anywhere from 42,- to $72 in commissions. Simply Recommend the Best QuickBooks Pro Video Course available at Clickbank.

                • Profile picture of the author imaviators
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                  Originally Posted by sakhar1 View Post

                  i am interested to get this course but i need some clarification.

                  1)i understanding this system is about info products. I like to do something in the non-im niche but i am not an expert in any fields. so how will this system help me?

                  2)it is mentioned in the im system salespage that i will have access to the training for atleast 12months and atleast 6 months access to kenster. so does this means that to have access to kenster and the training we need to pay another 297$?

                  hope those who owns this course can clarify my questions.
                  Originally Posted by djn001 View Post

                  Does anyone know if there is any facility to ask questions about this course before making a purchase, as with regular WSO's?

                  I have tried sending a PM to Kenster, but I'm not holding out much hope of getting a reply because he will be extremely busy at the moment and I expect many other people will have also tried doing this.
                  Wondering if my enquiries will be replied before the offer is over
                  • Profile picture of the author bwh1
                    Profile picture of bwh1
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                    Originally Posted by sakhar1 View Post

                    Wondering if my enquiries will be replied before the offer is over
                    1 - what you will learn applies to all businesses, also offline.

                    So you know squad about IM, you can create a cooking course and sell it online after knowing the mechanics Ken is teaching you - if that's what you are good at.

                    The point is that you will understand how to build THE SYSTEM which makes it all work, the product is ultimately the commodity you plug into it, whatever it is.

                    2 - Can't answer to you but I remember that we get lifetime access, just Ken's personal support has some limitations.

                    to the last question, Ken is definitely busy inside his product as he offers personal support so getting an answer from him takes some time I guess.


                    Affiliates Wanted! Make anywhere from 42,- to $72 in commissions. Simply Recommend the Best QuickBooks Pro Video Course available at Clickbank.

                  • Profile picture of the author jkarnish
                    Profile picture of jkarnish
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                    Sakhar, I have purchased. From what I can tell, those who order have access for one year.

                    I didn't hear about 6 months access to Ken, so I can't state on whether that is true or false or how long you have access to Ken.

                    I think the reason there is a time limit is to keep people moving through the course. It is stated (inside) that action is expected to be taken.

                    If Ken gave lifetime access to the course, you know many people would put off taking action and then blame Ken rather than their lack of action.

                    Even the bonuses, at this point can't be seen as Ken doesn't want us to get distracted from taking initial action.

                    12 months access seems like a reasonable time. It is meant to be finished in 6 weeks,
                    for a person who needs more than six weeks, there is plenty of time to "catch up." If it was lifetime access, most people (myself being one of them), wouldn't take action and follow through.
        • Profile picture of the author Kenster
          Profile picture of Kenster
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          Originally Posted by DubDubDubDot View Post

          I read the sales page and watched the video. Unless I missed it, you give no clue as to the type of business except that it will be a "lifestyle business."

          What are we talking about here? Writing ebooks? Informational sites? Web based TV show? Giving seminars? Guided tours? Being a 1-900 psychic? Any of that and more could fall under a lifestyle business and they all require a unique skill set.

          I'm not trying to rake you over the coals or anything. I'm just trying to figure out what business will be built using the skills gained from the course.
          No worries at all!

          It's more fun than being a 1-900 psychic, I promise

          And sorry if it wasn't clear in the sales letter, but the business is digital media. This is all copy and pasted from the sales letter...

          "How You Can Sell Digital Products Online"

          "The vast majority of successful people living the Internet Lifestyle are in the digital product space."

          "There’s loads of real money in NON-Internet Marketing and NON-Make Money Online niches"

          "And the market for digital products in NON-IM niches is growing by the day, with more people buying in non-IM spaces today than ever before."

          "That’s what I’m going to do for you – give you all of the tools to sell digital products in both IM and non-IM niches (your choice)…"

          "Be In Any Niche You Want! Don’t Know Which Niche To Be In? We’ll Give You One!"

          With that said, reading it over, I suppose we could have been a little more clear
      • Profile picture of the author lachbeer
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        • Profile picture of the author Matchfrog
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          • Profile picture of the author Will Golding
            Will Golding
            Profile picture of Will Golding
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            Internet Marketing IS VERY HARD!
            Hello, I'm Will Golding!
            The real FACTS about Internet Marketing ...
            1. Is not easy.
            2. You won't become a millionaire overnight.
            3. There are no push button get rich systems.
            4. You need JV partners.
            5. You need great sales copy.
            6. You need to be an authority in your niche.
            7. You need to gain TRUST in your customers.
            8. You need TRAFFIC and CONVERSIONS.
            9. You need to work YOUR ASS OFF.
            10. You need a Mentor.

            Unfortunately, "Gurus" selling these get rich money making courses don't want you to hear this.

            YES Of course YOU CAN SUCCEED in Internet Marketing but based on my involvement and observations most people don't make it. I myself have failed many times.

            Albeit people are ready to learn they don't have the right mindset, the right goals, the proper planning or an Internet business that runs like a business should run. THE SMART WAY! They run out of steam and go on to another get rich course. Right a bell?

            I myself spent $5,000 on a highly rated guru that ended up being a DEPRESSING NIGHTMARE! I learned more using Google and YouTube than this self-proclaimed PUNDIT who took my hard earned money and ran.

            BUT...I still wanted that one person that had true "mentor-ship" in the Internet Marketing Abyss.

            I hooked up with Mario Brown with Facebook Ads and Dexter Abraham with Sales Copy. They are both fantastic individuals and have a world of knowledge. I also met Marc Milburn and Omar Martin at a Marketing Event and are also world class mentors. With that being said, Kenster's new IM System blew me away.

            This system is equivalent to a Master's Degree in Internet Marketing. In fact I have my son following along with Kenster's IM system course and he has learned more in one module than he did in his three years of Accounting school. Man our college system sucks. What we love the most is the format, the quality of the HD videos, the enthusiasm of Kenster, the extensiveness of the IM System course and the camaraderie of his students.

            This is not a "HOW TO GET RICH" BS course but rather a simplistic yet methodical way to make good money in a career in Internet Marketing. And if you are really a go getter, you "CAN" make a ton of money and have the FREEDOM you are yearning!

            This is a high quality no stone unturned course that will leave you wondering why Kenster is charging so little for it.

            People don't think about this, just JUMP ON BOARD! Once you're in hit me up for some masterminding. If you're in South Florida, call me and let's hook up! Maybe I can convince Kenster to spend a couple days down here with us. Yes, he is that type a guy, very Humble and ready to help!

            I'm tired of the BOSS who knows less than I, and I'm tired of the 9 to 5 rush hour and 30 minute lunch breaks, aren't you? Or maybe you're struggling with your current IM products? I recommend you take the leap into Kenster's IM System!

            What are you waiting for?

            Will Golding
        • Profile picture of the author darenb50
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    • Profile picture of the author smjconet
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      Originally Posted by DubDubDubDot View Post

      The main issue I see is that he doesn't disclose what the business is going to be. You have to pay $297 to find out. Generally speaking you want to walk away from that. If it were a $5 WSO it wouldn't be such a big deal.

      The marketing has a lot of grandiose claims. A six figure income in less than six weeks "without fancy skills, without a large budget, and without experience" is certainly something to be skeptical of.
      Interesting review and some valid points. Have you purchased the course? Agreed that there is risk in a purchase of a product one is not sure is going to fulfill the promises made. Of course a large part of that is the action taken by the student. There is the old saying: "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink". I think after having bought, that with the guarantee given, the risk is minimal and the reward potential is good. Of course time will tell.

      I have a firm rule, "Trust, but verify" Your skepticism is a good thing to have. Overall my view is positive and and I have not seen anything yet that would change that.
  • Profile picture of the author towhidzaman
    Profile picture of towhidzaman
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    If you ask me, buy it if you're looking for a mentor. I'm on Ken's Six Figure Alliance and the amount of value I've got there is unbelievable. The connection I've made on that community worth way more than the actual price. You can't judge it with sales page fault. If you follow the instructions, I'm sure you're gonna get success and if you don't work but still purchase the product, nothing he or anyone can do about it. Highly recommended product. :-)
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  • Profile picture of the author Walter Cyclid
    Walter Cyclid
    Profile picture of Walter Cyclid
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    Originally Posted by dachwf View Post

    Kenster's IM SYSTEM was just released today. Does anyone
    have any direct experience with this program and if it can
    provide what is promised (6 figures in 6 weeks)?

    Exactly what DubDubDubDot said. I would trust anyone who tells you they went from rags to riches just because they discovered internet marketing, and are now gonna show you how to make $8,000 a month in 6 weeks. I would trust them about as far as I could throw them. I would definitely stay clear of this one.
    • Profile picture of the author annrose
      Profile picture of annrose
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      It's such a shame that you have such a narrow view. If you would open your mind to more possibilities you may find that they will show up. When you say "It can't be done" you're right. You cannot "do it" while saying it "can't be done".

      Originally Posted by Walter Cyclid View Post

      Exactly what DubDubDubDot said. I would trust anyone who tells you they went from rags to riches just because they discovered internet marketing, and are now gonna show you how to make $8,000 a month in 6 weeks. I would trust them about as far as I could throw them. I would definitely stay clear of this one.
      If you search kenster, you will find that he is an honest person who has helped a lot of people.

      I have joined this group and so far, I find it fantastic and refreshing! Things are laid out step by step with a lot of support available if you have any problems.

      He is teaching you how to be successful, not doing it for you, which is great because that means you will not have to rely on him in order to continue to be successful.

      I wish you all the success in the world.

  • Profile picture of the author nettiapina
    Profile picture of nettiapina
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    Six figures in six weeks would seem like an optimistic claim. I didn't take it that literally. My take is that in six weeks he's going to teach you a system that might bring you six figures, although there's talk about that kind of a goal within the site too. That system is the product and goal here. The idea is that the course helps you to act as an internet entrepreneur and marketer, and support this kind of "internet lifestyle". You're meant to build your means of getting there while taking the course, which is why it contains a lot of homework.

    So far it seems good, but I've just taken a peek at the fist weeks module. Quite a lot of material, and it seems to be well thought-out and organized. I do like Kenster's style of speaking and doing video which is good because you're going to be watching him speaking. Forum and other facilities seem a bit rudimentary, but I guess it's more about the participants and collaboration. At this point I really can't comment on that.

    This was just the perfect timing and fit for me. If you're looking for marketing tactics or "loopholes" this is not the right product.
    Links in signature will not help your SEO. Not on this site, and not on any other forum.
    Who told me this? An ex Google web spam engineer.

    What's your excuse?
  • Profile picture of the author cypherslock
    Profile picture of cypherslock
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    Thing is: He did go from rags to riches over a period of years, and he started off right here on the WF. Search Kenster. He's a solid coach and doesn't scam people. And the price is far cheaper than some other coaching offers (like for instance OMG Project X by Mike Long and Greg Morrison which costs $5k). No matter what you want to do in this industry, you're going to have to spend money and time. A mentor like Ken will get you there faster.
  • Profile picture of the author gknugurlu
    Profile picture of gknugurlu
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    I haven't tried the program. Most coaching programs do give you the right path to success for making money online. You can be able to make more money even in 6 weeks. But the main problem is to really give in efforts. Most struggle because they don't invest enough time and do not take the exact actions what is said in the coaching programs. And this leads them to search for programs where they think they will make money without getting bored and without spending the required time and most importantly waiting for things to happen fast.

    You can make a search in google for reviews and testimonials about the program. Also if there is a refund policy then enroll and if you really think the program is not for you then you can just ask for a refund.
    • Profile picture of the author Walter Cyclid
      Walter Cyclid
      Profile picture of Walter Cyclid
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      Originally Posted by gknugurlu View Post

      the main problem is to really give in efforts. Most struggle because they don't invest enough time and do not take the exact actions what is said in the coaching programs.
      I have to disagree with this. There are a lot of people who would take the EXACT actions if the EXACT actions were given to them in a coaching program.

      The problem is the coaching programs tell you WHAT to do, but not HOW to do, and almost everyone who buys a coaching program is looking for instruction on HOW to do.

      If they already knew HOW to do, they wouldn't need said coaching program.

      It's like if you buy RTA furniture. Do you expect to only be given instruction that says 'to assemble office desk, put the four legs on bottom of desk and put the hutch on top of the desk'.

      No. You expect to read 'take piece A and insert left side of piece A into right slot of piece B. Screw in one of the included 9 inch screws into the right slot of piece B. Etc, etc.' You also expect to see diagrams as well.

      THESE are the exact actions you are talking about and these are never given in a coaching program. They are intentionally omitted so that the buyer will keep coming back to buy more information.
      • Profile picture of the author RedOnline
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        • Profile picture of the author Kenster
          Profile picture of Kenster
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          Originally Posted by RedOnline View Post

          "take piece A and insert left side of piece A into right slot of piece B" What do you learn from that other than how to follow directions? (Something you should have learned by at least 5yrs of age)
          Kenster lays out his training in such a way as to encourage personal Research and Development, and help is only an email or forum away.

          ...AND...most of the training is HOW to do it type training. There are more worksheets, step-by-step sheets, and fill out the diagrams and much more than anything I've seen.

          I don't do a whole lot of "products" but having consulted or coached many large "product guys", I can confidently say I haven't seen a more actionable plan to build out an online business.

          Is there one, I'm sure, but out of the hundreds (perhaps thousands) of products I've reviewed over the years, I haven't seen anything as actionable and soup to nuts as this program.

          And remember, this isn't a campaign, method, shiny object type thing...there are lots of products out there that step people through that. Unfortunately most of those "methods" are here today and gone tomorrow...or just methods that are on their way out. Being heavy in the CPA space for years, I know that first hand and it's why I don't do it anymore.

          Again, obviously my words are biased, but the best thing to do is speak with either my past students or people who have already enrolled in The IM System for first reactions.

          Enjoy and good luck!
          • Profile picture of the author Walter Cyclid
            Walter Cyclid
            Profile picture of Walter Cyclid
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            Originally Posted by Kenster View Post

            ...AND...most of the training is HOW to do it type training. There are more worksheets, step-by-step sheets, and fill out the diagrams and much more than anything I've seen.

            I don't do a whole lot of "products" but having consulted or coached many large "product guys", I can confidently say I haven't seen a more actionable plan to build out an online business.

            Is there one, I'm sure, but out of the hundreds (perhaps thousands) of products I've reviewed over the years, I haven't seen anything as actionable and soup to nuts as this program.
            I can honestly say the same thing. If the IM SYSTEM does have worksheets, step by step sheets, and diagrams, then it would be the only system I have seen over the years that is actionable and soup to nuts also. I mean provided the system really does teach someone HOW.

            I do have to admit though, that I am skeptical of the IM SYSTEM just from having seen the sales page alone.

            So maybe I am wrong in my assumptions about the IM SYSTEM. That being the case, maybe you need a better sales copy. A more realistic, less hype filled sales copy I would think.

            I can only imagine that if you really do have a system such as you describe, then the sales copy you are using sucks. I mean, if I am not convinced of the value of the IM SYSTEM, then I am sure others aren't either.

            For instance, my main monetization model is affiliate marketing, and when I first started, I used to promote almost anything that I bought personally that helped me in any way and would only point out the positives of said product or service.

            I no longer promote stuff who's sales pages has a rags to riches story, is mostly hype, tells you what the system is not, but nothing about what it is, or makes income claims.

            There are very few products I can promote is the only downfall, which shouldn't be a problem for you since the IM SYSTEM is yours and it doesn't look like you selling as an affiliate.

            I have noticed my conversions have been substantially higher when promoting products or services that don't use such sales copy to close a sale.

            Just a thought.
            • Profile picture of the author nettiapina
              Profile picture of nettiapina
              Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
              Originally Posted by Walter Cyclid View Post

              I can only imagine that if you really do have a system such as you describe, then the sales copy you are using sucks. I mean, if I am not convinced of the value of the IM SYSTEM, then I am sure others aren't either.
              I guess the sales page works quite well because of the buzz and sales it has obviously generated. Don't take this the wrong way, I don't mean this as an argument proving your observations are wrong.

              Most IM products are just hype, and if I hadn't seen Kenster's stuff before I might have just ignored it. Very long sales page, and not really that specific. But there were several key things that got me in, homework being one of them (oddly enough) and mastermind another. I'm just hoping that the latter turns out to be something better than enthusiastic forum posting.
              Links in signature will not help your SEO. Not on this site, and not on any other forum.
              Who told me this? An ex Google web spam engineer.

              What's your excuse?
      • Profile picture of the author Tyke
        Profile picture of Tyke
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by Walter Cyclid View Post

        I have to disagree with this. There are a lot of people who would take the EXACT actions if the EXACT actions were given to them in a coaching program.

        The problem is the coaching programs tell you WHAT to do, but not HOW to do, and almost everyone who buys a coaching program is looking for instruction on HOW to do.

        If they already knew HOW to do, they wouldn't need said coaching program.

        It's like if you buy RTA furniture. Do you expect to only be given instruction that says 'to assemble office desk, put the four legs on bottom of desk and put the hutch on top of the desk'.

        No. You expect to read 'take piece A and insert left side of piece A into right slot of piece B. Screw in one of the included 9 inch screws into the right slot of piece B. Etc, etc.' You also expect to see diagrams as well.

        THESE are the exact actions you are talking about and these are never given in a coaching program. They are intentionally omitted so that the buyer will keep coming back to buy more information.
        This is SO true, sadly. That particular strategy seems to often be referred to as "good marketing", when, in reality, it should probably be called "getting shafted"!

        I'm not referring to Ken's coaching here, because I think he's an exception from my experience of the coaching programs of his I've been in so far. But, most other coaching programs I've come across - and most WSOs for that matter - do fall into this category.
        Need a killer sales letter written, but funds a bit tight? It's your lucky day!

        Get your IM Advantage HERE today!

        Like pasta? Get HUNDREDS of FREE RECIPES here
  • Profile picture of the author towhidzaman
    Profile picture of towhidzaman
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Six Figure Alliance was about launching WSOs/products. The IM System has NOTHING to do with WSOs. It's about building a business in ANY niche. Also the IM System is NOT just about launches. In fact, that's a small part of the program. It's about building ALL the components you need in a digital media business, start to finish. That's what I love about The IM System. I yet to get it but I'll get my copy before the closing.
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    • Profile picture of the author agmccall
      Profile picture of agmccall
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by towhidzaman View Post

      That's what I love about The IM System. I yet to get it but I'll get my copy before the closing.
      So, you do not have it, but you love it. Sort of like loving some movie actress, not really healthy


      "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison

  • Profile picture of the author pxjenkins
    Profile picture of pxjenkins
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    It may seem odd to leave a review after only seeing the first three videos in the course, but what has comes across loud and clear to me is the no BS and very positive approach inherent in this course and Ken's architecture of it.

    As someone who has invested a lot in various pieces of software etc over the past 3 months, without a clear strategy and direction but more on instinct, the opportunity to learn from someone who has walked the walk, become evidently successful yet retained humility and values is priceless. Priceless in the sense that *real* quality hoves into view only once ever so often.

    Definitely the most impressive product and course I've been lucky enough to encounter (via Mike from Maine, by the way) so far. 'Nuff said.
  • Profile picture of the author testwarrior
    Profile picture of testwarrior
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I have purchased the product and so far am quite impressed. It looks like a solid course, including even some basic "marketing 101" stuff in the beginning about how to build a solid online business in an IM niche, or any niche really... so would be appropriate for those just getting started online, or those with more experience.

    I do not personally know Kenster, but I have been also very impressed with everything I've read and seen about him online - he seems like one of the most honest, genuine, and ethical marketers in this field, which is why I purchased the course.
  • Profile picture of the author bwh1
    Profile picture of bwh1
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hey there

    Ken emailed me about this thread so I'd like to give a short feedback about what I think about the IM System.

    First, I'm no newbie so my motivation to buy this (by the way, this was my second most expensive purchase for a single product) was the need to get my business off the ground this year.

    I never bought from Ken before but I've heard only good things about him so after getting over the free teaser videos I hit the button for the intro price.

    I would not have bought it for the regular price, even it's most probably worth it, because my pain point was the price he asked for.

    Anyhow, once inside I got a wealth of intro videos to get started, to get organized and the right mindset to make it happen.

    Now, that was yesterday and today I will go over the first week lessons which most probably contain a lot of things I already know, but definitely some bits I don't know.

    The important part in this program is that you get a kick in the butt to get things done step by step. You get weekly lessons, clear steps about what to do and that in a weekly plan, so you are not able to skip the weekly lessons what I thinks is positive for not creating any confusion.

    I don't know what you are after but if you like to make it I recommend you invest into this and take action. If you ain't get to setup your business after the course is over then I would recommend that you look out for a J.O.B because you simply don't have it to get a online business running.

    All the others I will meet inside - let's rock.


    (No request from Ken to give that testimonial, just to stay clear)

    Affiliates Wanted! Make anywhere from 42,- to $72 in commissions. Simply Recommend the Best QuickBooks Pro Video Course available at Clickbank.

  • Profile picture of the author Alexchan338
    Profile picture of Alexchan338
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    Those of you who want to really invest in a program that teaches you how to build a solid long-term business from scratch, look no other person other than Kenster's 'The IM System'. If you are not convinced, allow his students (SUCCESSFUL students) to testify.

    His style of teaching is unlike any others. The way he structure his course, the assignments he provides, the interactive platform he offered, gives an unfair advantage over any other similar coaching course at a fraction of the cost. There isnt a need for me to hype, result speaks and you will never regret investing in Ken.

    Imagine buying 10 $27 course that left you in the middle of the ocean with no peddles, why not save those dollars and invest in a caring and genuine entrepreneur/coach/mentor.

    The IM System:
    Basically the course is seperated into 6 modules with assignments and followups that you must complete before you proceed.

    Module 0
    - history and background of the program
    - Who is ken and why he created this course

    Module 1
    - mindset
    - positioning
    - mental preperation

    I would say this is the most important module of all. If you dont have a good understanding of yourself, your daily habits, it means that you have less control of yourself.

    Module 2 - 6 (new modules will be available on a weekly basis to lessen stress and increase motivation)

    Guys, it doesnt matter what Ken offers, it doesnt matter if Ken is the next Frank Kern, it doesnt matter if Ken spoon feed you with a complete "currently making money" business...if you dont take action, action ACTION, action, failing to follow any instructions, you wont succeed.

    Ken really is the facilitator and you need to steer/paddle. Ken can advice on the techniques to increase paddling efficiency, but its you that need to do all the paddling work!

    Understand this and success isnt far!

    Good luck and hope you all will take advantage of the opportunity to learn from Ken.

  • Profile picture of the author valmillercorl
    Profile picture of valmillercorl
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Yes it can if you do the work. I am in another program of his and although I didn't do the work MANY others did and are very succesful right now! What I got out of that program was some awesome contacts and was able to launch a Copywriting career - something I hadn't even planned on doing. My partner and her hubby are now 6 figure launchers and they are on fire. All because of Ken's program. Don't think so narrowly of what this can do. Think of it as what can't it do? The contacts and relationships you create through something like this are priceless. It's more than worth the few hundred he is me - if you follow his program you will do it.

    Valarie Miller
  • Profile picture of the author jkarnish
    Profile picture of jkarnish
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I've been a member of the forum for quite a while, but haven't participated after being jaded by IM. I have bought Ken's product and part of the homework was to write an "initial review."

    I had written this last night but there was no place to post it yet as the system was just launched. Today it was asked to post the review on the Warrior Forum. So here is my initial review. Obviously I haven't gotten any results yet, but the review is based on my observations of viewing the IM System.

    Just a quick "extra" note. A couple things I learned that might be helpful. Ken states that he will show you "case studies" in an IM Niche and Non-IM Niche. There also are modules on picking a "niche." I've seen talk about "what niche?" I think it will work in most "profitable" niches, which he teaches you how to pick.

    My Initial Review:

    I have just purchased "The IM System." I had signed up for the launch a while ago and truthfully never followed the emails for the pre-launch. I ended up joining because I could get the early discount and save hundreds of dollars and for some reason, even-though I know nothing about Ken I seem to trust him. Especially for the fact that he mentions that what you purchase, is "the system." There are no upsells, one-time-offers etc... I always like honesty and it was a determining factor in my decision to order.

    I have to go "by faith," that what Ken says will work (and I do believe it will). I am willing to put forth the effort, by faith in they system. The system is very well laid out and orderly. It is very methodical and has lots of information which appears daunting, but increases my faith that it will work.

    I can tell the system will create a very "supportive community." Again, I don't know this but believe it will happen.

    I can tell that there will be a lot of work to do but that actually gives me more faith that it will work. I've bought many shiny buttons and this system definitely isn't a shiny button. Although it looks like a lot of work, it looks like anyone who is willing to "put forth the effort" can succeed very well with Ken's IM System.

    Right now I have a lot of feelings... excitement, anxiety, hope and so on. I am really looking forward to see how this turns out and have a feeling I am going to meet a lot of new friends from this experience.

    I will let you know how things turn out.

    John Karnish

    March 25, 2014

    End of review: Like I mentioned, I haven't posted in this forum in years. There is a lot of info in the system and I'd like to focus on learning that, then spending too much time in this forum right now. If you want to ask me questions about my observations, I will try to reply but it may take a while to get back as I work full-time and want to devote a lot of attention on learning and implementing Ken's System.
    • Profile picture of the author smjconet
      Profile picture of smjconet
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      I bought the IM System. I have been going through the videos in Module One. I am about half done with them. So far I am very impressed with the action oriented training. There are Mindset articles and homework, also action homework on goal setting and creating in your mind your perfect business before you start.

      There are action steps to help decide on niches to follow and tests that can be applied to determine if this is a good niche, both for the person and also is it profitable.

      There is a well thought out forum with several levels and groups, one can join. Also, there is a facebook and soon to be a skype group. The facebook group is already underway and I am enjoying that very much.

      The overall layout and organization of the membership site for IM System is both well designed and visually pleasing, designed for ease of use.

      The course has 6 modules and some bonuses and a resource section. Each Module will open up and become available as each new week passes. I like this style of learning and the idea that the homework must be completed to get the most out of the course, before you move on to the next week/module.

      It is early in the course, but my opinion is that the course is grossly under priced. It is a tremendous value right now.

      The first and the second modules will be review for most of us with IM experience, however I am enjoying the review and have also picked up useful info I can add to my basic knowledge.

      I am looking forward to modules 3 through 6, I think that is where the real meat of this course will be for me.

      Thanks for a great learning and discussion environment.
  • Profile picture of the author jscoulou
    Profile picture of jscoulou
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    This is by far the most step by step, comprehensive IM course I have ever seen. It was a long time coming but well worth the wait. The course is really well laid out and has all that is needed to succeed.

    The training videos are well done and are easy to follow.

    Like anything else, to succeed you need to do all the work that is required. It's not a simple one button solution.

    I'm already going through the videos and taking notes before getting to the juicy bits.

    Ken is extremely knowledgeable in IM and it shows. On the videos he speaks in a clear & crisp manner and is sincere in wanting you to succeed and will help you to do it.

    This course is so good that I've spent the night deleting approx 90% of WSO's. (I'm also making money with Kindle and my Web Site consulting business) I have purchased in the past and kept a couple of courses which are making me money. I've even unsubscribed from most lists to concentrate on this course.

    I look forward to extreme success

    Best Regards


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  • Profile picture of the author David Crossland
    David Crossland
    Profile picture of David Crossland
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  • Profile picture of the author Yair Dolev
    Yair Dolev
    Profile picture of Yair Dolev
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I'm in. So far I can't leave a really deatiled review, but I must say... This is great. In the second I joined I was feed up with motivation and good energy.

    All I can see is good coming from this. I will keep update once I go further with Ken's course.
  • Profile picture of the author jk52071
    Profile picture of jk52071
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  • Profile picture of the author mickyb4
    Profile picture of mickyb4
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Just Bought this Course and from what i've seen inside so far, i'm pretty excited, can't wait to get stuck in with this. The layout is great, so it looks fairly easy to follow, all it requires is action, thanks Ken
    • Profile picture of the author Shaneman
      Profile picture of Shaneman
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      I bought the course and one thing I really like is how Ken encourages everyone to help each other - as this really increases everyone's chance of success.

      Lots of videos and homework which are made in an easy to follow step by step format.

      There are 6 modules which are opened up one week at a time plus bonuses and resources. This is great as it helps members to not get overwhelmed and to focus on taking action on what they currently have access to.

      A great step by step course and community that has the solid potential of a good online business as a result - if action is taken.

  • Profile picture of the author Kathy Bell
    Kathy Bell
    Profile picture of Kathy Bell
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    What appeals to me most about the IM System is the step-by-step nature of the program. I have full faith that if I follow through on my end with the training and homework, that I will have a working lifestyle business by the end. I am very excited to be a part of the program.

    What I read is that we can generate $100K in revenue within 90 days of building our business, not that we will make $100K profit within 6 weeks.

    Kenster, correct me if I'm wrong.
  • Profile picture of the author nerodea
    Profile picture of nerodea
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    looks like a pretty cool course. there is a ton of info, and a lot of actionable steps. I am looking forward to going through it and will be leaving my review when i finish it.
  • Profile picture of the author spalto
    Profile picture of spalto
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    • Profile picture of the author Tyrone3340
      Profile picture of Tyrone3340
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hello fellow warriors I purchased the IM System on launch day and I have worked through the getting started and 1st module of the course. So far I can honestly say that Ken has created a very organized and comprehensive step by step course that is well thought out and easy to follow. I am not a marketing guru but at the same time I have enough common sense to know that all the courses in the world will not help you if no action is taken. The IM System drives home the point of taken action on the information that you learn in a very easy to follow step by step format in the form of exercises and homework followed by an assignment at the end of each module. Ken has added even more value by making himself available to you if you get stuck on something but at the same time encourages you to figure out problems on your own first if can. I think that the course is under priced and could easily sell for much more considering the amount of information and 1 on 1 help that is offered by the IM System. Last but not least is the community element that has been set up inside the program by way of specialty groups and a main forum along with a Facebook group and soon to come Skype group. The community is already thriving and full of members verbally displaying the desire to connect with each other to help ensure success, I think this alone is worth way more than the price of admission. I am sure that the IM System will turn out some very successful marketers and I can say that I am very excited to be a part of it!

      Tyrone Robertson
  • Profile picture of the author Marked09
    Profile picture of Marked09
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Okay, I'm seeing a lot of comments about Ken's product.

    Just started a few months ago no coach yet but I made a few plan to progress my own. Currently getting really steady progress, made some friends in the IM niche, Made a few money and now planning on my first product to launch next month.

    To be honest I have no intention of joining at first as I promised myself to stay focused but when I saw the High level background Ken showed and Bonuses he is throwing I changed my mind since I know it will make my progress much faster! (Overview of the product has been going on for a couple of week prior to the launch so I'm not sure why other people still says that there is not much overview given on this product)

    So Why did I join/bought "The IM System"?

    Based on the preview the Ken showed us before the launch this is not just a complete strategy and how you are going to make money online. Here are the reasons why decided to join:

    1. Coaching Call : Ken is putting himself in front of the line to make sure that his student will make something out of it. This is not just a membership site full of information but he will make sure that you get results out of and no questions left.

    If you still don't know how much big marketers out there are asking you to pay for an hour of call, high level students would happily pay for not less than $1000 - $5000 / month consultation fee. It is no brainer that $297 is already a big discount.

    2. Networking Element : If you join the program, you will be able to get access to Facebook mastermind , forums where Ken and other like minded people got to hangout that will help you along the way. Get Joint Venture partners and get to pick the brains of highly successful people.

    If you still think you will be successful by knowing all the strategy and how things work, think again because highly successful business are built in relationships and not just strategy.

    Sure there are a lot free mastermind group out there but the question is that group dedicated to help each other or just sell to each other?

    Sure there are a still a lot of components on the program that will help you but these two are the main reason why I decided to hop in.

    P.S : I would not have bought into this product if it promised just the strategy and how to build your own Internet System. And so far I've just finished the Week 1 and still get a lot of "Aha" moments. (yes you can finish it in a couple of hours so you have a lot of time to implement what you'e learned)

    P.P.S I also doubled my productivity yesterday by simply implementing the steps Ken has provided on the video. Take note this is not part of a strategy but a very essential part on all aspects of your life.

    This product is built for all kinds of marketers! Newbie to seasoned marketers and so far I've seen a lot of familiar names inside. Definitely worth my money!
  • Profile picture of the author bobbydiraag
    Profile picture of bobbydiraag
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Save yourself the heartache of looking here there and everywhere to be successful online..I implore you to join Ken if its still open..

    Ken will change your life and make you a success if you follow him to the end..this I personally guaranteed..
  • Profile picture of the author hlstew
    Profile picture of hlstew
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Buying the product won't do anything for you. You will have to actually (gasp) do the work. The ones who will fail are the ones who can't put aside their skepticism and just plow through the work that it is going to take. The five buck WSOs are great for a snack but if you want a full course meal that will feed your wallet for life, get the IM system.

    The other downfall I can see for some is the jaded "I already know that and it didn't work" syndrome. It is ok if you have it, we all do to some degree after hanging around IM, but you are going to have to rub that off your feet at the door, suck it up, Listen, Learn and act. Think of it as putting out the money for a college degree that will actually get you somewhere.

    I am no exception. I have paid a lot for a lot of products. Some I just got bored with the hour to two hour videos. Others I just didn't see myself doing full time.
    sometimes I just bought too much stuff at once and flat out didnt have the time. Not the product makers fault, more like me studying different classes to figure out where my real interests lay. Should have done it 30 odd years ago but better late than never.

    That being said, I am liking the short videos, I would by far prefer to read, but apparently that is out these days. There is a nice text summary under the vids though.

    So, after all the rambling, I think it is going to be a good investment for me. For you? You are soley responsible for your own business. If you have the money, take a leap of faith, put in the real effort for two weeks and by then we'll both know. Kenster is not out to take anyone for a hayride on this. It is looking like the real deal if you can stick with it.

    Don't forget to Introduce yourself on the inside if you do join the community.

    I forgot to add the fact that everything -videos, downloads, navigation, forums all work on my ipad mini! and I havent even upgraded to IOS7. That is a huge bonus for me since I live on the thing. I have bought Mobile courses that don't even work on mobile. LOL. So great portability too.
  • Profile picture of the author Tyke
    Profile picture of Tyke
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I signed up for the IM System based SOLELY on my previous experience with Ken's coaching, which, to say the least, has been of the highest order. And, no, he doesn't leave steps out or leave you wondering what to do next - he covers EVERYTHING you need to succeed in the particular area in which he's coaching.

    But, probably even more important than the actual coaching itself is the support, responsiveness and guidance Ken provides while you're involved with his programs. I joined his Six Figure Alliance and was totally awestruck by Ken's involvement and helpfulness in that. As far as I could tell, he took the time to PERSONALLY answer EACH AND EVERY QUESTION, INQUIRY, SUGGESTION, IDEA, etc., posted by the members, and THAT, to me, showed the complete integrity and honesty of Ken, not only as a coach, but as a person. And these weren't quick, off-the-cuff, let's-get-this-out-of-the-way responses either - when needed, he offered complete, well-presented, thoughtful and helpful advice and guidance not just once, but for as long and as often as the member needed it until they were comfortable with the solution to the problem or issue raised.

    That, to me, is the sign of a great coach and mentor, and that's who you'll get when you sign up for his new IM System, as I and many other soon-to-be-satisfied clients have done.

    Yes, $100K in six weeks does sound a bit optimistic, and if it came from most other marketers, the BS-o-meter would be ringing loud and clear, but, with Ken, it didn't even flutter! That's because he wouldn't state that if it weren't possible. We all know there's plenty of money to be made online within the right niche (something I've personally been struggling to find, at least beyond the IM/Make Money Online one, that is). But, making that money requires 2 things, one of which can be learned, the other is a complete unknown - 1) a proven system and knowledge of how to put that system together, 2) you. I've no doubt Ken provides "1" in the IM System; whether or not you or I succeed comes down to us.

    As an IM System member, I've now got "1" (I'm on module 1 and the training so far is just what I need and the rest of the module looks comprehensive and I'm chomping at the bit to get at it), and I intend to provide the unknown missing ingredient in the form of dedication and action to make the system work.

    I'll check back in 6 weeks with my first ever $100K revenue!

    Thanks for the opportunity, Ken,
    Need a killer sales letter written, but funds a bit tight? It's your lucky day!

    Get your IM Advantage HERE today!

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    • Profile picture of the author Blazon1
      Profile picture of Blazon1
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Tyke View Post

      But, probably even more important than the actual coaching itself is the support, responsiveness and guidance Ken provides while you're involved with his programs. I joined his Six Figure Alliance and was totally awestruck by Ken's involvement and helpfulness in that.

      I'll check back in 6 weeks with my first ever $100K revenue!
      You joined his Six Figure Alliance, but it looks like the six figures didn't happen. What didn't work out in that program that you think will work out in the IM System?
      • Profile picture of the author dachwf
        Profile picture of dachwf
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by Blazon1 View Post

        You joined his Six Figure Alliance, but it looks like the six figures didn't happen. What didn't work out in that program that you think will work out in the IM System?
        Tyke, I would appreciate it if you could respond to this question. I am close to making my
        decision regarding purchasing the IM System.

    • Profile picture of the author cooler1
      Profile picture of cooler1
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Tyke View Post

      I'll check back in 6 weeks with my first ever $100K revenue!

      Thanks for the opportunity, Ken,
      It's been over 8 weeks now since your above post. Did you reach it?

      • Profile picture of the author James Campbell
        James Campbell
        Profile picture of James Campbell
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by dachwf View Post

        Any results from joining?

        There are no "results from joining". It is a roadmap (a very detailed roadmap) on how to start a profitable online business from A to Z. It is ALOT of work, much of which is not going to be completed by many people out of laziness/being "busy"/fear/excuses.

        Follow the course, do the work, get great results.

        Originally Posted by cooler1 View Post

        It's been over 8 weeks now since your above post. Did you reach it?
        Reach what exactly?
        • Profile picture of the author Kenster
          Profile picture of Kenster
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Originally Posted by dachwf View Post

          Any results from joining?

          Originally Posted by James Campbell View Post

          There are no "results from joining". It is a roadmap (a very detailed roadmap) on how to start a profitable online business from A to Z. It is ALOT of work, much of which is not going to be completed by many people out of laziness/being "busy"/fear/excuses.

          Follow the course, do the work, get great results.

          Reach what exactly?
          Many folks are building businesses and seeing results, absolutely. It is go at your own pace and comprehensive (that is the whole point) so it's not a get-rich quick program by any means at all. It's about putting in some good ol work and following a proven path to build a real business, a value-based asset that serves others while generating nice income for you as the founder.

          If you're looking for something shiny and a quick fix to getting rich, then play the lottery, don't build a business (online or offline).

          The first class of students is the most positive and hard working group of students I've had in years so I have no doubt many of the businesses being built right now will go on to become very large and successful businesses and brands.

          Like anything, you get out what you put in.
          • Profile picture of the author mason1
            Profile picture of mason1
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Hi, it's been about seven months since the people started. There should be plenty of results of people making some money by now. Was just wondering if anybody would be willing to share results of how they're doing?l
  • Profile picture of the author imaviators
    Profile picture of imaviators
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    i am interested to get this course but i need some clarification.

    1)i understanding this system is about info products. I like to do something in the non-im niche but i am not an expert in any fields. so how will this system help me?

    2)it is mentioned in the im system salespage that i will have access to the training for atleast 12months and atleast 6 months access to kenster. so does this means that to have access to kenster and the training we need to pay another 297$?

    hope those who owns this course can clarify my questions.
    • Profile picture of the author djn001
      Profile picture of djn001
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Does anyone know if there is any facility to ask questions about this course before making a purchase, as with regular WSO's?

      I have tried sending a PM to Kenster, but I'm not holding out much hope of getting a reply because he will be extremely busy at the moment and I expect many other people will have also tried doing this.
      • Profile picture of the author atreyu1234
        Profile picture of atreyu1234
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        • Profile picture of the author djn001
          Profile picture of djn001
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          Originally Posted by atreyu1234 View Post

          It isn't a WSO.
          I know that, but it has been advertised on the Warrior Forum prior to it's release.

          I just thought that it would be nice to be able to ask a few questions before deciding to make a purchase, such as how much time per week we need to set aside for doing the course and how much of a budget we would need to get the business up and running to a point where we are making some sales.
  • Profile picture of the author Jeff Lenney
    Jeff Lenney
    Profile picture of Jeff Lenney
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Just to clarify, by looking at the sales video… Is not promising $100,000 in six weeks, but is promising you'll be at $100,000 per year in six weeks… Which equals about 8000 per month. Still though for six weeks, 100,000 income per year… That's amazing, and looking forward to seeing How you guys all do :-)

    Too lazy to write something clever here, so check out my marketing blog and learn from a REAL Super Affiliate at

  • Profile picture of the author frankw57
    Profile picture of frankw57
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I'm working on getting the $. Anyone have an idea how long this will be available for the current price?


    • Profile picture of the author tarasb
      Profile picture of tarasb
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi frankw57,
      On the sales page there is a countdown clock.
      I checked not long ago and the clock is saying there is one day and roughly 4 hours left.
      Good luck
  • Profile picture of the author Doiron
    Profile picture of Doiron
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I bought this and I'm very pleased.

    There are loads of "systems" out there and I'm pretty sure most of them would work if you work them. But you have to stick with something that resonates with you.

    Ken has a great teaching style about him. He speaks clearly without stumbling or repeating himself, and he's very clear in his explanations.

    I like the sense of organization in this course. It speaks to the time he must have spent preparing it.

    I also like the fact that the course is drip-fed week by week. I think it adds to the motivation. There's a reason to finish the assignments for one week before the next one opens up. Looking to the synopsis paragraphs for topics in the weeks ahead, I see the same sense of organization.

    He offers a lot of information and not just about IM but about topics that will help us in the IM world. It just seems to be very complete so far.

    I bought a system a few months ago but the creator has a difficult time communicating on video. He seems confident but he repeats himself at least twice in every spoken paragraph. He comes with a lot of great reviews but I must be just intolerant enough that he drives me batty to listen to him. I do a lot of editing of books and magazines so maybe I'm more sensitive to that type of thing.

    Ken communicates very clearly in both the spoken and written word.

    In short, I feel more confident about this product than I have felt about anything similar in the last seven years. Confident and even excited.

    My best advice is that you buy it. There's a return policy if it doesn't suit you but I really think it will.
  • Profile picture of the author frankw57
    Profile picture of frankw57
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Ok I'm in. I'm hoping this will prove to be the tool necessary to lead me in the right direction after putting in the work.


    • Profile picture of the author dachwf
      Profile picture of dachwf
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      WOW!!! I AM GLAD I STARTED THIS THREAD (I am sure someone else would have).

      I don't think I have ever seen a more positive response to a question about an IM program and it has helped me to decide to take the plunge.

      Thank you, everyone, who has made their opinions heard here.

      I was able to hook up with another mentor a few years back who helped me and 20 others
      to build an email list which allowed me to make over $1,000 a month for a couple of years.

      I have been looking on and off since the market of my list dried up for a similar opportunity to hopefully make even more and the IM System looks like the one to work with now.

      Looking forward to this ride with all of you who have also jumped on board.

      May success be with all of us.

  • Profile picture of the author Kenster
    Profile picture of Kenster
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    EEEeeek sorry for not answering many of the questions here...we were crazy busy during launch.

    Thank you to everybody who was able to get in...the fun starts now!
  • Profile picture of the author cypherslock
    Profile picture of cypherslock
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by Tyke
    I'll check back in 6 weeks with my first ever $100K revenue!

    That's what he meant by his question.
  • Profile picture of the author mason1
    Profile picture of mason1
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Man pretty quiet

    This is reopened again and I would just like to hear if anyone has made it t to the 8000$ / mo level before I commit my time to this
    The promise is to get this after 10-12 weeks and it been more than double that so that's plenty of time for some real results. Would really help me in my decision Thxxx
  • Profile picture of the author mason1
    Profile picture of mason1
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Well the silence says something
    Was hoping to hear at least 1 or 2 that had been able to support themselves full time by now
  • Profile picture of the author mason1
    Profile picture of mason1
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Ok I'm kinda torn

    Thinking about getting this. But here's what I've found after a decent amount of research

    I haven't found one person saying a bad thing about ken, which is great .....but I also haven't found one person out or the hundreds he's coached that will come out and say that they are making six figures a yea , Or 8000 a month, now like the sales copy claims even though it's months later now instead of just 10 weeks

    That's the only thing holding me back and giving me some concern. I realize he seems like a super nice guy, but I need to have hope of getting some good results if I'm going to put in a lot of time. I just thought I would post this in case it would help anyone else who's looking at doing this.

    It would be nice if one or more people would come forward and say how they're doing on the results, especially as a few people earlier in this thread said they would come back later and post, That's what concerns me a little
    • Profile picture of the author James Campbell
      James Campbell
      Profile picture of James Campbell
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Here is the challenge with his training:

      1. He can't force anyone to actually DO the work
      2. People major in minor things (example: getting stuck on the "exact" shape of the logo they want), despite him warning against it
      3. This isn't personal coaching or accountability coaching. It is a system/course that if followed in the timeline in which it is laid out AND followed by massive action in each step WILL build you a six figure per year online business within six weeks.

      Novice, newbie, "stuck" intermediate IMers... those are the ones it will help most.

      Nobody and nothing can force you to develop a six figure business, it is on you to do the work. That is why you haven't seen a bunch of stories about this, though I do know at least 2 people who ran with it and have created that level of success.

      The best success rates I've seen is from high end personal coaching/mentorship from a select few marketers (we're talking 5k to 30k upfront range), but that is for the advanced intermediate IMer.

      If you don't know what you're doing, if you do know what you're doing but don't know where you're going, Kenster's system will be helpful to you IF you follow it and it will get you results IF you take massive action with what you're following.

      Yes - I have gone through the WHOLE system.
      Yes - I promoted the system the first time around, but not doing so right now as it doesn't fit within my IM promo schedule

      Originally Posted by mason1 View Post

      Ok I'm kinda torn

      Thinking about getting this. But here's what I've found after a decent amount of research

      I haven't found one person saying a bad thing about ken, which is great .....but I also haven't found one person out or the hundreds he's coached that will come out and say that they are making six figures a yea , Or 8000 a month, now like the sales copy claims even though it's months later now instead of just 10 weeks

      That's the only thing holding me back and giving me some concern. I realize he seems like a super nice guy, but I need to have hope of getting some good results if I'm going to put in a lot of time. I just thought I would post this in case it would help anyone else who's looking at doing this.

      It would be nice if one or more people would come forward and say how they're doing on the results, especially as a few people earlier in this thread said they would come back later and post, That's what concerns me a little
  • Profile picture of the author Roth
    Profile picture of Roth
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    The guy strikes me as another cheap guru - all filler, no substance. The hype is too much: 6 figures in 6 weeks? Get real, people.
    • Profile picture of the author James Campbell
      James Campbell
      Profile picture of James Campbell
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Roth View Post

      The guy strikes me as another cheap guru - all filler, no substance. The hype is too much: 6 figures in 6 weeks? Get real, people.
      And yet another opinion based on pure speculation and incorrect assumption. Enjoy your lack of success until you change your mindset.

      If you read the copy properly it DOESN'T say that you'll make six figures in six weeks. Read more carefully next time.
  • Profile picture of the author mason1
    Profile picture of mason1
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Well I passed
    I would have gotten it for sure if a couple people had chimed in with some results
    Tired of spending huge hours on stuff that turns out to be a deadend with no results or tiny results
    • Profile picture of the author OUTFOXED
      Profile picture of OUTFOXED
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Why not PM Kenster himself? I'm sure he would provide you with references of recent warriors that have completed his course and give you the feed back you're looking for.

      Originally Posted by mason1 View Post

      Well I passed
      I would have gotten it for sure if a couple people had chimed in with some results
      Tired of spending huge hours on stuff that turns out to be a deadend with no results or tiny results
  • Profile picture of the author cypherslock
    Profile picture of cypherslock
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Have to laugh at all the guys saying Ken is a shyster. He's been around a long time and got his start doing CPA (and release ONE pdf guide on it here). Its always been a dream of his to release a course like this one. In talking with him he's down to earth, friendly, always helpful and very cool. He's not a huckster by any means.
    • Profile picture of the author jimzimm
      Profile picture of jimzimm
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      After a lot of thought and wavering, I purchased The IM System and started going through it yesterday. I have purchased training before that I wasn't happy with, and that is the reason I had a hard time committing to buy. I have to say, I know it is only one day, but the training is extremely well laid out and informative.

      While I haven't started the real meat of the course, I have to say that my early impression is that it was a bargain at the price I paid. I also have to agree that Ken seems to be a very straight forward guy who is genuinely interested in helping others achieve success.

      • Profile picture of the author christianS
        Profile picture of christianS
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        This training is really one of the programs where you likely won't see people come back to thread and report their successes. If you are successful and build your own online business selling digital goods, you'll likely won't come back to the Warrior Forum hardly at all.

        I enrolled myself last time it opened and got distracted, so I stopped again. But the course and the information is really good. It's one of the best programs I've seen so far - en par with Amazing Selling Machine, with how the content, the presentation and the membership site goes.

        I am not sure if it is still open, but if you are slightly interested in a structured program and have the $300 bucks to spend own it, I wouldn't hesitate recommending it.

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