Facebook shutting down AR app

by WarriorForum.com Administrator
1 replies
Facebook announced in a post that they are shutting down its AR face-filtering app, MSQRD, this April 13.

MSQRD is a face-filtering app for iOS and Android users, and was acquired by Facebook in 2016. It helped boost Facebook's AR image and video tools, and was pitted against Snapchat's AR filters. Post-acquisition, Facebook promised that the AR app will remain a standalone app and would provide updates, but stopped doing so by the end of 2016.

Eventually, with Instagram launching its own AR filters on Instagram, and Snapchat regaining traction, it made no sense for Facebook to maintain the app.

Have you used MSQRD in the past? Chime in.
#app #facebook #shutting
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  • Profile picture of the author AliceStyles
    I actually believe it had very few options compared to the new applications.
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  • Profile picture of the author Gaylenaramo
    For sure it's like that in any way, who used it that much honestly? I do not know, all that AR/VR panic sounds like a burst in a glass of a water, time still not have come to all that things clearly and possibly and we really can get something like that, but lately.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11590132].message }}

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