5 video search engines for marketers

by WarriorForum.com Administrator
2 replies
People watch tons of videos, spending an average of 6 hours and 48 mins watching videos per week. So, Search Engine Journal compiled a list of the 10 video search engines marketers can use when looking for video content, but I'm narrowing down to just five search engines. Here are the five.

1. Google
Almost everyone uses Google for search. Yes that includes videos using the Videos search tab

2. YouTube
Of course, there's Google's own YouTube. It's the second most-visited site in the world, next to Google, and is the top platform for videos.

3. Bing
Microsoft's answer to Google is Bing. What's good about Bing's own video search is that it's optimised for mobile usage, plays videos directly from the website source, and allows searchers to easily find paid video content.

4. Dailymotion
It's the second-largest video sharing platform with more than 300M users.

5. DuckDuckGo

Aside from allowing users to search privately, DuckDuckGo also has a video search tab which also lets users switch between different countries, giving different video results.

#engines #marketers #search #video
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  • Profile picture of the author mandiradebnath
    Youtube is the second largest search engine after Google. If I don't have the video from my business then I can't utilise this great search engine.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11599703].message }}
  • Haven't heard of DuckDuckGo before but I'll check it out. I like the country switch feature already!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11600607].message }}
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