Switching to a virtual event calendar
Because of the pandemic, in-person events have shifted to virtual events. If you happen to have planned such events through the year, it's best to conduct these events online instead. Here's what you can do:
Get a video-conferencing application that can do it all
Whether you're subscribing to Zoom, Google Meets, or Microsoft Teams, it doesn't matter as long as it meets your specifications, and can support your required number of participants.
Have a virtual hub
Much like in-person events have a physical venue, its virtual counterpart should have an "online" venue as well. This could be a designated website with all the resources your attendees will need, as well as announcements and other related information.
Provide virtual giveaways
In-person events usually have loot bags such as branded lanyards, t-shirts, and the like. You can still give away loot, but in digital format such discount coupons from a certain cafe, or free pass to your software subscription. You'll also likely save resources because you don't have to worry about acquiring physical giveaways.
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