Victoria BC and Vancouver Island, Canada Mastermind group and future local events!

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I see there was an attempt made to get this going in the past. I'm here to revive the idea and create a solid Mastermind group here in the capital of BC.

We'll start with online meetings for now and over the summer we'll hold some events and offline meets. We'll network, have a drink and socialize, keep up to date on new things and share ideas. Work together to bring this city to the top of the economy this year with me!

Please contact me, add me to your contacts and or post here so we can get everyone coordinated. If you know anyone else who might be interested, spread the word, even if they aren't a WF member yet, new members are always good too!

I live in Sidney, please let me know whereabouts you live so that we can try to arrange the best meeting places in future.
#canada #events #future #group #island #local #mastermind #vancouver #victoria

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