Anyone Flipping Content Website Builder Sites?

2 replies
Hi Warriors,

If you own Content Website Builder Software, I'm curious to know if you are flipping any of the sites that you have created?

It would be encouraging to know if you can. I tried to contact the creator and ask him about the developments he said he had planned, but heard nothing.

I would welcome any comments on the software.

Thank you in advance.

Ps No need to reply if you don't have the software - thanks
#builder #content #flipping #sites #website
  • Profile picture of the author impala

    Here is a post from Ali that appeared in the Forum on 25 August 2008 when the CWB pre-launch offer was being discussed:

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
    Originally Posted by klandino View Post
    With this software am I able to build these sites then resell them? Or is the software needed to be sold also?


    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~
    Hi Kevin,

    You CAN Sell Websites created with Content Website Builder. After you created a website for resale, our software is not necessary to maintain that website. Since no database setup is necessary, you can easily move to different webhost after sale.

    Note that, Content Website builder is NOT with resale rights. When you purchase the Software, you get a unique user name and password and its for your own use. But created websites is yours and you have full rights to sell it.

    Best Regards,
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~

    I have tried to contact Ali also. Although only a few days ago, I haven't had a reply as yet.
    I've just bought his software and have been making my first site. However, I can't get the Adsense ads to come up when I preview. I am using my pub-ID no. and my javascript is enabled, so not sure what else to do. Is it necessary to publish the site first before the ads appear on my page?

    Also, I need to get an eBay network partner ID to put into the page. Can I use the partly built CWB page for this, ie, send them my page without the eBay content?

    Look forward to seeing your reply.

    Kind regards,
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  • Profile picture of the author EricOM
    The adsense ads dont appear until the site is published I think.
    Something strange has happened to some of my sites - I dont know if its temporary but the videos have disappeared + been replaced by more adsense ads. The Yahoo answers are gone too. The ebay ads are now just a link to "right now on ebay"


    for "live examples"

    I hope this is temporary, as I dont think these site are much use without the content
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