Delusive Office - Do you agree on avoiding it?

Profile picture of wassim
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Hello Warriors,

Despite that I have all the necessary skills needed to develop websites, I am finding a hard time to get projects from people in the USA (I am seeking clients from USA because the rates are different and it's more profitable for me to do that, than getting local projects).

I got several clients from the US in the past years, and all the projects went smoothly and successfully. However, most of the time when searching for new clients, it fails at the end because clients from USA don't seem to be comfortable to work with someone who is living in another country, especially when it comes to paying 50% on project's startup, and the other 50% on project's delivery (Can you think of an alternative way in my case to reserve my rights?).

I have a US calling card, and my phone number will appear as if I'm in the states when calling someone, but I always mention to people that I am from Lebanon when introducing myself.

Someone suggested to me to trick people when calling them, and tell them that I am located in the states and they will not know. He also suggested that I point to a Delusive Office in the USA, and add it to the Contact Page on my website, and this way clients will more likely pick me for their upcomming projects.

I personally think this is unethical, and I don't feel comfortable doing it because I like to have business that is built on trust. What do you warriors think?
If you agree with me, then what do you suggest to do in order to win those clients? (Knowing that my chances will exponentially increase if I were a US Citizen)

I might look for a partner in the USA to solve this problem, do you have any ideas on how to find a partner too?
If all strategies around this problem fail, I might stick to local projects. Please advice...

Best regards,
#agree #avoiding #delusive #office

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