Made Over $700 Selling T-Shirts

Justin Lewis
Profile picture of Justin Lewis
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Hey Warriors,

I figured I'd share a few things from selling t-shirts and hoodies over the last week.

I've grown a community of motorcycle riders over the years and started doing a few things to earn money for our events. I started out selling vinyl stickers for about $5, we sold hundreds of stickers in a matter of weeks and now I've moved onto selling t-shirts and hoodies.

The results have been outstanding without any real time investment other than the initial 15 minutes to create the design and then about 10 minutes a day to promote it on our Facebook page.

Of course this is with an existing audience of 600 motorcycle riders, but that's averaging at around $1.20 per person on the page.

Anyways here is the campaign to look at 757 Sport Bikes Tees | Teespring

Originally my goal was 50 t-shirt sales, which was reached yesterday and over the last day there have been over 20 orders. Which shows that most people are last minute (similar to my marketing sales over the years).

I'm testing out another campaign right now in another industry where I have over 300,000 followers, of course that one will be much different in terms of success as I've learned a lot so far.

Justin Lewis
#$700 #made #selling #tshirts

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