Ever Request a Refund for a Crappy Product?

by 20 replies
I only request a refund if I can tell something is complete theory and provides no actionable steps.

I won't mention any names, but bought one a couple days ago being sold thru JVzoo.

The clowns said they only provided a refund if I had proof I had tried it out.

There was nothing there to try! It was so vague it was laughable. I honestly deleted the 20kb file it so bad.

I replied no problem, I'll take it up with JV Zoo & POOF! I got a refund.


NEVER be a serial refunder, but if something is garbage, stand your ground.

Just a hint, it was about Instagram from a supposed "Newbie" that has half a dozen products for sale on JV Zoo and a support staff.

It claimed "Make $100 by Tomorrow!", then told you to go grab a CPA offer.

CPA offers take DAYS to get approved for, then tells you to use a Chrome extension to access Instagram from your computer, but says "I haven't figured out how to use it to post pictures yet though" ???????????
#main internet marketing discussion forum #crappy #product #refund #request
  • Honestly, There are many sellers on this website who won't even respond to you if you kindly prompt them on their offer!

    There was one guy I bought a WSO from about a year or so ago, and he had a 30 day refund policy. I wanted to refund within 24 hours of buying it and what does he do? Waits 2 months down the road so he can tell me that my refund policy is up, even though I had documented proof of my purchase day/time/etc.

    Anyway, you have to be leery of who you're buying a product from.
    • [1] reply
    • When you buy a WSO through the Warrior Forum, if a seller is not honoring a refund policy that he or she offered at time of sale, then report the offer using the red triangle in the post.

      Part of the WSO rules is that sellers must honor any refund policies. When you report it, a moderator will investigate. Buyers have this avenue for products purchased on the forum.

      We don't favor the buyer or the seller, we look at the facts and decide the appropriate course of action.
  • If it´s not actionable it´s hard to prove that you´ve worked with it. Sometime I think it´s fair that people prove, that they really tried to work with it, but if it´s impossible to prove anything because of the lack of step by step training it´s a bit hard to prove anything.

    The vendor might have known that when he made the product, that he´ll not refund anything.

    Lets say it like this you will never make $100 a day on Instagram the day after you started out even if you got access to CPA offers before you´ve start out.

    You need many followers to begin seeing results. No tool works well on Instagram, because Instagram can smell if you use an automated tool like Instagress. They´ll shut it down and have an eye on you.

    I bought a product about Instagram awhile ago the price was $497 and after that there was some kind of subscription...lets say...it did not work as they said it would...I got banned from Instagram following the steps explained. The automated tools, and the hashtags they explained i should used shut don my accounts in seconds. My new Instagram projects work better, but it takes time in my experience and yes i have $100 days on Instagram, but not with hokus pokus.

    $100 in 24 hours on autopilot is a big big LIE if you have just started your account...it will not happen.

    If it is a product priced over $10, and you could not take action, I might have been asking for a refund my self. But normally I just won´t buy from the same person again.

    Happy that you´ve got a refund...I think I know who the seller is...:-)
  • There is one advice I can give you here! Avoid those offers altogether. I mean even when people are new in this game they should see through something like this.

    I'm guilty myself because I bought such a products with overhyped claims like that myself when I started out! But it's obviously that seller of those products don't make their money with the method they teach instead with the products itself.

    The best thing to do is to stay away.

    I also agree with you that if there is absolutely no value in the product getting a refund is the way to go.
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    • Oh yes. Back when i was starting out I came across a hyped up sales page (i wasn't active on the WF back then) which i later realized only promised I'd make riches, not remotely how much I would make.

      The product was a series of plr ebooks that were on a bunch of topics that i was supposed to resell to other people (didn't even say how). This stuff looked horrible though, and for the $17 that i paid for it that was simply unacceptable.

      This was back in the day when clickbank allowed the horrid side of the MMO world to push their weight with unsavory next to no value products.
  • I've had to ask for a refund on a crappy PLR eBook package that was incredibly hyped up... What I found was the eBooks were '101 tips for xxxxx' and when I started reading them, they were 'spun' using an article spinner and didn't even make sense! Thankfully, the guys refunded straight away but they didn't reply to my request for a refund. When you've got a dodgy product, just don't sell it!

    From a seller's perspective, I've always honored refunds. When I launched my first WSO earlier this year - 27 Secrets To Crafting A (Kickass) High-Converting Landing Page - it went 'Deal of the Day' - and of the 200+ sales that week, only a handful of people asked for a refund.

    Of the five people that asked - two emailed me to say that they thought they'd be getting some Marlon Sander's level training (I'm a Pro Copywriter but seriously - it's a $9 report people!). I refunded them anyway and thanked them for emailing their request through.

    What was interesting though was that the other three emailed 'refund please' within minutes of buying AND that was literally all they said in their email. No, "Hi Rob - I bought your report but it's not right for me because of x and y. Can I please have a refund? Regards, X...." No, just 'refund' or 'refund please'.

    And so what I did was I emailed them back and said 'Thanks for the email 'x', i'm happy to give you a refund straight away, but can you please let me know what it was about the report that wasn't worth it for you; or can you give me some feedback so I can improve on it? Many thanks and I'll process your refund as soon as I hear from you. Regards, Rob.

    You know what? NO REPLY.

    So I've been on both sides of the fence. If there's a guarantee in place, then people deserve to get a refund if they follow the policies of your guarantee (if you have one) and if they ask appropriately.

    And if your product is crap, then you shouldn't be selling it in the first place.
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    • Banned
      I almost never ask for a refund.

      But I'm careful what I buy. I'd never buy anything that makes an income-claim, for example (those are nearly always going to be crap, predictably enough).

      "Never buy anything when the sales-page includes an income-claim" is a pretty good, reliable crap-avoidance rule, I think.

      I buy some ClickBank products through my own affiliate link, just to take a look at them and decide whether or not they're something I can promote as an affiliate. Those are all products with sales pages that have already satisfied all my sales page criteria, so they're not likely to be dreadful. It's true the occasional one is still disappointingly dreadful, in spite of its sales page, but whether promoting those products or not, I never ask for a refund of any of them, because my purpose in buying them was only "assessment" and I've done that. From my perspective they were technically fit for their purpose ("affiliate assessment"), even if they turned out to be horrible. And I'd feel very uncomfortable indeed buying through my own link and then refunding!

      I've asked for (and received) a refund on a couple of occasions when I've bought WSO's which turned out to be video products without that having been mentioned in the sales post at all - one of them even had testimonials referring specifically to a "PDF", and the product was video-only!!

  • I usually do not request a refund unless it is obviously a "filler or affiliate lead product" something with little value or an obvious deceptively marketed product that when examined has no value at all.

    (on the other hand, you go out and buy a $50.00 steak dinner and you get a tough piece of meat and you're much more likely to complain)

    Its a little sad really because those customers that are always buying the hyped up garbage products and get no where in the world of selling products, those are the ones that need the best of products they just don't buy them.
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    • And THAT is an excellent point Humbee360. People just get glowing dollar signs in their eyes and start to believe the hype... And the only ones getting rich are the idiots selling this stuff to start with. If newbies just looked through the garbage to see good quality products (that you actually have to spend good money on - i.e. $50 steak) then they'd get ahead so much faster.
  • I don't often ask but last money i got something else that i didn't want and they wouldn't give me a refund and told me to go away so i filed a paypal (first time ever) thing and won.
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    • the flip side of the story is just as buyers are concerned with getting refunds on lousy "products" sellers have the issue that is rampant in this niche - refunders whose only intent is to use refunds to get things for free regardless of quality
  • This should be a Red Flag. Sure, you can find several ways to make a quick buck. But for someone to say you can start earning a CONSISTENT $100 a day by tomorrow.....well that is just BS.
    Plan and simple as that.

    - Robert Andrew
  • I bought a PLR ebook once with the intention of reselling. The sales page looked great. The book turned out to be two sentences and two affiliate links.

    $7 ebook, took 60 days and a Paypal dispute to get my money back.

    Poor quality is one thing, outright thievery is quite another, in my book.
  • "Actionable" is somewhat hard to define. To some people it may "not" be actionable because maybe they are visual learners, or maybe they like it presented in a step by step fashion. Maybe some prefer audio and some prefer to read. So "actionable" is really hard to define, some people never take action at all and because of that they say it "doesn't work" or it's not "actionable" the only time I genuinely ask for a refund is if I don't see how it can work. Example: You are telling me how you built a list to a million subscribers and you direct me to a low quality traffic site, that to me is B.S and if I spent a fair amount of money, or don't feel I got a true VALUE that is when I ask for a refund. But not because I don't feel it's not "actionable" but because I didn't get my money's worth! Some sales pages promise you the world, than when you buy it half the things aren't even in the product!
  • I have bought countless product which I refunded simply because there is just so much garbage being sold online. People who just want to make a quick buck from you. I look at the product and immediately go refund it. Fortunately, I have received every single refund until now. The thing is, you also never really know what to expect at what price. There are products for $100 that are crap but then also some for $1 and so on... I just stick with the good stuff

    Regards, Sven
  • In principle, yes. Happily. More than that, it's almost a civic duty.

    Mercifully, it's rare that I have to. I'm fairly prudent, always doing my homework before buying anything and aren't a cheapskate who expects the world for a pittance. I'd much rather save myself the unnecessary frustration and hassles that I swear some oddballs purposely invite into their lives through wilful negligence.

    But I do loathe dishonesty and sleaze in matters of trade. There's no shortage of it nowadays, especially online when you can lie without having to look someone in the eye and, to the less savvy, vanish into the ether.

    When a seller "objectively" misrepresents a product, or it's somehow faulty or unfit for purpose (its stated purpose, of course, not an arbitrary one of my choosing) I tend to trust and expect that a refund will be forthcoming. If it's less clear-cut, I'll not shy away from pushing for a favourable outcome out of some warped sense of pity.

    What I don't understand at all in the context of the sorts of products discussed here, and what I actually struggle to abide, is those who shrug off being ripped off with a whole litany of excuses, justifications and alibis, mostly pretty spurious (usually amounting to "surprise value" or something of that nature) when a product so clearly bought on the basis of explicit promises/features falls woefully short of expectation.

    It's perplexing, at least, until you realise how many are also product creators. It's like trade union solidarity or party politics, or something: stand together or hang alone. Noble on the one hand, disconcerting on the other. Only the threat here isn't exactly tangible, just a projection of personal insecurity.
  • Despite buying lots of crap I've only ever bought one product and requested a refund simply because the vendor might as well have copied 10 or so articles and whacked them into a WSO.

    Normally if I buy into hype and (more accurately) the curiosity is just too much for me and buy a crap product I don't bother requesting a refund because (if they didn't mislead me) it was my fault really for buying into it.

    On a random sidenote if someone refunds and I think they're 'having a laugh' and just a serial refunder, too tight to bother spending any money (and trying to get everything for free) I refund them, blacklist their email address and remove them from my email list.
  • Does the sales page offer a refund guarantee? If so, then it should be honored no questions asked.

    I always see a red flag when someone is being vague and secretive with MBG's.

    If the vendor does not offer a money back guarantee, then he is not confident in his product.
  • Yep,

    I have purchased TONS of crappy products, but there was one that irked me so much (it was a set of PLR books) that I just demanded a refund within minutes. It was awful. The information was inaccurate and the writing appalling. It could not even be rewritten.

    I normally don't buying crappy products from time to time. This one just irritated me though.
  • Ive never asked for a refund in my life. I think you should do your homework and make informed purchasing decisions and embrace the 'buyers beware' aspect. I've never been victim to a scam and never bought a product that I was unhappy with because I didn't read between the lines. When you act in life as if there are no refund policies you will make better choices and do your homework.. guarantees are for individuals that routinely make poor choices or chase after things like get rich quick schemes and pie in the sky. Use your read and rely on your own judgement and learn to eat the penalties of purchasing bad products which will build your fortitude and lead to always being better informed of your decisions. I know that sounds harsh and cold but it works well, and there will always be exceptions but not many.

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