How would you get a Smartphone / Tablet App made?

by Beau
1 replies
Hi Warriors...
I'd like to get some quotes on getting a smart phone and tablet app made (Mac and PC) - if any of you have any suggestions on where to start in regards to who to approach for quotes I'd appreciate your thoughts.

Power on,
#app #made #smartphone #tablet
  • Profile picture of the author Tom Addams
    You have 2 good choices.

    1. Join a service to make one.
    2. Hire a creator.

    In this area, I resort to an in-house programmer. Your best bet in this regard is posting an ad on places like WF. Ask for forum references: posts where people have clearly used their service and enjoyed it. Aside from this, you also have a number of sites that let you make apps. Just don't go with a free service. I can't recommend one, because like I say, I go in-house, but look around for a decent paid service.


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