Your Views Seeked to Build a New Business.

1 replies
Hello Everyone,

I'm building a new business from scratch. This will have a new business website, which will have 4 major sections.

a) A website having 20-25 pages to start with.
b) A forum
c) A directory
d) A blog

Now my question is: Is there a platform which have all in one place? I know I can install all these scripts individually. I'd also like to have your views about what kind of platform should be used especially for forum, directory and blog (obvious choice is wordpress). When I said "ESPCIALLY FORUM", there is a reason behind that. I don't want an age old forum look which we were having 6-7 or 10 years ago. I would like to build a kind of Web 2.0 look for the forum, something like Quora, or may be better than that.

Thirdly, would you recommend having site as a wordpress blog itself (Keeping in mind there will be a seperate blog on the site), or just a normal HTML site. This is from SEO prospective. I do have experience ranking wordpress blogs better than the HTML sites. Do you agree with that.

I'd highly appreciate your expert views, may be not all of them from each of you. If you can just give your views on one of your expertise, that'll be great.
#build #business #seeked #views
  • Profile picture of the author Roth
    I'm pretty sure you can do all of the above with one domain with WordPress. I think the forum might require a subdomain, but it can still all be under the same roof.
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