Video editing software affiliates
Back when I played high school ball I used windows movie maker to create my basketball highlight video, but the quality wasn't that great and I was limited features. I came across Pinacle software editing which I have heard is pretty good and they offer 14% up to 20% commission. Is that a reasonable chunk of profit to run products on your site with?
Iv done my research on google for results for sports video editing and there are lots of places athletes/parents could hire to create their highlight video, but they are going to pay $400 and up and its 2-3 weeks delivery. The search competition doesn't "seem" to high so I was thinking maybe create a video/tutorial on how to set up the basics of a highlight tape and release it once the software is purchased or something like that. And on the side, blogging and helping young athletes become better on/off the field.
Do you see any potential success with that? Covering one specific sport or offering services to all varieties?
spearce000 -
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