Now I Have $800 to Invest

by 9 replies
Today was my lucky day, I got my first sum of money that could at least be classified as an IM investment opportunity.


I already have my own product ready just waiting for a proof reader to finish reading it.

What I would like to know is what would you do with $800, bearing in mind I don't want to do blog flipping, I want to invest it where residual income will come from.

#main internet marketing discussion forum #$800 #invest
  • I would personally invest this in webhosting and domains to get your product up and running. You indicated you had a product, but was just waiting for it to be proof read. Start getting things in motion for it.

    In addition, obviously that won't use nearly your $800, but start making websites that could make you some residual commissions on the side from either adsense or affiliate commissions.
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    • Once your product is complete, you can use $50 to get it listed on the clicbank market place.

      If you can't get a proper affiliate page done, pay someone $100-150 to get one done for you.

      Use the remainder of funds to have some articles written to promote your product.
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    • All of the above and more.

      Each of the things that you've been told in this thread are ways to get your product to market.

      Take each one, figure out a cost and/or budget (for example, putting in the CB marketplace is a fixed $50.00 but a ppc campaign will be determined by CPC, so you'll have to set a 'budget' according to that) for each, and then come up with a 'marketing investment plan.'

      Use a calendar to specify the dates and times you will implement each one.

      Google calendars are awesome for this.


      Set up your lead capture (auto responder, first, and pre-populate with as many messages as you can. You can always edit them to add affiliate links and upsell, downsell and backend links later)

      You can use PLR material to populate your auto responder as well.

      Don't rule out Yahoo and MSN for ppc

      Figure out an upsell, and a backend for your product- (even a downsell and a side sell)
      Choices include: Affiliate Products, PLR products, expanded versions of your own product, collapsed versions for a downsell, audios of your products, videos, etc.

      Setting all of this up, with a budget and a shedule will give you a greater chance at having not just a successful product launch, but a successful 'business.'

      I've sent you a PM with my email address if you need any help setting these things up.

      Congratulations on taking action and welcome to the WF.

      Warmest Regards,
      Marcus Ramirez
  • I'd set up hosting and a sales page, then pay someone with a massive, active list to e-mail the link and a recommendation to it. My experience says that's usually more effective than PPC.
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    • Make sure that your site has a place where people give you their e-mail information, creating a list will be very valuable to what you're doing. I think that (if you can) - the paying someone to promote your product to a large & active e-mail list would be extremely beneficial.
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  • Start promoting clickbank product using facebook advertising.
  • Reward yourself with the money first, I.e. chill, relax, do something entertaining like go out for dinner or another night out.

    This will put you in a mindset to go get more money hopefully. Remember, all work and no play makes Homer a dull boy.
  • Look into the WarRoom here at the WF as your first "investment" into your IM career. If not the first, definately make it one of the top 5.
    Would be a very smart move...The information in there is priceless...
    No ebook, video or membership site can teach you whats locked away in there...

    Good Luck,

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