Sticky ADS - How Do They Compare to Bumping a Thread in Terms of Views

by nik0 Banned
9 replies
I decided to sticky two of my identical threads.

1) In Warriors for Hire, this one had 171 views prior to stickying it
2) In Classified Ads, this one had 179 views prior to stickying it

24 hours later, well make that 36 hours by now though the threads are deep burried again so those 12 hours unstickied shouldn't make much of a difference:

Thread 1: 247 views
Thread 2: 243 views

So that's about 150 views for $198,- in total (2*$99)

I will bump both threads now for $40 total (2*$20) and will update with amount of views in 24 hours as I'm very curious how this compares.

Personally I have the idea the view count is so low cause the sticky's don't really stick out, heck most active members probably ignore them as for years they always contained the same threads so people become blind for it.

I already posted a suggestion in the Suggestion section to deal with this but unfortunately no response till date.
#ads #inside #profitable #results #sticky
  • Profile picture of the author cpaonfire
    There is a lot of traffic through these forums. It's honestly just what catches someones attention on a certain day. Treat this like re-targeting. Any good marketer will tell you that the best use of money will be retargeting, however the economics are different here. Still it stays to bear witness.
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    • Profile picture of the author nik0
      Originally Posted by cpaonfire View Post

      There is a lot of traffic through these forums. It's honestly just what catches someones attention on a certain day. Treat this like re-targeting. Any good marketer will tell you that the best use of money will be retargeting, however the economics are different here. Still it stays to bear witness.
      I understand the value is in re-targeting.

      This is just a comparison between bumping and stickying threads.
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  • Profile picture of the author iAmNameLess
    I think if traffic levels were the same as they used to be then maybe stickies would be worth it. Right now, I think bump's are worth the money much ore than the stickies.
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  • Profile picture of the author WillR
    For one sticky ($200) you could bump your offer 10 times. If the sticky ads were working people would be using them. The proof is in the pudding. That's always how you can tell what advertising works and what doesn't. If the demand is high, it's likely it's working for people. If not, then not.

    You'll also notice the banner ads at the top of the forum that used to be booked out for weeks in advance are now only about half full each day.

    Something tells me traffic and/or traffic quality is dropping off big time over here.
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    • Profile picture of the author nik0
      Originally Posted by WillR View Post

      For one sticky ($200) you could bump your offer 10 times. If the sticky ads were working people would be using them. The proof is in the pudding. That's always how you can tell what advertising works and what doesn't. If the demand is high, it's likely it's working for people. If not, then not.

      You'll also notice the banner ads at the top of the forum that used to be booked out for weeks in advance are now only about half full each day.

      Something tells me traffic and/or traffic quality is dropping off big time over here.
      They lowered the price to $99 for warriors for hire / classifieds ads section Will.

      I think for the WSO section it's still $200,-

      Anyway cause of the lower price it's only an extra indication how well it might work (or better said not work lol), but I thought it's worth a shot, afterall you're still on top of the page for the whole day (I reasoned) and I really couldn't imagine that the amount of views was THAT low.

      I completely agree that the recent traffic is not what it used to be a few years ago.

      Despite that I increased the price of one of my services I am pretty stunned that I haven't made a SINGLE sale in 4-5 weeks already.

      Business is still doing well but all new orders come from my pretty large pool of existing clients.
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      • Profile picture of the author WillR
        Originally Posted by nik0 View Post

        They lowered the price to $99 for warriors for hire / classifieds ads section Will.

        I think for the WSO section it's still $200,-

        Anyway cause of the lower price it's only an extra indication how well it might work (or better said not work lol), but I thought it's worth a shot, afterall you're still on top of the page for the whole day (I reasoned) and I really couldn't imagine that the amount of views was THAT low.

        I completely agree that the recent traffic is not what it used to be a few years ago.

        Despite that I increased the price of one of my services I am pretty stunned that I haven't made a SINGLE sale in 4-5 weeks already.

        Business is still doing well but all new orders come from my pretty large pool of existing clients.
        Yeah it's a shame. I think many are moving over to social media for what used to go on here. Way more action between marketers over on Facebook nowadays and that's where most seem to spend their time.

        Just a change of the times I guess.
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        • Profile picture of the author nik0
          Originally Posted by WillR View Post

          Yeah it's a shame. I think many are moving over to social media for what used to go on here. Way more action between marketers over on Facebook nowadays and that's where most seem to spend their time.

          Just a change of the times.
          Yep looks like that, I'm not so crazy about social media but perhaps I have to adjust myself and become active in Facebook groups and such and spend money on Facebook ads instead of bumping threads.

          Most people who visit this forum, and especially the SEO section are people who'd like to do it their selves and instead of possibly turning into customers they get hell scared from all the failure stories in that section so it's not really helping much.

          Someone told me to do webinars with live case studies and such, let's see.

          First i have to make up my mind as I might stop looking for new clients and solely focus on my own projects (some of which also require traffic other then from Google and for those I will become more active on Facebook).

          You know what amazed me some time ago?

          A well known IM blog, that used to sell private blog posts for $25/each, I compared that to what I did and concluded that it was heavily over priced, he still sold tons of it.

          In other words a complete different type of clients that was prepared to pay that much for a very similar service, in the meanwhile his whole network got deindexed, despite his high quality fluff talk. Mine is still alive

          So yes I have to catch these type of people and they don't seem to hang out at IM forums anymore, or at least in small numbers with very few new ones.

          WF going DigitalPoint it looks like.

          I've spend $500 there on paid ads as well btw, about 1 year ago, plenty of clicks and once again 0 sales lol, 95 percent of traffic came from India and the like :S
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          • Profile picture of the author morg2k2
            i think its quite expensive just for 1 day and besides the numbers of new threads in the warrior for hire for instance are not that much, so probably if you launch a new thread it will stay in the first page for the first 24-48 hours.

            So i believe in terms of ROI bumping the thread at $20 a pop much more attractive.

            On the other hand i believe Marketeers moved a lot to social media (Facebook , Twitter, Pinterest, IG, etc)

            A week ago i have opened two new accounts in Instagram where i never used it, since i believed it was more for celebrities, but i must give my thumbs up to IG because without a single followers just using the Hastags each of my posts gathered 40-50 likes and a few comments, so i imagine when in have 50k followers or so reaching 1k-2k likes should not be very difficult, now imagine monetizing those followers.

            So back to WF i do believe people are moving away gradually to places where they get much more traction.
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  • Profile picture of the author Bruce NewMedia
    My friend Mark, a longtime Warrior just ran a WF banner can see his results on his Facebook page (date of his post is November 15)...Hint: it's a pretty sad report. :-(
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