My first $250+ day on Amazon

Profile picture of nik0
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Twenty of the most crappy Amazon sites, complete unnatural link building, tanked a little over a month ago, and made a huge comeback a few days ago after the needed adjustments in the link profile.

Sold today for over $3500,- and earned a commission of about $250,- (coming from 473 clicks to Amazon and 2045 pageviews from my sites combined), one site is an absolute winner with 900 pageviews though and that site isn't even ranking in the top 3 instead at #7 #8 #12 and #13 for the main keywords, huge mystery why it pulls so much traffic.

Now that's what I call a recovery

Quite excited as I'm transforming from purely selling SEO to doing much more SEO for myself and this is just the start based on 20 crappy sites that were build over a year ago and the link building started only 6 months ago, in other words they were eating dust for a long time.

Wish every day was like this lol, would make a nice additional income.
#$250 #amazon #day
  • Profile picture of the author Sara Young
    Sara Young
    Profile picture of Sara Young
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    Great job. I love Amazon :-)

    You definitely need to know where that traffic is coming from. I bet you will learn something interesting...
    • Profile picture of the author nik0
      Profile picture of nik0
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      Originally Posted by Sara Young View Post

      Great job. I love Amazon :-)

      You definitely need to know where that traffic is coming from. I bet you will learn something interesting...
      Very hard to track down now that Google doesn't show the keywords people type in to find me. Most traffic comes to my homepage which is optimized for my main keywords so I can't pin point it on any other page.

      I do have a little better idea as the data servers in Asia seem to update slowly and now I do see some of the main keywords at #7 and #6 opposed to page two before, still that shouldn't be good for that much traffic. I suppose all the longtails with 2014 etc are responsible for it.
      • Profile picture of the author nik0
        Profile picture of nik0
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        Funny how many posts this thread receives vs other much more useful threads that receive very little love.

        I guess people love success stories, got to do something with that
        • Profile picture of the author Denise Patton
          Denise Patton
          Profile picture of Denise Patton
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          Wow! Congrats on your success and all your new ventures, and thanks for sharing your method. It's really peaked my interest. I'm curious about your comment regarding "custom made static categories" and why that's important. I'd love to know more about it if you have time.
          • Profile picture of the author nik0
            Profile picture of nik0
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            Originally Posted by Denise Patton View Post

            Wow! Congrats on your success and all your new ventures, and thanks for sharing your method. It's really peaked my interest. I'm curious about your comment regarding "custom made static categories" and why that's important. I'd love to know more about it if you have time.
            Few reasons really, one of them is to have unique content on every single page, I have the feeling that ranks better, sure you can use canonical tags but that doesn't make the page that I like to rank (the category page) anymore unique when using the traditional read more snippets.

            Besides that I have more freedom to make the page look like I want to instead of diving into php code to adjust it to my likings, this can make quite a difference in terms of conversions.

            There are plugins available that add a WYSIWYG editor, in other words a full post editor to the category, which makes it very easy to make it static.

            A different way is to scrap categories all together and just use pages, and link from the "category" page you created to your other pages, however some find that not useful as they need to edit files each time they add a new page/post and prefer to let WP take care of that automatically.
        • Profile picture of the author mjon34
          Profile picture of mjon34
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          Originally Posted by nik0 View Post

          Funny how many posts this thread receives vs other much more useful threads that receive very little love.

          I guess people love success stories, got to do something with that
          True, but also people gravitate more to success stories because they have questions for the OP like "How did you do it" and success stories also give people hope.
          • Profile picture of the author nik0
            Profile picture of nik0
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            Originally Posted by mjon34 View Post

            True, but also people gravitate more to success stories because they have questions for the OP like "How did you do it" and success stories also give people hope.
            True fact indeed, people won't ask questions to people that only teach and don't practice it their selves.

            That's the huge problem with the WSO section here, newbee's that never made a buck online before, selling guides how to get rich.

            And worse, long time members teaching noobs how to make money from their own products, at least that's how some disguise that when in fact it's just another crappy guide that should not even be given away for free as it mostly contains outdated information / old tricks or concepts that would never work.

            The down side of what I do is that it requires money to get started and not just a few bucks, that's a huge turn off for most new people.

            A decent build site can easily end up costing $500,-, same applies to the link building, a decent sized network to achieve top positions can easily cost $2000+, yes there are cheaper ways but cheaper equals lesser results at the same time. The costs I outlined , eg $6500,- don't include the costs of hosting and initial purchase price of domains as the links are spread over a network of nearly 200 sites on 70 shared hosts, that is $30000,- on it's own, obvious I don't add all of that as costs as I also use it for my clients but it does show what's needed to pull it off.

            Nonetheless it still can be done semi cheaply same like I did, $100/content per site and $200/link building when outsourced (eg buying blog posts at public blog network, I bought them at my own PBN so to say) but I wouldn't teach that as a long term plan, it's more like a 6-12 months churn & burn and with the time it takes to rank a site these days 4-5 months easily, it's not that interesting or wise anymore.

            When people start to realize all that it becomes a lot less interesting.

            My next to laucnh sites will cost $1500/each approximately, as I already have tons of hosting accounts, and I have quite a few idle domains that have become a bit weaker over time but that are still useful for me, as said I expect these sites to make $500/month so the ratio of income vs costs stays at 1:3.

            I think the time required to rank a site from the ground up will be beneficial for site sellers though, so 20* monthly isn't so far sought, assuming it's ranked in a stable enough way and when PBN's are used either with the PBN sites included or a service fee to keep those links going.
  • Profile picture of the author SmartOnlineIncomes
    Profile picture of SmartOnlineIncomes
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    congratulation that is great news to hear we are looking forward to steps on how you managed to reach that as it will be of great help to some of us.
    • Profile picture of the author nik0
      Profile picture of nik0
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      Originally Posted by SmartOnlineIncomes View Post

      congratulation that is great news to hear we are looking forward to steps on how you managed to reach that as it will be of great help to some of us.
      Some of it is outlined on my blog (no opt-ins or anything) but here a short version of it.

      Site building

      - Did some keyword research focusing on "best ..." ".... review" keywords, for exampe:
      • best flat iron
      • best flat irons
      • flat iron review
      • flat iron reviews

      I made sure it was at least 7k exact searches combined for those four main keywords, most way more though. The title of the homepage reads like "Best Flat Irons | Flat Iron Reviews 2014"

      - Picked 10-15 products from Amazon per niche, focusing on as many different brands as possible and wrote 1 review for each (well outsourced), 300-500 words each and published it as posts.

      - Published 5-10 informative articles per site, about 400 words each and published it as pages.

      - Made a static homepage using Wordpress that links to either the reviews or directly to monetized, this differs from site to site, direct linking to Amazon is more profitable. The homepage is about 1500-2000 words in size

      - I hardly inter linked any of it, all the reviews and informative articles are linked from the sidebar using Recent Posts and Pages widget

      The sites are nothing special for the rest, and probably somewhat poor monetized, though aggresively.

      The sites where I link from the homepage directly to Amazon have review pages that are NOT monetized. The sites where I don't link from the homepage the reviews ARE monetized.

      Over monetization with small sites is quite risky and I have the idea Google looks at the total amount of affiliate links compared to the number of pages instead of looking at number of links per page. At least that's my philosophy about it.

      This basic outline of how I build a site is not really the best way if I have to be real honest, the sites were build in a hurry with real low quality content. My next sites will be better categorized with multiple categories based on: brand / price / perhaps features like power if it's appropriate, for a site selling generators it can be quite useful.

      I've build 20 of these crappy sites so on average they make $100/month each, this $250 was just a top day, I get a combined 2000 pageviews per day so I expect $2000-$2500/month in this set up.

      Personally I prefer not to use excerpts on categories and neither full posts, instead I like to go for custom made static categories. There are a few ways to do that, just Google it I would say.

      As for link building:

      I only build links at my most basic budget blog network of PR3/PR4 domains.

      In total about 60 per site and each post is surrounded by 100 words of content, I build them in batch of 20 eaches time, and one or two batches I decided to drip feed. Half of those were stickied on the homepage with about 20 OBL linking out to all types of topics.

      Though I recovered after adjusting the network I don't really recommend this type of link buidling anymore. Because of the adjustments we now use static homepages on this link network, so no more sticky posts and no more links on pages with tons of other links (this is what both tanked me and recovered me after I started using excerpts).

      The links were build in a time stack of 2-3 months and back then I already had the idea it wasn't working as great as it should as it was quite an amount of juice.

      Also have to admit that the competition has increased pretty big time this year for those "best / review" keywords so for starters it might not be the best approach.

      Keep in mind this not a guide or meant as advice, I would do it differently this time.

      I just answered your question by outlining what I did to get these results, which are in fact marginal at best. Sure $2k/month for $4-6k investment is great but it could've been a lot more though the investment would have been more as well.

      How I would do it nowadays:

      - Get better content writers, write lengthier content, eg 800+ words for reviews

      - Publish more content and divide it better over multiple (3-4) categories at least

      - Interlink the posts in each category with proper optimized anchor text's

      - Stick to my own set rule, max 50 affiliate links for a 50 page site

      - No affiliate links on at least half of the pages

      - Spend a little more time on keyword research for inner and category pages

      - Build a network of niche relevant high PR domains around the site

      - Setup social accounts on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Youtube, Google+ and update them

      - Do a little bit of social bookmarking and some paid press releases for extra exposure, with a little bit I literally mean a little bit, not a little bit of blasting, I guess I would place links at max 10 bookmark sites (only the most popular ones)

      - Build some links on my Diverse network which is of higher quality and contains different type of sites like directories, magazines, pinterest clones, press releases, bookmark sites etc.

      - Perhaps build some web2.0 blogs

      All that together gives you a much more legit backlink profile and allows you to have a great anchor diversity, which is real important these days.

      Costs of this new approach: Most likely $1500+ per site. as I would spend about $500 on the content for the site and about $1000,- for the link building.
      • Profile picture of the author discrat
        Profile picture of discrat
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Nice job.

        I hope you maybe diversify some. Get away from depending too much on SEO.

        But nonetheless way to go

        - Robert Andrew

        Nothing to see here including a Sig so just move on :)

        • Profile picture of the author nik0
          Profile picture of nik0
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          Originally Posted by discrat View Post

          Nice job.

          I hope you maybe diversify some. Get away from depending too much on SEO.

          But nonetheless way to go

          - Robert Andrew

          I find diversifying quite hard with physical products that people order online, no idea where I should look for traffic:

          - Social media: No, too time consuming
          - Paid traffic: No, too expensive with the small marigns we make

          Then what's left really to drive traffic.

          List building doesn't really work for people looking to buy a flat iron and to start newsletters / follows up about hair care, in the hope to sell a flat iron some day, seems a bit far sought for me.

          I am diversifying in complete different ways though:

          1) I run an SEO service

          2) I'm about to launch the new iWriter / TextBroker with the best of both, being developed now, ready in January hopefully.

          3) I'm starting a web hosting company

          4) A new ground breaking keyword research tool is in development as we speak as well, completed for 20 percent I think

          5) I might start a site flipping business on the side, eg flipping my own sites, not interested in being the middle man (for now). That would be sites that make money and sites that don't make money yet.

          6) I want to write and monetize free guides with case studies and everything to make all the above plans work and build a large list that way.

          7) I want to hugely expand my amount of Amazon sites (priority one actually).

          I don't know, somehow I have the feeling there are a ton of gaps in the market that I can fill in a pretty solid way.

          If it all fails then so be it, it are not fortunes that I have to spend on this, the writing platform costs me $3500 and the keyword research tool $1500 so it's all calculated risk. I want to grow the writing platform slowly but steadily and the hosting company is just an extra service, it only requires a dedicated server to begin with, heck could even use a VPS when I have few cliens.

          The largest costs will be expanding on my Amazon sites, however I have a great idea imo, to transform my private blog network of 400+ sites into a full fledges money site network. Eg, see which ones rank well and start to monetize them. I have big expectations on that front.

          Either way I'll be all over the place in a few months from now, who knows I might become a millionaire some day, no idea what to do with all that money though as I live a pretty simple live with not too many needs (besides a nice house with pool but I already have that, Thailand has so it's benefits ).
  • Profile picture of the author 2014leon
    Profile picture of 2014leon
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    congratulations, man, SEO always need hard work especially when all done by hand
    How to Make Money Online;
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  • Profile picture of the author Corey Taylor
    Corey Taylor
    Profile picture of Corey Taylor
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    I am a youtube/social media/e-mail marketing guy, but this kind of posts make me want to learn more about SEO.

    I am sick of outsourcing the heck of my SEO, need to learn some advanced techniques

    Congrats for your amazon success my friend
  • Profile picture of the author 2014leon
    Profile picture of 2014leon
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    Congrats on the news
    How to Make Money Online;
    Geld Verdienen im Internet;
    Tips For Making Money Online By - Liming Wu
  • Profile picture of the author kh65
    Profile picture of kh65
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    Congratulation on the recovery! Thank you for sharing how you did it!....
  • Profile picture of the author IPN123
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  • Profile picture of the author rahoya123
    Profile picture of rahoya123
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    great job nico i hope to became like you
  • Profile picture of the author Anish Khandelwal
    Anish Khandelwal
    Profile picture of Anish Khandelwal
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    Great post ...i hope u become millionaire soon ...and i hope to be like u someday
  • Profile picture of the author domainscience
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  • Profile picture of the author himanuzo
    Profile picture of himanuzo
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    Great! Be consistent with your method, you will reach earning $250/daily with Amazon Associates, not only $250/day in the best day.
  • Profile picture of the author RafaelThaGreat
    Profile picture of RafaelThaGreat
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Really cool thread, I'm going to re-read your posts so I understand it better and see how I can use my own approach to get similar results. Thank you for sharing!!

    I plan to rule the world.... Starting Monday.

  • Profile picture of the author noahava207
    Profile picture of noahava207
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Congratulations for your brilliant success. I have been working amazon also, unfortunately I was not reach to my destination as you yet. I am trying to earn as you, I did not success yet, but trying to do. Nowadays I am earning from there, but I wanted to earn more & more. Of course I am doing SEO for my site also. I hope I will be success with the Amazon. Thanks for sharing your idea.
  • Profile picture of the author svfxpro
    Profile picture of svfxpro
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    Please share how do you make $250 on amazons. From starting to end, each and everything. Thanks in advance
    • Profile picture of the author nik0
      Profile picture of nik0
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      Originally Posted by svfxpro View Post

      Please share how do you make $250 on amazons. From starting to end, each and everything. Thanks in advance
      I already explained it above.
  • Profile picture of the author 2014leon
    Profile picture of 2014leon
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    nice man, congrats
    How to Make Money Online;
    Geld Verdienen im Internet;
    Tips For Making Money Online By - Liming Wu
  • Profile picture of the author dadamson
    Profile picture of dadamson
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Great job! Recovering from that Google update is half the battle.
    • Profile picture of the author nik0
      Profile picture of nik0
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      Originally Posted by dadamson View Post

      Great job! Recovering from that Google update is half the battle.
      Absolutely, and it teached me some very important things, that are in fact just common sense but it's easy to over look it when it worked for years.

      The two most important things that Penguin 3.0 targets are:

      1) Links on pages with many other links, think of bookmark sites, web directories and blog comments, but also the once immens popular public blog networks, though Google made manual attacks on them it's now not even needed anymore as people tank instantly when they have many of such links.

      2) OBL footprints, when you rent links at a network of 10, 20, 40 sites you often end up with the same customers on the same set of sites, that is one huge footprint you're leaving.

      Funny enough 95 percent of the SEO services that used to work (I'm not talking about the people reselling Fiverr gigs or Senukex campaigns), and that are advertised at the IM forum all have exactly these footprints that Penguin targeted last month so I think this will have a drastic impact on the IM world.

      Personally I never blasted 100's of links on PBN's, we mostly did a few dozen, but even a few dozen was enough to tank.

      Big thanks to Google for allowing us to rank quickly again after cleaning up our mess.

      So when I look back at it I'm glad I only build links at properties that I own and that I don't build any other links for the sake of diversity. Ok now I can again as I know what to avoid but imagine we did 100's of bookmarks, web direcory links and blog comments (kind of the worse links to get these days), it would be impossible to clean up that mess.
  • Profile picture of the author markowe
    Profile picture of markowe
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    Well done for plugging away with the SEO - I just found the whole SEO thing too agonising. So much hard and boring work for potentially no reward, and always the opportunity for Google to come along and take it all away, as happened to me a number of times. So I stick with selling my own products these days, more interesting and more creative, for me personally. There is no "passive income" anyway, that is a myth, there is always hard work involved, and anyone who claims otherwise is selling you snake-oil.

    Who says you can't earn money as an eBay affiliate any more? My stats say otherwise

    • Profile picture of the author nik0
      Profile picture of nik0
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      Originally Posted by markowe View Post

      Well done for plugging away with the SEO - I just found the whole SEO thing too agonising. So much hard and boring work for potentially no reward, and always the opportunity for Google to come along and take it all away, as happened to me a number of times. So I stick with selling my own products these days, more interesting and more creative, for me personally. There is no "passive income" anyway, that is a myth, there is always hard work involved, and anyone who claims otherwise is selling you snake-oil.
      Passive income is definitely possible but it requires a lot of work upfront, that most are not prepared to do.

      I ain't saying passive income till you die, but for at least 6-12 months shouldn't be much of a problem, after that there might be some adjustments needed as you never know with Google
      • Profile picture of the author markowe
        Profile picture of markowe
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        Originally Posted by nik0 View Post

        Passive income is definitely possible but it requires a lot of work upfront, that most are not prepared to do.

        I ain't saying passive income till you die, but for at least 6-12 months shouldn't be much of a problem, after that there might be some adjustments needed as you never know with Google
        Sure, I know that's another topic, one that's been done to death. But my SEO experience has been that there is ALWAYS something needs tweaking, multiple sites that need love, always one getting whacked and needing replacement, and all that. I could never envisage setting up sites and then going off to the Bahamas for 6 months and not worrying about them .

        Who says you can't earn money as an eBay affiliate any more? My stats say otherwise

        • Profile picture of the author nik0
          Profile picture of nik0
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          Originally Posted by markowe View Post

          Sure, I know that's another topic, one that's been done to death. But my SEO experience has been that there is ALWAYS something needs tweaking, multiple sites that need love, always one getting whacked and needing replacement, and all that. I could never envisage setting up sites and then going off to the Bahamas for 6 months and not worrying about them .
          My biggest annoyance is products out of stock / affiliate links not working anymore
  • Profile picture of the author Terrance01
    Profile picture of Terrance01
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Now that's the kind of day everyone wants.

    Good for you.

    To your Success,
  • Profile picture of the author trcktr
    Profile picture of trcktr
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    congrets...i am starting is best marketplace...keep going
  • Profile picture of the author Jan79
    Profile picture of Jan79
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    Great post, congrats!
  • Profile picture of the author Les Harvey
    Les Harvey
    Profile picture of Les Harvey
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Good job! I hope you have many more $250.00 days!
    Keep on doing it.
  • Profile picture of the author AppstronautMe
    Profile picture of AppstronautMe
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Not to burst your bubble. But I experienced the same thing a couple of years ago. It is the holiday season so you will probably continually grow as it gets around Christmas. But expect a rather large drop off after the seasons end. But progress is always good!
  • Profile picture of the author skyro
    Profile picture of skyro
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Congrats on your comeback man I hope you continue to earn through your sites.
  • Profile picture of the author Darryl Smith
    Darryl Smith
    Profile picture of Darryl Smith
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Thank you for spreading your good news which is very refreshing to hear these days!

    More than that, thank you for sharing what and how you did to achieve this return. (Looks like a course in the making does it not?)


    Darryl Smith
    • Profile picture of the author nik0
      Profile picture of nik0
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      Originally Posted by Darryl Smith View Post

      Thank you for spreading your good news which is very refreshing to hear these days!

      More than that, thank you for sharing what and how you did to achieve this return. (Looks like a course in the making does it not?)


      Darryl Smith
      There sure will be a guide in the making, it will be for free but it will be heavily monetized as I'm having a few projects in development as we speak:

      - New keyword research tool that doesn't ignore important factors like most of these tools do

      - Web hosting

      - A new writing platform, we aim to fill the gap between iWriter and Textbroker

      - My SEO service of course.

      All that combined should allow people to make money online in the exact same way as I'm doing it, I really hate those people selling information and at the same time their main source of income comes from selling the guide / coaching. Looks kinda fake to me but opinions are divided on that.

      In addition to all that there is a greater plan going on and that is flipping and selling sites that either make money or don't, this could increase my income exponentially. Especially sites that make money so it's very important for me that my process works good as the main income should come from making money from Amazon.

      Imagine if I launch 20 sites a month and each makes $100/month, which is pretty low really but realistic, I messed up bigtime and still make $2000+/month.

      Flip that for 20* monthly income same like EmpireFlippers claim, that is about 15* monthly you're left with after fees and such, so that would be good for $30.000,-/month if that is ongoing, which is a decent chunk. However with my new plan the aim is to make sites that make $500/month instead of $100/month so that would be $150.000 revenue/month + a small maintenance fee to keep the SEO going.

      Yep I love to dream
  • Profile picture of the author juanenjoyslife
    Profile picture of juanenjoyslife
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Congrats on the progress. Now go make it everyday!
  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    Randall Magwood
    Profile picture of Randall Magwood
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Great job Nik0. Sounds like you know what you are doing, and how to adapt to the market at any given time. Great SEO tips too.
  • Profile picture of the author webbassets
    Profile picture of webbassets
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    I own 1000 amazon affiliate websites each listing a category of products from amazon. The conversions have been decent till now and i'm looking to expand it with more traffic. How can i increase traffic to these sites or is there any body who can do it as a service?
    • Profile picture of the author nik0
      Profile picture of nik0
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by webbassets View Post

      I own 1000 amazon affiliate websites each listing a category of products from amazon. The conversions have been decent till now and i'm looking to expand it with more traffic. How can i increase traffic to these sites or is there any body who can do it as a service?
      OMG 1000 sites, initially I planned to do that as well, but I filtered on search volume first and discovered that Google ranks different type of keywords in complete different ways, take for example:

      - garden fences


      - best lawn mower

      Let me tell you that garden fences has a lot less competition, still it's much harder to rank.

      Same applies for cultivators / tillers, they are less competitive then lawn mowers but cause it's a single word (or two words in case of garden fences) it's insane hard to rank for it.

      Now some might think, why not target: "best garden fences" or "best cultivator", well head over to Google Adwords keyword tool and look at the search volume and you have your answer. In other words no or very little traffic.

      I think you focus more on product titles though? I did sold quite a few garden fences and tillers, though nothing like the sites that do rank on the first page for the main keywords.

      Somehow I have the idea there is a lot of relation between ranking for the main keywords and the rest of the more longtail keywords on the site, eg if it doesn't rank for the main keywords you don't get much longtail traffic either, but that could also have to do with my site setup, maybe you can detail a bit more about how you do it? Are all your sites unique or do they have scraped content, or do you attach a shop to your site perhpas that's only accessible by visitors and not by Google?

      Unique content and plenty of it is very important when ranking a site, so if your sites are auto-generated ones then link building won't help you much as they will hardly have any impact if at all cause then you deal with Panda related issue's and no link in the world will over come that problem.
  • Profile picture of the author GGpaul
    Profile picture of GGpaul
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Great job Niko.

    It makes me want to tap into Amazon again. I've been so heavily focused on PPC and client work now. But I do miss doing SEO for my own.

    RIP Dad Oct 14 1954 - Mar 14 2015.

    • Profile picture of the author nik0
      Profile picture of nik0
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      Originally Posted by GGpaul View Post

      Great job Niko.

      It makes me want to tap into Amazon again. I've been so heavily focused on PPC and client work now. But I do miss doing SEO for my own.
      PPC in combination with affiliate offers or for clients?

      I love SEO as always, sure it's a struggle sometimes but that also makes it interesting, I always say Googles is my greatest teacher, some few tips as I write long posts and could easily be missed:

      - Avoid links at pages next to other irrelevant links, these are very hazardous, think of public blog network setup in old fashioned ways

      - Bookmark sites (pure evil now), almost all put up endless lists of links on the same page

      - Web directories (though most seem to be adjusted where you have your own page so not the end of the world, but still Google treats most as pure spam.

      - Blog comments obviously, mostly nofollow so no help while they can hurt rankings

      That's it really, so in case of PBN make sure to use a Pages structure or use Excerpts on category/archive level or in case you want to do it even better keep them niche related.

      There's no more to it then that, downside is that it's obvious more expensive to setup a strong private blog network, not talking about weak dropped domains, So that's the only struggle for most, the costs involved.
      • Profile picture of the author GGpaul
        Profile picture of GGpaul
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        Originally Posted by nik0 View Post

        PPC in combination with affiliate offers or for clients?

        There's no more to it then that, downside is that it's obvious more expensive to setup a strong private blog network, not talking about weak dropped domains, So that's the only struggle for most, the costs involved.
        PPC for my affiliate offers and doing PPC for clients. A mixture of both!

        Thanks bud.

        RIP Dad Oct 14 1954 - Mar 14 2015.

  • Profile picture of the author NeedBucksNow
    Profile picture of NeedBucksNow
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    That's how we do it


  • Profile picture of the author fast2net
    Profile picture of fast2net
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    It seems like you definitely have a good formula. Many small income generating sites instead of trying to focus on one main site for all of your income.
    • Profile picture of the author nik0
      Profile picture of nik0
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      Originally Posted by fast2net View Post

      It seems like you definitely have a good formula. Many small income generating sites instead of trying to focus on one main site for all of your income.
      I'm going to do it a little differently in the future as following:

      - Smallish sites but on expired high PR domains, maybe they'll rank maybe not, otherwise they still make up for a decent real looking private blog network, I want to have 200 of them (I already have 400 of such domains as we speak btw) so it wouldn't hurt to lose some clients so I can use them for myself

      - Medium sized sites, as mentioned in my previous post, those will cost me $500 on content and $1000,- on link building, so total $1500,-/site. I want to build at least 20 of them, probably in about 10 niches.

      - One huge authority shopping / review site in magazine style, this one will receive links from the medium sized sites and from some of the smallish expired domain based sites that manage to rank well with the goal to drive traffic, this authority site will come last, and for that I will use exceptional good writers to come up with great linkbait content and thus do link outreach.

      That way I would have 21 sites to provide income and 200 sites that might make some money as well, that should be enough to make a decent living, though I think I'll never stop expanding.
      • Profile picture of the author nik0
        Profile picture of nik0
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        I want to share this little case study and warn people at the same time.

        At the moment there are an awful lot of people selling dropped/expired domains based on metrics from companies that are not Google (in other words useless metrics).

        Many of these sellers sell whatever they can find, without looking at the backlink profile which determines the real strength of a site.

        This is the money site I am talking about:

        This site also serves as a good example of how I build the sites that made a combined $250 that specific day.

        Here are the rankings:

        This website received links from 10 hyper relevant dropped domains, same like I described above, bought purely based on worthless merics, see below the metrics for yourself, as you can see in the screenshot I even reveal the domains that link to this site, I have nothing to hide, though I do have to admit I purchased seperate hosting first to exclude it from my core business.

        Granted most advertise with slightly higher metrics like DA15+ or they use PA20+ instead, well you see most have PA20+, they often also advertise MozRank2+ like MozRank equals the old PageRank which couldn't be further from the truth.

        Needless to say, each of these domains has hardly any backlinks at all and the ones they have are extreme weak, nothing like pagerank 2 which you kind of would expect from domains with these type of metrics. I set up this test about 1-1.5 months ago to see if hyper relevant domains can have any value, even if they are hell weak.

        "For the curious ones, checking the backlink profiles makes not much sense at this point as last week I decided to buy a GSA blast of 500 diverse links for each of those linking domains as it was already clear to me that this is leading nowhere."

        Here proof that I bought those GSA blasts on the 19h of November which were delivered on the 25th of November btw and probably not crawled before the 27th (just so you know these poor rankings are not a result of this GSA campaign):

        As for slightly higher DA15+, well that means nothing either, I can get you a list of 1000 worthless domains right now with DA15+, just ask.

        Ok one last show or proof that the GSA campaign has nothing to do with it, here you see the rankings of the domain name over the last 5 weeks or so, as you can see after I placed links on the first 4 domains we had a little bump and after that it only got worse, though now the GSA is helping a tiny bit as more keywords started to pop up again (AT PAGE 10-15 LOL)

        As you can see Penguin had no influence on the rankings as the update was 17th of October, site was build after that, and 27th of November was a refresh and rankings stayed the same there.

        I advice you to be real careful with buying domains from such sellers and always demand a breakdown of the links with pagerank that are pointed at these domains, if they don't want or can provide that then skip it, and head over to and you end up with a just as worthless private network as I used, just look at that ranking screenshot to fresh up your memory.

        Can't make it more clear then that, WF attracts a lot of scammers, and this is just another one of them where they abuse the fact that Google doens't update pagerank anymore and you end up with a worthless network a $30-$50/domain that you could pick up any day for $10/each at or

        Ps: Without those links the site was ranking higher initially so it seems links from such weak domains can even HURT your rankings, especially when the batch is registered the same day, which you can definitely expect when you buy a batch of dropped domains from 3rd parties.
        • Profile picture of the author webbassets
          Profile picture of webbassets
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Originally Posted by nik0 View Post


          I want to share this little case study and warn people at the same time.

          At the moment there are an awful lot of people selling dropped/expired domains based on metrics from companies that are not Google (in other words useless metrics).

          Many of these sellers sell whatever they can find, without looking at the backlink profile which determines the real strength of a site.

          This is the money site I am talking about:

          Best Rowing Machine Reviews in 2014

          This site also serves as a good example of how I build the sites that made a combined $250 that specific day.

          Here are the rankings:

          This website received links from 10 hyper relevant dropped domains, same like I described above, bought purely based on worthless merics, see below the metrics for yourself, as you can see in the screenshot I even reveal the domains that link to this site, I have nothing to hide, though I do have to admit I purchased seperate hosting first to exclude it from my core business.

          Granted most advertise with slightly higher metrics like DA15+ or they use PA20+ instead, well you see most have PA20+, they often also advertise MozRank2+ like MozRank equals the old PageRank which couldn't be further from the truth.

          Needless to say, each of these domains has hardly any backlinks at all and the ones they have are extreme weak, nothing like pagerank 2 which you kind of would expect from domains with these type of metrics. I set up this test about 1-1.5 months ago to see if hyper relevant domains can have any value, even if they are hell weak.

          "For the curious ones, checking the backlink profiles makes not much sense at this point as last week I decided to buy a GSA blast of 500 diverse links for each of those linking domains as it was already clear to me that this is leading nowhere."

          Here proof that I bought those GSA blasts on the 19h of November which were delivered on the 25th of November btw and probably not crawled before the 27th (just so you know these poor rankings are not a result of this GSA campaign):

          As for slightly higher DA15+, well that means nothing either, I can get you a list of 1000 worthless domains right now with DA15+, just ask.

          Ok one last show or proof that the GSA campaign has nothing to do with it, here you see the rankings of the domain name over the last 5 weeks or so, as you can see after I placed links on the first 4 domains we had a little bump and after that it only got worse, though now the GSA is helping a tiny bit as more keywords started to pop up again (AT PAGE 10-15 LOL)

          As you can see Penguin had no influence on the rankings as the update was 17th of October, site was build after that, and 27th of November was a refresh and rankings stayed the same there.

          I advice you to be real careful with buying domains from such sellers and always demand a breakdown of the links with pagerank that are pointed at these domains, if they don't want or can provide that then skip it, and head over to and you end up with a just as worthless private network as I used, just look at that ranking screenshot to fresh up your memory.

          Can't make it more clear then that, WF attracts a lot of scammers, and this is just another one of them where they abuse the fact that Google doens't update pagerank anymore and you end up with a worthless network a $30-$50/domain that you could pick up any day for $10/each at or

          Ps: Without those links the site was ranking higher initially so it seems links from such weak domains can even HURT your rankings, especially when the batch is registered the same day, which you can definitely expect when you buy a batch of dropped domains from 3rd parties.
          What's the websites tracking tool that you're using?
          • Profile picture of the author nik0
            Profile picture of nik0
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Originally Posted by webbassets View Post

            What's the websites tracking tool that you're using?
            I use SerpFox
            • Profile picture of the author Lares
              Profile picture of Lares
              Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
              The case study you posted above doesn't prove anything. I dont know how good/bad are those PBN domains and if they will ever rank your money site, but you cant wait only 1 month and say it doesn't work. Brand new domain takes time to rank. You should wait at least 3-4 months to come to any conclusions. But since you spammed it with fiverr its probably doomed now.

              I started an amazon website end of july. All link building i did was 15 PBN links. (and maybe 10 manual WEB 2.0 for more anchor diversity) PBN was build only for this website and i handpicked the domains for it, most of them without PR. But i made sure they werent spam websites and had at least 1 good high PR backlink. Took almost 2 months to reach top 50, more than 3 months to reach 2nd page, now at Dec 7 after more than 4 months it finally reached its righteous place at #1.
              • Profile picture of the author nik0
                Profile picture of nik0
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                Originally Posted by Lares View Post

                The case study you posted above doesn't prove anything. I dont know how good/bad are those PBN domains and if they will ever rank your money site, but you cant wait only 1 month and say it doesn't work. Brand new domain takes time to rank. You should wait at least 3-4 months to come to any conclusions. But since you spammed it with fiverr its probably doomed now.

                I started an amazon website end of july. All link building i did was 15 PBN links. (and maybe 10 manual WEB 2.0 for more anchor diversity) PBN was build only for this website and i handpicked the domains for it, most of them without PR. But i made sure they werent spam websites and had at least 1 good high PR backlink. Took almost 2 months to reach top 50, more than 3 months to reach 2nd page, now at Dec 7 after more than 4 months it finally reached its righteous place at #1.
                I know it takes longer these days, but I also know how the timeline evolves and all keywords disappearing out of the top 500 for weeks is not part of that.

                I rank 100's of sites so I know a little what to expect and when it go's wrong.
      • Profile picture of the author WawanSetyawans
        Profile picture of WawanSetyawans
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        Coool brotha
  • Profile picture of the author Mrs.Butterworth
    Profile picture of Mrs.Butterworth
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    Congratulations on your success. It sounds like you have figured out the secret. It's all about having a system in place and using it over and over again.

    Need content? Hire me to write for you.

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