Delaying Payments To Affiliates

Profile picture of everyonewins
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
8 replies
Hi Everyone.

I've been inquiring about launching a WSO and learned that it is not possible to delay payments to affiliates once a sale has been made. I know in JVzoo it is possible to delay a payment til after the return policy has elapsed, but apparently this is not the case with a WSO.

Can someone explain to me how this works? A customer buys a product from you for say $10 and you give the affiliate who they bought it through 50%, or $5. If the customer asks for a refund you send them $10 out of your PayPal account... but...

How do you get the $5 back from the affiliate? Do you have to eat this cost?


PS: Was it always this way with a WSO?
#affiliates #delaying #payments
  • Profile picture of the author kayelex
    Profile picture of kayelex
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I believe you can run a WSO through JVZoo. Wouldn't their policy cover your situation?
  • Profile picture of the author Ron Killian
    Ron Killian
    Profile picture of Ron Killian
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    When you run a WSO you can choose what payment processor or sales system you use. So you can run a WSO and use JVzoo as the sales system and delay payments. A WSO and JVzoo are two different things.

    If you use pay pal straight up, your could get bad affiliates and once the money is gone it's gone. Affiliates scam you, you won't get the money back, you'd be out of pocket.
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  • Profile picture of the author blueclcl
    Profile picture of blueclcl
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    You offer delayed payments to protect yourself.

    If you trust the affiliate then instant commission is ok, but some affiliates will scam you by offering your product to others with benefits that are not in your product.

    They just want to sell, get the money and will never refund.

    That's why it's nearly always best to offer delayed payments to affiliates.

    It covers you and your reputation.
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  • Profile picture of the author AlexSchneider
    Profile picture of AlexSchneider
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    On WarriorPlus you can only choose delayed payments for affiliates with less than 25 sales. All others are on instant commission. So you should be aware who you let in as affiliates.

    On WarriorPlus I am really selective about approving affiliates - either ones with pretty good statistics or if they reached out to me personally outside of WF or W+.

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  • Profile picture of the author Dolpet
    Profile picture of Dolpet
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Your affiliate will pay back automaticaly...
    As i know first time affiliater signup using WSO Payment, they agree WSO-P to process refund.
  • Profile picture of the author DenEdBiz
    Profile picture of DenEdBiz
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I recommend the merchant payment processor, Moneris. It might not be that easy getting on with them at first but from everyone I know that is currently using them, they offer top notch service.

    Like another poster already mentioned, you delay affiliate payments to protect yourself from fraudulent use, chargebacks, and things like that.

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe the standard maximum time for someone to get a refund through most credit card companies is 3 months, unless there is extraordinary circumstances.
  • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
    Alexa Smith
    Profile picture of Alexa Smith
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by everyonewins View Post

    I've been inquiring about launching a WSO and learned that it is not possible to delay payments to affiliates once a sale has been made.
    This is incorrect.

    It seems to me that some of the replies above are a little (to put it politely) less than helpful, given what you actually wanted to know, here?

    I may be wrong, myself, of course, but I suspect that you're confused between "listing a WSO" and "listing a WSO that uses Warrior Payments as its payment-processing method".

    I think you haven't appreciated "how the system works". The forum sells advertising space to people who want to list their WSO's. It also provides one optional payment-processing system called Warrior Payments. There are several others available too (they include JVZoo). But you can use whatever payment-processor you want to use, to list a WSO. If you want to use one with a built-in affiliate-payment-handling ability, JVZoo could be the way to go. But don't confuse "offering a WSO" with "offering a WSO with the payments processed through Warrior Payments".

    And whatever you do, don't offer immediate payments to affiliates you don't know and trust!


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