Problems with

5 replies
Hi everyone

I am trying to view my subscriptions today so went into my paypal account which has the new interface and the weird thing is I now cannot get to any transaction and I know for sure I have bought things with my paypal account in the last 4 weeks.

Is anyone else having problems?

Can someone explain to me how to get to my subscriptions, I need to check my hostgator one is still in place but I cannot find it or any other subscription, so perhaps I am just not using the interface correctly, so any help would be great, this is very frustrating and making me feel like a complete novice on the computer at the moment, which I know I am not LOL

Thanks guys
#paypalcom or uk #problems
  • Profile picture of the author pjCheviot
    Hi Sue

    The overview only shows the last 7 days activity - so you need to change the date - or click on "view all transactions".

    For the subscriptions - when you login - go to Profile (don't choose any of the drop-downs just click Profile) - then under Financial Information there is Pay List - that should show an overview of your subscriptions/transactions.

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    • Profile picture of the author Susan Hope
      Originally Posted by pjCheviot View Post

      Hi Sue

      The overview only shows the last 7 days activity - so you need to change the date - or click on "view all transactions".

      For the subscriptions - when you login - go to Profile (don't choose any of the drop-downs just click Profile) - then under Financial Information there is Pay List - that should show an overview of your subscriptions/transactions.

      Thanks, I will try that for the subscriptions. As for the overview, yes I knew that and I paid for something on the 9th July, so weird that it shows nothing, then I tried all combinations of dates and just could not get any history to come up at all.. now that is the weird thing..

      So whilst I go look there for subscriptions, is anyone else having problems with not being able to see any history?

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  • Profile picture of the author infohog
    Susanne - I hate paypal with a passion. They are the closest thing we have to a legalized mafia. Do a search for 'hate Paypal' and you will see the horror stories that exist.

    Usually the problems begin innocently enough with a simple, easily solvable problem... like yours. Next thing you know your account is froze and you are required to fax over a dozen documents proving to them that you are who you say you are. Whether your innocent or not Paypal does not care. The buyer is ALWAYS right. Paypal sucks!

    As a $1400 victim of Paypal myself I HIGHLY recommend you only use Paypal when you have to and be sure to NEVER leave any amounts of money in your account that you cannot afford to lose.

    I know there are thousands out there who love the convenience of Paypal but they just haven't felt the bite...yet.

    Thanks, Suzanne, for getting me all worked up on a nice Sunday morning in Michigan!

    Read links below:
    Matthew D.

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  • Profile picture of the author GuerrillaIM
    I had same problem. You need to go to the history tab and not the recent activity option

    In history tab you can search back for a few years and there is a filter that just shows your subscriptions
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    • Profile picture of the author Susan Hope
      Thanks, yes I was trying there as well.

      Found the subscriptions by going to profile/pay list so that one is sorted out but also in there is "Monthly Account Statements" which did show my recent transactions. But using History at the moment is not showing anything no matter what dates I put in there, so that is weird, you would think history would show you everything that has been going on with your account over whatever time period you ask it for, but nope, not on mine at the moment.

      Anyway, thanks for all the help and input guys.

      One-to-One WordPress Coaching Service Available at Low Hourly Rate - Let the frustration end now! WordPress Installs, Theme Design, Site Tweaks & other WordPress services available
      Find me on Pinterest: PINTEREST
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