Why does this URL not working it makes no sense.

7 replies
I collect web marketing tools for my web site from time to time I get a URL that does not work when it is clicked on from my site. Here is the message I get:
"Oops! Google Chrome could not find www.cscore.recommend.ly
Did you mean: cscore.*recommend.*ly"
But the URLs are exactly the same.

Follow the steps below to experience the problem.

(1) When I go to this address and Conversation Score - Web tools for Business Marketing
(2)I then click on http://www.cscore.recommend.ly/

(3)I get a page that says this:
"Oops! Google Chrome could not find www.cscore.recommend.ly
Did you mean: cscore.*recommend.*ly"
#makes #sense #url #working
  • Profile picture of the author Corey Taylor
    Remove www and it works.

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  • Profile picture of the author Steve B
    It's not a valid and working URL. Why does that not make sense?


    Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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    • Profile picture of the author maxqsoft
      To make it a URL LINK in HTML you must add the www. So the link works without the www. but it is not a true hyperlink.
      Helping Companies Showcase their business Free & Find Marketing Tools for Business & Social Media Mastery
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9769187].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Steve B
        It's not a web site. It's an application (app) and here is the source:



        Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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      • Profile picture of the author John Hocking
        Originally Posted by maxqsoft View Post

        To make it a URL LINK in HTML you must add the www. So the link works without the www. but it is not a true hyperlink.
        Urls do not have to have www. www is the default and can be left off and in most cases these days it is common to leave it off.

        So www.domain.com and domain.com will be the same.

        In your case, http://www.cscore.recommend.ly/ is not valid.
        Your domain is recommend.ly. cscore is a sub domain. You should not proceed a sub domain with www.

        the correct url would be
        Conversation Score (CScore)
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9769606].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author mazom
        Originally Posted by maxqsoft View Post

        To make it a URL LINK in HTML you must add the www. So the link works without the www. but it is not a true hyperlink.
        URL and HTML are 2 different and separate things/beasts.

        'www' is a subdomain of your main domain.
        You DON'T need 'www' for your link to work, as you will simply get served the "default" page if you don't put 'www'.

        You can invent as many sub-domains as you wish (up to a limit), and for free, and they will work as long as:
        1- you configure your domain properly at your domain provider (godaddy, etc)
        2- you configure your server properly (i.e. apache and friends)
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