Exact anchor text links - How bad / hurt is it?
i am recently encountered few cases that involving articles with exact anchor text links,
for example lets take an article that is pretty good,
the article is unique and give valuable information on the subject and written well and not in robotic way etc...
But you can understand that the article real purpose is SEO, because the exact anchor text links are embedded, for example an article taking about Real estate lawyer, then the article talks about the whole issue and gives information and data, and why its important that you should consult with 1 etc etc....
But inside the article there are exact anchor text links as "Real estate lawyer" (inside the article) that links to a personal Real estate lawyer website. this happens 2-3 times in an article of 500-700 words.
is this kind of exact anchor text links hurt me? is it bad for me? because u can see the purpose of the article is SEO by the anchor text links....
i hope i success to explain my self well enough for you guys to understand me and what i am questioning about,
if not or have any questions please feel free to ask.
ahmadashfaq -
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danh2 -
Thanks - 1 reply
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ahmadashfaq -
[ 1 ] Thanks
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