Need some advice
Anyways, I own about a dozen websites in the tech (catering to web designers, coders, etc) and entertainment (pop culture news, wrestling and music) space. The smallest site I have does around 100K pageviews/mo and the largest does around 900K pageviews/mo. I haven't had very good success with Adsense in the past so for the most part I use ad networks where I can set the minimum CPM and passback to other networks, with the bottom of the barrel being a network that fills 100%.
My first question is, with a network of around 4M pagviews per month, what else should I be doing in terms of monetization? I'm really just packing with ads and since we're in Q1, I'm feeling the downward slope at the moment.
Secondly, do you guys think this network is large enough for a digital salesperson? My concern is that even though there is a ton of cross over, it is still a dozen sites.
And thank you ahead of time!

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