Need some advice

Profile picture of theeighth
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
7 replies
Hi, new to the forum, glad to see it's a freelancer company - I'm very active there.

Anyways, I own about a dozen websites in the tech (catering to web designers, coders, etc) and entertainment (pop culture news, wrestling and music) space. The smallest site I have does around 100K pageviews/mo and the largest does around 900K pageviews/mo. I haven't had very good success with Adsense in the past so for the most part I use ad networks where I can set the minimum CPM and passback to other networks, with the bottom of the barrel being a network that fills 100%.

My first question is, with a network of around 4M pagviews per month, what else should I be doing in terms of monetization? I'm really just packing with ads and since we're in Q1, I'm feeling the downward slope at the moment.

Secondly, do you guys think this network is large enough for a digital salesperson? My concern is that even though there is a ton of cross over, it is still a dozen sites.

And thank you ahead of time!
#ad network #advice #monetization help
  • Profile picture of the author Doug
    Profile picture of Doug
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Howdy !!

    Welcome to the funhouse. I reckon I would ask you in terms of the sites where you are catering to web designers and coders, are you building a relationship with people?

    Plus, being active over at Freelancer probably gives you some insight into more of what you can provide in the relationship. One idea right off I think of is to set up a referral service for those designers and coders, and those who desire their services. Figure out a way to get a piece of the action... simple arbitrage possibly.

    Another possibility is your own ad network selling ad space at your price rather than pennies from another provider.

    Build a list... sell solo ads.

    Anyway, some ideas for you.


    Originally Posted by theeighth View Post

    Hi, new to the forum, glad to see it's a freelancer company - I'm very active there.

    Anyways, I own about a dozen websites in the tech (catering to web designers, coders, etc) and entertainment (pop culture news, wrestling and music) space. The smallest site I have does around 100K pageviews/mo and the largest does around 900K pageviews/mo. I haven't had very good success with Adsense in the past so for the most part I use ad networks where I can set the minimum CPM and passback to other networks, with the bottom of the barrel being a network that fills 100%.

    My first question is, with a network of around 4M pagviews per month, what else should I be doing in terms of monetization? I'm really just packing with ads and since we're in Q1, I'm feeling the downward slope at the moment.

    Secondly, do you guys think this network is large enough for a digital salesperson? My concern is that even though there is a ton of cross over, it is still a dozen sites.

    And thank you ahead of time!
  • Profile picture of the author nicolasmd2112
    Profile picture of nicolasmd2112
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Build a list of potential prospects that you can email promotional offers to. You can do this by creating a new email marketing account with GetResponse or AWeber, creating a new list and pasting your opt-in form into your sites. If your getting as many page views as you say, you should be able to build a decent sized list in just a couple of weeks.
  • Profile picture of the author zerofatzreturns
    Profile picture of zerofatzreturns
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    yeah it really seems like with that much traffic you could be creating your own products and selling them from your site to really leverage that traffic and maximize potential. Even a couple simple ebooks would probably make a huge difference AND to reiterate what Doug said would really help to build a list which you COULD sell solo ads with.
    • Profile picture of the author theeighth
      Profile picture of theeighth
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by zerofatzreturns View Post

      yeah it really seems like with that much traffic you could be creating your own products and selling them from your site to really leverage that traffic and maximize potential. Even a couple simple ebooks would probably make a huge difference AND to reiterate what Doug said would really help to build a list which you COULD sell solo ads with.
      I've actually have been looking into e-books but it's a bit out of my wheelhouse so it is taking me some time to figure out how to position them well.

      So you guys DO think that there is enough for a digital ad salesperson to work with? I could put together media kits and piece it together as a network, I was always concerned about whether or not this was a viable option these days - I know it was more common to do this ~5 years ago.

      Does anyone have any good experiences with native ads or paid content? I've never worked with either.
  • Profile picture of the author Steve Hacks
    Steve Hacks
    Profile picture of Steve Hacks
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi there, I'm new here...and to online $$$ making but, from reading your posts it seems obvious that you should be creating and selling products.....including ad space at your own rate card as per Doug's suggestion.
    My suggestion would be, maybe use your leverage as site owners to make contact with some of the biggest content sources and put together some e-material. Package it together and create a product line with some free resource, then some upsells.
    If necessary JV with some list builder/obtainer dudes on here so you can even canvass your userbase incognito if you want.

    The beauty of your set up is, with such a broad array of websites, you can literally rinse and repeat across your empire.

    Hope this makes sense, maybe PM me if you want me to try and expand on my suggestions.
  • Profile picture of the author Mike Mendell
    Mike Mendell
    Profile picture of Mike Mendell
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    With that kind of traffic, I would sell ad space on your sites to other people in your niche(s).

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