How To Handle A Rejected Review of Your WSO?

53 replies
I'd like to know how you guys handle the possibility of someone turning down to review your product or WSO.

Not due to the quality of the content but just did not meet their expectations.

Is this common when asking for reviews?
#handle #rejected #review #wso
  • Profile picture of the author mike gregory
    If someones agreed to review a product then good or bad you would hope they do just that and provide you with feedback. When I used to request reviews there was always a couple that never got back to me. I really wouldn't worry about it.
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    • Profile picture of the author discrat
      I would look at it as an opportunity. An opportunity to give you insight into what you need to change to make it improved.

      Do not be freaked out by it.

      It will only make you better and only make your product better

      - Robert Andrew
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      • Profile picture of the author Steve B
        Of course you should make sure the person doing the review has good knowledge and experience with the topic of the WSO. Don't be swayed by reviewers that know less about the subject matter than you do.

        Obviously you want feedback and the reason for rejection. Without know that, it's going to be difficult to overcome the objections of the reviewer.

        Be aware that some people are always negative and critical of others' work. So discount negative comments if they really don't apply objectively to your product. For example, if the reviewer says "I didn't learn anything new" you can discount his complaint if your product is meant for new marketers or folks without the reviewer's experience.

        If you get reviews from several different sources you can focus on fixing the recurring themes without worrying too much about the unique complaints.

        The very best to you,


        Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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        • Profile picture of the author alxtatik
          Originally Posted by Steve B View Post

          Of course you should make sure the person doing the review has good knowledge and experience with the topic of the WSO. Don't be swayed by reviewers that know less about the subject matter than you do.

          Obviously you want feedback and the reason for rejection. Without know that, it's going to be difficult to overcome the objections of the reviewer.

          Be aware that some people are always negative and critical of others' work. So discount negative comments if they really don't apply objectively to your product. For example, if the reviewer says "I didn't learn anything new" you can discount his complaint if your product is meant for new marketers or folks without the reviewer's experience.

          If you get reviews from several different sources you can focus on fixing the recurring themes without worrying too much about the unique complaints.

          The very best to you,

          How would you go about using a review from outside WF for WSO? All the WSO's I've seen use reviews that are clearly from threads posted exclusively on WF.
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    • Profile picture of the author alxtatik
      Originally Posted by mike gregory View Post

      If someones agreed to review a product then good or bad you would hope they do just that and provide you with feedback. When I used to request reviews there was always a couple that never got back to me. I really wouldn't worry about it.
      Is giving them time to read it enough to expect a review or should you give them ample time to apply the methods as well and wait for them to see results before expecting one?
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      • Profile picture of the author mike gregory
        Originally Posted by alxtatik View Post

        Is giving them time to read it enough to expect a review or should you give them ample time to apply the methods as well and wait for them to see results before expecting one?
        How did you decide that this person qualified to provide a review? I believe Steve mentioned this above, anybody reviewing a product really should have a good insight as to what their reviewing.

        If they where genuinely looking to help you with an honest review, good or bad I wouldn't expect an answer like "didn't meet my expectations" this is normally the answer I would expect from someone who either wanted a freebie and had no intentions of reviewing or expected you to provide the elusive answer to making a fortune with no work or knowledge.
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        • Profile picture of the author alxtatik
          Originally Posted by mike gregory View Post

          How did you decide that this person qualified to provide a review? I believe Steve mentioned this above, anybody reviewing a product really should have a good insight as to what their reviewing.

          If they where genuinely looking to help you with an honest review, good or bad I wouldn't expect an answer like "didn't meet my expectations" this is normally the answer I would expect from someone who either wanted a freebie and had no intentions of reviewing or expected you to provide the elusive answer to making a fortune with no work or knowledge.
          Well, I never saw it that way.

          I just asked for anyone who met two criteria 100 posts and member since 2013.

          He had well over that number and he was very honest too saying his review would not be genuine since it was stuff he already knew.
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      • Profile picture of the author RichBeck
        Originally Posted by alxtatik View Post

        Is giving them time to read it enough to expect a review or should you give them ample time to apply the methods as well and wait for them to see results before expecting one?
        Logically, you would expect this to be the case....

        The Reviewer reads through the WSO... Implements the steps... Comes back and leaves a review based on his results...

        What I've seen in the vast majority of the WSO "reviews" is commentary on the WSO content itself... NOT their actual results...

        I'm not sure how much that has changed since the "new" WSO rules were put in place.
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        • Profile picture of the author alxtatik
          Originally Posted by RichBeck View Post

          Logically, you would expect this to be the case....

          The Reviewer reads through the WSO... Implements the steps... Comes back and leaves a review based on his results...

          What I've seen in the vast majority of the WSO "reviews" is commentary on the WSO content itself... NOT their actual results...

          I'm not sure how much that has changed since the "new" WSO rules were put in place.
          What if the reviewer does implement the methods and actually gets results, but takes them months? How do you deal with the possibility that they can forget about leaving you a review or even worse take your product and pass it off as their own?
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          • Profile picture of the author RichBeck
            Originally Posted by alxtatik View Post

            What if the reviewer does implement the methods and actually gets results, but takes them months? How do you deal with the possibility that they can forget about leaving you a review or even worse take your product and pass it off as their own?
            That was the issue I've personally seen with WSOs...

            The WSO is posted.... Gets those so called "reviews"... That are actually comments not results....

            Then, the WSO seller says it will take several weeks before seeing any results... The WSO sells like gangbusters based purely on hype...

            Several people come back many weeks later and say that it didn't work... Of course, they are usually past the refund date. Cha-Ching for the WSO Seller.

            This the method I've seen used in several of the "bad" WSOs.....

            As far as people using your product as their own, of the WSOs I've seen, a high percentage contain the same "base" information... The Seller puts his "spin" on it...

            This is completely legal.... They are using the idea and not the original product's exact words, images, etc.

            If you have a good product, you need to expect this... It is part of doing business.
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            • Profile picture of the author alxtatik
              Originally Posted by RichBeck View Post

              That was the issue I've personally seen with WSOs...

              The WSO is posted.... Gets those so called "reviews"... That are actually comments not results....

              Then, the WSO seller says it will take several weeks before seeing any results... The WSO sells like gangbusters based purely on hype...

              Several people come back many weeks later and say that it didn't work... Of course, they are usually past the refund date. Cha-Ching for the WSO Seller.

              This the method I've seen used in several of the "bad" WSOs.....

              As far as people using your product as their own, of the WSOs I've seen, a high percentage contain the same "base" information... The Seller puts his "spin" on it...

              This is completely legal.... They are using the idea and not the original product's exact words, images, etc.

              If you have a good product, you need to expect this... It is part of doing business.
              For a long time I stayed away from WSO's simply because I just didn't know what they were. When I learned it was just an exclusive product to offer on WF I thought I knew why it was so popular.

              Now, you've really enlightened me even more on the world of creating a WSO.

              Thanks for the backstage tour!
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              • Profile picture of the author RichBeck
                Originally Posted by alxtatik View Post

                For a long time I stayed away from WSO's simply because I just didn't know what they were. When I learned it was just an exclusive product to offer on WF I thought I knew why it was so popular.

                Now, you've really enlightened me even more on the world of creating a WSO.

                Thanks for the backstage tour!

                Just so we're 100% clear, my statements were based on my observations... I've never engaged in the "unethical acts" I mentioned above...

                I gave you more of a "front and center seat" instead of a "backstage tour." :-)
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                • Profile picture of the author alxtatik
                  Originally Posted by RichBeck View Post

                  Just so we're 100% clear, my statements were based on my observations... I've never engaged in the "unethical acts" I mentioned above...

                  I gave you more of a "front and center seat" instead of a "backstage tour." :-)
                  Understood. Don't worry it didn't even cross my mind that you had. Thanks for all your great advice!
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                  • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
                    Originally Posted by alxtatik View Post

                    Is giving them time to read it enough to expect a review or should you give them ample time to apply the methods as well and wait for them to see results before expecting one?
                    It depends somewhat on both the product and the reviewer. If you have a beginner-level product and the reviewer is someone with years of experience, they may be able to give informed commentary on the content with a single read-through.

                    On the other hand, length of membership and post count hardly qualify someone to post a real review after that single read through. I've had people approach me asking if I'd review their product because I'm a long-time member with a high post count and I'd give them more credibility. While I gave them points for candidness, I did not give them a review, as the product was something I know nothing about.

                    Originally Posted by mike gregory View Post

                    If they where genuinely looking to help you with an honest review, good or bad I wouldn't expect an answer like "didn't meet my expectations" this is normally the answer I would expect from someone who either wanted a freebie and had no intentions of reviewing or expected you to provide the elusive answer to making a fortune with no work or knowledge.
                    I have given that answer before, but I always backed it up with my reasoning. Usually, it was because the product didn't match the promises made in the sales letter.
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                    • Profile picture of the author alxtatik
                      Originally Posted by JohnMcCabe View Post

                      It depends somewhat on both the product and the reviewer. If you have a beginner-level product and the reviewer is someone with years of experience, they may be able to give informed commentary on the content with a single read-through.

                      On the other hand, length of membership and post count hardly qualify someone to post a real review after that single read through. I've had people approach me asking if I'd review their product because I'm a long-time member with a high post count and I'd give them more credibility. While I gave them points for candidness, I did not give them a review, as the product was something I know nothing about.

                      I have given that answer before, but I always backed it up with my reasoning. Usually, it was because the product didn't match the promises made in the sales letter.
                      You're right! If they have the knowledge in the topic then expecting a fast review would make sense. On the other hand if they have no idea then waiting for some time for them to apply the methods is only fair. Thanks for that.

                      As far as it relates to the last comment, there was never any sales letter. It was a post seeking reviewers with just the title of the guide.
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  • Profile picture of the author LodestarVince
    Sometimes it's important to heed feedback, unless it's entirely destructive you may be able to pivot and improve your offering.

    We are Lodestar

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  • Profile picture of the author WD Mino
    Here's what you want to consider.

    Is this person going to be honest, or tell me what I want to hear.

    I just did a review of a product for someone I know. I haven't posted it yet because he is not live, when he is I will, but regardless I told him upfront if it sucks I will have to say that. You want people to be honest, if they aren't, it does you no good, it in fact can hurt your business if people post reviews it is good and in fact it lacks.

    Please don't ask me to review because I said this, honestly I am not interested in being a reviewer. Just giving some advice I know for certain.

    give them 3 days to a week and follow up

    "As a man thinks in his heart so is he-Proverbs 23:7"

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    • Profile picture of the author alxtatik
      Originally Posted by WD Mino View Post

      Here's what you want to consider.

      Is this person going to be honest, or tell me what I want to hear.

      I just did a review of a product for someone I know. I haven't posted it yet because he is not live, when he is I will, but regardless I told him upfront if it sucks I will have to say that. You want people to be honest, if they aren't, it does you no good, it in fact can hurt your business if people post reviews it is good and in fact it lacks.

      Please don't ask me to review because I said this, honestly I am not interested in being a reviewer. Just giving some advice I know for certain.

      give them 3 days to a week and follow up
      A genuine review I absolutely agree.

      Honestly I wasn't expecting to wait a week but if that's what it takes for a genuine review then I can definitely be more patient.
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  • Profile picture of the author WD Mino
    Well, it depends on who you are asking, if they are busy with their own businesses etc, they need time to go through the product, whatever it may be. you can follow up. Just cause I said it doesn't mean you need to do it

    I wish you well with it

    "As a man thinks in his heart so is he-Proverbs 23:7"

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  • Profile picture of the author Brent Stangel
    In my experience, only about 30% of people actually return a review of any kind.

    Asking for reviews in the WLTHY forum is basically just offering free copies to trolls.
    Get Off The Warrior Forum Now & Don't Come Back If You Want To Succeed!
    All The Real Marketers Are Gone. There's Nothing Left But Weak, Sniveling Wanna-Bees!
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    • Profile picture of the author alxtatik
      Originally Posted by Brent Stangel View Post

      In my experience, only about 30% of people actually return a review of any kind.

      Asking for reviews in the WLTHY forum is basically just offering free copies to trolls.
      Thanks for opening my eyes on the negative side of getting reviews.
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  • Profile picture of the author Raydal
    It's quite common that the majority of the reviewers will not
    return any review up or down. Just think about the incentive
    they have to giving you that review--nothing. They get the
    benefit of reading your product but after that there is nothing
    they get for offering the review.

    The only time I offered review copies for an ebook I got 3
    responses from the 10 Warriors who I sent copies to.

    -Ray Edwards
    The most powerful and concentrated copywriting training online today bar none! Autoresponder Writing Email SECRETS
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    • Profile picture of the author alxtatik
      Originally Posted by Raydal View Post

      It's quite common that the majority of the reviewers will not
      return any review up or down. Just think about the incentive
      they have to giving you that review--nothing. They get the
      benefit of reading your product but after that there is nothing
      they get for offering the review.

      The only time I offered review copies for an ebook I got 3
      responses from the 10 Warriors who I sent copies to.

      -Ray Edwards
      Did you get more reviews after that? Outside of WF or were those the only ones you were able to get? Were they good enough reviews to use for your sales page? And if they were, what criteria did you have in place for those reviewers?
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    • Profile picture of the author RichBeck
      Originally Posted by Raydal View Post

      It's quite common that the majority of the reviewers will not
      return any review up or down. Just think about the incentive
      they have to giving you that review--nothing. They get the
      benefit of reading your product but after that there is nothing
      they get for offering the review.

      The only time I offered review copies for an ebook I got 3
      responses from the 10 Warriors who I sent copies to.

      -Ray Edwards
      Based on my experience, you are spot on....

      The way to help out your response rate is to offer an incentive.... Offer your OTO or another product after they submit a thoughtful review....
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  • Profile picture of the author xxxjay
    I like to address all bad reviews head on. Say you are "sorry they had a bad experience and what can I do to improve this?"


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  • Profile picture of the author Bob Reynolds
    No man, I would not be disappointed, maybe a little, because I carried about the quality of my work hitting the target... to meet a need in the right way, to the right people... for the right price...

    there is a lot to hone in on. I would value all opinions the same as to contributing to the overall picture to focus on helping to give me the competitive edge... those kind a let downs only last for a bit, cos you get back on the horse, take all that you can learn and try to apply what the best of reviews to both sides you can find and try to make yourself better.. Kind a like falling a test, or a class.. only more personal..ha.. its all good
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    • Profile picture of the author alxtatik
      Originally Posted by Bob Reynolds View Post

      No man, I would not be disappointed, maybe a little, because I carried about the quality of my work hitting the target... to meet a need in the right way, to the right people... for the right price...

      there is a lot to hone in on. I would value all opinions the same as to contributing to the overall picture to focus on helping to give me the competitive edge... those kind a let downs only last for a bit, cos you get back on the horse, take all that you can learn and try to apply what the best of reviews to both sides you can find and try to make yourself better.. Kind a like falling a test, or a class.. only more personal..ha.. its all good
      It did feel a bit like getting punched in the gut...

      I just hope it was not out of bad intentions. It's definitely making me feel more and more worried about giving out review copies now.

      Every time I get someone interested I start to think whether or not they're just trying to take advantage.

      But I guess I just have to get used to comes with the territory right?
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  • Profile picture of the author alxtatik
    Do you think it's possible for WF to add some type of system that could help prevent people from just taking advantage of review copies?

    Maybe a way to penalize those who do not follow through with a review after accepting the terms of accepting the copy?
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    • Profile picture of the author Kay King
      Are you serious? Sorry - but that is ridiculous.

      You have become caught up in details and are missing the photograph altogether. You don't HAVE to give away review copies if you don't want to - you can't force anyone to give you a review.

      Things happen - people get busy - sometimes they look at a product and don't want to read the rest or have nothing good to say so say nothing.

      Here's the problem I have: Of the 80+ posts you have here...over 50 are in threads YOU started to talk about your WSO. I'm not sure at what point moderators will think "promotional" but can't be too far away.

      Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
      2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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      • Profile picture of the author alxtatik
        Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

        Are you serious? Sorry - but that is ridiculous.

        You have become caught up in details and are missing the photograph altogether. You don't HAVE to give away review copies if you don't want to - you can't force anyone to give you a review.

        Things happen - people get busy - sometimes they look at a product and don't want to read the rest or have nothing good to say so say nothing.

        Here's the problem I have: Of the 80+ posts you have here...over 50 are in threads YOU started to talk about your WSO. I'm not sure at what point moderators will think "promotional" but can't be too far away.

        These are true questions and concerns I have on my mind that I thought could ask.

        If I was wrong to ask these questions then I sincerely apologize, I could not find the answers after doing a search for them beforehand.
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        • Profile picture of the author Kay King
          It's not wrong - and asking questions to "get it right" is a positive thing.

          I'd rather caution you not to go too far with details rather than see you have a problem in a day or two. That's my point - take it for what it's worth or not.
          Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
          2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    Hi Alex!

    Feedback that doesn't vibe with you could mean you just haven't found your ideal customer

    I've had folks pan my books and a NY Times Best Selling Author endorse them, telling me I'm a hero and to keep on going......and I didn't even bribe him lol!

    I agree with the brilliant, rich and pretty dang famous multi-millionaire and let the critic go.

    The clearer you feel on your offering the easier it becomes to let go bad criticism, to focus on your supporters, and to listen to any helpful feedback when it pops up on your door step.

    Keep your head up Alex, you're doing great!

    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9835924].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author alxtatik
      Originally Posted by ryanbiddulph View Post

      Hi Alex!

      Feedback that doesn't vibe with you could mean you just haven't found your ideal customer

      I've had folks pan my books and a NY Times Best Selling Author endorse them, telling me I'm a hero and to keep on going......and I didn't even bribe him lol!

      I agree with the brilliant, rich and pretty dang famous multi-millionaire and let the critic go.

      The clearer you feel on your offering the easier it becomes to let go bad criticism, to focus on your supporters, and to listen to any helpful feedback when it pops up on your door step.

      Keep your head up Alex, you're doing great!

      There's nothing that helps staying positive than by doing just that....focusing on the ones who support you. You are so right! Thank you so much for the kind words Ryan...I really do appreciate it!
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      • Profile picture of the author RichBeck
        Originally Posted by alxtatik View Post

        There's nothing that helps staying positive than by doing just that....focusing on the ones who support you. You are so right! Thank you so much for the kind words Ryan...I really do appreciate it!
        Some people will love you....

        Some people will be indifferent...

        Some people will dislike you... For a variety of reasons....

        The most important aspect is to expect to have people in all three groups...
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        • Profile picture of the author alxtatik
          Originally Posted by RichBeck View Post

          Some people will love you....

          Some people will be indifferent...

          Some people will dislike you... For a variety of reasons....

          The most important aspect is to expect to have people in all three groups...
          Expecting everyone to love you would be insanity.

          It's impossible to please everyone that's for sure.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9835973].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author RichBeck
            Originally Posted by alxtatik View Post

            Expecting everyone to love you would be insanity.

            It's impossible to please everyone that's for sure.
            Emotionally healthy people would not expect everyone to love them.

            But, as human beings, we are "wired" to crave acceptance... We are then "programmed" to need acceptance as children...

            Some people find it difficult to overcome this "wiring" and "programming."
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9835990].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author alxtatik
              Originally Posted by RichBeck View Post

              Emotionally healthy people would not expect everyone to love them.

              But, as human beings, we are "wired" to crave acceptance... We are then "programmed" to need acceptance as children...

              Some people find it difficult to overcome this "wiring" and "programming."
              Changing that mindset truly is a challenge. I know it is vital to accomplish pretty much anything your heart desires.
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              • Profile picture of the author RichBeck
                Originally Posted by alxtatik View Post

                Changing that mindset truly is a challenge. I know it is vital to accomplish pretty much anything your heart desires.
                Very true...

                I came across this video a while back....

                Since then, I've watched and listened to it dozens of times....

                Jim Carrey is known for comedy.....

                But, he says many profound and enlightening things in this video about mindset..... It is a must watch....

                I hope you find it helpful.

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                • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
                  Originally Posted by alxtatik View Post

                  You're right! If they have the knowledge in the topic then expecting a fast review would make sense. On the other hand if they have no idea then waiting for some time for them to apply the methods is only fair. Thanks for that.

                  As far as it relates to the last comment, there was never any sales letter. It was a post seeking reviewers with just the title of the guide.
                  Sorry about that. I wasn't referring to you specifically when I made the comment that I've used "wasn't what I expected" as a reason to not review or to give a less than positive review. I've used it with a few people over the years, and the reason was almost always that the actual product did not match the description or sales page.

                  Originally Posted by RichBeck View Post

                  Based on my experience, you are spot on....

                  The way to help out your response rate is to offer an incentive.... Offer your OTO or another product after they submit a thoughtful review....
                  Seems to me that putting incentives like that is a slippery slope towards the "paid endorsement" territory. Promising an incentive for submitting a review would skirt the borders of that territory and, with the wrong wording, be construed as a paid positive review.

                  I'd be very, very careful when approaching that line...
                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9836103].message }}
                  • Profile picture of the author RichBeck
                    Originally Posted by JohnMcCabe View Post

                    Seems to me that putting incentives like that is a slippery slope towards the "paid endorsement" territory. Promising an incentive for submitting a review would skirt the borders of that territory and, with the wrong wording, be construed as a paid positive review.

                    I'd be very, very careful when approaching that line...
                    I don't see it that way at all...

                    I am specifically looking for a thoughtful review. Positive... or negative. Then, they get the incentive.

                    Based on my experience, most people will not both to put in any time to review a product.

                    Of those 5-10 percent that spend any time, most of these will give an essentially useless terse generic review such as the following:

                    "The product was an interesting read. It will help my business become more successful."

                    Now, we are down to the 1-2 percent that give you a thoughtful review... positive or negative.

                    Giving them an incentive to spend their valuable time is not unethical or "paying" for a positive review. You are offering the incentive for either a thoughtful positive review or a thoughtful negative review.

                    These are my opinions alone that the owners of this site and moderators may or not see as acceptable specifically for WSOs..... It is their decision what to allow on their web site.
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                • Profile picture of the author alxtatik
                  Originally Posted by RichBeck View Post

                  Very true...

                  I came across this video a while back....

                  Since then, I've watched and listened to it dozens of times....

                  Jim Carrey is known for comedy.....

                  But, he says many profound and enlightening things in this video about mindset..... It is a must watch....

                  I hope you find it helpful.

                  Full Speech: Jim Carrey's Commencement Address at the 2014 MUM Graduation - YouTube
                  That was one of the most motivating speeches I've ever heard! That whole part of the ego being such a trickster to making us think we cannot accomplish things when in reality we can was spot on!

                  Thank you so much for sharing this!
                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9836372].message }}
                  • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
                    Originally Posted by RichBeck View Post

                    I don't see it that way at all...

                    I am specifically looking for a thoughtful review. Positive... or negative. Then, they get the incentive.

                    Based on my experience, most people will not both to put in any time to review a product.

                    Of those 5-10 percent that spend any time, most of these will give an essentially useless terse generic review such as the following:

                    "The product was an interesting read. It will help my business become more successful."

                    Now, we are down to the 1-2 percent that give you a thoughtful review... positive or negative.

                    Giving them an incentive to spend their valuable time is not unethical or "paying" for a positive review. You are offering the incentive for either a thoughtful positive review or a thoughtful negative review.

                    These are my opinions alone that the owners of this site and moderators may or not see as acceptable specifically for WSOs..... It is their decision what to allow on their web site.
                    Rich, I'm not saying you are trying to pay for positive reviews. Your motivation may be, and probably is, clean as the driven snow. But there are many other people reading this whose motives will not be quite as pure.

                    As I said, it's a slippery slope into a gray area. One that more ethically challenged marketers would belly flop down like a kid on a sled.

                    Since one would be offering the incentive for a "thoughtful review", one would expect to get longer, more in-depth reviews, many of which will be pure fiction - done to get the incentive. It's an extension of the initial premise that many people request review copies simply to get stuff for free. If the incentive is attractive enough, they'll cobble together a couple of paragraphs (probably by "rewriting" other reviews, your product or others in the same space) to get the incentive.

                    Now if you offered people that thank-you incentive after they provide that thoughtful review you're after, you'd be in a whole different position.
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                    • Profile picture of the author Teravel
                      On the point of 'Using Incentives to get Reviews", I would like to suggest a segment of Freakonomics specifically about "Incentives".

                      If a three year old can figure out how to abuse the Incentives idea, why would you assume an adult wouldn't be able to do the same?

                      Originally Posted by JohnMcCabe View Post

                      Now if you offered people that thank-you incentive after they provide that thoughtful review you're after, you'd be in a whole different position.
                      Nice idea, John. Don't let them know about the incentive, so they can't attempt to cheat the system for the incentive.

                      "Failure is feedback. Feedback is the breakfast of champions." -Fortune Cookie

                      PLR Packages - WSO

                      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9836435].message }}
                      • Profile picture of the author alxtatik
                        Originally Posted by Teravel View Post

                        On the point of 'Using Incentives to get Reviews", I would like to suggest a segment of Freakonomics specifically about "Incentives".

                        Economist Potty Training: Freakonomics Movie - YouTube

                        If a three year old can figure out how to abuse the Incentives idea, why would you assume an adult wouldn't be able to do the same?

                        Nice idea, John. Don't let them know about the incentive, so they can't attempt to cheat the system for the incentive.
                        The best video on economics I've seen. Simple and entertaining lesson on the concept of incentives.

                        No need to let them know there's an incentive...if they take the time out of their busy schedule to give you an insightful review, you can reward them after without compromise.
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                    • Profile picture of the author RichBeck
                      Originally Posted by JohnMcCabe View Post

                      Rich, I'm not saying you are trying to pay for positive reviews. Your motivation may be, and probably is, clean as the driven snow. But there are many other people reading this whose motives will not be quite as pure.

                      As I said, it's a slippery slope into a gray area. One that more ethically challenged marketers would belly flop down like a kid on a sled.

                      Since one would be offering the incentive for a "thoughtful review", one would expect to get longer, more in-depth reviews, many of which will be pure fiction - done to get the incentive. It's an extension of the initial premise that many people request review copies simply to get stuff for free. If the incentive is attractive enough, they'll cobble together a couple of paragraphs (probably by "rewriting" other reviews, your product or others in the same space) to get the incentive.

                      Now if you offered people that thank-you incentive after they provide that thoughtful review you're after, you'd be in a whole different position.
                      I would be looking for thoughtful honest reviews.... That is it.

                      Granted, I've seen tons of unethical "gaming" of the WSO system....

                      Affiliates leaving glowing reviews for products..... many of which they haven't even opened let alone used it.... Because they want to make as much money as possible.

                      "Reviewers" leaving glowing reviews..... omitting the fact they were given a "free review" copy.......

                      Friends or Mastermind Group members leaving glowing reviews for their colleagues.

                      In the end, there is no easy and palatable answer for allowing or not allowing WSO "reviews"... There is always a way to "game" the system.
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                  • Profile picture of the author RichBeck
                    Originally Posted by alxtatik View Post

                    That was one of the most motivating speeches I've ever heard! That whole part of the ego being such a trickster to making us think we cannot accomplish things when in reality we can was spot on!

                    Thank you so much for sharing this with me!
                    You are welcome!

                    I'm glad you picked up on the ego part... That was huge for me!
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  • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
    People have pm'd me numerous times asking me to review their product. I took the time to read them twice. They were both so bad, that I didn't do a review, but did tell them why I wouldn't review it. After those two experiences, I just started refusing to do reviews at all, with the exception of one guy who is a friend and I already knew that I liked his product.

    Sometimes when people take a review copy and don't give you a review, it's because they really don't want to hurt your feelings. It's not always that they are trying to take advantage of a freebie.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9835925].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author RichBeck
      Originally Posted by sbucciarel View Post

      Sometimes when people take a review copy and don't give you a review, it's because they really don't want to hurt your feelings. It's not always that they are trying to take advantage of a freebie.
      That is true....

      I would frame it upfront as I am looking for a thoughtful and honest review... It can be good or bad.

      When you write that, it gives people a chance to share a bad review... which is good for you. You have a chance to fix the problem before it goes on sale.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9835935].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author alxtatik
      Originally Posted by sbucciarel View Post

      People have pm'd me numerous times asking me to review their product. I took the time to read them twice. They were both so bad, that I didn't do a review, but did tell them why I wouldn't review it. After those two experiences, I just started refusing to do reviews at all, with the exception of one guy who is a friend and I already knew that I liked his product.

      Sometimes when people take a review copy and don't give you a review, it's because they really don't want to hurt your feelings. It's not always that they are trying to take advantage of a freebie.
      Now I'm starting to really understand why established members would not want has never been a personal issue it all comes down to having bad experiences. And the more seasoned you are the more you value your time and it just boils down to that. Your time and not wanting to hurt this other person's feelings.

      It's a shame that most people do take it personal, but from their perspective it's pretty much all they have...something very personal that they most likely put a lot of blood sweat and tears on and it will either make or break them. So, they seek anything and everything that can keep them from breaking and falling apart which could ultimately lead to their failure.

      And we all know that life is full of failure, but everyone could only take so much.
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  • Profile picture of the author siddhu
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    • Profile picture of the author Teravel
      Originally Posted by RichBeck View Post

      The way to help out your response rate is to offer an incentive.... Offer your OTO or another product after they submit a thoughtful review....
      Originally Posted by RichBeck View Post

      I am specifically looking for a thoughtful review. Positive... or negative. Then, they get the incentive.
      Giving them an incentive to spend their valuable time is not unethical or "paying" for a positive review. You are offering the incentive for either a thoughtful positive review or a thoughtful negative review.

      These are my opinions alone that the owners of this site and moderators may or not see as acceptable specifically for WSOs..... It is their decision what to allow on their web site.
      First, it's against the rules.

      Rule #10: Paid Testimonials
      Under no circumstances are sellers permitted to use testimonials from anyone who has, or will, receive payment, commission, incentive or advantage for their review. All testimonials must be unsolicited.

      If review copies are offered the review should clearly state this.
      Second, the biased crap that you'll be receiving (and paying for) will most likely do more harm than good to your business. Especially if/when buyers find out the reviews were paid for.

      "Failure is feedback. Feedback is the breakfast of champions." -Fortune Cookie

      PLR Packages - WSO

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  • I say..

    Just move on..ask someone else

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  • Profile picture of the author Edson Buchanan
    I would start networking within facebook jv groups. The more you get your name out there, the easier it will be to make friends who will give you a good review. There is no need to have to give a another product away for a review.
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  • Profile picture of the author jackjohnson
    I agree, you should for sure try to get as pure reviews as possible

    maybe even before you launch to tweak anything coming back from the feedback
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