do you buy or not product with facked testimony ?

by 17 replies
what do you feel when you want to buy new PLR membership and on their page they show you testimony of other people that they are happy with the product, and buy listing to many tutorials , and they teach you how to add faked testimonies you say to your self yeah RIGHT. Do you buy this Products?

#main internet marketing discussion forum #buy #facked #product #testimony
  • It sounds like you know the answer. I never buy PLR but I would never buy ANYTHING that advocated fake testimonies.
  • Profile picture of the author gettingricherdaily
    What's "facked"?
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  • Profile picture of the author Millionbaby
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    • No, no, please don't show links to such products. Why give the unethical seller more promotional help?

      Just let this thread die ASAP.

      • [ 2 ] Thanks
  • If your using Fake Testimonials then you're not networking with fellow marketers. There is not need to buy them as there are marketers always willing to review a product. As for the PLR, if your too lazy to make some minor changes and claim it as your own, you don't deserve to make any money.
  • I wouldn't. Lack of congruency annoys me.

    There are many PLR products out there, go for a different one
  • Profile picture of the author sumeno
    No I will never as I know many people pay money for giving reviews and testimony which can be faked and make fool to readers so I never go with it. I judge real reviews.
    • [1] reply
    • Profile picture of the author mlpauling
      No, run from such products! No one wants to be lied to. Remember it is your name that is attached to any product you produce or promote.
  • Profile picture of the author gettingricherdaily
    "should i go and rob my local bank tomorrow" Just asking know everyone kind of does it so why not me|?
  • Profile picture of the author User-Name
    streamview I like to ask google first before I buy anything.
    Doing research should only take a few minutes.
    Also as you are on the Worlds largest forum for webmasters perhaps search this forum for plr
    Good luck with your search for high quality plr
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Profile picture of the author justicejr
    I don't see testimonial of people. I usually buy PLR product because this product can show benefit of product and built on my business.
  • Profile picture of the author turboshandy
    No, never. I despise fake testimonials and fake reviews.
    I understand a new product needs to be heavily promoted and for some reason, fake testimonials is the way to do i,t but the answer's still no.
  • I research in numerous places before I make a decision to buy something. I may sometimes decide to take it a step further and find those people who left testimonials and ask if they are currently having any problems with it.

    If you are certain they are fake, then make the product owner aware that you are also aware they are fake. If they would be interested, then they may be willing to give you a copy to review yourself, which could be an advantage for you. It could be a complete waste of time, or it could be a complete winner. But you won't know unless you try these things out.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Not only would I not buy THIS product, I would never buy anything from that seller, ever.

    Hard to trust a demonstrated liar to keep their promises, right?
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
    • [1] reply
    • So I think this apply to WSO when you buy a product and you see the 1 copy left , and after you buy you still see the one copy left, or this we can call it marketing needs ?

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    what do you feel when you want to buy new PLR membership and on their page they show you testimony of other people that they are happy with the product, and buy listing to many tutorials , and they teach you how to add faked testimonies you say to your self yeah RIGHT. Do you buy this Products? SV