ideas for lead magnet and and product idea

8 replies
hey guys

i have a travel blog about paris which is really taking off and people are loving our journey. i am struggling however to come up with a lead magnet or some ideas for products to sell.

i cant really figure out what people want when they come to the site.

anyone got any ideas that could help me?
#idea #ideas #lead #magnet #product
  • Profile picture of the author brennonhawkins
    Browse clickbank and see what kind of products they sell within that niche, if any.

    Ideas for a lead magnet could be found on another travel blogs as well.
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  • Profile picture of the author Trankuility
    Each time you write a new blog post, create a "content upgrade" that relates to the post.

    For instance, if you post about riding a bicyle through Paris, you could create a separate document. The document would contain information on the best places to rent a bike in Paris, a map of the route you took with interesting landmarks, etc. Have an optin at the end of the post offering the "content upgrade" in exchange for their email.

    Basically, the idea is to offer something that enhances the post. It should be related, and ideally it should address what the reader will be thinking of next. So instead of them having to search google for it, you offer it for their email.

    Takes time to create a specific item for each post but it works fantastic.
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  • Profile picture of the author LynnLinde
    Create a travel guide around Paris like cheap eats around Paris or create a long post but request for optin or Tweet or share on Facebook to read the entire post. Another is, you can give away Friday freebies where you send out some good deal, discount or something exclusive for subscribers.
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  • Profile picture of the author cleverlving
    but i guess im struggling to figure out what people will buy?
    will people buys cheap eats or cant they just look that up on google?
    anyone think of a unique idea?
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    • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
      Originally Posted by cleverlving View Post

      but i guess im struggling to figure out what people will buy?
      will people buys cheap eats or cant they just look that up on google?
      anyone think of a unique idea?
      Since your blog is taking off and gaining momentum, the answer is in your server logs. You'll see that a few of your posts will be much more popular than the rest. Some of them will be shared more often than the rest.

      Find those, and you'll know what your audience wants. Create your product to give them that, and splinter off a part of the product for your lead magnet.

      For example, if you find people are looking for a certain type of accommodation, you could create a directory of those accommodations. For your lead magnet, you'd create a checklist of things to look for and/or be wary of.

      Offer things people already want, and try to be creative in the ways you could offer them.
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    Message me if you need any help..I'll be happy to help

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    • Profile picture of the author cleverlving
      JohnMcCabe i think i will proceed along this rout and keep my thinking cap on.

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