Tell Your Freaking Story and I Will Buy from You , Seriously !!

Profile picture of discrat
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
37 replies
Okay guys, first of all I want to stress that there is no secret to making money with Internet Marketing. There is no magic bullet or pill to take that will help make you rich when trying to earn money online.

With that being said, I want to introduce a important factor or 'ingredient' (if you will) that you can implement today , and it can really help take you to another Level over time

And that it is .....(drum roll, please)

You need to TELL YOUR STORY.

That's right. Whether it be on your Blog or an email newsletter or even in Business Forums, the more you can get down on a personal level with others the more you will be able to engage with them and have them become interested in you.

And eventually this will lead people to relate to you and trust you and ultimately buy product from you.

Sometimes it really can be as simple as that !

You say, " but Rob I am a boring person who never has had anything exciting happened in my Life".

That is BS. Every human being in this World has a story that can be and needs to be told.

And others ,just by human nature, love to listen to others tell their story.

Research shows this to be true over and over again. It is just the way we are wired.

So if you want to take total strangers and turn them into eventual raving customers tell something interesting about you. Here is a short list of ideas to start out with.

1. Describe certain obstacles in your Life that you faced and overcame in the past (people enjoy hearing this so much).

2. Talk about everyday living. Go thru a 'day in the Life' of your own self. People will then be able to relate to you and eventually Trust you and see you as an Authority

3. Talk about great things that have happened to you and how you got there.

4. Talk about issues that really piss you off or ones that you have great compassion fort.

5.Try to stir up a little controversy every now and then. This will keep people coming back for more.

6. Be crazy. be loony ! Adopt a persona that people just get a kick out of. With the advent of Social Media this Factor has never been so important. People want to be entertained. Just look at Facebook.

Make them see that email in their inbox with your Name beside it and think to themselves , " gosh I want to open this email right now to see what this nut case is talking about now

So always try to incorporate your own personal lives and views and values in whatever you are doing in Internet Marketing.

Bottom line it works, and it really enables you to build a stronger relationship with people and in the end turns them into ongoing customers (IMPT. Note : Just be sure you take care of the other stuff like providing specific value-content to their specific problem)

Robert Andrew
#buy #freaking #story
  • Profile picture of the author JPaston
    Profile picture of JPaston
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Absolutely right - character shines through.

    Don't be afraid of upsetting people. There are always those who will respond positively to what you've got to say - and an equal number who will be critical.

    You can't be faceless and hope to succeed. People follow people, not faceless nobodys.
  • Profile picture of the author selfdisciplineacademy
    Profile picture of selfdisciplineacademy
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Yes, telling your story is the number 1 way..

    for building engagement.

    However, you need to tell a

    1) Compelling story
    2) A story with ups and downs (Hero's Journey)
    3) One that your audience can relate to.

    Thank you for the post. Great information.

    Yes, there are no over-night successes, or achievements.

    It's a journey

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  • Profile picture of the author agmccall
    Profile picture of agmccall
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Unless your story starts like this:

    I was getting evicted from my home, I did not have money to feed my wife and children................... Then I met a guy..............and he told me about this system. So, I borrowed $500.00 from my family (Not to feed and house them, oh no. But to buy a IM product) fill in all the blanks you want.

    Just make sure your story is true, thats all


    "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison

    • Profile picture of the author discrat
      Profile picture of discrat
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by agmccall View Post

      Just make sure your story is true, thats all

      Hey Al,
      For the most part I agree with you, but there are circumstances you could bypass this

      Some marketers will do so. For example in a case where they adopt a Persona and for entertaining purposes.

      Much like an actor in a Movie they are telling a fictional story with a fictional character but adding Value in a roundabut, colorful way.

      Sure its questionable.

      The Rich Jerk is one that comes to mind. Part real , part fictional story. Much of Kelly's story within the Rich Jerk was exaggeration and satire . There was some Truths in it but by Kelly's own admission and I think most everyone knew it was a silly not to believe Mockery.

      In that respect, if it is a crazy hard to believe story where you are essentially a fictional character then it is perfectly fine

      I do not see a problem with this.

      But like I said as long as you imply to your audience ( or they just get it from the got go) and they understand it is somewhat of a actual Mockery or Satire.
  • Profile picture of the author Ghoster
    Profile picture of Ghoster
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    For the most part I agree with you, but there are circumstances you could bypass this

    Much of Kelly's story within the Rich Jerk was exaggeration and satire .
    In marketing materials, that's AKA as a lie.

    Another good way to get traction is to just find a really popular IM forum and start a thread every day so lots of people will see your sig. (sarcasm)

    On the whole, you get what you pay for.

    • Profile picture of the author discrat
      Profile picture of discrat
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Ghoster View Post


      In marketing materials, that's AKA as a lie.

      Another good way to get traction is to just find a really popular IM forum and start a thread every day so lots of people will see your sig. (sarcasm)
      Wow. You know even a better way to get traction and have more people PM you so you can have a PM relationship with fellow members ( as duly noted in your Sig) is to act like a better than though member and try to flame a thread that is offering sound advice to people who need help in relationship building with their audience. ( oh yeah, not sarcasm just the facts )

      See how that works LOL
      Originally Posted by Ghoster View Post


      WOW is right.
      • Profile picture of the author Ghoster
        Profile picture of Ghoster
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by discrat View Post

        Wow. You know even a better way to get traction and have more people PM you so you can have a PM relationship with fellow members ( as duly noted in your Sig) is to act like a better than though member and try to flame a thread that is offering sound advice to people who need help in relationship building with their audience. ( oh yeah, not sarcasm just the facts )

        See how that works LOL

        WOW is right.
        Fair enough. I changed it in case that was against the rules.

        I'm not flaming you. I've seen you posting a lot of threads lately is all and your sig is huge. I was pointing out the strategy that you are using to get eyeballs to your sig...or did you think that no one noticed . Or is it "flaming" around here to point this out?

        As to the other comment, I was just pointing out that an autobiographical story and a "story" are not the same thing. One should be careful in how they use these things in marketing materials.

        On the whole, you get what you pay for.

        • Profile picture of the author discrat
          Profile picture of discrat
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Originally Posted by Ghoster View Post

          Fair enough. I changed it in case that was against the rules.

          I'm not flaming you. I've seen you posting a lot of threads lately is all and your sig is huge. I was pointing out the strategy that you are using to get eyeballs to your sig...or did you think that no one noticed . Or is it "flaming" around here to point this out?

          As to the other comment, I was just pointing out that an autobiographical story and a "story" are not the same thing. One should be careful in how they use these things in marketing materials.
          I hear you ghoster.

          I love to hear comments bad or good. Whether you don't agree or do.

          Just the other stuff is kind of annoying, the sarcasm that is

          Oh yeah autobiographical should be dead accurate and no exaggeration. What I was talking about was a fictional character type .

          I think if you set the tone with your audience from the git go that you are this Persona and imply that it is Satire then there is nothing wrong with that.

          I do it in a Health and Fitness Niche I am in.

          I am a condescending, SOB, who offers tough Love and absolutely no excuses. I'm outrageous, I say outrageous things , Iam rude ,brash, and in your face. ( I do have a Confession. Sometimes I like to come here at WF to get some practice doing this by Posting and putting my thoughts down on paper ; so to speak.. It really is beneficial and I like to think that it also contributes to the Community )

          Of course, this is not my general personality , not by a long shot , but just a Persona I adopted.

          BUT I never make any Claims whatsoever that are NOT true as it is related specifically to this Niche and as it pertains to any personal result- oriented goals I have accomplished within this Niche.

          - Robert Andrew
  • Profile picture of the author WD Mino
    WD Mino
    Profile picture of WD Mino
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

    Telling a story is one of the best ways to engage people.
    Telling YOUR story probably is not going to illicit many if any sales.

    You are in a very small percentage Rob.

    If I sat down and wrote a sales letter explaining my story, people would empathize, maybe even sympathize but the chances, of them buying my product based on it is nearly nil.

    I have accomplished a very great deal, but I know for a fact my story doesn't move people to buy, it moves them to tears. invokes emotions, ranging from protective to supportive to coddling
    Which does my bank no good

    And to be completely honest, the world is very cold and no one gives a care about your story.

    So while it may make You buy, the vast majority will not do so.
    Be engaging absolutely, humorous perhaps, but it's not realistic to think because you tell your story people are going to buy from you and or support you.

    My story would make a good movie, but using it to gain sales could also be seen as unethical, playing on people's emotions, or disbelieved or etc.

    You don't have to agree with me I am not agreeing with you. But I speak from experience in doing this already. Mainly because I didn't understand when I was told to join here and tell people about myself.

    Some know way too much about my life as a result. ::confused::
    It can and at times does have an adverse effect


    "As a man thinks in his heart so is he-Proverbs 23:7"

    • Profile picture of the author discrat
      Profile picture of discrat
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      WD. Thanks for your thoughtful Post. Unlike a lot of people here who are just bent on flaming and causing trouble, I appreciate your contribution.

      Originally Posted by WD Mino View Post


      Telling a story is one of the best ways to engage people.
      Telling YOUR story probably is not going to illicit many if any sales.

      You are in a very small percentage Rob.

      If I sat down and wrote a sales letter explaining my story, people would empathize, maybe even sympathize but the chances, of them buying my product based on it is nearly nil.


      Originally Posted by discrat View Post

      Bottom line it works, and it really enables you to build a stronger relationship with people and in the end turns them into ongoing customers (IMPT. Note : Just be sure you take care of the other stuff like providing specific value-content to their specific problem)

      Robert Andrew
      I noted in Bold which may be appropriate to address what you said.

      In my Subject line that was 'purposeful' exaggeration to get across my main point.

      Of course you will not get sales from just telling a Story. As I noted it is just one ingredient in the whole Mix of things.

      that's all.

      - Robert Andrew
      • Profile picture of the author Steve B
        Steve B
        Profile picture of Steve B
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Not intending or wanting to take sides here, I can tell you that

        Storytelling is very powerful!

        I have a theory that being excited about and wanting to hear stories is a holdover from our youth! Really.

        When we were young and very impressionable children we loved to hear (and later read, or see) stories of all kinds.

        Hearing a good story flames the embers of your childhood when it was fun and exciting to let your imagination run wild.

        Anyway, I have to agree that storytelling infused into your Internet marketing can be a very powerful approach to selling something.


        Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

        • Profile picture of the author quadagon
          Profile picture of quadagon
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          Originally Posted by Steve B View Post

          Not intending or wanting to take sides here, I can tell you that

          Storytelling is very powerful!

          I have a theory that being excited about and wanting to hear stories is a holdover from our youth! Really.

          When we were young and very impressionable children we loved to hear (and later read, or see) stories of all kinds.

          Hearing a good story flames the embers of your childhood when it was fun and exciting to let your imagination run wild.

          Anyway, I have to agree that storytelling infused into your Internet marketing can be a very powerful approach to selling something.

          From an evolutionary view point we developed oral language thousands of years before written (written language is about 5 to 5 1/2 thousand years old).

          Naturally because its oral we don't know when it first emerged but as an estimate we would say around 200,000 years ago in Africa. This is when homo sapiens (thinking man) first evolved and since you need language for thought its a fair supposition.

          So for the majority of that time we have oral traditions of story telling in most cultures. These stories have served many purposes from warning of danger, to morale teaching to just bragging.

          What's interesting is in a study by R Douglas Fields he notes:

          The researchers found that when the two people communicate, neural activity over wide regions of their brains becomes almost synchronous, with the listener's brain activity patterns mirroring those sweeping through the speaker's brain,

          So by telling your story you are actually getting into the persons brain. Just make sure you keep them interested otherwise their is a disconnect when they become uninterested, distracted or bored.

          Now this is easily done as the old brain (or reptilian brain) is ultimately selfish and whilst you are telling your story it is only thinking about itself.

          Whats in it for me
          Whats in it for me
          Whats in it for me
          Whats in it for me
          Whats in it for me

          Which is why (to link this in with another thread on here) you should have good customers tell their story because they are 'similiar others' to the prospect.

          So whilst a lot of people will tell you to tell your 'hero journey' don't

          Get your customers to tell their story (why? because in their story you're the hero)
          I've got 99 problems but a niche ain't one
    • Profile picture of the author discrat
      Profile picture of discrat
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by WD Mino View Post

      I have accomplished a very great deal, but I know for a fact my story doesn't move people to buy, it moves them to tears. invokes emotions, ranging from protective to supportive to coddling
      Which does my bank no good

      WD I have heard your story in OT forum. And it is truly an inspiring and great story.

      It may not DIRECTLY cause people to buy from you. But I can promise you that it will be one ONE of a number of factors that contribute into people buying from you

      Iam totally convinced of that
    • Profile picture of the author The Niche Man
      The Niche Man
      Profile picture of The Niche Man
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      Originally Posted by WD Mino View Post


      Telling a story is one of the best ways to engage people.
      Telling YOUR story probably is not going to illicit many if any sales.

      You are in a very small percentage Rob.

      If I sat down and wrote a sales letter explaining my story, people would empathize, maybe even sympathize but the chances, of them buying my product based on it is nearly nil.

      I have accomplished a very great deal, but I know for a fact my story doesn't move people to buy, it moves them to tears. invokes emotions, ranging from protective to supportive to coddling
      Which does my bank no good

      And to be completely honest, the world is very cold and no one gives a care about your story.

      So while it may make You buy, the vast majority will not do so.
      Be engaging absolutely, humorous perhaps, but it's not realistic to think because you tell your story people are going to buy from you and or support you.

      My story would make a good movie, but using it to gain sales could also be seen as unethical, playing on people's emotions, or disbelieved or etc.

      You don't have to agree with me I am not agreeing with you. But I speak from experience in doing this already. Mainly because I didn't understand when I was told to join here and tell people about myself.

      Some know way too much about my life as a result. ::confused::
      It can and at times does have an adverse effect

      Hmm. Perhaps you should try and contact the misinformed people below and warn them they have it all wrong. They obviously don't know what they're talking about.

      Dan Kennedy
      John Carlton
      Gary Bencivenga
      Vin Montello
      Gary Halbert
      John Capels
      Max Sacheim
      Ben Settle
      Frank Kern
      Carl Galletti
      David Deutsch
      Carline Anglade-Cole
      Joe Polish
      Bob Bly

      ... and the man in the video below. Maybe you should try and contact his people and inform them telling stories don't sell products or services. They're wasting their time.

      I'm not sure where you're getting your information, I respect your experience. But saying stories don't sell products is a huge and inaccurate generalization. People do buy products based on stories, that's nothing new, tons of research, cased studies and surveys have been done for multiple decades.
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  • Profile picture of the author WD Mino
    WD Mino
    Profile picture of WD Mino
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    I missed that Rob actually. I focused on the tell your story part.
    Thanks for your kind words.


    "As a man thinks in his heart so is he-Proverbs 23:7"

  • Profile picture of the author Affiliatebuddy
    Profile picture of Affiliatebuddy
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    Once.. when i was doing job.. I used to travel by train. 120 KM one way for job.

    Train fare was 40 cents.. and Bus fare was $1.5... I missed my train. So i took bus for 40 km... So i can catch train on another station.. I ran to catch train....but could not.

    And day came in few years ... when i actually bought my car which was worth many times the cost of bus.

    Web Design Leads Exclusive/Daily/100+ . Free Test. PM or Skype: premiumwebdesignleads
  • Profile picture of the author tonio79
    Profile picture of tonio79
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    Sounds like a good plan - but as others have said as long as it has some reality to it. I think the rags to riches story is very convincing....but what about those average people that have done alright for themselves too....thats still a story to be told too.

    As long as people can relate to the situation and a clear plan of an outcome i think you are on to a good thing.
    • Profile picture of the author discrat
      Profile picture of discrat
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by tonio79 View Post

      Sounds like a good plan - but as others have said as long as it has some reality to it. I think the rags to riches story is very convincing....but what about those average people that have done alright for themselves too....thats still a story to be told too.

      As long as people can relate to the situation and a clear plan of an outcome i think you are on to a good thing.
      Yes tonio.

      You are exactly right. Everyone has a story . You may think your's is uninteresting but I swear there are people out there that will think it is very interesting.

      that is how we are all hardwired. We want to know what the 'Joneses' are doing and we can find interest in the most mundane things.

      If you eat, sleep, crap, drive a car, go to school, go to Church, smoke, drink, talk to people,
      get in fights with people , travel, close you eyes and dream etc..etc.. well you have a Story to tell.

      - Robert Andrew
  • Profile picture of the author NeedBucksNow
    Profile picture of NeedBucksNow
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Good idea. You never know what somebody else has went through & your true story may seem like nothing compared to their own. May have to work on an about me page tonight


  • Profile picture of the author Phil Wilkinson
    Phil Wilkinson
    Profile picture of Phil Wilkinson
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    People absolutely do relate better to people who let them know some things about themselves, rather than just being a name who tries to market to them.

    That does not mean that to accomplish it, you must reveal everything about yourself or your life - that option is up to you.

    It's best to just be yourself. Unless it's clear from the outset that you are fictionalizing an account (for whatever purpose), you run the risk of them finding out, and labeling you a liar/fraud. It might not go that way...but there is that risk.

    You cannot - will not - should not try to get everyone to like you. It can't be done. If being yourself offends some, they will exercise their right to unsubscribe. That leaves those who do like you and your 'style', and who are open to your marketing.

  • Profile picture of the author Robert Puddy
    Robert Puddy
    Profile picture of Robert Puddy
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    just to reinforce the story idea and to put it into some context, here is an email I wrote to promote one of my offline seminar events.

    I don't do them anymore so there are no links in the email copy, and even if there were the links would be dead, I'm saying this bit because I don't want it construed in any way its self promotional.

    But it is educational and supports Andrews premiss...

    +++++++start email text+++++

    Paying for driving lessons was the answer


    Robert here;

    I took my daughter out for her first driving lesson.
    I don't know which of us was more scared, her
    or me!

    She'd read the driver's manual twice. She'd seen
    me and her mother drive since she was a baby.

    After all that, you'd think she could simply get
    in the car and drive, right?


    Just pulling out of the driveway and going to
    the supermarket nearly resulted in six collisions,
    the sudden loss of BOTH side mirrors, and
    three heart attacks.
    (hers, mine, and the kid on the bike she nearly
    ran over!)

    But that was last month.

    Yesterday, she aced her drivers test and got
    her license.

    Do you know what made the difference?

    It wasn't reading the driver's manual, although
    I'm sure that helped.

    It wasn't years of observing how other people
    drive, although I'm sure that helped, too.

    What changed her from being a wreck-waiting-
    to-happen, into the newest licensed driver in our

    Someone who had already been there, and
    done that.

    Someone who could guide her, instruct her,
    and show her how it's done.

    I paid to send her to driving school...

    You see, I was too terrified to ride with
    her again!

    Now I have no problem riding with my
    daughter, because she's become an excellent

    Tony Robbins says, "If you want to learn how
    to do something, find someone who's already
    incredibly successful at it, and model his/her
    success." In other words, find outstanding
    teachers, and do what they do.

    Think about it.

    Before you got behind the wheel, didn't
    driving seem like something really difficult
    and complicated?

    Maybe even frightening?

    But when someone who knows how to drive
    and how to give you proper instructions SHOWS
    you how to do it, it becomes easy!

    That's the FIRST secret to why people
    who attend any events will skyrocket their
    income in no time.

    => link removed...

    When you copy success, you get success.
    Astonishingly, it really is that simple!

    Whether you're a seasoned marketer, or
    brand new to the Internet, you'll have the
    unparalleled opportunity to learn from the
    best in the business, live and in person.

    You'll gain private access to methods and
    secrets you could NEVER learn from a book,
    or from studying a website.

    Here is what Alex Poole said about the
    workshop he attended
    Hi Robert,

    Thank you for your time this morning.

    I found the "golden nuggets" with which you
    peppered your presentation to be easily
    worth ten times the price of admission.
    Probably more like 100.

    One of the businesses I'm working with at the
    moment will make at the very least £1K per
    month more profit as a direct result of a single
    one of these.

    Warm regards,

    Alex Poole
    Chief Technical Officer
    Business Growth Group

    Join Alex in success, and attend this years event
    in Baltimore.

    link removed...

    Your success

    PS: There will be no interruptions. You won't have to
    answer the phone, make dinner, mow the lawn, take
    out the garbage, vacuum, dust, you get the picture.
    You will only have your Internet Marketing business
    to build

    You may be surprised at how much you can accomplish
    in a short time when you are totally focused.

    => link removed...

    +++++++ End Email Text ++++

    That email was responsible for a lot of attendees to the conferences, and to boot in conversations with the attendees it always came up in the conversation as the catalyst for attending.

    By the way its a totally true story
  • Profile picture of the author JensSteyaert
    Profile picture of JensSteyaert
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I agree with the fact that everybody has a story, but not with the factt hat every story can be used to make more sales.

    When that's a fact, people will add things to the story that aren't real, which intelligent people can spot from miles away, and it works counter productive.

    So you definately need to be careful with this advice
    • Profile picture of the author WD Mino
      WD Mino
      Profile picture of WD Mino
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Thanks Rob that was kind.


      maybe you should re-read what I said.

      Obviously I know the power of the story. You completely misunderstand, which can happen when reading as everyone processes through their own filter.

      My story and a story are 2 different things.

      Telling a story is one of the best ways to engage people.

      Telling YOUR story probably is not going to illicit many if any sales.

      Thanks for the comments but you are preaching to the choir.


      "As a man thinks in his heart so is he-Proverbs 23:7"

      • Profile picture of the author JensSteyaert
        Profile picture of JensSteyaert
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by WD Mino View Post

        Thanks Rob that was kind.


        maybe you should re-read what I said.

        Obviously I know the power of the story. You completely misunderstand, which can happen when reading as everyone processes through their own filter.

        My story and a story are 2 different things.

        Telling a story is one of the best ways to engage people.

        Telling YOUR story probably is not going to illicit many if any sales.

        Thanks for the comments but you are preaching to the choir.

        Yeah that's right i agree, but the question remains: Do you invent things to add to your story to make it more appealing?

        I think if that's the case you better don't tell a story at all and focus on the quality of your service / product you promote.

        But it's a fact that stories help to sell, as a large number of people can relate which creates an emotional connection.
  • Profile picture of the author paulie888
    Profile picture of paulie888
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I couldn't agree more. People buy on emotion and then find reasons to justify a purchase, not the other way around.

    If your product presentation is dry, matter of fact and just lists facts without being compelling and without you injecting at least some of your personality into it, it's just going to end up being another "me too" product that will get lost in the never-ending digital product shuffle out there.

    This is actually a good thing, because there is only one you, and your story and personality will be different than anyone else's. Think about this for a second -- this should remove any apprehension and fear about not creating a product that's "unique enough" -- so this is great news for anyone who's on the fence about creating a product and is hesitating because of this issue.
    >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
  • Profile picture of the author WD Mino
    WD Mino
    Profile picture of WD Mino
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Yup just be yourself,

    Good one Paul, nice to see you.


    "As a man thinks in his heart so is he-Proverbs 23:7"

  • Profile picture of the author WD Mino
    WD Mino
    Profile picture of WD Mino
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi Jens,

    Yes telling a story that connects with the people and pertains to the product , my story wouldn't sell software. What I go through in order to realize it is easier to have it automated will.

    Edited to add: If you need to invent things in the story? What is it you mean by that, I can give plenty of examples of invented stories that do awesome. Like Spiderman.

    People want to know you have been where they are, have gone through what they are going through and have found the answer, it is called the hero story. But that is much different than a fictional one
    Good points


    "As a man thinks in his heart so is he-Proverbs 23:7"

    • Profile picture of the author deebee23
      Profile picture of deebee23
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      This only applies to make money online and health niches IMO


      • Profile picture of the author The Niche Man
        The Niche Man
        Profile picture of The Niche Man
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        Originally Posted by deebee23 View Post

        This only applies to make money online and health niches IMO
        Not quite, in fact watch the superbowl commercials Sunday and notice how many commercials tell a story, expand on a brand story they've already established or introduces another story angle. Trust me, people who spend 4.5 millions dollars for a 30 second commercial have a story behind their company, product or service. If not, name one who doesn't.
        Download "Free 80 Page E-Book"
        "201 Ways To Live Better On Less Money".
        "Because The Easiest Way To Make Money is ... ... By Saving Some First!"
        • Profile picture of the author deebee23
          Profile picture of deebee23
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          Originally Posted by The Niche Man View Post

          Not quite, in fact watch the superbowl commercials Sunday and notice how many commercials tell a story, expand on a brand story they've already established or introduces another story angle. Trust me, people who spend 4.5 millions dollars for a 30 second commercial have a story behind their company, product or service. If not, name one who doesn't.
          I mean't more like the entertainment niches such as Sports or Gossip blogs such as Deadspin or the Bleacher Report.


  • Profile picture of the author WD Mino
    WD Mino
    Profile picture of WD Mino
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Sports writer's tell stories, Gossip blogs tell stories
    I don't understand....


    "As a man thinks in his heart so is he-Proverbs 23:7"

    • Profile picture of the author deebee23
      Profile picture of deebee23
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by WD Mino View Post

      Sports writer's tell stories, Gossip blogs tell stories
      I don't understand....

      Nah man. They way the OP opened up the thread was like you have to air everything out. Like you have to give a biography about how you succeeded. Of course Gossip blogs tell stories. LOL


  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    Profile picture of ryanbiddulph
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Rob, I'd thank you 150 time, if I could

    All that I'll add is #6 has helped me go from shy, introverted blogger, to less shy, less introverted blogger, to a blogger who blogs from paradise, and has built a supportive community around him.

    Tell your story, and if you can be funny/whacky/genuine, then run with it. And don't look back. It's SO fun to do this #6 tip bit, too!

    Dead on dude, dead on, and well done!

    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
  • Profile picture of the author WD Mino
    WD Mino
    Profile picture of WD Mino
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Oh ic. thanks for clarifying, it confused me

    "As a man thinks in his heart so is he-Proverbs 23:7"

  • Profile picture of the author Teri802nj
    Profile picture of Teri802nj
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    You are so right with this. Facts tell and stories sell. That's it in a nutshell. And everyone has a story.

    Theresa Lovelace

  • Profile picture of the author Raydal
    Profile picture of Raydal
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    "Something funny happened to me today ..."

    99.99% of readers would want to know what comes next.
    Only explosions get more attention than a story and we all
    innately know this but HOW the story is told becomes
    critical when used in a marketing context. And the story
    is NOT about the product creator nor the product, even
    though that is the story that is told. The story is really
    about the real hero--the reader, the potential customer.

    We love the stories where we are the heroes.

    So we are David in David and Goliath, we are Simba
    in The Lion King, and we are Cinderella in Cinderella.

    You may think that your story doesn't matter but it does
    because we are all a part of the web of humanity and
    therefore have very common experiences.

    -Ray Edwards
    The most powerful and concentrated copywriting training online today bar none! Autoresponder Writing Email SECRETS

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