I just did a check on some of my articles only to find a good portion of my articles are on other sites without any credit given to me as the author. I do not use PLR. My articles I write are original and take time to write. How can I profit if others are taking my work and using it as their own. I am trying to use article marketing as a stepping stone and save up my profit, but if my articles are being stolen...how am I going to compete with that?? I came across about 2 people who actually gave me a link back to Ezine articles. The others just stole the content and put their names on the bottom as the author or it's just a wordpress site with content on it. I understand some folks use article directories as a way to stimulate their own writing material, but to just take the whole article and post it... that's not ethical. I know there are some platforms out there now that allow you to pull in articles into your own Wordpress website and in fact, I own some of the software, but only use it to pull in product demographics, not other folks privately-inspired material.
I need someone to explain the best way for me to prosper using this method. I was a bit pissed, but I just want to learn how to best deal with the situation. I'm in to win and just want another strategy on how to do this. Is this wishful thinking or should I just keep posting and ignore the copies? I guess I'm thinking no matter where I post my material, my own website, or on a directory, the potential for theft is always present. How would you proceed?
#article #content #marketing #point #theft
Fearless Marketing Strategies
PS my PM system is broken. Sorry I can't help anymore.